15-068.00 Spokane County Utilities: Flora Pit Sewer Connection IS- ID( .8 ,�Fs. So LmN Goin v 7 UTILITIES DIVISION KEVIN R. COOKE, P.E., DIRECTOR A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT April 2, 2015 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Attn.: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk RE: Authorizing the Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Spokane Valley for Installation of a Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection as part of the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project Dear Chris, Attached please find the following: • Copy of Resolution No. 2015-0270 (for your file); and • Two duplicate original Memorandums of Understanding. Please have both MOU's executed and return one to my office for our files. Thank you so much! Yours truly, ()O666 wo Daniela Erickson Program Specialist Spokane County Division of Utilities End. 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE, 4TH FLOOR • SPOKANE, WA 99260-0430 PHONE: (509) 477-3604 • FAX: (509) 477-4715 • TDD: (509) 477-7133 No. ago BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF AUTHORIZING THE ) EXECUTION OF A MEMORANDUM OF ) UNDERSTANDING WITH THE CITY OF SPOKANE ) RESOLUTION VALLEY FOR INSTALLATION OF A FLORA PIT ) ROAD SEWER CONNECTION AS PART OF THE ) SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ) PROJECT WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Section 36.32.120(6)the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County(hereinafter"the Board") has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW Chapter 36.94, the Board has the authority to construct, operate and maintain a system of sewage pursuant to the adopted Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan; and WHEREAS, as part of its Transportation Improvement Program,the City of Spokane Valley (hereinafter"the City") has initiated construction of the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project (hereinafter "the Bridge Project") over the Spokane River, which will remove the existing southbound Sullivan Road bridge and construct a wider bridge at the same location; and WHEREAS, Spokane County (hereinafter "the County") plans to construct a gravity sewer pipeline in the near future that will begin in the vicinity of Euclid Avenue and Flora Road and terminate with a connection to an existing sanitary sewer manhole in the median of Sullivan Road at Flora Pit Road. The portion of gravity sewer pipeline crossing the northbound lanes of Sullivan Road and the manhole connection (collectively, "Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection") are located within the limits of the Bridge Project; and WHEREAS, imminent Bridge Project temporary traffic control measures along Sullivan Road will conflict with and prevent lane closures needed for the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection during the period when the County anticipates its new gravity sewer pipeline will be completed and placed in service; and WHEREAS, there is insufficient time for the County to first select a construction contractor through its normal competitive processes and then construct the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection before the conflicting Bridge Project temporary traffic control measures are implemented; and WHEREAS, the Bridge Project includes buried utility construction activities, such as excavation, pipe installation, backfill, compaction, pavement restoration, and temporary traffic control. And as a result, the Bridge Project prime contractor, and its approved subcontractors, 1 of 2 No. a0 15- D a(Q° have the requisite qualifications, expertise, personnel, and equipment to construct buried sewer pipeline facilities; and WHEREAS, the City and County agree that incorporating the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection into the Bridge Project via a change order will allow that work to be completed before the conflicting Bridge Project temporary traffic control measures are implemented. Consequently, this strategy would minimize adverse impacts to both Parties and benefit ratepayers,taxpayers, and the traveling public; and WHEREAS, the County is agreeable to reimburse the City for sewer related construction expenses for the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection as outlined in the attached Memorandum of Understanding; and WHEREAS, it is recommended that the Director of the Spokane County Utilities Division be authorized to execute the attached Memorandum of Understanding to reimburse the City for sewer related construction expenses for the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County that the Director of the Spokane County Utilities Division be authorized to execute the attached Memorandum of Understanding to reimburse the City for sewer related construction expenses for the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection, as well as any resulting amendments and documents relative to the Agreement,with the City of Spokane Valley. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ) St day ofMarat, 2015. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS coM \�l1 OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON i O 1E CpU o_L l o 5 N ,,�its':, ; Todd Mielke, Chair !+t J' SEAL - 4 LI-As ATTEST: Sh: 0'Qu. ,ice-Chair )4i11441k- died Ginna Vasquez,Interim Clerk o e Board Al French,C• 'ssioner 2 of 2 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND SPOKANE COUNTY FOR FLORA PIT ROAD SEWER CONNECTION CONSTRUCTION AS PART OF THE SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) is between the City of Spokane Valley (City) and Spokane County(County). The City and County are referred to individually as a"Party" and collectively as the "Parties." WHEREAS, as part of its Transportation Improvement Program, the City has initiated construction of the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project ("Bridge Project") over the Spokane River, which will remove the existing southbound Sullivan Road bridge and construct a wider bridge at the same location; and WHEREAS, the County plans to construct a gravity sewer pipeline in the near future that will begin in the vicinity of Euclid Avenue and Flora Road and terminate with a connection to an existing sanitary sewer manhole in the median of Sullivan Road at Flora Pit Road. The portion of gravity sewer pipeline crossing the northbound lanes of Sullivan Road and the manhole connection (collectively, "Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection") are located within the limits of the Bridge Project; and WHEREAS, imminent Bridge Project temporary traffic control measures along Sullivan Road will conflict with and prevent lane closures needed for the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection during the period when the County anticipates its new gravity sewer pipeline will be completed and placed in service; and WHEREAS, there is insufficient time for the County to first select a construction contractor through its normal competitive processes and then construct the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection before the conflicting Bridge Project temporary traffic control measures are implemented; and WHEREAS, the Bridge Project includes buried utility construction activities, such as excavation, pipe installation, backfill, compaction, pavement restoration, and temporary traffic control. And as a result, the Bridge Project prime contractor, and its approved subcontractors, have the requisite qualifications, expertise, personnel, and equipment to construct buried sewer pipeline facilities; and WHEREAS, the City and County agree that incorporating the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection into the Bridge Project via a change order will allow that work to be completed before the conflicting Bridge Project temporary traffic control measures are implemented. Consequently, this strategy would minimize adverse impacts to both Parties and benefit ratepayers, taxpayers, and the traveling public. The purpose of this MOU is to define the responsibilities of the Parties and allocate the costs of the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection change order between the Parties. Page 1 of 5 NOW,THEREFORE,the City and County do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 —RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY The City or its authorized contractors, subcontractors, and consultants shall: 1.1 Prepare and execute a change order to the Bridge Project for the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection work. The change order shall incorporate the Technical Special Provisions, drawing(s), list of pay items, and negotiated cost provided to the City by the County under Article 2 below. The change order shall generally include the following work: a. Furnishing and installing approximately 70 feet of 18-inch diameter PVC sanitary sewer pipe including end plug, excavation, backfill, crushed surfacing base course and top course, compaction, and HMA pavement restoration. b. Connecting to an existing sanitary sewer manhole. c. Providing temporary traffic control for the above work. 1.2 Provide construction administration for the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection, including: a. Review Contractor's materials submittals, samples, and traffic control plans for conformance with the design concept and compliance with the requirements of the plans and specifications. b. Log and track submittals and samples. c. Observe and inspect the Contractor's work for compliance with the project requirements. d. Provide laboratory and in-situ field testing of trench backfill, crushed surfacing base course, crushed surfacing top course, and HMA pavement restoration materials and compaction. e. Field measure and document actual quantities for pay items identified in the change order. f. Make progress payments to the Contractor in accordance with the Bridge Project contract documents. 