2015, 03-31 Study SessionAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tuesday, March 31, 2015 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor (Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting) DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT/ACTIVITY GOAL CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 1. Sean Messner SRTMC Interlocal Discussion/Information 2. Sean Messner University Overpass Study Discussion/Information 3. Erik Lamb Marijuana Legislative Update Discussion/Information 4. Mayor Grafos Advance Agenda Discussion/Information 5. Information Only (will not be reported or discussed): Finance Monthly Report 6. Mayor Grafos Council Comments Discussion/Information 7. Mike Jackson City Manager Comments Discussion/Information ADJOURN Note: Unless otherwise noted above, there will be no public comments at Council Study Sessions. However, Council always reserves the right to request information from the public and staff as appropriate. During meetings held by the City of Spokane Valley Council, the Council reserves the right to take "action" on any item listed or subsequently added to the agenda. The term "action" means to deliberate, discuss, review, consider, evaluate, or make a collective positive or negative decision. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Study Session Agenda March 31, 2015 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 31, 2015 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ['consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Spokane Regional Transportation Management Center Interlocal Agreement GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Informational memorandum on SRTMC Interlocal Agreement, March 24, 2015. BACKGROUND: Planning for the Spokane Regional Transportation Management Center (SRTMC) began in 1998 and led to the development of an interlocal agreement between the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Spokane County, Spokane Transit Authority (STA), City of Spokane, and the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC). The original intent of the SRTMC was to provide a multi -jurisdictional control facility for the partnering agencies to enhance and support advanced transportation management capabilities. The SRTMC was to serve as a hub for regional transportation communications and to provide a seamless coordination of intelligent transportation system (ITS) devices, including traffic signals, across agency boundary lines. As of today, the City of Spokane Valley has 44 traffic signals, 10 cameras, and one dynamic message sign on the ITS network. All of our equipment first communicates with the SRTMC and is then relayed to City Hall for use by City Traffic Engineering staff. The City installed fiber optic lines and hardware in City Hall in 2014, which connect to the City's fiber backbone in Sprague. This will be utilized to develop the City's Transportation Operations Center schedule in 2015. Currently the SRTMC provides a website that is open to the general public. The website contains information about specific corridors and has real-time video feeds from cameras throughout the Spokane region. The SRTMC has an Operating Board that consists of technical members from each of the partner agencies. The Operating Board is responsible for reviewing and approving SRTMC activities and has monthly board meetings. These board meetings are generally technical in nature and involve discussion of future ITS planning and implementation projects and strategies as well as the reviewing of previous monthly activities, invoices, and billings. The center operates 24/7 for 365 days a year, and has done so since 2003. The SRTMC relies on federal grant funding, yearly member contributions, and WSDOT directed funds. The City's contribution is $15,000 per year. The federal grants and member contributions fund the SRTMC Manager, the IT Manager, two operators, software maintenance contracts, operation of the website, and daily hardware maintenance and functions for the center. Several developments in the region have occurred since 1998. The SRTC has opted to no longer be the lead agency as of January 2015, primarily due to the SRTMC performing operating duties versus planning duties. Another development that occurred was the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley, which created a new entity not originally contemplated in the original interlocal. Therefore, an amendment to the original agreement is required. In light of the recent changes made, and after many discussions and board meetings, it was agreed to set a trial period with the changes in the WSDOT SRTMC management and board member of one (1) year. Member contributions are not being collected during this trial period, therefore there is no cost to the City in 2015. The trial period that ends December 31, 2015 is established to ascertain if the SRTMC and the SRTMC Operating Board will function as intended beyond the trial period. Therefore, an amendment to the original interlocal is proposed, which essentially adds the City of Spokane Valley as an official partner of the SRTMC and identifies WSDOT as the lead agency. There is also a sunset clause in the amendment that limits this to a one-year term, ending on December 31 2015. At that time the City will decide whether or not to continue participation in the SRTMC. The legal department has reviewed the amendment and provided comment, which have already been incorporated. A "Motion for Consideration" will be presented to City Council on April 14, 2015. OPTIONS: Discussion. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: No change to 2015 budget. STAFF CONTACT: Sean Messner, Senior Traffic Engineer Eric Guth, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Original SRTMC Interlocal (1998), SRTMC Interlocal Amendment (Agreement No. GCA 1450, Amendment No. 1) DRAFT AGREEMENT NO. GCA 1450, AMENDMENT NO. 1 This Amendment No. 1 to agreement No. GCA 1450 is made and entered into among the Washington State Department of Transportation, hereafter the "WSDOT," Spokane County , the City of Spokane, WA , the Spokane Transit Authority ("STA"), City of Spokane Valley ("COSV"), and the Spokane Regional Transportation Council("SRTC"), collectively referred to as the "Parties" and individually referred to as the "Party". WHEREAS, the Parties previously entered into agreement, GCA 1450 ("the agreement") on October 1, 1998, which created the Spokane Regional Transportation Systems Center Operating Board ("Operating Board"), and WHEREAS, SRTC was not a signatory to the agreement and has requested to be added as an ex officio party to the agreement, and WHEREAS, COSV was incorporated on March 31, 2003 and was not a Party to the agreement, but is now being added as a Party, and WHEREAS, the Parties agree to add COSV as a Party and further desire to change the name of the Spokane Regional Transportation Systems Center Operating Board to the Spokane Regional Transportation Management Center (SRTMC) Operating Board, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the agreement to add the COSV and to change the name of the Operating Board to SRTMC Operating Board, and WHEREAS, SRTC wishes to eliminate its administrative duties under the agreement, and WHEREAS, a trial period is deemed necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of this agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to chapter 39.34 RCW, the above recitals are incorporated herein as if set forth below, and in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants and performances contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Agreement GCA 1450 ("the agreement"), pursuant to Section 11, is hereby amended as follows: 1. If not otherwise addressed, any references to a regional transportation systems center will be changed to Spokane Regional Transportation Management Center. Any reference to TEA21 will be changed to MAP21. 2. The City of Spokane Valley ("COSV") is hereby made a Party to the agreement. COSV agrees to be bound by and shall comply with all of the terms contained in the agreement, including this Amendment No. 1 with the exception that member funds will not be collected through the term of this Amendment No 1. Page 1 of 5 DRAFT 3. Section 1 is deleted in its entirety and is replaced with the following: A voluntary association and joint board, comprised of professional representatives of the SRTC (ex officio, non-voting member), Spokane County, the City of Spokane, COSV, WSDOT, and STA, is hereby created and shall be known as the Spokane Regional Transportation Management Center (SRTMC) Operating Board. All references to the Operating Board shall be a reference to SRTMC Operating Board. 4. Section 2 is deleted in its entirety and is replaced with the following: Recognizing that coordinated system management of transportation facilities of Spokane County, the City of Spokane, COSV, WSDOT and STA, are necessarily interwoven and interdependent and that the interests of all citizens will best be served by a coordinated and cooperative transportation system, the SRTMC Operating Board is established to facilitate such appropriate coordination and cooperation and to provide for continuing area wide transportation system management and traffic surveillance. The SRTMC Operating Board is not authorized to in any way supersede the authority vested in the SRTC, Spokane County, City of Spokane, COSV, WSDOT, STA, or future members, if any, but is intended to meet the prerequisites of federal transportation legislation requiring the development of an integrated congestion management system to manage existing traffic congestion and help to prevent new congestion from occurring. 5. Section 4 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: The SRTMC Operating Board's jurisdictional area shall consist of all incorporated and unincorporated areas of Spokane County Washington and may include contiguous areas across the county or state boundaries as deemed appropriate by the SRTMC Operating Board, and which meet the criteria of State and/or Federal Transportation Legislation. WSDOT may further utilize the SRTMC for traffic operations management through the entire Eastern Region and will coordinate with other TMC's which may have operational areas extending outside the SRTMC jurisdictional area. This work will be funded solely by WSDOT and not through use of member funds or grants associated with the SRTMC. 6. Section 5 reference to Transportation Manager will be changed to Executive Director. 7. Section 7 is deleted in its entirety and is replaced with the following: The staff as necessary to conduct work programs of the SRTMC consistent with this agreement shall be arranged for by the SRTMC Operating Board in coordination with the member jurisdictions. The jointly funded staff shall serve under the direction of the SRTMC Operating Board, and shall be responsible for conducting activities necessary to carry out the work program as directed by the SRTMC Operating Board. Staff performing work duties outside the SRTMC jurisdictional area for WSDOT will be funded solely by WSDOT. Page 2 of 5 DRAFT The SRTMC Operating Board will consider and approve as appropriate application(s) for or acceptance of any grants to carry out those functions set forth in Section 3 hereinabove. Provided, however, in instances where a grant application must be submitted prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the SRTMC Operating Board such that timely SRTMC Operating Board approval cannot be obtained, the grant application may still be submitted with approval of the chair and vice -chair of the SRTMC Operating Board. Employees assigned to the SRTMC shall be hired and discharged by their respective agencies. The SRTMC support services such as requisitioning and purchasing, payment of expenditures, accounting, computer processing, and others as deemed necessary will be provided by WSDOT. Legal counsel will be contracted out as agreed by the SRTMC Operating Board. Insurance will be provided for employees by their respective agencies. 8. Section 8, paragraphs 2 and 3, are deleted in their entirety and replaced with the following: The work program shall be approved by November 1 of the preceding year. The work program and budget of the SRTMC may be amended by a majority vote of the SRTMC Operating Board, provided such amendment is within the funding authorized for use of the SRTMC. The SRTMC Operating Board, in conjunction with the SRTMC Manager, will develop detailed work and financial plans with measurable milestones. Both the performance of the SRTMC Operating Board and the SRTMC Manager will be evaluated against the milestones. With consideration of the performance review, the Operating Board will vote on continuing the agreement during the October 2015 Operations Board meeting and may direct the SRTMC Manager to begin preparation of the 2016 Financial Plan, Work Program, and Budget. The 2016 Financial Plan, Work Program, and Budget shall be submitted by the SRTMC Manager to the Operating Board by November 1, 2015. WSDOT shall accept the remaining member funds from the SRTC to be expended at the direction of the SRTMC Operating Board through the term of this Amendment No. 1. Member funds not utilized during the term of Amendment No. lshall be returned by WSDOT to each member agency equally. No additional member funds will be collected through the term of Amendment No. 1. WSDOT shall report on member funds regularly to the SRTMC Operating Board. 