PE-332-54 , � ` � � . �oFFicE oF TNE . , , � '� SPOKANE CDUNTY PLANNING CC�MMISSION Date , I q -�3 ` . � ''`�, To ,� fC� _ j . � - From ' � � `� ' Subject ! + " � ! - �� ` . ' �`�� � �r_?�• Z..�' . '7 . ��r/''" -�r +C�.A�lr�'' ,i-� - -,r sl G�� _ r �.-,-� ;; ; , r r • -+ . '��!�' . - �,,,�,t'�! .���''-` ` A'�'�`'�-� �� J � � �,; � , � .. � ... ........... ... . _.�!� ` �t �! � , �� � �r ,/ �� � �-�� -� � .- ,,yw , —���` �J� ' y � ....�,_ �r � � + � _ � . 55E� ���nb �.r�tno� �� ; _ a�n � � �--� �.�.�.- _ _ _� (Farm 59�—Ping. Camm —SC Sets-7•SS) - o�r, � oF covlv� �v �� SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON �--- Date � , .19 � � � ' Inte�-office Communication C �, �j„� � . . • . To C,�.T ��7 � ��? S � � � �u�/��ir>tJ � c/� � O ` _, � / From �- � G� s W � ^ � , i • � y Sub ject "' r' _ � - �� / ; /f�/� !/� C�S �� � �C �! �� . ���c// i� , ,�' � -� , �y _ ._ _ _. ��o �'J O � �._. ��O.Sr ,� �� ��� <1 ___- � ; r i . - % f .' � : Cii:t: 3�i -'.. �. 1�v'� •'�-5 ��� / + �, ( � _ i `P e � SP�KANE O�UNTY PLAI�IP] ING COD�9IS'S I0�1 C�RT HOU3E SPO�CANE 1, 1�ASxIT+TGTON gugust 28 19b4 �he Hono,rable 8oar,d oF Co'u�ity� Co�arii�s�oners 3pokane County Co�r� Houee SpokQne 1, �ashing`ton Qentlemens At the regular meeta�ng oP the $poksae �vun�y Planning Commiseion, held , Thursda3� af�e�aoon Augu�t 2-6, 1t954 at 1 s�0 P�o�ia, in the Commieszoaer's Asaembl�r �toon►, t,he �allowing aotion was t�cen and is reoom�nended to the 8oard of Co�nty Coa�s�ionere i I �OL�► BUSINFSS �---�- That the spplzoation_ of Ted 8olza to ooneider ohangiiag tlle soz�i�ng me�p �rom l�g- rioulture,�, t4 Trenaienr� L�v-#ng on property Qd�acent to Airway Heights be c�en�.ede The looation o� the Commeroia�, zonee alou� the Sunaet Iiighw��r�aad the Chene�t out�oF� were wsll oon�idered a� the ��m.e they were estQbl�.shed. T�e CommeraYal �ones were epaoed an both s ides of the highways so e►s to provide adequat� �rea for present and ftiture bueiness develogment aad to serve the publico �l,iture hi�hway developmeat planu� were a me�or factor in determining �he looation of the bus�xne�s areas o There is e. grea.t deal of vave�at wadeveloped land $oned as ao�aercial e�� the prese�tti�ae tbat ae�n be used for th�e type of Due�aness wi�ho�it ahang ing the � on� map o 0 in the not too diete�nt f�ture limited acoess �ree�tment �rill be g3.ven to t1�iB highwayo �he proposed looatioa is a oonsider�bie dYstanae f�rom e proposed acoesa point �nd ahould a aos�erazal development be permitted it $►ight very well neaessitate en e�pebaive overhead croesing or expensive relooatlon af t�e hig�raya The present staggered looation of the oommeraial sones is to e� such po�s�bi�.ities e A ple►� for thi8 area hae been adopted �and ene.cted into lawe It zs the opinioa af the Pletnning Com�aiss-io� thst the applicant has aot sha�n that �he developM ment in the area v�arrants amendments of tha plan or tha� such amen8ment ie neoessary in'the publia anteresto �IfI APPROVAL � OF PL,A�TS _ .