2003, 01-09 Study Session Minutes INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Notes January 9, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleming opened the Study Session at 6:00 p.m. and advised that the City is trying out a new informal format for these sessions. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Rich Munson, Gary Schimmels and Steve Taylor. Staff present: Interim Manager Lee Walton, Deputy Manager Stan McNutt, Interim City Attorney Stanley Schwartz, Interim Community Development Director Jim Harris, Interim Public Works Director Dick Warren, Interim Finance Director Bob Noack, Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Bill Hutsinpiller, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Incorporation celebration: Mayor DeVleming introduced Eldonna Gossett, President of the Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce, and Bill Burke, Burke Marketing & Promotions. Ms. Gossett provided a letter to the mayor noting that the Chamber has reviewed the proposal submitted by Burke Marketing/Promotions for an incorporation celebration. The Chamber believes the proposal has merit, supports the proposal and as an organization will be prepared to assist where appropriate. Burke provided copies of his proposal for the City's incorporation celebration reviewing his suggested activities covering several days leading up to the March 31, 2003 incorporation ceremony. Burke anticipates providing activities that can be enjoyed by citizens of all ages and interests, and to include the several communities that make up Spokane Valley. He is seeking sponsorship and support from other organizations, anticipates that his proposal can be implemented for approximately $30,000, and the City may be requested for some staff support, and possible monetary support for City specific items. There was discussion of potential liability for Spokane Valley, need to get proper clearance through the City's insurer, need for an advisory committee, and schedule of activities proposed relating to dollars provided by various organizations. By consensus, Councilmembers agreed that they will support this celebration proposal submitted by Burke Marketing/Promotions. Intermediate goals for provision of public services: Interim Manager Walton provided a memo to Council discussing various services and potential methods for the City to provide such services. Walton suggests that the Council consider initially contracting for the services of law enforcement, road maintenance, municipal court,jail, prosecution, public defender, and library, monitoring these contracts to determine if this method is the Council Study Session Notes,Jan.9,2003 INFORMATION ONLY—NO ACTION REQUIRED most practical, efficient and appropriate means for providing the service to the citizens. A second group of services could be provided by contract initially with the understanding that the City will seriously consider providing these in-house or by private contract at an early date include animal control, recreation, and parks. Lastly, it is suggested that Council consider providing the services of planning/community development, building inspection, and project engineering in-house as this method is likely to be less expensive and allows the City to have direct contact with the citizens of the community. Mayor DeVleming suggested that these services be considered in the groupings as presented by the Interim Manager. Councilmembers discussed the need to look at alternatives for library services after the first year and to evaluate what services are being provided to Spokane Valley for the $0.50 per $1000 levy that will be available to the Library District. Councilmembers noted the need to evaluate County overhead costs relating to law enforcement services and policy issues for Spokane Valley. Consensus of the Councilmembers is that staff is to proceed with negotiation of contracts with Spokane County for the services of law enforcement, road maintenance including storm water management, municipal court,jail, prosecutor, and public defender and with the Library District for library service. Councilmembers discussed the second grouping of services and length of time for these initial contracts, how other cities of this size provide these services, and the possibility that private contracts may be used. Consensus of the Councilmembers is that staff is to proceed with negotiation of short-term contracts with Spokane County for the services of animal control, recreation, and parks operation and maintenance. Interim Manager Walton said that he proposes providing planning/community development, building inspection, and project engineering services in-house is because these services represent the "face and character" of the City and (other than police) have the most direct contact with citizens and impact their lives. Interim Planning Director Harris provided a timeline for addressing various activities necessary for providing these services in-house. Interim Public Works Director Warren reviewed staffing necessary for providing these services in-house, and reviewed public works contracts and projects that need to be addressed. Councilmembers agreed that providing these services was a primary reason for the vote to incorporate, and questioned several issues that will need to be further studied by staff and Council. Consensus of the Councilmembers is to proceed with necessary actions to provide these services in-house. Staffing to Meet Intermediate Goals: Greg Prothman presented an amended staffing proposal with suggested positions necessary for providing the in-house services. Council concurred that this proposal be included as an agenda item for the January 14, 2003 regular meeting. Mayor DeVleming recessed the study session at 7:30 p.m. for approximately ten minutes. The study session continued at 7:40 p.m. Council Study Session Notes,Jan.9,2003 • INFORMATION ONLY—NO, _.ION REQUIRED Space and logistic requirements to meet intermediate goals: Deputy Manager McNutt provided a drawing showing utilization of the office space in the Redwood Plaza building for projected staff/work stations to provide in-house services, and for council chambers expansion. There was discussion of requirements for council chambers, parking for City vehicles, and possible additional space. Consensus of the Council is for staff to continue negotiation with Web Properties for space and improvements as proposed. Contract negotiation schedule: Interim Manager Walton said that he is working with Spokane County staff for developing a schedule for contract negotiations, and this will be an item for discussion with the County Commissioners at our next joint meeting, possibly on Jan. 27, 2003. Governance Committee: Mayor DeVleming said that the Committee is developing a procedures manual planned to be ready for full Council consideration in late January or early February. We are presently trying out a few of the suggestions that will be proposed and he requests feedback from the Council and staff on these. Some of the items being considered are agenda review,public comments, committee structure, and others. Internship program: Interim Manager Walton said that an intern program can be beneficial to a City in a number of ways. There can be some provision in the budget for use of interns, and staff can work with the local schools to provide students for this purpose. There being no further items for discussion, Mayor DeVleming closed the Study Session at 8:40 p.m. j C---"-)114f/f_LA...------- Interim City Clerk NOTE: It is our practice to provide Study Session Notes for information,but these are not included as action items on Council agendas. Council Study Session Notes,Jan.9,2003