13-254.00 Allied Fire & Security ,•� ' " /� �_� Monitoring Agreement d (''' PORTLAND RENTON SPOKANE FIRE&SECURITY* 530 NE Couch St 3051 E Valley Rd 425 W Second Ave Monitored Acct#:A1837 e Portland,OR 97232 Renton,WA 98057 Spokane,WA 99201 ';'*-4,1,. Smcc 1948 " ''Y' �- �I 1?) r503)281-1177 razs)988-6500 (5091 624-3152 • Customer Acct#:A1837 This Agreement is entered into on —1409/2 by and between ALLIED SAFE&VAULT CO.,INC.dba ALLIED FIRE&SECURITY,INC,hereinafter referred to as"ALLIED",and CENTERPLACE(0,MIRABEAU hereinafter referred to as"Subscriber,"ALLIED's customer. MONITORING SERVICE,EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER,AND DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES PROVIDED:ALLIED agrees to provide emergency response,service and monitoring as hereinafter set forth to monitor the alarm system owned by Subscriber and located at: 5704 Street Address: 2426 N DISCOVERY PL City:SPOKANE VALLEY State:WA Zip:--992436. Email Address: Phone: (509)688-0042'0740 igiP Billing Address: 2426 N DISCOVERY PL City:SPOKANE VALLEY State:WA Zip:-99298' 17?24. Billing Email Address: Send To:(Check box to identify requested signal type) TYPE OF SYSTEM MONITORED: SIGNAL TYPE: Monitoring Center Text/Page/Cell(if applicable) ❑ Residential Burglar ® 0 ®Commercial Fire ® 0 ❑ Financial Hold-Up ❑ 0 MONITORING EQUIPMENT TYPE: Medical ❑ 0 ® Digital Communicator Model# FA1600C Environmental 0 0 ❑Other: Trouble 0 0 Other: ❑ 0 MONITORING SERVICE TYPE: ® Basic 0 Open/Close Supervised with Reports ®Subscriber's Regular Telephone Line 0 Open/Close Log Only without Reports 0 Open/Close Supervised without Reports 0 Cellular/AFSNet Transmission—0 Primary 0 Backup 0 Open/Close Log Only with Reports Supervised Signal Transmission Testing— 0 Daily 0 Weekly 0 Monthly ® None If"None"is checked above,subscriber declines supervised signal transmission testing.(Unsupervised weekly testing is provided at no charge.Notification of any signaltrans failures will be through the Subscriber's alarm system keypad(s)only.Subscriber's Initials 0 If checked,$150.00 early termination fee applies only for monitoring takeovers if the Subscriber discontinues service prior to completing the initial term of this agreement. (See section 2). ADDITIONAL NOTES: ORIGINAL CONTRACT TERMS REMAIN:COMM 07/26/2005 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.MONITORING SERVICES PROVIDER:Under this Agreement,Subscriber has contracted with ALLIED for an alarm system and/or service at the premises indicated on this Agreement(hereinafter called"Premises").ALLIED and Subscriber have entered into an Agreement wherein and whereby ALLIED will provide monitoring services for Subscriber,such services to consist solely of those described herein.ALLIED has subcontracted such monitoring services to ALLIED's partner ALARM CENTER INC.or ALARM CENTRAL STATION(MONITORING CENTER),which has agreed to perform the same solely as the agent of ALLIED upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and subject to the terms of the agreement between the MONITORING CENTER and ALLIED. 2.TERMS,PAYMENT,RENEWAL:Subscriber hereby agrees to pay to ALLIED,its agents or assigns: (a) For monitoring,the sum of $37.50 +tax if applicable per month,payable 0 Monthly(AutoPay only) 0 Annually Semi-Annually 0 Quarterly in advance on the first day of the year,six month period or quarter,respectively,commencing with the month following completion of the i stallation,for a period of( NOTE )year(s)from the date of completion of installation of the system.In addition,together with the first monthly payment,Subscriber shall pay the pro rata share of the monthly charge for the month in which installation was completed.This Agreement shall automatically be renewed for successive terms of(_ONE )year(s)at the same monthly service rate subject to paragraph 11,unless either party notifies the other in writing of its intention to terminate the Agreement,not less than thirty(30)days prior to the expiration of the original term or any renewal term thereof. (b) Alarm Signal Transmission: Subscriber acknowledges that monitoring center utilizes various means of communication,including,but not limited to telephone service(s),radio frequency(s), cellular network(s),and intemet(s),and the signals from Subscriber's alarm system are transmitted via Subscriber's chosen means of transmission.In the event Subscriber's or ALLIED'S radio network service is out of order,disconnected,or otherwise interrupted, signals from Subscriber's alarm system will not be received by ACI during any such interruption in service, and the interruption may not be known to ACI. Subscriber further acknowledges and agrees that signals transmitted by whatever means are wholly beyond the control and jurisdiction of ALLIED and monitoring center and are maintained and serviced by third party providers.Subscriber agrees to provide the means of transmission at Subscriber's own expense.Any and all charges for such service(s)shall be for the account of Subscriber.Any increases in the cost for such service(s)shall be bome by Subscriber,and if charged directly to monitoring center,shall be added to the periodic charges billed to ALLIED,and will be re-billed to Subscriber. Subscriber