2003, 01-21 Study Session Minutes INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Notes January 21, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleming opened the Study Session at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Rich Munson, and Steve Taylor. Councilmembers excused: Councilmember Gary Schimmels Staff present: Interim Manager Lee Walton, Interim Deputy Manager Stan McNutt, Interim Public Works Director Dick Warren, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Mayor DeVleming welcomed Scout Troop No. 485 and senior patrol leader Jay Martin from the Opportunity and Greenacres area who are attending this meeting working toward their citizenship award. Presentation by Fire Department: Mayor DeVleming welcomed Commissioners from Fire District No. 1 Ron Schmidt, Joe Dawson, and Tom Gregory, and Fire Chief Mark Grover to the meeting. Chief Grover expressed appreciation for the opportunity to provide an overview of the operation of the department, proposed improvements requiring voter approval, and revenue information. Chief Grover and commissioners are requesting that the officials of Spokane Valley endorse the proposed two-year levy that is going before the voters this year. Adult Entertainment Regulations: Interim Manager Walton said that staff will be preparing an ordinance for Spokane Valley to adopt the County code on this issue, since the Spokane County regulations are very comprehensive and have been tested and upheld by the courts. Public Works Standards: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that it would take several months to develop the City's own road standards. Warren explained what is included in such standards and said that staff will prepare an ordinance for adoption of the County standards with a proviso to make minor changes. Stormwater Regulations: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that a storm water utility ordinance is being prepared for Spokane Valley so that the City can collect the dollars now collected by Spokane County. The current charge under the County utility is approximately $10.00 per household, and money collected will be put into a special fund for use by the City to provide storm water improvements. Joint County/City Meeting: Interim Manager Walton said that the January 27, 2003 Council and County Commissioners joint meeting agenda will provide for discussion of Council Study Session Notes,Jan.21,2003 1 INFORMATION ONLY—NO _JN REQUIRED contract negotiation scheduling and disposition of County-owned property that is within the boundaries of Spokane Valley. City Newsletter and Web Page: Interim Manager Walton provided information on several alternatives for providing a city newsletter to communicate with the citizens what is happening in City Hall. It is important that, if the Council wishes to publish a newsletter, we need to soon determine how the newsletter will be formatted, the distribution process, and quantities required. Also development of the City's own web page is an important tool for communicating with the citizens of the City. Mayor DeVleming said that he will make appointments for two ad-hoc committees for confirmation by the Council at the Jan. 28, 2003 Council meeting. Governance Committee: Interim City Manager McNutt said that the Committee is nearing completion of a draft manual and suggested a work session for full Council review. Consensus of the Council is to schedule a three-hour work session beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 6, 2003. Council goals and governance: Councilmembers agreed that they need to schedule a mini-retreat to complete the orientation on governance and to establish Council goals. This meeting will be scheduled based upon the availability of councilmembers. City Manager Reports: Interim Manager Walton reviewed some of the proposed changes to upcoming study and regular meeting agenda items. Walton provided information on costs for newspaper display ads thanking citizens for coming to our open house. Councilmembers agreed that the best way for thanking the community is a letter to the editor from the mayor. Council Chambers Design: Deputy Manager McNutt reviewed the proposed plan for remodel of the council chambers indicating that he needs input on the height of the dais and choices for some of the materials. Council agreed that the dais should be an 8-inch height. The mayor will appoint an ad-hoc committee at the Jan. 28, 2003 council meeting for consideration of materials and equipment,to report back to the full Council. City Hall Equipment: Deputy Manager McNutt reported that the new telephone system should be available within one week. All of the new equipment needs are being evaluated so that all systems are able to jointly work together. Interim City Clerk NOTE: It is our practice to provide Study Session Notes for information, but these are not included as action items on Council agendas. Council Study Session Notes,Jan.21,2003 2