2007, 03-09 Permit App: 07000678 ResidenceProject Number: , 07000678 Inv: 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 3/9/2007 Page 1 of 3 Project Information: Permit Use: SFR W/ATT GAR Contact: LINDSAY CONSTRUCTION Address: PO BOX 30792 C - S - Z: SPOKANE WA 99223 Setbacks: Front 20 Left: 6 Right: 12 Rear: 23 Phone: (509) 879-3420 Group Name: Project Name: Site Information: tgy, A.fraginedzAlierry•PilArleOlikY,1,71ertVgfttel,\TV+,,H,,InfaiNrit,VV,...L.1;;A#40"1/PeSV,',S47,,,,,, 0,Mv.:4V„vt.1147,r,,,y, t Plat Key: Name: Range District: Sout Parcel Number: 35233.1526 Block: Lot: SiteAddress: 1421 S CHRONICLE RD Location:: CSV Zoning: UR -3.5 Urban Residential 3.5 Water District: 999 UNKNOWN Area: 6,912 Sq Ft Width: 0 Nbr of Bldgs: 0 Nbr of Dwellings: 0 Review Information: Owner: Name: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION Address: PO BOX 30792 SPOKANE, WA 99223 Hold: 0 Depth: 0 Right Of Way (ft): 0 Review Building Plan Review Originally Released: Driveway/Approach Released By: 3/9/2007 By: TMELBOU Released By: Originally Released: 3/7/2007 By: j_davis Landuse/Zoning/HE Conditions Released By: Originally Released: 3/7/2007 By: kkendall Sewer Review Released By: Operator: JD Printed By: JD Print Date: 3/9/2007 Project Number: , 07000,678 Inv: 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 3/9/2007 Page 2 of 3 Contractor: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC Address: PO BOX 30792 SPOKANE, WA 99223 Item Description APPROACH -CONST IN ROW Approach Firm: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: (509) 879-3420 Units Unit Desc Contractor: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC Address: PO BOX 30792 SPOKANE, WA 99223 Description Grp Type Notes 1&2 FAMILY R-3 VB BASEMENT U R-3 VB DECK OPEN R-3 VB GARAGE U-1 VB Item Description RESIDENTIAL PERMIT FEE WSBC SURCHARGE SF PLNS RVW < 7999 SQ FT Contractor: Address: Fee Amount 1 NUMBER OF $50.00 Permit Total Fees: Building Permit $50.00 Firm: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: (509) 879-3420 This Application: Total Project: Sq Ft Valuation Sq Ft Valuation 1,282 $117,123.52 1,282 $117,123.52 1,239 $18,585.00 1,239 $18,585.00 210 $3,150.00 210 $3,150.00 508 $9,652.00 508 $9,652.00 Totals: 3,239 $148,510.52 3,239 $148,510.52 Units Unit Desc 1 SELECT 1 SELECT 1 SELECT LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 30792 SPOKANE, WA 99223 Item Description DUCT SYSTEMS GAS WATER HEATER GAS APPLIANCE<=100,000BTU GAS PIPING HEAT PUMP OR A/C 0-3 TONS VENTILATING FANS GAS LOG OR GAS INSERT Permit Total Fees: Mechanical Permit Fee Amount $1,268.15 $4.50 $507.26 $1,779.91 Firm: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: (509) 879-3420 Units Unit Desc 1 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF 3 # OF UNITS 1 NUMBER OF 3 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF Operator: JD Printed By: JD Permit Total Fees: Print Date: Fee Amount $10.00 $10.00 $12.00 $3.00 $12.00 $30.00 $10.00 $87.00 3/9/2007 Project Number: , 07000678 Inv: 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 3/9/2007 Contractor: Address: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 30792 Phone: (509) 879-3420 SPOKANE, WA 99223 Plumbing Permit Page 3 of 3 Firm: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC Item Description TOILETSBIDETS SINKS TUBS DISH WASHERS GARBAGE DISPOSAL CLOTHES WASHER MISCELLANEOUS FIXTURES Units Unit Desc 3 NUMBER OF 4 NUMBER OF 3 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF 4 NUMBER OF Fee Amount $18.00 $24.00 $18.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $24.00 Permit Total Fees: $102.00 Notes: ;,a,K. .}: E',yF,M.r.:.P6 xxe wcut raAS!_s:r * :......: ��>., �a=: .st.,'-.::: .t= V;xi1r.'5'.