2000, 12-21 Zoning Code LtrS A N E DIVISION OF PLANNING A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MICHAEL V. NEEDHAM, DIRECTOR CHD, Inc. C/o Wes Crosby P.O. Box 13717 Spokane, WA 99213 GARY OBERG, DIRECTOR December 21, 2000 SUBJECT: File number AIE-5-00; Written interpretation of Chapter 14.616.325 (B) of the Spokane County Zoning Code, Minimum Yards in the Urban Residential -3.5 (UR -3.5) zone, regarding the ability to conform to prescribed side and rear yard setbacks for accessory structures of the zone, as opposed to a setback line delineated on the face of Short Plat SP -941-93. ISSUE: Short Plat SP -941-93 was recorded on November 5, 1999 with a 25 foot setback line from the east plat boundary depicted on the plat. This setback line affects tax parcels 55182.2401 (Tract A — 810 North Coach Lane) and 55182.2404 (Tract D - 804 North Coach Lane). Both lots are approximately '/2 acre in area. The following two notes appearing on the short plat relate to the east property line and building setbacks in general: Note #8, Page 1: "East side lot setback distance will be in accordance with Note 1, Sheet 2 of 3." Note #1, Sheet 2 of 3: "Side yard and rear yard setbacks shall be determined at the time building permits are requested unless these setbacks are specifically drafted on this final short plat. The setbacks indicated on this plat may be varied from if proper zoning approvals are obtained." The Spokane County Division of Planning received a letter dated December 5, 2000 from Mr. Wes Crosby, president of CHD, Inc., requesting a staff interpretation regarding the ability to conform to prescribed side and rear yard setbacks for accessory structures of AIE-5-00 December 21, 2000 1026 W. BROADWAY • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260-0220 PHONE (50)) 477-7200 • FAX (5091 477-2241 • TDD' 15091 477-7111 Page 1 of 3 the zone, as opposed to a setback line delineated on the face of Short Plat SP -941-93. RESPONSE: Although "... setbacks are specifically drafted on this final short plat. The setbacks indicated on this plat may be varied from if proper zoning approvals are obtained.", those setbacks associated with the eastern plat boundary and affecting Tracts A and D are related to side and rear yard setbacks. Other delineated setbacks on the north, west and south boundaries of the short plat are associated with roadway setbacks from Interstate 90 (north), Flora Road (west), and Broadway Avenue (south). The delineated eastern setback appears to have been an error or oversight on the part of the surveyor/engineer or the plat sponsor which was not questioned by the reviewing Planning staff. INTERPRETATION: Section 14.616.325 (B) of the Spokane County Zoning Code, Minimum Yards in the Urban Residential -3.5 (UR -3.5) zone, specifies a 5 foot side yard setback and 20 foot rear yard setback for primary structures. For accessory structures, a minimum rear yard setback of 5 feet may be attained. A favorable response to your request for an interpretation of these circumstances is indicated, subject to the limitations identified below. In the case of Tract A, the eastern lot boundary effectively forms the side yard of the lot, and a 5 foot side yard setback for accessory structures may be applied consistent with the provision that "The setbacks indicated on this plat may be varied from if proper zoning approvals are obtained." Primary structures must still conform to the 25 foot setback, since " ... these setbacks are specifically drafted on this final short plat." A short plat amendment and re- recording would be required to remove the drafted setback line and attain a standard 5 foot side yard setback for primary structures. In the case of Tract D, the eastern lot boundary effectively forms the rear yard of the lot, and is further encumbered by a 10 foot wide sanitary sewer easement. A 5 foot rear yard setback for accessory structures may be applied consistent with the provision that "The setbacks indicated on this plat may be varied from if proper zoning approvals are obtained." Primary structures must still conform to the 25 foot setback, since " ... these setbacks are specifically drafted on this final short plat." A short plat amendment and re- recording would be required to remove the drafted setback line and attain a standard 20 foot rear yard setback for primary structures. AIE-5-00 December 21, 2000 Page 2of3 APPEAL RIGHTS: This is an administrative interpretation of the Spokane County Zoning Code pursuant to Section 14.504.000. Pursuant to ESHB- 1724 and the Board of County Commissioners Resolution No. 96- 0293, this document is also considered the Notice of Final Decision and Notice of Right to Appeal. This administrative interpretation is final and conclusive unless within fourteen (14) calendar days after the decision is issued, a party aggrieved by such decision files an appeal with the Spokane County Hearing Examiner. The appropriate appeal application and fee information can be obtained from the Division of Planning. Upon receipt of a complete appeal application, a public hearing will be scheduled. This decision was mailed to the applicant on December 21, 2000. The appeal closing date is at 5:00 p.m. January 4, 2001. Sincerely yours, James Richardson Associate Planner ael Needham Director 7(/ AIE-5-00 December 21, 2000 Page 3 of 3