1.3 Ensure the County has access to the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection work to independently observe and inspect the work, participate in specified low pressure air testing, and perform television inspection of the installed pipe. Page 2 of 5 1.4 Any modifications or changes to the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection shall be coordinated by the City and shall be coordinated with and approved by the County prior to implementation. 1.5 Prepare and submit invoice(s) to the County for the construction work covered by the change order and related laboratory and in-situ field testing costs incurred by the City. ARTICLE 2—RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COUNTY The County or its authorized consultant shall: 2.1 Provide the plan, profile, and detail drawings and Technical Special Provisions for the construction of the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection to the City. Special Technical Provisions shall be based on the Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, 2012 edition. 2.2 Provide a list of pay items, quantities, and approved unit prices for the work. The County shall gain advance approval of unit prices from the Contractor. 2.3 Provide an independent construction cost estimate as needed to comply with federal aid funding requirements. 2.4 Observe manhole core drilling and connection work and perform television inspection of the installed sewer pipe. ARTICLE 3—ALLOCATION OF COSTS This MOU, once fully executed, shall establish a commitment by the County to reimburse the City for those construction costs associated with the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection and related laboratory and in-situ field testing costs incurred by the City. The County shall, within 30 days of invoice from the City, compensate the City for costs incurred in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00 without prior written approval of the County's representative. The County shall compensate the City for costs above $60,000.00 only with prior written approval of County's representative,which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. ARTICLE 4—DELAYS If the City's contractor is delayed as a result of the County not completing its responsibilities as set forth herein, and such condition is in the County's direct control, then the County shall indemnify, defend and hold the City, its officers, officials, and employees harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including attorneys' fees, to the extent arising out of or in connection with such delays, except for delays and damages caused by the City or its contractor. This provision may not be waived by the Parties except in writing. • Page 3 of 5 ARTICLE 5—PERFORMANCE 5.1 The City or its contractor shall promptly and satisfactorily correct Flora Pit Road Sewer connection work that the County finds to be defective or not in compliance with the City's approved Bridge Project drawings, specifications, or the executed change order provisions. 5.2 Unless otherwise specified in writing by both Parties, all materials used by the Parties to perform their respective obligations under this MOU shall be new and in accordance with the City's approved Bridge Project drawings and specifications. ARTICLE 6—DURATION; AMENDMENT 6.1 This MOU shall become effective upon signature by the last party to sign, and remain in effect until all work has been performed. This MOU may only be terminated early by written mutual agreement of the Parties. 6.2 This MOU may only be amended by written agreement of the Parties. ARTICLE 7—PARTY REPRESENTATIVES 7.1 For purposes of this Agreement, the County's Representative is Gene Repp. The County's Representative shall represent the County's interest during the construction of the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection, and shall coordinate any modifications or changes needed by the County conjunction with the work. 7.2 For purposes of this Agreement, the City's representative is Jim Dingfield, the Bridge Project Senior Engineer—Project Manager. ARTICLE 8—INDEMNIFICATION 8.1 The City shall indemnify and hold harmless the County and its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, arising out of any negligent or intentional act or omission of the City, its officers, agents and employees, relating to or arising out of performance of this MOU. In the event that any suit based upon such claim, action, loss, or damages is brought against the County, the City shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense; provided that the County reserves the right to participate in said suit; and if final judgment in said suit be rendered against the County, and its officers, agents, and employees, or jointly against the