15-047.00 Bill Lawson, Hal Valley Apartments I & IIDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MANSFIELD AVENUE CONNECTION PROJECT #0156 This Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Bill Lawson, Hal Valley Apartments I, LLC and Hal Valley Apartments II, LLC, (collectively "Developer"), having offices for the transaction of business at 12721 East Mansfield Ave, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206, and the City of Spokane Valley ("City"), a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter jointly referred to as "Parties": RECITALS 1. The City has designed and is planning to construct improvements to the Mansfield Avenue corridor with Urban Corridor Program (UCP) grant funds from the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) and Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) grant funds from the Federal Highways Administration. The name of the project is the Mansfield Avenue Connection Project ("Project"), and the purpose of this Project is to alleviate existing and future traffic congestion in this area by connecting two separated roadway sections. 2. The Project will construct approximately 300 feet of new roadway; add sidewalks, bike lanes, and striping to provide for a three -lane road section that continues uninterrupted between Pines Road and Mirabeau Parkway. 3. Construction of the new roadway requires the acquisition of parts of seven parcels, full acquisition of another parcel, and demolition of an existing six -unit apartment building. 4. The Developer is the owner/developer of certain real property generally located within the Mansfield Avenue corridor, shown in Exhibit "A" ("Property"). 5. The Developer intends to develop the Property for residential and/or commercial uses (the "Development"), which will increase traffic congestion and directly impact existing transportation infrastructure along the Mansfield corridor from and including the intersections with Pines Road and Mirabeau Parkway. 6. The Parties recognize the need to construct the Project and that the likelihood of outside grant funding for the Project's construction is positively influenced by private support for the Project. 7. On August 29, 2011, the Developer sent a letter to the City committing to pay $197,700 toward construction of the Project, shown in Exhibit "B" ("Letter"), which is approximately 10% of the overall estimated Project cost. That Letter was included in the grant application to the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board ("TIB") and was instrumental in securing the remaining funds to construct the Project. 8. The Parties are desirous of entering into an Agreement which provides a schedule for the payment of Developer's commitment, and are voluntarily entering into this Agreement pursuant to RCW 82.02.020 to mitigate the direct impacts of the Development upon existing transportation facilities. 9. Pursuant to RCW 43.21C.060, and RCW 82.02.020, the City has the authority to allow a payment to mitigate an impact that has been identified as a direct consequence of a proposed development. The 1 City has (1) identified future road projects necessitated by planned development in certain areas of the City; and (2) identified a reasonable relationship between impacts generated by the Development to the transportation system and the financial contribution toward those impacts. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions hereafter set forth, the Developer and the City hereto agree as follows: 1. Voluntary Agreement. This Agreement, including all attached documents, is a voluntary agreement as that term is used in RCW 82.02.020. The payment made herein is as outlined in an August 29, 2011 letter from the Developer to the City in support of the Project's construction. The Parties acknowledge that the Project is reasonably necessary to mitigate the direct traffic impacts of the Development. In the event this Agreement is determined by a court to be null and void, the City shall refund the unexpended portion of fees within 60 days of such determination. Following a termination of this Agreement, the Developer shall, as reasonably required, mitigate the direct traffic impacts of the Development through the State Environmental Policy Act. 2. Project Funds. The Project is being funded from several sources, including the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB), the City of Spokane Valley, and private developers. Funds from FHWA and the City have been obligated; TIB funds are to be released for the construction phase of the Project. See "Exhibit C". 3. Fee. The Developer shall pay $197,700 (10% of the project's estimated cost on August 29, 2011) as a measure of support for the Project. This contribution shall be expended towards the design, right-of- way acquisition, and construction of the Project. The fee is based upon the Developer's offer in a letter of support for the Project dated August 29, 2011. See "Exhibit B". 4. Payment. To construct the Project, the Developer shall pay its full contribution no later than May 1, 2015. The City shall notify the Developer of the Project bid date when it is determined. All monies paid by the Developer shall be used as a portion of the local match required for the TIB grant related to the construction of the Project. 5. Compliance with RCW 82.02.020. Payment collected by the City shall be held in a mitigation fee reserve account and may only be expended to fund the design, right -of- way acquisition, and construction of the Project. Payments shall be expended within five years of collection. The City shall be entitled to reimbursement for any funds it may expend for the design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of the Project prior to the collection of the contribution. Any funds contributed but not expended within five years shall be refunded by the City with interest as provided in RCW 82.02.020. 