2015, 04-28 Formal Format Meeting MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Forma t Tuesday, April 28,2015 Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 6,00 p.rn, l ttenclance.• City Staff: Dean Grafos, Mayor Mike Jackson,City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Mark.Calhoun, Deputy City Manager Chuck Hafner, Councitmember Cary Driskell. City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Ed Pace, Councilmember John Hohman,Community Development Dir. Ben Wick, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Art Jenkins, Stormwater Engineer ABSENT: Marty Palaniuk, Planner Bill Bates, Councilmember Carrie Koudelka, Deputy City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Mike Graaf of Valley United Methodist Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council, Staff, and audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Deputy City Clerk Koudelka called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmembers Bates. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Bates from tonight.meeting, APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and urranimoarsiy agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: lila COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Deputy Mayor Woodard said he attended the Spokane Regional Council of Governments meeting and gave a report about the progress of City Hall and spotlighted a number of capital projects the City is working on, including Sullivan Bridge, the Appleway Trail and stormwater improvements. He said he also went to the SCRAPS auction to raise funds to provide food for animals. Councilmember Wick said he went to the SCRAPS auction and SRTC meeting and said SRTC is changing the location of their facility. He said they may consider properties in Spokane Valley and they are looking at all the options. He said he spent a week in Washington D.C. where he focused on transportation issues and the Bridging the Valley project and he said he hopes we will get state and federa] funding for our projects. He also went to a TIGER summit while there and learned how to become successful in getting federal fiends for projects. He said very few cities will be successful in receiving TIGER grants but he received some useful tips to pass along to staff. Councilmember Higgins had nothing to report. Councilmember Pace said he went to the Council of Governments meeting where he listened to a Greater Spokane Incorporated presentation of current projects but none of the projects mentioned were in Spokane Valley, which he said he found interesting. He said he attended the STA board meeting, the Chamber of Commerce breakfast, Spokane Regional Health District employee recognition ceremony and Minutes Regular Council Meeting,04-26-2015 Emco I of 7 Approved by Council;05-12-2415 a Washington Policy Center legislative forum where Matt Shea gave a report on the successes of their Freedom Agenda. Councilmember Haffner said he met with Visit Spokane where they spent a great deal of time determining whether they would endorse particular organizations for bond issues and decided they would need more discussion before making any decisions. He also went to the Board of Health annual ceremony and said it is nice to recognize employees for their service. He said he attended the Board of Health executive meeting to determine the agenda items for regular board meetings and he attended the audit entrance for the Board of Health. He said they discussed marijuana and electric cigarettes, which are odorless and undetectable by teachers other than thechange in student's behavior. He said he attended a school board meeting and met with architects for the design of City Hall. He attended the STA board meeting and after sonic debate, they determined more representation from small cities is needed but by law there can only be nine members on the board. He said Spokane lost a member in order to add an additional member from small cities. He also read a proclamation at the Labor Council held Saturday. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Graf'ns said he attended a meeting with the architects designing City Hall and said it is important that it is the right size and meets the community's needs. He also participated in an event sponsored by Awanis clubs where he helped paint bike helmets_ He said over 1,000 helmets were dish-ibuted to people at no charge. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Gratos invited public comment. Rob Chase of Liberty Lake said he is here to speak on three issues Council may think of as federal issues: trade promotion authority, also called Fast Track, Trans-Pacific partnership and Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment partnership. He said Fast Track is unconstitutional because it is up to congress to regulate commerce with foreign nations. He said the purpose is to get two trade deals through in secret and we will lose millions of jobs and our sovereignty. He said this will indirectly affect Spokane Valley and asked that Council send a letter to Washington senators and representatives stating that this is not in the best interest of Spokane Valley. Gars, Edwards of Spokane County commended Council for their common sense in not doing things that will harm citizens of Spokane Valley. FIe said people should comment on both local issues and national issues. He said our national sovereignty is surrendered through treaties and congress is complicit in making this happen. He asked Council to consider discussing these issues to protect the future of our children. Chris Nerison of Spokane Valley asked Council to take a stand against the Trade Promotion Authority bill. He said the Transpacific Partnership and Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership were negotiated in secret and he said he thinks elected officials should engagein self-policing and should speak up against irresponsible and unethical conduct. Jeff Brodhead of Spokane Valley said the $15 billion transportation bill going through congress is a new tax pulling money out of our economy to spend on projects typically on the west side of the state while our north-south freeway sits unfinished. He said he would like to see us working toward funding the project locally instead of supporting the state bill. He said he thinks GS]] (Greater Spokane Incorporated) is pushing to get it passed and he would like Council to apply pressure. Ron Stewart of Spokane Valley asked Council to take a stand on the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA)_ He said the TM is a fast track where the senate will not be allowed to add any amendments_ He said heis concerned that the Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership gets negotiated in secret. Jim Robinson of Otis Orchards asked Council to take a responsible position on the TPA. He said all politics have a local impact. He said the loss of sovereignty is a loss of freedom and he encouraged Council to make some kind of statement to our senators and representatives because what they do will impact Spokane Valley. Minutes Regular Council Meering:04-2$-2a 15 Page 2 of 7 Approved by Council:05-12-2015 1. CQNSE1ST AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. proposed Motion:I move to approve the ConsenatA2enrla. a. Approval of vouchers listed on April 28,2015 Request for Council Action Perin: S1,577,574.54 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending April 15,20I5: $318,895.16 c. Approval of April 14,2015 Council Formal Meeting Minutes d. Approval of April 21, 2015 Council Study Session Meeting Minutes It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded maid unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS; 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-006a CPA-2015-1002 Reconsideration —Mart PalaniuL. After Deputy City Clerk Koudelka read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve Ordinance 15-006a adopting on amendment to the Comprehensive 'Nan as described in CPA-20!5-0002. Planner Palaniuk said this is a privately-initiated Comprehensive Plan amendment to change the designation for two parcels from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Center. He said the properties are located at Flora Road and Mission Avenue and consist of approximately 3.5 acres. He said there is residential development north and east of the site, multi-family development west and south of the site and approximately 324 apartment units have been built in the area. Currently the properties consist of two single-family residences zoned RI Mr. Palaniuk said there has been some commercial development south of the site and significant multi-family development on the west of the site and significant single family residential development in the area. Re said Flora Road and Mission Avenue are both considered minor arterials in the Street Plan and Flora continues as a collector north of the intersection. Councilmember Wick asked about the traffic model in the area and if we expect it to triple. Mr. Palaniuk said figures provided by our transportation engineer indicate we expect the trips to triple by the year 2040 from just over 4,000 trips per day. Mayor Grafos invited public comment. Trish Abraham of Spokane Valley said she is the applicant and provided signatures in favor of the amendment. She said the best use of parcels is to provide desirable services to the residents of the neighborhood and she said to leave the parcels as Low Density is a disservice to the residents. She said with transient