PE-230-54 A"� ` - _��_�__.�. � -�
µ �'1
�1�• ��
Hl� I� RESOL�TED by the Board of County Commiss ioners of �pokane Coun�y,
�aahfngtarn, �hat the Fi�nQ� Plat of 4U�IE�S DALLhY gI� THIRD ADDI��ON�
heya� fihe S$ of N� of the N� of th� 1�tE� of the S�T� of Seation 21, To�-
ohip 2� �•, B�uge 9�4 E.i�el�., lying noPtheasterZy of r Pierae Boad and ATinth
Avonus, on the recommend�tion �f the �po�ne County �P�.ann3n� Coimniseian,
be� and the eame hareb� i� approved•
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FRAN� J e GL4g�
C le of the �oa�rd
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w SPO��'� C.OUN'L'Y PI�I�TNING COI►llyll SS I0�
�t`J3,�7'Y'Y COUI�T HJUS� `
Spok�.ne, irFash. - �
Juue 3, 195jF
Honorable Board of Count�r Commisaioners
u�okane County Court House
S�aok�ne 1, '�lashi�g�on
C�a.t le m�a :
A� the regular meeting of the Spok`ne County P18nniag Commissi�a held Thiirsd��
af�ernoon, June �� 195� (p�stponed from'�rl�zy 27, 1954� as th�re Vras �o qworum}. the fol.o►
lowing action �aa takea and is recommended �o the Board af Count� Comm3saieners:
l. I�iaC�ARYiS FIPE ACR� T�2CiS, appro�red se presenterl.
2. GUT�3RYE � u V,�LLEY VZE�I T�IRD .4�UDITION, approved as preaented:
3e �At-sF.�3 i'`�ACE, ap�ov�ed as present ed, �rith th� eonditiea- bhat bhe wat�x
and sewage system bo ap�aroved by the County Hezlth Degartment_.
4�. GREIlJI�.�F PAI?.E SUB�DIVZSIOI�', approged as poc�esented vtith the oondf��,en �ha� a
s'ta�ement be placea 9.n the dsd�c�tioa pertaining to well,s and saaita�ion
end that it zwt be filed vx�til wate�r a�d sanitation is ap�ra�ed bgr �he Oovn�y
He��lth Department.
5• EASTON �u�DI�ISIO�� apgroved as presented.
6, p�fg�'R SUBDIVI S-IpI�, approved as pre sent ed �d'ith the eonditioa tha� �he s��� �f
exi�ting water ma.ins be a�a►own on the plat; that the water �nd s�w�ge sy�t�ne
be a�proved by ths Gounty' kealth De�artment; that the street eornor$ bc� raunde�i
a.a shown on the �?at; �n.d that Center S'treet� be me,ds a 50� otres�, �►nd the
entr�ce to Park Road be made 50 t in ��idth.
7. ALRZ�IAY �I(�TS T�IRD ADI�ITZOI�T, a�aproved a,s nrQSented with the eox�di��en �ha�
satisfactory provisio� be mr� for school exgansion. .
8. �`�4iTNT,�I1R VI�I SECOI�'D ADDITIO�T, app�roved as p�resented.
9. �tJRG�I FIR� ADDITI�I�, �.pproved ms presented. �
10. R�Y`� �DDITION, approved �.s Aresented, with the candition tr�t the �ate� snd
- seWage eystems be approvod by the County �iealth Do�artment.
11. ��1IL37NS0IT AD�JITIOI�, a_opro4ed as �iresented, arith _the condition t�a� the we,is�
and sewage ��'stem be ap�:roved b�r the Gouatg �ealtn Depertment.
12e SU.I3D3UYSIt�IJ OF ?'RACT 42, CITY G�R1S�2�TS, that the plat not be approro►ed as preson�ed;
and it ��,ae suggested that the ownar discuss the -�izQ of lots, ���idth of Fo�d and
access to lots �aith the Plat�ing Gommittee.
1. �hat the application o�f Homer �owler, ��portaai��, to remove top soil �o�
commercial sa�e from appro�.�ately 3 acre� on the ce�te� port3,on of the S2
of -�.�� of Sec . 33-24�-�4�+, south of O ld Palouse H�.gh«a,�, north , of Gonnor I�o�d,
�ein.g on the north �ad south slopes of C�lifor�aia Creek, bs de�.ied at this
time becaus,e of �he weed condit3.on, but that it be recameiderpd at ths �equest
of t�ie owner ne� sgring ��ithout pre judieo Yf i� �he m�antime �e�isfaetor�
actioa is taken ta eliminate the noxious t1aeds•
r ;
• r -
r '
1'. T.t�,t a� applxcation of A. J. LaRos�, N10!�1� Di.visio�, to construct a 10 �;� 12 �
buildin.� 3� �rhic� to operate an 3.ce crez,m dispensor a� Lot 5� Block 6, Re�la.t of
College �omes Subdivisioa, in the 3��10400 B3ock on Divis3on, be apgr�ved because
ft ie believed t�,ti su,ch an extension would not mat0rially t���cter
or e�3stYxa,g use of �che property,.
Iy V.A�I9��CE �?ITS
I. �'hat the �,nplicat3on of �ton�ld �o Rohde, A720? Pha,rietta, �or a varia.nce permit
of 10 feet of continuou� �rontage on the Y�. j0� of Tract 170� Orchard .�venue
Adctition, �ne denied -�,t the request of the �pplicaat vTho �ound thz.t the variance
�las not necessary to ti�e use of his �ropert�.
2. Th�,t ��e applicat�ion of the �ivei°sity P1acQ Communit� Club, for �. v�,riance of
5� o� front y�ard area and 20 � of rear y�ard �.rea� be denied. It was found that coven�z.z*�ts in t�e dedic�t3on of ��he pl�,t in t��hich tbe land is located
��ould prohibft the contempl�cted conetruction aa�d that own�rs ��fthin the plat
�cuare pre�ared to take legal action to restrain tue conteQmlated construction
should the ap�licat ion be a�pro ved�•
V C�IAiJG�� 0�' '�HE 20NIZTG P��IAP
1. Zha� �he agplication to c�ange the zoning map fi�o� Agricultural i:o �iultiple �'�nil�
Subur�ban, one �quaxe acre of land in �he S� cor�er of S� of SW� of Sec. 19�2�2
( 210 x 210 f�eet ), bs �pAroved. It c���s found tbat the prop'Frty •�aa origina.�.l�r
c].�ae9.fied Agricultural Dece�ber 29, 194�1. That s3nce the orig3.na1 c1�,ssif�.catYOn
t��as mRde a derand for re�tal hausir.g in tho area has been cre�ted becauae of tl�e
devel.o}a�ent of Faarchild 9ir Force B as a per�r�,r±ent �ns�allation. It �ras found
' t�.t the use of t�.is a�ea for multiule family residentiaZ purposea for pern�eat
" housin� uni�s will serve a public need and ��ill not unduly interfer �tith the use
o� the hi�way cr be in conflict with the a,oce�ted plan of development for the
area. It t4a9 found tbat the de�e?onment ��ould not bavo an adveTae effect on
ad�a�aent �roper�y �ad ��rould permit the use of an existing building on t�ie propart�r�
zn a�andoned schoo�. building.
2. That tre applie�tioa to clja� ths z� �ap f,rom TSnclassified to ��ricultural-
Subuzbaa om trat �ro�er_ty ex�ending 1�00 � in dopth aoutla of ��r�►ell Road, �rast
of Highland Street �d eas� of existing .9gricultural zone which lies �O SLly
of and pergendicu?ar to '=�� •�, be approeed. This propert� abuts an Agricultural--
Sub�urb�n �one and it is co�templat�ed by t�e owners that it e:i11 be u�od for
residentia? �rposes.
,3.� �ha� the proposal by the Plaxining Qommission and R. Stir. P�rr2� 1, to chango the m�p from ��ricultural-Suburban to A�iultix�le �amil� Suburban on I�o�:a 11
�.nd 12, hi�ffitte S�.ibdivYSion of �lock 151, Op�ortunity, lyi,�g betweea �So�fitt
�d �kipwor�'n on the north side of Spragu.e .�ve�ue, adj�ce*+t to the Zoczl 3u�ines�
Zo�e o� Sprag�e Avenue, be approved ia so f�r as i�ot 7.2 is concerned. It �jae
fouad ��at ths a��a,cent L-ocal �us�ess �one i s bei.r�g de�eloped for commereial use
and th�.� the de�and fror multi�ale f�aily dtr�lli�g� in the valley ia �ncreaaing as
well a.s the demand for - medical & deztal prof�ssion off3ces. It is believed that
a iIIU.ltipla f�ily re��de�ti21 zone is an aupropriate classification for 3and i.n
a tra,n.sitional ar�a between comr�ercial areas and s�ngle famil� residential axeas.
I,ot 11 is nat included in th9.s recommerdai�ion at t�e requ�st of th� p�aperty
ou�ner iv�ho did not ob�ect to th� r�cl�ssification of I�ot 12. It ia further recom-
�ea�ded that this reclassificatioa not ta'.�e effect until satis#'actary arrangomeats
are made i;o obtain water from Skip�rorth �oad rathc�r thaa from I��off��tt Road, the
, � �_ .
c�r� on i'•(affit� �aed not being of suffici�nt s�ze ta vrovide adequa.te t�ater
for a higY� densi�� +CIEV810�19�11tr of Lot 12•
4�. T2?at the progosa.l t�o changQ the zoning man fro� tlncl.assified to ngricul�ural—
SLb1L�'' on �z�o�Qr��r �.oc�t �d in Eh^ F�,t, B��a—mhe�a T�rrac�, l�ring a�orth o�
riol� Cro�s C��u�ctar;� and n�.�st o�' Z:''nll S�F9at, �� �p�ro�ed, �s the propGrt� is
b�:in� �1���oloued �, a r�si.s��ntf.�l plat.