6. Notice. All communications, notices, or demands of any kind which a party under this Agreement is required or desires to give to any other party shall be in writing and be either (1) delivered personally, (2) sent by facsimile transmission with an additional copy mailed first class, or (3) deposited in the U.S. mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested and addressed as follows: 2 If to the City: If to the Developer: City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Fax: (509) 921-1008 Attn: Christine Bainbridge Bill Lawson Hal Valley Apartments, LLC 12721 East Mansfield Spokane Valley, WA 99216 7. Successors. This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the successors and the assigns of the Parties. 8. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Any action for enforcement of this Agreement shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in Spokane County, Washington or as otherwise provided by statute. 9. Modifications. No modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid until the same is reduced to writing and executed with the same formalities as the present Agreement. 10. Waiver. No officer, employee, agent, or otherwise of the City has the power, right, or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions to this Agreement. No waiver or any breach of this Agreement shall be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. 11. Representation. This Agreement forms a fully integrated agreement between the Parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the Parties hereto. This Agreement shall meet the mitigation requirements for direct traffic -related impacts of the Development within the Project limits as described in the Project description in Section 1 of the Recitals. This Agreement shall not supersede any other conditions of approval not directly related to traffic -related impacts of the Development within the Project limits. All Parties have read and understand all of the Agreement, and now state that no representation, promise, or agreement not expressed in the Agreement has been made to induce any Party to execute the same. 12. Authority. Both Parties to this Agreement represent and certify that they have full authority and power to enter into and carry out this Agreement. The persons signing this Agreement represent that they have authority to act for and bind their respective principals. 13. Exhibits. Exhibit A - Description and/or map of Developer's property Exhibit B - Developer's August 29, 2011 letter Exhibit C - TIB funding application IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement this/ day of//kod/--' 2015. 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: %at�5 ti/f -- Mi, e Jackson, Ci anager S Chris : ainbridge, City Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Spokane ) ss. APPROVED AS FORM: Office pf the City A rney Its: On this day of 4d > , 2015 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State ofjWashington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ; /1 (%.hisork to me known to be the n'1Ccv1fii, /L!•(, 4Gr of 4►4.✓MIS`% ,jPis i LJ.c r /{al //�Uvsrthe corporation that exe uted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of the corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. ill I ‘0%1 ftii \‘‘‘ I R E -8U� i Ltj 0, NOTARY U't PUBLIC 4,140 "� 'O / 1W 1S�� NO ARY PUBLI , m and for t residing at 49.014.,GVH My commission expires: cP-P�/S /yft. RG62)It��,7.1 Printed Name State of Washington, 4 Mansfield Ave Connection Project 45105.9068 WASH STATE DEPT NATURAL RESC 45101.9094 45103.0211.s 45104.9118 45094.0909 Shannon !'Av UNION PACIFIC RAILROADCO. 45097.0001 45103:1304 808.4 9 404.18 808.4 Feet 0 This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. GRANITE PAIN T'E APARTMENTS Hal Valley Apartments LLC 12721 E. Mansfield Spokane Valley, WA 99216 August 29, 2011 City of Spokane Valley Att: Steve Worley, P.E. Senior Capital Projects Engineer Gentlemen, Exhibit B According to my conversation this morning with Neil Kersten, in order to apply for TIB funds, we, the Developers of Granite Pointe Apartments, will commit to $197,700.00 to be used as funds for the construction of connecting Mansfield Street to Pines Road from the east where Mansfield ends to the west to Pines Road. Also, another eight acres to the south of the Granite Pointe Apartments is proposed to be broken into nine commercial lots. Yours trt T omas D. Hamilton Member Hal Valley Apartments LLC Urban Funding Application for Urban Arterial Program (UAP) & Urban Corridor Program (UCP) Exhibit C Mail your signed application and required attachments to the TIB Office no later than August 31, 2011. The mailing address for the TIB Office: Post Office Box 40901 4. Olympia WA 98504-0901 For assistance contact Gloria Bennett, TIB Project Engineer, at (360) 586-1143 or via email at GloriaB@tib.wa.gov Legislative Agency Name SPOKANE VALLEY District(s) 4 Congressional Arterial Name Mansfield Ave District(s) 5 Project Limits Pines Rd (SR27) to 200 -ft East of Houk Rd. Find Legislative or Congressional District Average Daily Length in Miles 0.21 miles Traffic (ADT) 3,422 vehicles per day Federal Route Functional Class Urban Collector Agency Contact Steve M. Worley, P.E. Phone Number 509-720-5014 Email Address sworley@spokanevalley.orq APPLICATION ATTACHMENTS Include the following attachments with all applications 2 Excerpt from adopted Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program showing project 2 Detailed vicinity map clearly showing project limits 2 Detailed project cost estimate signed by a professional engineer registered in Washington State 2 Typical roadway section(s) • Funding commitment letters from all funding partners Number Attached 2 ❑ Accident analysis worksheet Link to Request Accident Data from WSDOT 2 Excerpt from current agency Comprehensive Plan defining agency CBD & Urban Activity Center(s) 2 Written concurrence from WSDOT if project is on or connects to a state highway I] Adopted Bicycle Plan if project includes bicycle facilities (if applicable) 2 Development map showing Permits Issued and Permits Pending areas (if applicable) ❑ Annexation agreement (if applicable) ❑ Map showing potential annexation area (if applicable) Include only if project is Construction Ready ❑ Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP) documentation PROJECT SCHEDULE Enter target dates Urban Funding Application Revised 18 Agust 2011 Date Start Design Engineering Oct 2011 Environmental Documentation Complete & Permits Approved Jun 2012 Right of Way Acquisition Complete