1982, 07-07 Permit: 82A-5705 InspectADDRESS PIlSPDCTION RECORD DATE REMARKS (,- mss' to �toi�/i(c `j APPLICATION/PERMIT SPOKANE COUNTY -W BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACE$ — PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES A ow 31 c-"RNIt\I C- r a7�1hx4o $�f rKO A. ";2 ?i4 c. Nilk� '1Tf" ti C^,onl-r A. Ot Sean, AL DESCRIPTION — SEE ATTACHED 6 US OM OreW wpAlt EYA p. G antletCATE ▪ aREMaTIOR Are retie Carhly that 1 have read and eaamhned *hit applrcahon and have rand the "NOTICE" Wyvhhont included reserveon side. and know the same 10 be true and correct All prohnsions 01 laws and ordlnancaa 9ovam6n9 6M6 type of wort will be cornptnd with whether tpeci6ad henin 0 not The 9rentinl of a permit don 001 presume to wee authority to Rolate M cancel the provisions of any other state or IMO few retadathn/ C.omtruction or}M� p.fprmanR of consuuctiom SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REQUIRED INSPECTIONS • APPLICANT/1,4,011". Z/1/Vna Aa 4a *V0t.*CAT CMS APPROVALS RAMS .1 .L. We AL C17t0*TWh o sl*.�nJ'287- ti -'1) 2-0 TOTAL 1