housing, there are no long-term residents or sense of pride. She said she has the support of many members of the community and many of those previously opposed are now in favor of the change. Jane Kershain of Spokane Valley said she is the property owner of one of the lots and she has lived there since her daughter was born. She said she bought the property to build a mobile home park and after putting in the sewer lines she saw there are several apartments in the area and because residents of mobile home parks want calm neighborhoods, she changed her plans. She said she would like to put a storage unit on the property, she is vested in the property and living there, and she said it is a good use of the property and makes sense because of the traffic. Deputy Mayor Woodard said the two roads make a buffer and there is one house across Flora facing the property and two that are being built that will be impacted but the other properties nearby have already done things to mitigate the impact. He said we have created an atmosphere that is job friendly and family friendly and we are not going to stop high density development. He said if storage units went in it would be a peat use but we need to consider what else could go in there if we change the use, Councilmember Pace said changing to Mixed Use Center makes sense,the roads provide buffering on two sides and there is already Mixed Use Center on the other two sides. He said the Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendment because it meets all the criteria and he will vote yes. Councilmember Hafirer said he visited the site and maintaining the integrity of the neighborhood is important to him. He said he went through the matrix to see what would be permitted if we changed and the matrix includes a casino, community hall club, day care center, and small schools as permitted uses. He said he will vote against the amendment. Councilmember Wick said he watched the previous meeting and listened to the testimony Minuses Regular CGuneil Ming:0428-2015 Page 3 o 7 Approved by Council:05-12-2015 and said we do not know what will happen once the change is made and we want to make sure services such as bus transportation are there to support the change in use. He said the nearest bus stop is a mile away and traffic is looking to triple by 2010. He said once a neighborhood loses its integrity it is hard to get back and there has been a lot of change in this neighborhood and he doesn't know if this is the right time for this change. Mayor Grafos said he voted against this the last time and will vote against it again. He said the properties on the east side are all residential and they have art investment in their homes and while the property would probably be good for a storage facility, it could have other uses that affect the neighborhood across the street. Vote by show of hands: In Favor: Deputy Mayor Woodard, Councilmembers Pace and Higgins. Opposed; Mayor Grafos, Councilmembers Hairier and Wick. Tie vote, motion failed, 3. Second Readin Pro osed Ordinance 15-007a Zonin Ma CPA-2015-0002 Reconsideration —Ma Palaniuk After Deputy City Clerk Koudelka read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve Ordinance 15-007a. Planner Palaniuk said this is an ordinance to change the zoning of the previous ordinance. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: None. Opposed,` Unanimous. Motion failed. 4. Second Readin: Proinsed Ordinance 15-009 Ado tin: Minim Moratorium Findin:s—Erik Lamb After Deputy City Clerk Koutielka read the ordinance title, it was moved by Departy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve Ordinance- 15-009. adopting findings of fact j:nsr jyiing the adopti©n of Ordinance 154205 card the moratorium on mining and mineral product manufacturing. Deputy Attorney Lamb said state law authorizes cities to adopt a moratorium without prior notice and without a public hearing as long as the city conducts a public hearing within sixty days. He said we adopted the moratorium on February 24, 215 and held a public hearing on the moratorium on March 24, 2015. He said there are nine mining sites in Spokane Valley, one that is not operational, and he said the approximate depth of the proposed site off Tshirley Road would be limited to within twenty feet of the aquifer. Mr. Lamb said he does not have specific numbers for that site but at the Sullivan pit, the depth to water ranges from 88 feet to 100 feet and gives us an idea as to what the Tshirley mine could be. He said Council asked staff to review whether we need to change the language in the moratorium based on public comment we received and that after review, staff recommends no change. He said the moratorium states that current mining operations that were in existence and