-- :C;.~ .� « Lots on the north side of 14th in the 4800 and 4900 block have fill. Soils investigation/foundation engineering done by Strata (see plat file) requires: (1) footings = min. 24 inches wide (2) foundations no closer than 12 ft from north edge of fill **DO NOT ISSUE BUILDING PERMITS FOR LTS 11 & 12 BLK 16, LTS 9-16 BLK 15, LTS 1 & 2 BLK 27 & LTS 1-8 BLK 28 UNTIL CC&R'S ARE ACCEPTED, SURETY IN PLACE FOR ALL IMPROVEMENTS OR FINAL CONST ACCEPT CERT& ANY DEDICATIONS OR EASEMENTS ARE RECORDED PER S RASKELL Payment Summary: Permit Type Approach Building Permit Mechanical Permit Plumbing Permit Fee Amount $50.00 $1,779.91 $ 87.00 $102.00 Invoice Amount $50.00 $1,779.91 $87.00 $102.00 $2,018.91 $2,018.91 Amount Paid $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Amount Owing $50.00 $1,779.91 $87.00 $102.00 $2,018.91 Disclaimer: Submittal of this application certifies the owner (or person(s) authorized by the owner) has both examined and finds the information contained within to be true and correct, and agrees that all provisions of laws and/or regulations governing this type of work will be complied with. Subsequent issuance of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of the code or of any other state or local laws or ordinances. Signature: Operator: JD Printed By: JD Print Date: 3/9/2007 Project Number: 07000678 Inv: 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 3/6/2007 Project Information: Permit Use: SFR W/ATT GAR ( Setbacks: Front 20 Left: 6 Right: 12 Rear: 23 Site Information: Plat Key: Name: Range Contact: LINDSAY CONSTRUCTION Address: PO BOX 30792 C - S - Z: SPOKANE WA 99223 Phone: (509) 879-3420 Group Name: Project Name: District: Sout Parcel Number: 352 .1526 Block: SiteAddress 1 S CHRONICLE RD Location:: CSV Zoning: UR -3.5 Urban Residential 3.5 Water District: 999 UNKNOWN Area: 6,912 Sq Ft Width: 0 Nbr of Bldgs: 0 Nbr of Dwellings: 0 Review Information: Lot: Page 1 of 3 Owner: Name: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTRECEIVED Address: PO BOX 30792 Depth: 0 SPOKANE, WA 99223 Hold: 111 to.c no7 SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Right Of Way (ft): 0 Review Building Plan Review Driveway/Approach Released By: Released By: Landuse/Zoning/HE Conditionts Sewer Review Permits: Released Released By: Operator: JD Printed By: JD Print Date: 3/6/2007 Project Number:. 07000678 Inv: 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 3/6/2007 Page 2 of 3 Contractor: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC Address: PO BOX 30792 SPOKANE, WA 99223 Item Description APPROACH -CONST IN ROW Approach Firm: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: (509) 879-3420 Units Unit Desc 1 NUMBER OF Permit Total Fees: Building Permit Contractor: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC Address: PO BOX 30792 SPOKANE, WA 99223 Description Grp Type Notes 1&2 FAMILY R-3 VB BASEMENT U R-3 VB DECK OPEN R-3 VB GARAGE U-1 VB Item Description RESIDENTIAL PERMIT FEE WSBC SURCHARGE SF PLNS RVW < 7999 SQ FT Contractor: Address: Fee Amount $50.00 $50.00 Firm: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: (509) 879-3420 This Application: Total Project: Si Ft Valuation Sq Ft Valuation 1,266 $115,661.76 1,266 $115,661.76 1,239 $18,585.00 1,239 $18,585.00 190 $2,850.00 190 $2,850.00 520 $9,880.00 520 $9,880.00 Totals: 3,215 $146,976.76 3,215 $146,976.76 Units Unit Desc Fee Amount 1 SELECT $1,256.95 1 SELECT $4.50 1 SELECT $502.78 LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 30792 SPOKANE, WA 99223 Item Description DUCT SYSTEMS GAS WATER HEATER GAS APPLIANCE<=100,000BTU GAS PIPING HEAT PUMP OR A/C 0-3 TONS VENTILATING FANS GAS LOG OR GAS INSERT Permit Total Fees: $1,764.23 Mechanical Permit