PE-232-54 �
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b� I� �F�O�,V'GO by �h� H�ae�l oP �fl��Ly Cv�ttfos��s o� 9�c1�� C�mt��
�aeh4a�a.�� t�►t � ��l �'�� of' �",� ����I?Ia�� b��g a r�L�� �af
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Date '.�'�• 12, , �q 55
Inter-office Communication
To C. J. Ch�f"tint �7 s �� lam —
From_ �. �1�8 — -- - - -
Sub�ect Plat 1�0. 2�0 -��aurer 3ub-Divieian _ _ __
Gradiag O.K.. :�:aurer Sub-llivi�ioa. �_r. I.�aurer �e �4����.0�� aheo.l� ;flet�d for bond.
O.L. to return ohe�k � h�a•
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( For::: 32?-C Fi 5''�1 +-531 �
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No. 07 7 � �� �
.......�.... .
�B�RE T� BO�D OF Ci(�JN�'Y CQ�MY3320��.�tS nP' 9PO�t$ C4II��Y, �A�H�a�Of� �
YN T�i� ldAT�t 0� �'PIi.OQAI. �
OF � F?t��Jbit� QF �E F'IN�I, ) R�$ 4�, U T I 4�f
PLA�,' OF M1���8 A.DI3I�T0� ) �
BE I� R�S�L'9'E� by �he �oard o,F �o��y Ca►r�#���,ane�� a�' Spok�ae Cotimty,
1����faa�tc�ts, that tha F�l P�►t oP I�AUR��B ADDI�IO�, bei�►g ��epl�►$ o�'
Slpo� l IIar��a �osa P�xrk, �y3� eouth oP Z�d� end eas� of Pe$k R,oad,
3�o�iC� ? 'P�w�h4p �8� �t�ge � E.�if.�•, cu the ��oommendatiox� og tb�
Spo�ae Caunt� Pla�niag Cammias ioa, be, and �hm a�ae herab� �,s approvede
� . ��
PA�S�D 8�' �iE B�AB� '1�I8 t?AY OF
,........ .
18�A -
. . . �OARD �F COUN`PY C(�dg�S�C}��S
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�AI3K J'. GLQ� .
� ' Qler B�ard
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De�uty � �
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� !;0�. ti�'est T?�. � erside Avenue
Spokane, �'Jashzn�ton
r•�� ?7' ? 9��
�.ro �err. Ch.r:�.s�ie
�'��:�nwell �uilding
Spakane, 'E����shYngtor
�ear Sir:
��: �'lat of the ��a.�.ei° Con�i;?�ac�ian GoraFan�
L�cated at Intersection of Park �?:oad
�n� r�.�����
1'�`7�� is to ad�vise y�ou that our Compan� c�.n make d�mes�ic water
ser�? ce a�aal�.bl� �:a �he above �lat upon prop�r a�a�.l.ica•t�_on �� �a;ymeni,
o.f. the ��s�: af such mai�a ��I?E exter�siora ci��rges �
�ours vex� trtil�, Y
S t,1BUl� N�3�� I�3� U�'� T�' �►OI��.��]Y
� `� ' - �� ��'�.-��c
�0:��� CQUI«Y �'�Ai�TT�TI�TG COI�uyII SS I0�3
� � U� Y COtT�T $JUSE �
; Spokane, Wash. `
�Tune 3 , 195�
�3onorable �oard. of County Commis�ioners
�okan� Coux�ty Co�.zrt �ious�
5pok�,ne l, o'a� shiagton
C�nt le �a� n ;
At tl�e regular m�eting of the Spokane Count�► Pla,naing Commi��10� he�d �`hu��d�.�
�fternoon, Jun� 3, 195� (po�tponed froan May 27 195�� as there wa� no qu.orum), �h� fm�.�
lo��i.n.g action was ta�en and is recommended to the �oard of Courity� Commis�ioner�:
1. McCI�,p.F�Y'S FI� ACR� TRACTS, approeed aa gresente��
2. GtJTI�RIE � S�AL7�Y �IIEZ"� THIRD ADDITIOrT, ap�roved as presente�.
3. BF�.N—TF�Rg TERR.ACE, app�o4e�. as preserated, ��ith the �ond�ti0n tha� �h� a�at�r
�d se�a�e system be approv�d by the Count� �?e�lth I�epartment.
�, G��LE�...�' P.@P.K SUBDIVISION, appro�ed, as p�°es�n��d �r��h �h� �onda.t��n �ha,t �,
statement b� placed i� the dedicatio� pertainin� to t�ells a�nd �m�ita$ia�
and �h�.t it not be �iled until Lrater and sanitatfon is app�o�ed b� th� Coux�t�r
H�alth I?ep�xtment.
5. E.ASTORT Si�BDIVISIOV, appro�ed as present�d.
6. �i.AURER SUBDIVISIODT� appxo�ed as present�d �ti�ith the eondition �h�.� �he s�,�e ��'
exist ing wa�ex mains be sho��n on the pl�.t ; that the wat�r a.nd se�r�.�� �yst�s
be approved by the Covnt�r �ieal�h Department; tha,t the �t�e�t eorner� be rounde�
aa sh.o��un on the plat; �nd that Center Street 'be m�.d.� a 50� $tr��t, and th�
entr�,nc� to Park Road be made 50t in ti�ric�t�ie
7. AI.�.�^T.AY �IGH�S T�iI�D ADDITIO�T, appro�ed as present�d �ri�h the con�3.tion �ha�
sat�sfac�ory provision� be mad� for school exp�nsio�.
8 a T�iOUI�TTAI�3 �IIE� SECOI�D ADDITI4I�T, a�ppro�ed as px�esented. �
9 s BURCHELI, FIP�ST .ADDITION, approvec� as �resented.
10. RY'�ER ADDITION approved �.� presented9 with the cond.i�ion tha� the w�.t�' �n�
sevr�,ge ��rstems b� �.�provEd. by the Co�unty Health ��art�nent.
11� S'�IL�Ii�TS01��T A.DDTTIOhT, appro�ed as presented, with the conci3.�ioa th�,t the w���
and se��age system be appro�red by the Cowa�y Health Dep�.rtment.
12. StJBDIVI5I0I�Y OF TRACi �2, CITY GARIIEg`S, thm.t the plat no� be a�g�'o�'�� as pr�s�nt��.;
and, it `��a,s sug�ested that the owner dY�cuss the siZe of lots, �►idt� of �oad. �ci
�,ccess to lots ��ith the Platting Committee.
�, ��� �p�� appl�.cation of �Iomer Fowl�r, Opportuni�y, to remoge �op �eil fos
commercial sal� fr��n appro�imately 3 acres or� the center poxt�.on of th� 52
o� 1�'1� of S�c. 33-2��, south of Old Pa3.ouse F�i�hwaSTa north of Con�o� Road.b
being on the north and south slopes of Calif'oxnia Cre�kg be ci�niee� �t �hi�
time becaus� of the weed condition, but that it be reco�asid�red, at the �ec�u��t
of the o�►ner next spri�g without prejuciice if in th� �a�ant�me sat�sfactor�
actiox� �.s tal�en to el�,minate the noxious ��eedsA
� ' � �
1. That an app�icat�on of A. J'. Za.�ose, �T104��.� I�ivision, �o construct a 10 � x 12 a
building in �Jhich to operate ar� ice crea� dispensor on Lo� 5, Block b, Rsplat o�
College Homes S�, �� the N10�00 Block on Division, b� a�ro�red. beca.use
it is beli�ved tha.t such a.n e�tension would not m�,terially change the cr.aracter
or e�i�tirhg use of the property.
I V �.ARIA��CE 1'�.i�IYTS
l. ��a.t the ap?�lication o�F Ronalc� E. Rohde, E`�20� �iarietta� fox a variance pe�mi�E
of 10 feet o� continuous frontage on tho �'T. 50� of Tract 170, Orchard Aqer�u�
�dd.i�ion, be deni.ecl at the requsst of th� ap�licant who �ound. that the variance
was not necessary to the use of his pro�er�y.