Jan 2013 PS&E Complete Mar 2013 Contract Advertisement Apr 2013 Contract Completion Oct 2013 Page 1 of 10 PROJECT FUNDING TIB Fund Distribution Are TIB funds distributed evenly through the project phases? NO Enter justification for unbalanced TIB Fund Distribution in the cell below: Federal CMAQ funds were received for PE and RW phases. Enter Requested Total TIB Funds $ 792,700 Enter the Total Project Costs to the nearest dollar in cells F45 to F50 If TIB Fund Distribution is unbalanced, enter TIB funds In cells G45 to G50 Special Studies Design Engineering Right of Way Construction Engineering Construction Other Construction Contract TOTA Maximum TIB Ratio 80.0% TIB Funds Local Funds 125,900 900,000 900,000 86,500 74,000 12,500 25,900 1,976,800 718,700 792,700 Noneligible Engineering Engineering exceeding 25% of construction costs is not eligible for 118 reimbursement Other Noneligible Costs (i.e. landscaping greater than 3% of total cost, utility undergrounding, sound walls) TOTAL ELIGIBLE COST FUNDING PARTNERS Source SPOKANE VALLEY Federal - STP(U) - (Preliminary Eng. 8, ROW) Developer ---- TOTAL.,__, 118 Matching Ratio Total TIB Funds/Total Eligible Cost 145,700 1,184,100 0 ,976,800 40% Public or Private l Commitment Letter Public Public YES Private YES Local funds are correct Amount 98,900 887,500 197,700 ,184,100 CERTIFICATION Certification is hereby given that the information provided is accurate and the applicable attachments are complete and included as part of application package Agency Official Signa Steve M. Worley, P.E., Senior C(tal�Pro'ects Engineer Printed or Typed Nae &hi Title Urban Funding Application Revised 18 Agust 2011 3/ 1( Date Signed Page 2 of 10 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Describe the existing conditions Mansfield is a 2 -lane roadway with curb and non -ADA compliant sidewalk on the south side that ends about 0.21 miles east of Pines. Mansfield west of Mirabeau Parkway is a 3 -lane roadway with curb and sidewalk that dead -ends 0.25 miles west of Mirabeau Parkway. There is currently no direct route connecting the two road segments. Mansfield will be re-classified as a collector arterial upon completion of this project. Describe the proposed improvements Project will construct new roadway with sidewalks, bikes lanes, and curb/gutter to complete a missing gap; sidewalk improvements on north side of existing street; sidewalk on south will be upgraded to meet ADA and remove obstructions. On -street parking from Pines to Houk will be eliminated and the road widened to provide a center TWLT lane and bike lanes. Stormwater improvements will provide treatment of surface runoff using grassy swales. Describe the project benefits Project completes important gap and provides direct access from Pines to large apartment complexes and proposed commercial developments west of Mirabeau Parkway as projected in the City Comp Plan. The project will provide a safer direct route north of the UPRR tracks relieving congestion on Indiana Ave and improving access to CenterPlace, the YMCA, and surrounding commercial and residential developments. PROJECT COMPONENTS Give a brief description or select the appropriate response for each component of proposed project work PROJECT TYPE New Roadway INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Enter number of intersections where improvement is proposed Add Traffic Signal 0 Add Roundabout 0 Modify Traffic Signal 0 Add Right Turn Pocket 0 Interconnect Signal 0 Add Left Turn Pocket 0 Remove Signal 0 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS New drainage facilities in the form of catch basins and storm sewer pipes will convey run-off to grassy swales. LID stormwater gardens may be installed as appropriate and where ROW allows. All improvements will be constructed in accordance with the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual. EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY RELOCATION Relocate Overhead Utilities to New Overhead Location OTHER UTILITY WORK Utility pedestals and poles will be relocated behind new barrier curb and sidewalk. ILLUMINATION, LANDSCAPING & AESTHETIC ELEMENTS Street illumination will be reviewed and improvements made as necessary. Existing street lights will be replaced with low energy lights. Landscaping will mostly consist of restoring existing landscaping disturbed by construction. Hardscaping and native plants will be incorporated as ROW allows. OTHER WORK Retaining walls may be necessary along north edge of ROW through new gap portion of project to connect to adjacent properties. The WSDOT designed Pines/Indiana intersection, part of the TIB -funded Pines/Mansfield Project, anticipated this connection of Mansfield Ave, thus only one southbound left turn lane was included on Pines ..1. t.'..15.+..n Urban Funding Application Revised 18 Agust 2011 Page 3 of 10 ROADWAY GEOMETRICS Enter the existing and proposed geometrics If more than one section enter Percent of Total Length SECTION ONE SECTION TWO 60% 40% Existing I Proposed Existing Proposed Pavement Width Curb to Curb or Edge to Edge 40 feet 46 feet 0 feet 46 feet Number of General Purpose Lanes Do NOT Include Transit/HOV or Continuous Lt Turn Lane 2 lanes 2 lanes 0 lanes 2 lanes Number of HOV/Transit Lanes Do NOT Include Continuous Left Turn Lane 0 lanes 0 lanes 0 lanes 0 lanes Continuous Left Turn Lane Width 0 feet 12 feet0 12 feet Shoulder or Parking Width Enter Average Width per Side 8 feet 0 feet 0 feet 0 feet Shoulder or Parking Placement Both Sides None None None Shoulder or Parking Surfacing Surfaced None Surfaced Curb Placement Both Sides Both Sides None Both Sides Bicycle Lane Type No Bicycle Facilities Bike Lane No Bicycle Facilities Bike Lane Bicycle Lane Width 5 feet 5 feet Pedestrian Buffer Width between Curb and Sidewalk 0 feet 3 feet Sidewalk Placement One Side Both Sides None Both Sides Sidewalk Widths 5 feet 5 feet 6 feet 1 Sidewalk with curb separation on both sides is required by TIB policy Minimum width is five feet with NO obstructions Sections that do not meet this standard require a Board Deviation at Project Selection Urban Funding Application Revised 18 Agust 2011 Page 4of10 SAFETY Annual Benefit from Urban Accident Analysis Worksheet $14,754 PROJECT