� la �-V�' SU�DNISION, as {preeente�l w �,th the aonditio� that the name t�a ohe►ng- e�d to TWIPQ4�/I�i ADDIT that all dim�nsione on �a11 lot lines in both �loake be shauin and all dimeneions on lo�ts whsre r�d�ns ze t�ken off oorner. 2 o FYELOS TAD SIIBDIVIS I4N OF PAR�T 0 F TRACT 49, OPgORTUNITY, e►pproved a� pre�ented e z� ♦ �Zs 3o GiTTHItIE'& VAI.LEY VIE�i F�DURTH ADDITIOTI, approved es prssented with the oond� ition that the d�mensi�one on lot 13nes �vhere radiue a.s s�orovn bs g9.v�ne ��, RIVEBVILI� 3UBDIVISION, apparoved �►e presented vrith the ooaditzan th�� the name be ohenged to RIVEE�q�LLE ADOITION, e.nc� that suitable xnfoxhnatioa be pre- seatod �a the County Eng3nesr perta�zning to the grade e►nd drainage along the propoaed road dodfaetion and that it be filed only a�er the location �nd grade af the proposed dedioeted road meeta w ith the approval o� the Couaty Lnginee�e III PRO�OSAL$ TO CH�t�►1�iiGE �E ZOi�I1�IG i�P __.. �+..�. .._... r......r.. _ lo Aat ion wa� pos�ponad until the next meeting on the appLioatioa oF Warren Ho Steen, for a hearin.g to consYdar cnang3.ng �he �on�g map from Agriaultural to Roak Que�rry, x Sand and (�i�vel Pit Zone, on proper�y ly3n� SEly oP ShelLey Lake, be in� `the SE� ot �he SE� of Seotzon 24, Tawnship 2b No, Ra�nge 44 EaVdoB�e, to allaw Purther evidence on tl�o pa�rt of the appliaant in pt�e�ent3.ng, �x� requeeto 2Q Approval a� a zoning� plan for the LibQrty Le►ke area� Zone alaeeifiaatione in- olude A�rioul�ural, Oo�nercial, Agricultur�xl•Suburban s�nd Restrioted Residen- tialo TO CL6SS�FY AS �GRICIILTURA�,-3UBURBAN s l0 7?hat proporty in Sectione 23 �nd 24�, Tvwnshig 2b D1e, Renge 4b FoWo�o, lyang west oP Z�akesic�e xoe�d, and� east of a line dra�h parallel to end 260 feet e�et o� N'eyland Roed, south of th� soation lzae, to the nor�h l�.�ne of Ney land' $ L�berty La�Ce Homea ites , exoept Neyls►nd � s Liberty �e►ke Homes ite� e 2. That proporty in the SF4 of Seotion 22, Townehip Zb �1e, �Range 4b �oV�o�. lying wea t o�f Garry Road . 3o That property ia SeQtioas 26 and 2?, TownshYp 25 N., R�rr�e 46 �o �1oMo, lying south and �vest ot Tum Tum. .Driv�, oxtend�ing 25U feet aouth of Liberty Drive, to tha oae t- 13s�e of Twa Tum �ddition. T� �LASSI k'Y AS AGRICULTIIR.AL : lo Waetera. por�ione Qf Soctions 6, �, 18, 19, and 30, To�wnehlP 26 No, Raa�e 4b, E.liYe3�e, �and the wostera portiQn o� �he N2� oP Seotiox� 31, Towaship 2 No, Rsnge 45 �.Uif.11�4, west of tho IdQh.o State Line o 2a Section� 1, 10 11, 15, end E2 of 16, Tacvnship 2b I�. � Rango 46 EoWo�o, ea- o�p� GREENACRES SANIT.t�RY FILL, lying south of PSH #2 and the �.MoSt.Paand Pe ReR. Co. R/Gff. 30. Tho E� af 3vctions ?