2. That t��e application of the Univers�ty Place Coma�u.mity Club, for a vaxi.ance of
5 t o� front yard aa�ea and 20 � o�' rear �rard area, be deni�d. It was found. tha�
restrictive covenants �n the dedication of the plat in ��rhich t�ie land, is loc�.t�d
�JOUld prohxbit the conte�plated construction a�d that o��ners tlithin t�ie plat
bJere prepar�d to take legal action to restrain the contemplated constru.ction
�hould the application be approv�do
V C�i�a.�GES 0�' TH� ZO�FI� I��iAP
' 1. Th�.t the appli.cation to change the zoning nap �ro� �gricultural to �Iultiple Family
Subur��n, one squaxe acre of ].and �.n the �� corner o� S�,4 of Sti'�� of Sec. 19�-2�2
(?.10 x 2�0 f eet ), be approved. It ��ras found �hat the prop�r�y was or�.ginally
classif�.ed A�ricultur�,l Ilecer�ber 29, 19�1a That since the origina,l class��icatxon
was r�a,de �, de�aa�d. for r�ntal housing fn trxe ar�a has been c�eated because of the
c�egel�g�ment of Fairch�.ld Air Forc� �ase as a permanent ins�allatior�. It was founci
that the use of this ax°ea for multipl�� residential �urpose� for permanent
housing un�ts ��11 serve a public need a.nd k►ill. r�ot unduly interfer hrith the use
of the highway or be in conflict with the accopted plan of development for th�
�,re�,. It was found tY�at the devel�pment would not h�v� an adv�rse effect on
ad.ja,cen� pro�er�y and Z�ro�.ld permi� the use o�' an existing buYlding on the proper��r
a.ra �,bandoned school building.
2a �hat the application to cha.nge t�e ��ning map �rom Unclassigi.ed to .�gricultural--
Suburban on that property oxtending �b00 � in depth south of F�rc�tell Road, west
of 1�i�hZand Street and east of exis�ing .�gr�cultural zone which lfes �00 ��1�
o� a.�d. perpendicular to =�N �6, �e appro�ed.. �'his propert� abuts an Ag�icultwcal--
Suburba� �one aa�d it is conto�plated b� �he owners �hat it w�.11 be us�d �or
residen�ial �urpos�s.
3a �hat the proposal b�r �he Planning Com�ission an�. R. j'T, Paxrill, to change the
zonin� ma.p from AgricuYtural--Subux°ban to i�iultiple Fa�cily Suburban on I�ots 1.1
and. 12, i�.�ffi�ts Subdzvision o� Block 151, Opportuxiity, lying between �of�itt
a�d Sk�.p��orth on �he north si.c�e of Sprague ��enue, ad,jacent to the Local �1ZSines�
Zo�ae on Sprague Avenue, b� ap�aro�ed in so fax° as Lot 12 is concer�ed. �t ��Jas
�oun.d that tk�e a�jacent Zocal Bus�ess Zon� is being developed for commercial use
and that the ciemand �or mul�ipl� family dwellings in the �ralley is increasing as
'�tell a� the demand for medic�.l & dent�l profession officesm It is beli���d. �ha�
a multYpl� famil�r re��d.ential zone is an a�ropri.ate classif ication for l�d in
�, transit�.ona1 a,rea be�ween com�ercial axeas a.�d single family xesidential areas.
Lot 13. is not includ�d in �his recommendation at t�ie request of the property
o��ner E�ho did �ot objoct to the reclassific�,tion of I:o� 12. I� is fur�her reco�
mended t�at this raclassa.fication not take eifect ur��il satisfactory a�xangeme�t�
axe made to obtain ��ater from Sl�ipworth Road rath�r than from T�Ioffi�tt R.oad., the
� '
:�ain o� d•.oigit� Road not baing o� s��'�.cient size �o provid.��u.�.�e wa��r
:�or a I��.gh densi�y de�elo�ment of I�ot 12.
4�� �'rY�t th� pro�osal to cha.n�e �he �oning ma� ¢rom Unclassi�'�ed to A�;g°icultura.l-�
;,=�burb;an �n p�°o��r�y �.nc���d in �k�� ��lnt ��r�.�Mh�r� �`�rx°�c�, l�ring �ox�h o�
Isoly G�o�� C�r�e��r��r :��. ��� �� o� ?;all ��r�;�, �c ap�go��ds as t�,c: �rop��'�y � s
b� ir �; d.�volo�od �,� a r �s id���$a�. �lat m J
5o That the proposal to ch�nge the zonin; map grom Unclassified �o Agricu�tural-�
Suburban on propext,y located fn the �l�,t, i�:ountair �ie�� ��cond Additior�, lying
south o� 16th and east of �o�•rdish, be appro�ed as the propexty is being clevelop�d
as a residential plat.