5. Tha,t �t�e propaaal to chEnge t�e zo�ing map from� Unclaseified to Ag,r�.cul�ura.l
5uburb� ��. property located in t�e plat,� If:ounta-i�? �ifew Second Additian� lying
soutr of 16tr_ and east. of Bowdish� b� ap�roved as the Taropert�r is be3ng developed
ae a re s i d�nt ia3 pl�.t e
1. T�at thA zoning �ap be cha.ngt�d from �.gricultural �o Commercial in aacard�nce
tho °gener2l pL�n of devslopi�ent proposed b� ttie �l�nain� C�mmission, r�farc�i 25,
1�5�. S�id pro�sr-ty beginn� ng at �. point 200 � Easi of Fo$seen 8oa,d on the East•
d� �+'eSt Centp�r Section 1? ne af Sec. 33-2�--�2� thence South 5fl0-� ,�hence ��est 600 �
th�nce D��� perpe��.icu.l�r to PSE �11, 3$0' -more or leas to PSH rll, �hence �TEly
alang PSH �11, �00� �re or less to center section line oi sa3.d Sec. 23-25--�2,
thence �ast 650 � mo re or leas to bhe po int of beginn�ng.
2. TY�at t�e appl�tc�4ion of L��•:is fi. Z,aPoint to ch�nge th� zon�.ng map �'rom .4gricultura�l
to Ioc31 �t,is�.ness os� t�e West 200� of �he East 626•80.� of t�at �ortion of G�v.
Lot 8 3n Sec. 5-2�2, lying south of Prim�.ry S�ate �Hi�hwa� No. 11, �rest of
Spotted �o�d ax�d south �f Gei�er Field� be der_ied because of f�ilure to ertablish
the required facts necessa.r;� to r�ake auch act�o� valid:
1. Zhe property wa,s Zoned Agr�cultt�•�1 in 19'�1 to control and protec�
the develo�ment of progerty near the Air Z�se a�d aloLg ��e Chenay--
Spo?�.ne r�ighttra�. This pronerty �ras zoned .R.�ricult��ral ati the ti�e
the �,xoperty t�as purch¢sed and had bsen so zoned for ]2 ye�r�.
2. Conditions h� not ma�eri��l�; aha.�;ed since the or_i�inal zoning
e�cept that the uresent awr!�er �rcha.�ed the land �to u�e it as
co�rnercia.l vurposoa without first investig2txng the ao�e ciassific�tion.
j��iilv �the P7.�.nning Commission h�s sya�path�� for the gosition of the
ov�ner, a policy of granting e�ceptions to every owr�er �Jho �ls��,ds
ig�ora�ce of the I��r i s vnt enab Ia .
3. It has not bee� eho�� or found by the �lanning 'Commisaion after
invest�g�S:ion that t�e zo��.n� of this oaao �arcel of lar�d. ie necess�y
in tho guhl3c interest or ��hat it conf'orr�s t�ith the general p2an of
develo�ment of the �re�.. The p?a� a�� zQr���g m�y' be vrovided for
coID!�rc�.�.7. development in other ar.eas in the vic init y of Geiger F�.eld
and ther-e still rem�ins �ny�s of undeveloped land ir a coar�erci�l
zone c?ass5.�ics.t Y�' this one p�xcel of l�nd were tp be re=�zoned
it would constitute apot zani�ig w�ich is fro��jz�ed on b� the Courts.
Im additiion suc� ac��on ���ould c�estroy� the tot�.l value of t�±e zoning
in the �rea �a.d therg wo�uld be no �ounds for tu.rn3.�g �.o�na o�hpr
applications �rithout acting in a di$criminator�
�Y. - Whe�aas the �ralue lies o� progei•t� for ti��k�ich e zo�se ch�nge to busineas
& is m�de � the �T�lue oT" surTounding ras ide�t ial .prop�rty v�lues; the
S. decl3ne in. �'alue o� surroundin�� property, although sligh� �'�r each
individual p�ece, usually off eets the incre�sed value of the aro�er•ty
for ;�hich the change is made. The re,sult, t�en, of epot �on�.ng
.v � �
in.dividual pa.rc,_ _s of l�d as conr�ercial co�tribu s to the instability
of la�d tralues rather tP�n contribut�ag to �tability of la.nd va.lues
and �ha tot�l ti.►ort�. �his fact has bBe� conclusive73� establiahed
b� de�ziled atudies conducted b� urban ],and econoAists. �is a m�:tteQr
of �'act resid�ati�.l co�struction has occuY•�ed i.n th3s area afhich ��auld
bo �dversel� e�fec�ed by a e�ee�ing zono ch�xige t�r�ic� aavorable actxan
on this request ��o�sl� eventu�ll�r br3ng �bo�it. The�e has bsen no sha��-
in� t�iat t�ero is a of lanci a�a.ilal�le for �resent or future
�o�mercial dede3.o�ment. Should a ha,p-�i�ard co�mercial dgve?op�neat
occui• o�er an exL•e�ded str3p of the �„���a�, the highw�� will be re-
locatvd to a�o3.d the re�ulti2lg sa�'st,y hazard and the decrPased efficienc�
of the rosd. In t�e long run the ���orit,y tivould not benefit if this
request ��are to be� �ranted.