9. Section 9, Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 are deleted in their entirety and replaced with the following: It is anticipated that most projects and programs of the SRTMC Operating Board will involve benefits to its members. No costs shall be divided amongst the members through the term of this Amendment No. 1 unless unanimous approval is granted by the SRTMC Operating Board; provided SRTC shall not be required to make any financial contribution to the SRTMC Page 3 of 5 DRAFT Operating Board. Any additional agency joining the SRTMC Operating Board as a member through the term of Amendment No. 1 shall not be required to make a financial contribution to the SRTMC. WSDOT may make expenditures in accordance with the approved SRTMC budget and work plan as approved by the SRTMC Operating Board, shall maintain records of expenditures, and shall report regularly to the SRTMC Operating Board on budget activity. Payment of all claims shall be approved monthly by the SRTMC Operating Board. Such claims, with proper declarations required by law, shall then be certified for payment by WSDOT. 10. Section 10, paragraph 2 is deleted in its entirety. 11. Section 12 is amended as follows: The SRTC, City of Spokane, Spokane County, COSV, WSDOT, or STA, may terminate membership in the SRTMC by giving written notice to the SRTMC Board Chair. A trial period that ends December 31, 2015 is established to ascertain if the SRTMC and the SRTMC Operating Board will function as intended beyond the trial period. This agreement will terminate on December 31, 2015. Depending on the outcome of the Operations Board vote referenced in section 8 above, an Amendment No. 2 would have to be completed by November 1, 2015. This Amendment No. 2 would allow the SRTMC and SRTMC Operating Board to continue operating, or instead set a timeline and direction to dissolve the agreement and to logically dismantle the current structure. If the agreement ends, WSDOT will expend the following grant funds as deemed appropriate by the SRTMC Operating Board: 1) All grants that were obligated prior to January 1, 2015; 2) If the SRTMC agreement discontinues, the 2017-2019 STP Non -Roadway grant titled SRTMC Operations and Maintenance ($1,267,900) will be returned to SRTC. Following completion of items 1 and 2 above, WSDOT would notify SRTC that any unspent grant funds held by WSDOT will be returned to SRTC. There is nothing restricting any agency from forming a new agreement for similar purposes as the SRTMC. 12. Section 15 Legal Relations is added: Individually, each Party shall protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless each other Party, its officers, officials, employees, and agents from any and all costs, claims, judgment, and/or awards of damages resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of its officers, officials, employees, and agents acting within the scope of their employment and arising out of or in connection with the performance of this agreement. Page 4 of 5 DRAFT In the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of more than one Party, their, officers, officials, employees, and agents, an individual Party's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of that Party's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes a Party's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purpose of this indemnification provision. This limited waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this agreement. 13. All other terms and conditions of agreement shall remain in full force and effect except as modified by this Amendment No. 1. 14. This Amendment No. 1 may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when so executed and delivered to the other Parties, shall be an original, but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Amendment No. 1 as of the Party's date last signed below. Page 5 of 5 AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AMONG SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL, SPOKANE COUNTY, CITY OF SPOKANE, WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND SPOKANE TRANSIT AUTHORITY, TO FORM A REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION SYTEMS CENTER OPERATING BOARD, DEFINE ITS ORGANIZATION AND AUTHORITY, AND ESTABLISH A REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS CENTER JURISDICTIONAL AREA. THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1 5I -day of 0 &o bey-- , 1998, among the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC), a public entity created by interlocal agreement, Spokane County, the City of Spokane, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), and Spokane Transit Authority (STA). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 39.34 RCW, two or more public entities may jointly cooperate between each other to perform functions which each may individually perform; and WHEREAS, on June 10, 1998, the President of the United States signed the Transportation Efficiency Act of the 215` Century (TEA2I), which provided authorization for highways, highway safety, and mass transportation; and enunciated a policy statement "[t]o develop a National Intermodal Transportation System that is economically efficient, environmentally sound, provides the foundation for the nation to compete in the global economy and will move people and goods in an energy efficient manner;" and WHEREAS, federal transportation legislation requires the establishment, by agreement between the Governor of the State of Washington and units of general purpose local government, of a Metropolitan Nanning Organization (MPO), which organization in cooperation with the State of Washington shall develop transportation plans and programs for urbanized areas of Washington State; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the above referenced state and federal laws and Federal Transportation legislation, the above referenced entities are desirous of establishing a regional transportation systems center to carry out responsibilities provided for in Federal Transportation legislation as well as other responsibilities determined by the Transportation Systems Center Operating Board. NOW, THEREFORE, it is specifically agreed among the entitities hereto as follows: Section 1: NAME GCA1450 \19 A governing body, comprised of professional representatives of the SRTC, Spokane County, the City of Spokane, WSDOT, and STA, is hereby created and shall be known as the Spokane Regional Transportation Systems Center Operating Board, referred to hereinafter as the "Operating Board". Section 2: PURPOSE Recognizing that coordinated system management of transportation facilities of Spokane County, the City of Spokane, WSDOT, and STA, are necessarily interwoven and interdependent and that the interests of all citizens will best be served by a coordinated and cooperative transportation system, this Operating Board is established to facilitate such appropriate coordination and cooperation and provide for continuing area wide transportation system management and surveillance. The Operating Board is not authorized to in any way supersede the authority vested in the SRTC, County, City, WSDOT, STA, or Other Members, but is intended to meet the prerequisites of Federal Transportation legislation requiring the development of an integrated congestion management system to manage existing traffic congestion and help to prevent new congestion from occurring. Section 3: POWERS AND FUNCTIONS The functions, responsibilities, and powers of Operating Board shall be as follows: (a) To perform the functions of the Transportation Systems Center for the metropolitan area, including those functions set forth in the TEA21 legislation of 1998 and the Federal Register as it presently exists, or as it may be hereinafter modified implementing TEA21; as well as those functions which may be required hereinafter by Federal Transportation legislation. (b) To prepare and update a Comprehensive Regional Transportation System Operating Plan and Regional Transportation Incident Management Program. (c) To administer regional transportation projects and programs that facilitate operations of the Transportation Systems Center considering only those projects which have been approved by the SRTC Board and which are consistent with the adopted Regional Transportation Plan. (d) To participate in the collection and maintenance of transportation related data bases and transportation related information. (e) To contract with the WSDOT or other appropriate entities in order to meet requirements of State and/or Federal Transportation legislation. 2 GCA1450 (f) To perform such other transportation systems management related functions as the Operating Board may hereinafter determine to be in the best interests of the Transportation Systems Center. The SRTC, or any of the Members hereto, may receive grants-in-aid from the State or Federal Government or any other department or agency and may accept gifts for the purpose of this Agreement. Section 4: JURISDICTIONAL AND METROPOLITAN AREA DEFINED The Operating Board's jurisdictional area shall consist of all incorporated and unincorporated areas of Spokane County, Washington, and may include contiguous areas across the county or state boundaries as deemed appropriate, and which meet the criteria of State and/or Federal Transportation Iegislation. Section 5: GOVERNING BODY AND OFFICERS The governing body of the Operating Board shall consist of one representative from each of the Member agency/jurisdiction and an ex -officio representative from SRTC staff. Each representative shall hold a position that has authority to make decisions related to traffic operations for their respective agency/jurisdiction. The SRTC representative shall be appointed by the Transportation Manager. Alternate Operating Board representatives may serve in the absence of the designated representative so long as the alternate representative has similar authority to act on behalf of the appointing Member's parent agency. All alternate Operating Board representatives must serve in the same or higher capacity as the regularly designated representative as defined hereinabove. Officers of the Operating Board shall include a chair and vice -chair, who shall be elected by majority vote of the Operating Board. Officers shall serve a one year term. The chair shall alternate among representatives of the Operating Board. Section 6: MEETINGS The Operating Board shall hold regular meetings. The Chair may call a special meeting or executive session or shall call a special meeting at the request of a majority of the Operating Board. The Operating Board shall adopt rules for the conduct of its business consistent with this Agreement and such rules shall prescribe, among other matters, the place of meetings and the methods of providing reasonable notice to Members thereof. Such rules 3 GCA 1450 shall be adopted and may be amended by a majority vote (75% ratification of the Member bodies) of the total Operating Board, or by amendment to this Agreement as provided herein. All meetings of the Operating Board shall be open to the public as required by Chapter 42.30 RCW. A quorum for the purpose of transacting business shall consist, at a minimum, of three Operating Board members. All recommendations, motions or other actions of the Operating Board shall be adopted by a favorable vote of a majority of those present. All Operating Board representatives including officers shall be entitled to one vote. Section 7: STAFF' AND SUPPORT The staff as necessary to conduct the work programs of the Operating Board consistent with this Agreement shall be provided by SRTC in addition to staff provided at the discretion of the member jurisdictions. The staff shall serve under the direction of the Operating Board, and shall be responsible for conducting activities necessary to carry out the work program and purpose of the Operating Board. The Operating Board will submit to the SRTC Board for approval, application(s) for or acceptance of any grants to carry out those functions set forth in Section 3 hereinabove. Provided, however, in instances where a grant application must be submitted prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Operating Board so that timely Operating Board approval cannot be obtained, the grant application may still be submitted with approval of the chair and vice -chair of the Operating Board. Employees assigned to the Transportation Systems Center shall be hired and discharged by their respective agencies. The Operating Board support services such as requisitioning and purchasing, payment of expenditures, accounting, computer processing, legal counsel, and others as deemed necessary will be provided by the SRTC. Section 8: WORK PROGRAM AND ANNUAL BUDGET The Operating Board shall prepare and adopt a proposed work program and budget for each calendar year. The detailed annual work program shall list specific work projects to be undertaken as part of the Transportation Systems Center. The Operating Board shall submit the proposed work program and budget to the SRTC Board by August 1 of the preceding year. Approval or rejection of such budget by each Member shall be provided to the Operating Board by November 1 of each year. The annual budget and/or work program of