Firm: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: (509) 879-3420 Units Unit Desc 1 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF 3 # OF UNITS 1 NUMBER OF 3 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF Operator: JD Printed By: JD Permit Total Fees: Print Date: Fee Amount $10.00 $10.00 $12.00 $3.00 $12.00 $30.00 $10.00 $87.00 3/6/2007 Project Number: 07000678 Inv: I Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 3/6/2007 Contractor: Address: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 30792 SPOKANE, WA 99223 Item Description TOILETS/BIDETS SINKS TUBS DISH WASHERS GARBAGE DISPOSAL CLOTHES WASHER MISCELLANEOUS FIXTURES Plumbing Permit Units 3 4 3 1 1 1 4 Page 3 of 3 Firm: LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: Unit Desc NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF Permit Total Fees: (509) 879-3420 Fee Amount $18.00 $24.00 $18.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $24.00 $102.00 Notes: "7,7,7",1,.", ,,.,pry r .....- x.a.x..,. Lots on the north side of 14th in the 4800 and 4900 block have fill. Soils investigation/foundation engineering done by Strata (see plat file) requires: (1) footings = min. 24 inches wide (2) foundations no closer than 12 ft from north edge of fill **DO NOT ISSUE BUILDING PERMITS FOR LTS 11 & 12 BLK 16, LTS 9-16 BLK 15, LTS 1 & 2 BLK 27 & LTS 1-8 BLK 28 UNTIL CC&R'S ARE ACCEPTED, SURETY IN PLACE FOR ALL IMPROVEMENTS OR FINAL CONST ACCEPT CERT& ANY DEDICATIONS OR EASEMENTS ARE RECORDED PER S RASKELL Payment Summary: Permit Type Approach Building Permit Mechanical Permit Plumbing Permit Fee Amount Invoice Amount $50.00 $1,764.23 $87.00 $102.00 $50.00 $1,764.23 $87.00 $102.00 $2,003.23 $2,003.23 Amount Paid $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Amount Owing $50.00 $1,764.23 $87.00 $102.00 $0.00 $2,003.23 Disclaimer: Submittal of this application certifies the owner (or person(s) authorized by the owner) has both examined and finds the information contained within to be true and correct, and agrees that all provisions of laws and/or regulations governing this type of work will be complied with. Subsequent issuance of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of the code or of any other state or local laws or ordinances. Signature: Operator: JD Printed By: JD Print Date: 3/6/2007 USKH ll0 110 11 I01 11 III 5440370 Page: 17 of 18 09/27/2806 03:39P BLA $49.00 Spokane Co, WA 1 J 1 30' WOODLAND TERRACE BLA PROPOSED SITE PLAN FOR LOTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK 15 LOCATED IN A PORTION OF THE 8 1/2 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 43 EAST, W.M. CHRONICLE ROAD 30' I I I I EXIST SEWER VACATED ALLEY #98-0933 EASM'T.Lco— IN ALLEY J —(FAST —nODT 1E4_ 9 (EAST 1 100') 10 0 6 co 0 0 6 cri 0 z L10 6 co 6,912 S.F. 5' TEL. EASM 'T. 1 (EAST 100') 4 15TH AVENUE 40 80 SCALE IN FEET PLEASE SEE SURVEYOR'S NOTES ON RAGE 2 Engineering • Land Surveying 1 USKH PAGE 1 OF 2 Planning • Materials Testing 621 W. Mallon Ave, Ste 309 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 328-5139 -Ir 1111111110111111111111111111111111P:.031I?" 09/27/2006 0339P USKH BLA $49.00 Spokane Co, WA New Lot 10, Block 15 Woodland Terrace Addition per Book "I" of Plats, page 16. That parcel of land being all of Lots 9 and 10, Block 15 of said Woodland Terrace. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: The north 60.00 feet of Lots 9 and 10, Block 15 of said Woodland Terrace. SUBJECT TO: An easement for installation, access, and maintenance for telecommunications and cable over, under, and across the southerly 5.00 feet of the above described parcel. 