2010, 11-02 Permit App: 10003684 FoundationCITYOF Spokane Community Development 11703 E Sprague Ave, Suite B-3 - - Spokane Valley,W-A- 9920, (50?)688:0036-: (509)688L0037 ww-v.spokanevalle`y,org Residential Construction Pe it Application PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT FEE: New onstruction Addition/Remodel Accessory Bldg Deck (U/ ThJL1 DRESS: ASSESSORS PARCEL NO: 2-. Z Y' 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Le f 3 5g( 2q--1 Building Owner: t, ,. DIMENSIONS: ).) 2--- , # OF STORIES: 1 Name: "„i avA.47.. ,):1 from. z I. ft,/ Name: c..., f,) IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: 12_06 --- FINISHED BASEMENT SQ. FTG: 0 Address": Address r2'- , , s,ff.„, // Phone: ix -0 Fax: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: City: ,c tc,,, c ' State: v. ((cy (74- Zip: r rci3 Phone: irz it 7 s Fax: Contact Person Name: F7A-/ r 7 Phone: Describe the scope of work in detail: Contractor: t, ,. DIMENSIONS: ).) 2--- , # OF STORIES: 1 Name: "„i avA.47.. ,):1 from. z I. ft,/ ..,1 c..., Address: IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: 12_06 --- FINISHED BASEMENT SQ. FTG: 0 City: State: 671-- DECK/COV. PATIO SQ. FTG: W Zip: 741,3 / Phone: ix -0 Fax: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: . Contractor Lic No: Exp Date: AlcVNT ti i il 0 A 4 City Business Lic. No: Cost of Project: $ -A on e/t/e) 44',./ 4 Proposed Use: ************** if not a licable ********************** _.... HEIGHT TO PEAK: II— t, ,. DIMENSIONS: ).) 2--- , # OF STORIES: 1 TOTAL HABITABLE SPACE: MAIN FLOOR TO SQ. FTG: ci ti r 2NU FLOOR SQ. FTG: /1774 UNFIN BASEMENT SQ. FTG: . ... 1 if r IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: 12_06 --- FINISHED BASEMENT SQ. FTG: 0 GARAGE SQ. FTG: //A_ DECK/COV. PATIO SQ. FTG: W 30% SLOPES ON —6) PROPERTY: # OF BEDROOMS: 2- CONSTRUCTION TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: . SEWER OR SEPTIC? The permitee permitee verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1) If this permit is for construction of or on a dwelling, the dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley Permit inure to the property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development Code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) This City of Spokane Valley Permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. 6) Plans or additional information may be required to be submitted, and subsequently approved before this application can be processed. SIGNATURE: Method of Pay ID Cash Bankcard #: Authorized Signature: REVISED 2J15/07 Check O Mastercard Expires: DATE: /AA, El VISA VIN#: Spokane .Valley Community Development Residential Constru Permit Application 11703 E Sprague Ave, SuiteB-3 --`— Spokane Vally $ (50' X03 t6 6878-19Q3-71.1. t 41 SITE ADDRESS: j % i Z �� <<•: PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT FEE:( New Construction Accessory Bldg Additipn/Remodel Deck =Ocher: f;„ei< b ;fir- n v r ASSESSORS PARCEL NO: S S hi 2- . 2 �v 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L,, f 3 5'P 2 q—o7( Building Owner: DIMENSIONS: 31 26” # OF STORIES:,TOTAL Name: .,.1 L,n,-Fa .n /, 1 °"'1 a (1t C./ -F;1 G Address: Pd4,,xa9 Name: S I i^ A f,,-1 IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: l LC> City: .P M C' c State: 4/-4- Zip: /90,3 Address:/ 72d r , S � f' c �,. di CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Contractor Lic No: Aic,Nrt1i`1`ie4'b Exp Date: 4� /� City: S <l c,. r Vol %(c4 State: /✓4. Zip: y7 7 Phone: �G 3 z6- ?S.-- Fax: y2,7 -12o / Contact Person Name: Phone: a -67. - Describe the scope of work in detail: Contractor: DIMENSIONS: 31 26” # OF STORIES:,TOTAL Name: .,.1 L,n,-Fa .n /, 1 °"'1 a (1t C./ -F;1 G Address: Pd4,,xa9 .FTG: UNFIN BASEMENT SQ. FTG: 1 934.FINISHED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: l LC> City: .P M C' c State: 4/-4- Zip: /90,3 7 Phone: `' 4 Y _ 1,..?2 ,f Fax: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Contractor Lic No: Aic,Nrt1i`1`ie4'b Exp Date: 4� /� i/ City Business Lic. No: Cost of Project: $ f- y, -' sn1c', �it�J3 i Proposed Use: **************The following MUST be complete: (write N/A if not alicable********************** pp ) HEIGHT TO PEAK: IC DIMENSIONS: 31 26” # OF STORIES:,TOTAL HABITABLE SPACE: 11Y' MAIN FLOOR TO SQ. FTG: 90 t� 2ND FLOOR SQ. FTG: A7 4- .FTG: UNFIN BASEMENT SQ. FTG: 1 934.FINISHED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: l LC> BASEMENT SQ. FTG: 0 GARAGE SQ. FTG: "7" DECK/COV. PATIO SQ. FTG: `1 Cs 30% SLOPES ON 'U PROPERTY: 4' # OF BEDROOMS: .L CONSTRUCTION TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: etie fe-,C SEWER OR SEPTIC? SccVc/ The permitee verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1) If this permit is for construction of or on a dwelling, the dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley Permit inure to the property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development Code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) This City of Spokane Valley Permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. 6) Plans or additional information may be required to be submitted, and subsequently approved before this application can be processed. SIGNATURE: Method of Paym ❑ Cash Bankcard #: Authorized Signature: REVISED 2/15/07 ❑ Check ❑ Mastercard Expires: DATE: 0 VISA VIN#: Parcel.Information SroKANEComiN WASHINGTON Page 1 of 4 Parcel 1 i 11 CIn-nation New Search 1 1 Modify Search 1[ Sales Search [ Help 1 Summary 1 Seg/Merge 1 Event/Notices 1 Taxes 1 Parcel Photos 1 Sketch 1 Maps 1 WebPlus 1 Prism Print Summary w/No Graphs All Data As Of : 11/09/2010 Parcel Number: 55192.2803 OWNER INFORMATION Owner/Name Address 1 LXX Parcel Maps with Aerial Photos State pq _Q ,tomit OWNER INFORMATION Owner/Name Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip Country Role % FORD, STEPHEN H 320 S SULLIVAN 0 SPOKANE VALLEY WA 99037 100 TAXPAYER INFORMATION Taxpayer/Name Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip Country Role % FORD, STEPHEN H 320 S SULLIVAN 0 SPOKANE VALLEY WA 99037 100 MORTGAGE INFORMATION SITE ADDRESS INFORMATION Parcel Type Real Address City Land Size Tax Description Size Description Year 124 S SPOKANE 6,143.00 TSCHIRLEY RD VALLEY Square Feet 91 Residential land - Undivided Assessor Description Tax Code Area Status 2010 0144 (CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY) LT 3 OF SHP 24-08 AUDITORS #5849602 BK 26 PGS 3 THRU 5 BEING A PTN OF NE1/4 OF GOVT LT 1 OF 19-25-45 APPRAISAL INFORMATION Parcel Class 91 Residential land - Undivided Appraiser 98 Contact Your Appraiser Appraisal Date Click here to send a question to the appraiser Neighborhood Code 425527 Neighborhood Name GRNCB Neighborhood Desc PLAT - CRBN/GRNARS CANA Appraiser Name Joe Appraiser Phone 477-5907 Assessed Value Tax Year Land Dwelling / Structure Current Use Land Taxable Personal Prop Total Value 2011 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 30,000 http://webpadal/ParcelSummary.aspx 11/09/2010 Parcel Information 2010 I 6,5001 01 01 6,5001 01 Page, 2 of 4 is t 6,500 TAX STATISTICS Levy Name Levy Rate 2009 Levy Rate 2010 Levy Type Tax ID County General 1.1479 1.1556 Non -Voted 0144 County General Cons Futures 0.0428 0.0427 Non -Voted 0144 County Library General 0.4434 0.4467 Non -Voted 0144 Fire District 01 1.4423 1.5000 Non -Voted 0144 Spokane Valley 1.4999 1.5101 Non -Voted 0144 State School 1.8982 2.0024 Non -Voted 0144 Fire District 01 Special 1.3818 1.6023 Voted 0144 SD356 Cen Valley B&I 1.4595 1.4799 Voted 0144 SD356 Cen Valley General 2.6425 2.8687 Voted 0144 Totals: 11.9583 12.6085 LEVY DISTRIBUTION 2010 Annual Taxes 80 60 40 20 0 NM 1.16 Count; General - 0.04 County General Cons Futures MI 0.45 County Library General 1.50 Fire District 01 11111 1.51 Spokane Valley 2.00 State School 1.60 Fire District 01 Special ® 1.48 SD356 Cen Valleys B&I 111111 2.87 SD356 Cen Valleys General 9.17 % 0.34 3.54 11.90 7. 11.98 '/. 15.88 /. 12.71 % 11.74 7. 22.75 S85.97 2010 http://webpadal/ParcelSummary.aspx 11/09/2010 Parcel. Information Page 3 of 4 • Annual Assessed Value 35300 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5003 0 130,000.00 7. Ipb,buo.uu Annual Levy Rate 23 16 16 14 12 10 6 4 2 0 2010 2011 115.61175402 15.46116763 14.45643465 12 14.111m4Sool 2004 2005 2006 2007 2308 2009 CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS 2010 Land Number Soil Id Acreage Factor Frontage Depth Lot(s) Market Value Use Value 1 R1SL 0.00 6,143 0 0 1 30,000 0 UOM Field Book No Inspection Cycle Millage Rate Square Feet AN Property Tax 6 12.608456828749 Sale Date There are no active appeals. SALES INFORMATION SALES