2003, 02-18 Study Session Minutes INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Note February 18, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleming opened the Study Session at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael Devleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Rich Munson, Gary Schimmels, and Steve Taylor. Staff present: Interim City Manager Lee Walton, Interim Finance Director Robert Noack, Interim Public Works Director Richard Warren, Interim Public Works Superintendent Robert McDonald, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Solid Waste Transition Committee Presentation: Interim Public Works Director Warrant introduced Larry Wendel, Chair of the Transition Committee. Wendel recognized Jessie Long and Dick Neff in attendance noting that they, along with two other members, prepared the Solid Waste Report for Council information. Wendel briefly reviewed Committee work on this subject and said that the Committee recommends that the City of Spokane Valley contract for solid waste services giving notice of intent to take control of collection in 2010, continue with voluntary program at this time, continue curb sort with three-bin (rather than the present one bin) recycling program bi-monthly rather than weekly, develop a Spokane Valley Comprehensive Solid Waste Plan, consider purchase of the transfer station, and work towards obtaining three seats on the County Health District for Spokane Valley representatives. Municipal Court Services, Spokane County: Interim Manager Walton introduced Court Administrator Ron Miles who recognized Judge Annette Plese-Brown, who is available to respond to any questions from Council. Miles reviewed the work performed by the District Court, budget and staff dedicated to the Spokane Valley area. He noted that a City Municipal Court becomes a department of the County District Court and they have a system in place to deal with operating a municipal court for Spokane Valley. Municipal Court Interlocal Agreement: Interim Manager Walton provided a memorandum identifying four options available for providing municipal court services, summarizing information relating to municipal court services and the proposed County interlocal agreement. Walton said that contracting with Spokane County at this time is the most viable option, and recommends the City continue negotiation on this contract. There was brief discussion about court operation and ability to track revenue for the City. Councilmembers concurred that Staff continue to negotiate with Spokane County for municipal court services. Jury Management Interlocal Agreement: Interim Manager Walton said that since jury management is provided by Spokane Superior Court in Spokane County, a separate Council Study Session Note,Feb.18,2003 1 INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED agreement is necessary to obtain these services for the City. Cost for this service is based on number of trials and Spokane Valley will be responsible for actual costs for these trials. Councilmembers agreed to continue negotiations for jury management services. Roads Maintenance Interlocal Agreement: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that the proposed agreement was submitted to the County by Spokane Valley and there have been minor wording changes made by the County. This agreement is for basic services giving the City discretion to schedule big ticket items, with the ability to contract outside this contract if the need for additional work is required. There was discussion about the operation of this contract after County's responsibility ends as of May 10, 2003, that the City will pay for work it has ordered, estimated amounts to be included in the budget for this service, and that there will be a second contract with Washington State Department of Transportation effective March 31, 2003 for state roads. Councilmembers concurred that Staff continue negotiations on this agreement. Adult Entertainment Moratorium: Interim Manager Walton said that at the direction of Council, a moratorium resolution has been prepared establishing a moratorium on the filing of development or land use permits associated with adult entertainment in Spokane Valley during the interim period prior to incorporation March 31, 2003. Council may hold a public hearing prior to the expiration of this moratorium to determine if the moratorium should be extended six months as allowed by state law. Council concurred that this resolution be included on the February 25, 2003 agenda for action. Tax Anticipation Note: Interim Finance Director Noack said that when the Council designated a banking depository, there was also authorization to establish a line of credit for $1 million. Even though the City's expenditures to date are below budgeted appropriations, approving the line of credit will give the City some flexibility during the coming year until the City can establish some reserves to cover times when revenue income fluctuates. The Finance Committee has reviewed this ordinance and approves obtaining the line of credit at this time. Councilmembers agreed that the Tax Anticipation Note ordinance be included on the February 25, 2003 agenda for action. Public Facilities District Presentation: Interim Manager Walton introduced Bill Williams and Kevin Twohig of the Public Facilities District. Twohig said that this PFD was established in 1989 as the first in the State of Washington, and they are now the first to try to do more than one project. After a working group looked at projects that had been presented to the PFD for possible development, there was a submittal to the voters who approved two issues in May of 2002 totaling $96 million. The PFD is now working to get these projects under way and since the PFD does not have debt capacity to cover the total amount, it is looking for assistance to address the $36 million for which the PFD does not have debt capacity. Twohig presented information relating to pledged revenues at a 3% growth over the term of proposed bonds, indicating that they believe there would only be about a 1% chance that Spokane Valley would be asked for any money to cover these bonds. Council Study Session Note,Feb.18,2003 2 •. INFORMATION ONLY—NO AC.-JN REQUIRED Responding to questions of Councilmembers Twohig explained the mechanics for joint participation, management, tenants, and title to the projects. Geiger Facility Interlocal Agreement: Interim Manager Walton said that Spokane County has established a program for confinement of low-medium to minimum security facility for prisoners. Use of such a facility provides a less expensive confinement than use of the jail and includes appropriate rehabilitation alternatives. Rates included in the proposed interlocal agreement are the same as for all other cities using the facility. Councilmembers agreed that staff continue negotiations on this agreement. Travel and Reimbursement Policy: Interim Finance Director Noack presented a proposed policy that has been reviewed by the Finance Committee. Before presenting this policy to the Council for action,the Finance Committee has requested that the Council as a whole review the section related to approval for elected official travel and reimbursement. Following discussion as to the method by which travel is approved for all employees and the best method for elected officials, Councilmembers agreed that the budget be prepared with two line items for Council travel. One line item will include a dollar amount for"mandatory" travel covering education workshops, seminars and conferences; and one line item for"discretionary" travel. The "discretionary"travel will be submitted to the Finance Committee who will recommend approval and it will be included on the Consent Agenda for full Council approval. The mayor closed the Study Session at 8:15 p.m. 4"----- Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller NOTE: It is our practice to provide Study Session Notes for information, buit these are not included as action items on Council agendas. Council Study Session Note,Feb. 18,2003 3