1991, 09-10 Permit: 91005612 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY DEPS LRTMEN,T OF E UILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF M���tr f) APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE ISSUED PERMIT DATE= 09/10/91 PAGE= 01 ,:.if..jj. * j.: i.: i.::l::{,:: j.::.jj.:?j.:aj.:{ :.jj. * i f.: i.: j * 'j..ij.: i::,::,:.ij. m i :?,::,j.:lf.:,j.: f..ji..jl::U..j,::,:j.: j.: !::aj.: '. * i1. :;j. ,n: * .:...:. r. t. !.:... t. n .......t ....:. !. t...'t... !. t. t.:. i.: i::....::. i +. I'�ti" t.t::: i"t•i i• _; i'ii`�i ......:. !......... t. .. !. r.:. r .:.:....... .............. SITE 037 PERMIT USE= #'it".':#i r{..Nv,,# .. .... NATURAL (..j ii ia,i #.:i {.:{ ,.'_, )24 PLAT NAMF- 4 OF BL 4 DWELLING_ NAMF- KA PARCELO=26541-0102 RA PHONE- 509 535 77–M I..If"i 130 LEFT= i7 RIGHT- 1- - i'•d . # r`I #; i E::. #' PEAR- !j"jf !i :�t.:: l: •r; .,r . t:.,:.!!:. t .!:.! ..pi : i i„i :t,..t,. .?,..jt' t,: t'::,::':: k .`tr rr in: ;j• 4 {i , i 1 + { !: 1 N I • p +:: #•,: r:' .... 3 r ! 1 ! f S r ... 1 r- r )• ! t .'.' ..! l ..... ... .......t .. i DESCRIPTION ITEM DESCRIPTION ......... ......................... GROUP INC a.::.. { try+– ... 5o9 535 - 2R12 TYPE VN VN VN SQ FT 1406 Ai– . 1406 QUANTITY rHANGF VALUATION AmuUNT ........................................ :a'. s:..ij.::.:,:.: f.: :t:.: f.: ;.:?f.:a:. a:..jf.: f.:.j.:,f.:,'.:{j. 7j.:{ f.:,j.: * * :,j.:lj.:;.:lf. : j.: ¢ :.:.:.'.:y.: j.: j.: f.: f.:.:u. * : j.:.1.:,f.:aj.:a{.:,:.:a :?:.:.).:.!....!.7...:..•...!.:. .. .!.. .. .... !... 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ITEM DESCRIPTION PER QUANTITY PHONE- 509 326 4231 FEE AMOUNT 00 SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 1 certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROjECT NUMBER= 91005612 t , i s i. PERMIT DATE= 09/10/91 E.:: ************************,k****** : t:: i..ii.:i.: ::a.: i.: t: s * * : i. at::,i. * si.:,i.:y.:tt: ;i. ai.:: ::i.:. t'f.:i ;�`; (::. 4'.j ! .::. !„t'; :'!�•'t ';' `. 1. 1...:. R•'A... }. 1..{•.. ,. 1. 09/10/91 TOTAL DUE= TOTAL PAID= PERMIT :..... FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID i } C:i;``i; ;('T*7 OWING 1 00 BY: p l i i i ' f• :;' I. i *,g,**************************** ri..ji.'•i' i. _ *********************,y : t:.:1;.:tF..jt:::t::,;.:yj.:!.:.;t::; i. .. !'i ;.:�•-i:/, �'(• 1-t f,.! i . .. .. .... :. .. ........ SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROjECT NUMBER- 91005612 ISSUED PERMIT i 1 (.:3 ? ?'- = e9/10/91 RAGE= 07 ::. '.:,::,'.: :: i.:,::,:: i.::.i::,:: i.::::::,i.:::,:.i: ** '. ' : !::I(. ii: il:: :1(.: i.:ei..ji..jl::1':::: j.:11:: j.: j.:11::e,:.'x '.:+:. dj. i !..+.:+.:1. A 1•.:+.:3. !-. !+.:+.:+. !•. P.:+.:•. '+..+.:+. n. !! p.:+1: '}k �i+::+=::+::u: ;•- t d i" _.` i ; �'f .i. i =1;• ..... �'I �••. 1. +..... }...:... t'-:.. 7......... A. !... }. 7 ......................... PARCELO— 26'511-0i02 PERMIT USE- RESIDENCE — NATURAL GAS NEW= X REMODEL= ADDITION= CHANGE OF USE— RES/COM- R DESCRIPTION i!? ? ENCE ! 1 GROUP EQ FT .. ... 5:. -i.:::.ii.::.i:: •.: •.: •.:::.'. ' :,j.:lj.:1}.:11 :1 .:l:.: j.: .ij.: i.:,:.:, ::1 .:1:.:li.:1 .:,'.:1 .:1.. .. !•..... }t .•. J.:+. R !i }+. ?+. ,1..,,:.+,:.�;.:+>. .j. ?.. ?•.d t.. 1.i !,.� �'i� :.:) ; j h. I_: � I ?•• li;t . 1. !. . 1. : COMMENTS : .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .' .. ..:'.:i : •.:,:.i::,•.:,'.:,:.i::,:: •. \•..i•.:,•. :,i. 11:-1l::lF•:Ii::11::11::11::ij.:,:.:ei. :,j. :lj. :Ij. :1e: :�j. :31: :1i. 9;. 4+: '!!: i1: '!+::'k g!: •!!::f• :R •�:.