2012 Regional Pavement Cut Policy INLAND NORTHWEST REGIONAL PAVEMENT CUT POLICY Effective January 1, 2012 PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to establish a uniform approach to pavement cuts and repair applicable to utilities and other contractors working in the public rights-of-way. POLICIES: The local agency shall establish a tiered system based on the date of construction or reconstruction of pavement and may apply also criteria for roadway condition. The policies applicable are as follows: 1. A pavement cut moratorium will be in effect for a period of three years for all new and reconstructed Tier 1 roadways. 2. The policies for Tiers 2-4 roadways is as follows: a. Full Policy: Patches/paving shall extend the full width of an established travel lane. Pavement cuts shall be full depth and extend 2 feet(2'-0")beyond the nominal trench edge longitudinally and transversely. There shall be no gaps<four feet(4'-0") from curb or gutter. b. Modified Policy: Patches paving shall extend beyond the wheel path to the middle of the travel lane. Pavement cuts shall be full depth and extend one foot(1'-0")beyond the nominal trench edge longitudinally and transversely.. There shall be no gaps<four feet(4'-0") from curb or gutter. 3. Tiers Based on Age of Pavement Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Arterial Streets: <3 years Years 4-5 Years 6-12 >12 years Modified Principal Moratorium Policy Full Policy Full Policy Policy Modified Minor Moratorium Policy Full Policy Modified Policy Policy Modified Neighborhood Collector Moratorium Policy Full Policy Modified Policy Policy Local Access Streets: Modified Industrial/Commercial Moratorium Policy Modified Policy Modified Policy Policy Modified Residential Moratorium Policy Modified policy Modified Policy Policy CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 1 Note: It is the discretion of each jurisdiction to review the individual road segment ages to determine patch requirements on longitudinal installation over multiple roadway segments with variable ratings. In principle,each road section will be patched according to the tier in which it is ranked. Note: Any deviation from the Tier Policy will require approval in advance by the local agency. Note: Each agency will provide date of last major reconstruct either electronically or on each permit. Maintenance does not constitute a reconstruct for age determination. Note: Moratorium policy will be reviewed as seam-sealing technology improves. DEFINITIONS Permittees: The utility company or contractor who submits an application for a permit to obstruct and/or conduct construction operations in the public right-of-way. Local agencies and their contractors shall be considered permittees for application of this policy even though the respective agencies and/or their contractors may not take out permits. Local Agency: The governing entity having jurisdiction of the area that the permittee has submitted an application to obstruct or conduct construction operations. Agency Engineer: City or County Engineer,his/her designee (Engineers,Inspectors,Project Managers,Field Personnel)representing a Local Agency. Standard Specifications: Current version of the WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, Supplemental Specifications and/or Drawings as attached by local agencies. Project Completion: Date when the following has occurred: final permanent restoration of roadway is complete and approved by the inspector, and all as-built documentation has been submitted to the local agency.A fax transmittal confirmation ticket of'as built' shall be considered confirmation. New Roadway: Any roadway that has had a designed rehabilitation in the permitted excavation location that is less than or equal to three years. Travel Lane: travel lanes shall be established based on striping, or where there is no striping, shall be twelve feet(12'-0")in width. Length of Patch:For this document the length of all patches is the patch dimension parallel to the roadway. Width of Patch:For this document the width of all patches is the patch dimension perpendicular to the roadway. Assignee: The contractor who is taking out the permit. CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 2 Patch: Cut in the pavement as part of the current permitted job. Potholing: Potholing is the practice of digging a test hole to expose underground utilities to ascertain the horizontal and vertical location of the facility. The horizontal and vertical position of the exposed facility must be tied to a survey benchmark or permanent above