1992, 06-19 Permit: 92004525 ReroofSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 1 certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, 1 have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand tI/atthe issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or c c the provisio s of an state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating constructio OWNER OR AGENT � APPLICATION 6_ Ft_caasDATESNRE 1- OJEC T NUMBER= 9200 3525; ISSUED P1-i'MIT DATE= 06/19/92 PAGE= 01 * * k:• ii •)t }t• {• * fit• * * * •'u: •if •ir: * * * * * •H• * n: •i•: •i{ * * ii E'` E:. R m I T .t. N 1= O i i m A T I f, N * * N: • * * * * * * •R• •H: P:. i?..1+: * * :u: * *.ie * .P.*.}+: a * * SITE iTREET=•. 1514 NBOWMAN RD?ODRESS= SPOKANE WA 99212 PERMIT USE= REROOF RESIDENCE BLOCK= •� AREA= OWNER= STREET= ADDRESS= 001938 00000000 'i 7,• F'I...AT NAME= LOT= F/A': DWELLINGS= 1:OUN T , BARRY _ i'904 r GLASS AVE SPOKANE. WA 99212 F'ARCl- L..4 : 35131.0104 PARK ROA.I) ADD :3 ZONE= iiit = UR—:ti.._ t'.I;r'T:yam.::= . E" WIDTH= i •i t«i DEPTH= 1 ;: ,�; —R/W= 50 1 WATER DIST •-• CONTACT NAi''IE= BARRY Y1:IUN T ,• BUILDING T 'S : FRONT•=: NA LEFT= NA 'll * *'i{• h: •ii * P• * * •;l• 3 .. M: •1: * * 3,: •H:• 3: •i4• •L:• •i,:.• * •R* 3C• 3: R 3' BUILDING CONTRACTOR= OWNE NEW=:: REMODEL= DWELL UNITS= 'i (:.`tt.w�..:t.!I-'.. L..1):::: BLDGw X I) = x Sc FT= REQ PARKING= 41HANDICA :::: DESCRIPTION GROUP REROOF R-3 ITEM DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL VALUATION "TATE •t.JEt°1 l"Ih?RiivE" RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE *•k*•N:**•Hk*****•R••)k:**•It••A:•)f••Pi**•A:N:-**•A:.P: .'`' �•;rl�f I'�E"NT TYPE VN X PAYMENT DATE: 06/19/92 TOTAL)•.• p.,r.. PERMIT TYPE BUILDING PERMIT RECEIPT4 4683 . t.L) i" E E AMOUNT ------------- PROCESSED BY: ..JULIE SHATTO PRINTED BY: JULIE SHATTO 45.80 45.80 509 924 5620 PHONE NUMBER= 509 924 5620 RIGHT= N A REAR= i. A PERMIT P• *"P: '1C.:p.* ri..p: 'b: 'P:- •P:.t• .x * h: * 9{• * H: * 'P: 'N: 'P: 'P: 7k * 'P: * SO FT PHONE= j; iiV.:"= ADDITION= BLDHGT= SPRINKLER= N CRITICAL MAT= •- i' .J CHANGE:: OF USE= QUANTITY ... _... ! S , ? °.' i * * Ni •;,i .h..n• * * is •h} •i+i •n; * * * * •it•* ** *:A: * * •A: * i4 •iii VALUATION 450.00 FEE AMOUNT 35.00 .4,50 6.30 TOTAL F'AID::= AMOUNT PAIL) ------------ 4' > . t 0 PAYMENT AMOUNT 45.80 45.80 AMOUNT OWING ------------- ai s=i ------------- .00 * ii H:• * 7+: N: 3. 3' N: 'k:. : 3* }+: 3* •P: * )r j,; 3; 3 * 3• •P: 3 * lh * .4• •Y: *: THANK Y...............................:.+: 'P: 'H' * 'P: '1r:.,:..:..: