PE-262-54 qqm • . . ~ ~O• r 397CQZ ?8B 64JRD OF CaUl1 TY COIiYI88 I08 ~R5 0 F 5 PJKM8 C affll TY, 11A8di I1iaT0M 11 T'8Z ILdTTER OF 1►PPR.OQAL OF THB FILI]ia 0F THa FIN11L B B 8 0 L II? I 0 II PI.AT OF WRGSRLL FTRB! ADi?ITION gF I? 8E80LYaD bq the Boatd o! Caunty Gamisr ioerrra e! 6pokam Countyg Il"ihi~on. ftat the Ti~al PLb ot BTR~ FIRBT ~DT?I0~1# imin~ ~ S~i ot the * ot the l[Ei o! Beotios 22, ?amthip 26 N•, Rango " S•W.Ye eacorpb the aorth 1669 t.hereot lyin6 sut of 1isDosrld and aosth o! Ii&th4 on the rooammodatloa of the Spoloeuas 4em1ry Planalag Caoiesiaan, be and the sme in hereby approved• PAS81W ciT niL WMD THIS 3_4(SAY O1P 19 6~~ emrd o t Cowartiy Oamaia siaaws ot igpojoaae County, Ruhin6ton r . ; - , , sl~st s PRANK J. aLpVllt Cj o! Hoartd , epu Dty •i~,` , : . v, T- . •..^7Y.. . .7.~. ~ . OUNT Y COITtT gJ JSE SpOkp-?'1e, 1'"^YGh, i - - - _ } . Honarable Board of County Gommissioners bpoka.ne County Court fiouse 9pokane 1, Wa shington Geat lemen : At the regular meeting of the Spokane County Planaing CoBUni.asiea held Thureday afternoon, June 3. 1954 (postponed from May 27, 1954, aa there was no quorum). the fol. lowing action was take^ ^nd i4 recommended to the Poird of Countv Commissionera: I APPRJ VA L OF PIAT S 1. McC TIZAFiY 'S]FIVE ACK- TRACTS, approved aa present e3. 2. GUTHRIE IS VALLEY YIE'+I THIF.D gDDITI423, approPed as presented. 3. BE&N-THF,R.A TFMACE, approved ns paresented, With the aonditien t'r.at the wates- a.nd sewage aystem be approved by the County Health Department. 4. rREENLEAF PARK SUBDIVIGION, approved as presented with the co^.ditien thati A atatement be pla.ced in the dedication pertaining to wells and ee.nitatioa and that it not be 1re Coant4 Health Degartment. 5• E.ASTOid SZTBDIVISIOII, a.p~~j-otied as p:ESentc;~. 6. MATJFER SLBDIVISION, epproved 4s preaented .;fih the eoadition t'r.at the s+ee ef existing water mains be shown on the plat; that the water and aewnge syetems be approved by the County Health Department; tha,t the atreet eorner• b• roundpl as shown on the plat; and that Center Street be mads a 501 etreet, aad the entrance to Park Road be made 50t in width, 7, gLRWAY HEItHTS THIRD ADDITION, approved as gresented rrith the eoadition 1hat satisfactory provisione be made for school expansion. 8. I4OUNTAIN VIE`W SECJND ADDITION, approved as -presented• 9. BiMCHELL FIR5T ADDITION, approved as presented. 10. RYT{ER ADDITION, appro4ed as presented, with the conditioa that the water and sewage syatems be approvod by the County Health Denactment. ' li. 1fII,KIr1S011 9DDITIOiN, approved as gresented, with the conditioa that the water and sewage system be approved by the County Health Department. 12. SUBDIgISION OF TR.ACT 429 CITY G,AR'ErTS, that the plat aot be apporoved ae presented; and it was suggested that the owner discuss the aize of lota, width of road aad accesa to lots with the Platting Committee. II TOP SOIL RF,rDVAL FEni-iIT 1. That the application of Homer Fowler, Opportunity, to remove top aoil for commercial gale from approximately 3 acres on the center portion of the Si of Milt of Sec. 33-24-44, South of Old Palouse Highway, north of Conuor Road. being on the north aad eouth sloges of California Creek, be denied at this time because of the weed condition, but that it be recozasidered at the request of the owner next spring without prejudice if in the naantime Batiafactory action is taken to eliminate the noaious waeda. • f I I I E=YS IOY OF NON-CO?'