continuous at the time the moratorium took effect will not be affected. Mr. Lamb said that after adoption of the findings, staff will continue to proceed with updating the Comprehensive Plan.. Councilmennber Wick said it seems clear that the moratorium will nut impact current operations and asked if changing the moratorium with the language suggested would allow things to happen that we do not want. Mr. Lamb said the moratorium language was crafted with the intent of not impacting existing sites and there could be unintended consequences in adopting the proposed language changes. Deputy Mayor Woodard asked if the sites that have been in continuous operation would have difficulty trying to sell and transfer ownership. Mr. Lamb said he cannot speak to any specific transfer of owner, but the moratorium is not directed toward any particular owner but toward the continuous use. Mayor Grafos asked if anyone has come forward that owns an operating pit in which the moratorium will have a negative impact. Mr. Lamb said one owner has come forward and he cannot guarantee the moratorium will not impact them in the future but we do not think it will impact the current operations unless they do not currently have a mining operation; cue site is not currently a mining operation and the moratorium could impact that property. Councilmember Hefner said the primary concern is with sites with current operations and he said he thinks current operations can continue moving forward while the moratorium gives us time to analyze what we want to do in the Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Orafos invited public comment. Janne McDonald of Spokane Valley said she represents Central Premix and she said the map in the packet is incorrect in that it shows nine sites but the Spokane County pit is exempt, there are two sites that have not been mined for over twenty years and there are others that are not permitted. There are five permitted Minutes Regular Council Meeting_O4-28-2015 Page 4 of 7 Approved by Council:05-12-2015 sites within Spokane Valley, four Central Premix sites and the Spokane County Flora Road site. She said the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has authority over reclamation. She said she would like confirmation that she will be able to construct a new cement silo or fuel station under the moratorium and she urged Council to look at the impacts trn current operations. Councilniember Higgins asked how long reclamation of a pit will take. She said the DNR encourages complete reclamation within two years of final mining,allowing for two growing seasons of adequate vegetation. She said DNR.will stay active and hold the reclamation bond until reclamation or until another entity assumes jurisdiction over the site. Stacy Biordahl of Spokane said she testified at the initial hearing and submitted written comments requesting changes to the language of the moratorium and spoke again two weeks ago. Since then she talked with legal and they agreed to disagree about the language and the impacts on the current pits. She said she hopes that when they come forward for modifications or permit changes, they will not meet resistance from the City. Mayor Grafos said he believes that if staff finds the moratorium impacts any existing businesses, staff will come forward to Council and let them know of the problem. He said the City needs to have time to look at this change to the Comprehensive Plan and he said he thinks the moratorium is the right thing for the City to do. Vote by Acclamation. In Favor: Unanimous.s. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 5. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-010 Beekeeping 7i+licki Harnais After Deputy City Clerk Koudelka read the ordinance title, it was proved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve Ordinance 15-010, amending Spokane Valley Municipal Code 19.40.150 by adding beekeeping requirements, claming various ternzrnologu and prohibiting the keeping of nutria. Planner Harnois said this amendment was discussed at the study session on March 17th, a first reading of the ordinance was on April 14th and she said there have been no changes to the ordinance. It was .'roved by Cor neilrnember Pace and seconded to amend the motion by dropping the requirement for membership in the Beekeepers Association. Councilmenlber Hafner said he thinks certification is a safety factor. Couneilmember Wick said he reached out to the Beekeepers Association and reviewed their website and he said it does not look or smell like government. He said they seemed open, friendly and informative and they, appear to be a good thing. Mayor Grafos said he thinks the certification is educational. Vote on the amendment by Acclamation: In Favor: Deputy Mayor Woodard, Councilmernbers Higgins and Pace. Opposed.' Mayor Grafts, Councilmembers Haffner and Wick Nation amendment failed.. Mayor (Jrafos invited public comment, no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation; in Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried; 6. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-011 Arista Electrical Franchise—Car Driskel l After Deputy City Clerk Koudelka read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to place Ordinance 15-011 granting Avista a 25 year electrical franchise on a future agenda for a second reading. City Attorney ariskell said the proposed ordinance would grant a 25-year franchise tc Avista so they can operate electrical utilities in the City's public rights-of-way. He said it has the standard terms we typically put into our utility provider agreements with a few particular things relating to electricity providers, Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation. In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 7. First Readin_ Pro Dosed Ordinance 15-012 Garnblin:: Tax Amendment to SVMC 3.2.5 -Mark Calhoun After Deputy City Clerk Koudelka read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to advance Ordinance 15-012 amending SVMC 3.25.020, affecting gambling tees, to a second reading. Deputy City Manager Calhoun said in 2003 en ordinance was approved that authorized certain gaming activities and imposed gambling taxes used to offset law enforcement costs. He said revenues from those taxes have fluctuated over the years with an overall downward trend. At the September 23, 2014 Council meeting, we heard public comment from a local business owner who said Spokane planned to lower their gambling taxes. In November 2014, Spokane reduced their gambling tax rate and their rate Minutes Regular Council Meeting:04-2$-2013 Page 5 of 7 Approved by Council:05-12-2015 will drop to two percent iii 2016. He said this was a topic of discussion at Council's winter workshop in February and at the March 34, 2015 Finance Committee meeting where they recommended reducing the tax rate. Councilmember Pace asked how gambling businesses calculate the taxes owed to the City. Mr. Calhoun said it is different for different types of gaming; he said the tax rate for card games is ten percent of gross. Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. Councilsnemlaer Pace said he thinks this is a great opportunity to lower taxes and that he does not like sin taxes so he is in favor of this ordinance. Councilmember Hafner said the reduction in tax revenue for the City somewhat bothers him. City Manager Jackson said Spokane reduced their rates in a series of reductions and we are proposing we reduce it all at once. Councilmember Hairier asked about the financial impact to the City and Mr. Jackson said it will affect us financially and Council should consider that. He said it will be a net loss to the City, but one thing to consider is whether a particular business might close because it is not competitive whereby the City would not receive any of that gambling tax. Cnuncilmernher Wick asked if we have the income to compensate far the loss. Mr. Calhoun said in the 2015 adopted budget, the recurring revenues exceed the reeurring expenditures by $103,000. He said this $178,004 annual reduction in gambling taxes will hit on June 1, 2015 and it is conceivable the reduction will consume the $103,000 difference. He said sales taxes are running higher but their concerns are valid as staff is preparing the preliminary budget and looking at the 2016 budget impacts. Mayor Grafos said we have to be competitive and we are not lowering to the same tax level of Spokane so we can look at this over the next year to see if we can keep businesses in Spokane Valley. Vote by Acclamation: Irr Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion car'r'ied. 8. Motion Consideration: Bid Award Brriadwe Storm Drain Retrofits. Art Jenkins It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to award the Broadway Avenue Storm Drain Retrofits project to Sandry Construction Company in the amount of S444,S77.00 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. Stormwater Engineer Jenkins said this is a project to improve the drywalls on Broadway Avenue. He said we received a grant but after considering a number of design options, we were able to exercise options that cost us considerably less than the $1.3 million originally sought. He said we received six bids, five of which were within ten percent of the engineers' estimate. He said the lowest bid came from Sandry Construction and they appear to be a responsive firm in Washington. He said the bid is within the budget and staff recommends approval. Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: in Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 9, Advance Agenda — Mayor Grafos: City Manager Jackson said the May 19 and May 26 Council meetings are very light and asked if Council would like to cancel them. It was Me consensus of Council to cancel the May 19 Study Session and the May 26 Formal Council meeting. INFORMATION ONLY: The following items were not reported or discussed: 10_ Proposed Amended 2016-2021 TIP 11. 2016-2021 Stormwater CI? 12. Su Wi'err7 Road Street Preservation Project—Sprague to Mission 13. Department Monthly Reports CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: City Manager Jackson said there will be a community meeting at CenterPlace on May 6, 2015, at 6:00 pari. to discuss the new City Hall with the architects hired to help design the building. Minutes Regular Councit Meeting:04-25-2015 Page 6 n117 Approved by Council: 05-12-2015 ADJOURNMENT: it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed ro adjourn the meeling, The meeting adjourned at 7:40 pill. ATTE:00 Dean Grafos,Mayor , ' istine Bainbridge,City Cler'! Minutes Regular Council Meeting:04-28-2015 P3gc 7 of 7 Approved by Council:0542-20i 5 GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, April 28, 2915 GENERAL CITIZEN OMME1` TS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY ALLY DE LIMITED TO THREE MINUT `lease sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOUR CITY or RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT YOU WILL SPEAK ABOUT (et c....),,,,,,,. f-15-1-/-6--...4,61L„,i, sr,,, k-,,, ,, ,. Lc,,,,,..,,,,,-- .; il e r{ 1,,, r r 4, /-1_ A 1.. pt. )) )) )) 5F0 „4-.)) ,, (.7, .C:yv eft- Krodivi,F, i'r c.,ViehciL,e , t4or-i ,, , , , - rrz ),, .;c.) ;:-. „..:,:;e , , , I ) t i 1 In 1 } ______ . /),,,, ,L.,,_.&.,_e 6_2/. All Please}note thw once ENfC rinationl is entered[n!Mk form ii becomes a public record subjenr h public r{fsrlosurc:. te-VY Scrly _ pKa 410,0080VaIle 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 $ Spokane Valley WA 99205 509.921.10E10 # Fax 509,9Z1.10o8 oityhall0spokanevalley-org . __ Memorandum To; Mayor and Councilmembers cc: Nike Jackson, City Manager; John Hohrnan, Community Del. Director; Lori Barlow, Planner coni: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk (� Date. March 26, 2015 Re: CPA 2015-CCO2 -The attached materials are those that were handed to me by Mr.Joseph House, City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department Planning Division March 24, 2015 RE; Project Number: CPA-2015-0002 The request for the property located at 1 603 N. FIora Rd., Parcel#45124.0203 and 1625 N.Flora Rd., Parcel#45124.0151 from Low density Residential (LDR) with a Single Family Residential (R-3)zoning classification to a Mixed Use Center(MUC) designation with a Mixed Use Center (MUC)zoning classification should be Denied. At that property location, there needs to be a buffer for the existing single family residents properties located North of Mission and on the West side of Flora Rd__ There are hundred's of acres already designated IUC)to the South and West of the proposed site. So in this area there's no good reason or need for additional Multiple Use Center(IIJC) zoning changes. This proposed parcel zoning change is the buffer that's needed for the existing residential properties from the already(M[JC)properties. This proposed property(site specific),Compressive Plan map Amendment needs to stay Low Density Residential (LDR) with a single Family residential 3) zoning classification for the purpose as the buffer for the existing residential properties and not be granted Multiple Use Center(IvITTC)zoning change staters. Joseph&Lynda House ' IsitHra-k--, id 7406 E Montgo ery Ave(mailing address) f Spokane Valley,WA 99016 Property Owners of properties located adjacent to the proposed re-zone,Located at: 1711 N Flora Rd. and 1803 N Flora Ave. March 24, 2015 RE; Project Number: CPA-2015-0902 We the undersigned would request that the Spokane Valley Council keep the property at Flora and Mission at the current zoning of R-3 (LDR) single family residential and Deny the request to a MUC (mixed use corridor) NAME and ADDRESS: 41011 . r` V rai ' P1,0119 1-7 (ort,I;Pi Ld(10 ' !LP r 96715a -Icir' ll I f'-f- Picot -eb e,oLtP11S1 I� 7 I° tr /160elere111 rk ]( /1J I (SV / itia 34,de / if (F"& 1 i 2.. F 4 ,.d, i I At . - / e Pits- 4 / I (Oct ` 11. II _CI w/h ,c InGuatairo N eami - cc I ! ( 7/I March 24,2015 RE: Project Number: CPA-2015-0002 We the undersigned would request that the Spokane Valley Cotnieiil keep the property at Flora and Mission at the current zoning of R-3 (LDR) single family residential and Deny the request to a M JC (mixed use corridor) NAME and ADDRESS: � I 1r 4 ��] � 4 a L L. ;. - ; /V js. lei ., i 4 • � � Yeco `. . 