14-186.00 CH2M Hill: Sullivan West Bridge Replacement ir w"DephAftwniedsmasofTransPartation Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address p p g CH2M HILL,INC. Number 12 999 W.Riverside Avenue, Suite 500 Spokane,WA 99201 Original Agreement Number Sullivan Road W Bridge Replacement#0155 _ Phone: (509)747-2000 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date BRM 4103(007) 11/8/2011 12/31/2016 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE $ 2,015,035.00 Description of Work Professional services to provide bridge and retaining wall structural and traffic signal and illuminaton-related construction management,office engineering,and construction inspection services. The Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley, Washington desires to supplement the agreement entered into with CH2M HILL,INC. and executed on 11/8/2011 and identified as Agreement No. 0155 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: See Fxhihit A-1 attached II Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: The Completion Date is hereby revised to 17/31/7016 III Section V, PAYMENT,shall be amended as follows: Supplement#17 anthori7es an additional 5377,505 The overall Total Amount Authorized is revised to S1,980,717 The overall Maximum Amount Payable is revised to S2,015‘015 as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By: Roar W Flint By: Mike Jackson 7-7 ..--.1-----C-- - / ku �`�Consultant_ Signature _aLi-c477,_ Approvi Authority Signature /PA-/' DOT Form 140-063 EF Date Revised 9/2005 OA)\L-1-k8( EXHIBIT A-1 Scope of Work for Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement - Supplemental Agreement No. 12 City of Spokane Valley, Washington FHWA Project No. BRM 4103(007) September, 2014 GENERAL This Supplemental Agreement No. 12 scope of work modifies the scope of CH2M HILL's professional engineering services and compensation for the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement project for the City of Spokane Valley(City). This work includes additional professional services to support the City with bridge and retaining wall structural, and traffic signal and illumination-related construction management,office engineering, and construction inspection services for the project. The City may make or approve changes within the general scope of this agreement. If such changes affect CH2M HILL's cost of, or time required for, performance of the services,an equitable adjustment will be made through a written supplement to the agreement. CH2M HILL will notify the City in writing of the occurrence of a change and an estimate of the cost impact. The City will provide written approval of change. A 10 percent contingency fund has been established for minor changes to the Scope of Work. Use of the contingency fund requires written authorization from the City. CH2M HILL will provide supplemental construction management services, office engineering services, and construction inspection services,as defined below. These services, specific to bridge and retaining wall structural,and traffic signal and illumination components, are intended to assist the City to administer the contract for construction, monitor the performance of the construction Contractor("Contractor"),verify that the Contractor's work is in general conformance with the construction Contract Documents, and assist the City in responding to events that occur during the construction. Assumptions 1. This scope of work is premised on a Notice to Proceed date of approximately September 2014 with a 22 month project duration for construction engineering support activities. Deviations from the anticipated construction activities, schedule, or duration of construction will materially affect the scope of these services and CH2M HILL's compensation for the services,and will require an adjustment to CH2M HILL's compensation. CH2M HILL will not perform services beyond the agreed to contract scope without written authorization from the City. 2. The City will be responsible for the construction management of the project and to provide staff to perform the day-to-day Construction Management, Office Engineering,and Construction Inspection. SPtUSRWBR SUPPL12 SDC 09102014 1 OF 6 188201.D1.BR EXHIBIT A-1 3. The level of effort required to provide the services described herein is highly dependent on the experience and capabilities of both the City field inspector and the low-bid construction contractor awarded the project. Consequently, CH2M HILL has limited control over the number and types of field inquiries received and the corresponding level of effort required to respond to those inquiries. Therefore,the level of effort for all tasks is limited to the amount of labor and expenses as indicated in the attached fee itemization. Additional services beyond these limits will be provided as extra work. 4. CH2M HILL's Personnel at Construction Site The presence or duties of CH2M HILL's personnel at a construction site,whether as onsite representatives or otherwise,do not make CH2M HILL or CH2M HILL's personnel in any way responsible for those duties that belong to the City and/or the construction contractors or other entities, and do not relieve the construction contractors or any other entity of their obligations, duties, and responsibilities, including, but not limited to,all construction methods, means, techniques,sequences,and procedures necessary for coordinating and completing all portions of the construction work in accordance with the construction Contract Documents and any health or safety precautions required by such construction work. CH2M HILL's personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions and have no duty for inspecting, noting, observing, correcting, or reporting on health or safety deficiencies of the construction contractor(s)or other entity or any other persons at the site except CH2M HILL's own personnel. The presence of CH2M HILL's personnel at a construction site is for the purpose of providing to the City a greater degree of confidence that the completed construction work will conform generally to the construction Contract Documents and that the integrity of the design concept as reflected in the construction Contract Documents has been implemented and preserved by the contractor(s). CH2M HILL neither guarantees the performance of the contractor(s) nor assumes responsibility for contractor's failure to perform work in accordance with the construction Contract Documents. For this agreement only, construction sites include places of manufacture for materials incorporated into the construction work. 5. CH2M HILL's services listed below will be provided in accordance with applicable guidelines from the current versions(as of execution of this supplement)of the WSDOT Construction Manual and the WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) Manual. 