DEFICIENCIES Select Deficiency Type from the dropdown menu. Describe the existing deficiency within the project limits Describe the corrective measure(s) that eliminates or mitigates the deficiency. DEFICIENCY 1 OBSTRUCTIONS Deficiency Utility poles are located in center of sidewalk, preventing adequate clearance for pedestrians. Corrective Measure(s) Utility poles and other obstructions will be relocated outside of sidewalk to provide 5 -ft minimum clear distance. DEFICIENCY 2 OBSTRUCTIONS Deficiency Existing curb ramps do not meet ADA standards. Corrective Curb Ramps will be replaced with ADA compliant curb ramps. Measure(s) DEFICIENCY 3 ACCESS CONTROL/PARKING Deficiency No Bike Facilities. Bicyclists must share travel lanes with vehicles, increasing likelihood of bicycle/vehicle conflicts. Corrective The project will construct dedicated bike lanes to separate bicyclists from vehicles. Measure(s) DEFICIENCY 4 RAILROAD CROSSING Deficiency There are two railroad crossings: adjacent to Pines & Indiana and Mirabeau Parkway & Indiana Ave. Corrective This project will allow traffic accessing the growing commercial and residential developments Measure(s) surrounding the project to bypass the railroad crossings from the east or west. DEFICIENCY 5 ALIGNMENT Deficiency Vehicle traffic from east of road gap currently cuts through an apartment complex parking lot to circumnavigate the gap in the roadway, increasing potential pedestrian -vehicle collisions. Construction of roadway gap will provide adequate access for vehicles traveling to and from the apartment complexes and adjacent commercial developments. Corrective Measure(s) Urban Funding Application Revised 18 Agus 2011 Page 5 of 10 MOBILITY Select Truck Route Classification from dropdown list Not a TRUCK ROUTE NETWORK DEVELOPMENT Select the appropriate option from the following list ❑ Completes Corridor Enter termini of corridor being completed Project must meet ALL of the following criteria to qua/ify as COMPLETES CORRIDOR Project is last stage of corridor between logical limits 1 Corridor connects state route to state route OR state route to port Corridor is a minimum of 2 miles in length 1 The entire corridor is constructed to urban standards El Completes Gap Along Federal Route Existing route must meet urban standards El Extends Improvements Along Federal Route Existing route must meet urban standards ❑ Project does NOT Complete or Extend improvements and is NOT a New Route FREIGHT FACILITY ACCESS Select Freight Facility Access provided by project No Freight Facility Access Improvements Mark ALL freight -carrying modes accessing the facility ❑ Airplane ❑ Rail ❑ Ship ❑ Truck Enter Trucks per Day CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT/URBAN ACTIVITY CENTER ACCESS Select CBD/Urban Activity Center Access provided by project Connects to Urban Activity Center Briefly describe the CBD/Activity Center access improvement The project connects the multi -family residential and commercial developments located on Mirabeau Parkway east of the project with SR -27 and Montgomery Ave. It also provides alternative access to the Valley YMCA, CenterPlace Community Center to avoid RR crossings and improve the flow of traffic. Urban Funding Application Revised 18 Agust 201 1 Page 6 of 10 SUSTAINABILITY ❑ Agency has Adopted Greenhouse Gas Emissions Policy Enter Policy Number Adoption Date MODAL MEASURES Select modal measures within the project limits ❑ Completes gap in HOV system ❑ Adds HOV lanes in each direction ❑ Adds Queue Jump or Transit Only Lane Peak Hour Transit Buses Enter Number 4 Bicycle Facility Select option that applies Enter Gap Location Enter Location(s) Project COMPLETES GAP in bicycle lane or path ENERGY MEASURES Select energy measures within the project limits L Replace or install Low Energy Lighting ❑ Add Solar -powered Signage Describe the measures below Existing street lights shall be replaced with low energy lights. ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES Select environmental measures within the project limits 0 Incorporates Hardscaping or Climate -appropriate Plantings Describe the measures below Project will incorporate hardscaping and climate appropriate plants into landscaping as ROW allows. ❑ Incorporates Low Impact Drainage Practices Describe the measures below RECYCLING MEASURES Select recycling measures within the project limits D On-site Grinding & Re -use of Pavement ❑ Use of Base Treatment to avoid overexcavation ❑ Project uses Stockpiled Recycle Materials Describe the measures below Existing asphalt shall be planed and stockpiled for use as substitute for a portion of crushed base course rock throughout the project. OTHER MEASURES ❑ Incorporates other sustanability measures Describe the measures below Urban Funding Application Revised 18 Agust 2011 Page 7of10 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Employment Center Square Footage added in conjunction with the project Include Development Map designating Permits Issued and Permits Pending areas Permits Issued 42,823 sq ft Permits Pending 0 sq ft Include Development Map showing Permits Issued & Permits Pending locations with your application Total Residential Density In Persons per Square Mile (ppsm) Current 2,570 ppsm Permits Issued 2,837 ppsm Permits Pending Supports Annexation Agreement Select from the options below ❑ Project required by Annexation Agreement ❑ Joint city/county application for project within Potential Annexation Area ❑ Project lies within Potential Annexation Area Urban Funding Application Revised 18 Agust 2011 Page 8 of 10 GROWTH MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Complete the questions below to address Land Use Implications as directed by Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 47.26.282. Describe how the project supports or revitalizes existing urban development in the downtown The project directly supports new and existing urban commercial and residential development in Spokane Valley. The areas adjacent to Mansfield and surrounding the YMCA and CenterPlace Community Center are undergoing significant commercial and high density residential development and are expected to experience significant traffic growth. Development also continues to the east of the project along