acknowledges that activation of the alarm system will interrupt and disconnect any telephone call in progress that uses the same transmission method. Subscriber acknowledges that intemet service may be interrupted by power outages,thereby preventing alarm signal transmission.AFSNet radio network signals may/are be owned by ALLIED however the same conditions of this paragraph apply. ALLIED FIRE&SECURITY SUBSCRIBER By signature below,customer understands that they ar granting Allied Fire&Security a security interest in e e u' me t sp 'f re u d balance due is paid in full. State Contractor's License No.OR: 64465 WA:ALLIESV26406 Signed: r Signed: Printed Name: '44 D. SratiE Printed Name: WHITNEY CHAFIN Title: A/4' '1/ /of ''' 1 cK-11710A/A� Date Signed: 10/10/13 Date Signed: '2/1' /3 Corp: Partnership: Sole Proprietor: Other(describe): THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT BE BINDING UPON ALLIED UNLESS SIGNED BY AN AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL OF ALLIED. IN THE EVENT OF NON-APPROVAL, THE SOLE LIABILITY OF ALLIED SHALL BE TO REFUND TO SUBSCRIBER THE AMOUNT THAT HAS BEEN PAID TO ALLIED BY SUBSCRIBER UPON THE SIGNING OF THIS AGREEMENT PLEASE NOTE THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON PAGE 2 AND 3 OF THIS CONTRACT. Rev.9/5/12,p. 1 of 3 ti 3.ALLIED'S LIABILITY/DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES:ALLIED AND MONITORING CENTER(S)DO NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT:THAT THE ALARM SYSTEM MAY NOT BE COMPROMISED OR CIRCUMVENTED; OR THAT THE SYSTEM WILL PREVENT ANY LOSS BY BURGLARY, HOLD-UP, FIRE, OR OTHERWISE OR THAT IT WILL PREVENT DEATH,BODILY OR PERSONAL INJURY OR DAMAGE,OR THAT THE SYSTEM WILL IN ALL CASES PROVIDE THE PROTECTION FOR WHICH IT IS INSTALLED OR INTENDED. SUBSCRIBER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT ALLIED AND MONITORING CENTER HAVE MADE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES,NOR HAS SUBSCRIBER RELIED ON ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.SUBSCRIBER FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES:THAT ALLIED AND ACI ARE NOT INSURERS, THAT SUBSCRIBER ASSUMES ALL RISK FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO SUBSCRIBER'S PREMISES OR TO THE CONTENTS THEREOF OR FOR ANY DEATH OR INJURY. SUBSCRIBER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HE HAS READ AND DISCUSSED PARAGRAPHS 18 AND 19 REGARDING ALLIED AND MONITORING CENTER'S LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND RIGHT OF INDEMNIFICATION WITH ALLIED AND/OR ACT'S AGENT.SUBSCRIBER UNDERSTANDS THAT HE MAY OBTAIN A HIGHER LIMITATION OF ALLIED AND MONITORING CENTER'S LIABILITY BY PAYING AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE. 4.MONITORING SERVICES:ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER agree to monitor without warranty or liability to ALLIED or MONITORING CENTER,and not as insurers,during the term of this Agreement, the signals of alarm system(s) owned by Subscriber at the premises hereinabove set forth. ALLIED shall connect Subscriber's System to MONITORING CENTER'S monitoring receiver located in MONITORING CENTER'S monitoring facility.MONITORING CENTER or its designee,on behalf of ALLIED shall make every reasonable effort to do the following:Upon receipt of an alarm signal,the monitoring facility shall notify the appropriate police or fire department,or other persons or entities designated by Subscriber or ALLIED in writing to MONITORING CENTER.MONITORING CENTER reserves the right to verify all alarm signals by telephone or otherwise before notifying emergency personnel,and may discontinue any particular response service due to governmental or insurance requirements by giving notice in writing to ALLIED who shall notify the Subscriber.If,in the opinion of MONITORING CENTER,use by the Subscriber adversely affects the use of the signal receiving equipment,this Agreement may be terminated thirty(30)days following written notice to ALLIED who shall notify the Subscriber.Subscriber acknowledges that MONITORING CENTER'S repair obligation with respect to monitoring relates solely to the repair and operation of the signal receiving equipment.Preventive maintenance and repair services are available from ALLIED to assure proper operation of Subscriber's security equipment and/or devices.The monitoring service shall commence on the date of connection of the transmission equipment to the telephone lines of the Subscriber by ALLIED.Subscriber acknowledges and consents to the recording of all telephone communication with the Monitoring Center. 5.FALSE ALARMS: In the event an excessive number of false alarms are caused by ALLIED or Subscriber's carelessness,malicious action,or accidental use of the alarm system, ALLIED or MONITORING CENTER may in its sole discretion deem same to be a material breach of this Agreement on the part of Subscriber and,at its option,in addition to all other legal remedies set forth below.ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER shall be excused from further performance upon the giving of ten(10)days written notice to Subscriber.ALLIED's or MONITORING CENTER'S excuse from performance shall not affect its right to recover damages from ALLIED or Subscriber. In the event a fine,penalty,or fee is assessed against ALLIED or MONITORING CENTER by any governmental or municipal agency as a result of any alarm originating from Subscriber's premises,Subscriber agrees to forthwith reimburse ALLIED and/or MONITORING CENTER for all such costs. 6.RECEIPT OF COPY:SUBSCRIBER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF ONE(1)COPY OF THIS AGREEMENT.THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPHS 11.2 THROUGH 30 OF THIS AGREEMENT ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN AND BY REFERENCE ARE MADE A PART HEREOF. 7.THIS MESSAGE APPLIES TO DOOR-TO-DOOR SALES ONLY:You,the Subscriber,may cancel this transaction at any time prior to midnight of the third business day after the date of this transaction.SEE PARAGRAPH 30 ON PAGE 2 FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT. 8.PERMITS/LICENSES:Subscriber represents that he has secured whatever permission,permits or licenses that may be necessary from local authorities for the monitoring of his alarm system.Subscriber shall pay all permit fees,license fees or other charges that may be required by governmental agencies. 9.INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE:ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER assume no liability for interruption of monitoring service due to strikes,riots,floods,storms,earthquakes,fires, power failures,insurrection,interruption or unavailability of telephone service,radio network service,Internet service,acts of God,or for any other cause beyond the control of ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER and will not be required to supply monitoring service to Subscriber while interruption of service due to any such cause may continue. 10.SUSPENSION OR CANCELLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT: This Agreement may be suspended or cancelled without notice at the option of ALLIED and/or MONITORING CENTER, if MONITORING CENTER'S Remote Facilities' or Subscriber's premises or equipment are destroyed by fire or other catastrophe, or so substantially damaged that it is impractical to continue service,or in the event MONITORING CENTER is unable to render service as a result of any action by any governmental authority or utility. 11.INCREASE IN TAXES,UTILITY CHARGES OR MONTHLY SERVICE: 11.1 Subscriber acknowledges that all charges set forth herein are based upon existing federal,state and local taxes and utility charges,including telephone company line charges,if any.ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER shall have the right,at any time,to increase the monthly charges provided herein,to reflect any additional taxes,fees or charges which hereafter may be imposed on ALLIED or MONITORING CENTER by any utility or governmental agency relating to the service(s)provided under the terms of this Agreement and Subscriber agrees to pay the same 11.2 So that ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER may properly adjust their rates to meet changing monitoring costs and notwithstanding the terms and conditions set forth herein after the expiration of one(1)year from the date of this Agreement,ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER may at any time increase the monthly service charge upon giving the Subscriber notice in writing.If Subscriber is unwilling to pay the increased monthly charge,Subscriber may terminate this Agreement upon giving notice in writing to ALLIED within thirty (30)days from the effective date of the increase.Subscriber's failure to notify ALLIED within said thirty(30)days shall constitute Subscriber's consent to the increase. 12.SUBSCRIBER'S DUTIES AS TO USE OF SYSTEM:the Subscriber shall carefully and properly test the system monthly during the term of this Agreement.If any defect in operation of the system develops or in the event of a power failure or other interruption at Subscriber's premises,Subscriber shall notify ALLIED immediately.Subscriber agrees to furnish ALLIED forthwith a written list of the names,and telephone numbers of all persons authorized to enter the premises or be notified in the event of an alarm,and for commercial systems a daily and holiday opening and closing schedule.All changes,revisions and modifications to the above shall be supplied to ALLIED in writing. 13.AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL:Subscriber agrees to furnish forthwith a written list of the names,titles,residence addresses,residence phone numbers of all persons authorized to be notified in the event of an alarm, and to furnish ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER with a written daily and holiday opening and closing schedule. All changes, revisions and modifications to the above shall be supplied to ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER in writing. 