2003, 03-18 Study Session Minutes INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Notes March 18, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleming opened the Study Session at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Richard Munson, Gary Schimmels, and Steve Taylor. Staff present: Interim Manager Lee Walton, Interim Deputy Manager Stan McNutt, Interim Community Development Director James Harris, Interim Public Works Director Richard Warren, Interim City Engineer Dick Thiel, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Bridging the Valley presentation: Mayor DeVleming introduced Frank Tombari and Glen Miles who will present an overview and update on this project. Tombari said that approximately five years ago this concept was developed for combining the two railroad lines that travel through the valley and on into Idaho into one corridor. A study of the feasibility of this concept has been completed with participation from State of Washington, State of Idaho, and the Federal Government that indicates this is a plausible concept. The railroads have been contacted and are willing to work with this concept, and the trip to Washington D.C. next week with the regional Chambers of Commerce will be an opportunity to request support from the agencies and legislators for this project. Miles said that there are 72 crossings along this 22-mile corridor with some of them deficient. It is anticipated that this will be an 8 to 10 year project at an estimated cost of $270 million with approximately one-half for moving Union Pacific tracks and one-half for grading, separation and closing crossings. Agencies that will be contacted for possible funding are the Federal Highway Administration and Railroad Administration with local matches from both states and regional agencies. There is good support from Idaho and the Spokane area. There was brief discussion of the support of the two railroad lines, efficient operations of trains, ownership of abandoned railroad lines, and effect of funding for this project on other state funding. Councilmembers indicated that Spokane Valley is very interested in supporting this project. Pre-trial services agreement: Interim Manager Walton reviewed provisions of this agreement with Spokane County that provides assessment of defendants that may meet qualifications as indigents and be assigned for public defense. Any overpayment by the City for these services will be refunded to the City. Councilmembers agreed that they are not pleased with how costs have been determined for this and other County agreements, and direct staff to do a thorough analysis during the agreement period to develop a true accounting of costs for services. Council agreed that this agreement be included on the March 20, 2003 agenda for action. Council Study Session Notes,Mar. 18,2003 1 INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED Hearing Examiner Agreement: Interim Community Development Director Harris said that because there will be many project appeals requiring hearings, staff is proposing the use of a hearing examiner for these land use issues. There have been meetings with the Spokane County Hearing Examiner who is willing to work with Spokane Valley in the capacity as the City's pro-tem hearing examiner. This agreement has been negotiated between the City and County to provide the services that will be necessary to process the administrative and quasi-judicial hearings of the City. The consensus of the Council is to have this agreement included on the March 20, 2003 agenda for action. Hearing Examiner Juridsiction: Interim Community Development Director Harris said that this proposed ordinance creates an office of hearing examiner and establishes the authority and process for regulatory hearings that may be assigned to the hearing examiner. The consensus of the Council is to have this ordinance on the March 20, 2003 agenda for action. State Roadway Maintenance Agreement: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that after incorporation Spokane Valley is responsible for roadway maintenance of state highways within the boundaries of the City. This proposed agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation provides for maintenance of State Route 27 (Pines) and State Route 290 (Trent)by the state under the supervision of the City's Public Works Department. Council agreed that this agreement be included on the March 20, 2003 agenda for action. Signs and Signals Maintenance Agreement: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that Spokane Valley is also responsible for all traffic signals and illumination on the state highways following incorporation. The state has a different controlling system for its signals than the County, so it is proposed that Spokane Valley contract with State Department of Transportation for the maintenance of the signals on state highways. There was brief discussion relating to payment for electrical power (paid directly by the City), cost for services that is for actual cost of materials,provision for some discretionary requests by the City, and that no overhead is included in this agreement as the State and City have entered into a reciprocal agreement not to charge for overhead. Council consensus is to include this agreement on the March 20, 2003 agenda for action. Engineering Services Memorandum of Understanding: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that staff is negotiating with Spokane County for development of an agreement for the County to continue providing engineering services for certain capital facilities, grant management, and other projects that are currently in progress. Even though street maintenance will be provided by Spokane County following incorporation until May 10, 2003, engineering services will be the responsibility of the City as of March 31, 2003. This memorandum of understanding is proposed until the final agreement has been completed and ready for action. The consensus of Council is to include this memorandum of understanding on the March 20, 2003 agenda for action. Council Study Session Notes,Mar. 18,2003 2 INFORMATION ONLY—NO iON REQUIRED Solid Waste Management Agreement: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that staff recommends that Spokane Valley join as a participant in the regional program for solid waste management. Council discussed the need to have Spokane Valley as a voting member on the Liaison Board and the role of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee made up of citizens giving input on the comprehensive solid waste management plan. Council agreed that action on this agreement will be deferred until April, and that a request be made to the Liaison Board that Spokane Valley be granted two voting positions on this Board. Presentation, Community Development Transition Committee: Gene Apedaile, Chair of the Transition Committee introduced committee members George Koehler, Peggy Doering, and Mollie Dalpae who will provide information gathered by this committee. Apedaile said that there are a variety of community services, but this committee focused on three—community development, human services and community identity. George Koehler provided information gathered from 12 other state cities of comparable size and makeup as Spokane Valley and services that these cities provide. Mollie Dalpae reviewed the Valley Community Center and agencies housed at this facilityand services provided to the community. Peggy Doering discussed methods for establishing a community identity. Gene Apedaile reviewed the existing County programs and the committee recommends that Spokane Valley join the County consortium to continue the CDBG funding to the community. Community Development Block Grant(CDBG): Interim Community Development Director Harris reviewed the options for Spokane Valley for use of federal CDBG funding. There was brief discussion about these options and the steps the City needs to take to continue this funding for the community. Deputy Mayor Wilhite noted that during the Valley Regional Chambers trip to Washington D.C., there will be opportunity for an introduction of the new City of Spokane Valley to representatives of the Housing and Urban Development department. Mayor DeVleming closed the study session at 7:30 p.m. to executive session for approximately 15 minutes for discussion of personnel matters. There will be no action taken following the executive session. Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller NOTE: It is our practice to provide Study Session Notes for information, but these are not included as action items on Council agendas. Council Study Session Notes,Mar. 18,2003 3