1990, 03-02 Stop Work OrderINVESTIGATION WORKSHEET Datefl/7)c)JD q Parcel No . 647 0) Address FILE Occupant 4__)0a Address Nature of Investigation Phone Descri be Building 0 Fire fJ Code Compliance Status Resol ved/Date Prosecutor/Date Comments Dead/Date 3 ;0512) /. T5 -e 1-- ( (t --O `5 TO TO (5(C)P'..,) rt. k -c v.) Re5c.. --.s 1 t,..c, (...44-cioi1/4. Al ....... _ .. . Investigator: Recheck Date jcj S P O K A N f .� sx�.t;=: C O U N T Y DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY • A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR DENNIS M. SCOTT, DIRECTOR March 2, 1990 WRS AND ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 14084 Spokane, Washington 99214 Attn: Bill Smith Stop Work Order - South 2411 Early Dawn Lane Parcel Number 26543-0202 Dear Mr. Smith: As you are aware, on March 2, 1990 a stop work order was placed on the project located at the above referenced address, because the appropriate building permit has not been issued for the residence. County codes require a stop work order be issued when work has started without a permit. The codes further specify that the work shall not recommence until authorized by this department. Also, and in addition to any other permit fees associated with this project, the law requires that we assess an investigation fee equal to the amount of the building permit. This additional fee is intended to offset those additional costs associated with the issuance of a permit out of sequence with the county's day-to-day permit activities, and any investigative work which might be involved with its issuance. It is further intended to encourage those contemplating construction to obtain the necessary permits in advance. Please contact this office as soon as possible so that we may help you get back on track with your project. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Sincerely yours, e eyFci Senior Building Technician JEF:ts WEST 1303 BROADWAY • SPOKANE,WASHINGTON 99260-0050 • (509) 456-3675 FAX (509) 456-4703 (0S