1978, 10-11 Permit: N0890 Residence0 SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT �'Sr�� �N�IyjBERN OIQ JO 1 'f 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 t :` • ' `" Property Address- --- - tt®D_ Land Use or Structure Permit • cap P 7. rc p so Group Type fi Zone attxgts 8m34-ty timstdeattamit.fory- tda 0 = iaralwebatpf alcmc@bd Owner dd ress...- Phone.. s. A, matt- CCOSTBUCrtc t �v ; 4, . 13, xs:aa s 99216 �2a-osa� ArchIEng i..�ddress Phone Contractor...., Location: Roaadway° ''` r'idt6 Parcel Sir DVtl:t0114 bG" SETt Gt front -y traer..aida--yatrd--P far-off ofinr-- fl tkIng et. 63'.. free c/Ia B.J3701 Bprogna Phone.. �� 9n 10 put of tot 30. si ccaori€t' Court. Mathis Y &.ecClin of Sd rho at 251" Ivo p/In tatirinavor to f lioeeallot or-attstba*: ago101 rrragsired • e n ono rd rlS or 13'.fr+ t palls t ear to ator; soar yard 23"-g- wire if iTed to s44►tha, g c� t o liar fird c a. c itactas y raquiscaa. uld. [one Fire cone Size of M. r Sew a Ost t B 91�' 1S 19$ z ,-_ _—aT-Se3�a. ._ ,Sr,• .t Stories....1 Dimensions _ t - ._ o. e-- -. a a Total Sq. Ft -- VaIuation .. „ 26 „at S8 f3 � 85 - 8'sat4�e Y6t0 _ $St.G3t3o4t! Rms 3_Baths/RR t Basement tali _Foundation __connote Chimney. 1..Fireplace t_ _Htg. System -..Stn .TA Type of Roofing ....e 4Qipi. Ext. Finish s-1 t Int. al °Finish- -dj is - i B rms$.-:- Certificate of Occupancy Issued for Ucgg -B and- -dck--.Gtr Remarks---A-1/hr ratad-firetrap asporatha recuirad tattsacergaaidanta,antgaraga.1.., Ptcbtug and beating -Ss re sarea. UZI-5%cZ- Of -0123/21012/0- tt UST -RAVE- -tNSfcsr - do= foot, ASt PM Et +ED as MUST -WORM TO AZp i--L"y CODE ftEQ01 7f a FINAL INSPECT= t'a33T -t-aelsED-bC -uXJa'' unCit .41EM Wilda Si - ra ica ora rri ',t '. tan 4 se4Gis prior --te-10200--Qosr for- tit --ins sectt+ ao. THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that t a bui Id wig or and use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the and l nances of the County of Spokane, regulating the constmctio n. use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane Cou nly, and may be revokedal any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances, or failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the Issuance of the perm i 1 for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where d irecled by Coe my Officials and shall remove the said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement of workrwithin six months, and the entire completion thereof within...t..- »..-. from this date; after which time this permit will be void. J Authorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Permit Expires Octrbgr--:1Ls.-=1979:- 0 By- �"-L- 4 ,I.? I) k' = INSPECTOR Fee Paid $ 9l3aoo dd Date Issued <5�t qs $;--197® Euitding rn...mwv,•••,•- 1 J N 122—.4.4.77 f74 -g.. ,_--_-- "A' 3,11,111A430 3000 °mamba. YillUO3 3101A)10q2 . /1 !owe noigniriessii .mm*42 ,noaittlot .14 118 . tiring(' fillitMiltZ 10 OU 1116,1 r L' 1, FR L'ill NG —..),..:7---. 1 4_1„.......64. . .eaLleislittiat “2111511 await -611°5 I 9qYT.----1--- quola ennr19 . ___ • = InMitieria 4lopOnes.sois. - - RN1h4 in3Vta•tA F300.4,115 --- i5. _ *A 1,4V 4144.14.: , . a . .11:1136111103 +40 2.101111-17,—...iiii7.707711 atuitS1 :noL1639.1 764 WtO apart-T10110atilt 0011-illtedleiN 1j4-4.44-110rilt knarcais Tsposive aft( -1000an-tsible ft?-afintow. *an" 1•6 AIMS t.1ITT as cl1Ge16v .P Wor •• - • •toteritit.* .4anennixnia s 1t4? siorrados . imihtbriuol .tinorno2se ,.11542r1,se........ 201 " int • bertalkste. (tang Ji3 amakome0404, goilooff to sqyT Y...11FAT111G --04111,0410-itook -hisii . lot bouzzi y3nsc4=0 to eta410130 irssitipme -14sissit ibdost-vitsti u•Rfr's51 is230 4111111111111Mit 11101111141111- 4101.411 -..wrimpetfuttom*111.11111110-41%1111.111111-11111111 41/01 -111fijliq 1110111111111* - 41-10011-41111-0111.111110-11101111.0.116100- 611-111116 . . • !itt. Mt Its el et,oyso! Ile ni ntsevnero Iloilo !rim] ,l flows Oill OM, le! oeVerits ILIII,I1MPutllr511P Mk 1.11:11.10,4 WO 41611111111:11 111.1.1c4 111011 104 'ARAI, ......_... - , _ _ „.„,.. • ,.... 1,1 . fl Old /01/1 iill, le vie I. modulo'. tee nfmu witi tam It emitmn ogi vim jp-r. vi ,,,a‘,1 • f 130qt n; lgelttl,o4 to eleispo•DX1 boo 1113 ,,leir,vr...7., mil so3,1 .litt000 ooleisoitroo bias At, V! (4111C0 OT .Ws. enolq to eio.lis! on! 14 nigh Wu *df *V11/11111 the: bat ettlil•13 inivcre *.e b•mrqb inwro ...ste wirs •IJ wit, •nrols ee)nc1g 4,41 rolit lc p 0}r- .0, y .1 Al zi 'mini .,ti 110 ,..msittuji 3i11 13 0 MN to 103 no0 e) .bfreot• vteeltleon etolou ,Iro,00 Id/ 1D emitoteel tory:wit noitoltifno5 5111:n* sea boa ,atilisont xla niritiw kaiw to 1nomo2nsiorr4oa lot vino boo' od new twtrugt Oita TliATTRA930 3103 311iCiA8 ibiooto ior,it 1:8 yd td).:.1 )(31,LJA .bip, ed Iliw tiOnssi aid, famil rizirlv vote itoub altit molt }10J3i211 sail:4114 ,4s.. iimissoti.. unit! x] 1101199 Stift sidO 00•051 . ..; biE9 9,31 a