2014 Accomplishments Presentation 2014Accomplishments "A community of opportunity where individuals and families can grow and play, and businesses will flourish and prosper." kaP CITY' i3T 11 a � 2014 Budget Goals • Continue to monitor the discharge permit process for the Spokane County wastewater treatment plant. • Implement solid waste alternatives for collection, transport and disposal in the best interest of the City. • Pursue a legislative capital budget request or other grant/ funding for the Appleway Trail Project, parkland acquisition, the Barker Road separation and purchase of a transfer station. • Continue and expand where possible, an economic development plan, including review and evaluation of Spokane Valley's development regulations and how they compare with other jurisdictions; and keeping options open for an alternative city hall. • Focus on sustainability of Street Preservation program beyond 2016. • Evaluate law enforcement needs based on calls for service, crime rates, business and population growth and other supporting data. eillisi.. ----,-7 ,,,,„,„. _ 2014 Budget Goals: Solid Waste n`suns ; e Disposal & Recycling' •'•gre.0”c<RE1T nit ru_+]i9X0•5N4[T�5 011r5,11, T. • Implement solid waste alternatives for 5�'°"56 °°";'a collection, transport and disposal in the best interest of the City. _ r 'r- k ,r - I I 1+411121 • Y CI Surnshin� l� _Il No onicI r Re ty<Iwq - e 2014 Budget Goals: Legislative Capital Budget Requests BARKER ROAD GRADE SEPARATION - SPOKANE VALLEY,WA "A Bridging khe Valley Project • Pursue a legislative capital budget request or other `r.I`� ,, ley — _— a `� _ grant/ fundingfor the ApplewayTrail Project, Y - 1. dIx°° Land tor a rp... I,r parkland acquisition, the Barker Road separation and �. 1 purchase of a transfer station. rs O.a2 rale e reg rpm.valley Is2.Aro,sar to separateveM1kk traffic hr.am trarBr. FUNDING BEQUEST: nlh.d]ear. ,larragraDemean aa..wnend nas. .Ida v 519.5 Million ra greee upaotmn at malourt acrmlas-nynars M�the mrddPr� DESIGN AND Dramas.denalran..add roaeawargna•tfnMPcamdorLs I pro eutu•e erm:mipa,Rh,tells lawment t'e f.' Fety, CONSTRUCTION .11,..a4L•a0arr.a•n.Bens.eta.a P'R of TN peirn. 0a,Eft from state Rolled.25P IrrerrO to Irsersbt 9V far wclo crawling to'. a rgl Iysho end Canada. Total Wmk et CoN:579i PA mar, Projected Impacts • Drew 4,ROW p'h..r:53.6 kill,. 305aaesfgn.e.w.wd.Fadaralerecaded Tau a.pr orn asp. ., wiles a Gtenrotta.Ph..56 MIll.n y�, :he state Emdra eecnf.1 daa-ance wand far salt p ilkii _ ii ....:__. ,. l..r i ..•.� I .�•rSl Poen rob snffieedae 9.669 rprdmklMd kYndc5v.7{MiWoq ,■ / { w ■ N g.lwm.vnaa eo St7a • W nriglp-51eF WSW—$Sb MIIIL 1 e eh.-IN u3len • ripeM tamed rm.. • — -� ry rer�wrel I,71, .P g2„ 4 kPo f SYd,,,,, _ • Mehl lfelKZ Nenelljp� 11111 ., ��•rl�..I`/ -'�-..f�t yl__, - IbxnlY auq{epanad fa 50] InpaWPA1C1a'ary by Nl Wnseeiv.waq.gliepnt a r derdappmn on 5poyme. ♦ Enhance deco.rredt opparn.NeYe MIF a shale rill •r+� Pala, invr a.t4R • Impar emerge,a¢rss to residents erre `ECM...sr • creerrara.Icngtrmr Mg V.,.ar Irv.1.srurng ked..e rico.lr.els—rv..use fire..*Ilia.PVT tl.ecred.1d'- ., • ImpareraM[Yell dw ro a Papa,.pada means r-.., ,l'eirr'ar, . ir, _, ApplewayTrail—UniversitytoPines .a .. __ 4 misig ........ --:---- 2014 Budget Goals: Economic Development/ City Hall • Continue and expand where possible, an economic development plan, including review and evaluation of Spokane Valley's development regulations and how ._ • they compare with other jurisdictions, and keeping N , Ya . , A I : it t-w% options open for an alternative city hall. SITEAriJ 1 j`� FUTURE _ . tom. ei CITY HALL 1 ' w -74 : ... — _ IIEQ. _ PHOTO COURTESY OF GOOGLE EARTH ,., -_-_ -7fi 5 Budget Goals: Street Preservation • Focus on sustainability of Street Preservation program beyond 2016. , 1 kl •, .1% - # , ,..., .. - „. ..,t .,.. : 2", .....1 if I, 100;1 142181414111t 6-- " — 1111"1"1" Pi 4 .1._`,,„,i:,:,..1*.t.'41,, 1 •R I' - , ' h •' ` _ n -cam,-_ t ,i.'i ----.:4 131111151 2014 Budget Goals: Law Enforcement • Evaluate law enforcement needs based on calls for service, crime rates, business and population growth and other supporting data. off 444Z NIET , 4‘ 6 (1 4E, kms. 131111115 ".- 2014 Accomplishments by Department • Legislative & Executive • Community & Economic — City Council Development — City Manager — Permitting • Operations & Administration — Development Services & Engineering — Deputy City Manager - Planning - Human Resources — Code Enforcement - Finance — Economic Development • Public Safety • Public Works — Police Chief — Street Maintenance • Parks & Recreation — Traffic Division — Stormwater Utility — Capital Improvement Projects Legislative & Executive City Council City Manager Support Staff Regional Representation: Committees City Council Served On • Emergency Communications Board 911 • Spokane Regional Health District Board • Greater Spokane Incorporated • Spokane Regional Transportation Council • Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce • Spokane Solid Waste Advisory Committee • Growth Management Steering Committee of • Spokane Transit Authority Elected Officials • Tourism Promotion Area Tax Advisory Committee • Mayors/ Association of Northeast Washington • Visit Spokane (Spokane Regional Convention & • Spokane County Housing & Community Visitor Bureau Board of Directors) Development Advisory Committee • Wastewater Policy Advisory Board • Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency iii .... ---:--- Executive/ Legislative: Support Provided to Council i-a :-2r e • Regular Council Meetings 20 , . oi, i x — ' • Study Sessions 20 • ; !'" _' I ." " • Special Meetings 9 �- I• kr di .,'0 TOTAL MEETINGS 49 1: t. ‘ ` 1jw , ., 1 .... _ • ,, I ... . , • Resolutions Approved 15 • Ordinances Approved 21 lin r` • Bids Awarded 11 '�' ; Executive/Legislative: City Clerk's Office • Public Records Requests • Comprehensive Plan o 276 Total Requests 5 a week) o Worked with Code Company and o .59 average days to respond Community Development to place our o 5.65 average days to completion Comprehensive Plan online • Records Management o 36 new boxes to storage o 4o boxes destroyed o 1,233 additional files & documents destroyed (records not previously stored) Operations & Administration Deputy City Manager Contract Administration Public Information Office Human Resources Front Desk Reception Finance IT IIMMErtn . Contract Administration • Successfully applied for a state public defender grant, providing funding to help meet the caseload standards requirement. • Evaluated solid waste options identifying long-haul and private transfer stations as viable options. • Successfully completed negotiations for solid waste collections. • Developed public safety quarterly usage report. • Developed a more equitable cost methodology for the CAD/RMS Project, saving the City an estimated $125,000. • Successfully applied (with Finance) for the Justice Assistance Grant, providing $20,000 in law enforcement funding. Contract Administration L I Ci • Review of the cost estimate for the Law Enforcement ° .4114Prr Agreementalley/• Renewed the Traffic School Interlocal Agreement • Developed Law Enforcement Staffing Analysis and �- implemented the Law Enforcement Staffing Plan 4 WASCP Accredited Age3116 omte 2011 11111111.510 ---7- Public Information _, _ . • Provided public information support for Solid Waste • Worked with HR to promote new tourism app Y '� . iii 'I "'"14114. 4 • Sullivan Road Bridge Replacement outreach k ' 'or f r Q. • Appleway Trail project launch • Expanded newsletter from 2 issues a year to 3 issues • Increased email interest list subscribers by 20% or more for City News, Traffic Alerts, and Snowlnfo KEY RESULTS 2015 ..iiilek Media releases 241 Total media stories 756 O''t> Earned media stories 354 1):- _.`14e S,-`' Xi � - - Value of earned media $57,096 Citizen contacts 219 Human Resources • Provided safety training to employees in the areas of safe driving and the Hazardous materials labeling and identification. • Recruitment and Appointment of 8 City staff including the Deputy City Manager. • Met with over 35o businesses to assist them in enhancing their Google content. • Conducted 6 Employee wellness campaigns with over 18o participants. • Hosted 2 Employee Appreciation events awarding 17 service pins and employee awards. 111111MINk. -7- Front Desk Reception Staff assisted with: 6623 7000 76073 6000 5000 4000 2568 21:!1 3000 2000 1000 O New Business Renewed Business Visitor Support Answering Phones Licenses Licenses Finance & IT • Completed the 2013 annual financial report and the related audit process conducted by the State Auditor's Office. ▪ Result was a "clean" opinion with few audit recommendations and no findings. • Worked with the City Manager's Office to prepare and present materials to Moody's Investors Service which resulted in a City bond rating upgrade from Al to Aa3. • Working with the City Manager's Office and Legal Department, we refunded (refinanced) the 2003 Limited Tax General Obligation (LTGO) Bonds which resulted in a total savings on future bond payments of $1,581,128, including: ▪ $201,542 that will be realized by the City through an annual $21,000 reduction in payments through 2023. ▪ $1,379,586 that will be realized by the Spokane Public Facilities District (PFD) through an annual $79,000 reduction in payments through 2033. Finance & IT • Worked with the City Manager's Office and all other departments to complete the CITY OF SFOIC.4NE VALLEY,WA 2015 Budget development process. • In the 2015 Budget document: ,40011 ▪ Displays three years of actual revenue and expense activity. ` . . ▪ Further expanded budget narratives to provide the reader with a better sense of revenue sources, nature of the operation and historical perspective. • Worked with the City Manager's Office and Public Works personnel to update the 2014 ANNUAL BUDGET Pavement Preservation Fund #311 financial analysis which currently reflects funding at a level of at least $2,245,0003 per year through 2019. 