PE-275-54 �'
:�'�:�.=,i�F� CG:7?��±'? �I.l?��NI��G CJt��I? ;�IJTT
Sr0 �.L`E 1� 'Y� A S h I�+ �TJ?. �
June ?�, 19�y
i�e ��uora�.�le �oar3 0� Co+.u� Co�:u�i�sion�r� Cot�t �r Court =Iou s E
Spok�n.e 1, �r'aP.h ingt o::
At the re�tla= !�eeting of the Spokane County Fiannin� Co�jmission, held Thursday
afternoon, Ju�e Z�, 19�, at 1:30 P.M. � in the Commiseionerat Asge�mbly Room, the folloWZng
�ction was takea �d is Z'eCOIDm9Z�d�d to the �oa.rd of Count� Com�issione�rs:
� A PPRO�I_a,L �� �' P S�":T S
1. r. �:�1".�r; S?;�'�I'TISI41�7, ��nroved as presented, sub�eot to providing a turn--around
w�ith a 45° radiu$, to be provided at the end of Third Avenue; that Block 1 be
divided into lots and that if po�sible, the area in t:e northweat section aot
included in the plat , be inc luded.
2. �ISTg GARI�NS �3, approved as p�reaented, with the co�dition that an a�ic�itional
1� feet be dedicated at Indiana from Center Strdet east; that the bloaks be �iven
nusnbe.�Ns and that the unplatted area be included as a block� if possiblo.
3. FELTS ROL�D FIRST ADDITION, with the conditioa tha.t aa a dditional 10 feet bo
d�d:��ata3 for road p�posea at Felts Field; that the property between Felts �oad
.� irst Adcli tion e$clu,ded from the plat be inclwded in the pla.t, if gossible, an.d if
it is aot nossibla to include it, to correct the 8tatemont aot plattod to read
"remain33r of Tract 54, Opportunity".
�. i�.4hI0TT� SUBDIVISION. It is recommended that ao action be taken oa thie pla� unt f 1
a re�ommendation h�s been received from the State De�a.rtment of Highways as reauii�—
ed by St at e I,aw .
1. SuBDIYISIO�t OF �RACT �42, CITY G��FS, approved, subj�t to spiitting L�ots 1 a.nd
2 i:z hnlf and t'�at� � 2�; t ro�.dwf:y re ex�e�ded e?�t fro� Pprr�r Ro�ct to the e�st
end of th�, r_1�}.
I I T J.���I �y r1 r ..�-n
1. Tra� �'��� :���pi�c��ion of D. i. B�llenger, ti3421 Elton, for a variance permit, �.
waiver c� s ide yard a.rea o� pro�ert� at N34�21 Elton. beiag the �T. 83. 25 t of E2
of T l�CiI 73, Orchard Avenue, be denied•� There would not be adequate. raor�e between
the builc'tings for iight � air, and f ire protect ion. It would b0 a bit
dif�icult fo� the adjacent residence to be sold. The propos9d geragd �uildir_�
would, bc located on the side property line aad •+�ould be eix feet nine inchee from
the adjacant re�idence. While it will be an expe�nse to the owner of the partially
coa�lo�e3 �2rage to move the garage back to the five feet line as required by the
Ordin�.ce, nat to have the gar8ge moved would resul.t in a losa of value to the
ad�acent property. There was no ahowing of practical difficulties or unusual
co�diti�-s o� toF�o�rr�,�h;�, �.s rec�uirod to support the issu.�r_ce of a varianee �ernit.
1. No act ioa was taken on t be agpiicat ion of Alvin �. Norr i s� Fo� 3 i, Mar �hali � f o r
a special permit to remove tap eoil �or coamercial sale on property lying eouth
of the old Smith Gree�nhouse in Marahall, becauae of failure of the applic�ent
to comply with th�e conditions for making applic�tzon.