1. It is recam�ended �Yiat tk�e Zo�in� Ordi�a.nce be �mendc�d to includ� as grohibited
use� in S�c�ion 6, Festr�.cted �es:identi�l, �.�d Section 5� Ag,r�cultu?-a.l-Suburban
th� �rection and maintenance of �illboards, si�ns, or othar ad�rtis'ing d�vice�
ot�her t�.�.n a aign six sc�uare feet in zr�a for � k�ome indust�v. Prese�t regula-
t3aas reQUira p�raits �or sig� boa.rds in all zonas and �ro�vide that the bo�x�ds
m�.� not be located in a°�ay �o c�eate a tra;€fic hazard or ob�cure a public �ark
oT place of recogr:ized na.tu�al beguty.
2. A? etter fr�m �he Di�hm�an Cozni�ercial Club revue�t:�g the adoption ot a b�u�-lding
co�3e for Spokane County w�s re�,d �.nd is refe�re� to the �oard of County Cona-
missio*�eas. The Plaa�ning Comi�ission is oa record as favorin� a�option of �.
buildin� code for Spakane County.
�ir. Calvin A. Roagor, a�eTber of the Cou�t� Pl�,nn��.g Commis��o� since
.�ugu�� �, 1943 passed ataay v�ednesc�y �i�ht, Juae �, ?95� ix� Spo�a�e �ei�� men
have g9.vea $o generouelY of theYr tfm� �o the p�ople of Spo�e Couat3r over so
lo�zg a per-iod af t�ime. P�ir�. Heasor i s p sorc��ce in orhicrh �e �avs of his
time !t�ithout co�pe�sa�ion, other t�n th�t h��est ty,pe of compensatioa +�hich
is i� the satisiact�o� of � that �he is sergiag �? � fellotv man, waa to a
�ide varzet� of activit�i�s Effeci�ing the t�uh?ic �ntere5te The abjectivea, and
«ork o� the Pl�naing Commis�io� were. �ffiong tha closAst to h�.s �eart. It �v�,s
t�r�th r.e�ce� ��i cleep sorrow t�a.t th�� membership of t�e Rl�nning Comaalasion
nQted l�is p�s� in�. His con�ri"t�uut 3.on to t�� :�rork of the Plan�ing �oaunission �as
had � posi�ivs �ad pormar�ent Affeat on t.�iQ we�.f�xe of tne ^con�unity.
l��I�`��S ��S�3T hiessrs. �?ieaa-, Calkin�, �osses�.� NicClure� Stato and �rolf.
�+iE�''i F��LZC tREE�ING: Thur$day, June 2�4, 1954�
Cort�iall� you��s,
RO'rnL- A. i�!cC�UR�, CFqL�i:�AN
� OITA i�.��d R. CI�?�N ��'+i G�N, � S�C�.��'ARY
JRC : e sp
O�f iaial record of act�on taken by P1�a.n.ning Com�i�sion on
Ju�e 3, ig���. I+�?a�r�s �r�ov�n o�
�' :
L�i ��TTF�t 0:� �-APPLI CATION E� F
�tT�3� C�lI'IS'�t�3C'1'ION CQ�d.P�.J?� ��28 �10
��`�J.A, '?;0 h'IL� A r I,A`!' �0 �;C �I, :. �: A�
� G"tJT�tI�'S V�,TJLuY �JIh� �I�➢ �1�DI�°IO?�,
BF.�I�ft'i 1'�iE S� OI�' �3 r Oi�� L3�"r� 0'F I��g t�,f'
t�i � ��` �E{if ��.�-�e.f�'srt .w����s ����.
��.Y Q�' �I�Cr R�AD AI+iD �JIrT733 A��E. '
C.IiES T� �f . h i?��IS, r1NG��. .�,CRICUL��I►
STiA�E OF ��1SHINGTc�i� .)