0001.1\,,,mai Permit Center *Mane 11707 E Sprague Aye;"Wte i06 (S1,0o9k)an68e8-V0a0131e6y,FWAAX-: (9 9510)66 Community Development www.spokanevallevoi* Residential Construction Permit Application PERMIT NUMBER: Cto-1 PERMIT FEE: New Construction E Addition/Remodel LJ Other: Accessory Bldg Deck SITE ADDRESS /142. 1 5 ("71{I)// V le kei ASSESSORS PARCEL NO: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I -‘)TS 61CPJ il lc c T-e-crafc Building Owner: . ; Name: Li /1 v5 ozi 64),7 Address: pd. /3,1.)( 30?t? a - City: City: -. 41 /6_4 1,42_ State: t(ill_ Zip: 99.2. 2rL Phone: sw, /e) / -3 Fax: yli )013 initaCt Pei' 'On Name: Phone: c:712k --lei-3 Describe the scope of work in detail: .[Conti,actot: - '' DIMENSIONS: # 2- / V, # OF STORIES: Name: MAIN FLOOR TO SQ. FTG: 2'u FLOOR SQ. FTG: Address: IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: FINISHED BASEMENT SQ. FTG: City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: HEAT SOURC : rir (0.4 Contractor Lic No: City Business Lic. No: Cost of Project: $ °() AkideiviAN - ************** ST be con' lee:(wri N/A if not HEIGHT TO PEAK: / 0 DIMENSIONS: # 2- / V, # OF STORIES: TOTAL HABITABLE SPACE: MAIN FLOOR TO SQ. FTG: 2'u FLOOR SQ. FTG: UNFIN BASEMENT SQ. FTG: IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: FINISHED BASEMENT SQ. FTG: GARAGE sq. FTG: 089 DECK/COV. PATIO SQ. FTG: P?1, 7/0 30% SLOPES ON PROPERTY: # OF BEDROOMS: 2....._ CONSTRUCTION TYPE: K:3(441 -e HEAT SOURC : rir (0.4 SEWER OR SEPTIC? 4...ea/te'r The permitee verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1) If this permit is for construction of or on a dwelling, the dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley Permit inure to the property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development Code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) This City of Spokane Valley Permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. 6) Plans or additional information may be required to be submitted, and subsequently approved before this application can be proc ssed. Signature A Li 2,0146fa-- Date Method of Payment: 0 Cash Bankcard #: Authorized Signature: REVISED 8/25/2005 0 Check 0 Mastercard Expires: 0 VISA VIN#: Sno ne ley. Community Development Permit Center 11707 E Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)688-0036 FAX: (509)688-0037 w w.spokanevallev.ore Mechanical Permit Application ❑ Commercial --if-Residential SITE ADDRESS: fr/Z/ (d i/ 17d'.��.g.e, dee PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT FEE: Building Owner ��.1 / Name: 1 Zt1,? Phone: Fax: �iCJ Address City: State: ../(z_ Zip: Contractor Name: / p� �+ 1�,� /' r ergi, HCaJi,? Phone: Fax: Address: City: State: Zip: License No: City Business Lic: Contact= _ Name: Phone: DESCRIPTION OF WORK # OF UNITS COST = TOTAL AMOUNT FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE Equal to or Tess than 100,000 X $12.00 2 FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE More than 100,000 X $15.00 3 UNLISTED APPLIANCE (Additional Fee) Equal to or less than 400,000 X 050.00 4 UNLISTED APPLIANCE (Additional Fee) More than 400,000 X 0100.00 5 USED APPLIANCE (WSEC min. AFUE rating) Equal to or Tess than 400,000 X $50.00 6 USED APPLIANCE (WSEC min. AFUE rating) More than 400,000 X $100.00 7 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 1 - 100M BTU X $12.00 8 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 101 - 500M BTU X $20.00 9 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 501 - 1,000M BTU X $25.00 10 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 1,001 - 1,750M BTU X $35.00 11 BOILER/REFRIGERATION More than 1,750M BTU X $60.00 12 GAS LOG, GAS INSERT, GAS FIREPLACE X $10.00 13 RANGE X $10.00 14 DRYER X $10.00 15 FUEL BURNING WATER HEATER X $10.00 16 MISC. FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE X $10.00 17 GAS PIPING (each outlet) 3 X $1.00 18 DUCT SYSTEMS X $10.00 19 VENTILATING FANS 3 X $10.00 20 AIR HANDLER (DOES NOT include ducting) Equal to or less than 10,000 CFM X $12.00 21 AIR HANDLER (DOES NOT include ducting) Greater than 10,000 CFM X $15.00 22 EVAPORATIVE COOLERS X $10.00 23 TYPE I HOOD X $50.00 24 TYPE II HOOD X $10.00 25 HEAT PUMP/AIR CONDITIONER 0-3 TON 1 X $12.00 26 AIR CONDITIONER 3-15 TON X $20.00 27 AIR CONDITIONER 15-30 TON X $25.00 28 AIR CONDITIONER 30-50 TON X $35.00 29 AIR CONDITIONER More than 50 TON X $60.00 30 LPG STORAGE TANK X $10.00 31 WOOD OR PELLET STOVE/INSERT X $10.00 32 WOOD STOVE - FREE STANDING X $25.00 33 REPAIR & ADDITIONS X 015.00 34 VENTILATION SYSTEMS X $12.00 35 VENTILATION MECHANICAL EXHAUST X $12.00 36 INCINERATOR - RESIDENCE X $19.00 37 INCINERATOR - COMMERCIAL X $22.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT: ❑CASH ❑ CHECK ❑ VISA ❑ MC CARD #: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: REVISED 8/26/05 EXPIRES: VIN: SUBTOTAL PROCESSING FEE $35.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE DUE: Spokane Valley Community Development Permit Center 11707 E Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)688-0036 FAX: (509)688-0037 www.sookanevalley.ore.com Plumbing Permit Application PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT FEE: o Commercial ,e12esidential SITE ADDRESS /401 ..:y Building owner DESCRIPTION OF WORK Phone: 6�/ j Fax X COST ,/ g //� �n �1 Name: '�t Z,lt/�C,(4 C,Z vC'1'_ ��� ,, l "xe..'� Address: /! 31Y7 C/ - TOILETS WATER CLOSET, BIDETS City , .• State W(,� Zip q? 3 Contractor 2 URINALS Name: e 11 J2 P1► /yYl kg 1 rl 61 $6.00 Phone: Fax: 3 TUBS Address: 3 X City State Zip License No: SHOWERS (PER TRAP) BATH, STALL, ON-SITE BUILT City Business License No: X $6.00 Contact 5 SINKS LAVS/BASINS, BAR, FLOOR, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY, UTILITY, JANITOR, PHOTO,[[�� X-RAY, FOOD, PREP/CULINARY MEAT —T Name: $6.00 Phone: 6 DISHWASHER AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: REVISED 8/26/05 DESCRIPTION OF WORK # OF UNITS X COST = TOTAL AMOUNT 1 TOILETS WATER CLOSET, BIDETS 3 X $6.00 = 2 URINALS X $6.00 = 3 TUBS 3 X $6.00 = 4 SHOWERS (PER TRAP) BATH, STALL, ON-SITE BUILT X $6.00 = 5 SINKS LAVS/BASINS, BAR, FLOOR, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY, UTILITY, JANITOR, PHOTO,[[�� X-RAY, FOOD, PREP/CULINARY MEAT —T X $6.00 = 6 DISHWASHER / X $6.00 = 7 CLOTHES WASHER 1 X $6.00 = 8 GARBAGE DISPOSAL / X $6.00 = 9 WATER SOFTENER X $6.00 = 10 ELECTRIC HOT WATER TANK NOTE: IF GAS, SEE MECHANICAL X $6.00 = 11 FLOOR DRAINS AREA, CASE, COIL, TRENCH, CONDENSATE X $6.00 = 12 ROOF DRAINS/OVERFLOW DRAINS X $6.00 = 13 FOUNTAINS, DRINKING X $6.00 = 14 WATER PIPING/DRAIN-IN WASTE, VENT, PLUMBING, REVERSAL NSTALLATION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, REVERSALS X $6.00 = 15 SEWAGE EJECTOR GRINDER, SUMP PUMP X $6.00 = 16 WATER USING DEVICE ICE AN/OR COFFEE MAKER, HOSE BIB, STEAMER PROOFER, CARBONATOR, SWAMP COOLER I LI X $6.00 = 17 CROSS CONNECTION DEVICE VACUUM BREAKER, CHECK VALVE, AND R.P.B.P.D. FOR: VATS, TANKS, BOILERS X $6.00 = 18 INTERCEPTORS GREASE TRAP, SAND TRAP, CHEMICAL HOLDING TANK X $6.00 = 19 MEDICAL GAS (per outlet) NITROUS, OXYGEN X $6.00 = 20 MISCELLANEOUS PLUMBING FIXTURE X $6.00 = 21 PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL/SYS X $20.00 = 22 INDUSTRIAL WASTE INTERCEPTOR X $15.00 = , METHOD OF PAYMENT: ❑ CASH 0 CHECK ❑ VISA 0 MASTERCARD Card# EXPIRES: SUBTOTAL PROCESSING FEE $35.