County and the City and their respective officers, agents, and employees,the City shall satisfy the same. 8.2 The County shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, arising out of any negligent or intentional act or omission of the County, its officers, agents and employees, relating to or arising out of the performance of this MOU. In the event that any suit based upon such claim, action, loss, or damages is brought against the City, the County shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense; provided that the City Page 4 of 5 reserves the right to participate in said suit if any principle of governmental or public law is involved; and if final judgment in said suit be rendered against the City, and its officers, agents, and employees, or jointly against the City and the County and their respective officers, agents, and employees,the County shall satisfy the same. 8.3 If the comparative negligence of the Parties and their officers and employees is a cause of such damage or injury, the liability, loss, cost, or expense shall be shared between the Parties in proportion to their relative degree of liability and the right of indemnity shall apply to such proportion. 8.4 Where an officer or employee of a Party is acting under the direction and control of the other Party, the Party directing and controlling the officer or employee in the activity and/or omission giving rise to liability shall accept all liability for the other Party's officer or employee's negligence. 8.5 Each Party's duty to indemnify shall survive the termination or expiration of the MOU. 8.6 The foregoing indemnity is specifically intended to constitute a waiver of each Party's immunity under Washington's Industrial Insurance Act, chapter 51 RCW, respecting the other party only, and only to the extent necessary to provide the indemnified Party with a full and complete indemnity of claims made by the indemnitor's employees. The Parties acknowledge that these provisions were specifically negotiated and agreed upon by them. ARTICLE 9—Integration This MOU is the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings between the Parties concerning its subject matter, whether or not written. CITY e S 'O VALLEY: By: AM. r&NA . Date: Q// 7//f Mi e Jackson,7 anager By: C • a `1'"`tl Date: H- 11 t••1 Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk U By: ?• �f✓�u Date: 1/-11 Office GEf the City A orney SPOKANE COUNTY: By: Date: evin R. Poo P.E.,Director Spokane Cou Division of Utilities Page 5 of 5 ,,,0 ne ..,,,,,,Valley- CHANGE ORDER NO: 3 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 14-039 PROJECT: Phase 2-Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project CONTRACT DATE: 8/8/2014 PRIME CONTRACTOR: Max J.Kunoy Company CIP NO: 0155 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Order pertains`to: Bid Schedule E-UhTitios(Reimbursable) Contractor shell construct Spokane County Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection as specified in the attached Techical Special Provisions end Drawings. Item No, Description Quantity Unit Price Totel CO-3.1(E) Mobilization LS 1 $ 2,622.00 $ 2.622:00 CO-3.2(E) Project Temporary Traffic Control LS 1 $ 3,209.00 3 3,209.00 CO 3.3(E) Sawcut ACP or PCC Pavement LF-IN 1155 $ 1.15 5 1.328.25 CO.3.4(E) Remove Asphalt Concrete Pavement SY 125 $ 17.25 $ 2,156,25 CO-3.5(E) Crushed Surfacing Top Course,4 In.Depth SY 125 $ 8.63 S 1,078.75 CO-3.6(E) Crushed Surfacing Base Course,6 In.Depth SY 125 $ 11.50 $ 1,437.50 CO-3.7(E) HMA CI.1(2 In.PG 70-28,0.55 Ft.Depth SY 125 $ 48.30 S 6.037:50 CO-3.8(E). Joint Adhesive LF 185 5 1.15 $ 189:75. CO-3.9(E) Connection to Existing Sewer Manhole EA t $ 6,900.00 3 6.900.00 CO-3.10(E) Sewer Trench Safety System LF 70 $ 11.00 $ 770.00. CO-3.11(E) Sewer Connection Works end Materials Warranty LS 1 $ 575.00 $ 575.00 CO-3.12(E) 18-Inch Gravity Sewer Pipe LF 70 $ 299.00 S 20.930.09 Subtotal 3 47,234.00. 8.7%Sales Tax(applicable only to Bid schedules C D.and EI $ 4.109.36 Total Amount of this Chan,o Order incl.Tax): 5 51,343.36 PHYSICAL'COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 484 Revision By This Change Order. 10 Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 0 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 494 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT 5 12,307,580.31 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(through c002) ,_ _ $ 6,839.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER - $ 12,314,399.31 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER _ _ ..�. $ 51,343.36 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER S 12:365,742.67 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: DATE: `ii131,5 The contractor hereby acme s this dju .erlhe t s•' -•Ion 1.04.4 of the original contract. RECOMMENDED BY: .---_c A�l-.• DATE: i Pro)od or l APPROVED BY: / �� DATE: �/�'/c S.. County, '.Itieridredor APPROVED BY: DATE: ./3//S'--- P . Works Director / ` APPROVED BY: ��L / DATE: 9//`.)