grade feature.The position may be identified by GPS or traditional survey coordinates or by measuring the distance, with a tape measure,to permanent features in three horizontal directions. In addition,the vertical distance below grade should be obtained. Bell Hole:A hole dug to allow room for workmen to make a repair or connection in buried pipe, such as caulking bell-and-spigot pipe or welding steel pipe.A bell hole can also be used for the starting location of an underground bore,when using the directional boring equipment. In the broad sense,any hole other than a continuous trench opened for working on a buried facility Compaction: Restoration and backfill of the Trench,Pothole, and Bell hole. Each shall be compacted in lifts using the industry standard equipment to tamp the backfill material to 95% density. Tier:Age of asphalt Full depth: Asphalt depth top to base of asphalt or thickness of asphalt Gap: Distance between two asphalt patches Keyhole:New technology for core drilling; used to drill a plug in the asphalt when checking the depth of existing utilities. MUTCD: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices: Traffic Control should be set up to warn and protect the workers and general public by avoiding the working area during construction. Traffic Control must meet or exceed the Washington State modifications to the MUTCD code for all work done with the City Right of Way(see http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov section, Chapter 6G and 6H). CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Patching: a. No patching material will be allowed within an existing patch if the new patch exceeds seventy percent or more (70%+)of the existing patch. The entire existing patch shall be replaced. b. The minimum dimension of the patch parallel to the road shall be six feet (6'-0"). If any part of the excavation,patch or damaged area intrudes into an adjacent lane,that lane shall also be replaced in accordance with the tiered chart. c. New patches adjacent to any existing patch shall be installed at the existing patch line.When this is not feasible,no gap of 4 feet or less shall exist. d. When 2 or more patches are created within a given job that measure 15 feet or less longitudinally or transversely they will be incorporated into a single patch.Anytime five or more patches are required within a 350-foot longitudinal area,the utility will notify the agency to determine if cost sharing is an option to expand the pavement repair/replacement area. e. Only saw cutting or approved grinding device will be allowed. Only parallel and perpendicular pavement cuts will be allowed.No jagged,broken or undermined edges. i. Per agency approval,grind and overlay outside of the full depth asphalt removal limits may be allowed to achieve full patch limits. f. All pavement overcuts shall be sealed using a product approved by the agency. g. The completed surface of all courses shall be of uniform texture; smooth, uniform as to crown and grade and free from defects.The completed surface of the wearing course shall not vary more than 1/4 inch from the lower edge of a ten foot straightedge placed parallel to the centerline. Recognition and consideration will be made for existing roadway conditions. The Agency Engineer must approve corrective measures. 2. Materials. All patching materials and construction requirements not addressed in this document shall conform to each Local Agency's Standards. Longitudinal cuts that extend through multiple tier classifications will require discussion with the local agency to determine appropriate patching approach. In principle,each road section will be patched according to the tier in which it is ranked. 3. Traffic Control: a. All existing traffic control markings will be replaced as soon as possible after permanent paving is completed. b. Temporary markings for lane lines and stop lines shall be in place prior to the roadway opening for traffic. c. All remaining temporary striping will be completed within seven days of new pavement completion and shall be maintained by permittee until permanently restored. CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 4 d. All traffic markings will be replaced per normal work practices. All temporary traffic control for the work zone shall conform to the MUTCD and Washington State modifications to the MUTCD.All traffic control is subject to the approval of the Agency Engineer or his/her designee 4. Emergency Repairs.The permittee shall be allowed to make emergency repairs provided a more reasonable alternative does not exist. Every reasonable effort will be made to restore the roadway quickly. Local agency will be notified of emergency repairs not later than the next business day. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 1. Chip sealed roads shall be rehabilitated according to construction requirements for asphalt roads as outlined in this document. 2. All existing pavement types shall be constructed at the existing depth of asphalt and crushed surfacing,in accordance with applicable Local Agency Standards(including any fabric or membranes);Replacement section of asphalt and crushed rock shall not be less than the minimum section specified in Local Agency's Design Standards. 3. All concrete road cuts shall be pre-approved before beginning work(except in the case of an emergency situation). Concrete roads shall require full panel replacement unless approved otherwise by local agency. All concrete joints shall require an approved tie bar and dowel retrofit. Depth of concrete replacement shall match the existing thickness,or shall be in accordance with Local Agency's Standards. Care shall be made not to undermine the existing panels. If the adjacent panels are disturbed or damaged,they also shall be replaced at the discretion of the Local Agency.All joints shall be sealed with an approved material. 4. Asphalt over concrete road cuts—if known- shall be pre-approved before beginning work(except in the case of an emergency situation). Saw cutting or other approved practice for removal of the concrete shall be allowed at the discretion of Local Agency. The asphalt portion of the cut shall be constructed according to the pavement cut policy. 5. All areas outside of the travel lanes that are affected by the work shall be restored to their original condition.All shoulders shall be restored to their original condition. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Valve and manhole repairs shall be exempt from the patching requirements of this policy.Valve and manhole patching requirements shall be per each Local Agency's Standards.All warranty and construction requirements shall be met.No longitudinal construction joints shall be allowed in the wheel path. 2. Potholing to find utilities shall be allowed. To be exempt from the gap and patching policy,cuts shall be a maximum of two-feet square (2'-0") with no longitudinal joints in the wheel path and shall be backfilled with controlled density or other approved fill from six inches above the utility to six inches below bottom of asphalt. Round vs. square cuts are preferred. CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 5 NEW DEVELOPMENT The moratorium policy will be explained both as to costs and to construction practices by the Local Agencies as part of the permitting/zoning process for new construction or major remodeling projects. Individual permittees/utilities will not be responsible for this function. Individual permittees/utilities will be responsible for doing the work and the costs associated with the moratorium policy as they open roadways for work. Cost recovery from developers will be calculated and coordinated by permittee/utility. WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS 1. Pavement cuts on roadways ten years old or less will have a warranty period of five years. The patch in the roadway shall be repaired as necessary until the warranty has passed. 2. All other roadways shall require a minimum three-year warranty period.All warranties shall become void if rehabilitation work is performed to the road within the patching limits. 3. For road cuts performed by a Utility using its internal capability,that Utility or assignee will be responsible for repairs required during the warranty period. 4. All curb, sidewalks and structures that are affected by the excavation shall be included in this policy and have a warranty for five years. 5. All warranty work requires that an agency inspector be on site. The permittee shall be required to coordinate inspection with the appropriate department within the Agency. 