1. That the zoning ��� be chan��:d from Agricult�aral �o Commercial in ac�orda�ee �f�
the generAl plan of develop�er�t pro�osed by tr.e Pla�ning C�mmissior�.9 PJIarch 25,
195�. S�.id pro��rt� beginn� ng at z point 200 � East o� �'osseen Road on the �a�s�
dc th Center Sectian line of Sec. 33-25—�2, thonce South 500' , thence �; est 600 �
thenc� �ti p�rpen�.icul?r tv PSH ,��, 11, 380' more or less to PSH �11, �h�nce �TEIy
alon� �SFi �11, �00 �ore or l�ss �o cP�ter sectio� line of' said Sece 23-2�--�2�
�he�ce East 650� more or l�ss �o �h� point o� be�itulin�.
2a Tha,� the ?p�lic�tion of I��ti�l�s Ho Za��'oint to c�ange the �oning map �'rom A�xicultvral
to �ca�. 3u�iness on the 1,TSSt 200a of tr�e Eas� 626 080� of ��.t �ortion of CYovo
L�t 8 in Sac� �--2�2, ly�.ng sou�h of Primary State High��ray i3om ll, wes� o�
Spotted Road and south of Gei�er Field be de�.ied �e�ause of failur� �o establ�.sh
�he rPquired �'acts necosaary �o n�l�e such �,ction valid:
lo The prog�erty was zoned Agx'icultuxal 3.n 194�1 to control and prot�ct
�h� d�velopment of pro�erty ne�r �he A�r �ase and.along the Cheney—
Spok�ne �iighti�Taya This �ronerty� was zoned �g�icultura�. a� th�: ��.me
the propex°ty `�as �urchased and had be�n so zonocl gox �.2 yearso
2a Conditfons hav� no� mater3.a�ly c�,��ged sincQ the or� zonin�
e�ce�t �ha.t th� p�zsent o�n�r pu�°cha,sed th� land. to use it as
commercial purposas ��ithout first investi�ating the zone classificationa
4'�hile the Pl�.nning Commission has sym�a�hy for the �osition: of the
o�ner, a policy of �ranting e�ce�tions to e�ery o�dner ��ho ple�.ds
ignorance of �he law i s��t enable .
3o It has not beon shoT�n ox° fourid by the Plannin� Commission aft�c°
i�ves�ig�t�or tha.t the zonin�; of trbis one parcel of lanc� is n�cess�.x'y
in th� public intere�� or that it co��or�s t�ith �he �;eneral plan of
de�elo��nen� of the area. Trje �l�.n anc? zoning m�.y be px°ovided for
com�.erci�.l development �.n other ar�as i� the vic�ity of Geiger Field
and there still rem�.ins m�n�r acre� o� undevaloped land in a commex��.al
zone cla.ssification0 If this one �arcel of land `�fexe to be re�zoned
it r�.�o�ld constitut� s�ot zonirig �ohich is fro�ned on b�r the Cour��.
Tn addi�ion such action ��ould destroy �he tota3. value of t�e zonin�
�.� the area and there ��►ould be no g�°ound� for turn�r�g down othe9c
applic�.tions without acting in a discriminator� m�e�°a
�, �ohereas �he value li�s on pro�erty f'or `�rhich a zone cY�ange to business
8e is made, the value of surroun�.�ng �°esidential prop�r�y values; th�
�. docline in �alue of surroundin� propQr�ya �.lthough sli�ht �or each
individual pi��e, us�.11y of� sets the i�cxea�ed �a,lue of the propeg°��
for ��hich �he change is �ad�. Th� result y then, of s�ot
� zndi�ridual parc�. _,; of land as co�m�rcial con�ribut�,� to the ir�st�.bilit�
of land values ratner than contributing to stability of land balues
and. th� total wortl�. This f�,ct has been conclusivaly established
by detailed studi�s conducted b� urban l�.nd econo�ists. As a mattea°
of fact rosidential construction has occurred i� this area t�rhich woulc�
be adv�rsely eff�cted b� a sw�epin� zoMe change which favorable action
on this r�qu�st �►0�1��� aventuully brin�; about. There has been no sho�r�-
fng th�,t there is a short�ge of land �,v�,il�ble fo�° pres�nt or gutuxo
comr�ercial deve�opment. Should. a�a�—hazard comr��rcial dev�lopmen�
occur over an ��te�ded strip of �h� high����r, the hfghti•��� T�ill be re—
located to �void the rE�ulti�g s�fsty h�,zard �.nd the decmeasad ef�icienc�
of th� road. In the long run th� r��.jori�t,y �►ould not benef it if thi�
r eq uest �rero �o be �rant ec1.