°I'0 RHING USE 1. Thmt an a-pp:Licntion of A. J. La.Rose, N10414 Division, to construct a 101 x 121 building in which to operate an ice cream dis-Densor on Lot 5. Block 6, Replat of College Homes Subdivision, in the N10400 Block on Division, be apuroved because it is believed tha,t such an extension would not materially ohange the chaacacter or e:-,isting use of ~Le prorertg. ITT: I V PA..".I.A'"CE ~'~:61 1. Tr.a.t the anrlication of Ronald E. Rohde, E7207 Marj etta, for a variance r-ermit of 10 feet+ of continuous frontage on the W. 501 of Tract 170, Orchsrd 9venue .Addition, be denied at the request of the applicant who found that the variance was not necessary to the uee of his pQ'operty. 2. That the application of the IIniveraity Place Community Club, for a variance of 5t of frvnt yard area and 201 of rear yard area, be denied. It wns found tba.t restrictive covenantg in the dedication of the plat in which the land is 1.ocated ' jlould nrohibit the contemplated construction and that oWnere within the plat wore pregared to take legal action to restrain the contempluted construction Qhould the 3pplication be approved. ' V C:J..a~7G~." 07 T'r-; ZON= ^,r~T :Ai nP l. Thzt t::e arplication to cnangP the zoning map fron Agricultural to Multiple Tamily Suburban, one sauttre acre of land in the SE corner of SE4 of SWt of Soc• 19--25-42 10 x 210 f eeO, be approved. I t was found tbat the propQs ty was originally c l a s a i f i e d A g r i c u l t u r a l D o c e n b e r 29, 1941. T h a.t since the ori ginal classificatioa wa$ made a demand far rental houeing in the asea has been created because o f t he development of Fairchild Air Force Rase as a permanent 3nstallation. It wa8 found that the use of thia area for multiple family residential purposea for permanent housing units will serve a public need and will not unduly interfer with the use of the highwag or be in conflict With the accepted pla.n of development for the 3rea. It waa found that the development would not have an adverse effect on adjacent groperty and would permit the use of an exdsting build3ng on the property, an abandoned achool building. 2. That the application to change the zaning map from Unclassified to Agricultural- Suburba.n on that propc3rty extending 4001 in depth south of Ferwell Rond, west of Highland Street and east of exi.sting .9gricultural zone which lies 4001 SEly of and pernendicular to ~ SE #6, be upproved. This property a but s an Agr icultwral-- -uburban aone and it is contemplated by the owrlera that it will be used for resident ial turposes. 3. That the proposa.l by the i 14nning Commissfon anrl. W. Parrill, to clzange the zoning map from Agricultural-S'uburban to 2dultiple Fasnily Suburban on Lots 11 and 12, N.offitts Subdivision of Block 151, Opportunity, lying between Moffitt and Skipworth on the north side of Sprague Avenue, ad,jacent to the I,ocal Businese Zone on Sprague Avenue, be approved in ao far as Lot 12 is concerned. It was found that the adjacent I,ocal Eusiness Zone is being developed for cammercial use and that the demand for multiple family dwellings in the valley is increasing ae well as the demand for medical & dontal profession offices. It is believed tha.t a mu.ltiple family re8idential zone is a.n appropriate classification for land in a tra.nsitional area between commerciai areas and single family residenti.al areas. I,ot 11 is not included in this recommendation at the requeat of the property owner who did not object to the reclasaification of Lot 12. It is further recom- mended that this reclasaification not take effect until satiefactory arrang►enents aro mada to obtalnwat~,.r fros Skiru'orth Road rather than from Moffitt Road, the -2- _ i . z2ain on i4offitt F.oad not being of sufficip^t s;ze +o = j :7 h -L F±n a i ; •i ~ - ~ n ,-.m n r (7 T 04- 111). tLti3 FI'0~03Fa1 ~i0 C:~3ri~'t ZO:li i1~ L.::.