14.TITLE TO MONITORING EQUIPMENT:Subscriber agrees that all equipment installed by ALLIED to transmit signals to monitor or to supervise the system(s)shall at all times remain the sole property of ALLIED. Subscriber will not damage, encumber or dispose of said equipment or permit the equipment to be damaged,encumbered,taken from the premises, tampered with or repaired by anyone but authorized agents of ALLIED. In the event of loss or damage to the equipment or any part thereof, Subscriber agrees to pay ALLIED the reasonable value thereof or the cost of repairs as the case may be.At the expiration of this Agreement,or in the event of any default in performance by Subscriber,ALLIED is authorized to enter upon the premises of Subscriber and remove ALLIED's owned equipment.Removal of the equipment shall be without prejudice to the collection of any and all sums due under the entire contract or extensions or renewals thereof.Subscriber shall in such event return said equipment to ALLIED in good condition,reasonable wear and tear accepted.Subscriber agrees that the installation of the equipment does not create a fixture to Subscriber's premises. 15.DELINQUENCY:RECONNECT CHARGES:In the event any payment due hereunder is more than ten(10)days delinquent ALLIED may impose and collect a delinquency charge of one percent(1%)per month(12%per annum)of the amount of the delinquency or the maximum amount permitted by law whichever is the lesser.If the monitoring service is deactivated because of Subscriber's past due balance and if Subscriber desires to have the service reactivated,Subscriber agrees to pay in advance to ALLIED a reactivation charge to be fixed by ALLIED in a reasonable amount. 16.DEFAULT BY SUBSCRIBER:If Subscriber fails to pay any amount herein provided within ten(10)days after the same is due and payable,or if Subscriber fails to perform any other provisions hereof within ten(10)days after ALLIED shall have requested in writing performance thereof,or if any proceeding in bankruptcy,receivership or insolvency shall be commenced by or against Subscriber or his property,or if Subscriber makes any assignment for the benefit of creditors,ALLIED or MONITORING CENTER shall have the right but shall not be obligated to exercise any one or more of the following remedies:(a)Recover the existing amounts due from Subscriber and continue to monitor and/or maintain the system,in which case ALLIED shall be entitled to recover,in addition,the periodic amounts due under the contract for said services;or(b)Discontinue monitoring of the system and disconnect ALLIED owned equipment upon five(5)days written notice to Subscriber at Subscriber's address listed above.If ALLIED or MONITORING CENTER discontinues service,ALLIED shall be entitled to recover the existing amounts due under this said contract for said services up to the date of discontinuance of service,and,in addition,for service to be provided,damages computed by subtracting from the total sum ALLIED would have received over the then term of the agreement,the total of the cost to ALLIED of leasing telephone lines,if any,for any remaining unexpired term of the agreement plus the anticipated cost of replacement materials and equipment over the unexpired term of the contract.This cost of materials and equipment is to be determined by ALLIED in its sole discretion from its prior experience.Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that said costs are the only costs involved;or(c)Recover from Subscriber all sums ALLIED may be entitled to under the law.In the event of termination of this Agreement or upon expiration of this Agreement,ALLIED shall have the immediate right to remove any ALLIED owned equipment under the terms and conditions set forth herein.Removal of the equipment as hereinabove set forth shall not be considered to constitute a breach by ALLIED of this Agreement or waiver by ALLIED of any such damages or rights. 434 Customer Initials DI Fa CD Air)TS TUF=PRIM Aron rnernlnnN.c nnr Par:F I ANn I nr-THI.c rnNTRArT Rev.9/5/12.n.2 of 3 4 17.TERM OF AGREEMENT;DISCONNECTION:ALLIED will give Subscriber at least five(5)days written notice of termination of such services to Subscriber and,upon giving such notice,this Agreement and all of ALLIED's responsibilities hereunder shall come to an end and neither party hereto shall have any claim against the other for any further obligations.In the event that ALLIED notifies MONITORING CENTER of its termination of service for the Subscriber for any reason,or in the event that ALLIED fails or refuses to make payments for services furnished or to be furnished to Subscriber by MONITORING CENTER,MONITORING CENTER will give Subscriber at least five(5)days written notice of termination of such services to Subscriber and,upon giving such notice,this Agreement and all of MONITORING CENTER'S responsibilities hereunder shall come to an end and Subscriber shall not have any claim against MONITORING CENTER for any further obligations. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, Subscriber agrees to permit MONITORING CENTER to discontinue monitoring and further permit either ALLIED or MONITORING CENTER to enter upon Subscriber's premises and disconnect Subscriber's system from MONITORING CENTER'S monitoring network. 