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE DUE: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: REVISED 8/26/05 LOOK up a LV111UXLW1, J= ei:u11:1a11 01 riu111UG1 rage 1 01 G Washington State Department of Labor and Industries General/Specialty Contractor A business registered as a construction contractor with L&I to perform construction work within the scope of its specialty. A General or Specialty construction Contractor must maintain a surety bond or assignment of account and carry general liability insurance. License Information License EMERAHA944OK Licensee Name EMERALD HEATING & AC Licensee Type CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR UBI 602636118 Ind. Ins. Account Id #1 Business Type INDIVIDUAL Address 1 11605 EAST TRENT Address 2 City SPOKANE VALLEY County SPOKANE State WA Zip 992064634 Phone 5093623154 Status ACTIVE Specialty 1 AIR CONDITIONING Specialty 2 SHEET METAL Effective Date 9/12/2006 Expiration Date 8/3/2008 Suspend Date Separation Date Parent Company Previous License SARGEHA946NC Next License Associated License Business Owner Information Name Role Effective Date Expiration Date SARGENT, THOMAS OWNER 09/12/2006 Bond Amount Bond Information Bond Bond Company Name Bond Account Number Effective Date Expiration Date Cancel Date Impaired Date Bond Amount Received Date #1 PLATTE RIVER INS CO 41078796 08/02/2006 Until Cancelled $6,000.00 08/03/2006 https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/bbip/printer.aspx?License=EMERAHA9440K 3/1/2007 L0Uli up U L011L1Q1:LU1, LI 'WW1 01 r1U111UG1 L11:G11JG LJGLQ11 Savings Information No Matching Information Insurance Information Insurance Company Name Policy Number Effective Date Expiration Date Cancel Date Impaired Date Amount Received Date #1 MARYLAND CAS CO 001818758 08/02/2006 08/02/2007 $1,000,000.00 08/03/2006 Summons / Complaints Information No Matching Information Judgement Information No Matching Information ragcL 01 L https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/bbip/printer.aspx?License=EMERAHA944OK 3/1/2007 LVvn. Lill a ‘..v11L1acw1, i:lcci.iicial1 vi 1 113.111L/G1 agc 1 vi Z. Washington State Department of Labor and Industries General/Specialty Contractor A business registered as a construction contractor with L&I to perform construction work within the scope of its specialty. A General or Specialty construction Contractor must maintain a surety bond or assignment of account and carry general liability insurance. License Information License ENDPLPI960B3 Licensee Name END PLUMBING INC Licensee Type CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR UBI 602343376 Ind. Ins. Account Id #1 Business Type CORPORATION Address 1 W 10322 GRANGER RD Address 2 City NINE MILE FALLS County SPOKANE State WA Zip 99026 Phone 5093280261 Status ACTIVE Specialty 1 PLUMBING Specialty 2 UNUSED Effective Date 1/23/2004 Expiration Date 1/23/2008 Suspend Date Separation Date Parent Company Previous License DAVISBP034PN Next License Associated License Business Owner Information Name Role Effective Date Expiration Date DAVIS, EDWARD N PRESIDENT 01/23/2004 Bond Amount Bond Information Bond Bond Company Name Bond Account Number Effective Date Expiration Date Cancel Date Impaired Date Bond Amount Received Date #1 COLONIAL AM CAS & SURETY OF M LPM4065398 01/15/2004 Until Cancelled $6,000.00 01/23/2004 https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/bbip/printer.aspx?License=ENDPLPI960B3 3/1/2007 LVVli up a 1.V11Uile101, L 01 G Savings Information No Matching Information Insurance Information Insurance Company Name Policy Number Effective Date Expiration Date Cancel Date Impaired Date Amount Received Date #4 NATIONWIDE MUTUAL INS CO ACP7512112187 01/01/2007 01/01/2008 $1,000,000.00 12/21/2006 #3 NATIONWIDE MUTUAL INS CO ACP7511464228 01/01/2006 01/01/2007 $1,000,000.00 12/30/2005 #2 NATIONWIDE MUTUAL INS CO ACP7501464228 01/01/2005 01/01/2006 $1,000,000.00 12/07/2004 #1 