1. That the application o� H. Z. Biahl. E5008 Fo�th, for a heariag to consider
chaaging the zonfng map from Agaricultural to L�cal Bueinees on the N� of I�.�
of SD� of 4�'* of Sec. 23-2�3, lying S� of Oarnah,sri aad $ourth AYenue � be
approvecl. �t wae found that a ema.11 ah�opning cente�r in thie nrea: would ser�re
the public needs south of the freeway �hich k•ill be iaol.ated from existir_g
2. �to actioa was taken on a hearing to change the zoniag map t�om Agrioultural to
that for Industrial purpoees on property beloagiag to Spokane Oounty e�nd te
apportuaity Townehip, lying aorth of Mission, west of Bowdiah� eouth of IndianQ.
and east of �'ierce Road.
1. LET2�t FRJM I1F? . REFL
In responae to a requeet by Dr. M. F. gepl to hold a public hearing to wnaides
chan.ging the soning map from Agrieultural te I,ocal Bus�nASa that area from
16b40 East sprague to 16500 Eaet Sprague. The planning Director xas direeted
to infor�oa Dr. Repl that the entire Yera area ha�i been conaidered ae a eeriea of
public meetings over the past year aad one-half aad that atteation eould not
again be given to this asea until the latter part of the year when it �r�u1s�
again be revi e�aed in conueot ien wi th the congiderat ion of a preliminar y eompre.
hensive plan for the Valley. The request ia to be put on file to bo con8ldered
when the Plan,ning Commisaion again givee attentioa to the Yer� area.
2. �!'?��i�.'?�'�'C� �J�' :�:�:. '"L �` ��:I:"
In response �o � re�ue� ��y- :•:r. lnd �ol�n for i�fo. �tien -�erta�ni.^� Lo ;he
fea.sibility of establishiag a Transient Livin� Zone on the eouth eide of tY:o
Sunset Highway and south of 9irr►ayr Heights, Mr. Bolin waa advised that a reZ��.es �
�ould be con.sidered only in connection with a comprehensive r1Gn for thA or.t ire
area. and its relationahip to th�t p�.r..
3. �F s�T s
It was voted to recommend to the Foard of Cot�r! �y Comaaiss ioners t�,at consic�erat ien
be give�. to an amenc�aent of the Zoning Ordinanee to p�rovide that no building
may be e�ected o� a half �tr�et wit.hin fiftv-fi�re feet of the center line of tre
pro�ected street.
i�,:�IDE_',S PRE�'T�' :�i�ssrs. :r.derson, Pi�nz, Fosseer.� :;cClure, i�:eigs� StPte � T�olf,
��;�� _ JBI,IC ?�:EETI2�G 7hur$�.ay� July 2.;�� 19,�
Cordi�lly ti•ours,
= � �
JR�C : eBp J�J?; ►� � :+.r.:? :t. CL�J�' I:" �����i � .:�'CnFT; _ Y
Otfieial record of �ctioa taken b;� Plannina Commzsgion oa Jun� Z�+, I���
CRA IP,�•iAi� S�C?� TAR Y
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�S 'tB� mARD OF (�OQlTT COi[�Q83I�DYIF.RB 0? SPO�CAI'!� C00�'t't. 11A:'�IF(�'OA
ta � �es�at o! )
'� FIA1lS� PI�AS Ot � H� S 0 L II'! I 0 �
P1CIa'8 �AD FIBS! )
�'B'IOH )
�� 8'��ZT�D tiT th� ]laord o! OOU�'!? c:Ol�ii B�I�Et3 Op 3P���S OOOl�T?�
M,A3� I�020�T. t�at �h• �inal plat o�t �ILT$ R4� rIRS1' ADDITI�. at l�lt•
� Sint�o, ��ina the 8� ot �`r�a� 27, Qpport�lty� �ao��pt the S. 62. �� ot
tb� 1�. 143 ��b�reo�, oa th• r�oois�ad,a� f.os o� �he spolraao Caaat� P l.a�mf�a �
Co�is�L�a. b• aad !h� raa• her��y �t syppro��d.