6. The City will contract separately with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)to perform testing, quality control, and inspection services required by the specifications for the manufacture of the precast concrete girders. 7. The City will contract with an independent firm to perform materials testing, sampling, and quality control services for the project. 8. The City will have responsibility to review the Contractor's traffic control plan submittals. Based on the above assumptions, CH2M HILL will perform the following services: SPK/'SRWBR SUPPL12 SDC 09102014 2 OF 6 428859.CN.05 EXHIBIT A-1 1.0 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES 1.1 Pre-Construction Conference CH2M HILL will attend one pre-construction conference with the Contractor to review the project communication, coordination and other procedures and discuss the Contractor's general work plan and requirements for the project. It is assumed that the pre-construction conference will be attended by CH2M HILL's project manager. 1.2 General CM Support CH2M HILL will provide supplemental services in coordinating the site activities, administering the contract for construction, monitoring the Contractor's performance, responding to design and technical submittals,and closing out the contract for construction. CH2M HILL's construction support responsibilities will include bridge and retaining wall structural,traffic signal, and illumination elements of the project only. Except as specifically noted below,the following subtasks pertain only to the bridge and retaining wall structural,traffic signal, and illumination elements of the project and include: 1.2.1 Field Instructions and Orders CH2M HILL will assist the City when requested to issue field instructions,orders or similar documents during construction as provided in the contract for construction within the budget available for this task. 1.2.2 Correspondence and Communications CH2M HILL will not be in direct communications with the Contractor. CH2M HILL will coordinate and respond directly to City requests to provide recommendations for written communications between the City and Contractor. 1.2.3 Minor Variations in the Work CH2M HILL may assist the City with recommendations to authorize minor variations in the work which do not involve an adjustment in the Contractor's contract price nor time for construction and are not inconsistent with the intent of the construction Contract Documents. 1.2.4 Environmental/Agency Permits CH2M HILL will assist the City with updating the formula for determining monetary mitigation for short and long-term project habitat impacts. CH2M HILL will provide up to 24 hours of Environmental Documentation j Permitting consultation assistance as requested by the City throughout the construction duration. 1.2.5 Coordinate/Review Changes The City will receive and review all proposed changes for the work. As requested by the City, CH2M HILL will assist the City with recommendations for City negotiations of the Contractor's change proposal, or with recommendations regarding the change's compliance with the design intent. The City will negotiate the requested changes and prepare change order documents. 1.2.6 Claims and Disputes As requested by the City, CH2M HILL will review select letters and notices and will advise the City regarding the Contractor's compliance with the contract requirements for claims and disputes. SPIUSRWBR SUPPL12 SDC 09102014 3 OF 6 428859.CN.05 EXHIBIT A-1 CH2M HILL will not issue decisions on Contractor claims or disputes. CH2M HILL will not, except as part of Additional Services, undertake comprehensive and detailed investigation or analysis of Contractor's claims and disputes, nor participate in judicial or alternative dispute resolution procedures for the claims or disputes. 1.3 Shaft Pre-Construction Conference CH2M HILL will attend a separate shaft pre-construction conference at the project site to discuss the proposed shaft construction procedures, personnel,equipment to be used, and other elements of the approved shaft installation plan in accordance with the specifications. CH2M HILL will take minutes and may otherwise record the results of this conference. It is assumed that the shaft pre-construction conference will be attended by CH2M HILL's project manager,senior bridge engineer, and geotechnical engineer. 1.4 Retaining Wall Pre-Construction Conference CH2M HILL will attend a separate pre-construction conference at the project site to discuss the proposed modular block wall design and construction procedures, personnel, equipment to be used, wall finish, and other elements of the approved wall design calculations and shop drawings in accordance with the specifications. It is assumed that the wall pre-construction conference will be attended by CH2M HILL's project manager(in person)and senior bridge engineer(via teleconference). 