14-171.00 CH2M Hill: Sullivan West Bridge Replacement zl/ Ilkapariment Of' RS Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address p p g CH2M HILL,INC. Number 11 999 W.Riverside Avenue, Suite 500 Spokane,WA 99201 Original Agreement Number Sullivan Road W Bridge Replacement#0155 Phone: (509)747-2000 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date BRM 4103(007) 11/8/2011 12/31/2014 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE $ 1,637,530.00 Description of Work Professional services to provide mitigation plans,additional stormwater analysis and design,right-of-way plan revisions,and 2nd bid period assistance services. The Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley,Washington desires to supplement the agreement entered into with CH2M HILL,INC. and executed on 11/8/2011 and identified as Agreement No. 0155 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: ,See Exhibit A-1 attached II Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: N/A III Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: CI-PM TTTT.T.is authnri7ed to use up to the remaining S9_511 MRF balance established by the original Agreement and prinr Supplemental Agreements The total Maximum Amount Payable under the agreement is increased by.SSR 977 to S1,637,510 as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. ,°IAr l 1�.i I j1j vk By: Roger W Flint By: Mik arksnn akelhltv", / Maktl-er bSonsultant Signature ApprovingAuth ritignaturnatur 26t2(L DOT Form 140-063 EF ate Revised 9/2005 EXHIBIT A-1 Scope of Work for Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement - Supplemental Agreement No. 11 City of Spokane Valley, Washington FHWA Project No. BRM 4103(007) September 2014 1.0 Introduction This Supplemental Agreement No. 11 scope of work modifies the scope of CH2M HILL's professional engineering services and compensation for professional design, right-of-way plans,environmental documentation and permitting,and bid period assistance for the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement project for the City of Spokane Valley(City).This work includes: • Analysis and development of in-stream impacts and mitigation recommendations in accordance with newly imposed and unanticipated U.S.Army Corps of Engineers(USACE)requirements. The mitigation for in-stream impacts must also be approved by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife(WDFW). • Additional services associated with design development of stormwater revisions to the swale at Sullivan Park,and assistance with preparations of Memoranda of Understanding(MOUS)with utility companies. • Additional services associated with revising local agency right-of-way plans (per the LAG Manual)to better meet WSDOT right-of-Way plan requirements per the Plans Preparation Manual. • Additional bid period support services to support a 2"d bid period required for the project. This CH2M HILL scope of services is as follows. Task 2: Project Management CH2M HILL will provide additional project management services to accommodate the additional services provided herein to include additional staff and subconsultant management and coordination,and scope, schedule and budget management. Task 5: Environmental Documentation and Permitting 5.3 Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) 5.3.1 Prepare JARPA Preliminary In-Stream Assessment and Mitigation Plan To supplement the JARPA and to address newly imposed USACE requirements,CH2M HILL will: • Gather information and solicit agency guidance on mitigation planning 1 • Coordinate or assist in coordinating/scheduling agency(USACE/WDFW/City)joint meetings • Prepare and participate at the following meetings: — 4 team meetings with the City of Spokane Valley to plan,strategize,and coordinate mitigation planning — 2 meetings with USACE and/or WDFW along with the City of Spokane Valley — 1 meeting with WDFW,Spokane Conservation District(SCD)and City of Spokane Valley • Prepare a brief summary of agency meeting discussions and action items • Analyze temporary and permanent aquatic impacts to habitat functions in the Spokane River due to the bridge project • Develop a mitigation strategy or approach that includes a method for calculating mitigation compensation • Prepare the following in-stream mitigation planning documents that will be coordinated with the City and agencies and finalized to incorporate agreed-upon revisions: — City DRAFT Preliminary Mitigation Assessment and Mitigation Plan — Agency DRAFT Preliminary Mitigation Assessment and Mitigation Plan Temporary and permanent impacts will be analyzed based on anticipated construction means, methods,and timelines. Actual means, methods and timelines will likely vary. As such a conditional Nationwide Permit(NWP)is anticipated to be issued by the USACE based on the Revised Agency-Review Draft Mitigation Plan,and WDFW is anticipated to revise the existing HPA,which will extend the approved in-stream work windows. Revised Agency DRAFT Preliminary Mitigation Assessment and Mitigation Plan Work in this task began the week of December 9-13,2013. • Prepare a Revised Agency DRAFT Preliminary Mitigation Assessment and Management Plan.This Revised Preliminary Plan will include a conceptual planting plan and a conceptual monitoring plan.The Revised Preliminary Plan will be coordinated with the City and agencies and finalized to incorporate agreed-upon revisions. Assumptions: • Draft and Revised Agency Preliminary In-stream Mitigation Assessment and Mitigation Plan (required to obtain a conditional USACE Nationwide Permit)was completed in December of 2013. • There is no need for a Revised Final In-stream Mitigation Assessment and Mitigation Plan.A revised Final Plan will require additional scope and fee. • Conceptual Planting Plan in Task is comprised of the existing SCD Sullivan Park Planting Plan with planting area defined.It is assumed that the planting area will not be enlarged from the SCD's conceptual plan. • Additional City and/or agency meetings that are needed to complete work and are not listed in this scope of work will result in a scope change with additional fee. 2 Deliverables: • Draft and Final Revised Agency Draft of Preliminary In-stream Assessment and Mitigation Plan,which is required to obtain a conditional USACE Nationwide Permit • Agency Meeting Notes Task 8: Final Roadway, Storm Drainage, and Utilities Design 8.5 Drainage and Utility Plans CH2M HILL will perform additional basin analyses to include contributory areas to the newly constructed swale(constructed by the COSV Street Preservation project)and analyze options to accommodate all of the drainage needs between the Sullivan Park swale and the swale constructed by the Bridge Drain Retrofit project. CH2M HILL will provide plan drawings and details for the revised swale at this location and revise storm drain basin and inlet calculations to direct a portion of the basin currently draining to Sullivan Road Park back to the swale constructed by the Bridge Drain Retrofit project. CH2M HILL will assist the City with preparation of Memoranda of Understanding(MOU)with the utility companies involved in this project, including Avista Gas,Avista Power,CenturyLink Communications, Zayo Communications,and Consolidated Irrigation District#19. It is assumed that the City will prepare and circulate the MOUs,and that the Consultant will review and provide comments to the City. Deliverables:See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60%,90%and 100%levels of completion. Review comments for MOUs. Task 11: Right-of-Way Plans and Descriptions 11.1 Right-of-Way Plans and Descriptions CH2M HILL will update project right-of-way plans to meet WSDOT Plans Preparation Manual and WSDOT Electronic Engineering Data Standards requirements to include: • An overview map showing completely all of the parcels impacted by the project • Revisions to line types, line weights,font sizes,and base mapping elements • Revisions to address easements obtained prior to this project • Revisions to include the construction baseline and stationing Deliverables:Revised right-of-way plans Task 13: Bid Period Assistance CH2M HILL will provide professional services as stated herein to accommodate the required 2' bid period. 13.1 Contract Documents Preparation CH2M HILL will update the contract plans,specifications and engineer's estimate to incorporate all addenda issued by the City in the first bid period. 13.3 Response to Bidder Questions and Issue Addenda CH2M HILL will answer bidder's questions and furnish the City with responses and necessary revisions to the contract documents(as required)for City issuance of addenda. Deliverables:Contract documents(.pdf),responses to bidder questions and contract document revision language,as required. 3 DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The eight page(s) entitled “Exhibit E-1” contain(s) confidential cost and rate data and is(are) withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(E). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550.