�1, �8, and the NE4 oF S�ation 33, Tourn,ship 25 Ne, 8�r�nge 46 E�WoD�. 4 o Al l of S act io�a 12 �nd �.3 i�n Ta�m$hip 2 5 N. , Rang� 4 5 E el� a�a � � -3- b. Seation 14, Township 25, Rang� 45 E.�'d.M., ly3.ng north of Valleyau'ay aad �ast of' I�►kee ide Ro�d. 6. That portion of Soct�on 23, �awnship 25, Ran�e 45 E.W.bI. ly3ng �aet of Lak�sid� Road. ?. Saation 24, T�mship 25 1��, Range 45 �.i�Y.B�., ly�ag eaet of Lakoside Road. 8. All of S�ot ion 2 6, Township 2 5 I�T. , R�tge 45 E.V�.�. , e outh and eas t of Liborty Lakoe S. soation 22�, Tawnship 25 N., Ranga 45 �;.W.�., exoept the SE4 and ox�opt that propc;�ty ].ying sauth of Second �v�nu� extonded and oae� of Garry Road. 10. All of Scatian 27, Tov�rnship �5 N., RQnge 45 E.Vi.�d. ox�opt a tip in th� NE oorner extendYng 260 foat SY�Ily o� Lsb�rty Drive. 11• That portion of Saction 26. township 25, Rango 45 E.l�.�i., exaopt that pro- perty extending 250 f��t eauth �nd v�est of Liberty Drzve, to the ee�st lino of Tum Tum. �idd it iona TO CLkSSIFY �S R�STRICTED INDUSTRI.kL: 1. Those portions of Soatione 1, 6, and 11, Towaship 26 N., Range 45 E.�VII lying sou�h of PSH #2 e�nd north of th� C.M.St.P.B.R. eo., bounded on the 3dE eor�cr by thr� Spok�e Rivsr. TO CI�S�IFY �S CC�'n�CI.sL : �. Tha� part of tho N�4 of S�otian 22, Tow�aship 25 N., Range 4b �.ti"�.M., lyfa� south of Seaond kvenue (�x�ond�d) and inaluding the Firet row of lots south o� �falkQpsi, b63�.ng Lots 1 and Z, Hlock 8� Lot 1, Bloak 9, Lot 1, Bloak 10; Lot 1, Block 12, of V�ieomiao Beaah, e�st of Garry Road end wes� Q� the shor� l�nn� of' Lzberty Lake a 2. That prop�rty ly3.n�g SEly of G,�g� Stro�t, and north and aas� of Bloc�s ].� ldeyland's Sand� Beach Additzon, extEnding south to the north line of I��y- land's Lib�rty Lake �om�sit�s, south of the north seation lZae of Saction 23, Township 25 i��, Rang� 45 E.WoM., �d �xtcnd3.nng easterly of �leyland Avc�nua, 250 Pd�t �ara].1Elling Noyl�nd hv�nu� to th►� north line of sQ�d Neyland'$ Lib�rty L�kv Ham�sites. 3. That prop�rty zn Seation 26, Tovsrn.ship 2b I�., R�nge 45 E.W.M., lying south of tha ehore l�ne of Liberty Lakc, north of Tum Tum Drive, oast of Libvrty Driva, wort of tho w�:st liae of South Shora �ddition, and 2bQ foot south of south l�n� oP Lat 7, Block 37, �'�'ioomioa Bea�ah Plat. TO CL�SSIF`Y �S R�S�ICTED RESIDE"�i'TIALt 1. That property in tho SE� of Se�ction 22, �ownship 26 N., Rang� 45 E.W.1",i., lying �aet of Garry Road, w�et of the Lako, euaapt Lots 1 and 2, Blook 8, and Lot 1 0� Bloak 9; Lat 1, 81oak 10; aad Lote 1 end 2, Blook 11; V�iYOOmiao 8�ac� Ad�3itiono � �� 2. Thati property in Soct�on 23, Toro��ship 2b �T., Ranga 45 E.'N.1�., ly�.ug south oP Spraguo &venuo, north of thQ north shor� li�e of Lib�rty Lake, �as t of Mvltar Roed, aorth and tizost of Gage Stre�� and south of Third �ivenuo, be3ng the E. l�ne of $lock 1, N�ylandss S�andy B�ach t�dd�tion. 3 e That prop�r�y s outh of Sandy Boaah Reaort, bo ing Noyland's I,i'barty L�kke Hom�a ites Plat. 4o That propvrty �.n tho �� of Saction 26, Townahip 26 N4, Ra»ge 45 E.Y�.�.� axteading Ynto the SW� of Soction 23, Township 25 N., Range 45 E.iY.D�.� be- ��on th� south shor� lzno of Libart� Lako r�nd LYborty Drive, eztonding south to 250 Fe�t south of Lot ?, Hloak 37, Wicomico Sc�aa�. 5. That prapvrty pl.�tted as Tum.T�m xddition, and South Shore xdd�t�on east of Draa�mrood Ba�, ly'1.Y�� �3t3t6d@E:11 Tim► Tula Driva and the south 8hore of the Lako • 3 approval of the e�ppliaation vf L.v�t. Curtis to chango the �oning mrap from Agri• oultural to Multiple I�nily Suburban on Lots 1 thraugh 6, 3no•, �g Blook 14, Spra�uc Str�et Addition, 1y�.ng S�t o� F'irst ae�nuo and Carnah�n Street, eas� 'ef tho Spokano Cxty Limi�s, to allow fxve tr�plex dwelli.ng units. It ie fnit that the �onix� in thie aroa za outdatad due �o �hangYUg aonditions �.nn this aroe�. Tho proposod ch�ngo Ys Yn accordanae with tha teaative rervised plan for the �aree and the proposed comprohensiv� rozon�.ng. �y VARI�NCE PII�ITS � 1� Aation wes postponed untxl tha next meetxng on thv appliaatio� oF t�►il Ad�ns� for � we�zvor of' vzolations oP set baak (v�rianav permit) at 241f North Qoleman Aood to a1.ie� �dr. �dams tune to havc� a land survey of his property to dvter- m� na whethor or not h is bu i ld �g is ovor his prop�rty� 1 xn� . 2. gppro�►aI of an applicQtion by G�rvia D. RQy, North 341? Elton Road, far a var- ia�aa parmit to build w�thfn 13 £6et of his rear property lu�e inetQad c� 25 feet. The lats ar� shor� in d�pth and z.n ord6r for N4r. R�y to make an a�ddition to h�s r�eidenos, hc� will havs to build alosor to hia rear prop�rty lina than tha le�w �ilowe • It i� b�lic�v�d that th�ro e�re oondxtions boyond the control of thv applicant that �Aarrants granta,ng tho pormit. v arxn� avs�xr��s _____ 1. Th� P3.e�uazn� Commxssion gotod not to in�.tie��o goning on property belonging to Mr. H. R. Jon�s, for a restau3ran� on th� Suns�t Hi�hway. It v�ae �elt that the 2onia� �tould not aonform to thv plan o£ the area. Sim�lar petitione have be�n d�n�.ed in tho r�rca �nd to gre�t this on� ��rould b� distinguishing tha applf vant• 2. Thc follwing l�ttvr �ras r�ad; Mr. Stop�an H. Excell, Spokane Qaunty Haalth Depe�rtmont r�. �Jater Dietriats. � _ z OI REQUEST OF BOARD OF COZJNTY CQ�DBISS IONERS TO RECONS I D� $EC01�Ep1DtiTIaI�T ___.__ _ _____ .