1984, 04-16 Code Violation Investigationler ADDRESS: TYPE: NATURE CODE S OWNER: ONR.AD PUILDING/SAFETY CODE VIOLATION INVESTIGATION /7o9 C7--yi /Irv/ ECTI (7210 (e) (7c2 //77 -r -r-, vi -c. TY? DRESS: FILE.NO: <glicx--)9g "2 - DATE .RECE I VED: DATE .RESOLVED : ZIP: PARCEL .N0:65-"7/— SI ZE: /0, T-(_-) c2 ZONE: COMP .PLAN : P/2?" INVESTIGATQR:7 LAST . I NSPECT .DATE • -5 (RESOLVED - (RESOLVED BY: PROSECUTOR: COURT ORDER: DEAD: COMPL Y .REMARKS1: 4974- '4,,V A/ /4.1.0e e7C 1142 Z: Y . R E MAR KS 2 • cVes ck2 Y.REMARKS3: c5/2 SUMMAR SUMMAR SUMMAR Pecked) 'ATE TYPE cut 1j 1E1475 6M * 1 �PLU. i rtt,� in 1 vim livt 3,6-6 cz 1 [ _/Cif - 1 A.4►-c.c. r /IAA f YY1'- r P 1( Vyu -� h- 4,71 yio t vvu 0 Ci„)te, (' Af "n p / P�yt�cr�G-J t 41, 7 r Cr a 4' 1 .� - .. 1T1� —6'IC1,�A �4) Apri 1 27, 1984 Ms. Catherine Morby South 1709 Burns Veradale, WA 99037 ANIMALS Spokane County department of building & safety JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR CERTIFIED - RECEIPT REQUESTED Laws and regulations in our society are, at times, difficult to understand and fully comprehend. This is true of zoning ordinances, which are laws intended to protect and govern the many different uses of land in Spokane County. It is my responsibility, as the Zoniny Investiyator, when the situation arises, to help resolve conflicts involviny the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance. This office has received reports reyardiny the keepiny of animals on your property, located at South 1709 Burns, Spokane County, parcel number 26541-2812. This property is zoned Sinyle Family Residential. A recent visual inspection by our field inspector indicated, we believe, that these reports are accurate. At least two ducks were observed in the rear yard. Section 4.04A.08U(e) of the Spokane County Zoniny Ordinance restricts the keepiny of any animals, livestock, poultry or fowl in the Sinyle Family Residential Lone, whether or not such animals are kept for the personal use of the occupants. Further, please be advised that Section 4.03.020(33) restricts the number of dogs to four adult doys including young over six months of aye. We are of the opinion that since you have now been informed of the requirements of the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance, a period of 3U days, beginning with your receipt of this letter, should be sufficient time in which to briny your property into compliance by reinoviny those animals prohibited by ordinance from the premises. Do not hesitate to act upon this important matter, since a violation of the Spokane County Zoniny Ordinance is a misdemeanor and does carry a penalty. NORTH 811 TEFFERSON • SPOKANE. WASHINGTON 99260•0050 TELEPHONE (509) 456-3675 Paye 2 of 2 Ms. Catherine Morby April 27, 1964 If the above mentioned time frame is insufficient, please contact this office within 7 days in order that an equitable time frame might be established in whi ch y our property will be brought into compliance with the ordinance requirements. If you wish to discuss these findinys, have any questions, or believe these allegations to be unfounded, please feel free to contact me at 456-3675. Thomas L. Davis Zoning Investigator yw P07 • RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SENT TO Catherine Morby sTboutri 1O 709 Burns PQVerada'lPe, WA 99037 (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) 1. The following service Is requested (check one). ri Show to whom and date delivered a POSTAGE cn 41 LL o LI - CS i- C M i y z cocc CERTIFIED CO) LI yS a z o SPECIAL RESTRICTED - . 7. � h . W = ESHOW FEE DELIVERY $ 0 0 C __ 0 DELIVERY — SHOW TO WHOM AND DATE DELIVERED SHOW TO WHOM DATE AND ADDRESS OF DELIVERY SHOW TO WHOM AND DATE DELIVERED WITH RESTRICTED DELIVERY 5' u DELI Y TO WHOM, DATE AND ADDRESS OF DELIVERY WITH RESTRICTED DELIVERY 6. ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS (Onry d mue ) 0 TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES $ POSTMARK OR DATE a 0 5.c▪ .c C 2 0 • SENDER: Complete Items 1. 2. 3. and 4. Add your address In the "RETURN TO" space on reverse. (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) 1. The following service Is requested (check one). ri Show to whom and date delivered a • Show to whom, date, and address of delivery a 2. • RESTRICTED DELIVERY $ (rhe reahtlhd de0►erylee tr charged /n add/tlnn o the rehuo rocefpt lee.) TOTAL $ 3. Amax ADDRESSED TR.: Catherine Morby (840094Z) South 1709 Burns Veradale, WA 99037 4. TYPE OF SERVICE: • REGISTERED ■ INSURED TIFIED ■COD ❑EXPRESS MAIL ARTICLE NUMBER 408671 (Always ohtaln signature et addressee or agent) 1 have recely the article described above. SIGNATUR ❑Addressee ■ Authorized agent O. �. , ) 5' u DELI Y q ; ^ K Air a>I-an skis) 9/ q 6. ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS (Onry d mue ) 4 \. 7. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: 7a. ET PLOYEE'S r- � INiT1 *cipamemmo3