� ) 5S.
f �.- � A tioing first duly �worn, deposes and says :
That at all tixnes�mantioned he we�s, ,Qnd naw is., a citiZen of the� United
tSzates, a res ident of Spo�ke�� County, V�ashingtan, and over the age of twenty-one
T�at on � , 195 ; he per$onallyr posted three (3) true and
correat copies �ths hereto attac ed NOTICE Or FIJ3LIC HEkRING' at the following
�laces in Spokane County, �o-wit :
1. �
� �
�j o �
2 e � � ���
3 . �► � � �.�.� ��
,�'� C<
' - � - -/ -�
Sub�cribed and sworn to before me�
_ � d � rjJ , 195 �
_ - �� �,
- ' - '��GR'`..�
! c7T�'Y t (JBLIC i�i �,IJD F�'iR --
SPOK.� C00�1TY, If►I.�S�I1+rGTJ1d
Residing at Spol�ang, lj�fa�hington
� , ' ' -,_=., _ _ -
� - , - - +.
� �Q".
�FPLICA'�IO?� �'0� � PtTBLI C H�'►p.RI"'G 'TO FI'Z:� b PI:.�T OP �IIPDT VI SIOIJ
I�TkN� OF �POI'TSOR Cut�ri� �Cons��°uatY4� Cc� 8�,�
��LLIR�SS ��A �Tor�dee�d�.� S�o�eae„ ��'ashin��on ?'F0� Glo 27.`i3
ly.�I� 0� '�'�TGI�'� Q3 SURV�YOR C}leS:�91"' �'la 9C1�$
'9I1DR�'Sa 221� Y�a��� r':i�st A�3�iut3, S�ok�'e ?HO�E 3R.Ao 691�i
�Tht•t"� OF `F�0:�05ED Pi+ fi Guv�rio.'�s Val�ey VYSr�v Third ��ditYan
��'TAI� T1ESC�I�mIOIT Oa+' A�.E�! TO � P?���,D S� of I�� oi" iJ�� of N y� of S�� or Sec o�I
21-�5p�. l�in� .�ortheas€er�.;� of ?ierao Foad e�'d �uxnth Avenu�
DA-� Or HE�RLI� G �ey 2?-, 3.�3 64
� �
► �
� -
. , l �
: aI G�1,�T'�P3E �F AP�'�I� �'� � � � �' _ �: _ .. ,` _
'� -
, �
� /�
�' C�U£�'�k' COTT�� �JU5E
r' Spokane, Wa�h.
June 3 � 1954
�Aonorable I�oard of Count�r Com.mgssioners
Spokaae County Court House 1 � �1� shin�t,on
Gent lemea:
At the regulaar meet'in� of t�ao Spokane Cov�ty Fla�n3ng Commis�sion held Thursd�
-af�ernooa, June 3, 195� (�ostpone'd �rom �iay 27, 1 95�� ae there was no quorum) � the fo1�
low�ng actioM wa� ta�an and ia recommended to tYre 'Board af Countv Comm3saioners�;
1. McC�ARY'�S FIV� ACR�, T�AC�S, approved �� preseated.
2. GUsk�IE � S V�II�LEY �TIEiv THIR� ADDIfiIO?�, approved a� presented.
�. �tN—T.H�R,g TF��C�, ap�oved as p�e�ent ed, ����h the condition that th� wa�e�
and �ewege syBtem be ap�roved by the County �leal�th Depsrtment-.
�. (rREII�I�AF �'AR.� b"fTBDIVISIOI�?, approved as presented ��.th the cond�itien tha� �
stateman� be plaaed �in the dedic�tion pertaining to t►ells aad �.n�tation
end tha,t it n�t be filed until tiater a�d sanitatioa is apmraved by th� County�
Health Department. ,
5. E�S�O�T StJ�DISiISION, apnroved as presented•
6. M�� SUBDIVI�ION, approved ae �resented vJith the oondition that the s�i�� ef
exist�.ng �later m�.ins be shotj� on the �lat�; th�� the ��ater and �ewag� �Yete�as�
be apgrooed by t�he County Health �epartment ; th�.t the street cornere be rounde� -'
ma shown on the �le.t; and t�at Center S�reet� be mads a 50� etreet, and thg
entra�co to Paxk �oad be made 50 � ia w�.dth.
7. AL�tW9Y �IG�iT� THIRD .�33DITIO�I, approved as gresented with the eonditioa �l�at
aatisfactor�r provision,a be c�ade- for echool eXp�sioa.
8. MOt7NTd I'sT VIE'��1 SEC�ND �DIT SOFf , a.p�roved �.o gr es ent edo
9. BURC�31L I�IRST .ADDITIO�, �,pprowed ae �re�ented.
l0. I�.Y'�1R A]����IO��, �approved as �oresented� with �he condition t�iat the wat�r and
aeY���e s�stems be a��o�ed by t�ie Coiuity Feal�h I?e�artnn�nt�.
