14-246.01 CB & I: Solid Waste Collection Procurement Svcs I�-2(-1( ,.a CB&i 1607 East Main Street, Suite E St. Charles, Illinois 60174 CJj Tel: +1 630 762 1400 Fax: +1 630 762 1402 www.CBI.com March 4,2014 Mr.Mike Jackson City Manager City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Subject: Change Order Request Additional Procurement Support Services Dear Mike: CB&I Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc., formerly known as Shaw Environmental, Inc. (CB&I), appreciates the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide additional procurement assistance to the City of Spokane Valley (City and together with CB&I, the Parties) under the terms and conditions of the Professional Services Agreement dated September 18, 2013 between the Parties and Addendum A to said Agreement dated September 19, 2013 (collectively the PSA). To date, we have participated in 10 meetings with potential private transfer service providers (including two on-site meetings), provided review and assistance with the development of a private services option,and consulted with the City on emerging solid waste developments in the County and with the Regional Solid Waste System. Although progress has been made during these meetings, additional meetings and contract review is anticipated. Proposed Additional Services. CB&I will continue to assist City staff to negotiate a contract for solid waste transfer and disposal services. Generally,these services will be divided into two areas: 1) continued development of a private service option; and, 2) development of a strategy for considering and evaluating a potential Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County. Specific activities to be completed under these two tasks are provided below: Continued Meetings with Private Transfer Service Providers: CB&I will continue to provide consulting assistance with on-going meetings with private sector service providers. Specific activities will include: - Review and analysis of major contract parameters. - Review of draft contract agreement. - Participation in phone-conferences with vendors to negotiate contract terms (note: for on-site meetings, please see optional work item below). - Review and negotiation of pricing terms. - Review and discussion of overall schedule and implementation issues. - Internal conference calls with City staff to discuss contract terms and other issues. - Review and analysis of transfer and disposal service levels. Estimated Cost: $11,210 Develop Strategy for Considering/Evaluating ILA with County: The City of Spokane and Spokane County recently executed an Interlocal Agreement under which the County would purchase the two existing transfer stations and commit to deliver waste to the City's WTE facility for a period of 3-7 years. The County recently issued an RFP for private vendors to operate the two transfer stations. The County has also begun taking steps to propose new Interlocal Agreements with other cities in the County to participate in a new regional system led by the County. According to the documentation provided by the County, final tipping fee information will not be available until mid-summer. 1 City of Spokane Valley CI31 March 4,2014 Page2of2 In addition to assisting with the development of a private service option, CB&I proposes to assist Spokane Valley to develop a strategy for considering and evaluating the County's proposed ILA. Specific activities would include: - Detailed review of County ILA and transfer station RFP. - Review and analysis of comparative implementation schedules (private transfer service option versus County option). - Identification of major issues of importance to Spokane Valley that would need to be addressed in ILA. - Preliminary review of comparative risk factors between private option and County option. Estimated Cost: $5,160 Additional On-Site Meetings: Two on-site meetings were conducted in Spokane Valley at the commencement of the original agreement. Subsequent meetings have been conducted via conference call, which allowed a greater number of meetings to be held with the private transfer station operators and within the initially proposed budget. We understand the City may desire some future meetings to be conducted in Spokane Valley. In order to control the budget for services, we have proposed this as an optional service to be provided at the City's discretion and depending on needs. The cost of these additional on-site meetings would be $5,600 to $9,345 per meeting as previously quoted, depending on whether the City requests CB&I attendance only or also the attendance of our subconsultant,WIH Resource Group. Estimated Cost: $5,600-$9,345 per meeting Budget. The proposed not-to-exceed budget for these additional services is $16,370 (exclusive of on-site meetings) and will depend on the number of meetings and level of support and assistance the City requests. All fees will be billed on a time and materials, not-to-exceed-basis in accordance with the PSA and fee schedule previously agreed to.The City will only be billed for the services requested and provided. Summary. Thank you for considering CB&I for this additional work, and we look forward to working with the City on this important project. If this proposal is acceptable to you, please countersign below to acknowledge your acceptance.Please contact me at(630)762-3325 if you have any questions regarding this proposal. Sincerely, Accepted by: Shaw Environmental, Inc., a CB&I company City of Spokane Valley Rit-psit4.• c?. -/ Phillip P.Kowalski Mike Jac Client Program Manager City M. -.ger