-. ZZG::: J21Cic'1sS1~iit~Q ZO J,iburb~!nn on prori-rty loc^t,d ia th^ pl.,,t, Brrzb-2nora Tarrac'.). lyi.ag north oly Crose Cemc:tery s_u1d -r.sL of ::a 11 c. Lr .d•.-,-,lp-,cd ae -a r-s :3t-ntf.-1 j. ~nat tre nro~sal to ch-::~;e the zoning ~:p from ~.inclassified ~o A~icu~tur~. Suburban on property locatsd in the plat, Mountain View Second Addition, lyir;~- south of 16th and eas` _ , _ i _ ~ , - . - x•,., - t . ~ - _ . , , . . . • ~ . L t- i:l~;_ i.:: ' . r `t - 1 - ` - - - - _ . , - - ~ . _ . _ - . . ' - . . the general ple.n of developIIent prorosed by the Planning Commission. March Z`; , 1054. SRid property beginn{_ng at a point 2001 East of Foaseen Road on the & west Center Section line of Sec. 33-25--42, thence South 5001, thence West thence Ntr' perpenciicular to FS'H #11, 380' more or less to PSH +11, thence along PSH dk11. 4401 more or lgss to eenter section line of sni.1 Sec. 21-25-4'~, thence East 6501 mo re or less to the point of beginaing. 2. That the application of Lewia H. LaPoint to cr.tiage the zonin6 map irom to Local 3usiness on the West 2001 of the East 626. 80 t of that portion of Go Y. Lot 8 in Sec. 5--24-42, lyi.ng south of Primary State Highway No. 11, west of Spotted Road t3nd south of Geiger Field, to denied becausp pf f.7tiur0 to c:i ~s, " t,nL rPauired iacts necessnr,; to .:akF+ Q,1c11 -actiar vilid: i:he TrO-t:lcl't'; ' •Q1 ~~r i c~:lt~:~•~~! ir. ,~'-~1 to control and protec- . ; zO~,~d n,~ ' a the development of property near the Air 3a,se and along the Chen~--- Spokane Highway. This property was zoned Agricultural at the tir. the property was purchased and had been so zoned for 12 yeaxs. 2. Coaditions have not materiall,y changed since the original zoning except that the presant owner rurchaged the land to use it as commercial nurposea without first invostigating the zone classification. `ghile the Planniag Commission has sympathp for the position of the owner, a po licy of gTant ing ercentions to every owner who pleSds ignorance of the law i a unt enable . j. It has nat been showa or found by the Planning Commission after investigation that the zoning of this one garcel of land is necess•-r- in the public interest or that it conforms with the general plan oi - development of the area. The glan and zoni-ng may be provided for commercial d.evelopment in other areas in the vic:.nity of Geiger Fic;.- and there still remains many acras of undeveloped lnnd in a commerci zone classification. If this one parcel of land were to be ra--zoned it would constitute spot Zoning which is froWned on by the Courts. In addition such action would destroy the total value of the zoning in the area and there would be no grounds for turning down other applications without acting in a disarininatory manuer. ~tihereas the value lies on property for which a zonQ chaage to business ~ is made, the value of surrounding resident ial property values; the 5. decline in value of aurrounding property►, although sligbt for each individual piece, usually off sets the increased value of the groperty for wnicr the change ; snnae• The reault, then, of spot zoning -3- ` • f individua~ parc,_ _s of land as co~ercial contribuo.js to the instabilit;,- I of land values rather than contributing to atability of land values and the total worth. This fact ha.s been concluaively egtablished by detailed studies conducted by urbaa 2and economists. As a matter of fact residential construction has occurred in this area which rrould be Edversel;j effected by a sweeping zone change which favorable action on this request woul,i e4entually bring about. There has been no show- ing that there i s a ahortage of land avai lable for present or future commorcial development. Should ahap-hazard comaercial development occur ovor an extended strip of the highrlay, the highway wi1.1 be re-- locatod to avo3d the resulting safety hazard and the decreased efficiency I of the road. In the lor.g ru.n the ma3ority would not benefit if this Vi1 -~•-~Z-.J`'. I : ; . 