the Operating Board may be amended by vote of the SRTC Board, provided such amendment does not require additional budget 4 GCA 1450 appropriation, or by the joint approval of the Operating Board and Members where such amendment does require additional budget appropriation. After approval of the Operating Board Budget, no Member may terminate or withhold its share during the year for which it was allocated. Section 9: ALLOCATION OF COSTS, APPROPRIATIONS, AND EXPENDITURES It is anticipated that most projects and programs of the Operating Board will involve benefit to its Members. Costs of the annual budgeted expenditures shall be divided among the Members as determined by the Operating Board and as agreed to by the Members and SRTC Board. Any additional agency joining the Operating Board as a Member, shall contribute as determined by the Operating Board and approved by the Members and SRTC Board. Additional contributions to the Operating Board budget may be made to accomplish projects and programs deemed to be of particular pertinence or benefit to one or more of the Member agencies. Each funding Member approving the proposed Operating Board budget shall submit its payment on or before January 20 of the budget year which it has approved. The funds of such joint operation shall be deposited with the SRTC; and such deposit shall be subject to the same audit and fiscal controls as the public treasury where the funds are so deposited. The funds shall be used in accordance with the adopted budget and work plan. The SRTC may make expenditures in accordance with the approved Operating Board budget and work plan and shall maintain records of expenditures and report regularly to the Operating Board on budget activity. Payment of all claims shall be signed by the SRTC Transportation Manager and approved monthly by the SRTC Board. Such claims, with proper affidavits required by law, shall then be certified for payment by the City or as arranged by the SRTC. Section 10: INTER -RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OPERATING BOARD, AND MEMBER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS Member traffic engineering departments shall continue their respective functions as provided by charter and/or State law, including preparation of traffic control plans, to which the Regional Transportation Systems Center plans shall be coordinated. The Region Transportation Systems Center and may administer or implement such plans as may be agreed by the Member agency and the Operating Board. The successful execution of Transportation Systems Center duties and responsibilities in preparing a Regional Transportation Congestion Management System, in coordination with local plans, requires comprehensive transportation management plans be prepared and remain up to date by the City and County of Spokane, WSDOT and STA for their respective jurisdictions. 5 GCA 1450 Section 11: AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the Members. Section 12: TERMINATION The City of Spokane, Spokane County, WSDOT, or STA, may terminate membership in the Operating Board by giving written notice to the Operating Board prior to August l of any year for the following year. Section 13: PRIOR WRITTEN AGREEMENTS This Agreement shall supersede any prior agreements establishing a jointly developed transportation system center. Section 14: EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of this Agreement shall be October 1, 1998. Provided, however, upon execution by the Members, the governing body of the Operating Board may meet for the purpose of taking action(s), such action(s) to be effective January 1, 1999. 6 GCA1450 IN WITNESS Agreement on the d ATTTEST: B OF, rth the Members hereto have entered into this herein above. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Deputy Clerk ATTEST: By City Clerk WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT • ON G East Region A Wa • f ngton State fnistrator '•r partmen of Transportation APPROVED AS TO FORM P(i . -7 /A( Date: By: As? an ttorney General 7 CITY OF SPOKANE Mayor Approved: City Manager Approved as to form: Assistant City Attorney SPOKANE TRANSIT AUTHORITY Chair GCA 1450 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Members hereto have entered into this Agreement on the day and year set forth herein above. ATTTEST: By Deputy Clerk ATTEST: By City CIerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON CITY OF SPOKANE or roved: City Manager Approved as to form: Assistant City ttorney WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKANE TRANSIT AUTHORITY OF TRANSPORTATION Eastern Region Administrator for Chair Washington State Department of Transportation APPROVED AS TO FORM Date: By: A ist. t A Corney General 7 GCA 1450 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Members hereto have entered into this Agreement on the day and year set forth herein above. At i EST: By Deputy Clerk ATTEST: By City Clerk WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR - ' ON 1 Region A gton Sta strator '•r epartment of Transportation APPROVED AS TO FORM Date: )-7 By: 4,1/10-' As• Attorney General BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON 7 CITY OF SPOKANE Mayor Approved: City Manager Approved as to form: Assistant City Attorney SPOKANE TRANSIT AUTHORITY Gktitig Executive Director GCA1450 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 31, 2015 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ® admin. report Department Director Approval: ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: University Road Overpass Study GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Congestion Management Air Quality (CMAQ) Grant Application Administrative report on 9/21/2010; CMAQ Grant Application Informational Item on 8/24/10 BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley applied for CMAQ funding in 2010 for the University Road Overpass Study in response to the potential closure of the University Road connection to Trent Avenue (SR 290) as part of the Bridging the Valley Project. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the study area and assess the current and future transportation conditions. The City of Spokane Valley was successful in receiving CMAQ funding for the study in 2011 and contracted with Fehr and Peers in 2012 to prepare the study. The consultant team and the City have been involved with the study over the last several years. The study evaluated existing conditions, projected and evaluated future conditions, and identified both motorized and non - motorized improvements for consideration that will enhance the transportation system within the study area. A series of public outreach events has occurred throughout the study efforts since 2011, most recently in January of 2014. The study reflects and incorporates recommendations from the neighborhoods and stakeholders. The purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of the process and findings documented within the report. The intent is to finalize the report this year. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Sean Messner, Senior Traffic Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Presentation UNIVERSITY ROAD OVERPASS STUDY Administrative Report March 31, 2015 Sean Messner, Senior Traffic Engineer STUDY BACKGROUND WSDOT Evaluated the Interchange at University Road in 1997 Regional Interest Federal Grant Funding Bike and Pedestrian Master Program Difficult to cross 1-90 between residential areas and Centennial trail Purpose: Evaluate Need, Options, and Feasibility of Improvements Reduce vehicle congestion on the Argonne and Pines corridors Improve pedestrian and bicycle facilities across 1-90 Enhance connectivity between neighborhoods, parks, and businesses Determine the feasibility of projects to meet the objectives above WHERE ARE WE TODAY? 2010 2013 • • Identified Project in Conduct Comprehensive Plan Feasibility Study Substantially Complete Study Finalize Study and Recommendations E tit1-1.«ea • cc EXISTING LOS &TRAVEL TIME Average Speed along Argonne Corridor T Time (mins 3:22 3.54 f NA Ft2 3j0 oy. RIF Om1 06.0 f. 10 mph 12 mph 011 F fdc,,apyra,y L1 i rIh4{IIt i1F ff r- r;k.7fL�h,3s t. STi PEDESTRIAN & BIKE NETWORKS •Bicycle Lanes E Main A.. EXISTING TRANSIT PRELIMINARY ALTERNATIVES IUB.o■ Ave Alternative k yc O-612und lent Monroamer. nr R/ne ralfoe F. miirLe '...p -F Rfer roihec FRO*41.4.07a:,rairiktro ver,s�'€} Alter..t a s dive- - &a rroll.ar.m. Aberrsabm C (Aire diuen7rq deli -gond ira9 ;'rungs F A.P F Hroad,.arr AvP Fedr rYtrrkbridgesQua LWIIN tacks ad d c r 1 FE dem rar;t c a,,.rp Praskie Spakirsgs all gem - E rrsi*y 4„ 31 x51 earnp#.kdlROC." ................ Following the initial screening process, we moved forward with evaluation of nine :action:: alternatives, as well as : ae No Action Alternative. 4 Congestion Emphasis 4 Ped/Bike Emphasis 1 Hybrid PERFORMANCE MEASURES 0 Cost Congestion Relief Neighborhood Impacts Conflicts with Existing Infrastructure Environmental Impacts Connectivity to Valley Mission Park Pedestrian and Bicycle Demand Consistency with Bike and Pedestrian Master Program Connectivity to Spokane Valley/Millwood Trail Transit Accommodation IO ARGONNE -NEW SOUTHBOUND LANE Add right -turn pocket Traffic signal improvements Replace 2 lane bridge with 3 lane bridge Traffic signal improvements STA bus improvements Traffic signal improvements DIVERGING DI OND Maintain Existing Bridge STA bus improvements Traffic signal improvemen s SB Traffic NB Traffic ei Bur. swa N:n�ic w nb ARGONNE 6 -LANE DIVERGING DI • OND Traffic signal improvements New 3 -lane Bridge STA bus improvements Traffic signal improvements Sub ihril - - -, I I:wl. A University Concepts SR 27 CONCEP- Lengthen turn pocket Improve bike/ped facilities on existing bridge Minor improvements to maintain LOS D PED/BIKE CONNECTIVITY PROTECTS ► 4 Bike/Ped Projects at 2 One Hybrid Vehicle/Ped/Bike location 2010 20132014 Identified Project i fYud] Plan Substantially Complete Study • 7O Be Determined Finalize Study and Recommendations Typically 3-7 Years Update Federal, Stale, and City Alms Prelirriiciary Design and @rr irorrrvrental Review PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR CONGESTION RELIEF ON ARGON New SB lane on Argonne Road Provides the most congestion relief Accommodates STA's plans for a flyer bus stop and park & rides Low neighborhood impacts Low environmental impacts Planning Cost: $6M - $9M Schedule: within next 5 years New SB Lane Improvement Limits 4- 4.1.N Rena 19 PREFERRED CONGESTION RELIEF ON PINES ".G 1Fir`4 3 Signal and SB turn pocket Low neighborhood impacts -E-Mis•sio Ave Low environmental impacts Planning Cost: $200k - $400k ° Schedule: within next 5-10 yrs Intersection Modification Limits PREFERRED PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE ALTERNATIVE Pedestrian and bicycle bride 4 t to Montgomery Drive High pedestrian and bicycle forecast Excellent connectivity toValley Mission Park Low impacts QUESTIONS? Nerunrafor University Road Overpass Study Final Deport Meeting Date: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action March 31, 2015 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update on Legislative Agenda for Marijuana GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 69.50 (Initiative 502 has been codified as RCW 69.50) and WAC 314-55; RCW 69.51A (governing medical marijuana) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council adopted its Legislative Agenda for the 2015- 2017 Legislative Session on November 4, 2014. BACKGROUND: On November 4, 2014, City Council adopted its Legislative Agenda for the 2015-2017 Legislative Biennium. In its agenda, Council included an item that provided: Reconciliation of Medical and Recreational Marijuana The City of Spokane Valley supports the reconciliation of the recreational and medical marijuana statutes. Medical marijuana remains unregulated and is not subject to the same excise tax as recreational marijuana. There also continues to be a strong incentive for individuals to abuse the medical marijuana system to avoid the higher prices and limited availability of the recreational marijuana. The City would support development of one system that would regulate medical and recreational marijuana (including the elimination of medical marijuana) in Washington State. Additionally, the City would support State regulations which close gaps within current legislation: Vaping, edibles, oils and "private" consumption/facilities; and underage possession and consumption. There have been numerous marijuana -related bills introduced and considered by the State Legislature since the start of the legislative session. Staff continues to track the bills that have been introduced and to review for necessary input based on Council's legislative agenda. Excerpts from the most recent legislative update from Gordon Thomas Honeywell showing discussion of marijuana -related bills is attached. Staff will provide more detailed review of some of the primary pending marijuana -related bills. OPTIONS: Discussion. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A. STAFF CONTACT: Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney; Mike Jackson, City Manager; ATTACHMENTS: Gordon Thomas Honeywell Legislative Update from March 22, 2015 [excerpts from full report] Legislative Update City of Spokane Valley From: Briahna Taylor & Alex Soldano Date: March 22, 2015 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Regulating Vaping Lounges Senate Bill 5398, sponsored by Sen. Ann Rivers (R- La Center), states that consuming or opening a package containing marijuana or marijuana products in a public place is prohibited. Public place has the same definition as in liquor control statutes. This bill was passed out of the Senate with just 1 "no" vote, and has been scheduled for a public hearing in the House Commerce & Gaming Committee next week. This last week, Briahna met with the Chair of the House Commerce & Gaming Committee, Rep. Chris Hurst (D - Enumclaw) and discussed amending this bill to also address regulation of marijuana "vaping lounges." We will be testifying in front of this committee, requesting the amendment. Rep. Hurst indicated a willingness to include some form of regulation in the bill. We previously testified in front of the House Finance Committee, requesting that regulatory language be included in House Bill 2136 (above). Committee members indicated that Senate Bill 5398 would be a better vehicle for the amendment. Marijuana Revenue House Bill 2136, sponsored by Rep. Reuven Carlyle (D -Seattle), passed out of the House Finance Committee last week. In its current form, the bill would: • In 2015-17 biennium, $12 million in funding is allocated to the local level ($6 million each year). • Until January 1, 2022, if more than $25 million in marijuana tax revenues are collected by the state general fund, then 30% of the marijuana tax revenue deposited into the general fund should be distributed to cities and counties. • The amount distributed is ratably based on the total amount of taxable sales of marijuana products subject to the marijuana excise tax. The distribution allocates 60% of the revenue to county (unless there are no cities with taxable sales of marijuana in the prior fiscal year, in which case the county receives 100%). If a county has banned the producing, processing, or retailing of marijuana in the unincorporated area, then the county is not entitled to a distribution and the distribution amount must be instead distributed to the cities within the county. After passing out of the Finance Committee, the bill was referred to the House Appropriations Committee where it is scheduled for a public hearing on Monday, March 23. Based on projections completed by the Association of Washington Cities, Spokane Valley would receive $10,500 under the current version of House Bill 2136. If House Bill 2136 allocated the same amount of revenue, but distributed it via the formula adopted 1201 Pacific Ave, Suite 2100 Tacoma, WA 98401 Phone: (253) 620-6500 Fax: (253) 620-6565 www.gth-gov.com 203 Maryland Ave., NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone: (202) 544-2681 Fax: (202) 544-5763 by AWC/WSAC, the city would receive $30,100. If both the amount of revenue was increased to the amount requested, and it was distributed by the AWC/WSAC formula, the city would receive $500,000. Association of Washington Cities will be testifying on the bill, indicating that the latter approach is preferred. Scheduled for a Hearing Restricting certain methods of selling marijuana Senate Bill 5903, sponsored by Sen. Barbara Bailey (R- Oak Harbor), restricts certain methods of selling marijuana products. It would prohibit the Liquor Control Board from renewing the license of any marijuana retailer that sells product through a drive-through or vending machine. It would also prohibit the sale of any products via these methods in the future. This bill passed out of the Senate unanimously, and is scheduled for a hearing in the House Commerce & Gaming Committee in the coming week. Excerpts from Bill Status & Upcoming Events Report *As of March 20, 2015 Upcoming Events Commerce & Gaming (House) - HHR C, JLOB - 3/23 @ 1:30pm • SSB 5398 - Public Hearing - Concerning marijuana, useable marijuana, and marijuana -infused products in public. Commerce & Gaming (House) - HHR C, JLOB - 3/24 @ 1:30pm • SSB 5398 - Exec Session - Concerning marijuana, useable marijuana, and marijuana -infused products in public. Commerce & Gaming (House) - HHR C, JLOB - 3/26 @ 9:OOam • SSB 5398 - Exec Session - Concerning marijuana, useable marijuana, and marijuana -infused products in public. Excerpts: Bill Status Report High Priority Bill # Short Description Status Sponsor Position 2SSB 5052 Establishing the cannabis patient protection act. H Rules R Rivers SSB 5398 Concerning marijuana, useable marijuana, and marijuana -infused products in public. H Commerce & Gami Rivers (HB 1360) Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs City of Spokane Valley Legislative Update 2 To: From: Re: DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of March 26, 2015; 8:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative Council & Staff City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings April 7, 2015 Meeting Cancelled April 14, 2015, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, April 6] Proclamation: Drug Endangered Children Awareness Day 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. 2nd Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-006 Comp Plan Amendment 2015-0001 — Christina Janssen (10 minutes) 3. 2nd Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-007 Zoning Map Amendment 2015-0001 —Christina Janssen (5 minutes) 4. 2nd Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-006a Comp Plan Amendment 2015-0002 — Marty Palaniuk (20 minutes) 5. 2nd Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-007a Zoning Map amendment 2015 -0002 -Marty Palaniuk (10 minutes) 6. 2nd Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-008, Additional Lodging Tax — Erik Lamb (20 minutes) 7. First Reading Ordinance 15-009 Adopting Mining Moratorium Findings — Erik Lamb (15 minutes) 8. First Reading Ordinance 15-010, Beekeeping — Lori Barlow (15 minutes) 9. Motion Consideration: SRTMC Interlocal — Sean Messner (10 minutes) 10. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 115 minutes] April 21, 2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, April 13] 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) Friday, April 24, 2015: Special Meeting: Council of Governments, 9:30 a.m. to noon, Conference Facility located in Expo Complex, 404 NHavana Street. Hosted by Spokane County Board of County Commissioners April 28, 2015, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, April 20] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Ordinance 15-009 Adopting Mining Moratorium Findings — Erik Lamb (15 minutes) 3. Second Reading Ordinance 15-010, Beekeeping — Micki Harnois (10 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Used Oil Signage Ordinance — Erik Lamb (20 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 6. Info Only: (a) Proposed 2016-2021 TIP; (b) 2016-2021 Stormwater CIP (c) Dept Monthly Reports [*estimated meeting: 55 minutes] Mav 5, 2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Proposed 2016-2021 Six Year TIP — Steve Worley 2. Admin Report: 2016-2021 Stormwater CIP — Eric Guth 3. Advance Agenda [due Mon, April 27] (25 minutes) (20 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 50 minutes] May 12, 2015, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed 2016-2021 Six Year Tip — Steve Worley 2. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 3. First Reading Used Oil Signage Ordinance — Erik Lamb 4. Admin Report: Advance Agenda [due Mon, May 4] (20 minutes) (5 minutes) (20 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 50 minutes] Draft Advance Agenda 3/26/2015 1:31:22 PM Page 1 of 2 May 19, 2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda May 26, 2015, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Second Reading Used Oil Signage Ordinance — Erik Lamb 3. Proposed Resolution Adopting 2016-2021 Six Year TIP — Steve Worley 4. Motion Consideration: 2016-2021 Stormwater CIP — Eric Guth 5. Admin Report: Advance Agenda 6. Info Only: Dept Monthly Reports June 2, 2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda June 9, 2015, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda [due Mon, May 11] (5 minutes) [due Mon, May 18] (5 minutes) (20 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 50 minutes] June 16, 2015, Special Meeting: Budget Workshop, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Spokane Valley Council Chambers No evening meeting June 16, 2015 June 23, 2015, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda 3. Info Only: Dept Monthly Reports July 7, 2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda July 14, 2015, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda July 21, 2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda July 28, 2015, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda 3. Info Only: Dept Monthly Reports *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: Admissions Tax Avista Electrical Franchise Bus Shelters Coal/Oil Train Environmental Impact Statement Governance Manual Historic Preservation LID (Local Improvement District) Marijuana, Minor in Consumption Outside Agency Presentations (Sept 1) [due Mon, May 25] (5 minutes) [due Mon, June 1] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Mon, June 8] [due Mon, June 15] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: minutes] [due Mon, June 29] (5 minutes) [due Mon, July 6] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Mon, July 13] (5 minutes) [due Mon, June 15] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: minutes] Public Safety Quarterly Costs Setback Requirements Sidewalks and Developments TPA (Tourism Promotion Area) [May, 2015] Draft Advance Agenda 3/26/2015 1:31:22 PM Page 2 of 2 Spokan��'' jvalley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall®spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Mike Jackson, City Manager From: Mark Calhoun', Deputy City Manager Date: March 20, 2015 Re Finance Department Activity Report — February 2015 Following is information pertaining to Finance Department activities through the end of February 2015 and included herein is an updated 2014 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures through the end of December. For the next couple of months we'll focus our financial analysis on 2014 rather than 2015 because "hove' 2014 wraps up will largely guide our decision making process as we progress towards the 2016 Budget development process. 2014 Yearend Process In February we have continued to work on closing the books for 2014, and we hope to have this process complete by the end of March. This process typically continues through March because we continue to receive additional information pertaining to both revenues and expenditures (particularly construction related activity). Following the closing of the books we will begin the process of preparing our annual financial report which will be finished by the end of May. We hope to have the State Auditor's Office on site by early June to begin the audit of 2014. Lodging Tax The schedule leading to awarding funds is as follows: • September 3 — Courtesy letters mailed to agencies that have historically received funding, media release to City website and notice to newspapers. • October 3 - Grant applications due at City Hall. • October 27 - Grant applicant presentations to the lodging tax advisory committee. • November 17 - Admin report to Council on results of lodging tax advisory committee meeting. • December 16 - City Council motion consideration: Award lodging tax for 2015. • February 25, 2015 — Grant applications to the lodging tax advisory committee. • March 10, 2015 — City Council motion consideration: Award lodging tax for 2015. Noteworthy here is that at their December 16 meeting, Council remanded the lodging tax applications to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) for reconsideration based upon Council adopted goals and priorities. The LTAC held a follow-up meeting on February 25, 2015. Budget to Actual Comparison Report A report reflecting 2014 Budget to Actual Revenues and Expenditures for those funds for which a 2014 Budget was adopted (and amended on November 17) is located on pages 5 through 17. P:IFinancelFinance Activity ReportslCouncil Monthly Reportsl201512015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.docx Page 1 It's important to keep in mind that the figures included are preliminary and we anticipate they will continue to change as a result of the fact we continue to receive invoices related to 2014 expenditure activity as well as some additional revenues. We will follow-up with Final 2014 figures once the books are closed. We've included the following information in the report: • Revenues by source for all funds, and expenditures by department in the General Fund and by type in all other funds. • A breakdown between recurring and nonrecurring revenues and expenditures in the General Fund, Street O&M Fund and Stormwater Fund. • The change in fund balance including beginning and ending figures. The beginning fund balance figures are those that are reflected in our 2013 Annual Financial Report. • Columns of information include: o The amended 2014 Budget as adopted. o December 2014 activity. o Cumulative 2014 activity through December 2014. o Budget remaining in terms of dollars. o The percent of budgeted revenue collected or budgeted expenditures disbursed. A few points related to the General Fund #001 (page 5): Recurring