20 Finance & IT • Acquired four vehicles using a process developed in 2013, including: • A Ford pickup and 2 Ford Escapes for the Public Works Department. • A Ford Escape for the Community and Economic Development Department. • Replaced two copiers, each of which had logged approximately 1,000,000 copies: • One in the Community and Economic Development Department. • One in the City Manager's Office. • IT Staff closed 1,100 support calls during 2014. • Hired a help desk technician that was financed through the reduction in professional services costs, historically paid to an outside vendor. • No system-wide outages occurred during normal business hours during 2014. Office of the City Attorney • Participated with Community and Economic Development as the City representatives for the negotiation and acquisition of real property at University City for a new City Hall facility; reviewed and negotiated all purchase and closing documents. • Assisted in drafting, editing, and reviewing the Shoreline Master Program development regulations as part of the adoption of the SMP in 2014; provided legal advice regarding the same. • Assisted with issuance, sale, and delivery of City's Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds. • Drafted and assisted City staff and City Council with consideration and adoption of interim recreational marijuana development regulations, permanent recreational marijuana development regulations, and moratorium on unlicensed marijuana uses. Office of the City Attorney • Provided numerous memos, advice, and assistance to City staff and City Council for ongoing legal issues related to solid waste transfer and disposal options, and solid waste collection options; participated as a member of negotiation teams for solid waste transfer, transport, and disposal contract and solid waste collection contracts. • Reviewed and provided assistance to City staff and City Council with development and adoption of the City's Solid Waste Management Plan and Moderate Risk Waste Management Plan. Public Safety Police Chief Public Safety Intelligence-Led Policing • Continues to be successful: • Intelligence analysis used to develop effective policing strategies • Designated ILP Detective to enhance information exchange between Patrol personnel and detectives • Identifying and addressing crime trends more rapidly • Roll call bulletin boards continually updated with intelligence info • ILP has had the following community results: • Arrests of prolific criminals • Recovery of stolen property • Reduction of burglaries and vehicle prowls in targeted areas Public Safety Lethality Assessment Program - Maryland Model (LAP) GOAL: To prevent domestic violence homicides, serious injury, and re-assault by encouraging more victims to utilize the support and shelter services of domestic violence programs. • Integrates an evidence-based screening tool with an accompanying protocol • Research shows reduction of domestic violence related homicides, serious assaults and repeat victimization with this program. • New understanding of the collaborative roles that exist between law enforcement and DV Advocates in the greater Spokane County Region. • Success is being observed from recently prosecuted cases -.:--iii.1.-- ---41,..............„.._ _____ Public Safety ,1 Traffic Unit ' ▪ The unit maintained high productivity in its traffic enforcement u 1 = 04 1' in 2014. U 4 is , e St Target Zero teams, supported by grant funds, resulted in E 1111; `„I o 4 numerous DUI arrests during emphasis patrols. n VE UHERIFF ▪ Added two new motorcycles and a new motor trailer to the unit. ▪ DUI Deputy Todd Miller had 209 DUI arrests, wrote 75 blood draw search warrants, received state recognition as leader in WA for impaired driver enforcement; approx. 35 DUI's for marijuana. minew...... 7---- 1\ t i u D it Public Safety • In 2014, SVPD had approx. 6o DUI's involving drivers under the 3 6 influence of marijuana; youngest age 14yrs, oldest age 58yrs; majority 8 age 18-25. (2013 had approx. 