1. It is recomm�nded the Zoning Ordin�.r�ce be amondc�d to include as prohibited
uses in Saction 6, �estricted Reside�tial, �.nd Sect�on �, .Agricultur�l--Suburban
the erection anc� n�inte�ance og billboards, si��s, or other �,�vertis�ng d.�vices
other than a sign si� square feet in ar�:,� �'or a home industr�r. Present regu3a—
tions require p�rr�its for sign bo�,rds in all zones and provide that t�e boards
�ay not be located in �. ��ra�r to cr�ate a�raf'f'ic hazard oa' obscure a public park
or p? �ce of reco���ed natural beautya
2. ,A letter fron the Disaman Commercial Club x�aue�ting the adoption of a bufl��ng
codo f'or SpokanE County was rP�,d �,nd is r�ferre�. to the �aard of County Com—
nissionea�s. The Plannin� Com:nission is on record as favori.n� a�option of a
bui lding co de f or S�okan� Count� o
I�ir. C�,lvin A. Re�,sor, a merrber o� the Spo�ane Count,y Planning ComnnYSSion si��.c�
.A�st �, 19�3, �assed att�ay �Tednesd.�7y nigY�t, Jun.e 2, 195� �n Spokane. �'e��r �.en
ha�e given so genero�usl�r of their time to t�e p�ople of Spokane Couzity ovex so
lor.g a p�riod. of time. ld:r. Reasor T s�ubl.ic sexvice in �rhich l�e gave of his
time ���ithout conpEnsation, othar tY��an tr��,t hi�hest typ� of co�pens�tion which
is in the satis£action of knoti�in� th�.t he is servin� his fellow ffi�n, i�as to a
�ide varxet�T of acti�rities effectin� the �ublic i�terest. The objectives �nd
work of the Pl�ning Co�missi.on �.•Tere among the clos�st to his h�ar�. It t�as
�rit� re�e� and deep sorro�� th�t the membershi� of �he Pl�nning Conmfssion
not�d his ��.ss i.�g. His contribut ion to �hs i,JOrk of the Pl�a2ning Commission has
�ad a�ositive an� �erm�.�ent �fgect on tre .�e�faro of the corr�unit�re
I���I��BEF.S ��S�tT N;essrs. �ienz, Calkins, �osse�n, I'�:cCllare, St�at� and Wolf.
t+� P'JBL�C I.���1�TG: iht�'sd.a�r, �7u�e 2�, 195�
Cordially yours,
JOITa� � HAi�� � e �tJ��j ?�� Gt�Ai�: , S�C��ET ARY
�°RC : e sp
Off ic�al record of action taker� by Planning Commission on
�Tune 3 195� NIINUTE S.A�'r�0 �� OT�]'
c� z����a� s�c�� T�Y
u� 'i���, :�.�1�."��.�:� ��. I�..1�. :��: � i.;�:f��i: �.� �.i�;�., ::.�=
yI�D t�OMYARD �:.P.iT�?Z�'�, F• ?622 LIB�TY, TO FIL:�:
T�YIIJG SOU 2�i 0 F IDiDTAT1 A. A2i D EAS T OF PARu R! �.��.,,
S�CTZOt1 7, T�MIfNSHIP ��,N., RQn�e 44,E.W.M.
�3JY Si't��??�Rt`i ,�`�.rr i t,; M rc � Q GFt ICULTt'T? 4I, ?;�ri N 1
::�rI��:�J1T ;;. : ':�.�1�I?vG
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, �
`�:;�-�,' r� / �����r„ '�� •,�1. ° , bo ing f irst duly sworn, deposes and seys :
That at alI time� �mentioned herein he was, and now is a oitiaen of the United
�States, Q residRnt of SpokanP C�unty, 1Yashington, and ov5r the �ge of twenty-on�
That on ��'- � �= , 195'�, ho personally poste� three (3) true and
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