revenues collections are currently at 102.51% of the amount budgeted with 100.0% of the year elapsed. This is due to several revenue sources, such as Community Development service revenues and sales taxes, ending the year in excess of budgeted amounts. • Property tax collections have reached $11,129,377 or 100.72% of the amount budgeted. Receiving more revenue than was actually assessed is a result of the assessor collecting delinquent taxes from previous years. Property taxes are paid to Spokane County in two installments each year on April 30 and October 31 and are then remitted to the City primarily in May and November with lesser amounts typically remitted in June and December. In January we received one final payment related to 2014 collections that is reflected herein. • Sales tax collections finished the year at $17,440,083 which was $450,083 or 2.65% greater than the amount budgeted. • Gambling taxes are at $513,954 or 83.24% of the amount budgeted. These taxes are paid quarterly with the fourth quarter taxes due by January 31. The 2014 revenues are less than budgeted due to the closure of a business in 2014. This has been factored into the 2015 Budget estimate. • Franchise Fee and Business Registration revenues are typically received in the month following a calendar year quarter. These revenues reached $1,249,848 which was $36,848 or 3.04% greater than the amount budgeted. • State shared revenues are composed of State of Washington distributions that include items such as liquor board profits, liquor excise tax, streamlined sales tax mitigation and criminal justice monies. Most of these revenues are paid by the State in the month following a calendar quarter but some are only once per quarter. These have collectively finished the year at $1,834,198 or $52,302 (2.77%) less than the amount budgeted. • Fines, forfeitures and penalties revenues are composed of monthly remittances from Spokane County with payments made in the month following the actual assessment of a fine and false alarm fees. These have finished the year at $1,460,264 or $10,536 (0.72%) less than the amount budgeted. • Community Development service revenues are largely composed of building permit and plan review fees as well as right of way permits. These have finished the year at $1,569,831 or $314,831 (25.05%) greater than the amount budgeted. P:IFinancelFinance Activity Reports1Council Monthly Reports1201512015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.docx Page 2 • Recreation program fees are composed of revenues generated by the variety of parks and recreation programs including classes, swimming pools (in -season), and CenterPlace. They have finished the year at $598,941 or $19,141 (3.30%) greater than the amount budgeted. Recurring expenditures are currently $34,823,942 or $2,074,968 (5.62%) less than budgeted. Investments (page 18) Investments at December 31 total $48,350,479 and are composed of $43,283,196 in the Washington State Local Government Investment Pool and $5,067,283 in bank CDs. Total Sales Tax Receipts (page 19) Total sales tax receipts reflect State remittances through December and total $19,707,676 including general, criminal justice and public safety taxes. This figure is $1,001,214 (5.35%) greater than for the same 12 -month period in 2013. Economic Indicators (pages 20 — 22) The following economic indicators provide information pertaining to three different sources of tax revenue that provide a good gauge of the health and direction of the overall economy. 1. Sales taxes (page 20) provide a sense of how much individuals and businesses are spending on the purchase of goods. 2. Hotel / Motel taxes (page 21) provide us with a sense of overnight stays and visits to our area by tourists or business travelers. 3. Real Estate Excise taxes (page 22) provide us with a sense of real estate sales. Page 20 provides a 10 -year history of general sales tax receipts (not including public safety or criminal justice) with monthly detail beginning January 2006. • Compared with calendar year 2014, 2015 collections have increased by $54,412 or 3.25%. • Tax receipts peaked in 2014 at $17,440,083, besting the previous record year of 2007 when $17,437,467 was collected. In terms of dollars collected this represents an increase of $2,616, but when one considers the increase in the CPI over that seven-year period plus the fact that Spokane Valley now has considerably more businesses, one could reasonably argue that our local economy is still in a recovery mode. Page 21 provides a 10 -year history of hotel/motel tax receipts with monthly detail beginning January 2006. • Compared with calendar year 2014, 2015 collections have increased by $1,667 or 6.56%. • Collections reached an all-time high in 2014, exceeding the previous high in 2013 by $30,595 or 5.90%. Page 22 provides a 10 -year history of real estate excise tax receipts with monthly detail beginning January 2006. • Compared with calendar year 2014, 2015 collections have increased by $34,949 or 57.11%. • Tax receipts peaked in 2007 at nearly $2.6 million, decreased precipitously in 2008 and 2009, and continue to slowly gaining ground. P:IFinancelFinance Activity ReportslCouncil Monthly Reports1201512015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.docx Page 3 Debt Capacity and Bonds Outstanding (page 23) This page provides information on the City's debt capacity, or the dollar amount of General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds the City may issue, as well as an amortization schedule of the bonds the City currently has outstanding. • The maximum amount of G.O. bonds the City may issue is determined by the assessed value for property taxes which for 2015 is $7,393,971,582. Following the August 2014 refunding of the 2003 LTGO Bonds and the December 1, 2014 debt service payment the City has $6,675,000 of nonvoted G.O. bonds outstanding which represents 6.02% of our nonvoted bond capacity, and 1.20% of our total debt capacity for all types of bonds. Of this amount: o $5,425,000 remains on bonds issued for the construction of CenterPlace. These bonds are repaid with a portion of the 1/10 of 1% sales tax that is collected by the Spokane Public Facilities District. o $1,250,000 remains on bonds issued for road and street improvements around CenterPlace. The bonds are repaid with a portion of the real estate excise tax collected by the City. Street Fund Revenue Sources (pages 24 and 25) New to the report in the last few months are charts that reflect a history for the two primary sources of revenue in Street Fund #101. These include: • Page 24 provides a 10 -year history of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax collections with monthly detail beginning January 2006. o Compared with calendar year 2014, 2015 collections have decreased by $308 or 0.20% o Tax receipts peaked in 2007 at just approximately $2.1 million, and subsequently decreased to a range of approximately $1,857,000 to $1,878,000 in the years 2011 through 2014. • Page 25 provides a 6 -year history of Telephone Utility Tax collections with monthly detail beginning January 2009 (the month in which the tax was imposed). o Unlike tax revenues collected by the State and remitted monthly, these taxes are paid to the City directly by the service provider. Consequently there is not a "clean cutoff' in terms of when a vendor pays the tax. Tax revenues currently reported for January include only those that were received through January 31 and will be adjusted for future collections pertaining to that month. o Tax receipts peaked in 2009 at $3,054,473 and have decreased each year since due to what we suspect is the reduction in land lines by individual households. o The 2015 Budget was adopted with a revenue estimate of $2,565,100. We will watch this closely as we progress through the coming months. P:IFinancelFinance Activity ReportslCouncil Monthly Reports1201512015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.docx Page 4 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 #001 - GENERAL FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Budget Year Elapsed = 2014 100.0% 201I4 1INEW eFri Budget Actual Actual thru Budget % of December December 31 Remaining Budget Revenues Property Tax 11,049,400 529,409 11,129,377 79,977 100.72% Sales Tax 16,990,000 2,809,850 17,440,083 450,083 102.65% Sales Tax - Criminal Justice 1,330,000 240,373 1,455,313 125,313 109.42% Sales Tax - Public Safety 745,000 134,527 812,280 67,280 109.03% Gambling Tax & Other Miscellaneous Taxes 617,400 115,077 513,954 (103,446) 83.24% Franchise Fees/Business Registration 1,213,000 303,097 1,249,848 36,848 103.04% State Shared Revenues 1,886,500 467,204 1,834,198 (52,302) 97.23% Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties 1,470,800 194,971 1,460,264 (10,536) 99.28% Community Development 1,255,400 93,196 1,569,831 314,431 125.05% Recreation Program Fees 579,800 4,208 598,941 19,141 103.30% Miscellaneous Department Revenue 85,500 31,518 114,402 28,902 133.80% Miscellaneous & Investment Interest 117,600 13,467 101,450 (16,150) 86.27% Transfer -in - #101 (street admin) 39,700 3,308 39,700 (0) 100.00% Transfer -in - #105 (h/m tax -CP advertising) 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 100.00% Transfer -in - #402 (storm admin) 13,400 1,117 13,400 0 100.00% Total Recurring Revenues 37,423,500 4,971,321 38,363,040 939,540 102.51% Expenditures City Council 468,850 43,755 405,808 63,042 86.55% City Manager 660,843 56,486 635,605 25,238 96.18% Legal 470,922 37,168 446,787 24,135 94.87% Public Safety 23,384,643 2,288,875 22,411,570 973,073 95.84% Deputy City Manager 653,215 54,638 535,460 117,755 81.97% Finance 1,180,659 85,065 1,098,737 81,922 93.06% Human Resources 237,883 22,556 229,683 8,200 96.55% Public Works 882,694 66,782 710,086 172,608 80.45% Community Development - Administration 290,883 19,553 243,001 47,882 83.54% Community Development - Engineering 807,114 62,386 671,045 136,069 83.14% Community Development - Planning 928,906 102,433 892,336 36,570 96.06% Community Development- Building 1,267,656 104,071 1,178,214 89,442 92.94% Parks & Rec - Administration 274,743 19,984 255,135 19,608 92.86% Parks & Rec- Maintenance 796,200 126,276 794,250 1,950 99.76% Parks & Rec- Recreation 229,152 16,339 199,164 29,988 86.91% Parks & Rec - Aquatics 490,400 4,546 437,028 53,372 89.12% Parks & Rec - Senior Center 89,882 8,418 83,846 6,036 93.28% Parks & Rec - CenterPlace 828,842 108,232 801,436 27,406 96.69% Pavement Preservation 888,823 74,069 888,823 0 100.00% General Government 1,741,600 310,722 1,580,927 160,673 90.77% Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium) 325,000 27,083 325,000 0 100.00% Total Recurring Expenditures 36,898,910 3,639,436 34,823,942 2,074,968 94.38% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 524,590 1,331,884 3,539,098 3,014,508 Page 5 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 #001 - GENERAL FUND - continued NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Budget Year Elapsed = 2014 100.0% E2014 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget % of December December 31 Remaining Budget Revenues SCRAPS Pass -Through 56,600 0 56,568 (32) 99.94% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 56,600 0 56,568 (32) 99.94% Expenditures Transfers out - #309 (park grant match) 247,500 242,298 242,298 5,202 97.90% Community & Econ Dev (comp plan update) 30,000 32,410 32,410 (2,410) 108.03% SCRAPS Pass -Through 56,600 0 56,568 32 99.94% City Hall Remodel - Permit Cntr to Main Bldg 20,000 0 0 20,000 0.00% Law Enforcement Contingency 350,000 0 0 350,000 0.00% Public Works (autocad licenses) 8,800 0 8,800 0 100.00% Parks & Recreation (CP chairs) 11,350 0 11,192 158 98.61% Public Safety (precinct improvements) 24,000 4,408 15,146 8,854 63.11% Transfers out - #106 (solid waste ed/marketing) 60,000 60,000 60,000 0 100.00% Transfers out - #312 ('12 fund bal > 50%) 2,443,507 2,443,507 2,443,507 0 100.00% Police Capital - precinct workstations 14,500 0 14,480 20 99.86% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 3,266,257 2,782,622 2,884,401 381,856 88.31% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (3,209,657) (2,782,622) (2,827,832) 381,825 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures A5,067) (1,450,738) 3,396,333 Beginning unrestrictedfund balance 23,396,459 23,396,459 Ending unrestricted fund balance 20,711,392 24,107,725 Page 6 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS #101 - STREET FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Budget Actual Actual thru December December 31 Remaining Budget Year Elapsed = 2014 100.0% % of Budget 2 Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax 1,858,600 307,169 1,878,476 19,876 101.07% Investment Interest 3,000 298 2,037 (963) 67.89% Insurance Premiums & Recoveries 0 0 4,204 4,204 #DIV/0! Utility Tax 2,750,000 415,532 2,461,060 (288,940) 89.49% Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 5,185 5,185 #DIV/0! Total Recurring Revenues 4,611,600 723,000 4,350,962 (260,638) 94.35% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes 627,288 67,057 681,165 (53,877) 108.59% Supplies 386,500 59,827 476,608 (90,108) 123.31% Services & Charges 2,392,201 111,526 2,197,089 195,112 91.84% Intergovernmental Payments 798,000 276,730 719,406 78,594 90.15% Interfund Transfers -out - #001 39,700 3,308 39,700 0 100.00% Interfund Transfers -out - #501 (plow rep/ace.) 75,000 6,250 75,000 0 100.00% Interfund Transfers -out - #501 (non -plow vehicle 10,777 898 10,777 0 100.00% Interfund Transfers -out - #311 (pavement preserve 282,000 23,500 282,000 0 100.00% Total Recurring Expenditures 4,611,466 549,095 4,481,746 129,720 97.19% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 134 173,905 (130,783) (130,917) NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grants 0 0 15,150 15,150 #DIV/0! Transfer -in - #302 0 0 23 23 #DIV/0! Miscellaneous 0 0 25 25 #DIV/0! Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 15,198 15,198 #DIV/0! Expenditures 133 Sprague/Sullivan ITS 0 0 173 (173) #DIV/0! Capital 0 188 7,090 (7,090) #DIV/0! Patch Trailer 30,000 0 33,532 (3,532) 111.77% 204 Hawk Signal 25,000 0 15,670 9,330 62.68% Software 6,750 0 0 6,750 0.00% 214 City Fiber Connection 11,000 3,571 13,542 (2,542) 123.11% Transfers out -#303 (Sprague/Thierman Int) 18,830 5,038 5,038 13,792 26.75% Transfers out -#501 (new pickup) 15,000 25,849 25,849 (10,849) 172.33% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 106,580 34,645 100,894 5,686 94.66% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (106,580) (34,645) (85,696) 20,884 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures (106,446) 139,260 (216,479) (110,033) Beginning fund balance 2,063,234 2,063,234 Ending fund balance 1,956,788 1,846,755 Page 7 P: \Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #103 - PATHS & TRAILS Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax Investment Interest Total revenues Budget Year Elapsed = 2014 100.O% _ 1111111111111102 _______11-41011111111111111111115 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget 7,800 7,923 7,923 123 101.58% 0 7 34 34 #DIV/0! 7,800 7,930 7,957 157 102.02% Expenditures Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Transfers out -#309 (Appleway Trail) 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 100.00% Total expenditures 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 100.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures (42,200) (42,070) (42,043) Beginning fund balance 71,871 71,871 Ending fund balance 29,671 29,828 #105 - HOTEL / MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax Investment Interest 157 530,000 72,856 549,267 19,267 103.64% 300 52 299 (1) 99.78% Total revenues 530,300 72,909 549,567 19,267 103.63% Expenditures Interfund Transfers - #001 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 100.00% Tourism Promotion 547,000 172,443 546,545 455 99.92% Total expenditures 577,000 202,443 576,545 455 99.92% Revenues over (under) expenditures (46,700) (129,534) (26,978) Beginning fund balance 236,927 236,927 Ending fund balance 190,227 209,949 #106 - SOLID WASTE Revenues Charges for Goods and Services Transfers in - #001 18,812 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! 60,000 60,000 60,000 0 100.00% Total revenues 60,000 60,000 60,000 0 100.00% Expenditures Professional Services 60,000 26,967 52,661 7,340 87.77% Total expenditures 60,000 26,967 52,661 7,340 87.77% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 33,033 7,340 (7,340) Beginning fund balance 236,927 236,927 Ending fund balance 236,927 244,267 Page 8 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2014 100.0% 4014 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget % of December December 31 Remaining Budget #120 - CENTER PLACE OPERATING RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Interfund Transfer 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Total revenues 0 Expenditures Operations Total expenditures 0 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 300,000 300,000 Ending fund balance 300,000 300,000 #121 - SERVICE LEVEL STABILIZATION RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Interfund Transfer 7,300 943 4,697 (2,603) 64.34% 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Total revenues 7,300 943 4,697 (2,603) 64.34% Expenditures Operations 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Revenues over (under) expenditures 7,300 943 4,697 (2,603) Beginning fund balance 5,448,502 5,448,502 Ending fund balance 5,455,802 5,453,199 #122 - WINTER WEATHER RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest 700 92 456 (244) 65.08% Interfund Transfer 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Subtotal revenues 700 92 456 (244) 65.08% Expenditures Snow removal expenses 500,000 0 0 500,000 0.00% Total expenditures 500,000 0 0 500,000 0.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures (499,300) 92 456 (500,244) Beginning fund balance 503,565 503,565 Ending fund balance 4,265 504,021 #123 - CIVIC FACILITIES REPLACEMENT FUND Revenues Investment Interest Interfund Transfer - #001 1,700 218 1,083 (617) 63.70% 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Total revenues 1,700 218 1,083 (617) 63.70% Expenditures Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 616,284 51,357 616,284 0 100.00% Total expenditures 616,284 51,357 616,284 0 100.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures (614,584) (51,139) (615,201) (617) Beginning fund balance 1,789,271 1,789,271 Ending fund balance 1,174,687 1,174,070 Page 9 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS #204 - DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Spokane Public Facilities District Interfund Transfer -in - #301 Interfund Transfer -in - #302 Proceeds from Bond Refunding Budget December Budget Year Elapsed = 2014 100.0% Actual ti ns !'3LAr'se! December 31 Remaining Budget 441,520 0 423,844 (17,676) 96.00% 93,152 6,565 89,559 (3,593) 96.14% 93,151 6,565 89,559 (3,592) 96.14% 7,661,000 0 7,660,694 (306) 100.00% Total revenues 8,288,823 13,130 8,263,656 (25,167) 99.70% Expenditures Debt Service Payments - CenterPlace 441,520 316,106 425,072 16,448 96.27% Debt Service Payments - Roads 186,303 160,263 177,889 8,414 95.48% Issuance Costs on Bond Refunding 112,000 0 107,341 4,659 95.84% Payments to Refunded Debt Escrow Agent 7,549,000 0 7,549,304 (304) 100.00% Total expenditures 8,288,823 476,369 8,259,607 29,216 99.65% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 (463,239) 4,049 (54,383) Beginning fund balance 0 0 Ending fund balance 0 4,049 Page 10 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Budget Year Elapsed = 2014 100.0% A20.4 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget #301 - REET 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 1 - Taxes 600,000 144,974 790,781 190,781 131.80% Investment Interest 1,000 160 793 (207) 79.33% Total revenues 601,000 145,135 791,574 190,574 131.71% Expenditures Interfund Transfer -out -#204 93,152 6,565 89,559 3,593 96.14% Interfund Transfer -out -#303 275,575 14,715 58,607 216,968 21.27% Interfund Transfer -out - #311 (pavement preserr 184,472 0 184,472 0 100.00% Total expenditures 553,199 21,280 332,638 220,561 60.13% Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 47,801 123,855 458,937 968,021 968,021 1,015,822 1,426,958 (29,987) #302 REET 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 2 - Taxes 600,000 144,934 776,648 176,648 129.44% Investment Interest 1,000 183 909 (91) 90.89% Total revenues 601,000 145,117 777,557 176,557 129.38% Expenditures InterfundTransfer-out-#101 0 0 23 (23) #DIV/0! Interfund Transfer -out -#204 93,151 6,565 89,559 3,592 96.14% Interfund Transfer -out -#303 599,097 353,302 501,736 97,361 83.75% Interfund Transfer -out - #31 1 (pavementpreserr 184,472 0 184,472 0 100.00% Total expenditures 876,720 359,867 775,790 100,930 88.49% Revenues over(under)expenditures (275,720) (214,750) 1,767 75,627 Beginning fund balance 1,323,378 1,323,378 Ending fund balance 1,047,658 1,325,145 Page 11 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued Budget Budget Year Elapsed = 2014 100.0% 7D14 F,rii:; AE:o:11 iru December December 31 Remaining Budget #303 STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 8,324,808 278,864 1,825,974 (6,498,834) 21.93% Developer Contribution 166,020 191 191 (165,829) 0.12% Miscellaneous 0 0 350 350 #DIV/0! Transfer -in -#101 18,830 5,038 5,038 (13,792) 26.75% Transfer -in -#301 275,575 14,715 58,607 (216,968) 21.27% Transfer -in -#302 599,097 353,302 501,736 (97,361) 83.75% Transfer -in - #312 Appleway Landscaping 250,000 239,196 253,645 3,645 101.46% Transfer -in - #312 Sullivan Rd W Bridge 200,000 386,418 443,688 243,688 221.84% Transfer -in -#402 7,101 0 0 (7,101) 0.00% Investment Interest 0 4 21 21 #DIV/0! Total revenues 9,841,431 1,277,728 3,089,249 (6,752,182) 31.39% Expenditures 060 Argonne Rd Corridor Upgrade SRTC 06-31 860,280 34,155 206,188 654,092 23.97% 061 Pines (SR27) ITS Imporvement SRTC 06-26 10,000 0 67 9,933 0.67% 113 Indiana/Sullivan PCC Intersection 0 0 113 123 Mission Ave -Flora to Barker 382,410 29,997 40,012 342,398 10.46% 141 Sullivan & Euclid PCC 123,090 2,520 49,556 73,534 40.26% 142 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan 50,000 0 3,564 46,436 7.13% 145 Spokane Valley -Millwood Trail 100,000 0 1,924 98,076 1.92% 149 Sidewalk Infill 364,425 1,882 288,304 76,121 79.11% 154 Sidewalk & Transit Stop Accessibility 0 0 435 (435) #DIV/0! 155 Sullivan Rd W Bridge Replacement 4,000,000 588,785 925,421 3,074,579 23.14% 156 Mansfield Ave. Connection 1,158,727 4,098 669,533 489,194 57.78% 159 University Rd / 1-90 Overpass Study 50,000 8,305 32,716 17,284 65.43% 166 Pines Rd. (SR27) & Grace Ave. Int. Safety 538,850 19,021 50,516 488,334 9.37% 167 Citywide Safety Improvements 341,928 7,377 12,159 329,769 3.56% 168 Wellesley Ave Sidewalk & Adams Rd Sidewalk 30,000 0 3,318 26,682 11.06% 169 Argonne/Mullan Safety Indiana - Broadway 0 0 558 (558) #DIV/0! 170 Argonne road: Empire Ave - Knox Ave. 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! 175 Sullivan UP Tracks UC (SB) Resurfacing 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! 177 Sullivan Road Corridor Traffic Study 100,000 15,546 106,305 (6,305) 106.31 % 181 Citywide Traffic Sign Upgrade 50,000 0 96,561 (46,561) 193.12% 185 Appleway Landscaping - Phase 1 250,000 85,204 253,695 (3,695) 101.48% 191 Vista Rd BNSF Xing Safety Improvements 0 328 48,501 (48,501) #DIV/0! 196 8th Avenue - McKinnon to Fancher 300,000 4,617 264,439 35,561 88.15% 201 ITS Infill Project Phase 1 (PE Start 2014) 91,891 0 149 91,742 0.16% 205 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvements 0 0 191 (191) #DIV/0! 206 2015 CDBG Sidewalk Project 0 5,526 7,513 (7,513) #DIV/0! 210 Alcazar Driveway Reconstruction 7,000 6,968 7,901 (901) 112.88% 211 Trent Lighting Replacement 14,000 3,465 3,465 10,535 24.75% 213 Sprague/Thierman Intersection 18,830 5,038 5,038 13,792 26.75% Contingency 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0.00% Total expenditures 9,841,431 822,834 3,078,146 6,763,398 31.28% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 454,894 11,103 (13,515,580) Beginning fund balance 61,827 61,827 Ending fund balance 61,827 72,930 Page 12 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued Budget Budget Year Elapsed = 2014 100.0% December December 31 Remaining Budget #309 - PARKS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Interfund Transfer -in - #001 247,500 242,298 242,298 (5,202) 97.90% Interfund Transfer -in - #103 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 100.00% Interfund Transfer -in - #312 1,452,100 908,379 908,379 (543,721) 62.56% Investment Interest 500 89 444 (56) 88.88% Developer Contribution 0 0 7,300 7,300 #DIV/0! Miscellaneous 500 500 550 50 110.00% Total revenues 1,750,600 1,201,266 1,208,972 (541,628) 69.06% Expenditures 203 Sand volleyball courts at Brown's Park 0 369 14,390 (14,390) #DIV/0! 217 Edgecliff picnic shelter 9,000 2,111 7,297 1,703 81.08% 195 Discovery Playground equipment 51,400 0 51,280 120 99.77% Shade structure at Discovery Playground 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! City entry sign 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! 209 Park signs 22,500 15,681 19,319 3,181 85.86% 176 Appleway Trail 1,502,100 661,104 958,429 543,671 63.81% 208 Old Mission Trailhead Parking Improvements 55,000 49,563 49,798 5,202 90.54% 212 Edgecliff Park Restroom Sewer Project 13,000 7,173 9,518 3,482 73.21% Total expenditures 1,653,000 736,000 1,110,031 542,969 67.15% Revenues over (under) expenditures 97,600 465,267 98,941 (1,084,597) Beginning fund balance 352,779 352,779 Ending fund balance 450,379 451,720 #310 - CIVIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Miscellaneous Investment Interest Total revenues Expenditures Capital Professional Services 839,285 0 839,285 0 100.00% 1,900 240 1,193 (707) 62.78% 841,185 240 840,478 (707) 99.92% 0 8,418 20,630 (20,630) #DIV/0! 30,000 0 2,202 27,798 7.34% Total expenditures 30,000 8,418 22,831 7,169 76.10% Revenues over(under)expenditures 811,185 (8,178) 817,647 (7,876) Beginning fund balance 1,101,903 1,101,903 Ending fund balance 1,913,088 1,919,550 Note: The fund balance includes $839,285.10 paid by the Library District for 2.82 acres at the Balfour Park site. If the District does not succeed in getting a voted bond approved by October 2017 then the City will repurchase this land at the original sale price of $839,285.10. Page 13 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2014 100.0% e+ 42014 Mir Budget Actual Actual thru Budget % of December December 31 Remaining Budget #311 - PAVEMENT PRESERVATION FUND Revenues Interfund Transfers in -#101 282,000 23,500 282,000 0 100.00% Interfund Transfers in -#123 616,284 51,357 616,284 0 100.00% Interfund Transfers in -#301 184,472 0 184,472 0 100.00% Interfund Transfers in -#302 184,472 0 184,472 0 100.00% Interfund Transfers in -#001 888,823 74,069 888,823 (0) 100.00% Grant Proceeds 2,886,736 143,561 2,042,665 (844,071) 70.76% Miscellaneous 0 0 50 50 #DIV/0! Investment Interest 0 372 1,853 1,853 #DIV/0! Total revenues 5,042,787 292,859 4,200,619 (842,168) 83.30% Expenditures 162 2012 Street Preservation 2,000 0 2,097 (97) 104.85% 163 Sprague Ave Swale Upgrade, Park to 1-90 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! 