6. The following defects identified by the local agency engineer shall be covered by warranty: a. Sunken pavement patches greater than or equal to one-quarter inch (Measured by a ten-foot straight edge). b. Failure to meet agency visual rating standard for patching and joints to medium or high). c. Poor workmanship. d. Inadequate compaction per Agency standard. e. Sunken or damaged curb and sidewalks in excavation work area. f. Sunken or damaged drywells and catch basins in excavation work area. CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 6 7. Notice of Repairs. a. If emergency repairs are needed due to safety concerns,the permittee shall have twenty- four hours in which to make such repairs from time of verbal notice by the Local Agency. b. For non-emergency repairs on arterial roads the permittee shall have forty-eight hours to make such temporary repairs. c. Residential streets,the permittee shall have up to seven days to make such temporary repairs. The local agency may provide for repairs not completed within the specified timeframe and permittee will be assessed all costs associated with the repairs. The costs shall be based on actual costs or the average bid items for comparable projects for the year preceding,plus ten percent overhead fees.If repairs are made other than seam sealing to the warranted patch, a new warranty will be implemented for the new patch. The permittee shall have two days to notify their asphalt company of the needed permanent repairs. If the work is not done in a timely manner and following notification the work shall be privately contracted or Local Agency maintenance crews will perform the needed repairs. The permittee shall be assessed the associated fees for the repairs.All utility cut construction shall follow the construction and warranty requirements per local agencies standards. TEMPORARY PATCHING 1. During winter asphalt concrete paving plant closures or outside of temperature specifications (see section 5-04 of the WSDOT/APWA Standard specification). The permittee shall install and maintain a temporary patch until it can construct a permanent patch. A temporary patch will be required if the road must be opened to traffic before a permanent patch can be made. 2. The temporary patch shall consist of two inches of crushed surfacing and two inches of cold- mix asphalt pavement and/or steel plates, or upon approval of the Agency Engineer, crushed surfacing top coarse may be used. On arterials, when a temporary patch is required for more than two months,Portland Cement Concrete shall be used to construct the temporary patch if weather permits (Contact Local Agency for mix design requirements). The permittee shall maintain the temporary patch until the patch has been permanently restored. PERMITS 1. All work in the `Public Right-of Way' requires a permit issued by the local agency. Permittee shall take out all permits and perform all work. 2. The permittee shall fax or send a letter to the appropriate Local Agency permit center designating their assignees. The permittee will be required to submit a construction and traffic control plans required by local agencies when applying for a permit. If the Agency Engineer determines that abuse of obligations are prevalent,future construction permits shall not be issued until the permittee has fulfilled all obligations to existing permits. Written notification by Local Agency will be sent prior to this action. 3. The permittee shall provide a detailed "As-built" record of the pavement cut after construction is completed. The permittee shall provide details indicating existing pavement section, new pavement section and any unusual conditions at the location of the constructed utility. The location shall include the name of the road the work is being performed on and the name of the closest intersections in each direction. Distance measurements shall be from CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 7 intersecting streets. This information will be provided to the Local Agency's Permit department for a permanent record. This information shall be returned no later than seven days after the completion of the permitted project by mail, fax, or other electronic means by either permittee or patching contractor. The intent of this process is to record small patching details. Larger projects shall be reviewed and approved prior to construction. 4. Each Local Agency may provide permittee to contribute normal patching costs to local agencies to accomplish paving or full depth replacement of the roadway. (This does not apply to work done within sewer projects). 