� _ � Appraval of a re-coneideration of a varzanoe permit, a requQSt of Do Be Ball� enger for� a varzance permlt o� s�do yard area at D�`o 3421 Elton �toado It was felt that i.t �rould be unfair to grant a�rarianae perrnit to �Me next doar neigh• bor, Garvzn Da Ray, Ne 341? �lton Road and not to him� and �Chat there v�ere mitigat3.ng oiroumsta,�ces to warrant grant�n� t�e pormito vII �CTIIdSI4N OF 1�ON- CONFOR�IIlYG �JSE — -- — �ppr�val of an extension of � nox�.�con�or�Yng use, a�est�.urant, 3n the 16600 81oak on �he south szcle of E�st S�rague Avenu�, in Veradalo� =1� proaedure wxll be �established rea set back, ete., before tihe permit �rxll be granted: S�.noe the dat,e of the meetu�g, Dr o Kepl has withra�� his applioatio� �ad �sk�d that no aation be taken. D��HF�S PR�,� Messra. Anderson, BZenz, t3alk�.ns, Fbsseen, Mei�gs, Sohadegg, Stiate, ilSfolf, and B�orrisiono � 1dEX'� PUHLIC NIEETII�IG __.__. �..� — Thtusdoty 3eptemb�x' 30� 1954 a:t 1:30 Pe�. Cordially yours, Rober� Eo �e�zgs, �a��.ng Cbair�nan ���y Jonatb� Ro Cunnxaghaia � O��icial record of action taken by Pl�auaing Commission on .�.ugust Zfi 19540 MI�IIT�3 1�RPROV�~D ON G � —'—' SE�R�TI3RY f �o %3�� D&��t� '� ��?� 0� G�'i'i Q��IS��O�'�S �' S�� C�L��'Z �A9��� T� ffi� A��T� � A��ti�l� ) �` �'1'� �Y�,� � '�I�3 �I�AY� �'�d9�' Q�i 'D�A� �IFFt� �O�T� ' ��J 8 0 T, U �' � 0 3� ! , ������ , � T� �iB��ID b�r t�e �os�d oi' Cv��► C�o�ai��td�aecr� 08 8po�ae Q����►, ��� ln�g�on ��a.t �� l��e� p��► �t P�� i�r o 5 1�1lIJ..�"�' �`I ,� �'tJ�ffi �fF9�3IT��� l�latg �r� �f �o�� a� �013o�1A. �. be�ag � � o�t t.he �� o� �� � �P �a, i�� b��anfa� Qt � point �e �t. o� ��e � oo��r a� �a�d �� thensa rs�ing �. 1��0/ o tdsea�e �e 330° ��h�nae We ��2�i °. t�e� $o �� , to 8h� �ob, �c.. �. 20 � th�r�o8, on �l� �ooe��s�aL9,o$ �f �e �� �ty Pl�aing Go�i�eio3n� �� e.a� � �e er�e h�c��r. �e �p�raved. '� �,� �►;�D �C�� �X � , 1���. ��� � �� C�-�SSI��� �' � t3�� ���►58Y�� . e A����t �� i� • �t�� af t�� Board � �y .���-�-s�'�� �� � � � � � _ , � -� � � -� _ � � � � t � .�� � � �� - J�k��� �; B�� �' �X�' 00Ai�d���Y�''3���" t�' ���; I���e ��.�Y��r� �� �`r� �� � .A���Y� ) �����n��'��`�� � �F.11�' �i` �fA�t' vYE�T ���'B � �, 8 � � � � �+ Y � �1 A�x�'$� ) ���' E��'� bp� !�i )�d o� Qot��► ��el,e�ion�s at �jp�aaas Qo��� �a�hi�to� t�� �hs �i�al p�� at E��t��t� �A�L��' YZ� b'�IE`� ����°�+�o �.�iag �A�'��! Q! �!'oa�� An �e,DOII�t� �0�d bd��Dg a �� � � �� t� tb.e I� o! �t�. 1��5-4�i, b�l�f►a� �t s�c�l�� �» b1. A$ t,�o �W �Ol'�!!P Q� 68�� �� ��A rtti�i� �� 1.7��Q s �CA �+ � ��� � ��e �! a 2.�A' �v �s ��t'3� �Q !+� p0�, ��. �1.� 2do t��O� O�t �i� �+e��►t�tQzt�ti$b� of ��� �a���► �3�� 4a����t►�� �e �� t� a�� he�s�. i�s a��ravet�� �At��} 3�I� �� 1�� � , �9��. ��A��1 �R at�t� �Q��t�I�Y�'t� ��' �PA�.d� BO�Z� �1�9�I?��.'� ' . ��'S�: �e 3��8 S• �� � ��e �a ` � ��' � � �. - � � . - �_ V ► + p �7 � � c �' I3?C�.�IG�+T �TO►'1 ��.Li, ���I�7 �Y ��E �'�;�I�ITS t�.a� � uthrie Inv�s��emts, Inc., a c�rporation or��nized under �d by v�rtue o� tY�e 1a��8 r�f �he ��at� o� ���sh- in�ton, has la3d oi'� a��d �la�tied ln�to �loc;�s, lots s az�d st�ee�s tib� lar�d �1n�v�iz upon ��is m�n to b� .�n��1a as GU�.��' ��1�.�� i��'"�' 4'� �,D�ITIOR�, a plat o� ti�.e no�th 33U �'eet o�' �he sou�n 990 r'eez of tihe ��_ o�' �h� �, � �: of Sec ta.ar� 15 , �'. �.5 ?�T. , �. 44 �. ,��j.I��. , Spol��ne Cour_�t9, �Tasnin�ton. ��.'CEP� t.�� .•�e�t 20 fee�c the�eog. �=.x�d �hey do hereb� dedlc��te to t�.e p�nlic �or t�e use of the nubl�.c Lne si,reEt� �.�d roads �ho�v� upon �ti�.s �ap. �.11 lots �h�ll �e rosidenzaal. �o st�uc�tuaye s�mll be ereeted, al �er�u, placed or per�t�ed i.o ro��aln �n r�� portlon of t�i� t�act ot�er than a �in�le or , a.���z1�tl�le z c��ly a�aellin�, p�iv�te �arage �?d o��i�r ou�-buildli�gs �1�? c#� may qe inci�en�aZ to the res�.d- e�,txa? use o�' �he lande »�o lota �n �n�.s �ubd�v�.s�ox� ��vill �e sold untzl �� �er do�estYC ��tater �s �ac�e av�ilab�e �� said lo�s or lo�. �11 lot� in thzs suvdiv�.�ion ars srab�ect to hi�n�ray, pole lx.ne �r�d ir�ci�at�.un e�sements and corlt�aat� oz�` reaord Y� tLe Count3� �ud��tor t s O�f ice. ��.e fore��ing cove��zts and 11�a�.�ca�YOns of use are m�.de �'or the �rot�c��.or o� �ech o� �ne lot a`�n�rs ln 9�id '�G��'��I'E' S � ` �. ��`T 4'�'� �1�I�I0?�" , Should aiz;� uaxe or .�o�e t��.n one flf �.�e se c ove�nn. �s or li�.t- �tYO�s of usE b� breacr�ed �by �ny lo� o��er or uther pers�n, ��e� ar�� �sc �� �ore than one af t�e o��er ot��ner� o� lo�s or prflp�rty in s�id �t�� 13 �RL�,' ���T��.�'� �1.r;�� 4��. �DDITIG�J" s�a� ex!��rc� the �a�.d co4e�ar�ts �.d 1:�i�at�.o�s o��' u�e �.r� a�ay �� e�e pro�ri�e� b� law �'or h.�s ow.n bene��t or i or t�.e bQ�2e�it o�` �y or 31..1. other o�ners �f lots or proDerty �n ��e su'�div�.sion. � � . � i I Ii�Y � N►A�'I'8R Q�' ,�.P��,IC.P.TI�T f�F �T�R I�S �� STA�'NT . 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STATE OF WASHINGTOI� ) ) SS, G�DNTY OF SPOK�E ) �r.l � C.���l� itn.Q�k9 �s _ be ixlg f irs t du ly sworn, depoge s a�d s ays : Th�.t at all times mentioned here�n h�e was, and nnw is, a aat�aen of th� United States, a resident of Spokane County, Wsshingtoa, and over the age of twenty-one years, �Tha.t on �� C� !�� , 195 � he �ersanally po'ste s� three ( 3� true and correot oopies of the hereto attQahed .�tOT2CE OE FUBLIC HE�iRINa at the followuig plaoes in Spok�rxe Countjr, to�wit a 1• _ � 1 G�1� ���d'F �I•1 ��Q� A{1 . !a�►�� �� t�1 �C-p� � Qa��ttl,�� a �" �. �. 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