04-056.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlacef~ °r' v---- Madsen Mitchell Evenson &Gonrad Puy Architecture Interiors ConSCPUCtiOR Management CHF~1vGE Distribution t~: 01tDFR OWNER City of Spokane Valley ARCHITL'CT Madsen Mitchell Evenson & Conrad CONTRACTOR Mooney ~ Pugh Contractors 02.20-01 PROJECT: Ccnterplace at Mirabeau Pain[ Park PROJLC"1' NO. 02.20 INI`['IATION DATE: 12-13-2004 "l'O (Contractor): Jerry Potter Mooney & Pugh Contractors General Contractors 5307 E. Cataldo Spokane, WA 99212 Change C,-rdcr No.: 10 CO;J7'RAC1' DATE: 04-01-03 Yc~u are directed to incorporate the following changes into this Contract: See r~ltachn+e+tt jor complete !l cling of cfranges to 11.e wo+-k inclrrcled in rlrrs C'hang~ Order. Not ~~alid until sigttai by both tJte Ownsr 9nd Architect Signature of the Goattrartor indicates his agreetnent herctiviih, including any adjustments in the Canttact Sum ~r Comract tune. \ote: all costs below include sales h1z. Tlic Original Contract Sum was: $7,590,OC2.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders: $449,901.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was: $&:039,963.00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this change order in the amount of: $186;993.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be: $8,226;956.00 The Contact Time will be unchanged. l'he Date of Substantial Completion as of the dace of [his Change Order therefore is unchanged. 216 North Hgward ~kywalk level Authorized: Spokane, I~hshin;tun 99201 lty of Spoka e VaHe.y Mooney R ugh Contractors 509•h?4.6500 Y- R}' !ax 509-6?4.6262 f~ ~ /~IQL~ bate ~~~ ~ti '~'~ Dote O'er mndmitch.cam t Madsen Mitchell Evenson fi Conrad; PLLC ~ 216 N. Howard, Skywalk Level 4933: Siilxk RcKtd E:~;t S~p/o~S,a~ne: VVA 99201 ~~,/~ 1'.C}. ~rx IS"2 fay ~`~f'~'~ Date ~(' ~I_ Ed+sall, Nashington 99{}x9 599.136.1311 fax St~l•236-243! rnadmitch.com ~~T r ~ I ~---- Madsen Mitchell Evenson &Gonrad plk Architecture Interiors CUnsCfUCC10n A4anagement CHANGE ORDER 02.20-01 Attachment PROJECT: Centerplace at Niirabeau Point Part: 1N1T1ATlON DATE: I I-13-2004 You are directed to incorporate thc. followinS changes into this Contract: Change Proposal Request Re.ms: 1. COR-63 additional cost for Multi-~~edia Package 2. COR-~i4 Additional cost for Security and Access Package Add $159,561.00 Add $27,x32.00 Total for Change Order No. 10(includes Wa. State sales tax) ($186;993.00) 2lb t`h:~rrh Howard Skpwalk Lcael Spokane, wash iargron 9920! 509.614-6500 fax 549.624.6162 madmirch.com ^ 49!32 Sol~k Read East P.O. Box 152 [dwall, lLraahin;wn 99oos 509-136-2311 fax 509.?36~2451 madmitch.com