4o marijuana-related DUI's, just under 20 DUI's involving marijuana in 2012.) NAGE 14-17 N AGE 18-25 • Responded to incidents involving homeowners attempting to make 11 'AGE 26-35 N AGE 36-5o honey oil and causing a fire/explosion in the process. AGE 51-70 • SRD's arrested students in possession of marijuana at middle schools and high schools 34 • 55 marijuana-related crimes, excluding marijuana-related DUI's. 28 Public Safety Spokane Valley Traffic School • 1,47o drivers participated in the program in Spokane County; 906 of those drivers were from Spokane Valley. 4.10 • Continue to provide the option of attending an educational class instead of paying a fine k F • Completely voluntary program • Positive evaluations mise .,...... ---:--- Public Safety Spokane Regional Air Support Unit (SRASU) • In March 2014, Snohomish County requested Sgt. Ellis to help coordinate the aerial rescue response of the Oso mudslides that killed 43 people. • In July 2014, SRASU completed the process and became one of the first five airborne law enforcement units in the United States to become accredited. �7 ..�1 INMEME "..' 7- Public Safety SVPD continues to participate with State and Federal agencies utilizing strategic planning processes to focus on regional crime problems. • Department of Corrections (DOC) • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) Both DOC and ATF agents have work stations at the Spokane Valley Precinct to collaborate with our agency investigators. • Intelligence exchange established among agencies regarding criminal activity on active offenders. Public Safety Implementation of Reality-Based Training (RBT): • Prepares for the realities of today's law enforcement roles • Includes the fluid integration of decision-making skills and tactical concerns • Involves actual people and perceived threats • Replicates the pressure of real life encounters, and controls stress while in dangerous situations. • Drills might include the risk of pain, decision making and accountability • Exposes officers to the psychological and physiological effects of use of force in both lethal and non-lethal situations • Has increased our safe response to stressful situations for our officers and citizens INMEME "--' 7- Public Safety • The Sheriff's Training Unit held 109 classes providing instruction to approx. 3,190 persons at the Training Center • Total training cost savings to SCSO is $313,703. • Hotels booked by those attending training in Spokane Valley totaled 2,872, with an economic impact of $660,660. • Maintain Facebook site for the Spokane Valley Police Department. • Keeps Spokane Valley citizens informed of current news and operational successes • Provides photos of recovered stolen property; many victims have located their items through the photos and were able to get their property returned • Chief's crime prevention and safety tips are posted. 11111111.311 —7-- Public Safety False Alarm Program success: SVPD False Alarm Reduction Unit 2011-2014 • As of 12/31/14, the number of open/active accounts with the City of 4000M Spokane Valley False Alarm Reduction 3500 3000 22 I Unit has risen to 3,612, representing a 2500 _ d ■Active Accts 3.6% increase from 2013. 2000 _.I_ • The false alarm rate has continued its oBillable False Alarms 1500 downward trend with a 2.89% decrease r � i$ 1000 m ° ° •FA Rate/1000 Accts M N 4 from 2013 and an overall decrease of 500 - i 0 • ■ ■ 26.64% since 2011. 2011 2012 2013 2014 — ........, ._ ,.......,......_._.....,,,,r-sir- - - monsici,,,.... . Public Safety . . .- ,,, Accreditation • Spokane Valley Police Department continues to operate as the first and largest contract law enforcement agency in .„„ '\.,,A,011 ,‘,-;,,-41,,ti . the State of Washington to be accredited through the v` �`' i'' ' ,V " ' },�6t��ti, 1 Vi hi�t t� ��,�; � ��15 ,,i*,,w,1.aY r'r illi+ ., t' t+t'} , Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs i ,, ; iit, ,�x }g�4" ju,r„ '� ' "'=i Rig= 4 (WASPC). ,�:_ ,, _p,:��;� ,r ,k4e+a4 ,} ,q'Zt lstj+i�si1a a rS{, V•Y . $ r 4 ,h431 t�,y,5 1�<z$.a sal TP,iiti • Spokane Valley Police Department is a highly effective : _'', agency following best practice policies with strict °j °}`" ' .`"_ t, accountability. ; � � }; le.'1 'Y 4 4 Luse!)Accredited 1 ■ Y 3F ______ 1111011 . -............i------.----:'-‘-' Parks & Recreation 0 itiposmior.0 ,, _ 'lam Il • f t . y� Y .. Ar ` �: 1 rir ve, u - ._4 F� .-• Irv'. •, -. 11.rf1 ` I _ - l i1E �j} f Ln _1rr =4 �Y , L'�,,� . FT a_ °,4 -I°4: 4.e. `4 O'er s* l '. A axti T Parks Administration & Maintenance ___ ._ _.n ,... .. if,. 4,. 46 ii.# 41. 4.. .-. 