1992, 06-29 Permit: 92004734 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARRiMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issua ce of this permit/application a any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the ;Q'sionsofan . a : or local law r ulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. _ SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION � Z1 --Q OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROJECT NUMBER= 92004734 ISSUED PERMIT DATE= 06/29/92 PAGE= 01 ***#*3>:3i•* **)i*#3i•******3E3k3i:3t•3t3r I::'ERm:ET INFORMATION *343k3Eie3*3 *3i:3i3i• •**3i•3r•#3i*3t3i•**3E3i*3r3i• si:T•E:: STREET: 15322 EE: 22ND AVE PARCE::I...:== 45264.1220 ADDRESS= VERADALE WA 99037 PERMIT USE= RESIDENCE '-' NATURAL... GAS PLATO= 005092 PLAT NAME= AUTUMN CREST 2ND ADD BLOCK= i I...(:O_L. ZONE= UR -3,5 DISTO= : AREA== r A== r WIDTH= 80 DEPTH= 130 R W= 50 4 OF I:LT)E:;S-- 4 DWELLINGS= •i WATER DIST = VERA OWNER= LAN.DRETH CONSTRUCTION PHONE== 509 535 7778 STREET= 3i24 E REGAL ST 41O ADDRESS- SPOKANE WA 99223 LENDER NAME= WASHINGTON MUTUAL... PHONE NUMBER== STREET= 818 W RIVERSIDE AVE 42O0 ADDRESS SPOKANE WA 9920.4 CONTACT NAME= LANDRETH CONST _'• RON SOSS PHONE NUMBER= 509 535 7778 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 30 LEFT= 25 RIGHT== 14 REAR= 45 it• 3{• 3i• 3{• 3i 3i 3t• * •1{• 3k 3i• 3i 3* 3k 34 3i Pi 3E 3i• 3i• •H # 3k 3c 3i k ii• 3k 3{• 3i 3i• BUILDING PERMIT •:*3iiiii•*: iiaia;3e*3i3i3>:3t•:R3i3*n3(•3i•3•••r:•a**N:3c• CONTRACTOR= LANDRETH CONSTRUCTION INC PHONE= 509 535 7778 STREET= 31 24 S RE:.itAE.. ST 0100 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99223 NEW= X REMODEL= ADDITION= CHANGE OF USE DWELL UNITE= i OCCUP . E_D::= BLDG HGT=:: STORIES= BLDG W X I) = X SCh FT= 269.4 SPRINKLER= N REQ PARKING=- OHANDICAP= CRITICAL MAT== N DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE:: Sia' FT ----- BASEMENT u R-•'3 VN 13.7 GARAGE M --i VN 453 RESIDENCE R--3 VN .1347 :STEM DESCRIPTION VALUATION 14817 .00 3624.00 70738.:00 QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT RESIDE.NTIAE.. VALUATION 603.50 STATE SURCHARGE `{' 4.50 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE:. i 108.63 ii 3+: is * 3i 3i• 3F • 3i 3e 3i 3k ii 3E 3k * 3i 3{• 3i• 3E 3{ ii a * ii ii 3E 3e * MEC:HANICAL... PERMIT CONTRACTOR- BARTON HEATING & A/C INC STREET= 11816 i- MANSFIELD AVE:. '°n:007. ADDRESS= SPOKANE. WA 99206 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE. AMOUNT GAS WATER HEATER i 10.00 GAS L'nG E( i.ii:L='(•i00 � 00).BTU i 12F0 GAS I::'I.E'i.NG 1 7,00 GA • I...OG 1 -10,00 )t 3t• 3* 3{ 3E 3e 3i• 3E 3* 3i• * 3i 3* 31• h: * 3i 3i 3i 3 b: 3* 3* k 3b :u• PHONE= 509 922 5000 *3i3t•3L*3k3i3t•#3k**3iaii*311•ii3c*3i***3i*3i3iie PLUMBING PERMIT 3e 3i it• 3i * * ii• 3i• 3E 3E . •it• 3i 3i 3i .* 3t• 3i• 3i k• 3{• a * 3 . it• •. 3i n:.k * CONTRACTOR= GOLD SEAL MECHANICAL_. INC PHONE= 509 535 594 4 STREET= 5524 E:: I:+OONE:: AVE. ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99212 :E:TEEi DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT TOILETS,-)si :00 SINKS 3 18.00 SHOWERS ri 6.00 BATH TUBS 2 12.00 SINKS i .^'. . 0 0 KITCHEN is N DISH WASHERS .l.:^„ CLOTHES WASHER 1 .'',.00 FLOOR DRAINS 1 00 SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, oras a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROJECT NUMBER= 92004734 ISSUED PERMIT DATE-- 06/29/92 PAGE= 02 *********3***3 * ********* ***** PAYMENT SUMMARY ***a*****a *x*n***;:x***Axr **x PAYMENT DATE 06/29/92 TOTAL_ DUE= PERMIT .TYPE BUILDING PERMIT MECHANICAL PRMT PLUMBING PERMIT PROCESSED PRINTED BY: BY: RECE1PTro: 4967 .00 TOTAL PAID= FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAII? WENDEL, GLORIA WENDEL.. , GLORIA 716,63 35.00 72.00 823,63 ------------ 7i6.6w 5.. 00 72.00 823.63 PAYMENT AMOUNT 823.63 823.63 AMOUNT OWING ------------- .00 .00 .00 .00 •;:*****************3* ********3* THANK YOU i{•** ** *****ii i**** ****•* nhh.••x•*h. CURS zz 14 V . 208 POND (see 8.4GK 3' CURB DROP _A 0 T • TEMP. E4SEMEWT �--- DRA/NAGE £IT/L/iV EASE'ti1CNT �---- 8u/L O! /yer SEr8.4GK 0 SCALE: 111.' 20' TcM/PORAf?Y 5WALE M/// SLOPE / % • 86 .00,k. 3S, LOT 2 BLOCK AUTUMN CREST SECOND ADD 5 'A 25./ff/,....! FZe-rEc earro, JJ i fl I 2 5. 22. fra /4-0-7CeE)No/r, f.,c0,,,0/2.'5 • (C, I 11 \ 1 1:4' I n DR0/,' /.0_ET 5SE DTA,. PLAN - TYPICAL SWALE DETAIL. 4;T5. 7.0' EA. 0 • _1_05 • /3' ORA N, -/A DE EASEMENT 'SWALE SECTION A A $... o 1 , k k I Ex/.57: CROcm0 2 I 4 ____ _ ____ ...._— /0 ORA/NAGE EASEMENT r TEMPORARY DRAINAGE SWALE SECTION z`D- r 5.