NATIONWIDE MUTUAL INS CO ACP7501464228 01/01/2004 01/01/2005 $1,000,000.00 01/23/2004 Summons / Complaints Information No Matching Information Judgement Information No Matching Information https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/bbip/printer.aspx?License=ENDPLPI960B3 3/1/2007 LOOK Up Q l.VllllQI:LVl, i:.1G1;1.11U1a11 UL t1U111UG1 L11;G11JG L'GLdli Washington State Department of Labor and Industries General/Specialty Contractor A business registered as a construction contractor with L&I to perform construction work within the scope of its specialty. A General or Specialty construction Contractor must maintain a surety bond or assignment of account and carry general liability insurance. License Information License LINDSCI066OW Licensee Name LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC Licensee Type CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR UBI 601562128 Ind. Ins. Account Id Business Type CORPORATION Address 1 P 0 BOX 30792 Address 2 City SPOKANE County SPOKANE State WA Zip 99223 Phone 5098793420 Status ACTIVE Specialty 1 GENERAL Specialty 2 UNUSED Effective Date 9/16/1994 Expiration Date 8/31/2007 Suspend Date Separation Date Parent Company Previous License Next License Associated License Business Owner Information Name Role Effective Date Expiration Date STIRN, GREGORY N Cancel Date 01/01/1980 Bond Amount Bond Information Bond Bond Company Name Bond Account Number Effective Date Expiration Date Cancel Date Impaired Date Bond Amount Received Date #1 COLONIAL AM CAS & SURETY OF MD LPM 4037111 08/22/2001 Until Cancelled 09/01/2004 $12,000.00 08/16/2001 tags 1 VI https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/bbip/printer.aspx?License=LINDSCI0660W 3/1/2007 LUUI. up a 1.U11L1[LGLUl, L1Gl L11G1Q11 Ul r1U111UG1 L113,G11JG L'GLQll rage L 01 J • Savings Information Savings Bank Name Bank Branch Location Assignment of Savings Number Effective Date Release Date Assignment Type Impaired Date Amount Received Date #3 BANNER BANK 09/03/2004 1040025924 08/30/2004 Until Released Bond 09/01/2006 $6,000.00 8/30/2004 #2 FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF WA WALLA WALLA 0149033312 08/09/1999 Until Released Bond #12 $6,000.00 CGL018264 #1 BANK OF FAIRFIELD 18461 08/29/1994 08/13/1999 Bond CENTURY SURETY $6,000.00 08/21/2002 Insurance Information Insurance Company Name Policy Number Effective Date Expiration Date Cancel Date Impaired Date Amount Received Date #14 GRANITE STATE INS CO 02LX7383884 2 09/03/2004 09/03/2007 $1,000,000.00 09/01/2006 #13 CANAL INDEMNITY CO CGL019915 09/03/2003 09/03/2004 $1,000,000.00 09/02/2003 #12 CANAL INDEMNITY CO CGL018264 09/08/2002 09/08/2003 $1,000,000.00 09/06/2002 #11 CENTURY SURETY CCP201913 08/21/2002 09/08/2003 $1,000,000.00 08/21/2002 #10 CENTURY SURETY CCP201913 09/08/2001 09/08/2002 $1,000,000.00 08/21/2002 #9 CENTURY SURETY CO CCP201913 08/22/2001 08/22/2002 08/17/2001 #8 CENTURY SURETY INS CO TBA 08/22/2000 08/22/2001 #7 COCHRANE & COMPANY TBA 08/22/2000 08/22/2001 08/22/2000 #6 WESTERN NATIONAL GL046406418 08/22/1999 08/22/2000 #5 WESTERN INS CG464064185 08/22/1998 08/22/1999 #4 WESTERN INS CO CG464064184 08/22/1997 08/22/1998 #3 WESTERN NATIONAL CG464064183 08/22/1996 08/22/1997 #2 WESTERN NATIONAL GA46406418 08/22/1995 08/22/1996 #1 WESTERN NATIONAL ASSURANCE CG464064181 08/22/1994 08/22/1995 Summons / Complaints Information No Matching Information https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/bbip/printer.aspx?License=LINDSCI066OW 3/1/2007 LOOK up a 1.U11LU a L01, EACt.; u.i 11 01 r1U111UG1 1../11iG11JG LJGCAll Judgement Information No Matching Information ragG3013 https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/bbip/printer.aspx?License=LINDSCI066OW 3/1/2007