2004, 11-24 Field Density Test00 NOT 1)ESTROysTRATA PRWM1/83 N? 9O157 WPORT °f PIMY (klient No: ,41e1S...c1,14 1-- Project:Yb' 7/k7'eatf(deg____ Project Address:, J2.1„91 Co 4 A-4.-- Project No: .rglY/Y.S". Date: /1- 2 V— e Permit No: Codes Sam ____ 1 Description Project From To Hours Mlles fir - .. ...i / ' '..2 . 2C /0 kir , in r1 2 Slum_ % Air Mix TemF. °F Total Yd Ticket No. Truck No L_. _,.21:mr2.,.____. EQUIPMENT Nuke: Mobile Lab: Torque Wrench Y Reba r Loc Per Diem: Lodging: Cylinders: EXPENSES Other (describe): Weather 01,44,r,r f — Approved Plans on Site: Yes Type of Test/Insp: Deficiencies. Action(s) Taken: Results Reported to: No Date: Architect: of Alas Sh 64 tit-. of Nerrative._52Sitert) 4 gdfileiL4Psi. _if ' c. ShIAZiVia -4•40 L. /S 7A. -,0 -TS 4412 zov-Pigeiii2ree_271---slz _4 4d41 _Pidis:--rezfer-er......_2r.,-,52: /--er 411-------71. 7-1.,,.f«,-rv.:^-,14,.?„, -t, - -- ' '''- '''' MbX No. Sam ____ 1 *le T .e iiiiKIFfifi ,ffEilit4 tilaiiii,oitx fir 1,1:c"': : '' 4 ' ' 2C . 41 - kir , in r1 2 Slum_ % Air Mix TemF. °F Total Yd Ticket No. Truck No L_. _,.21:mr2.,.____. 01111•111EPTru Y Sample(s) Obtained: Description 1, 2. Location Strata Peceiv esen ati FIELD DENSITY TEST REPORT Report No. 200 8 Project: 00►f/`oOtCos Project No.: ,co90VJ$ Date: i 1 _ 2 ci _ p Day of Week: I Weather: <no w Teat Method; iA j Li t. Laotian n[Pill : /.....; 42 4 Tisc.,4e.4 17p r fin ),,,L.4_, f 1,✓' igi3O General Contractor: Superintendent: Earthwork Contractor: Foreman: Teat Number r 1 Teat Location I Eieev Proctor Number Probe Depth Test Moist Content % Test Dry Dorsky pcf Percent Compaction Remarks 13" 7i 2. /aw' 1 7 ./ !lrP' �:4•-"e/' V ® 9«+P 1 Z. NE %-e,e or !r 4.0 6.0 el' 9. 129 L J w 1 Proctor Number Soli Description Maximum 1 Dry Density Optimum Molsture Content % Compaction Required Method Standar .x _ "1.128$ re. 1 .1+ i Cent e- I ,131, a 6„ p 9s 4s fro Strata .Representative: Signature �} e PV;i.�+�. L�tr Page s, of 1 T R T 21 STRATA, INC. 10020 East Knox Avenue, Suite 200 Spokane. WA 99206-4743 (509) 891-1904 Fax (509) 891.201.2 Proje Project Address: Date: STRATA PROJECT DAILY REPORT Preliminary Client Project Permit No: N? 002008' Cods Z c D ' -.' Ocpton From Proj.ct MiI To Hou , . . . . , i ‘ EQUIPMENT Nuke: °bile Lab. Torque Wrerch. Retar Loc_ Per Diem Lodging: _ Cylinders:________ EXPENSES 0 .e , e c i : . . Weather. Approved Plans ori Site: Type of TestfInsp: Deficiencies: Action(s) Taken: /t)/ Results Reported to: Yes No Date: Architect. Se 44,0kck of Vrrti,i, litirfttfoirrrch ' -.' 4:.I.E7Iii7,:"..,,,,,,f,:r.,rJ!!f;r•Zi'V;•::qr;:',..,• ,'•,, . • , ,,-.y,:....--,,,,,,,;,:.::lz -:,,,,, ...._ Sarnple(s) Obtaine Description 1. 2, :aDofl Strata Representative: Received By: