PE-248-57 r- . r 1,~ mms IN ptM.B13 er COUSTY 4~sstll#rT a? SP ' O~`.3~'f. VAMSRMON IN TMAMM QY AMML of MtKa M. %a "M ~ ~olvo ZT BQm ov G~~ ~M=S8-`n 4S B"toft cmtYM Watrhlmgtoao far, t tu Af~~ PlIrAt ot S64*0~'!`~ sm1~~~~~ ~ ~ Vsb*rs$$3rr Zfts'O & ~~►~th, bs~W tho So 2~g a~' ~et 93~o ~3oct~. t~t ~ 88Ctiri 20t ~.~gh%p ~:5 1. f ~v# ~r~. '~.w~.ev Ztd;~ns, 4`aldity~, vas~~~10=a s~t the ~comandation of ~ ~~as ~~3~~ ~~~~s~~~ ~ es" hero`ttr to ~ PASOM By, TlER "UD TRIS 9,41 ~ ]WADD ~ CMTT C=USIA=B fF SP4KA" C~=Tf* WAMYllmor ~ ~ , • w AT~'a ; ~ t~ 4t the sO"A . ~ , ; 1 i SPOBAIR COIINTY PIAMING COmISSI(a COLiITTYCOURT HOUSE SPOKANE 1, WASH MTW Febrtaa,ry Z42 1955 ,c, r The Honorable Board af Oauzaty Comut9.saionere Spokane 'CounL•y Court House Sp okaae 1e Waah iagi; an Gentlemen e Ati the regular me6ving ok the Spokane Oouaty Plsaning Commieeicamp held Thuors. day, February► 24, 1955, at- 1; 3d P,M, !n the- Auditor ium of the Couaty 8ealth Butild- iag, the follat-iias zctiGn 'vas S;ake:i and is recommended to the 8oard of Couutty Commiaafonere : I APPROVA.L UF M-INUTES The taiuutee of the meeting of Jaauery 27, 1953 were, approved ae eubmitted, II APPROFAL OF PLATS ly JQIIbTSTONS' _SUBDNISIOl4, appraved as greeented with the aanditioa,that ; aacept;able water eervice be ahovin on the plat and that He 'sld xaad b0- , gr$ded ar a bond posted por3or to filing ae a fiaal plato 21 ELY SUBDIVISI02T, postponed pendfag appraval by the Stete Degartment of Highwa.ys and thmt the spansQr be aot if ied that it mill be aeceeaary t@ dediaate an-addit9.ona1 fivo feet of right-of-.way on' Hollaad Road, tha,t right-of--way liae oa Colfax Si,-reet be aarrected aud that acrauMente fdr domostic water iauet be ahawno 3e BRAI,1'X StMIVISIM1, apprazted aa preeented wfth the condition that Ainth Avenue and' Viarren Road be graded or a bond poated priar to the fil9.ng as a final gla.t,e . k. H00RE • S 5'nUROAr4 HOMES-, ag3p; aved a$ presented with the condition that Hi:n,th AvEnue aad Warron Road be grade3 or a band posted prifor to the filiug as a fimal plat, and with the coaditioa of the ehiftfng af Sfsth A7eau~ i;e,~ fea6t fvr:;her= sou.th aloug the- north line of thfs aow caIled Lot 5 a;; '~~e .~f:e~rsec~iQn c:f Bl ~ke Road, -and that sa e ffort be made te get the crner of Lut 9 to joi-n 3.n the p3.at by dedicatiaQg thie ten feet. 5-r . DOIT-ATdA SUB.UT VI SI0,7, be postponod for •30 days pending approval by tbe State, Depa.°1meat of Sighoiaye and that la canaecCioa wfth workfng oAt the finzl C13vailH of i;he plat partficular attenZfasi be given to the ev; face dre,imgs of the aarea and that additiaaal ooneideratioa be g3.vea to the width af Whltehouse Strest with referenae to the ability and willintopess n` abuttiug -praperty ournera to dedicate 3.and for etareet pimpoeeQo / 6. Ep~RGPJIIEN AQ3ES STJBDIVZSICKs approeed as presented with the condit9.on that the title be changod to EVERaREM ACRES kDDITION, that the name Dswn AvenwO be cba.nged to Nixcn Avenud, and that Nl.aon, Bolivar and Mafa Streets be graded or a bond posted griar to the f fling a$ a final plat. ?o iuIAMM AND PARKINS StIBDIVISIOYd, approved as presented witb the oand3tion the.t Sinto Avenus be &Tad'ed or a boad poeted prior to the filing as a fiaal p].at, and that the covenaata of the plat include tlnat no large anfaa.le be permitted ia eaid plat. 8. NELSMttS SUBDIV1SI(2T, app.~aved as presentsd vith the conditfon the.t ea additianal 5 feot of riglit-of-wey be dedicated on MarguEerfte Road actd that aa addit•lonal 10 feei; of right-of-way 'De dedgcated on Mriago Road. 9, ME,qDOW I,OTS ADDITI Qy,:, be approzed ae,preeented ~~rith the aortdi tiaa that the clediaated- etreet- be not less -thea fifty feet fn width aad tha,t the street be gradect prior to the filiag ae a f9.na1 pl'ato 10. MICHEMIS MUJT.~ ';Yat actiaa be poetpaned an ndditional,30 aaya pendiag fusther negotio.tion on the part of the apaneor with gartlripatfng ovnaersa 11. BEV.--TAERA TERRACE AI-1I=9D PLAT, approved ae- pregeated to show the easements ou the lota. IIT PRQPOSALS TO CgANGE THE ZONMG I41AP l. That action oa the praposal to c2aage tbe,zoaing map fram Agricttltural to Local Susinese oa the N. 2001 of the X* of sectian 26i Towne$3p 2,~'j N. s ]Etange 419 lying due south of Airejay Heighta, be postpqaed until the Niarch 31, 1954 hearing to give the agulicant further t'ime to pxoperly prepare hie atatement re zoaing4 2. Approval of the aonsideration of ohaaging the zQning map from IInclaeeified to Agricultural-Suburban an the weat 6301 of Gavernmeat Lot 4 aud the South 2331 of the East 6331 of Gaverament I,ot 4 ia Section 30, Toamehip 2b 9.9 8an$e 43; and ta cheage from Ccmmercia.l tv Agricultural-Suburbaa ca that praperty lyiag betvleen Madison and Monroe, Rosevood and btenaiee The aboee deacribed- ahangas 9.n tbe zctning map are recommend,ed to comply with the caatemp].s.tee. developmeat of the 3rea. It is reaommeaded that a portgan of i;lae e°isting commeraial zone be reclaesffied Agricultural- Suburban becauses C-1.terr an omaminat ion of the ehopping oenter sites in the area aorth a: I'1e11esley aad weat of Divi$ioa Streots, it ie belieeed that •vhe r ema,:.n iag z-~~ ea is aufficient far a local ehoppiag center and that fi; is consk;ta1t i-n eive uriYh other d,eafgnated shopping ceatere. The deve? opare. 2ave jmd1c,r-t:4 that aaother local ahopping center' io contemrplated appro; imateiy cne mile northof the site at- I`rancie betwAen Siall and Monroe ifsicb. has Zot been, apecif ica•11y dssfgaated b,tt waul,d be coasiatent xQith the a3tablished pattern. It was f-urther bslieved that it vrae in the -oublic 3.nterost to diecourage a strip develapment of aommarcial ueee euch as egiste on the north side of FTancig east af Divis foa. -Z- / . IV 19 i~`EMORIALM e 1Ytr. J. Wallaoe Andaraon, a membQr and past'chairman af tho_ Spokane Caunty Plaaaing Commiesione ince Juae 6, 1947, pa,e sed 8amy Rioaday sight. Februaxy 211 1955. I46re thah aay other- member he gmve a.f his tfine and effort, to cvork for tho Commiesion. It ie with deep regret and a eense- ot persoaal lose that tha meanberahip of tha dommiasion noted therloee of aat aal~► $ loya.1 memb~er .but alao a true friend and companion. "Andarta" coabipibution to hfe commuaity tbrough the Plaaaing Conmiasfan aad -other oi91c activitiee hae had S' posit3ve and permaneat eYfect on welfare of the aommuaftya V OTSO BUS IPTESS A cnROlal heering was called for ihcch 10, 1955 re. apporttnitg $oning. MIAERS FRF,SOT: AieeBre. Bieoz, -Cnlkins, FooeAen, McClur9, Mixo Morr3soao Myhre', State, and Wolf. ~ 0EXT _ RE(,ULAR MEE T ING Thur iiaayo March 310 1955 Cordially y+oure, ~ Ro8ER2 E. rIEiGS, CHAiA" J. R. C'UNN INGHAM. -SECnTARY Ofticial miautes and record of aotlon taken by Spokaae Coun.ty Pletlnia$ Oommiesioa oa Fabrue'ry 24. 1955, DIITJIITES APPRQVED ON CHA IRI-IAN . SEGmAnY . JItC : esp oFFT^E oF covivTY ENGD77M SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ~ DctP October 4, 1957 19 Inter-office Communication Te Planning C ommi s u i on From County Engineer Subject Johnston s Sub3ivision Plat # 248 ~ine roacis iri t;his were i*~s~?ect.ed anri ~o!:n ~l to be i.n sa4isfactory Londition Fina'l. Plat Lo "ae signed b;,r County &Zi neer REEIVED ~ T4 1J L ( FornZ 327-C.R. lOM 6-56) . 1 I ~ rN zHE rATM aF APPLioATrcg aF, eIiAUM ~ JOEffSTON, 12917 INDI.AN1 e'T,0 FILB 'A PR'1' ~ TO BWHA0M AS d0Eff8TC98 8MDI9YSI,0ff. 1~ -.MT19Mff Pan s-trtlvMslT~ AlqD $ _mmu FomTg: AnD mam Avwm , eErxa ' 28n` 8: 2/5~ t?F -DACT 235:, aPPORTURiTYo OlJY 8T08W, MGIlMFffi . AF'F'IDAV,IT-'.OF sPDS'rINC STATE- OF WASH IlJQrTON SS o couN - , og- sPoxAIIE ) oll, ,.,7 6 r ' - . being' ffrst duly awox~n~,• deposes and, saYss, , That at -a~.Ll t3mes msntioned hereiin he was,9• and now. i,s,f- a- aitisen of the Unit,ed Stateg,. a resident o ~ Pokan►e,Countyj,Washingtonj.and over the. age oY twenty-one year88. S ~ That on 19~ r.~ae pexeana~,l.y poetedthree (~3) tru~e and cori^ec ~ aopies: o~ t~e ~ hereta attached NaTIC~E- OF PUHLIC 'NEARIN(~ 'at' t~ie fd~lll.o4*1 plsaces "in Spokarte ,Qounty,,• to-wita. '710 /6 113 ~ _ - 2~ ~ ~ - . l g `1 • i „ - G 'r • i 4i ftbaoribea and sworn to me - - N~OT.ARY- PUBLIC IN FOR) 3POKANE QOIINTYj..WASHIN(3TON' = ~s~.ding~ at;Spokan~-s Waehingion f- I ~ NoTICE'oF PUBLIC HEARIlNG - - e NOTICE "IS-HEREBY GIVEN that `the, Spokane County- Rlanning Conunissiqn Vrill, AUD, w~'~~~ W'Tim _hold la public bearing in thW;~i ~~e- on ~'~~~~.o 8~p j~~~ at, $0~ PeMe,. to _make.p'decisfon ton. the -foll:owing matter: . ~~~t~t~t~~ 1~ ~~w~e v~ ~ ~1~~~ ~ laft-1 YOR"Ov0 At said' t3me and place,, aryinte.rested -person :My -be ~hear.d_ forp or ,againsts, . the grariting, of the- labove application. ,S3'OKANE CO UNTY PLANNING COMMISS ION ~t.•..c.s ir'' • ' t~'1~L~'//•~±K.. ~Gt~ 0✓ , R MMING 'NATHAAI _ HAM ?laxining -Dir,ector DATEDt SFOKANE°, WASHRUTQN j