2003, 03-13 Study Session Minutes City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Notes March 13, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleming opened the Study Session at 7:35 p.m. announcing that the agenda item for review of Mirabeau Point status will be the first item for discussion. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Richard Munson, Gary Schimmels, and Steve Taylor. Staff present: Interim City Manager Lee Walton, Interim City Attorney Stanley Schwartz, Interim Deputy Manager Stan McNutt, Interim Finance Director Robert Noack, Interim Building Official Bob Ely, Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Bill Hutsinpiller, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Mirabeau Point Status Review: Interim Attorney Schwartz introduced Peter Witherspoon, who may be designated as special legal counsel for the Council for this project. Interim Manager Walton welcomed Spokane County Commissioner Kate McCaslin and Roy Koegen, bond counsel for Spokane County. Interim Parks Consultant Hutsinpiller introduced Doug Chase, Spokane County Parks Director and Kay Bachman, from Avista who is project manager for Mirabeau CenterPlace. Chase and Bachman reviewed this project as it has evolved, status of funding, estimated maintenance and operation costs, potential leasing of space, and estimated net income versus expenses. There was brief discussion of the CenterPlace project. Councilmember Denenny moved and Councilmember Munson seconded that staff be directed to proceed with negotiations necessary for Spokane Valley to be recipients of Mirabeau Park. The motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Denenny moved and Deputy Mayor Wilhite seconded that the Council retain Peter Witherspoon as special legal counsel for Spokane Valley's participation with the Public Facilities District in relation to Mirabeau Park and CenterPlace. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor DeVleming announced that there will be a brief executive session following the study session for discussion with special counsel of legal issues. Interim Attorney Schwartz summarized the Public Facilities District ballot issue on the May 2002 election that was approved by the voters for issuance of$96 million in bonds for three projects: Convention Center, Fairgrounds and Mirabeau CenterPlace. The Public Facilities District must construct the projects and Spokane Valley may be asked to Study Session,March 13,2003 Approved by Council April 22,2003 issue debt for the City's share in the project and will need bond counsel if there is issuance of debt. Mr. Koegen explained that he has been representing Spokane County as bond counsel and does not represent either the Public Facilities District or City of Spokane. There was brief discussion of revenue available for the City's participation in this project and timeline for bond repayment. Property Tax Ordinance: Interim Finance Director Noack presented a proposed ordinance establishing tax levy for the year 2004 including a levy for the library services that will be paid to Library District. Adopting the ordinance at this time will get the information on record with the County Treasurer's office. During the 2004 budget process a dollar amount for the 2004 tax collections will be established. Council consensus is to have this ordinance on the March 25, 2003 agenda. Information Services Agreement: Interim Deputy Manager McNutt said that there has not been time to do any negotiation on this aagreement yet with the County, and a number of issues still need to be clarified relating to GIS operation and direct costs. This item will be on a future agenda once all issues have been satisfactorily addressed. Building and Construction Permit Transition: Interim Building Official Ely said that this agreement provides that Spokane County will complete all permits that they have issued prior to our incorporation date. On March 31, 2003, Spokane Valley will begin taking permit applications. This agreement will no longer be in effect once all active permits have been processed through the County. Councilmembers concurred that this agreement be placed on the March 25, 2003 agenda. Interim Attorney Schwartz said that this agreement covers all vested permits so that citizens are not required to begin the process again through Spokane Valley. Staff has requested that a similar agreement be prepared for all vested land use permits, but County staff has been directed to forward all land use permits to Spokane Valley on March 31, 2003. After discussion of the inconvenience to the community and that this is not in the best interest of the customer, councilmembers agreed that a letter be sent from the mayor to the Board of Commissioners asking for reconsideration of this directive. Animal Control Ordinance: Interim Attorney Schwartz said that regulations for animal control need to be in place on the date of incorporation. The County ordinance is complete and current, so he suggests that the County ordinance be adopted by reference. Councilmembers agreed that Section 5.04.031 requiring cat licensing be deleted for the Spokane Valley animal regulations ordinance, and that this ordinance be placed on the March 25, 2003 agenda. Jail Services Agreement: Interim Manager Walton said that the proposed agreement is the same as what Spokane County has with other cities. This document still needs to be more thoroughly reviewed by the attorney and staff. Councilmembers agreed that this agreement be placed on the March 25, 2003 agenda. Study Session,March 13,2003 2 Approved by Council April 22,2003 Probation Services Agreement: Interim Manager Walton said that these services are provided by the City of Spokane, but our agreement is to be with Spokane County. Individuals are assessed for probation services and that are collected by the Court. It is expected that collections will fund the services, so Spokane Valley will not pay County for these services. Councilmembers agreed that this agreement be placed on the March 25, 2003 agenda. Mayor DeVleming closed the Study Session at 9:05 p.m. stating that Council will go into executive session for approximately 20 minutes to discuss legal matters, with no action to be taken following the executive session. Council exited executive session at 9:45 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: LAAvfot/N1 Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller Mayor Michael DeVle ing Study Session,March 13,2003 3 Approved by Council April 22,2003