Indiana Ave, surrounding the Spokane Valley Mall and adjacent to Mirabeau Parkway. The City includes this gap project in their Comprehensive Plan. Extending Mansfield will add an additional east -west route parallel to Indiana Ave that allows traffic to easily access the new traffic configuration at Pines and provide an alternative route to avoid the UPRR crossings at Mirabeau Parkway and at Pines Rd. This helps alleviate congestion on Pines Rd and Mirabeau Parkway from frequent train crossings. Describe how the project includes or encourages infill/densification of residential or commercial development consistent with your local comprehensive plan? The area adjacent to Mansfield Ave. and Mirabeau Parkway is currently undergoing significant infill development. Land Use goal #7 in the City Comp Plan directs the City to develop a balanced transportation network that accommodates multiple forms of transportation for vehicles and pedestrians. The project proposes to increase capacity, improve safety, and provide pedestrians and bicycle facilities critical to accommodating higher density developments as the burdens placed on existing infrastructure increase. Land Use Goal #16 directs the City to provide a street system that connects neighborhoods. Pedestrian and bicycle friendly improvements in the project encourage interaction throughout the adjacent neighborhoods and promotes higher density developments. The project serves as an important link for connecting new developments to the improved traffic infrastructure at Pines Describe how the project promotes the use of transit and other multimodal transportation The proposed project includes pedestrian and bicycle facilities to safely promote the use of alternative transportation options. STA bus route #32 can be accessed at Pines and Mansfield and Indiana & Mirabeau Parkway at 30 minute headways. Route #74 can be accessed at Pines and Indiana and at Mirabeau Parkway & Indiana during peak morning and afternoon hours. The Mirabeau Park & Ride transit center is located approximately 1/4 mile southeast of the project on Indiana Ave. Indicate the project's multimodal transportation components Mark ALL existing or planned components 0 Sidewalk 0 Bicycle Lanes ❑ HOV Lanes J❑ Access to Transit Center or Passenger Terminal �✓ Other - Explain in space below Improves access to Centennial Trail at Mirabeau Parkway. Also improves access to proposed Spokane Valley - Millwood Trail (a non -vehicle shared use pathway along abandoned Great Northern Railroad ROW) adjacent to Indiana Ave 1/2 block south of the project. Improves access to STA Park & Ride located on Indiana Ave. approximately 114 mile southeast of project. Urban Funding Application Revised 18 Agust 2011 Page 9 of 10 Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Growth Management Information Funding Program Agency Name Project Name Urban Arterial Program (UAP) & Urban Corridor Program (UCP) SPOKANE VALLEY Mansfield Ave - Pines Rd (SR27) to 200 -ft East of Houk Rd. Project Intent Project completes important gap and provides direct access from Pines to large apartment complexes and proposed commercial developments west of Mirabeau Parkway as projected in the City Comp Plan. The project will provide a safer direct route north of the UPRR tracks relieving congestion on Indiana Ave and improving access to CenterPlace, the YMCA, and surrounding commercial and residential developments. Describe how the project supports or revitalizes existing urban development in the downtown The project directly supports new and existing urban commercial and residential development in Spokane Valley. The areas adjacent to Mansfield and surrounding the YMCA and CenterPlace Community Center are undergoing significant commercial and high density residential development and are expected to experience significant traffic growth. Development also continues to the east of the project along Indiana Ave, surrounding the Spokane Valley Mall and adjacent to Mirabeau Parkway. The City includes this gap project in their Comprehensive Pian. Extending Mansfield will add an additional east -west route parallel to Indiana Ave that allows traffic to easily access the new traffic configuration at Pines and provide an alternative route to avoid the UPRR crossings at Mirabeau Parkway and at Pines Rd. This helps alleviate congestion on Pines Rd and Mirabeau Parkway from frequent train crossinas. Describe how the project includes or encourages infill/densification of residential or commercial development consistent with your local comprehensive plan? The area adjacent to Mansfield Ave. and Mirabeau Parkway is currently undergoing significant infill development. Land Use goal #7 in the City Comp Plan directs the City to develop a balanced transportation network that accommodates multiple forms of transportation for vehicles and pedestrians. The project proposes to increase capacity, improve safety, and provide pedestrians and bicycle facilities critical to accommodating higher density developments as the burdens placed on existing infrastructure increase. Land Use Goal #16 directs the City to provide a street system that connects neighborhoods. Pedestrian and bicycle friendly improvements in the project encourage interaction throughout the adjacent neighborhoods and promotes higher density developments. The nroiect serves as an important link for connectins new developments to the improved traffic infrastructure at Pines Describe how the project promotes the use of transit and other multimodal transportation The project adds the following multimodal components: Sidewalk Bicycle Lanes Access to Transit Center or Passenger Terminal Other Multimodal Components: Improves access to Centennial Trail at Mirabeau Parkway. Also improves access to proposed Spokane Valley - Millwood Trail (a non -vehicle shared use pathway along abandoned Great Northern Railroad ROW) adjacent to Indiana Ave 1/2 block south of the project. Improves access to STA Park & Ride located on Indiana Ave. approximately 1/4 mile southeast of project. Urban Funding Application Revised 18 Agust 2011 Page 10 of 10 Urban Accident Analysis for Urban Arterial Program (UAP) & Urban Corridor Program (UCP) INSTRUCTIONS • Use Accident Data from the three most current