5. The Local Agency should be notified of existing problems with the adjacent roadway to a proposed patch. Every effort will be made to leverage both utility and agency dollars for street improvements. RESPONSIBLE PARTY The permittee shall be responsible for all construction and warranty requirements of this policy. Utilities will provide identity of excavator/permittee as known to local agencies. Local agencies will attempt to get permittee to correct warranty defects. If permittee is a subcontractor for utilities,the utilities will assume responsibility if permittee can not/will not make repairs. COMPLIANCE Failure to comply with any part of this policy may result in denial of future permits. After 3 notices of noncompliance,the Agency shall send a notice to comply within 10 working days or all future permits may be denied until the problems have been corrected. A meeting shall be arranged with the appropriate Agency and a plan of action to prevent future noncompliance shall be presented before issuance of any new permits. An appeal can be applied for in writing to the appropriate Agency. Noncompliance Activities include: 1. Failure to take out a permit. 2. Failure to maintain temporary patches. 3. Failure to make permanent repairs. 4. Failure to make emergency repairs. 5. Failure to make warranty repairs. 6. Failure to send back As-Built information. 7. Failure to inform agency of asphalt completion date. 8. Failure to follow traffic control measures, as required. EXEMPTIONS FOR MORATORIUM ROADWAYS It is understood that field conditions may warrant a waiver or an exemption from these regulations. Developers, Contractors or Owners may appeal for a waiver of the moratorium to allow for excavation into a street that meets the criteria for the moratorium tier. The appeal process completion in NO WAY obligates the affected Agency Engineer to allow such an excavation, and any such decisions are at the Agency Engineer's discretion. CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 8 • Submit a letter of intent to the affected Agency Engineer outlining their proposed project and the impact of the project. • Establish that all alternative avenues have been investigated and fail to meet the needs of the project. • Acknowledge the requirements of restoration of the area affected, and that there will be required special inspection,the cost of which shall be borne by the applicant of the waiver. • Propose a meeting with the Agency Engineer to discuss the project. • Establish a timeline of the project through completion. POLICY REVIEW The local agencies will host a meeting with each other and other interested stakeholders at the end of each construction season for the purpose of reviewing the effectiveness of the policy for the completed construction season and suggested improvements for future construction seasons. CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 9 REFERENCES "Trench Restoration Requirements". City of Bellevue "Utility Trench Cut Restoration Specifications".Metropolitan Transportation Commission(January 1997) "Asphalted Pavement Warranties". Wisconsin Department of Transportation (June 2001) "Impact of Utility Cuts on Pavement Performance". City of Seattle "Managing Utility Cuts"APWA(August 1997) "Gas Industry's Use of Public Right-of-Way"A.G.A. White Paper(September 1998) "Pavement Cut and Repair Standards Manual"DPW&T City of Dallas (October 2003) PARTICIPATING JURISDICTIONS Spokane County City of Spokane City of Spokane Valley City of Airway Heights City of Cheney City of Medical Lake City of Deer Park City of Spokane Resources Side sewer card info link can reached at: www.spokanewastewater.org City of Spokane Engineering web site: www.spokanecity.org City of Spokane GIS maps: http://www.spokanegis.org/citymap2/default.htm SPECIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Joint Adhesive Joint adhesive material shall conform to the following requirements: Test Specification Cone Penetration, 77°F (25°C) (ASTM D 5329) 60 - 100 Flow, 140°F (60°C) (ASTM D 5329) 5 mm maximum Resilience, 77°F (25°C) (ASTM D 5329) 30%minimum Ductility, 77°F (25°C) (ASTM D 113) 30 cm minimum Ductility, 39.2°F (2°C) (ASTM D 113) 30 cm minimum Adhesion, 77°F (25°C) (ASTM D 5329) 500%minimum Softening Point (ASTM D 36) 170°F (77°C)minimum Asphalt Compatibility (ASTM D 5329) Pass Construction Requirements Section 5-04.3 is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall install Joint Adhesive to all longitudinal joints of wearing course lifts that are not hot lapped or as designated by the Engineer. Equipment used for performing the joint adhesive application shall be maintained in satisfactory working condition at all times. Prior to the application of the joint adhesive the face of the longitudinal joint shall be thoroughly dry and free from any loose material, dust, or other debris that would inhibit adhesion. Heating and pumping of joint adhesive shall be in accordance with manufacture recommendations. Application of the joint adhesive shall be in a continuous, 1/8 inch thick band over the entire vertical face of the longitudinal joint. Longitudinal joint adhesive shall be applied concurrent with HMA placement and application shall be limited to the surfaces that will be paved during the same working shift. CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 10 TYPICAL TRENCH EXCAVATION EXHIBIT A • ri . Asphalt Concrete Wearing Surface r//'r/ir/lw,wo/r-5�//i ivies /77,7 /cirri/, ii'( ii •••Airoi�ii•rir i o e j o o e Concrete e or.,„,.........