18.ALLIED AND MONITORING CENTER ARE NOT INSURERS; LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: It is understood and agreed:That ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER are not insurers of PROPERTY,life,safety,OR health of any person;that insurance,if any,shall be obtained by Subscriber;that the payments provided for herein are based solely on the value of the service as set forth herein and are unrelated to the value OF life,safety or health or property of Subscriber or others;that ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER make no guaranty or warranty,including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness that the equipment or services supplied will avert or prevent occurrences or the consequences therefrom which the system or service is designed to detect or avert.Subscriber acknowledges that it is impractical and extremely difficult to fix the actual damages,if any,which may proximately result from a failure to perform any of the obligations herein,including,but not limited to installation,service,maintenance or monitoring,or the failure of the system to properly operate with resulting loss to subscriber or others because of,among other things:The uncertain amount or value of life safety,health,or property of Subscriber or others which may be injured,lost,stolen,destroyed,damaged or otherwise affected by occurrences which the system or service are designed to detect or avert;The uncertainty of the response time of any police,fire department,emergency medical personnel,or other responding parties should the police,fire department,or other responding parties be dispatched as a result of a signal being received or an audible device sounding;The inability to ascertain what portion, if any,of any loss would be proximately caused by MONITORING CENTER'S or ALLIED's failure to perform or by its equipment's FAILURE to operate;AND The nature of the service to be performed by ALLIED and/or MONITORING CENTER.Subscriber understands and agrees that if Allied and/or Monitoring Center should be found liable for loss or damage due to a failure of the installation,REPAIR SERVICE,monitoring,service or equipment in any respect whatsoever,ALLIED's and MONITORING CENTER'S liability shall be limited to a total sum equal to the total of six(6)monthly payments or THREE Hundred Dollars($300.00),whichever is the lesser,and this liability shall be exclusive, and that the provisions of this Section shall apply if THE injury,loss or damage,irrespective of cause of origin,results directly or indirectly to persons or property,from performance or nonperformance of the obligations imposed by this contract;from negligence,active or otherwise,of ALLIED and/or MONITORING CENTER,their agents, servants,assigns or employees;FROM STRICT LIABILITY IN TORT;OR FROM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY. IF SUBSCRIBER WISHES,Subscriber may obtain from ALLIED or MONITORING CENTER a higher limitation of liability by paying an additional monthly service charge to ALLIED.If Subscriber elects to exercise this option,a rider shall be attached to this Agreement setting forth the terms,conditions and amount of the limited liability and the additional monthly charge.Such rider and additional obligation shall in no way be interpreted to make ALLIED or MONITORING CENTER as an insurer. 19.THIRD PARTY INDEMNIFICATION:When Subscriber ordinarily has the property of others in his custody,or the System extends to protect other persons or the property of others,Subscriber to the extent allowed by law agrees to and shall indemnify,defend and hold harmless ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER,their employees and agents for and against all claims brought by parties other than the parties to this Agreement.This provision shall apply to all claims regardless of cause,including ALLIED's and MONITORING CENTER'S performance or failure to perform including installation, inspections,tests, repair service,monitoring,or non-operation of the System,whether based upon active or passive negligence,contribution,indemnification,warranty,or strict or product liability on the part of ALLIED and/or MONITORING CENTER,their employees or agents,but this provision shall not apply to claims for loss or damage which occur while an employee of ALLIED or MONITORING CENTER is on or about Subscriber's premises,and are solely and directly caused by said employee. 20.LIMITATION ON ACTIONS;WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL:Both parties hereby agree that no suit or action that relates in any way to this Agreement(whether based upon contract, negligence or otherwise)shall be brought against the other more than one(1)year after the accrual of the cause of action therefore.In addition,both parties hereby waive any rights to a jury trial in any judicial action brought by either party which relates in any way to this Agreement(whether based upon contract,negligence or otherwise). 21.SUBROGATION: So far as it is permitted by Subscriber's property insurance coverage, Subscriber hereby releases,discharges and agrees to hold ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER harmless from any and all claims,liabilities,damages,losses or expenses,arising from or caused by any hazard covered by insurance in or on the Subscriber's premise whether said claims are made by Subscriber,his agents,or insurance company or other parties claiming under or through Subscriber.Subscriber agrees to indemnify ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER against,and defend and hold ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER harmless from any action for subrogation which may be brought against ALLIED or MONITORING CENTER by any insurer or insurance company or its agents or assigns including the payment of all damages,expenses,costs and attorney's fees.Subscriber shall notify his insurance carrier of the terms of this provision. 