2003, 02-13 Study Session Minutes INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Notes February 13, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleming opened the Study Session at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Rich Munson, Gary Schimmels and Steve Taylor. Staff present: Interim City Manager Lee Walton, Interim City Attorney, Stanley Schwartz, Interim Finance Director Robert Noack, Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Bill Hutsinpiller, Interim Parks and Recreation Coordinator Shelley Goss, Interim Human Resources Manager Don Morrison, Interim Contracts Manager Bob Jean, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Parks and Recreation Presentation, Spokane County: Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Hutsinpiller introduced Spokane County Parks Director Doug Chase with whom Hutsinpiller has been working to develop the best parks and recreation program for the City of Spokane Valley. Chase presented a document to Councilmembers that provides a summary of the existing and proposed parks and recreation programs in Spokane County detailing information on the parks that are now within the City of Spokane Valley. Chase reviewed, with a power point presentation, a contract proposal that his department in coordination with Interim Parks Consultant Hutsinpiller has prepared for the parks in Spokane Valley, noting that 40% of the Spokane County budget covers operation of the parks within the City; the dollars that are earmarked for new Valley Mission Park South pool and Mirabeau Point senior center; estimated maintenance and operation costs for 2003 for parks and recreation in Spokane Valley; and specific of ownership transfer and equipment transfer. Chase introduced some of the County Parks and Recreation staff in attendance. Responding to question of Councilmember Schimmels, Chase advised that the time for submitting nominations for Conservation Futures funds is in the near future,but that park space approved for this funding cannot be developed to typical parks use,but must remain as passive parks. Parks and Recreation Alternatives: Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Hutsinpiller presented to the Council a paper addressing the Transition Committee's recommendations and his comments on these recommendations. Hutsinpiller said that the City should develop communication lines with large group organizations in a positive manner and that he proposes to enhance some of the County programs with some City based programs (almost all of which are fee based activities). Hutsinpiller recommends that the City hire a full-time Parks and Recreation director, and that it is in the best interest of the City to contract with Spokane County for this year, as it is too time- consuming and late in the year to prepare required specifications for bids for these Council Study Session Notes,Feb. 13,2003 1 INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED services. Hutsinpiller reviewed how City staff can work with the County during the time a contract is in place. Following brief discussion among Councilmembers as to what is best for the community, Council agreed that the City should continue contract negotiations with Spokane County as presented this evening, and that the enhancement programs proposed should be developed as there is a need to provide activities for children and this is an opportunity to be visible as a new City. Consensus of the Council is to pursue the possibility of hiring a full-time director after review of financial impact by the Finance Committee. Spokane County Library District contract: Interim Manager Walton reviewed a memorandum that he prepared outlining alternatives that he feels Council should consider relating to library services, recommending that they enter into a contract as proposed until the City can come to a decision as to the best method for providing these services to the community. Michael Wirt, Director of Spokane County Library District said that the proposed contract for services is the same (with some variations) as contracts used by new cities Kenmore and Sammamish in King County. The proposed contract provides that the Library District complete a library capital facilities plan, in consultation with the City by March 31, 2004. This facilities planning is felt to be necessary to address the question of how to provide adequate facilities for the community due to growth that is not addressed in the existing plan. Interim Attorney Schwartz reviewed options open for the City to provide library services. Councilmembers concurred that contract negotiation continue as presented this evening with review of the contract by the City's attorney, stipulating that they would like to have Spokane Valley residents included as members of the Capital Facilities committee, and that the Library Board actively pursue appointing a Spokane Valley resident to the Board when a vacancy occurs. Personnel System: Interim Human Resources Manager Morrison has prepared a document outlining and detailing a City organization and staffing plan,personnel ordinance, employee benefit plans, and compensation plans. Morrison reviewed this document and specifically the start-up staffing plan, noting that there is a need for another engineering position specializing in traffic engineering. Morrison responded to questions of the Council. Councilmembers concurred that staff develop another engineering position for traffic engineering with input from the Interim Public Works Director. Admission Tax: Interim Manager Walton presented a draft ordinance imposing an admission tax noting that this tax is collected from facilities that can cause extra cost to cities. Interim Attorney Schwartz said that Spokane County had an admission tax until the 1970s when it was repealed, that a city can classify the type of business for collection, that the tax cannot be imposed on governments but can be collected from ticket sales. Following discussion of the desirability of having such a tax, the Council agreed that they do not wish to impose an admission tax at this time,but that Staff track costs to the City Council Study Session Notes,Feb. 13,2003 2 • INFORMATION ONLY—NO AC_ _N REQUIRED for one year, reporting back to the Council, from facilities on which this tax might be collected. Public Defender Services Interlocal Agreement: Interim Manager Walton presented a draft interlocal agreement covering public defender services provided by Spokane County. Interim Attorney Schwartz said that he has not had time to thoroughly review this contract. Council concurred that Staff should do further research and review on this contract to provide more information for negotiation with the County for these services. Prosecutor Services Interlocal Agreement: Councilmembers concurred that this agreement should be delayed until Staff has completed further research and review for negotiation with Spokane County. Jury Management Services: Councilmembers concurred that this agreement should be delayed until Staff has completed further research and review for negotiation with Spokane County. Mayor DeVleming closed the Study Session at 7:35 p.m. . // Interim City Clerk Ruth uller NOTE: It is our practice to provide Study Session Notes for information, but these are not included as action items on Council agendas. Council Study Session Notes,Feb. 13,2003 3