„.„....._______ a e Undercutting of ' Pavement Base o e Pavement O • a e O 1 O n C o n o O p v O y O O • O :elease L',....... G Sag from Supporting of Lateral Support Soil 3' 3' < } Pavement Weakened By Excavation CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 11 ❑ PATCH TO BE COMPLETED AFTER JOINT USE TRANSFER& POLE REMOVED ASPHALT AND CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR Permittee Name: Job Address: Coordinates: Q Street (it no house number,please list hundred-block) (Example. 155 24V Alley Project/Task#: RC I Area: Date Cut: Crew: PO/Job#: City/County Permit#: Unusual Conditions/Special Instructions: Tier#: 1 2 3 4 (Please circle) Policy: Moritorium Full Modified Trench (Please circle) Condition of Cut Type of Work Type of Repair Existing Road Condition Overcut Sealant (Circle any that apply) (Approved List 6"Gravel(reputed) Gas Asphalt Depth of Asphalt Dow Corning- Cold Mix Electric Concrete Depth of Gravel 890-SL Self Leveling Silicone Joint Sealant Winter Mix Water Sub Base Type Sonneborn- Sawcut CATV Sonclastic SL1 One- Compound Elastomeric, Grind Communications Self Leveling Polyurethane Sealant Sewer Other Asphalt P Width Length x x CIL r x 1 Concrete Width Length x striping(linear foot) L Date Sent for Repair: Date Completed: C!L Patching Co.Signoff: (patching company to fax to local agency at completion) DISCLAIMER This product is for informational purposes and as a general planning and Management tool. Care was used during compilation of this data and final product to insure accuracy,but it may be based in whole or in part on the quality of the source data and outside sources of information. This product may not have been prepared for,or be suitable for,legal,engineering,or surveying purposes- Participating Parties do not accept responsibility for errors and omissions,and therefore,there are no warranties that accompany this material. Users of this information should consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain any usability of this information. This informa- tion may be periodically updated.Users of this information should check with the appropriate data sources to ensure the integrity of the information provided. Fax Completed Form to the Appropriate Jurisdiction N-2600(01-12) CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 12 EXHIBIT B1-MORATORIUM/FULL POLICY-ARTERIAL "EMERGENCY ONLY FOR MORATORIUM OR PRIOR APPROVAL" CURB LINE r A 1 LANE 4 LANE LINE I , 1L_ — — TRENCH 1 2 MIH LIMITS (TTP) LANE 3 (TYP) STREET C/L B'MIH f[, C�, i tt d (PIP) f y I \\�y�' In \! 12'(TM) LANE 2 LANE LINE I }— �el YyPa�i I �rs . I g� r A I 12'(TYP) LANE 1 PIARKING I I NE ti.2'+1114 II\,, N� );\I '\\, 1 I 1 II I f\�Z I I I I I s(TPP)' PARKING CURB LINE h"V LJ ILr----1 L J 2'MIN SEWER/WATER 2' SERNCE(TW) WATER MR) SEVER(TVP) •NOTE: FULL DEPTH (TM.) REPLACEMENT IS RE4'D TO TRANSVERSE CUT I C1NGITI1f11NAL CUT CURB DISTANCE BEESSEN LANE ARHG UNE CURB IS LESS THAN 4-FT. LANE LANE I FGFND: PAVEMENT UNE FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT REMOVAL LINE f--, LINEN PAVEMENT IS LESS THAN 2-YR$OLD. (TIP) 1 . .01113TH VARIES) L-- FULL-DEPTH PAVELIEHT PATCH IS READ TO 2'MN -. Lu THESE LIMITS.NO JOINTS OR REDUCTION IN ITYTO AREA ARE ALLOWED. r_ iii IRi Zi_Y;i s_17?_1 7i :�V---,-.-_-..--..,-.17.---:',..--7......-....-_-,„,i fliZyi R...t wP"!:! 1.\\•,,I WEN PAVEMENT IS GREATER THAN 3-YFS OLD, \1 FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT PATCH'S RE4'D TO THESE .� / TgENCN / K X: l< LIMITS,NO JCIRTS OR REDUCTION IN AREA ARE �i� � `z>/. .72>., � � � � ` .', ALLOWED.. rREHEH/\/ ��� /�y�\ � / CM{ P1 TRENCH UNITS AT TOP OF PAVEMENT EPCA U \. um. SECTION A—A \'/\/ \/\<\// SUBBRADE 1.FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT PATCH.1C1NTS SMALL BE SEALED, 2.ALL CUTS TO BE PERPENDICULAR TO DIRECTION OF TRAVEL, I REGIONAL PAVEMENT CUT POLICY 3.PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT IS REND TO THE NEXT ADJACENT CURB,PANNING, ARTERIAL OR LANE UNE WHENEVER A TRENCH OR DISTURBANCE OF ASPHALT CR SUPPORT MATE EXTENDS BEYOND SUCH LINE, MORATORIUM/ FULL f EXHIBIT POLICY I B1 EXHIBIT B2-MORATORIUM/FULL POLICY—RESIDENTIAL/LOCAL ACCESS "EMERGENCY ONLY FOR MORATORIUM OR PRIOR APPROVAL" CURB LINE r IA-4— I LANE 4 LANE LINE I 1I— — — TRENCH 1 2'MIH LN ITS (TV'F) LANE 3 (TIP) 1 STREET C/LI I B'MIN 1 1 (TSP) 1 12'(TYP} I\ LANE 2 LANE LINE , `� I "N'I ` I I I �') I\ I I A I 12.