22.GOVERNING LAW:Subscriber acknowledges that the monitoring service is provided in the State of Washington and therefore agrees that the laws of the State of Washington shall govern this Agreement in all respects unless otherwise agreed to by MONITORING CENTER,ALLIED,and Subscriber.Venue in the case of any dispute shall be in Spokane County, Washington. 23.PURCHASE ORDERS:It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that if there is any conflict between this Agreement and Subscriber's purchase order,or any other document,this contract will govern,whether such purchase order or any other document is prior or subsequent to this Agreement. 24.ATTORNEY'S FEES:In the event it shall become necessary for ALLIED or MONITORING CENTER to institute legal proceedings to collect the cost of any charges as set forth herein, then and in such proceedings the unsuccessful party shall pay to the successful party reasonable attorney's fees where permitted by law. 25.ASSIGNEES AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORS OF ALLIED:ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER shall have the right to assign this Agreement in whole or in part to any other person, firm or corporation and shall have the further right to subcontract any surveillance, monitoring, maintenance, patrol, emergency response, or other services which it may perform. Subscriber acknowledges that this Agreement,and particularly those paragraphs relating to ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER'S maximum liability,and third party indemnification,shall inure to the benefit of and are applicable to any assignees and I or subcontractors of ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER,and that they bind Subscriber with respect to said assignees and/or subcontractors with the same force and effect as they bind Subscriber to ALLIED and MONITORING CENTER.This contract is not assignable by the Subscriber. 26.INVALID PROVISIONS:In the event any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement shall be declared to be invalid or inoperative,all of the remaining terms and provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 27.ENTIRE INTEGRATED AGREEMENT;MODIFICATION;ALTERATIONS;WAIVER:This writing is intended by the parties as a final expression of their agreement and as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms thereof,and Subscriber has read and understands this entire Agreement.This Agreement supersedes all prior representations,understandings or agreements of the parties and the parties rely only upon the contents of this Agreement in executing it.This Agreement can only be modified by a writing signed by the parties or their duly authorized agent.No waiver of a breach of any term or condition of this Agreement shall be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach. 28.PARAGRAPH HEADINGS:The paragraph titles used herein are for the convenience of the parties only and shall not be considered in construing the provisions of this Agreement. 29.GENDER:Wherever the context requires in this Agreement,the masculine gender herein used shall include the feminine and the singular shall include the plural. CONSUMER(HOME/RESIDENTIAL)NOTICE 30.NOTICE OF CANCELLATION: Date of Transaction .You may cancel this transaction,without any penalty or obligation,within three(3)business days from the above date or the date on the front side of this Agreement.If you cancel,any property traded in and payment made by you under the contract or sale and any negotiable instrument executed by you,will be returned within ten(10)days following receipt by ALLIED of your cancellation notice and any security interest arising out of the transaction will be cancelled. If you cancel,you must make available to ALLIED,at your residence,in substantially as good condition as when received,any goods delivered to you under this Contract or sale,or you may,if you wish,comply with the instruction of ALLIED I regarding the return shipment of the goods at ALLIED's expense and risk.If you do make the goods available to ALLIED and ALLIED does not pick them up within twenty(20)days of the date of your Notice of Cancellation,you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation.If you fail to make the goods available to ALLIED or if you agree to return the goods to ALLIED and fail to do so,then you remain liable for performance of all obligations under the Contract. To cancel this transaction,mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this Cancellation Notice or any other written notice,or send a fax to: Allied Fire&Security Corporate Headquarters 425 W Second.,Spokane,WA 99201,FAX(509)747-7359. I hereby cancel this transaction.DATED: SUBSCRIBER'S SIGNATURE: Customer Initials 4) PLEASE NOTE THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON PAGE 1 AND 2 OF THIS CONTRACT. Rev.9/5/12,p.3 of 3