years 4 Select the Location Type (Intersection or Midblock) Agency SPOKANE VALLEY Project Name Mansfield Ave - Pines Rd (SR27) to 200 -ft East of Houk Rd. 4' Enter the Location by specifying the intersection cross street or midblock parameters • Enter the number of Property Damage Only (PDO) Accidents, Injuries and Fatalities for each Accident Type • Enter the Primary Countermeasure to eliminate or mitigate the accident experience PDO Accidents Injuries Fatalities Total Number Factor Accident Cost i I Annual Benefit 2 1 $5,064 $284,956 $3,366,388 $10,128 $284,956 TOTAL 3 $295,084 $14,754 Data entered 25 Aug 2011 Select Enter Accident Location cation Type (Cross Street or Midblock Location) Select Accident Type Midblock 12300 Fixed Object/Parked Vehicle Enter Number Enter Enter of Number of Number of Enter Primary Countermeasure PDO Accidents Injuries Fatalities 2 Remove On -street Parking Intersection Cherry Rd Right Angle Improve Ilumination Install Pedestrian Facilities TIB Urban Accident Analysis Page 1 Grant Application Cost Estimate Project Name: Mansfield Extension, SR27 to 200.ft East of Houk Rd. 3 Lane Section, Bike lanes, Sidewalks, 0.21 mi. Prepared By: Preparation Date: Bryan D. Hicks, P.E. Aug. 24, 2011 Spokane Valley ITEM# MOOT STD. SPEC. WSDOTSTD.# ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OF MEASURE PLANNED QUANTITY ESTIMATED UNIT PRICE ESTIMATED ITEM PRICE 1 1-09.7 0001 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $ 54,000.00 $ 54,000 2 1-05.4 7038 ROADWAY SURVEYING L.S. 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 3 1-05.4 7040 LICENSED SURVEYING L.S. 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000 4 1-05.4 7047 MONUMENT CASE, COVER & PIPE EACH 1 $ 1,000.00 S 1,000 5 1-07.15 7736 SPCC PLAN L.S. 1 $ 500.00 $ 500 6 1-10 PROJECT SIGN EACH 1 $ 750.00 $ 750 7 1-10 6992 LABOR FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL HR. 100 $ 50.00 $ 5,000 8 1-10.3 8982 CONSTRUCTION SIGNS, CLASS A S.F. 100 $ 10.00 5 1,000 9 1-10.3 6971 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 10 2-01 0035 CLEARING AND GRUBBING L.S. 1 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 11 2-02 0050 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS L.S. 1 S 5,000.00 $ 5,000 12 2-02 SAWCUT ASPHALT PAVEMENT L.F. 300 $ 2.00 $ 600 13 2-02 0120 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT S.Y. $ 2.00 $ - 14 2-03 0310 ROADWAY EXCAVATION & EMBANKMENT, INCL. HAUL C.Y. 3,272 $ 17.00 $ 55,624 15 2-03 ROCK EXCAVATION C.Y. $ 100.00 $ - 16 4-04 5095 CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE C.Y. 670 $ 45.00 $ 30,150 17 4-04 5115 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE C.Y. 881 $ 45.00 $ 39,645 18 5-04 HMA -CL'1/2',PG64.28,MISC. AREAS S.Y. $ 30.00 $ - 19 5-04 HMA CL. 1/2', 0.17 FT. DEPTH, PG 70-28 S.Y. 5,022 $ 10.00 $ 50,220 20 5-04 HMA CL. 3/4", 0.33 FT. DEPTH, PG 70-28 S.Y. 5,022 $ 19.00 $ 95,418 21 6-13, 8-24 7164? MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL S.F. 2,000 $ 30.00 $ 60,000 22 7-04 3577 SOLID WALL PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 12 IN. DIAM L.F. 225 $ 55.00 $ 12,375 23 7-04 3578 SOLID WALL PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 16 IN. DIAM L.F. 800 $ 50,00 $ 40,000 24 7-04 3579 SOLID WALL PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 18 IN. DIAM L.F. $ 55.00 $ - 25 7-04 3582 SOLID WALL PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 24 IN. DIAM L.F. $ 65.00 $ - 26 7-05 1062 PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL TYPE B -SWALE EACH 5 $ 3,500.00 $ 17,500 27 7-05 7360 MANHOLE 481N DIAM TYPE, W/ FRAME & GRATE EACH 3 $ 2,500.00 $ 7,500 28 7-05 3091 CATCH BASIN TYPE 1, W/ FRAME & GRATE EACH 8 $ 1,500.00 $ 12,000 29 7-05 CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 W/ OIL/WATER SEPARATOR EACH $ 1,800.00 $ - 30 7-05 3105 CATCH BASIN TYPE 2, 48 IN DIA. W/ FRAME & GRATE EACH $ 3,000.00 $ - 31 7-05.3 3100 ADJUST FRAME AND GRATE EACH $ 350.00 $ - 32 7-05.3 3080 ADJUST MANHOLE EACH 3 $ 550.00 $ 1,650 33 6243 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH 9 $ 300.00 $ 2,700 34 8-01 TEMPORARY EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000 35 8-02 SWALE EXCAVATION INC. HAUL C.Y. 400 $ 20.00 $ 8,000 36 8-02 6405 TOPSOIL TYPE A C.Y. 125 $ 35.00 $ 4,375 37 8-02 6410 TOPSOIL TYPE B C.Y. 0 $ 20.00 $ - 38 8-02 6414 SEEDING, FERTILIZING, MULCHING ACRE 0 $ 3,000.00 $ - 39 8-02 6555 SOD INSTALLATION S.Y. 2,500 $ 9.00 $ 22,500 40 8-03 6071 IRRIGATION SYSTEM L.S. 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 41 8-04 6701 CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC CURB L.F. $ 14.00 $ - 42 8-04 6700 CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC CURB & GUTTER L.F. 1,920 $ 12,00 $ 23,040 43 8-04 6707 CEMENT CONC. PEDESTRIAN CURB L.F. 100 S 25.00 $ 2,500 44 8-04 1070 CEMENT CONC./QUARRY SPALL SPILLWAY S.Y. 0 $ 50.00 $ - 45 8-06 7059 CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACH S.Y. 200 $ 35.00 $ 7,000 46 8-13 7081 FENCING - CHAIN LINK OR WOOD L.F. $ 25.00 $ - 47 8-14 7055 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK S.Y. 1,280 $ 30.00 $ 38,400 48 8-14 7058 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE A EACH 6 $ 1,200.00 $ 7,200 49 8-14 7054 RAMP DETECTABLE WARNING RETROFIT EACH $ 300.00 $ - 50 8-18 REMOVE AND RESET MAILBOX EACH 6 $ 150.00 $ 900 51 8-20 6912 TRAFFIC SIGNAL Loops @ Pines? L.S. $ 5,000.00 $ - 52 8-20 6904 ILLUMINATION SYSTEM L.S. 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 53 8-20 6945 SCHEDULE 40 CONDUIT PIPE 2 IN. DIAM. L.F. $ 12.00 $ 54 8-21 6890 PERMANENT SIGNING L.S. 