(TYP) PARKING I LANE 1 LINE 1 12( LI I*11 I \` I I I I14I I I I ICTI I I I I E'(TYP)' PARKING CURB LINE Ji I L....I Lia. . L__s_1 L J 2'MIN SEVIER/WATER WATER(TTP) SEWER(TYP) •NOTE: 1 FULL DEPTH (NP) SERVICE(TYP) REPLACEMENT IS.REDO TO TRANSVERSE CUT I(INGIT1ITHNAL (-UT CURB LINE WHEN REMAIHIN6 DISTANCEBLELANE LIN. &CURBSIS LESS 55 MAN 6-F5. LANE LANE LEGEND: PAVEMENT LNE FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT REMOVAL UNE TT 'MEN PAVEMENT IS LE55 THAN 2-YRS OLD. {r.. I (Mill VARIES) 1 FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT PATCH IS REND TO 2'MIN ,. .A. T THESE LIMITS,NO JOINTS.CO REDUCTION IN . ' (TTP1 V AREA ARE ALLOWED.' 7:17. 11■'i'- SSS�f:L P#YS =PY} 5 -'t.V%5 I� \I WHEN PAVEMENT IS GREATER THAN 2-YRS OLD, {/ CTHUTI l \\ 1 LUN TSD O JOINTS AOR REDUTCCTCTI 1M ARE a AFREESE ''''.\ T�,/'`'' • ,/z*,>"�:` TRENCH ��f�Ij\/j�j\�%/��%/ AuawED• csrc(THP) TIaNa1 \ /�/\/\� ��\/\t// t\r NO TRENCH LIMITS AT TOP OF PAVEMENT ExCAV purrs 4��,(' /\r\ \\ Nom• 1 (FON A—A \/, ' S SLBCRAcc 1.FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT PATCH JOINTS SHALL BE SEALED, 2.ALL CUTS TO BE PERPENDICULAR TO DIRECTION or TRAVEL, I REGIONAL EMEr. :DLICY 3-PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT I5 REDS TO THE NEAT ADJACENT CURB.PARKING. RESIDENTIAL 1 LOCAL ACCESS OR LANE uNE IMENEVER A TRENCH OR DISTURBANCE OF ASPHALT OR SUPPORT MATL E%TENDS BEYOND SUCH LINE. MORATORIUM / FULL EXHIBIT POLICY B2 CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 13 EXHIBIT B3-MORATORIUM/FULL POLICY—INTERSECTIONS "EMERGENCY ONLY FOR MORATORIUM OR PRIOR APPROVAL" _Li 1 i + 1 +1 ER L+ 1 4 � 41 f _ l (TIP) i I/7 rd_ 41-I - Il / -111 I I --1 1 i _ 41:3 1 T-- 1 ,4!iiiir/ I I �` I „'YJ - •NOTE: FULL DEPTH ---IL- - 1- r 1 ER REPLACEMENT IS REDO TO p ¢ 1 I (TW) CURE LINE WHEN REI.IAINING r W G I 1 I [ I I &SC RBEIS LESSEN THANNE 4 FTS J ! I LEGEND: _ �[ WHEN PAVEMENT IS LESS THAN 2-YRS OLD, E FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT PATCH IS RE4p TP i .4 THESE LIMITS.NO JC RTS OR REDVCTON III NOTE: AREA ARE ALLOYED,. 1.FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT PATCH JOINTS SHALL BE SEALED. WHEN PAVEMENT IS GREATER THAN 2-YRS OLD, 2.ALL CUTS TO BE PERPENDICULAR TO DIRECTOR OF TRAVEL. FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT PATCH'S REDD TO THESE LIMITS-NO JOINTS OR REDUCTION IN AREA ARE 3.PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT IS REV'D TO THE NEXT ADJACENT CURB,PARKING. ALLO1CCL OR LANE UNE WHENEVER A TRENCH OR DISTURBANCE CF ASPHALT OR SUPPORT MAT"L EXTENDS BEYOND SUCH LINE- �'...;3 1,3;: TRENCH UNITS AT TOP OF PAVEMENT RECTI I'IA_ 0, [MEM- ('LIT P6'-I,-Y INTERSECTIONS MORATORIUM / FULL ,IIIA POLICY EXHIBIT B4-MODIFIED POLICY-ARTERIAL "EMERGENCY ONLY FOR MORATORIUM OR PRIOR APPROVAL" FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT IS SEC'S TO I-FT MH BEYOND TRENCH LNAITS- EX'1END PAVEMENT RESTORATION TO LAME LINE CR LANE CA.TO AVOID*EEL PATH<TSF) CURB LINE LANE LINE PARKING _LANE A — 1_1'MIN (TVP) LANE 2 STREET C/LTRENCH LIMITS N i�a89�ACt� N.ANN , (TVP) �''&&i' 1 LANE CA I t I 12 {TSP) LANE 1 (TYP) \ • --- PARKING I"111°Mix F •.,.. J LINE � [TP] 'n\ \ �.. A s'(TYp)• PARKING CURB LINE 1 1'NIN SEwSERVICE WATER(TIP) SEVER(TVP) •NOTE J FULL DEPTH (TVP) SERVICE{TYvj REPLACEMENT IS KELT)TO TRANSVERSE CUT LONGITUDINAL CUT CUM LINE WHEN RENAININ DISTURCE BEEWSET LANE l- &CURB IS LESS THAN♦-f LEGEND' LANE LINE OR LANE UNE CR LANE CA FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT REVD LANE C/L ® YR1FN PAVEMENT 5 GREATER THAN PAVEMENT TO THESE LI HT$WHEN 1°MIN REMOVAL FALLS S-IRS OLD,A PAVEMENT PATCH IS REND (TTP) WAY WHEEL PATH(W1pT1 VARIES) TO THESE LIMITS,NO JOINTS OR REDUCTION IN AREA ARE ALLOYED.. 1'NH(TTP) 1}i�. H ry� NOT W/I _ �WHEEL PATH im TRENCH LIMITS AT TCP OF PAVEMENT -' .,�/\,`,. ,.\\'/ �'•,1� � TRE CH �`., j l/ NOTE: /✓, /� \/\� /�//\`✓/�//: 1.FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT PATCH JOINTS CSTC{TSP) EXCAVATION TRENCH / �j�\<„..\\\\�%�\ SHALL BE SEALED. LIMITS •\/ ”. . "i�'`l� 7,ALL CUTS SHALL NE PERPENDICULAR /�,/�1T\ ��/{�\f/ SUBGRADE TO DIRECTION OF TRAVEL, SECTION A-A 3.PAVEdJENT REPLACEMENT IS REVD TO LANE LINE OR LANE C/L WHENEVER A TRENCH CR DISTIRBAIVCE OF ASPHALT OR SUPPORT MAIL EXTENDS INTO YHEEL PATH. I'l':± _ pt•.i.