INFORMATION Sale Price Sale Instrument Excise Number Sales History (prior to 1999) Sale Date Sale Price Sale Instrument Book Page There are no active exemptions.] Tax Year Charge Type Annual Charges Remaining Charges Owing 2010 AN Property Tax 81.96 0.00 ht p://webpadal/ParcelSummary.aspx 11/09/2010 Parcel Information Paoc_4.of4 2010 Irrigation District Principal 3.12 0l0 3010 Soil Conservation Principal CNGV3 0.64 0.00 2010 Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 0.25 0.00 Sum 0��� ' 0.00 Total 85.97 0.00 Spokane County Assessor's Office 111GVKBroadway, Spokane, VVA9S2GO|Phone: 5U3.477.3O98|Fax: 509.477.3097 Hours: Monday -Thursday 8:3Oam 4:DOpmFriday D:3Oam holidays) E-mail:neoesnonaspokaneoountv.org Spokane County Treasur's Office POBox 199Spokane, VVA9921O'O198/Phone: 5O0,477.4713|Fax: 509.4773874 holidays) E-mail: Tn»mnunerAupokaneoountv.nnl 11/09/2010 SpCW okane Valley® For City Use Only PLUS Project Number Project Address 11703 E Sprague Ave Suite 8-3 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.688.0036 • Fax: 509.688.0037 ♦ permitcenter@spokanevalley.org As part of our on-going commitment to customer service during the review process of your project application, we are providing you with a TARGET DATE for the initial technical application review. If for any reason we cannot meet this date, we will contact you with a revised target date. Your application review TARGET DATE is The TARGET DATE is the date we estimate your project application will have had its initial technical review. It is not the date for approval or permit issuance. Tips for a Smoother Project Application Review Submit complete, accurate plans and documents. Evtra time may be required fbr re -submittals as project application reviewers work on tin le applications and it may be several days before they can look at your new or revised information. Designate a specific contact person to communicate with the City. While the person designated as the applicant's contact person with the City can be changed, one individual with the expertise for dealing with reviewer comments would be the best choice, for the entire review process. Call staff regarding the status of your project only after the target date shown at the top of the page. Although you should be contacted on or by the target date, please, feel free to contact us if you haven't heard from us by your target date. Staff may contact you before the target date if the initial review is complete. By following this procedure, you will save time and allow the reviewers to complete the work more expeditiously. Steps in the Permit Process 1. Counter Complete. Your application has been accepted as counter complete. This means all of the required documents, as indicated on your Pre -Application Checklist have been submitted or have been approved for deferred submittal. This does not prevent technical staff from requesting additional information as a result of their technical review. 2. Quality Check. The next step in the process is a quality check to make sure that the application is reviewable and free from substantive flaws that would prevent technical staff from completing the technical review once it is started. When this step is complete, your application will be routed to the appropriate staff and remain in their review queue until it comes up for review. 3. Technical Compliance. Once an application is administratively complete, it is routed to technical staff for compliance review. Depending on the type of project, technical staff may include multiple reviewers. You should be contacted by phone, fax, email, or mail by your TARGET DATE once the initial technical compliance review is complete. 4. Permit Issuance. When the technical compliance review of the application is complete, including any subsequent re - submittals. each reviewer will approve their section of the application and route it to the Permit Center. When all sections of the application are received, a Permit Specialist will process the application and contact the person specified on your application for permit pick-up. information regarding fees and pre -construction meetings (if required) will be provided by the Permit Specialist at that time. WHITE - APPLICANT PINK - BUILDING FILE REV 9/07 67 efivc.4./ • c-vo SCR , z_To3 1 2 ? ARIDBOVE Lu 25-4 10' 7 1,,r4 r