4,111. "11.... • Completed an extensive ' � • . public master planning 16 a '" •ATM POT NW PM � process for Browns Park. J Q rk ,p . a i 4..rso PI i.: { � � X- °mss ,� �Y. t y dr' z AN. ... •i'r ' • dialopt., .' G. . i 174.vim nen i i N �. I WTiL uw5ir.rP r.R �. BROWNS PARK MASTER PLAN Parks Administration & Maintenance • Completed a 't .. ; renovation of 1 r _ _ I _ : 1,...r. .Ai x�*r - Discovery - � � BEFORE AFTER Playground. • Park facility reservations were up over 400. • Renewed a variety of contracts. eimes ,...... . _ __ Parks Administration & Maintenance A � N � • Partnered with Eagle Scouts and a - i ; � , service groups on service projects. ` ter, h -- I -_ , r i 7..v4 .a 1 k• Assisted other City departments: J ' Appleway Trail Mission Trailhead 71 - ., p • 01 y ,yti der ! ,.-: _. . • Completed an RCO grant application - for Appleway Trail — Pines to Evergreen. s - . . 39 eilins ... ---:--- Parks Administration & Maintenance rtl!°9'41111'st,.., • Designed and constructed new park signs. {3T1'1w s irme 'elle TER1 • Edgecliff Park restroom was connected to ,ACE VIEW PARK & POOL ST I.!SHEL11%7 the public sewer system. s•-•• Completed various Police Precinct projects. i e• k • Centennial Trail Cooperative Agreement was finalized. einisp. -- ----- CenterPlace Regional Event Center e _ , .,.. . L 0 . j 4riCir 44 T . ,. • Hosted our 3rd annual Open House. P� 1 • CenterPlace business partnerships increased. ' , .,I�' AIT el • Hosted approx. 125,000 participants, — 111111 _ - excluding walk-ins. Orr.r'TA.,r 5.1110 Scare of iht _ P.-.1 ; 1 .ti • Booked 844 events held at CenterPlace. w 1111‘ I s r 1III _ } - y 4' iiiii .... ---,- CenterPlace Regional Event Center • Hosted Valleyfest at Mirabeau Point Park and CenterPlace. _ a wit: ➢ s iiii . r �.. 4 .P I e, _ _ _r__ 9 +I.., i :..:1!,,,, ilk.1,77 ..*-=.,t; .-...,. _ 0 .. .. ., . rir" ''' . 1.1711er -,, I .• ..• G v F BF _ F# -'•-r Aid' .. jh • • 7 r _ IA .. . , _ C . _ , Imo, ■ . A"1, f_ x.11.' AI.. VValiey _ I i Aquatics ` _gat 4 41 " N • Held 3rd annual "Paws in the Pool" _ Z : : "" dog swim event. ti __ • Painted the pool tank at Park Road Pool. • Over 33,00° open swim participants. % 4 ). ,,., ,,T __ . - ,,., ,„ ,.-- , t ).-- libb 1 st eilime .... -- Recreation • Offered Free Summer Park Program x -- I . t �- �IF { MI and served 1956 children. J` ' ., ail • Provided two free Summer Outdoor I P _ Movies in the Park, serving over 1,200 ^ , .44 *, viewers. 07. _ 1 71 Iler- 11 *"A • Served 56o happy campers during re 6 .� ii N s - to-week Summer Day Camp program. Recreation r: y s .;: , = . 4. • Held 6th Annual Valley Mission Haunted Pool. a 4, . , r . } sII • Hosted 7th Annual Breakfast With Santa. _ N • . y • Held a Winter Break ` ` P' 6m w .Y F ; Cool Camp for the lot 4;4:1 2nd year. w. _ �T - _ INEMEISmi — Senior Center • Provided various seminars and q �, :�services for health and well being. e N, • Hosted the Senior A .417' - - Empowerment Resource Fair a for 3rd year. 6 •° P .., If — Senior Center .. _-,, - . _ ----,-. • Provided a wide variety of: r r� • Programs, events, activities & classes :. • General Information for services and/or assistance • Lasting friendships - • t ,' _ 7, _:.T' yam,. _ . e . Community & Economic Development Permitting Development Services Development Engineering Planning Code Enforcement Economic Development Community & Economic Development: Administration • Reorganized Department — Combined Development Engineering and Nanning into Development Services — Eliminated one management position • Created the Economic Development Division • Integrated Economic Development as a primary mission of the Department • Participated in the purchase of City Hall property • Completed the Boundary Line Adjustment to create a parcel for City Hall • Developed the City Hall RFQ for architectural services Community & Economic Development: Permitting • 109 Pre-Application meetings O 3o Land Use pre-apps O 79 Commercial pre-apps • 1,314 On-line applications processed • 3,961 Construction Permits issued • 656 Land Actions issued • 13,533 Development inspections performed elliMEN "-- . 7- Community & Economic Development: Permitting 4500 4000 Total Permits Issued 4010 3961 3500 - 3340 3454 3538 2993 3000 - 2500 - 2000 - 1500 - 1000 - 500 - IL 0 I i 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 51 Community & Economic Development: Permitting $200,000,000 - Permit Valuation $180,000,000 i8o000000 $17398179824 $160,000,000 - $140,000,000 - $120,000,000 - $10591119785 $113,700,260 $111,878,035 $100,000,000 - $86,403,059 $80,000,000 $65,369,891 $60,000,000 - $40,000,000 - $20,000,000 - IIII 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Community & Economic Development: Permitting $1,800,000 $1,580,026 Revenue $1,665,046 $1,600,000 $1,552,558 $1,520,504 $1,400,000 - $1,278,238 1,278,238 $1,200,000 $1,083,255 $1,000,000 - 114 $800,000 - $600,000 - $400,000 - $200,000 - 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Community & Economic Development: Building • Adopted Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan • Coordinated with Spokane Regional Health District and Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency to improve permitting process • Coordinated special inspection program • Building Official elected as WABO Emergency Management Committee Chair • Filled open Permit Facilitator and Engineering Technician positions; Plans Examiner position filled from within 13111111E ". 