2003, 03-04 Study Session Minutes INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Notes March 4, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleming opened the Study Session at 6:03 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Rich Munson, Gary Schimmels, and Steve Taylor. Staff present: Interim City Manager Lee Walton, Interim Public Works Director Dick Warren, Interim Community Development Director James Harris, Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Bill Hutsinpiller, Interim Building Official Robert Ely and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. City Newsletter: Councilmember Munson reported that he has contacted The Valley Herald and Spokesman-Review Valley Voice to obtain information about publishing a City newsletter as a pull-out section in their publications. He has information from the Valley Voice and will report further when he has received a proposal from the Valley Herald. Transportation Improvement Board: Interim Public Works Director Warren explained that approximately 40 years ago the state legislature created an urban arterial board to oversee distribution and operation of transportation projects funded on a competitive basis through a small percentage of the gas tax revenue. Warren introduced Bob Morehead, from the state Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) who is also the president this year of the Washington State Association of Public Works Officials. Mr. Morehead provided a map identifying various current projects within Spokane Valley noting that Spokane County has been very successful in obtaining funding for projects through the TIB. Morehead reviewed funding for the TIB competitive projects that comes from three cents of the twenty-three cent gas tax; makeup of the TIB Board and staffing responsibilities; funded projects and timing for completion; application process; and project program distribution. The TIB has agreed to keep funding available for the Valley Couplet project until Spokane Valley has an opportunity to complete its Comprehensive Plan. Interim Public Works Director Warren said that Spokane County has done a great job of assessing the needs for transportation improvements and to seek funding for projects. The County has agreed to continue engineering of in-work projects through completion and then the projects will transition to Spokane Valley for the construction phase. Roads Transition Committee: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that the Roads Transition Report submitted to the Council was very logical and complete. Warren introduced Ross Kelley, Spokane County Engineer, Jim Haines, Deputy County Council Study Session Notes,Mar.4,2003 1 INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED Engineer, Ted Trepanier, Washington State Department of Transportation Regional Traffic Engineer and Transition Committee members Doug Daveny and Randy Noble. Committee members provided a written summary of the formal report commenting on some of the more important points included in the report. Warren congratulated the team members on this report noting that most of their suggestions have been worked into the three contracts presently being negotiated with Spokane County. State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA): Interim Community Development Director Harris said that the State SEPA is a mandated policy that all governmental entities must use when processing certain types of applications and/or laws. Spokane County has adopted the state SEPA law establishing a uniform environmental review requirement between the City of Spokane, Spokane County, Regional Health District, and Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority. Harris recommends that the City adopt the County's SEPA ordinance by reference with no changes. Councilmembers agreed that an ordinance adopting Spokane County SEPA ordinance by reference be prepared for action at the March 11, 2003 meeting. Floor Hazard Plan: Interim Community Development Director Harris said that flooding is not a major problem in Spokane Valley, but there are identified flood hazard areas. Adoption of a flood hazard plan ordinance provides compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program, which then allows local property owners within the designated flood hazard areas to obtain flood protection insurance. Harris reviewed the identified flood hazard areas included on the federal mapping documents. Councilmembers agreed that an ordinance adopting Spokane County flood protection ordinance by reference be prepared for action at the March 11, 2003 meeting. Critical Areas: Interim Community Development Director Harris said that one of the requirements of the state Growth Management Act is that governmental agencies inventory critical areas (wetlands, geologically hazardous area, frequently flooded areas, fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, areas with a critical recharge effect on aquifers used for potable water). Councilmembers agreed that an ordinance adopting Spokane County critical areas ordinance by reference be prepared for action at the March 11, 2003 meeting. Incorporation Celebration: Bill Burke of Burke Marketing presented information on budget revenue and expenses for the proposed celebration and requested that Spokane Valley contribute $5000 towards this celebration to supplement revenue from the various business and individual sponsor contributions. Burke responded to questions from councilmembers relating to cost of specific events during the celebration and projected revenue to be gained from sponsor contributions. Following this discussion, Councilmember Munson suggested that the City could possibly contribute $3000 for this celebration plus a $2000 match if there is equal amount secured from business advertisements for the celebration. Councilmembers agreed that there be a specific proposal presented for action at the March 6, 2003 special meeting. The mayor recessed the study session for approximately ten minutes at 7:45 p.m. Council Study Session Notes,Mar.4,2003 2 INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED The mayor reconvened the study session at 7:55 p.m. Parks and Recreation Transition Committee: Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Hutsinpiller introduced Transition Committee Chair Glen Clapper, Ann Matthews and Jim Huttenmeier who prepared the Committee report. Huttenmeier said that the Committee is pleased to see that the Council has recognized the importance of parks and recreation to the overall quality of life in the community as it moves towards providing youth activities this year, and implementing some of the other recommendations of the Committee. The Committee urges the Council to consider establishing a Parks and Recreation Director position on its staff. Arts and Culture Transition Committee: Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Hutsinpiller introduced Committee Co-Chairs Joyce Cameron and DeeDee Loberg, and Karen Mobley, art consultant. Loberg and Cameron reviewed information considered by the Committee from various community organizations. The Committee asks that the Council consider budget funding for arts and culture and that staff work to engage the arts and culture community through possible in-kind or dollar contributions. Mobley noted that on March 17, 2003, 1:30 p.m. at the Spokane Community College there is a seminar that Spokane Valley may wish to attend to determine if there could be funding available for furthering arts and culture in the City. Law Enforcement Ordinances: Interim Manager Walton briefly reviewed three proposed ordinances covering state model traffic regulations, state criminal violation regulations, and general penalty and infractions that will provide regulations within Spokane Valley that are consistent with other jurisdictions within the state. Councilmembers agreed that the proposed ordinances be included on the March 6, 2003 agenda for action. Master Fee Schedule: Interim Manager Walton said that in response to citizen demand for restrictions on taxes, municipalities are increasingly authorizing the use of"user fees" to defray the cost of services provided to individuals and organizations. Staff has prepared a master fee schedule that provides fees based largely on existing Spokane County fees, and it is suggested that this fee schedule be reviewed on an annual basis to assure that fees are sufficient to offset costs for providing services. Interim Building Official Ely responded to questions relating to certain fees, and Councilmember Munson noted that this Council's stance is to provide equal or better service to the community at no increase in cost. Councilmember Travel Expenses: Councilmember Denenny reported that he and Deputy Mayor Wilhite will be traveling to Washington D.C. in late March with Chamber representatives. During this conference it is their intent to meet with state legislators to raise awareness of the community of Spokane Valley and specifically to address funding for Bridging the Valley and concern about the high rates for medicare coverage. Deputy Wilhite said that there is money in the budget for travel expense and it is requested that consideration for paying a portion of these travel expenses be authorized since there will Council Study Session Notes,Mar.4,2003 3 INFORMATION ONLY—NO r. .ION REQUIRED be a benefit to the community by contacts made during the trip. Following brief discussion as to total travel cost,the need to know more specifics before authorization, and that dollars should be expended only when there is a direct benefit to Spokane Valley, councilmembers agreed that this item be included on the March 6, 2003 agenda. Staff Recruitment: Interim Manager Walton said that it is necessary to begin the recruitment process for the positions of Parks and Recreation Director and City Clerk, and Council should determine if this will be done in-house or by Prothman Company. Councilmembers agreed that this item be included on the March 6, 2003 agenda. Mayor DeVleming closed the Study Session at 8:30 p.m. Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller NOTE: It is our practice to provide Study Session Notes for information,but these are not included as action items on Council agendas. Council Study Session Notes,Mar.4,2003 4