//J '- City Manager ` ll[ ATTACHMENTS: Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection Technical Special Provisions(5 Pages) Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection Drawing(1 Sheet) Spokane County Standard Plan U-11(1 Sheet) D/sMbuton: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane VaSay Glades Olsce COPIES TO: Contractor,PW Project Flle,Project Inspector,Finance Department,Spokane County COSY Rem 9/5/2014 FLORA PIT ROAD SEWER CONENCTION TECHNICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following Technical Special Provisions to the "Standard Specifications" are made part of this Contract and supersede all conflicting provisions of the "Standard Specifications" and "General Special Provisions" for the Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection work only. These Technical Special Provisions to not apply to other parts of the Contract. The "Standard Specifications" are the Washington State Department of Transportation: Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, 2012 as modified by the Amendments. The numbers preceding the section title refer to the corresponding section of the "Standard Specifications", Amendments to the "Standard Specifications" or to the "General Special Provisions". "Division of Utilities" refers to Spokane County Division of Utilities; the Owner of the sanitary sewer system. SECTION 7-05 MANHOLES,INLETS,CATCH BASINS,AND DRYWELLS 7-05.3(3) CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MANHOLES Add the following: The Contractor shall make the connection in accordance with Spokane County Standards (Ref. Standard Plan No. U-11) and the details shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall verify the existing manhole invert elevation prior to laying the new upstream line. Any deviation of the invert elevation grade of the upstream pipe so as to meet the design elevation be adjusted for in the9 from theplans shallp P p at the next upstream manhole. When the connection to an existing manhole will bring existing flow immediately to the new line,the Contractor shall not make the connection until all downstream lines are inspected and accepted by the Engineer. In making connection to existing manholes, core the manhole to the diameter sufficient for installation of the adapter diameter required for the pipe diameter shown on the Plans. Coring shall also include the manhole channel. Install the adapter and connect the new pipe to the manhole. Adapters shall be "Inserta Tee"by Fowler Industries, no substitutes will be accepted. Shape the new manhole channel to provide a smooth and uniform transition to the existing channel. The new channel shall slope at a minimum of 0.5%slope, unless the Division of Utilities accepts a flatter slope. Connections to existing manholes shall be coordinated through the Engineer with a minimum of 24 hours notice. The Division of Utilities' representative shall be on-site prior to manhole core drilling and during connection. In addition,the Contractor shall notify Wastewater Operations at 509-477-1984 24 hours prior to performing the work. 7-05.4 MEASUREMENT Add the following: "Connection to Existing Sewer Manhole,"will be measured per each. 7-05.5 PAYMENT Add the following: "Connection to Existing Sewer Manhole,"per each. The payment for the various items specified above shall be full pay for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to complete each unit according to the plans and specifications, including the furnishing and placing of all accessories. Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection 1 Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Change Order No. 3 Payment for "Connection to Existing Sewer Manhole" shall include all work related to coring, adapter installation, channel modifications, saw cutting, sewer flow diversion. Work related to pavement removal and replacement, crushed surfacing replacement, curbs and gutters, and adjusting frame and cover shall be included in work. In cases where no modification to the existing manhole or its components is required, and connection requires only removal of an existing pipe or cap, no payment shall be made under this bid item, and the cost of such a connection shall be incidental to other bid items. SECTION 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 7-08.3(1)C BEDDING THE PIPE On Page 6-169 of the General Special Provisions, supplement the heading, "PVC Storm Water Pipe Bedding and Ductile Iron Storm Water Pipe"with"Sewer Pipe Bedding". Delete the third paragraph of the Standard Specifications in its entirety. 