1. It is recom.*:erdud trlat t~:e Zoning Ordin!:~nce b~ a:~.~endol to ir.c"Lude as prohibitQd uses in Section 6, Restricted Residential, and Section 5, Agricultural-Suburban the erectian and maintenA.nce of billboards, signs, or other advprtisirig devicea other thsn a aign siz square feet in aren for a home inaustry. Present regula- tions require permits for sign boards in all zones and provide that the boards may not be located in a way to create a traffic ha.zard or obscure a public _,ri: k or place of recogniaed natural beauty. 2. A letter from the Disbman Commercial Cluh renuestiag the adoption uf a brail~I:.r.g code for Spokane County was rend and is rQferred to the Board of County Ca1:- missioners. The Plaaning Commission is on record as favoring orloption of n buildi.ng code for Snokane County. cI II I',T i~~.~„ ORIA: i I "x. Calrin A. Ressor, a member of the Spoka.ne Coun.ty r lanning Commission si..:ce August 4, 1943, passed away Wednesday ni&.t, June 2, 1954 in Spokane. Few men rave given eo generously of their time to the people of Spokana County over so long a period of time. trir. Reasor 's public sarvice in whic,h he gave of his time without compensation, other tr:an that highest type of campensation which is in the satisfaction of knowing tlat he is serving hie fell,ow man, was to e Wide varietg of activities effecting the public interest. The objectives and work of the Planaing Commission were among the closest to his heart. It was with regret and deep sorrow t}p-t the membership of the Planning Commtssion noted his pasa ing. His contribut ion to the work of the Plan.ning Commission hae n=Ld apositive anr3 perman.ent effect on the welfare of the conmunity. i-.Ei~~'cS ''F~.;~'T: Messrs. Bienz, Calkins, Fosseen, ~~:cCl~e, St,ate and SJolf. NE3T P~,JRLIC 14EF-TING: Thursdav, June 24, 19>4 - o r.-~' _`iO1.A'L A. 1,iCGLUh:,,:, L`s..Al ;le~4 JOITbTHA'rT R. CU1MIT?hGEAM, SECrETa.RY JnC : e s r 0--'ficiryl record of action tak?n b:Y =iannir.g Commission on June 3, 1954. MINt1'sES APFROVED 02l ~:-r • ►p,•~ ~ ~ ~'ii1~1i ~ ~ 1 .v:: I TV17 0~ 1, iZ CHFLL, OPPOR TUN I i'Y, TO FILF: A F:A T Z`? M K~~ OWIy fiS BiJRCHELL FIRS T ADDi TI0N, ' E ING THE S-M,Ii 0F THE SVt,-~~ OF NEI- OF SECTION 22, TOII[bT- SFIP 25 N., RMGE 44 E.W.71.2 EXCEP'1~:= Zi E :i. 1661 THERFO F LYING SAS T OF MC DONALD ANr I TOR 28 0 rEIGH TH. C, V. PAYIIF, 3UI?YF'YOP.. ? . : : r . fi:i" FI D,*I.VIT 0~" FJSi iivG STATE UF V1hSHITJGTON ) ) SS. CU'jTvTY OF o?'JKATi-E ) r`, teing first duly sworn, deposes and saye : ; That at Q11 times mentione herein he was, and naw is, a citiasn of the United States, a resident of Spokane County, Washington, and over the age of twenty-one yQars, TSat on 195 he persQnally posted three (3) true a.nd correct oooies of the hereto attached NOTICE OF FUBLIC HEtiRING at the follawing pl€~ces in Spo ane County, to-wit : ~ r , C ~ • _ rs! l~ ~ . v • -M,A`~ Subscribed and sworn 4o befcre mA 195 ~L NOTHR FU~I,IC iiND FTR SPOKANE COUNTY, WtiSHINGTON Re s id ing at Spoka.ne, Washingt on 1 J . rrc . r UP, :..1:~ FTi E :i T~LA1 Jl-, 17F : ''a 1CV7ry CC:.^' ~F '4'71:7,I`7G ~ IT oF ~ ~c_Tcor John Burohell Di~E r~ E_ 13325 _15th Ave., Opportunity Wa 1'i-30 ~"A~y1 07 JI iGI1.raR 0R : tTRVEYOR C, Y, P gyne 'D ME 4 We 1Le Fley Ave, al 41 Z3 'r1:1~ or rnr~,^ BURCHM FIRST ADDITION OT A~~EA TO EE PLAT1E^ Th8 3W* Of SW'} Of NEi Ot Seotion 22, T 25 N, R44 EWM, exaept the North 166 ft, thereot. + /f ~-AT Mey 27, 1954 CO.Ii•.~,~1?' J ~ Lr:*)I Gl,r.`•.TU~~E OF APP~.I ~A ~