2003, 02-04 Study Session Minutes INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Notes February 4, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleming opened the Study Session at 6:05 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Rich Munson, Gary Schimmels and Steve Taylor. Staff present: Interim City Manager Lee Walton, Interim Deputy City Manager Stan McNutt, Interim Finance Director Robert Noack, Interim Public Works Director Dick Warren, Interim Community Development Director Jim Harris, Interim Building Official Bob Ely, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT): Interim Public Works Director Warren said that since Spokane Valley has an interstate highway and two major state roads within the City, staff is presently working on agreements with WSDOT to cover maintenance of the roads (SR290 and SR27) until the City has staff and equipment to service these facilities. Warren introduced Jerry Lenzi from WSDOT who recognized Mike Griffeth, Glen Wademan, and Al Gilson on his staff attending this evening to respond to questions Council may have. WSDOT officials provided a handout of the US395 North Spokane Corridor and summarized this project that was conceived in 1946, and has been in the planning stage for a number of years. WSDOT is preparing to submit requests for funding of the project in the near future. WSDOT officials responded to questions of Councilmembers and staff on the proposed project. Review Building codes and policies: Interim Building Official Ely provided draft documents relating to required building codes and procedures for operating a building department within Spokane Valley. Ely reviewed these documents noting additions, changes or deletions that he is proposing to the standard documents. Ely responded to questions of councilmembers on these documents and operation of a building department. Cable TV City/County Citizen Advisory Board: Mayor DeVleming said that Spokane County entered into a cable TV franchise agreement in the mid-1990's and Spokane Valley will soon be responsible for this franchise. The mayor introduced Laura DeVarney, Chair of the City/County Cable TV Advisory Board. Ms. DeVarney said that we are now coming into the renewal window, that the FCC encourages beginning the process three years prior to renewal to allow time for assessment and evaluation; there are 62,000 miles of cable within the County and approximately 35,000 miles within Spokane Valley; there have been some problems and fiber is very costly to upgrade; the cable company can be very difficult to deal with, but they are using the public right-of-way and the City should consider what it needs for allowing use of the public right-of-way; municipalities are only allowed to impose a 5% franchise fee for cable and the FCC does Council Study Session Notes,Feb.4,2003 INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED not allow tax for internet use. Responding to questions of the Council, Ms. DeVarney said that the City can issue a request for proposal for a consultant to do a section by section evaluation of performance in the City, that there are huge areas in Spokane Valley without cable service, and that some cities do operate their own cable systems. The Council concurred that the mayor should appoint an ad-hoc Cable TV Committee to address the renewal process for cable franchise; and that a letter be sent to City of Spokane and Spokane County requesting that the City/County Cable Advisory Board be expanded to include Spokane Valley representatives. Business registration: Interim Manager Walton suggests that the Council consider a business registration program, not a licensing and taxing program. Such a registration program will provide information to public safety agencies relating to businesses within the City, help to avoid problems with"non-conforming"business or building alterations that violate zoning or building code requirements since with registration the City can confirm that the business conforms to zoning and building regulations; allows the City to insure that all businesses in Spokane Valley are properly coding sales taxes collected to be credited to the City; and for public information for confirmation that a business exists. Councilmembers concurred that staff prepare a business registration ordinance, with the possibility that they will determine no registration fee be imposed for some period of time. Planning Commission: Interim Community Development Director Harris presented a proposed ordinance establishing a City Planning Commission. Harris said that this body can free up time for the Council by taking on the task of holding hearings on certain land use projects such as comprehensive plan and amendments, area wide zoning, annexation zoning, zoning code, subdivision code and other assigned code formulations and amendments. A Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Council who then has final action on any of these issues. Councilmembers concurred that they will consider approving a Planning Commission, but that there needs to be very careful attention paid to appointments made to this body. Police Cars and Special Staffing: Interim Manager Walton presented several colors that are available for the City's police cars and Council agreed that an ice blue is the preferred color. Cal Walker, from the Spokane County Sheriff Department, explained about a grant program that provides funding for additional road officers for three years with the City responsible for the full cost of these officers beginning with the fourth year. Council Chambers Project: The Council ad-hoc chambers remodel committee reported on selection of sound system/recorder/chairs/projector/wiring, etc. for an estimated cost of$16,500, with agreement on blue church chairs for seating in the chambers. After discussion as to the need for a portable sound system in addition to the permanent system, councilmembers agreed that staff needs to do more research as to cost for rental of a system before they can agree to a second system. Council Study Session Notes,Feb.4,2003 i r INFORMATION ONLY—NO A__ION REQUIRED City Hall Security System: Deputy Manager McNutt explained that for an estimated cost of nearly $3000 the existing security system in the City Hall leased space can be restored. Councilmembers concurred that such a system should be in place for City Hall. Mayor DeVleming closed the study session at 9:20 p.m. Q.:e'_701)(72 Interim City Clerk Ruth,Muller NOTE: It is our practice to provide Study Session Notes for information,but these are not included as action items on Council agendas. Council Study Session Notes,Feb.4,2003