174 2013 Street Preservation Ph1 200 0 191 9 95.54% 179 2013 Street Preservation Ph2 1,520,583 2,157 1,159,255 361,328 76.24% 180 Carnahan, Indiana & Sprague Presery 330,000 1,911 289,708 40,292 87.79% 186 Adams Road Resurfacing 205,000 15,911 182,718 22,282 89.13% 187 Sprague Ave Preservation Project 1,374,683 33,627 1,032,889 341,794 75.14% 188 Sullivan Rd Preservation Project 33,920 26,547 42,412 (8,492) 125.04% 202 Appleway Street Preservation Project 400,000 9,524 299,456 100,544 74.86% 211 Sullivan Trent to Wellsley & Wellsley 0 2,271 13,195 (13,195) #DIV/0! Pre -Project Geo Tech 50,000 0 55,293 (5,293) 110.59% Total expenditures 3,916,386 91,948 3,077,215 Revenues over (under) expenditures 1,126,401 200,912 1,123,404 Beginning fund balance 798,609 798,609 Ending fund balance 1,925,010 1,922,013 839,171 (1,681,339) 78.57% #312 - CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Revenues Transfers in - #001 2,443,507 2,443,507 2,443,507 0 100.00% Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Developer Contribution 0 0 4,675 4,675 #DIV/0! Total revenues 2,443,507 2,443,507 2,448,182 4,675 100.19% Expenditures Capital Outlays 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Transfers out - #303 - Appleway Landscaping 250,000 239,196 253,645 (3,645) 101.46% Transfers out - #303 - Sullivan Rd W Bridge 200,000 386,418 443,688 (243,688) 221.84% Trasfers out - #309 - Appleway Trail 1,452,100 908,379 908,379 Total expenditures 1,902,100 1,533,993 1,605,712 (247,333) 84.42% Revenues over (under) expenditures 541,407 909,514 842,470 252,008 Beginning fund balance 7,742,299 7,742,299 Ending fund balance 8,283,706 8,584,769 Page 14 P:1Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1201512015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402 - STORMWATER FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Budget Budget Year Elapsed = 2014 100.0% December December 31 Remaining Budget Revenues Stormwater Management Fees 1,835,000 125,792 1,865,413 30,413 101.66% Investment Interest 2,500 270 1,342 (1,158) 53.69% Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Total Recurring Revenues 1,837,500 126,062 1,866,755 29,255 101.59% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes 505,535 36,458 351,058 154,477 69.44% Supplies 15,900 1,052 8,389 7,511 52.76% Services & Charges 1,065,076 86,000 980,324 84,752 92.04% Intergovernmental Payments 26,500 0 27,167 (667) 102.52% Interfund Transfers -out - #001 13,400 1,117 13,400 (0) 100.00% Interfund Transfers -out - #502 1,567 131 1,567 0 100.00% Total Recurring Expenditures 1,627,978 124,757 1,381,905 246,073 84.88% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 209,522 1,304 484,849 275,327 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds 50,000 (26,100) 76,097 26,097 152.19% Interfund Transfers -in 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Developer Contributions 0 0 51,492 51,492 #DIV/0! Total Nonrecurring Revenues 50,000 (26,100) 127,590 77,590 255.18% Expenditures Capital - various projects 900,000 15,268 189,252 710,748 21.03% Property acquisition 250,000 0 0 250,000 0.00% VMS Trailer 16,000 188 22,636 (6,636) 141.48% 150 Sullivan Bridge Drain Retrofit 0 0 1,152 (1,152) #DIV/0! UIC Retrofits on Pvmnt Pres Projects 0 0 99,836 (99,836) #DIV/0! 168 Wellesley Ave Sidewalk & Adams Rd Sidewalk 0 0 117 (117) #DIV/0! 185 Appleway Landscaping 0 9,610 192,484 (192,484) #DIV/0! 186 Adams Road Resurfacing 0 713 77,331 (77,331) #DIV/0! 187 Sprague Ave Preservation Project 0 (623) 70,768 (70,768) #DIV/0! 193 Effectiveness Study 0 81,883 97,071 (97,071) #DIV/0! 196 8th Ave - McKinnon to Fancher 0 0 17,513 (17,513) #DIV/0! 198 Sprague, Park to University LID 0 4,909 8,940 (8,940) #DIV/0! 199 Havana - Yale Diversion 0 745 9,489 (9,489) #DIV/0! 200 Ponderosa Surface Water Diversion 0 745 11,005 (11,005) #DIV/0! Transfers out - #403 (Decant Proj - DOE) 50,125 50,125 50,125 0 100.00% Transfers out - #501 (new pickup) 30,000 25,843 25,843 4,157 86.14% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 1,246,125 189,406 873,563 372,562 70.10% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (1,196,125) (215,506) (745,973) 450,152 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures (986,603) (214,201) (261,124) 725,479 Beginning working capital 2,319,423 2,319,423 Ending working capital 1,332,820 2,058,299 Page 15 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 ENTERPRISE FUNDS - continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2014 100.0% 101-4 ..._ Actual Actual thru Budget % of Budget December December 31 Remaining Budget #403 - AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA Revenues Spokane County 500,000 202,722 461,828 (38,172) 92.37% Grant DOE - Decant Facility 634,523 0 629,904 (4,619) 99.27% Grant DOT - Decant Facility 100,000 0 100,000 0 100.00% Grant DOE - LID/Retrofit Design 120,000 0 0 (120,000) 0.00% Grant DOE - SE Yardley Retrofits 750,000 18,483 67,686 (682,314) 9.02% Grant DOE - Broadway SD Retrofit 40,000 0 0 (40,000) 0.00% Transfer -in - #402 (Decant Prof - DOE) 50,125 50,125 50,125 0 100.00% Total revenues 2,194,648 271,330 1,309,543 (885,105) 59.67% Expenditures 163 Sprague swales 0 0 510 (510) #DIV/0! 173 Decant Facility 910,159 10,066 893,514 16,645 98.17% 197 Broadway SD retrofit 100,000 40,887 41,114 58,886 41.11% Outfall Diversion (design only) 60,000 0 0 60,000 0.00% 192 SE Yardley Retrofits 1,000,000 3,733 728,565 271,435 72.86% Total expenditures 2,070,159 54,687 1,663,703 406,456 80.37% Revenues over (under) expenditures 124,489 216,643 (354,160) (1,291,560) Beginning working capital 333,610 333,610 Ending working capital 458,099 (20,550) Page 16 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS #501 - ER&R FUND Revenues Transfer -in - #001 Transfer -in - #101 Transfer -in - #101 (plow replace.) Transfer -in - #402 Investment Interest Transfer -in - #101 (new pickup) Transfer -in - #402 (new pickup) Total revenues Expenditures Vehicle Acquisitions Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital #502 - RISK MANAGEMENT FUND Revenues Investment Interest Interfund Transfer - #001 Budget Budget Year Elapsed = 2014 100.0% Actual Actual thru iget December December 31 Remaining Budget 15,400 1,283 15,400 0 100.00% 10,777 898 10,777 0 100.00% 75,000 6,250 75,000 0 100.00% 1,567 131 1,567 0 100.00% 1,000 159 792 (208) 79.23% 15,000 25,849 25,849 10,849 172.33% 30,000 25,843 25,843 (4,157) 86.14% 148,744 60,413 155,228 6,484 104.36% 90,000 0 102,782 (12,782) 114.20% 90,000 0 102,782 (12,782) 114.20% 58,744 1,183,348 60,413 52,446 1,183,348 1,242,092 1235,794 19,266 0 1 5 5 #DIV/0! 325,000 27,083 325,000 (0) 100.00% Total revenues 325,000 Expenditures Auto & Property Insurance Unemployment Claims Miscellaneous Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital 27,084 325,005 5 100.00% 355,000 0 272,435 82,565 76.74% 0 709 8,531 (8,531) #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! 355,000 709 280,966 (30,000) 26,375 44,038 124,171 124,171 94,171 74,034 79.15% 168,209 (74,029) SUMMARY FOR ALL FUNDS Total of Revenues for all Funds 76,665,725 11,814,182 68,813,935 Per revenue status report 76,665,725 11,814,182 68,813,935 Difference 0 0 0 Total of Expenditures for all Funds Per expenditure status report 79,137,418 11,756,833 66,151,362 79,137,418 11,756,833 66,151,362 0 0 0 Total Capital expenditures (included in total expenditures) 17,230,126 991,811 8,271,224 Page 17 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Investment Report For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 Beginning Deposits Withdrawis Interest Ending 001 General Fund 101 Street Fund 103 Trails & Paths 105 Hotel/Motel 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve 121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve 122 Winter Weather Reserve 123 Civic Facilities Replacement 301 Capital Projects 302 Special Capital Projects 303 Street Capital Projects Fund 309 Parks Capital Project 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects 311 Street Capital Improvements 2011+ 312 Capital Reserve Fund 402 Stormwater Management 403 Aquifer Protection Fund 501 Equipment Rental & Replacement 502 Risk Management *Local Government Investment Pool 3/11/2015 $ 44,094,400.55 $ 3,064,608.90 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 49,159,009.45 2,180,013.11 0.00 0.00 2,180,013.11 (3,000,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (3,000,000.00) 8,782.59 2,674.18 0.00 11,456.77 $ 43,283,196.25 $ 3,067,283.08 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 48,350,479.33 matures: 6/28/2015 11/4/2015 rate: 0.35% 0.50% Balance Earnings Budget Total LGIP* BB CD 2 BB CD 3 Investments $ 44,094,400.55 $ 3,064,608.90 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 49,159,009.45 2,180,013.11 0.00 0.00 2,180,013.11 (3,000,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (3,000,000.00) 8,782.59 2,674.18 0.00 11,456.77 $ 43,283,196.25 $ 3,067,283.08 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 48,350,479.33 matures: 6/28/2015 11/4/2015 rate: 0.35% 0.50% Balance Earnings Budget Current Period Year to date $ 31,048,955.98 $ 8,368.33 $ 43,010.04 $ 65,000.00 1,643,046.11 298.47 2,036.62 3,000.00 37,998.40 6.91 34.37 0.00 288,689.31 52.44 299.33 300.00 300,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,193,882.21 943.49 4,696.64 7,300.00 503,798.76 91.52 455.57 700.00 1,197,598.71 217.55 1,082.94 1,700.00 882, 885.01 160.38 793.29 1,000.00 1, 005, 080.74 182.58 908.87 1,000.00 22,861.89 4.16 20.68 0.00 491,432.24 89.27 444.39 500.00 1,319,186.09 239.64 1,192.91 1,900.00 2,049,598.39 372.32 1,853.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,484,231.05 269.62 1,342.15 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 876,130.87 159.16 792.26 1,000.00 5,103.57 0.93 4.62 0.00 $ 48,350,479.33 $ 11,456.77 $ 58,968.05 $ 85,900.00 Page 18 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2015\2015 02 - 2014 12 PRELIMINARY No 3.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Sales Tax Receipts For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 Month 3/11/2015] Difference Received E 2013 2014 $ February 1,876,298.24 1,891,031.43 14,733.19 0.79% March 1,279,426.01 1,324,975.84 45,549.83 3.56% April 1,295,166.24 1,357,736.39 62,570.15 4.83% May 1,531,483.94 1,636,894.44 105,410.50 6.88% June 1,486,879.22 1,579,545.34 92,666.12 6.23% July 1,568,524.87 1,653,343.86 84,818.99 5.41% August 1,612,535.63 1,751,296.73 138,761.10 8.61% September 1,646,673.39 1,772,033.14 125,359.75 7.61 % October 1,650,525.59 1,754,039.63 103,514.04 6.27% November 1,630,334.91 1,802,029.08 171,694.17 10.53% December 1,544,088.55 1,619,010.52 74,921.97 4.85% January 1,584,524.73 1,565,739.35 (18,785.38) (1.19%) 18,706,461.32 19,707,675.75 1,001,214.43 5.35% 18,706,461.32 19,707,675.75 Sales tax receipts reported here reflect remittances for general sales tax, criminal justice sales tax and public safety tax. The sales tax rate for retail sales transacted within the boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley is 8.7%. The tax that is paid by a purchaser at the point of sale is remitted by the vendor to the Washington State Department of Revenue who then remits the taxes back to the various agencies that have imposed the tax. The allocation of the total 8.7% tax rate to the agencies is as follows: - State of Washington 6.50% - City of Spokane Valley 0.85% - Spokane County 0.15% - Crminial Justice 0.10% - Spokane Public Facilities District 0.10% * - Public Safety 0.10% * 2.20% local tax - Juvenile Jail 0.10% * - Mental Health 0.10% * - Law Enforcement Communications 0.10% * - Spokane Transit Authority 0.60% * 8.70% * Indicates voter approved sales taxes In addition to the .85% reported above that the City receives, we also receive a portion of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety sales taxes. The distribution of those taxes is computed as follows: Criminal Justice: The tax is assessed county -wide and of the total collected, the State distributes 10% of the receipts to Spokane County, with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the County and the cities within the County. Public Safety: The tax is assessed county -wide and of the total collected, the State distributes 60% of the receipts to Spokane County, with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the cities within the County. Page 19 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Sales Tax Collections - January - For the years 2006 through 2015 January Collected to date 1,572,609 1,759,531 1,729,680 1,484,350 1,491,059 1,460,548 1,589,887 1,671,269 1,677,887 1,732,299 February 1,068,743 1,155,947 1,129,765 1,098,575 963,749 990,157 1,009,389 1,133,347 1,170,640 0 March 1,072,330 1,196,575 1,219,611 1,068,811 1,018,468 1,015,762 1,067,733 1,148,486 1,201,991 0 April 1,371,030 