?ABS�D ST '� BOJ18D '1'BI s �/lT 0!' ,
�OAHD 0�' O�tT!!rT CO�iISSIO��
Ql apOtAA9 OOtTITT, KASSI�'t!!0]1
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T8� pIAAL PId1s OT � 8� 8 0 L II'P t 0 i
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� I'." ��OL'�D b� t�ho eosrd of COU�TY OO�iii 9�Iu�"�+�� 0� B�u�Ab� OOt11�i'T
�AS�IIrI�Ot�. t�t t�hs liasl pl�� o� P�'S ROAD �1I�l�'P ADD�IT'�C�, at p�it•
� einto, beina �h� �} ot 4saet 2'l. oppor�vsih• �� tbs a. 6Z. �� ot
bh� �. 1�3 � thrreot� Qn th� rao�o��nda� �oa 0! ��e �okr�ne Cvaat�r p l��n �
4aoi��Lsn� b� asd. �h� aa� her� i• �rroryd,.
P1�B.SS,D B? '!� BO/!AD 'i�I �� DAT OT
0�' �AOLI� CtOU�!''T � M!� fiH I"tI�l.'�
A�'!!�! s
�RAI� J. aLD1�
O1 �h• �eard
' �- Ih TH� :�Lq���� v�' �..�::.ICATI�q OF R0�?�T A.
KIaASS��t 8 1�f M. I. SH IB�f , OPP08TUAI T Y, T 0 F I i�
AI7DITI�B, Al' B'�IIPS m SINlO ��IN4 '!'SR S�
0�' TRACT 27 OPP�pB'l�OAITY, EJ��PT TF� S. 6?. ��
oF Tx� �. lw3 � s�a . c r�.��ac� s rk.�sox ,
1�:� FI17�i�r TT 0.� 'r �'�'T iA�
J`:1�TE V i�' :��::SriIivuTVIJ )
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��� <<�11 Y 0 F S P�Kl'�.T�Z )
Jonat� R. Cunn i.n� , hc� ing f irst duly sworn, deposes and says :
' hat at all t imes mentioned hsre in he was, and now is, a oit isen oF the United
��tates, a reeident o£ SpokanA County, 1�►�ashingt�n, and over the ��e of tNrenty-or:e
'�'hat on Juue 16 , 19� , he pers on411y poste d three ( 3) true anc
c�rrect of the hereto att�:ch�d hOTICF OF FUBLIC fiEN.P.IN i at thc� follou��:�
pl�.ces in Spokane County, to-wit :
�. �'elte BoPd and Sh�rr��
., �..�t �ic'� cf ; �fd �=1At at S��z�r � ���s^'tn
.: . -
• ; � ,
--r�-�-L-"'— =�"=--!L ' � -- tic�c' "'``�..'_ T /�__- _
:�uh�cri�c�d �nd s:�,�vrr: �•�� i;e;iorn :�;��
1 �' =� .
, -
?�IJT:�RY P'Ut�LIC Z2y �uVD r�R
Re s id ing o.t Spok�r.e , l'Y�shin�t ��n
r?0 s I �E GF zUFyI �:�1�RIiTC-
NGTICE I3 �'�E�3Y GI VEN th�^.t the �ok�n� County Flanning Conmission
��i11, hold a public hearing in tho Commiasionors � Assonbly �ooc� in tho County
t;ou��t Hou$e on ��� �� � �� �t 11�0
?. M. , to �:ke deci s ior. an tho f o llo�ra n�; rro� :�ct ;
'!zi �plit�til�at od �� A. �1ssa� • Ma. t. M►t�ar, 0 t�r� �o !'ila �
p�� M M 1�no�r�t a� �t� lq�t� �i88!' �!�PltO�►. �e �h►t�� ��i��a. 1�i��t t�
6 et �r�t �'l• o��mtit� .aa��pb �he s. �.�►• �t t�a �:. 1u3� ��srst.
Q1 �.r�r�!+� 4i�p�t� �ii�.
At said time and place, �ny interested r�erson rK_�,r ce Y�.� �rd for, or
��linst, the gr�ntin� of the �bo�T� ��_r.! ic� t ion .
.`�n".�_?'� C� ��Y:�:� 't�Lr�r�J'1I�G � ��i7�i
r�' .