11. '���IT�INS01ej �D�ITION, a.pgroved aa presanted, ��ith 'i;he condi'�ion that tha w�ter
�.nd �e�r$ge syat'�m bs apgro�ed by the Count� �ealth Dep�.rtment.
1�. St�13DSVISIO�T 0� T_RACT �2, CITY G�R��S, that t�e pla� no� be ap�oved as presen$ed;
and i� ���89 �uggested t�2.t the o��ner discuss the size of lot�� �lidth of r'oad ead
accese t� lots Yrith ths �'ting Combaittee.
1. mhat the �.pplication of �oraer Fowler, Opport�t�, to remove t�op soil for� .
commerci�l sale fr�m apgro��el�r 3�� acres on the center Wor�ioa of the Bz
oi ���'� of Sec. 33--2r�--44�, soutb of Qld Palouse Hi.ghwa�r, aortr. of Gonn_o,r RQad.�
being on t�e north �.n+a sou�h elo�es of Gal�fox�ia C'reek�� be denied at thia
time b�caus�e of �h� weed condit'ion, ��u� the� it be recossidered a�t the r�equeat
of th$ owner r_axt spri�� ��,rithout prejudice if in the meant�me satisfactor�
actioa is taken to elimin�at'e the moxioue 'weeds.
��� I I I EXTJ�t� IO��,T 0�' NOI��-CO?��'Oi�I�ING US�
1. Tha,t aa application Qf A. J. LaRoge, IJ10�1� Divi�ion� to construct a 10 � x 12 �
bu3lding 3.a which to oper�.to an iae cream diaAensor an i�ot 5, 31oc� 6, 8eplat of
College �omes Subdivision, in the r'10400 Block on �iv�sion, ba ap�oroved because
it i� believod that suc� a� exte�sion tvoulr� not matorially change the c�aracter
or existing use of t�e proper�;y.
1. That the ap�l.ication of Romald E. Rohde, �7207 r�� •ietta� for a var�a.nce vermit
of 10 f ee� of continuous frontage on the �'f, 5� � of Tract 170 � Qrc�ard Avenue
Adc�.tion, be d�niecl at �ne requeat of the applicant who found that the variance
was aot �ecessar� to tne �a�e of his property.
2. Th�.t t�e applfca��.on of the �nive�si.tar P1.�.ce Com�u�a3t-;� Club, for a�aria.ace vf
5� of front y�xd area and 2Q �,of rear yard arez, be denied. It, was found tha'�
reati•ictive covenants in thQ dodic�tion af the pl�.t in �hich the ].and is locatod
would uz ohibit t�e cont construc�ion a.nd �hat owners withxn the }�la.t
��t�re prepar�d to take leg�:l �ction to restrain the contemplatod construction
�hould the application- be approved.
l. That the appl�.catioa to change the zoni*ig man fron A�ric�lti:ral to Multiple �`�ai�lp
Suburban, one sctu`are acre of land in t�e SE corner of SEd of S�'�'� of Sec. lq 2�2
( 210 � 210 f eet ), be a�groved. It Was found that the propp.r ty was originally
el�.�si.fien �grieu?tural �s�eceaber 29, 19�F?. Th�t sinco tl�e o�iginal clagsific�tion
wa9 � a deiaand for rental housing in tre axea has been c�eated because of the
d��elonment af ��'airchild Ai� Force Basa as a per�axient i,ns�allat�on. It wa's fouud
_ '� that the use of this area for mu3tigle family residen�ial purpoees far permenent
~� housing units will serve a publio need and Ysill not undt�l.y intorfer with the use `
of �he ���h�ra� or oe in con�lict t �ne �,ccented plan of develop�en� for the .
area. I'� j�aa found th�t the devalopment ���ould not have �r� adverse affeEt on
ad.jacant pronerty �nd would pearmit t?�..e use of an existiag building ou �he �aroper�y,
an abandoaed school building.
2. T�Rt �he �.pplioQtion to c�ange the �anirig map �ron Uaclassiffed t� Ag�ricultural-
Suburba.n on tY�t progerty extend�ng '�00 � in de�th south of r�rwell t�oad, ��sest�
of II�gh? and. Street a.nd of e�.isting Agricul.�;v.�al zone afhich lie� 4�00 � SEly
of ard �erpendicular to ��� r6� he approved. This propert� abuts an .�gricu,ltur-a3-
S`u.bvrbaa �o�e and. �.t ia contet�p�ct-ed by the owners th�t i�t ��ill be us�d f.or
residen� 3a� ru.rno sea.