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000 55 8-22 6857 PLASTIC CROSSWALK LINE S.F. $ 10.00 $ - 56 8-22 6807 PLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE L.F. 3,840 $ 2.00 $ 7,680 57 8-22 6817 PLASTIC WIDE TRAFFIC STRIPE L.F. 1,920 $ 3.00 $ 5,760 58 8-22 6833 PLASTIC TRAFFIC ARROW EACH 6 $ 100.00 $ 600 59 8.22 6859 PLASTIC TRAFFIC STOP LINE L.F. 100 $ 12.00 $ 1,200 60 8-23 6888 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKING L.F. 1,100 $ 0.50 $ 550 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE $ 675,337 Contingency (20%) Inflation Adjustment Factor (4%/yr) Construction Sub -Total PE (15%) STP(U) Funded CE (10%) Right Of Way, STP(U) Funded Purchase Apartment Bldg, Demolish, Relocate Residents, STP(U) Funded 2 years TOTAL PROJECT ESTIMATE Cost Estimate Assumptions: 6" HMA over 8" CSBC Pavement Section 6-0 sidewalk on both sides Bryan D. Hicks, P.E., (WA #37448) S 135,067 $ 54,027 S 864,431 S 125,900 S 88,443 $ 150,000 $ 750,000 $ 1,976,774 PE $ 125,900 ROW $ 900,000 CN $ 950,874 TOTAL $ 1,976,774 ° 1NA�IGQNIlrMAI ' �-SIDE6WALK 3.5' BIKE LANE LANE LANE MANSFIELD AVENUE CONNECTION PROJECT PINES (SR -27) TO 200 FT EAST OF HOUK EXHIBIT MAP SEC. 19 T. 25N. R. 45E.W.M. 12• LANE BIKE LANE 6' SIDEWALK 10-, Imo• Mansfield Ave Connection Project Area Map 4 ,45105.9068; 45103.0259 451019094. • a 45104.9100'"'nl —• , O 3 •I�` 13 .N �Ig v U'r a; a . a Ir kL.7O' 0.• • w -•.r { a :Od O O , .1_, r ? a ,I '-G J N N. �. NW • "r=5r��f0KAN�ErV -U- p/Iontgomer! �. lPllansfield Av - ,mss--"'�•` , :Mansfieeid.Av- ~ �� r -j • 6;' •• 0 C r '45103.0215-4. - I 0 ' 5103 0215'Io' �' II W � 717:1"-:----:-.. i � ;Shannon Av 45097 00011 _r Indiana Av _ v O. ;0 a Ct .;o o bGf o o _oma X451049064" {'Y 0ru NT Y' ^' ��_mr r} y 14' to � .ul _ t.l . . Wr. Oras✓ r 45103.0299 45103 0231... ';:: ' _ vR I" 45103.0201 893.1 9 44.57 8931 Feet 45097 0001 ~ , - rAte r\Tp O This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. 45104- 0 9150 4 Project / Description / Current Status Adopted 2012 - 2017 Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total 1 Argonne Road -190 to Trent, S 0.38 0 0 582 582 City 79 79 CMAQ 503 503 Revise Signal Phasing, Add NB Right Tum Lane at Montgomery, Intersection Improvements at Knox Funding Secured (SRTC 06-31), City Project #0060 Project Total 582 582 2 Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to Trent S Traffic Signal Control System for Corridor Funding Secured (SRTC 06-26), City Project #0061 2.26 56 125 1,593 1,775 City 238 238 CMAQ 1,537 1,537 Project Total 1,775 1,775 3 Greenacres Trail, Sullivan Rd. to Liberty Lake 0 50 0 0 50 City s (PE Only) Other 50 50 Fed Preliminary planning for shared use pathway on abandoned Railroad right-of-way PE Funded Project Total 50 50 4 Mansfield Ave Connection - Pines(SR27) to 200- 0.21 63 675 0 738 City 100 100 s ft east of Houk Rd (PE/RW Only) CMAQ 638 638 Construct 3 -lane arterial gap connection from Pines to Houk, w/ sidewalk, curb, and stormwater facilities PE/RW funded by CMAQ (SRTC #10-12) City Project # Project Total 738 738 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/29/2011 Page 1 April 20, 2011 Mr. Steve Worley City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Spokane Regional Transportation Council 221 W. First Avenue, Suite 310 • Spokane, WA 99201-3613 509/343-6370 FAX: 509/343-6400 Subject: 2010 Call for Projects — Selected Project -- CMAQ Funds Dear Mr. Worley On March 10, 2011 the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) adopted a prioritized list of projects that was developed from the 2010 call for projects. The SRTC Board selected from the prioritized list, projects based on current and anticipated funding levels. The project name and approved federal funding level Is listed below. Federal 1D# Project Name Request Srtc10-12 Mansfield Ave Connection (PE, RW) $887,500 As you can see, an ID number has been assigned to this project which MUST be used on all correspondence relating to this project, including funding requests to the State. We anticipate this project will be in the amended STIP in April 2011, after which you may seek obligation of the funds through WSDOT Local Programs. Should you have questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Glenn F. Miles Transportation Manager cc: Bill McCammon, WSDOT ANL VW" Washington State -s" Department of Transportation Paula J, Hammond, P.E. Secretary of Transportation August 22, 2011 Bryan Hicks, P.E. Century West Engineering 1825 N. Hutchinson Road - 2" Floor Spokane, Washington 99212 Eastern Region 2714 N. Mayfair Street Spokane, WA 99207-2050 509-324-6000 Fax 509-324-6005 TTY: 1-800.833-6388 www wsdot.wa.gov RE: City of Spokane Valley TIB project applications Dear Bryan, The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Eastern Region concurs with all three proposed projects. Mansfield Avenue Connection Pines/16'" Ave/SR 27 Safety Improvements Progress Road Sidewalk — SR 290 to Wellesley Ave. All work on or intersecting with State Routes shall meet current WSDOT ADA requirements If during development of these projects you determine the need to encroach into the State Routes, the paving depths, surfacing, and any associated saw cuts will require approval of the WSDOT Eastern Region Materials Engineer prior to project advertisement. If the projects propose to impact the geometries of any intersection with the State Routes (for example adding pedestrian bulb outs, changing corner radii, changing lane configuration, etc) you will need design approval and an intersection plan approval from WSDOT. Also, any construction traffic control impacting the State Routes will require pre -approval from the WSDOT Eastern Region Traffic Engineer. As this project moves forward I encourage you to contact Ken Olson at 509-324-6100. Ken will be able to assist you in coordinating WSDOT reviews and approvals that may be required including WSDOT concurrence to advertise for construction. We look forward to working with the City on these projects. Sin erely,, /;-/tee ichael A. Frucci, PE Assistant Regional Administrator for Development WSDOT, Eastern Region 509-324-6020 Railroad Frederick Fairview Grace Buckeye \Carlisl Ermina a O c Marlett v a m c ate. Mansfield Nora a 0 Maxwell d L U Building Permits: 2010 - 2011 a Commercial Residential Parcels Sections N Shannon Indiana Mansfield Mission Maxwell a Sinto Sinto 0 a Maxwell Sinto Map 2.1 Land Use 9 4.1 I Co....sLec 06 2445 to, Legend I Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential 1111 High Density Residential Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial gig Regional Commercial Light Industrial 1111 Heavy Industrial II Park/Open Space Es Water Bodies Effective Date: 05/11/2011 Ordinance No. 11-009 4 Map Location 555 VCXr 0 0.5 2 Miles 11111111i h'orice: The informer, on shown orr 'nap is comp( led from various sources mid is subject to constant revision. The Ciry makes no claims or guarantees about dre accuracy or crerency of this map and expressly diselorars lrobiliryfOC Mena and ornissform its To confirm accuracy conract the Cily of Spokane Valley, Cowman°, Development Depomment Division of Planning, (509) 921-1000. Product of the City of Spoktme Curatuuttlty 0.915151 Plante's Ferry sv City of Spokane ShicI/i Park (alionelfaha Rocks) Orchardolve Park n o� zrer,n vatinErffli Tow -of Millwrod �{}i eaey Knox Vallev:Mfssion Park Greene P Pot d . , n1�E1mi 1 31111- ` ang Balfour e 1-1 H,RN. qP&LE `-4 r� rk R a Camp Caro ■ NH 1T Dishman Hills n.s T lller Conservation Map 3.2 Bike and Pedestrian System Legend Bicycle and Pedestrian System Shared Use Path Proposed Shared Use Path Bike Lane o se o Proposed Bike Lane Bike Lane/Proposed Shared Use Path Signed Shared Roadway n re le + Signed Shared Roadway/Proposed Bike ® Shared Roadway t=t Pedestrian Path m Proposed Pedestrian Path Trailheads o Interstate 90 Schools H+i ai-r Railroad Other Municipalities City of Spokane Valley INUrban Growth Area I I Parks Water Bodies Effective Date: 4/26/2011 Ordinance No.: 11-007 410 gyp° Duey Map Location f7 0 05 2Mile I 1 1 I t 1 Notice: The informant", shorn or this reap is compiled Awn: r tants sources and is sub/en ro comfort, revision. The Cigvnakes no M61:3 or guarantees abort the nrraracy or crvrtney of this rnop and expressly disclaims hohilifyfor errors and omissions in its rani rrrs. 7b confirm accuracy contact e City of kane Valley, ry Development Department Division r ofPlam Planning (509)921-1000. on rri ProauH oldie City of Spoinne Ynaer, Community Unelopmrnt nrpara eat GRANITE POINr'' APARTMENTS Hal Valley Apartments LLC 12721 E. Mansfield Spokane Valley, WA 99216 August 29, 2011 City of Spokane Valley Att: Steve Worley, P.E. Senior Capital Projects Engineer Gentlemen, According to my conversation this morning with Neil Kersten, in order to apply for TIB funds, we, the Developers of Granite Pointe Apartments, will commit to $197,700.00 to be used as funds for the construction of connecting Mansfield Street to Pines Road from the east where Mansfield ends to the west to Pines Road. Also, another eight acres to the south of the Granite Pointe Apartments is proposed to be broken into nine commercial lots. Yours tr T omas D. Hamilton Member Hal Valley Apartments LLC 0156 - Mansfield Ave Connection All Activity as of Apr 30 2015 Original REVENUES; Budget Project Prior Life Adjusted Years 2014 2015 To Date Available Budget j Actual Actual Actual Actual Encumbered Funds CMAQ 0.00 TIB Project Bid Documents Developer Contribution 0.00 302 0.00 302 0.00 887,500.00 792,700.00 0.00 197,700.00 124,450.00 0.00 125,464.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 31,555.39 3,031.27 577,179.86 0.00 50.00 0.00 92,353.15 0.00 5,269.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,238.25 0.00 707,913.90 0.00 50.00 0.00 126,146.79 3,031.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 179,586.10 792,700.00 -50.00 197,700.00 -1,696.79 -3,031.27 Total Revenue 0.00 2,002,350.00 160,050.87 669,583.01 7,508.08 837,141.96 0.00 1,165,208.04 EXPENDITURES Original Adjusted Prior 2014 2015 Life Available Budget Budget Years Actual Actual To Date Encumbered Funds Preliminary Engineering Salaries & Wages Overtime Employee Benefits FICA/401A OT Medicare OT L&I OT PERS OT Office & Operating Supplies Engineering & Architectural Prof. Svcs - Survey Prof. Svcs. - Geotech Advertising Printing & Binding Miscellaneous Services COSY Permits PE Contingency 45,000.00 15,750.00 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 8,800.00 11,450.00 Total Prelim. Engineering 126,000.00 Right of Way Salaries & Wages 10,000.00 Employee Benefits 3,500.00 FICA/401A OT Medicare OT L&I OT PERS OT Professional Services 35,000.00 Prof. Svcs. Mat. Testing Miscellaneous Services ROW Acquisition 500,000.00 RW - Land Improvements 20,000.00 RW: Tennant Relocation 250,000.00 RW Contingency 81,500.00 Total Right of Way 900,000.00 Construction Salaries & Wages 0.00 Employee Benefits 0.00 FICA/401A OT Medicare OT L&I OT PERS OT Prof. Svcs. Mat. Testing 0.00 Prof. Svcs. - Consulting 0.00 Advertising 0.00 Printing & Binding 0.00 Construction 0.00 CN Contingency 0.00 otal Construction 0.00 63,600.00 300.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,500.00 16,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 18,800.00 350.00 0.00 48,154.48 286.91 20,111.29 0.00 0.00 7.47 0.00 26.87 0.00 22,323.64 10,500.00 0.00 0.00 16,287.88 350.00 0.00 27,792.22 145.26 11,680.26 0.00 0.00 3.36 0.00 0.00 246.30 0.00 0.00 1,203.82 0.00 1,325.39 0.00 0.00 8,100.21 0.00 2,779.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 558.83 0.00 0.00 84,046.91 432.17 34,571.25 0.00 0.00 10.83 0.00 26.87 246.30 22,323.64 10,500.00 1,203.82 0.00 18,172.10 350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 722.04 0.00 0.00 -20,446.91 -132.17 -9,571.25 0.00 0.00 -10.83 0.00 -26.87 -246.30 176.36 5,500.00 1,796.18 2,000.00 -94.14 0.00 0.00 151,550.00 118,048.54 42,396.61 11,438.74 171,883.89 722.04 -21,055.93 12,250.00 4,195.65 16,496.60 8,718.24 29,410.49 0.00 -17,160.49 4,350.00 1,943.85 6,062.29 4,054.51 12,060.65 0.00 -7,710.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 72,000.00 29,200.63 45,202.00 3,456.68 77,859.31 5,088.84 -10,948.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 651.58 0.00 651.58 0.00 -651.58 515,000.00 0.00 426,095.17 22,819.00 448,914.17 0.00 66,085.83 152,000.00 0.00 46,408.76 0.00 46,408.76 0.00 105,591.24 125,000.00 5,400.00 86,220.00 0.00 91,620.00 0.00 33,380.00 19,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,400.00 900,000.00 40,740.13 627,136.40 39,048.43 706,924.96 5,088.84 187,986.20 35,000.00 817.72 0.00 0.00 817.72 0.00 34,182.28 12,250.00 444.48 0.00 0.00 444.48 0.00 11,805.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23,550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23,550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 800,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 800,000.00 80,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80,000.00 950,800.00 1,262.20 0.00 0.00 1,262.20 0.00 949,537.80 otal Expenditures 1,026,000.00 2,002,350.00 160,050.87 669,533.01 50,487.17 880,071.05 5,810.88 1,116,468.07