11 .. '1 \° i c L �J [ rt ic4 - rc' f L I 7J' -c S/. RI If. L r. t f 1S'cric12_4-u: Lbsucc; uz, i-e7del 14 'al,'/-7,4-f4 1/24/ f e i 0 (117:41"JOS 170 f 'ISI—Cpcgame. 16q1(jW A -) cia 0 L I =7 o s dram IFI 4610 lir ICYCV ••. , TotEig Lrti-ga 17 7 11/ ATL + lr i' (Oi6 v P F. ,c4, i t Lie 11/ . 5 e 9q6,/ 6Y1,0149( 141 171C0 i+lA # '- U tiff( t (ati / 4 f ' art) kite r March 24,2015 RE: Project Number: CPA-2015-0002 We the undersigned would request that the Spokane Valley Council keep the property at Flora and Mission at the current zoning o#'R-3 (idlR) single Family residential and Deny the request to a111JC (mixed use corridor) N and 1DD S; ri, f 7,4,,, 7 .0,4 ,,, ,,,,,,eLd ,,t) L------if ,6_, 1-1:i - 1144 Lf1/11 - witeil ZeL, 1, d# ./._e tildie-e /a 4;4 " 1 _.) -----------(.„,,,,.77-------- I'fle.1?-- E.1. 111-VCA1,-,q .._,C:1 , //' ; ?kl k A1 5 4 414k v . ,,,_1:---r 51(vi kr i 4,- i: 0. fi k.)6-c-,.dec( , 5rokak9,1)I Lc) 1,-,JA 9 /0 (ro -( &x V-LAP-, P. ii a4-fi Li. oolir} L 6/4. O/6 . -oir- 6.111 c__. i i-70 7 47 6-- .34'6(32,...4/6- NI .5-pr4.0 ball L);- 1,-� ,1\ie.,-e42, . vitzt _ ,1 r , Cruke, gat.Lj q q CI( G A .r•,,•ti.,2kA (17 --..'1 i-7°I 7 ./ -' Ad-z-----"---/d---c-- -----; //zrid Y clis,a Li'0,4..9 4. , f ? c, c7 A. �t54t,..iz."-)41 • / A 11" r +� 7 (G `-1 el .) i..-1! JL'�..' c-1L)a < rf c s C•C., fAV-- fr r / it 0•6r/a-11f 17 . 5 I c-, `Le 6-4 111-41_F-J/ -c . - r \111c.1 - '-'- fDY E— l C00 E r_c.(4 -cr} ' , ..-5_v-1 ),,,,(-1, ,,-. 1 z-5 sc Lc, 4 Q-A, SQ J . Martin Palaniuk Front Mary Pollard <marjam17216 7o msn.com> Sent; Thursday, March 19, 2015 9:55 AM To: Martin Palaniuk Subject: .CFA2015-0002 Hi, I would like to give my support to the zoning change. I have been in contact with Mrs.Abraham over the last two years, as well as the original project her mother had intended to utilize this land for as an elderly mobile home corn munity. Doe to the recent construction of huge apartment complexes just down the road,this does create a need for more storage and Mrs. Abraham needs the change in zoning to build storage facilities. The design of these building should be roofed to fit in with residential zoning that is along side it,so it doesn't depreciate homes nearby. We have seen many storage facilities with the traditional or standard gable construction rather than a flat roof that are tidy and convenient for nearby residents. We appreciate that this change in plan would not inundate the neighborhood with more traffic. A mobile home community can change ownership and depreciate in value and appearance over the years,as well as the rules of use implemented by the owners. Since Spokane Valley code does not prohibit mobile home parks in any residential zoning this change in plan-would be better for North Greenacres Neighborhood. It would better complement the needs of this neighborhood. We support the zoning change so Mrs. Abraham can utilize her property as storage facilities. Thank you, Mary Pollard North Greenacres Neighborhood 509 926 8899 17216 E Baldwin Ave. Spokane Valley,.WA 99015 hCce.-Nb..N CrEM 1 Martin Palaniuk From: Appleway Florist& Greenhouse <info applewayflorist.cam> Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 1:46 PM To: Martin I alaniuk Subject: Comprehensive Plan Amendment file no. CPA-2015-0002 Spokane Valley City Council and Staff, I would like to share my opinion on the upcoming Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Specifically,the proposed zone changes for the property adjacent to ours located at 1625 N FLORA RD. With the large amount of changes in the area surrounding our properties, I would like to show my support for Patricia Abraham and Jayn Courchaine as they endeavor to better our neighborhood_ They have been good stewards of the land and courteous neighbors and I believe they will continue to be in the future. I hope you will consider approving their zoning request, as it is my opinion, it is in the best interest of both the property owner and the surrounding neighborhood. Thank you, Monty Lewis Lewis Properties of Spokane 16913 E Mission Ave Spokane Valley, WA 99016 509-924-5050 i (-- Martin Naftin Paianiui{ From: Amy 8onwell <amylboneyahoo,com> Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 1:15 PM To: Martin Palaniuk Subject: Re:Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2015-0002 Attachments: ling-150223234535-0001.pdf Hi Martin, Attached are the documents discussed. If you could please share these with the City Council it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Amy Hughes On Thursday, February 19,2015 8:04 AM, Martin Palaniuk <mpalaniuk( spokanevalley.orq} wrote; Amy, We will be providing an Administrative Report to City Council on March 10 and the First Reading is scheduled for March 24. Please send me a copy of your documents