�.. That the proposal by th� Planning Commission ar_d R. W. Parrill, to chaage tYie
zoning mep from �gricultural--5�bur�nan to NIultiple 1��m3.Zy Su�urban on I,ots 11
ar�.d 12, c��ffitts S�ibdivision of Block 1�1, Cypportunity, l�ying bettueon I�fo�fi�t
�nd Skipwor�h on ths north �ide of Sprague .��enue adjacenti to the Local �usinese
�ona o� S�ragua �venue, be apgroved in so f�r as Lot 12 i� co�cer�ed. It «as
found thut the arl�jace�t Local �us3neas Zone is being developed_ for commercia? use �
a�nd tllat the demand f�or mult iple f ami l.y dwelli�gs ia the vallay �. s� incre�.s a.n� �.s �
ti�lell aa �he dem�nd �or medical & dontal pro�ession officea, It is believed t}�a.'t
a�ul�iple fanil,y reside�tYal zone is �n apgropriate class-if�,cat�.on for land ia
a transitional area batween co�merci.a,l areas a�d single fami.l� residential areaso
I�� 11 is not included in this r�co.mmendation at the request of the progerty
otivner t��ho did no� ob�ect to the recl�.ss3.ficatior� of Taat 12. It �s further recom-
mended that� this reclassificatfon aot �,.,�e egfect unt�.l satisfactor$ arran�ements
are to VJater from Skipworth Road ra�ther tha�a from ��loffi�t �oad, the
. -2-
r'� main on i•:ofFitt Road �not being of sufficiaat size to provide adequate wa.ter
for �a high deneity de4elo�snent of Iot 12e
�. mh,�,t the pronosaZ to change the zonir� m$p from UnclQssif�ari to .�gricultural—
S�burb�.n on �'!'0'DPI loc=�t �d in th^. gl�.t, Bnsr�Thora � �rr�c� � lyi�� narth of
�ioly Crose Cg�tQrq nn� �� st o� t:�l� Str�et. b� �.pproted, as the proper�� ia
b�in� d���loped aa � r�sidantii�l �lnt.
5. That the propo saz to chG n�e t�e zon in� map �rom tJ�c las sif ied to !4gr Ycultur�.l—
Subur�an on propprtv located in the �lat, r�iounta�.n �iew Second .9dd3tio�a, lying
�outl.l of 16th and east of Bo��rdiah� be �pproved as the property is being d�veloped
as � re si dent plat �
1. �3� the zonin� ma.p be ch�n.ged fram Agr� cultural to Commerci 21 in �.c�ordance w�th
t��ie general plan of development proaosed hy t�A tla.nning ��mmission, Nlarch 25,
1�5�. Said �opsrty begi�?n� at a point 200� Fast of FossQen- �oad or �he �`�st
&+�1est Center Section line of Se,c. 33-25--42, thence �outh 500°� , thence �1es� 600 �
thence A1tV �oerpenc�i.cul�r to PSE i�ll� 3�0� morp or lsas to PSH ,� rll�� thence 1+1�1�r
alon� ?�S� �11� 400� m�re or less to center sec�ion 13ne o�f �aid Seo. 23-2,5-42,
• thence �ast 650 � mo re or less to �hs po i.n� of be�i.�nin�.
2. That the �pplication o� Leti•rfs F• I,��oint to chian;e tb9 �on�ag map '_"rom Agricultural
to Iocal �usiness �on the iro est 200 � of t�e �ast 626• 60 � of that portion af Gov.
I�ot $ in Sec. 5--24—�2, l�ring aouth of ?rimary Stat$ �ighWa�� No. 11, ��est of
S�otted I{oad end south of Ge3ger �'ield, be denied because of f�ilure to esLablish
the required facts necessary to make such ac�ion valid:
1. T�e pro�ert�r was zoned Agricultux°�1 in 19�1 to contro�. and grotect
tk�e dsvelopmen� of progerty near the Air 3asE and a?on� tl�e Cheney— �� �
Spckane �i�htsay. This propert�r w�s zoned A�r icu.l. ��ra 1 a� the �Cime
�he propert� �as purchased aad had been so �oned for ]2 �eArs.
2. Conditiona lin.4v not �teria�ly c�ed since the ori� zoning
exc�p� tY�� the pregant rn.trchas�d the land to uea it as
commercial purposes w�ithout first ia�esti�ating the zone classification.
While tha Pl�nning Cou�mission has sy�pathy for the po'si��on of the
o�rner, � pol�cy of garas�tiag excentions to �very ow�ner t�rLo plaads
ig�ora.*�ce of the '! aw is unt �n�.ble.
3. It has not been s�iowx� or foumd_ b� the ?la^�aing Commias•ion after
investiga�ion t�a.t thE �oni�g of �his one g�rcel of land is necess�r�
in th� gublic interest or �k�t it conforms ��rith ti�e goneral plan of
de�eloum�nt of the �rea• The �1�� and �o��.�a� �a•� be grovided for
com�ercial detrEl.opment in o�her areas in the vic�ity of Geiger Field
and t��re still remai�s �r.�.ns �cres of undev�loped land ih a co�mercf�l
zons classification. I� this one p�rcel of land jvera to be re��onsd
x� would constitute spot zon�r.g wbich is frowned on by �t�he Courts.
