2013, 07-11 Minutes 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEY EMPLOYEE SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES Spokane Valley City Hall, Opportunity Conference Room July 11, 2013 Committee Members Present: Committee Members Absent: Others Present: Tom Danielson, Chair Chris Dobbins, Vice-Chair Michelle Rasmussen, Recorder John Whitehead, Risk Manager Jay Grissom 1.Convene Meeting: Tom convened the meeting at 4:05 p.m. 2.Minutes of June 5, 2013: Consensus to approve the minutes as presented. 3.Accident Prevention Plan: John, as Risk Manager, shared about a training course Michelle and he attended regarding o GHS training of staff. GHS, Globally Harmonized System, is a world-wide system with one index of chemical labeling using pictures. Training for staff will begin this fall and must be completed by June, 2014. This requirement gives the City the opportunity to formalize our HazCom Program. We were each tasked to review the Hazard Communication Policy and Program Drafts and o email comments/suggestions to all of the committee for their review, and prior to Mike Jackson signing the policy. One suggestion was to add a statement about archiving SDS sheets in the policy. These o sheets need to be kept indefinitely for reference as to chemicals used on site. We talked of dating the SDS sheets and HR time stamping upon receipt of old SDS sheets prior to archival. Discussed a digital copy of SDS sheets for contractors or a link to our website and a folder on o the P drive for employees rather than a 3 ring binder. 4.Safety Concerns: Concerning the Draft HazCom Policy, a process needs to be identified for: Who should put labels on chemicals when they arrive person who orders? o Must make sure employees have made themselves aware of chemicals prior to using, o especially new chemicals Where do we get the labels? Do we need printers? o Concerning CenterPlace: there is speeding in the parking lot. Tom suggested temporary speed bumps that can be removed for winter plowing. Concerning Computers in City Vehicles: Jay mentioned the laptops, which are attached to a tray by a spring-loaded hinge, could fly loose and injure the driver if another car hit their vehicle. Solid fasteners are needed to make the laptop secure. 5. Other Business: Michelle will mention to Mike Jackson about the speed bump and fasteners for the laptops to get direction on these issues. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:32 p.m.