2.0 OFFICE ENGINEERING SUPPORT 2.1 Submittals CH2M HILL will review bridge/retaining wall structural, traffic signal, and illumination related shop drawings,samples, and submittals for conformance with the design concept and compliance with the requirements of the plans and specifications for construction. A list of anticipated submittals to be reviewed by CH2M HILL and an estimate of associated review hours is attached. The City will require the Contractor to submit these items as required by the construction contract,the LAG Manual and the Construction Manual. The City will log and track shop drawings, samples, and submittals.The City will distribute copies of bridge/retaining wall structural items to CH2M HILL and will copy and distribute submittals back to the Contractor after CH2M HILL's review. CH2M HILL will review submittals and return one marked-up copy with comments to the City for copying and distribution to the Contractor. Submittals will be transmitted electronically in Adobe Acrobat(.pdf)format. CH2M HILL will review bridge/retaining wall structural,traffic signal, and illumination related submittals provided by the Contractor and/or its subcontractors and material suppliers for general conformance with design concept and the information contained in the Contract Documents. This review shall not include review of the accuracy and completeness of details, such as quantities, dimensions, weights or gauges,fabrication processes, construction means and methods, coordination of the work with other trades or construction safety precautions, all of which are the sole responsibility of the Contractor. CH2M HILL's review and approval or acceptance of the submittal shall not relieve the Contractor of its duties under the Contract Documents. SPK/SRWBR SUPPL12 SDC 09102014 4 OF 6 428859.CN.05 EXHIBIT A-1 2.2 Requests for Information At the City's request,CH2M HILL will review the Contractor's bridge/retaining wall structural,traffic signal,and illumination related requests for information (RFI)or clarification of the plans and specifications for construction. CH2M HILL will coordinate such review with the design team and with the City as appropriate. The City will coordinate and issue responses to the RFIs and will log and track the Contractor's RFIs. CH2M HILL will assist the City in reviewing and responding to the Contractor's requests for substitution of materials and equipment. At the City's request,CH2M HILL will review and advise the City as to the acceptability of such substitutions. 3.0 CH2M HILL SUPPLEMENTAL INSPECTION 3.1 Periodic Site Visits CH2M HILL will perform up to ten (10)one-day site visits to the project site to observe the work and confirm that the work is in general conformance to the plans and specifications. CH2M HILL will coordinate with the City's inspector regarding any issues that need to be discussed or addressed. CH2M HILL will not provide direction or recommendations directly to the Contractor. CH2M HILL will provide field observation notes to document the site visit. 3.2 Material Testing and Special Inspection At the City's request,CH2M HILL will review the bridge/retaining wall structural reports and other information prepared by the material testing firm contracted independently with the City.The City's onsite inspector will coordinate the testing firms' schedules,transmittal of reports,findings or other information to the Contractor and CH2M HILL. 3.3 Technical Field Inspection—Foundation and Structures CH2M HILL will provide technical specialists to provide inspection of the contractor's work specifically related to the bridge foundation, bridge structure,and retaining walls for this project. The scope and budget assumes the following: • Up to twelve(12)days of structural engineering field support. • Up to 18 days of geotechnical field support to observe the six(6) 9-foot diameter drilled shafts(3 days per shaft). • Up to 16 days of geotechnical field support to observe the eight (8) 5-foot diameter drilled shafts (1-1/2 days per shaft). CH2M HILL will coordinate with the City's inspector regarding any issues that need to be discussed or addressed,and CH2M HILL will not provide direction or recommendations directly to the Contractor. CH2M HILL will provide field observation notes. 4.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT & COORDINATION CH2M HILL will provide project management and coordination with the City.A total time of 22 months is assumed to be the duration for this work. Project management services include: • Staff management SPK/SRWBR SUPPL12 SDC 09102014 5 OF 6 428859.CN.05 EXHIBIT A-1 • Management of budget and schedule • Monthly progress reports and invoices(The progress report/invoice will identify the work performed for that period, major decisions, schedule,and budget status. • Routine communication and coordination with the City. 5.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES The following services will be provided by CH2M HILL upon written authorization of the City and agreement on compensation to CH2M HILL. A supplement to the contract will serve as written authorization. • Services necessary due to the default of the Contractor. • Services related to damages caused byfire,flood, earthquake or other acts of God. g q • Services related to warranty claims,enforcement and inspection. • Services related to onsite cultural resources monitoring during ground disturbing activities. • Preparation for and serving as a witness in connection with any public or private hearing or other forum related to the project. • Services to support, prepare, document, bring,defend, or assist in litigation undertaken or defended by the City. • Perform miscellaneous and supplemental services related to the project as requested by the City. SPKISRWBR SUPPL12 SDC 09102014 6 OF 6 428859.CN.05 DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The six page(s) entitled “Exhibit E-1” contain(s) confidential cost and rate data and is(are) withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(E). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. -o m .c..: L• L- L L--• L_ c. c_ c_. L_ ..._ .... L-.. '-• 5- 5- " L L.- L L.. L-. L. L- L. L .-- 1... .... L.- (1) .(DZ. 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