In a;ddition such action would destro� t�e total vzlue oi th�e 2�ning
�.n the ar�a �nd there v�ould be �o grour�ds for rlown a�h�r
applications witbout acting xn a discrim�natory manne�.
�. V�'heraas �ha value lies on property fo� hlhich a zone cha.nge to business
�a is made, �he value of stxrroundin.g residen�ial p�o�oertv qa?ues.; t�o
5�. decliae in value of su�'i•otuidir_g �roperty, althoug�h slig�t for eac�
individ� piece, usual�y aff sets the increased 4alue of the prope�rLy
for which the chan�e is r�c�e• The result � then, of a'uot zonin�
.' indiv,idual parcels of land ac commercial c,ontributes to the inat�.bility
;t of land valu�s ratrer th�n contributin� to etability u� land ilcLJ.LtP,$
and tiie totai worth. �his fac� ha.s beea concltxsively eetablished
by detailed studies conducted b� vs•bEa land, economista. As a ma4ter
of �act rogidc�ntial conatructfon �as occurred ia this aree whYC,� ��fould
be adversel.,y effac�ed by a s�reeping zo�.e chan�e wrich Favorablo actx�n
on tr,is request ��ot:z'� �ven�uall� br�ing about. Th�re has be�n no show-
fng t�at t�ere .is a: shorta�;e of 1Fand avar].able for present or fut�tu•e
eommerci��I d���elo�tent . �hould a�ap-.►Z,�,zard co��rcial develvgnent
occur o�er a� extandad strfp of the high�J�y� the high�vay tiJill be re-
lacated �to avoi�d �he resultin� sa�et� haz�d an'd t�e deareased effi�ienc�
of the road. In th� ?org run the majority would not benefit if �hie
r equest tvare to be �ra,nt ede
VII 0�'� �JSI�r�SS
1. �It is recomrlQndod �hat the �onin� Ordiaa�ce �be amended to i�clude �s grohibited
uses in Sect�or� �, 8estricted Residenti�l, and Sect3,on 5� A'�ricultural--Suburban
t�e arection ansi �.�i�tena�ce of billb�oar�ls, si�.s � or othar �,dverti�ing dev�ces
other t]�n a sign six sqliare f�et in arr�1 �or a home industry. Present regula-
tions renuare pPrmits ior s�ign boa.rdg in all zonc�8 and prov�dte t?nat t�e boards
�ay not t�o located in � way �o creste a tra�'f�c l�azard or ob9cure a public park
or place o� reco�n� zed natural beeuty.
° 2. � letter from the �ishtn� Conunercial Club re��zestina t�h� adoption of a buil�.ing
code for 5pakane Caunty was read and is rvferra� to the �oard of County Cou�-
miss�oners. The P?�anning �Com..�i9sion is on record as fa7orin� a�opt,io� of �
buildiag code for S�okane County.
I��r. Calvin A. Reasor, ��e�ber of the Spok�.n� Count f Pl�nnin� Commi�sion �i�ce
August �, 19�3 passed at+�ay `�ednasd,�,� ni'�t, JunQ 2, 195� in �aAkaale� �ew men °
r.ave given so �enerously of t�3eir time to ihe p�op1e of Spok�ne Count� o�ar so
lo�g a per.iod of t�,me. �f,r. Rea�or t.s rn�blic service ia which �e gave of his
time v�ithout conpansation, other thau th�t �ighest tyne of compensation ���ich
is ia the- satasfaction o#'��i�g th.�t he is ser�in.� his fello« man, was• i�o a
wide varie�y of activi'�iES effectin�- the pubZic int9rest. The ob�jectivas -and
�►ork of the pl`n,ning Commi�ssion were among thfl closest� to his ?neart. It �v�a
i�it� re�rot a�d �eep sorro�� th�.t tho membershi� of the Flsn»ing Commis�io�s
noted his pass ing. �is contribut ion to the work of the Pl�nning Commi�ssion h�e ,
had a posit ive a�r3 nerm�nent effeat on the Y191.f�T' 8 of the co�nun� ty.
�'•��S�S �'�ES�+TT; Messre. Bienz, Calkins, Fosseen, P%�aClure, S,'ate anr� Wolf.
:�XT _Fu��,IC N�E�ING: Thursday, June 2�, 19��
G,ardiall�r yours,
R0�'A�T s.� - I�cCLCT�E , CF.� I�i r.iA�i
JO�T At ��1'r �. C[T�'I� �+Gfi.� P�i , a�C?�7'�RY
JRC ; e8p
aff icial racord of ac.tion ta,kon b_p Planning Commiss�ion or.
June �� 1954. �� � �•S �'F�tOVED ON - - - - ,
c�.� �R�►�u�rr -�EC�T�.y
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