Jonath�n R. Cun�: _ r -�:� �
F� -�r,nir.�; ��ir��c},,;,r --
:�..`_�'_;: ���f�.A'.�:� , '�'� �. ::il:
� ?S. 195�
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�..L.IJ�� :.1�.;., 1..;�1� Ll i:l.�.:�i:: rii,::��i:'1'� �lla'G .1�L�Tt !,. :�! a�3EL �12c1
';;illiam I. Shina have laid off and platted into blocks, 1ot�,
�nd streets the land sh�wn upon this map to be know as
�t.��elt9 Road First Addition�f a plat of the S� of Tract 2? o�.'
���portunity except the S. 62.4 t of the ti11 143 t thereof ,
�� pportunity , Spokane C ounty ,�'iashin�ton E�CE�T road as s: i�� .
l:�d they do hereby dedicate to the public f or the u�e ���
t,iie ���iGl�c the �tree �s :��r.d ra;.�d� �"���ar. .�_-�z� �!z� s,�:��p.
=�1.1 sot� ::��_;.:11 �.c _.•v�:��:e_.tial. :.� :,�Lr��tC ��s� �;`_�:��il �c ����c���:a,
altered, �laced or permitted to rer�ain on �ny portion of thi�
tract other than a sin�le or a multiple dwelling, ; jr�v�. �e
��arage and other out-buildings val�ich may be incidantal to
zue residential use oz" the land. lLo tempor�.ry dwellin;s Lllall
be pexmitted for occupancy. I�ro houses shall be perni.tteci �•�
be moved on to these lots. . _� ?_ __� _.� .. � .- ! ..___! 1 }-___ ,; �; .�.�� _�_ � .._:� �
:�� �� : uare a�oot floor s�: c� t.
�.� iut� in this subdivi��v�i •,:�iil ��; ::�iu ���:� .� _.�� �.�_� _.�. _�;� �.= �
:! :ter is r�ade available to said lots or lot.
i�e fore�oin�; eovenants and lim3.tatio�s of use �:re �:�.ci� i�or t:.c
::rotection of each of the lot owners in said itFelts Road r irst
_:aditiont�. S�ould any �ne or more than one of these covenants
�_�r c�imitation$ of use be breached by any lot owner or other
,�erson, then any one or �ore than one of the other oivner. s:�_��
l�ts or propert3� in said �tFelts Ro�d rirst Addition« ma�
���force the said cavenants and limitat��ns of use in an�,-
:.�� provided by law for his ovrn benefit or �'or th�; �c: �:�i'i ��
�w�' any o]C all �t�ZCr ��':nexs o:� lots �r nror�ert;- ir. t��e
,_,',I�f_;� ��:i.�.1J_.
11 V • .L
..� �`LICxTIC:; .�;_ : .. _ � �.L��� :: �.:i:? :: �� � �:: lryi � .: _ . � � ..
l.'i1 �..,� . �� ... �:� i ��.,'.. .
I � i, ,� - :. 1 ' �
.< <:a-i � l/ , I t / `! � \ ./ .. .J a I � r . w-... L � \ �. � \� � � V
1\L1�.:.t/ O� ✓ �J�+J�Oi ��tobez �Z� �t���r Vi` � • 1�� i� ✓��.Y11�
i��i . 1304 I�amer I3. 1224 Felts Rd .
Opportunity Opportunity
�.lx 1589 ��� 67 � �
�_.•�:r�e of �,n�inecr Clarence �. Simpson
:tddress N. 909 ��r�onne r�d. � :.;,::� ,,:; 1�:�
_: � � __. .:�;�� __ ;. � _ � .. _ _. _ _...Z' F.L:iLT� ��U�� r'1�;T .-�iJIT.�OiI
'i--:�.. �:::��,G�;?_'"i'�.�� ;.��� .._:.,.. ��'.; �" _1_.::'!''_�.-�--� `I'�e �;�t�th �n�-i��li
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��i�:rc;Ji .
L,.te �� ::e�.rlii� J ulie � 1:���_
,-� : -, . _ r. r r'1 s - - -
�`.. ._._:�_.i �'i i ���1�.: � nr:�poszs to o�en �n Last ena .rest roacl
T'r��: � �c'L�.�,;��c:�� •�lat to r'�lt:: �r� �i ._ ��� ,,,� ,
� IC:�.: �T�..� i��' r_�� .. �'� � I:C.,T-�r .