7-08.3(2)A SURVEY LINE AND GRADE Add the following: The Contractor shall be responsible for all horizontal and vertical construction staking necessary for the installation, construction or reconstruction of the sanitary sewer, drainage, pavement marking, illumination and signals, guardrails and barriers, and signing. The Contractor will be provided the survey control data by the Contracting Agency. All calculations, surveying, and measuring required for setting and maintaining the necessary lines and grades shall be the Contractor's responsibility. The cost of such work shall be incidental and included within the unit bid prices. Contractor supplied survey work may include but not be limited to the following: Setting and maintaining 2-inch by 2-inch offset hubs with a tack at 50-foot intervals for sewer line and grade. The offset hubs shall be set perpendicular to the sewer line,with two hubs set at manholes. The stationing, offset distance, cut to invert, and hub elevation shall be marked on the guard stake. A copy of cut sheets with reference to actual benchmark elevations shall be provided to the Engineer at the same time it is supplied to the Contractor, but not less than 2 working days prior to construction. Add the following new Section 7-08.3(5)GUARANTEES: 7-08.3(5) GUARANTEES The Contractor shall warrant all work and materials associated with the manhole connection and re- channelization, PVC sewer main, and asphalt roadway patch for a period of two years. The warranty period shall commence on the date of Substantial Completion of this work under Change Order 3 as established,in writing, by the Engineer. 7-08.4 MEASUREMENT Add the following: Measurement of the Sewer Trench Excavation Safety System will be by the linear foot measured along the centerline of the pipe for the main line and will also include the centerline length of side sewer pipe. Measurement of Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection Work and Materials Warranty will be by lump sum. Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection 2 Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Change Order No.3 7-08.5 PAYMENT Add the following: Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: "Sewer Trench Excavation Safety System,"per linear foot. Payment for removal, hauling and disposal of excess backfill will be considered incidental to the cost of pipe installation. The"Sewer Trench Excavation Safety System"bid item is intended to reflect a true cost of providing the Trench Excavation Safety System. Bids received with a lower than reasonable cost may be judged to be non-responsive and therefore rejected. Payment for the Trench Excavation Safety System shall not be construed as acceptance or approval of the Contractor's Trench Excavation Safety System. Payment shall be made for mainline and side sewer installation where a trench safety system is used. Payment for the trench fence will be considered incidental to the cost of pipe installation. "Sewer Connection Work and Materials Warranty", lump sum. The lump sum unit Contract payment shall be full compensation for all costs incurred by the Contractor to provide a two year warranty on work and materials associated with Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection. SECTION 7-17 SANITARY SEWERS 7-17.2 MATERIALS Add the following: ABS Composite Pipe, Profile Wall PVC,and Vitrified Clay Pipe shall not be used on this project. Polypropylene pipe may be approved for use on specific projects by the Sewer Design Manager, subject to review and approval on a case-by-case basis. Repair couplings are subject to the approval of the Engineer. No "Calder Type" couplings will be allowed. All fittings, except PVC Tees and Wyes, shall meet the same specifications as the pipe. PVC Tees and Wyes installed in the sewer main shall meet the specifications for ASTM D-3034 SDR 26 and shall be as manufactured by GPK, Multi-Fitting, Plastic Trends or approved equal. Where service connections are to be installed on existing sewer lines, refer to the requirements in Section 7-18.3(1)"Side Sewers—General—Tap&Connect to Existing Sewer". 7-17.3(2)A GENERAL Delete the first paragraph and replace it with the following: All sewers and appurtenances shall be reasonably clean prior to acceptance. Prior to the roadway patch and before the sewer main end cap is installed a deflection test by the Contractor and television inspection by the Division of Utilities will be completed. All sewer mains and sewer service stubs shall be tested by the low pressure air method. Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection 3 Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Change Order No.3 7-17.3(2)F LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST FOR SANITARY SEWERS CONSTRUCTED OF NON AIR- PERMEABLE MATERIALS Add the following: Test Gauge The Contractor shall provide a female quick coupling equal to AMFLO C 2 to fit a County-supplied gauge with an AMFLO CP2 male fitting. The Contractor shall also continue to supply a gauge that can be monitored concurrently with the County's gauge. 