2003, 01-27 Special Meeting Minutes INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED City of Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting Notes January 27, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleming opened the Special Meeting at 12:15 p.m. Spokane Valley and Spokane County officials introduced themselves. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Rich Munson, Gary Schimmels, and Steve Taylor. Staff present: Interim City Manager Lee Walton, Interim Deputy Manager Stan McNutt, Interim Attorney Stanley Schwartz, Interim Finance Director Robert Noack, Interim Community Development Director James Harris, Interim Parks and Recreation Coordinator Bill Hutsinpiller, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. County Commissioners present: Chair John Roskelly, and Commissioners Kate McCaslin and Phillip Harris. County Staff present: Jim Emacio, Deputy Civil Prosecutor, Marshall Farnell, Ross Kelly, Engineer, Doug Chase, Parks, Recreation& Golf, Gerry Gemmil, Assistant to Public Works Director, and Chief Executive Officer to Commissioners Francine Boxer. County Contracts Schedule: Interim Manager Walton provided copies of a list of contracts prepared by Jim Emacio and Marshall Farnell of Spokane County with target dates for delivery of drafts to Spokane Valley. Walton also provided copies of a contract schedule for Spokane Valley target dates for review and action prior to incorporation on March 31, 2003. Interim Attorney Schwartz questioned if snow removal and signal maintenance is included in the Road Maintenance/Operation contracts. Ross Kelley advised that these are included in draft documents. Spokane County is looking at the scope of services that will be included in the various contracts covering road maintenance. Interim Manager Walton said that it is possible Spokane Valley may wish to set aside a special "pot" for additional work that may be deemed necessary. It was noted that signals on state highways are the responsibility of Washington State Department of Transportation. Marshall Farnell advised that Historic Preservation is handled through the City of Spokane as the lead agency. Interim Manager Walton and Interim Community Development Director Harris indicated that it will be necessary to identify all projects that are in the pipeline before there can be discussions relating to Planning. Commissioner McCaslin said that the Board of Commissioners had discussed the need to have a "break"point, with negotiations on an Council Special Meeting Notes,Jan.27,2003 1 INFORMATION ONLY—NO Al. ION REQUIRED interlocal agreement for projects in the pipeline at a specific "date". There was some discussion on how to best handle these type projects, as well as land use issues that may be in litigation. Interim Attorney Schwartz and Deputy Prosecutor Emacio will work together to recommend a process for this work. Transfer of County-owned property within Spokane Valley: Spokane County Engineer Ross Kelley reviewed the various types of properties owned by Spokane County, briefly describing those that can be transferred, those that cannot be transferred, as well as properties that may have restrictions, and/or problems with tax titles or other cloudy issues. There was brief discussion of several particular properties and in response to a request for list of properties for potential transfer to Spokane Valley, Commissioner McCaslin said that a list of parks properties that will be transferred can be provided, however all others need further discussion. Spokane County Parks, Recreation & Golf Director Doug Chase reviewed the parks properties that are on the list for transfer to Spokane Valley, and responded to questions about various parcels. Future Joint Meeting Discussion Items: Commissioner McCaslin suggested that two important issues for citizens are the sewer treatment plant and animal control, both of which could be future discussion items. Interim Manager Walton advised that Spokane Valley does have presentations planned for animal control later in February. Walton said that Public Works Director Warren said has been working with County Staff to get information relating to the sewer treatment plant and he plans to brief the Council on this issue at a later date. County Deputy Prosecutor Emacio advised that he will work with the County lead on the GMA litigation issues, prepare a list of present and pending issues, with identification of the number that are in Spokane Valley. Interim Manager Walton suggested that the Spokane Valley Council be briefed on this issue first and then have this item for discussion at a future joint meeting. Next Joint Meeting Date: Councilmember and Commissioners agreed that the next meeting will be coordinated by Interim Manager Walton and Board of Commissioners Chief Executive Officer Boxer for sometime in late February. There being no further items for discussion, Mayor DeVleming closed the Special Meeting at 1:25 p.m. Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller NOTE: It is our practice to provide Special Session Notes for information, but these are not included as action items on Council agendas. Council Special Meeting Notes,Jan.27,2003 2