-e,°-1,-T ''•3 F,(,I,i",r ARTERIAL MODIFIED POLICY CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 14 EXHIBIT B5-MODIFIED POLICY—RESIDENTIAL/LOCAL ACCESS "EMERGENCY ONLY FOR MORATORIUM OR PRIOR APPROVAL" FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT IS REVD TO 1-FT MIN BEYOND TRENCH UMITS. EXTEND PAVEMENT RESTORATION TO LANE LINE OR LANE 0/1 TO AVOID WHEEL PATH(TYP) CURN UNE - PARKING LANE LINE - — LANE C/L A t �(") -` LANE 2 STREET CAL 7 ) TRENCH LIMITS 0-,7) 6'MIN --- _LANE �\ I IY(TW} LANE 1 PARKING r-1)1'MIN \ ' 'i.s "P.. --- LINE (TyR) A 6'(TYP) PARKING CURB UNE \ —I I— ER/ SEWWATER 1'MIN SEWER/CDR) MATER(TYP) SERER(TVP) •NOTE: J FULL DEPTH (TYP) REPLACEMENT IS REVD TO TRANSVERSE CUT LONGITUDINAL CUT DISTANCEDTA uryEHEN MREMAININGLLI 8cCUBIS SLESSET LANE LITE &CURB LESS THAN 4-FT. LANE UNE CR LANE UNE CR EGEND: LAME GA FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT REVD LANE C/L PAVEMENT - TO THESE UNITS MIEN l'MIN REMOVAL FALLS `�\ WREN PAVEMENT IS MENT ER THANis WHEEL PATH(1NDTH VARIES) "� Y 5-YRS OLD,A PAVEkIENT PATCH IS REgb (�} TO THESE UMITS.NO JOINTS OR REDUCTION IN AREA ARE ALLOWED.' 1'MIN(TYP) TRENCH UNITS NOT W/I"7 A ' TRENCH UM ,--V-7,747,7,17 ITS AT TCR OF PAVEMENT WHEEL EEL PATH N�� TRiREEN`01��Vf NY'',../ /\/\ ::\ �/ 0 FULL—DEPTH PAVEMENT PATCH JCNTS CSTC[TTP) ETCAVATICN �'�//� -\ 7 SHALL BE SEALED. LIMITS \f ��` / 2-ALL CUTS SHALL DE PERPENDICULAR li\�\r`\f\,f\�, SUS iADE TO DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. 1 PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT IS REVD TO LANE UNE OR LANE SFCTION A-A C/L WHENEVER A TRENCH CR DISTURBANCE OF ASPHALT CR SUPPORT MAIL EXTENDS INTO WHEEL PATH. . •. ' POLICY RESIDENTIAL;LOCAL ACCESS MODIFIED POLICY EXHIBIT 85 CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 15 EXHIBIT B6-MODIFIED POLICY—CUL-DE-SAC "EMERGENCY ONLY FOR MORATORIUM OR PRIOR APPROVAL" 1401.0 r/./4,00/./#1.0tiiP 4,4 WHEN PAM:VENT IS 3 KMS OLD CR LESS.A MORATORIUM PAYpIpdT YS CREAM 1HAN 7',EARS TO 12`MARS CIG, PAYMENT PATCH IS REVD TO THESE LIMITS F ANT PART OR A DO330D PAN]$NT PATO}I IS MOD TO TNES£LINTS N' 11. PATCH OATRUCES INTO 1/1055055 1lALP OE TME ANY PAM Di TME PATCH EXTRUDES INTO ANOTHER ONE 0€L—Of—SAC.THAT AGCITONAL HALE STALL 9E REPLACED- 14 14A1ER OE CUL—DE—SAC.THAT MDITDH4L IHC OY�M///!!!ER S///NALL RC EC PLI.CLO. OPAKIA[NT UNITS A TRENpI LINITSPAAT TDP CP KMTHT f I.ALL OVER CUTS AND PULL—DEPTTI PAVEMENT PATCH AIRS 91ALL SE SEALED. 2.ALL Cur$.SHALL St PERPENOI IULAR TO O1RGCTION CR TRA1EL 3.RILL GPTJI PAVEMENT 30/031501.SHALL!C 1'5030N0 YY(N PAVEAEHT IS GREATER TIHAR 12 10133 D.G,A*OOITEO TRENCH LIMITS,2'IN MORATORIUM OTUAT[NL PAWPAW PATtf1 6 IIE02 TO MEM MTS.PATCH MAT BE LOCATE')A1aWRERE H ME CULL—SAF REGIONAL ', VEP.': '. -ULICY RESIDENTIAL 1 CUL•DE•SAC MODIFIED POLICY EXB5HIBIT CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 16 EXHIBIT B7—MODIFIED POLICY—ALLEY "EMERGENCY ONLY FOR MORATORIUM OR PRIOR APPROVAL" FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT IS REO'D TO 1-FT MIN BEYOND TPENc., ..rn,TS. FF,TFND PAVEMENT RESTORATION TO PAVEMENT EDGE OR ALLEY C/L TO AVOID WHEEL PATH (TYP) EDGE OF PAVEMENT A w ' 1' MIN \7: \ (TYP)Py ALLEY C/L �l��.MIN F �� TRENCH LIMITS I�1' MIN pA Nd { ) -n� y EDGE OF f(TVP) � x a\ — PAVEMENT ,..1 � A I' MIN {TYP} SEWER/WATER SERVICE(Tl'P) WATER (TYP) SEWER(TV?) *NOTE: J FULL DLPIH REPLACEMENT IS REQ'D TC wmEm TRANSVERSE CUT LONGITUDINAL CUT REMEMENEDGE REMAININGG OIS7ANcE 8ET'h""' PATCH EDGE AND PAVEMEr;- EDGE IS LESS THAN 4-FT. LEGEND; FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT REQ'D WHEN PAVEMENT IS R THAN PAVEMENT TO THESE LIMITS WHEN 1' MIN REMOVAL FALLS 5-YRS OLD, A PAVEMENTMENT PPATCH IS REQ'D (Typ) TO THESE LIMITS.NO JOINTS OR REDUCTION IN AREA ARE ALLOWED. r I' Wil WHEEL PATH(WIDTH VARIES)MIN (TYP) TRENCH LIMITS NOT WA WHEEL RATH T ifirff ,'•. xF 1.,A7 TRENCH LIMITS AT TOP OF PAVEMENT -,t s:.s z 17,'"' r a UTILITY �;\\/f\ ,>>> /;%\v/ 7,-\>" TRENCH �-\\\., \\..› /.>\?...\\ �/>'i TRENCH / \\/)"\\:</.\. f I. FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT PATCH JOINTS CSTC{TYP) EXCAVATION ,// / /\ 2.SHALLALLCUTS SHALL 8E PERPENDICULAR LIMITSALED. // A. ./,',\.-,,\-\.-/s` //,-\\/_/\\/\ SUOGRADE TO DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. �Jr\�i\�,r\\ \\/ 3. PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT IS REOD TO LANE LINE OR LANE 5ECT14N A—A C/L WHENEVER A TRENCH DR DISTURBANCE OF ASPHALT OR SUPPORT MAT'L EXTENDS INTO WHEEL PATH. REGIONAL r'AVrL': (.0 I P01.,0T ALLEY MODIFIED POLICY EXHIBIT B7 CD-002: V-2 Revised: 01/2012 by S. Trabun,Avista 17