7-17.3(2)G DEFLECTION TEST FOR THERMOPLASTIC PIPE Delete the first sentence of the first paragraph and replace with the following: Sanitary sewers constructed of thermoplactic pipe shall be tested for deflection after the trench backfill and compaction has been completed and prior to the installation of the roadway patch. 7-17.3(2)H TELEVISION INSPECTION Add the following: Television inspections are performed to assure the Engineer that the Contractor's work complies with the contract documents. Refer to section 1-05.6 regarding inspection of workmanship and materials. The entire length of mainline pipe shall be television inspected prior to pavement replacement, by the Division of Utilities, at no cost to the Contractor. The Contractor shall cooperate fully with the Engineer in preparing the lines for television inspection. Any costs associated with this preparation, including but not limited to making manholes accessible for video equipment and flushing/cleaning the lines, shall be incidental to other bid items and no separate payment will be made. Further, the Contractor shall coordinate with the Engineer to insure that requests for pre-pavement television inspections are submitted and scheduled to allow the work to be completed prior to paving. A one- hour TV crew charge shall be billed to the Contractor for failure to have the sewer.lines adequately accessible for inspection. At the Engineer's discretion, portions of the pre-pavement television inspection may be waived. This does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to correct deficiencies. If deficiencies that require correction are noted during the television inspection, including cleaning faults that may have prevented its completion, the Contractor shall perform the necessary work and schedule a subsequent pre-pavement television inspection. All costs associated with subsequent pre-pavement television inspections performed to verify correction of deficiencies shall be borne by the Contractor. Following the pavement replacement and prior to the acceptance of the completed project, all sewer mainline pipes shall again be television inspected by the Division of Utilities at no cost to the Contractor. The cost of all subsequent post-pavement television inspections required to verify correction of deficiencies shall be borne by the contractor. A one-hour TV crew charge shall be billed to the Contractor for failure to have the new sewer completed, accessible and cleaned to the satisfaction of the Division of Utilities. Prior to the final television inspection,the Contractor shall have inverts poured, manhole rings and covers installed, paving completed, lines free of debris, and all testing and construction observation completed. Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection 4 Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Change Order No. 3 7-17.4 MEASUREMENT Delete the second paragraph in its entirety. 7-17.5 PAYMENT Delete the contents of this Section and replace with the following: Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for each of the following Bid Items that are included in the proposal: "18-Inch Gravity Sewer Pipe,"per linear foot. The unit contract price per linear foot for sewer pipe of the kind and size specified shall be full pay for all trench excavation and backfill (unimported and imported) below finished subgrade, preparation of the roadway subgrade to the lines and grades, furnishing, hauling and assembling in place the complete installation including all special fittings,joint materials, adjustment of the inverts to manholes, furnishing and placing unimported pipe bedding, and all trench compaction below subgrade. All costs for labor, material and equipment required to conduct the leakage tests required in Section 7- 17.3(2) and 7-18.3(3) shall be considered incidental to and included in the unit contract price per linear foot for sewer pipe of the kind and size specified and no additional payment shall be made. Payment of 50% of the unit contract price for gravity sewer pipe and side sewer pipe may be made after the pipe is installed,tested,flushed,and made accessible for video inspection. Full payment shall not be made for main line sewer pipe until the full width of the road subgrade has been rough-graded within -0.25 to +0.25 feet of its final grade, and vehicular access has been re-established for the adjacent properties. Flora Pit Road Sewer Connection 5 Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Change Order No.3 , 6" RAD. a° UPSTREAM SWEEP (TYP.) NI . SHAPED MORTARii FILLET I • i I MATCH A i A CROWN OFYP.)PE �''� (T � PI 1,14. . , ti : .,... (-Ili * 0 _,, I • • irii.= IN m PLAN SECTION B-B 1 I NOTES: •1. THE SHELF AND CHANNEL 2% 2% SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH FINISH. 2. CONSTRUCT SHELF TO THE CROWN UNE OF PIPE. 116 tr re 2" RAD. (TYP.) SECTION A-A . Pl."'-'..,,.' C 93 ® vv,. au APPROVED: 7i B STANDARD SHELT ununla I it 71 TYPICAL CHANNEL DETAIL U-11 • SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS NO. DATE 13Y do. I APPR.I R EMS ON SPOKANE. WA. 002) 477.3004