7- Community & Economic Development: Code Enforcement • Processed 354 Citizen Actions Requests • Closed 351 cases • Abated 3 properties o Cleaned-up garbage and litter from the properties o Tore down one burned down house o Clean-up accomplished by using Geiger crews which assisted in holding down costs charged back to property owner o Average cost for each: $9,700 ininist ..... --7-7- Community & Economic Development: Code Enforcement Before After ..."- .'.1 ,' , . ,, lik °-r,.....'4- . All. , .,x J 46'* — • ''ay '. -. _ xi ,. �- ,"• - - - _ _ _ __ •77, •"' . �� • ! Community 8z Economic Development: Development Services • Adopted Shoreline Master Program, forwarded to Dept. of Ecology • Submitted Forker Draw Floodplain Study to FEMA • Completed 10 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments • Completed 15 Municipal Code Amendments • Began Comprehensive Plan legislative update • Researched GIS system improvements Community & Economic Development: Development Services • Code Text Amendments — Reorganized Use Matrix — Increased density for manufactured — Modified industrial zone setbacks when home parks adjacent to residential zones — Modified parking requirements — Allowed recreational marijuana uses — Modified off-street loading requirements — Updated recreational uses to specify — Modified bicycle parking requirements indoor gun ranges — Updated outdoor storage requirements — Removed shared access requirements — Modified development requirements for — Allowed medical/dental offices in MF community/public utility facilities zones — Modified preliminary plat time — Allowed auto repair outside extensions — Outdoor storage as an allowed use Community & Economic Development: Economic Development • Coordination with Partners o Visit Spokane — Attended monthly Board and Destination Marketing Committee meetings, assisted in development of Spokane Valley tour guide, collaborated on City's mobile app, regional way-finding plan; coordinated to ensure their website and marketing materials promote the City effectively • Greater Spokane Inc. (GSI) — Participated in Economic Development Advisory group, regional competitiveness study, assisted with several recruitment efforts o Regional Site Selector — Attended consortium meetings, coordinated new web interface ensuring City's representation, developed cards designed for the City, added City GIS Layers, coordinated development of marketing plan minsit ...... Community & Economic Development: Economic Development • Provided assistance for over 20 existing and new businesses such as: o Spokandy, Carbon Cycle Power, Next IT, Panera Bread, Insurance Auto Auction, Progress Tool & Die • Researched economic development tools and incentives • Managed marketing efforts o Developed "We'll get you through the process rapidly" slogan o Developed concept for 2014 commercials • Updated Economic Development website • Researched Infrastructure Funding Opportunities o Investigated return on investment of potential projects o Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) • Community Development Block Grant (CBDG) Community 8z Economic Development: Economic Development • Researched restaurant online tool • Researched GIS tool options • Developed business attraction brochure • Developed 2015 Work Plan Public Works Street Maintenance Traffic Division Stormwater Utility Capital Improvement Projects rinin •- • 7- Public Works Department: Administration • 2015 Budget Adjusted budget to address the fact that telephone tax revenues have decreased over the past few years. • Solid Waste Management Nan Implemented the Solid Waste Management Plan and the Moderate Risk Waste Plan • RFB for Street and Stormwater Maintenance Services (new 5 year contract) • RFB for Street Sweeping Services (new 5 year contract) • Hired a Planning/Grants Engineer 0.1.3 „..... ------ Public Works Department: �� Snow Removal i , �. .9.4 19.07 I. • Received and reviewed 127 Citizen Requests "` • Used 156,100 gallons of liquid deicer • Used 675 tons of granular deicer . • 49 snow days with at least a trace _ • 35 inches of snow fall ! it . Public Works Department: - Street Maintenance • Pavement Preservation 4140 tons Asphalt �j" • Sidewalk repair — 300 square yards • Crack sealing — 33 tons 4 • Curb and Gutter repair — 44o LF • Gravel road grading — 2.1 miles maintained fig_ • Shoulder repair — 44 miles - ' .to , • Stormwater projects - $128k '`FAd . .'I rovri=i .4",o . , _ _ . F r r Ai Public Works Department: FA 1r Street Maintenance Division Geiger Work Crew 1 ps _ • 150 Days/960o man hours worked • Cleared snow and ice from City maintained bridges • Mowed 104 acres of dry land grass • Geiger Work Crew picked up 46,66o pounds of garbage • Cleared garbage and mowed the Appleway Right-of-Way • Mowed Noxious Weeds in cooperation with the Spokane County Weed Board along our ROW's .... ....... -- Public Works Department: Traffic Division City Wide Sign Upgrades - HSIP Grant $200,000 • Upgraded 1500+ signs throughout the City • Replaced old signs that did not meet current standards of retroreflectivity ri7:11.01,-, i i i 'Ajit ' 2 5 issiii ,_ E — AHEAL TO A-2 LL -loft 1 ir p a l Public Works Department: i ill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Traffic Division I ii - Citizen Request Examples - 2, TIC • Responded to 124 C.A.R.E.S requests. imiiiiik .____ • Examples: Citizen requested a northbound double right turn at Indiana Ave. and the Valley Mall East Entrance 77: ---,T • Added striping to guide vehicles to the correct lane ! ' Only a few vehicles make it Northbound through the x green phase each cycle at Sprague Ave. and Park Rd. i } sr • Adjusted the green passage time to allow more time between vehicles /M , Public Works Department: Traffic Division Signal Improvements - Upgrades • Installed LED lighting at 3 intersections • Appleway at Dartmouth & University LL =411h6ciftL, • Kiernan at Sullivan • Upgraded traffic signal heads at 5 intersections I - - • Mission at Argonne & Mullan • Broadway at Argonne & Mullan N • Sprague at Argonne - 131111111a1 " --41111001 - vim Public Works Department: Traffic Division Traffic Division Projects - - _ - - J • Installed fiber optic cable to City Hall o Provided connection to City Hall o Connected City Hall to the Maintenance Facility i mal , • Modified traffic control devices at Mission and Splashdown Park '-{ o Removed the existing mid-block traffic signal fitillt o Installed Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) • Installed radar speed feedback signs INEME -- . 7- ___-• Public Works Department: Traffic Division ii School Zone Improvements uri. , ,_ • Safety Improvements at Sunrise Elementary o Installed 3 new ADA ramps and relocated an existing crosswalk. • Updated School Zone Beacon time clocks at 28 locations iv, , • ry • Installed 4 School Zone Flashing Beacons o Adams Elementary --- 4. • Adams Road near 9th & 5th Avenues o McDonald Elementary • McDonald Road near 14th & 16th Avenues 4 r-t 1 LEe()_IL] Lighting .e xi clnan e. U....,:winn ---,......tli 3 ` v NFipiplon J 5pigiohelawn rad, rr fil#I rd whir riI®914 1. Flll$r9unr� .61g Arp�Pv�+c+J�49�.11�r� 1qI -- lir.o7way £ftir®¢nn.fFa1 Ii' 1 ` �,� I i �° Mg Hell jw.g.g iL, Yi 1111L+i!!1@11 110 1111 .a.. *sI rd ... •?pk•e a7i1t7!9h Ftu.ilsad Lana Guf lrol ., Yuma Clomalsiary -- °sral U0 Al�l711F Iij L{ r -°6,�°- �__ r. +`�Ppie'+ ,t Ltartnrouth -°— i LE 0 Lighting A. MciDSxinld Er.amar terry(16 Aoolew®Y a Univeraiiy 1��nhrs,i 7.nnn AA.nnr,.ra LFA Lighting ._ ._.._.. r----•-• L �surt rlr.a F.Ii33wFlIPrY Ftrlwitied C:rweureidg 8 1_ ADA Maddrr. nay „__1 Tr ffic Improvements xi 1• 9i 1ri I Timing Work .. pr • - -� le Rfir�Flrd['3 �raiilarslrY Pwr+rf '* I. 0 SIgna1 Upgrade 11.._:".] __ 7 1 r.r +I`Rr Inn I L.PVan ...Arnim... rerun . 7F�rieai n.7hdn;r ea:i A4i Fn�.tle)i n xcfsl 1I•n Sl iw.o I:. II ri,t.isl+: 1 0.0.3 ..... ------- Public Works Department: Stormwater Utility Year Highlights ..-IMP F F ._ • Completed the Appleway Landscaping — Phase 1 Project Appleway Before • Constructed the SE Yardley improvements • Constructed the Decant Facility with w .� ,.4 _ ErN WSDOT and Ecology Funding • Received construction funding for - .^ . : Broadway Avenue project ; - WA de Appleway After Public Works Department: Stormwater Utility Funding Summary • Received $1.49 Million in grant reimbursements o Regional Decant Facility construction phase 2 ($73ok) o SE Yardley Storm Drain Improvements ($546k) o Design for Broadway, Sprague, and Outfall Projects ($7ok) o Eastern Washington Effectiveness Studies Project ($97k - no local match) o Permit Implementation support ($5ok) • Awarded $1.3 Million in new grant funding • Broadway Avenue Storm Drain Retrofit (25% local match) rinin •- • - Public Works Department: Stormwater Utility System Improvements • SE Yardley Storm Drain Improvements • Retrofits with Preservation Projects- Sprague, Adams and Argonne • Regional Decant — Phase 2 Decant Facility • Repair and Replace structures at 26 locations 75 Public Works Dept: Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Division Areas of work completed in 2014 includes: • Transportation Planning • Grant applications • Street Preservation Program • Capital Projects — design and construction ,UrttIPI c0!isiRocria I Li I 11.Mal ".-P. Public Works Department: CIP - Transportation Planning • Participated in SRTC's Technical Transportation Committee (TTC) • Amended the 2014 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) • Developed the 2015-2020 Six Year TIP • Worked with SRTC on State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) — federal fund obligations • Coordinated with neighboring jurisdictions on transportation projects 131111 Public Works Department: CIP — Grant Applications Applied for the following grants in 2014: • 11 - STP(U) • 1 - Federal Highways Bridge Program • 2 - Safe Routes to School 26 Total Grant Applications • 2 - Pedestrian and Bicycle Program $5,635,694 grant dollars received • 3 - HSIP City Safety Program • 4 - Transportation Improvement Board • 2 - Spokane County CDBG • 1 - Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Public Works Department: CIP — Street Preservation Program • Continued work on Implementing Street Preservation Program • Utilized Grant funds and City funds to maximize preservation program • Spent $3,077,000 — Fund 311 79 111111111181 -m r � � f Public Works Department: *; CIP — J Capital Projects ROAD p CONSTRUCTION �. . i.^. AHEAD • Managed _ r P"' o 17 Construction Projects o 12 Design Projects • $6,155,000 Spent on Street & Bridge Construction iimmer.,.... --:--- Capital Improvement Projects: Completed Projects Project Contractor Total Cost Vista-BNSF Crossing Safety Imp Cameron-Reilly $sok Before After 40 ill -w. --ir-41-'ir- "mi1Mb,- El 13111111 Capital Improvement Proj ects:Completed Projects Project Contractor Total Cost Appleway Trail — Earthwork L&L Cargile $i86k Appleway Trail — Paving Stone Creek Land Design $i.im Appleway Trail-Earthwork Appleway Trail - Paving S T- - ,_ x rti �#� 5..,, fir• imins ...... --:--- Capital Improvement Projects:Completed Projects Project Contractor Total Cost 2014 Street Preservation Projects •8th Ave Reconstruction Cameron-Reilly $3ook •Appleway Ave Resurfacing Spokane Rock Products $400k 8th Ave Recon Appleway Ave Resurfacing ' 16 -.4F11.11:1ML e • _all" 1H1111 f t• iiiiht. y. ns. a —- y ,•. 1- ,t: * •47.4y''=r 83 •u 111111111811 .- ' Capital Improvement Projects:Completed Projects Project Contractor Total Cost 21314 Street Preservation Projects •Sprague Avenue and Argonne Rd Spokane Rock Products $1.8m i r.w Sprague Avenue & ,Argonne Rd. . !.1Lt! L1 ' L!. iihh1 4 4 ��� ;r _ - 1 5 , AP ,— - MP = 1111111.311 . 7 Capital Improvement Projects:Completed Projects Project Contractor Total Cost Adams Rd — Sprague Ave to 4th Ave Spokane Rock Products $5ook Citywide Traffic Sign Upgrade Spokane County $197k Citywide Traffic Sign ` -'Ili - • • 1t Adams Rd Resurfacing Upgrade iie - 4 F .. - - S IT 0 p -_,I': :,..... ... ,. ti -.. „, r _--.-4E-14C-4L-7 0- ... '11 1. L. r .w ' `�:,�, _.. ki . +sem _ - -f — �_. _r_ r.— .. -- . ” - iiiimiciLlomp.. 7 Capital Improvement Projects:Completed Projects Project Contractor Total Cost Appleway Blvd Landscaping Cameron-Reilly $i.im Sidewalk Infill — Phase 2 Cameron-Reilly $209k Appleway Blvd Landscaping Sidewalk Infill-Phase 2 - '1/4:4:"AMP fi a b" Tr in......m",166.11L 91 Y' P 7 a T , til4 . — ,_ ._ 8 11511111.3111.1marm- -7-- Capital Improvement Projects:Design Complete — began construction Project Designer/Contractor Total Cost Sullivan Rd West Bridge Replacement CH2M Hill/Max J Kuney $2.8m Edo. r 6 7 _, iiiiiiiiik-111M01111M11111 '' , , .pr-rimiwir—z "Fi ri I pip, a4 i } J r " Zir • .r ei T - .. E k RN iir .,_ �.a•� s _ .4 ''' _ice 1 4 .. v: - — , - ik _ , 4 _or } -._ -h , _- r ,, ^fit 87 11111111E -P. _ Capital Improvement Projects:Design Projects Project Designer Total Cost Sullivan Rd Street Preservation Staff $1.2m Mission — Flora to Barker Staff $518k ON11— r �II... a _it, i 1 . • LL x ,' °• 4 1 , ., :. - Fr ^r' $rem #' 4.0 r—' - i RP I 88 0111111Eimrp. -7- Capital Improvement Projects:Design Projects Project Designer Total Cost Sullivan/Euclid concrete intersection Staff $1.5m lI Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan concrete intersection Staff $2.4m Citywide Safety Improvements Staff $iok Sullivan/Euclid __ • .= L : !1' ft--- : , __ .7 i fi I . _ a. . ,., . s. _ 9 • i II n r -�� — as . _ '1.... �K 1111 •.. .-- ___ , : ,_...--., t rti... - �; -- ' . �7. F LL i11^ , i' in''' Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan _ if i 1 - - 11111• Questions? 90