+. !; P..1.:; .! a a 1 :r. !4 :+.:+.:+.:-.:1t ._1; 'Yi .p; .j;..j+i :+i •1+r '+i '1:i dei 3ei :1i �!+i :+i •j4 �!+i •j+r 'Pi 'a: 'Pi :"i .j(.:};..1(..jt .il;• .i;r '1e; ?ei ....................:............ . AUTHuPILED * }+. P P. P. !+. !..:e.:+. d. d.:+. H f+. 'Ni '1'-i 'Pi •Ai 9+i i++i .n; .j+..j,..j1. THANK you ::; * j:; .j,..j(. .j!• •j>i i+er +i •Pi 'Pi Pi ini =a; ie; i:; s;: y::.}e..1;..1,:.1:. .j1.:!1, i:; :,.: k :1:. 3 r T — room moo& mio mono Basement 1 RADON VENT Wm moo moo am mom. mob THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED c --k- • krsDo J sysK-vt BY 4.46 ON (o -U LANDRETH CONST. 401 — garage Cnindier engineering E. 8620 44th Spokane, Wa. 99206 Phone 509 926 6217 Fax 509 928 8689 Legend For Radon mitigation system ----perforated pipe beneath slab 0 solid 4 ABS stack vent pipe RADON SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ATT_ (1(- scrz RADON MITIGATION SYSTEM This radon mitigation system is designed only for the specific Job site address designated. The sys ter is not guaranteed unless installed by Cavalier Corporation ,lob site cddress E. 15402 22nd County Warr e J dd Environmental Pr o tec ti nihire s4:RCP *10041 IuJu1ier ettgitteertUg radon services V! • .,,..• to E. 8620 44th * Spokane, WA 99206-922/+ Phone (509) 926-6217 FAX (509) 928-8689 RADON SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS, SPOKANE COUNTY: 1. Perforated pipe shall be installed within the native soil or'flll (sand, gravel or soil) at a minimum depth of 1" below the intended slab. 2. The pipe shall be a minimum diameter of 4". meet AASHTO M252, have perforations no wider than 1/16" and have a minimum of 2.5 square inches of total perforations per linear foot of pipe. 3. There shall be a minimum of 10 linear feet of perforated pipe per hundred square feet of slab floor space. 4. The pipe shall be laid in a continuous loop, connected at both ends to the solid stack vent pipe. 5. Any slab area, which is larger than 10 square feet, which is isolated from other slab areas by footings or other barriers, shall have a perforated pipe installed to the above specifications. (The pipe can be a single length rather than a connected loop if the area is too small or narrow to accomodate a connected loop.) 6. A stack vent of ABS, schedule 40, minimum size 4". shall be connected to the sub -slab piping and proceed upwards to an exit location on the roof, and extending 14" above the roof. The pipe shall be labeled "radon vent" every 16" or less for its full length. The pipe's Attic location shall allow a minimum of 4' of head room. When- ever possible this exit location shall he on the backside of the roof. 7. Any elbows in the stack vent piping shall have a centerline radius minimum of 1.5 by pipe width. 8. An inline centrifugal fan, minimum 114 cfm (a 3/8" W.C., UL listed, manufactured specifically for radon mitigation, maximum sone level 2.8, shall be installed in the exhaust line, in the attic. 9. Couplings to connect the vent piping to the fan shall he elastomeric PVC, Fernco series 1056 or equal. 10. The fan shall be hard -wired and the breaker labeled "radon fan". 11. All penetrations and joints in the concrete floor slab below grade shall be sealed with caulk or grout. 12. A notice shall be permanently attached to the electrical panel advising the owner or occupant about the radon system and that he/she shall test the home for radon annually. The notice shall include Cavalier's name and phone number. 13. All craftsmanship shall be of high quality. - �1 '3 3c Pcucci,t mli C 5T 1 4 . 1 . 114,