1,479,603 1,423,459 1,134,552 1,184,137 1,284,180 1,277,621 1,358,834 1,448,539 0 May 1,392,111 1,353,013 1,243,259 1,098,054 1,102,523 1,187,737 1,174,962 1,320,449 1,400,956 0 June 1,362,737 1,428,868 1,386,908 1,151,772 1,123,907 1,248,218 1,290,976 1,389,802 1,462,558 0 July 1,555,124 1,579,586 1,519,846 1,309,401 1,260,873 1,332,834 1,302,706 1,424,243 1,545,052 0 August 1,405, 983 1,516,324 1,377, 943 1,212,531 1,211,450 1,279,500 1,299,678 1,465,563 1,575, 371 0 September 1,487,155 1,546,705 1,364,963 1,227,813 1,191,558 1,294,403 1,383,123 1,466,148 1,552,736 0 October 1,526,910 1,601,038 1,344,217 1,236,493 1,269,505 1,291,217 1,358,533 1,439,321 1,594,503 0 November 1,369,940 1,443,843 1,292,327 1,155,647 1,139,058 1,217,933 1,349,580 1,362,021 1,426,254 0 December 1,366,281 1,376,434 1,129,050 1,070,245 1,141,012 1,247,920 1,323,189 1,408,134 1,383,596 0 Total Collections 16,550,953 17,437,467 16,161,028 14,248,244 14,097,299 14,850,409 15,427,377 16,587,617 17,440,083 1,732,299 Budget Estimate 16,002,000 17,466,800 17,115,800 17,860,000 14,410,000 14,210,000 14,210,000 15,250,000 16,990,000 17,628,400 Actual over (under) budg 548,953 (29,333) (954,772) (3,611,756) (312,701) 640,409 1,217,377 1,337,617 450,083 (15,896,101) Total actual collections as a % of total budget 103.43% 99.83% 94.42% 79.78% 97.83% 104.51% 108.57% 108.77% 102.65% n/a H:\Tax Revenue\Sales Tax\2015\sales tax collections 2015.x1sx 2006 1 2007 1 2008 1 2009 1 2010 1 2011 1 2012 1 2013 1 2014 1 2015 2/22/2015 2015 to 2014 Difference $ % 1,572,609 1,759,531 1,729,680 1,484,350 1,491,059 1,460,548 1,589,887 1,671,269 1,677,887 1,732,299 54,412 3.24% % change in annual total collected 10.02% 5.36% (7.32%) (11.84%) (1.06%) 5.34% 3.89% 7.52% 5.14% n/a % of budget collected through January 9.83% 10.07% 10.11% 8.31% 10.35% 10.28% 11.19% 10.96% 9.88% 9.83% % of actual total collected through January 9.50% 10.09% 10.70% 10.42% 10.58% 9.84% 10.31% 10.08% 9.62% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of January 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 January 54,412 3.24% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 January Page 20 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Hotel/Motel Tax Receipts through - ,angary Actual for the years 2006 through 2015 January Total Collections 20,653.49 25,137.92 28,946.96 23,280.21 22,706.96 22,212.21 21,442.32 24,184.84 25,425.40 27,092.20 February 20,946.09 25,310.66 24,623.06 23,283.95 23,416.94 22,792.14 21,548.82 25,974.98 26,013.62 0.00 March 24,308.48 29,190.35 27,509.99 25,272.02 24,232.35 24,611.28 25,654.64 27,738.65 29,383.93 0.00 April 34,371.82 37,950.53 40,406.02 36,253.63 39,463.49 38,230.49 52,130.37 40,979.25 48,245.81 0.00 May 32,522.06 31,371.01 36,828.53 32,588.80 34,683.32 33,790.69 37,478.44 40,560.41 41,122.66 0.00 June 34,256.71 36,267.07 46,659.88 40,414.59 39,935.36 41,403.41 43,970.70 47,850.15 52,617.63 0.00 July 49,744.62 56,281.99 50,421.37 43,950.26 47,385.18 49,311.97 52,818.60 56,157.26 61,514.48 0.00 August 45,916.16 51,120.70 50,818.35 50,146.56 54,922.99 57,451.68 57,229.23 63,816.45 70,383.93 0.00 September 50,126.53 57,260.34 60,711.89 50,817.62 59,418.96 58,908.16 64,298.70 70,794.09 76,099.59 0.00 October 38,674.17 43,969.74 38,290.46 36,784.36 41,272.35 39,028.08 43,698.90 43,835.57 45,604.07 0.00 November 36,417.11 36,340.64 35,582.59 34,054.79 34,329.78 37,339.36 39,301.22 42,542.13 39,600.06 0.00 December 29,147.15 31,377.41 26,290.11 27,131.43 26,776.84 32,523.19 30,432.13 34,238.37 33,256.28 0.00 Total Collections 417,084.39 461,578.36 467,089.21 423,978.22 448,544.52 457,602.66 490,004.07 518,672.15 549,267.46 27,092.20 Budget Estimate 350,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 512,000.00 380,000.00 480,000.00 430,000.00 490,000.00 530,000.00 510,000.00 Actual over (under) budg 67,084.39 61,578.36 67,089.21 (88,021.78) 68,544.52 (22,397.34) 60,004.07 28,672.15 19,267.46 (482,907.80) Total actual collections as a % of total budget 119.17% 115.39% 116.77% 82.81% 118.04% 95.33% 113.95% 105.85% 103.64% n/a H:\Tax Revenue\Lodging Tax\2015\105 hotel motel tax 2015.xlsx 2006 1 2007 1 2008 1 2009 1 2010 1 2011 1 2012 1 2013 1 2014 1 2015 20,653.49 25,137.92 28,946.96 23,280.21 22,706.96 22,212.21 21,442.32 24,184.84 25,425.40 27,092.20 % change in annual total collected 7.54% 10.67% 1.19% (9.23%) 5.79% 2.02% 7.08% 5.85% 5.90% n/a % of budget collected through Januir'' 5.90% 6.28% 7.24% 4.55% 5.98% 4.63% 4.99% 4.94% 4.80% 5.31% % of actual total collected through January 4.95% 5.45% 6.20% 5.49% 5.06% 4.85% 4.38% 4.66% 4.63% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of January 35,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 2006 2007 2008 January 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 3/19/2015 2015 to 2014 Difference $ % 1,667 6.56% 1,666.80 6.56% 2014 2015 -I January Page 21 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 1st and 2nd 114% REET Collections through January Actual for the years 2006 through 2015 January H:\Tax Revenue\REET\2015\301 and 302 REET for 2015.xlsx 2006 1 2007 2008 1 2009 1 2010 1 2011 2012 1 2013 1 2014 1 2015 243,894.16 228,896.76 145,963.47 55,281.25 59,887.08 64,128.13 46,358.75 56,898.40 61,191.55 3/19/2015 2015 to 2014 Difference 96 96,140.79 34,949 57.11% Collected to date 243,894.16 February 172,154.72 March 182,065.71 April 173,796.61 May 306,871.66 June 226,526.64 July 2,104.30 August 451,700.06 September 188,066.23 October 211,091.20 November 141,729.09 December 161,285.23 228,896.76 129,919.79 263, 834.60 211,787.08 222,677.17 257,477.05 323,945.47 208,039.87 165,287.21 206,442.92 191,805.53 179,567.77 145,963.47 159,503.34 133,513.35 128,366.69 158,506.43 178,202.98 217,942.98 133,905.93 131,240.36 355,655.60 147,875.00 96,086.00 55,281.25 45,180.53 73,306.86 81,155.83 77,463.58 105,020.98 122,530.36 115,829.68 93,862.17 113,960.52 133,264.84 71,365.60 59,887.08 64,121.61 86,204.41 99,507.19 109,624.89 105,680.28 84,834.48 72,630.27 75,812.10 93,256.02 72,021.24 38,724.50 64,128.13 36,443.36 95,879.78 79,681.38 124,691.60 81,579.34 79,629.06 129,472.44 68,019.83 61,396.23 74,752.72 65,077.29 46,358.75 56,114.56 71,729.67 86,537.14 111,627.22 124,976.28 101,048.69 106,517.19 63,516.73 238,094.79 104,885.99 74,299.65 56,898.40 155,226.07 72,171.53 90,376.91 116,164.91 139,112.11 128,921.02 117,149.90 174,070.25 117,805.76 78,324.02 75,429.19 61,191.55 67,048.50 81,723.70 105,448.15 198,869.74 106,675.77 208,199.38 172,536.46 152,322.59 123,504.75 172,226.74 117,681.62 96,140.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total distributed by Spokane County 2,461,285.61 2,589,681.22 1,986,762.13 1,088,222.20 962,304.07 960,751.16 1,185,706.66 1,321,650.07 1,567,428.95 96,140.79 Budget estimate 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 760,000.00 800,000.00 950,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 Actual over (under) budget 461,285.61 589,681.22 (13,237.87) (911,777.80) 202,304.07 160,751.16 235,706.66 321,650.07 367,428.95 (1,103,859.21) Total actual collections as a % of total budget 123.06% 129.48% 99.34% 54.41% 126.62% 120.09% 124.81% 132.17% 130.62% n/a % change in annual total collected (1.19%) 5.22% (23.28%) (45.23%) (11.57%) (0.16%) 23.41% 11.47% 18.60% n/a % of budget collected through January 12.19% 11.44% 7.30% 2.76% 7.88% 8.02% 4.88% 5.69% 5.10% 8.01% % of actual total collected through January 9.91% 8.84% 7.35% 5.08% 6.22% 6.67% 3.91% 4.31% 3.90% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of January 300,000.00 250,000.00 200,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 January 34,949.24 57.11% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ■January rage 22 H:\Bonds\debt capacity.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Debt Capacity 2/8/2015 2014 Assessed Value for 2015 Property Taxes Voted (UTGO) Nonvoted (LTGO) Voted park Voted utility 1.00% of assessed value 1.50% of assessed value 2.50% of assessed value 2.50% of assessed value 7,393,971,582 Maximum Debt Capacity Outstanding as of 12/31/2014 Remaining Debt Capacity Utilized 73,939,716 110,909,574 184,849,290 184,849,290 554,547,870 0 6,675,000 0 0 6,675,000 73,939,716 104,234,574 184,849,290 184,849,290 547, 872, 870 0.00% 6.02% 0.00% 0.00% 1.20% Bonds Repaid Bonds Remaining 2014 LTGO Bonds Period Ending CenterPlace Road & Street Improvement Total 12/1/2014 12/1/2015 12/1/2016 12/1/2017 12/1/2018 12/1/2019 12/1/2020 12/1/2021 12/1/2022 12/1/2023 12/1/2024 12/1/2025 12/1/2026 12/1/2027 12/1/2028 12/1/2029 12/1/2030 12/1/2031 12/1/2032 12/1/2033 225,000 135,00 360,000 225,000 135,00 360,000 175,000 185,000 190,000 230,000 255,000 290,000 320,000 350,000 390,000 430,000 465,000 505,000 395,000 300,000 245,000 225,000 180,000 130,000 165,000 5,425,000 125,000 130,000 130,000 135,000 140,000 140,000 145,000 150,000 155,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,250, 000 300,000 315,000 320,000 365,000 395,000 430,000 465,000 500,000 545,000 430,000 465,000 505,000 395,000 300,000 245,000 225,000 180,000 130,000 165,000 6,675,000 5,650,000 1,385,000 7,035,000 Page 23 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Motor Fuel (Gas) Tax Collections - January For the years 2006 through 2015 H:\Tax Revenue\MVFT\2015\motor vehicle fuel tax collections 2015.xlsx 2006 1 2007 1 2008 1 2009 1 2010 1 2011 f 2012 1 2013 1 2014 1 2015 January 157,910 172,711 165,698 133,304 161,298 Collected to date 157,910 172,711 165,698 133,304 161,298 154,792 159,607 146,145 152,906 152,598 (308) (0.20%) February 145,663 162,079 149,799 155,832 145,869 146,353 135,208 145,998 148,118 0 March 144,867 156,194 159,316 146,264 140,486 141,849 144,297 135,695 131,247 0 April 158,729 175,010 165,574 161,117 161,721 165,019 153,546 156,529 156,269 0 May 152,049 173,475 162,281 156,109 158,119 154,700 144,670 151,595 156,850 0 June 166,506 183,410 176,085 173,954 168,146 158,351 159,827 167,479 161,965 0 July 162,989 178,857 166,823 169,756 164,221 165,398 160,565 155,348 157,805 0 August 183,127 183,815 171,690 179,012 176,869 153,361 164,050 173,983 172,308 0 September 187,645 191,884 176,912 175,965 175,067 173,820 171,651 195,397 173,299 0 October 178,782 180,570 165,842 163,644 164,475 158,889 153,022 133,441 160,539 0 November 177,726 181,764 193,360 167,340 168,477 160,461 162,324 164,303 165,871 0 December 159,974 159,750 142,230 144,376 143,257 124,714 138,223 142,140 141,298 0 Total Collections 1,975,967 2,099,519 1,995,610 1,926,673 1,928,005 1,857,707 1,846,990 1,868,053 1,878,475 152,598 Budget Estimate 1,753,000 2,000,000 2,150,000 2,050,000 1,900,000 1,875,000 1,897,800 1,861,100 1,858,600 1,858,600 Actual over (under) budg 222,967 99,519 (154,390) (123,327) 28,005 (17,293) (50,810) 6,953 19,875 (1,706,002) Total actual collections as a % of total budget 112.72% 104.98% 92.82% 93.98% 101.47% 99.08% 97.32% 100.37% 101.07% n/a 154,792 159,607 146,145 152,906 152,598 3/19/2015 2015 to 2014 Difference (308) (0.20%) % change in annual total collected 9.57% 6.25% (4.95%) (3.45%) 0.07% (3.65%) (0.58%) 1.14% 0.56% n/a % of budget collected through January 9.01% 8.64% 7.71% 6.50% 8.49% 8.26% 8.41% 7.85% 8.23% 8.21% % of actual total collected through January 7.99% 8.23% 8.30% 6.92% 8.37% 8.33% 8.64% 7.82% 8.14% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of January 200,000 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 2006 2007 2008 January 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ■ January Page 24 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\Telephone Tax\2015\telephone utility tax collections 2015.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Telephone Utility Tax Collections - January For the years 2009 through 2015 2009 1 2010 1 2011 2012 1 2013 1 2014 1 2015 3/20/2015 2015 to 2014 Difference $ % January 128,354 234,622 241,357 193,818 217,478 210,777 177,948 (6,701) (3.08%) Collected to date 128,354 234,622 241,357 193,818 217,478 210,777 177,948 (6,701) (3.08%) February 282,773 266,041 230,366 261,074 216,552 205,953 0 March 230,721 264,175 245,539 234,113 223,884 208,206 0 April 275,775 254,984 238,561 229,565 214,618 206,038 0 May 242,115 255,056 236,985 227,469 129,270 210,010 0 June 239,334 251,880 239,013 234,542 293,668 210,289 0 July 269,631 250,593 244,191 226,118 213,078 205,651 0 August 260,408 246,261 349,669 228,789 211,929 205,645 0 September 249,380 240,111 241,476 227,042 210,602 199,193 0 October 252,388 238,500 237,111 225,735 205,559 183,767 0 November 254,819 247,848 240,246 225,319 212,947 213,454 0 December 368,775 236,065 236,449 221,883 213,097 202,077 0 Total Collections 3,054,473 2,986,136 2,980,963 2,735,467 2,562,682 2,461,060 177,948 Budget Estimate 2,500,000 2,800,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 2,900,000 2,750,000 2,565,100 Actual over (under) budg 554,473 186,136 (19,037) (264,533) (337,318) (288,940) (2,387,152) Total actual collections as a % of total budget 122.18% 106.65% 99.37% 91.18% 88.37% 89.49% n/a % change in annual total collected n/a (2.24%) (0.17%) (8.24%) (6.32%) (3.97%) n/a % of budget collected through January 5.13% 8.38% 8.05% 6.46% 7.50% 7.66% 6.94% % of actual total collected through January 4.20% 7.86% 8.10% 7.09% 8.49% 8.56% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of January 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 January 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 LIJanuary Page 25