1982, 03-30 Permit: 82A-2214 InspectINSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR TYPE OF WORK �r NSE W FINAL INSPECTION: '3 SET BACKS DATE 3.3) REMARKS: APPLICATION/PERMIT SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTH SI I JESPEPSON / SPOKANE, WASHINGTON SUMO / •60.38 APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES — PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES SS 1 N. 102E Clinton Lu. 1 elula 2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION —SEE ATTACHED SUSIDIVIISION ONNER Edw ss3goker ADOPNorth 102 Clinton 926-5923 99216 PARCEL NUMBER/5 CONT SNRMC HEATING, INC. l Ina Indiene oHoNE 325-4505 Hort.SI al /atom in j zo•. CI...uH. lio . n 6K207 DESIGNER 5. ADDRESS 6. CHANGE DFUSE .RDN 100 PHONE o- ^a..I uua.0. DaM. ONo .0 Et.- Hui LIP .DVORA D.Lo. 0..05. MECO.. D...H. 0 OTHER Stain FIoo, I UaN...Ia.. D...w Area In Stora. , �.:,a _ p .m D t ..Hm.nt No afEE TEMPTION �Al heat rump system DESSAIAE 'PORN Location IArNO VALUATION wove UTIISTIES no. Rooms CoSlav ELECTRIC WATER SEWER Ownofsnio 00000 O a.N... 0 USE CODE hemp, certify that I have read and examined this application and have read the 'NOTICE" provisions included OP Meer. side. end know the um. to be tnre and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this of work will be candied with whetter specified herein or not The grantin of a parmil does not presume ro 5i0e euthoriry to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law reculatin9 construction or the yerlormence of conslmction.SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REQUIRED INSPECTION` 3/22/82 SIGNATURE OF APPLICAN L'rl kOYi`DN/ DATE OF APPLICATION SPECIAL CONDITIONS: FEES COLLECTED 5o1. S Building Plumbing 4.50 10.00 Pan quick SENA Motels Home 00n.. (Specify) 1 TOTAL $ 14.00 PERMIT NUMBERZ14- 610396 04• •1400 •1800 5 • 1400E A •000 0 221.343-26-82 4 6479 WHEN MACHINE VALIDATED IN THIS SPACE. ,25))