and I'll be sure to inform council of your opposition when 1 report to them on the 10th. Public comment will not be taken on the 1Ou' but anyone may speak on the amendment at the First Reading on the 24th, I would encourage you and your neighbors to appear at the first reading on the 241h and voice your opposition in person. Appearing in person and speaking on the issue is your best chance of influencing the council, Marty From: Amy Bonwell [rnailto:amylbont yahoo.com1 Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2015 6:87 PM To: Martin Palaniuk Subject; Re: Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2015-0002 Hi Martin. have collected 18 signatures in opposition to this CPA and will have 3 or 4 more by tomorrow evening. When will this be presented to the City Council and can I send it directly to you to share with them? Thank you! Amy On Monday, February 2, 20154:43 PM, Martin Palaniuk <mpalaniuk(r,spokanevalley_orrp wrote: Amy, It has not been placed on the City Council agenda for a first reading as of this time. City Council will take public comments at the first reading. We are taking two amendments through the process and the other amendment has been held up in the planning commission. The administrative report to City Council has been scheduled for February 24, 2015 however , public comment will not be taken at that time. 1 Marty Martin Palaniuk Planner City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)720-6031 rrrpalaniuka spokanevalley.orq From: Amy Bonwell(mailto:amvlboni yahva.cam1 Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 3:16 PM To: Martin Palaniuk Subject: Re: Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2015-0002 Thanks Marlin. Has the date of the City Council meeting been determined? Thank you, Amy Hughes On Tuesday,January 27, 2015 4:12 PM, Martin Palaniuk <moalaniukCcis aokaryevaIley.orc>wrote: Amy, I have attached some material related to the comprehensive plan amendment that is being considered in your area. As you know the public hearing was held on January 22, 2015 in front of the planning commission. Your next opportunity to provide public testimony will be when the amendment goes before the City Council. I will provide you the date and time of that meeting when I have confirmed the date. live attached the staff report 2nd a copy of the Notice of Public Hearing that went out prior to the hearing last week. Please let me know if there is anything else we can do to better inform you on this issue. Marty Martin Palaniuk Planner City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5031 mpaIaniukasprkanevalley.org 2 2/2/2015 To Wham It May Concern, Attached are the names, addresses&signatures of homeovvners that live in Flora Estates end oppose CPA-2015-0002. We have highlighted the location of Flora Estates on the attached map. We were unable to voice our opposition at the January 22,2015 public hearing in front of the planning commission. Please take this letter,and attached signatures, as our formal public testimony. We oppose this change For a variety of reasons. The primary reason is because there is already a significant amount of undeveloped PL1UC (mixed use center) land to the west of our development.We don't see a need for additional MUC space with the large amount of available land. A secondary reason for our opposition is the traffic on Flora Rd.There is currently a significant amount of traffic an Fiore Rd and Mission Ave.As the currently undeveloped MLJC space is developed,this traffic with increase dramatically.Our small development, 17 homes,has 21 children under the age of 10.As children do, they play in our streets done of our streets,Coach Ln, is a private dead-end street).What is concerning is the traffic that whips through our neighborhood hoping to avoid the clog at the round-a-bout only to find out that Coach Ln is a dead-end.We feel having more M UC space will only increase the traffic which will ultimately increase the risks to our neighborhood, and ultimately our children. Thank you in advance for considering our public testimony. Sincerely, The Flora Estates Homeowners RECEIVED - FEB 2 3 2015 SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - f I' Le.[h✓ne 1r4Y4""N 1,dlLL P,-,i--4,- ME EN 'y>II ; 1 V i I L11 _ i L f Y+ 'oiCil . M - ini ...' Mili i NW"1 M ®fiW1l l 1L AL C_oACk.d -J' gy ;. 1- IMIDAVEliraralgialiZMIMMI arrf i...arrilfrd. W � f7 vi . (cam Imo. I 2 • /50.6/ MIMI i..7 .(1/ .c2 - AZ '',51:7-51 , -_ _....4_,Irar. SM El{!I E 14/E1"/A 50A A I i. 1 . S 660/0 ill' r , r ti i, - - A- ii AIFirMOitir- F{ o+rr 1' 4 1# r Ji41.2Lk E 1 L)6- �� e� ' . i�G'� !� ffor- 32 ev I L. maffm .��� • ® r+ .0 ' 0 r' r 1 lirJim' {TIS ' MI -4,711 -1, . L . ;ecri. .-,_ 4-Int_ ode MIMEM Cage-I S j- '„Ia. ' :t ZetI 'hc'7 15:25 .,1 Eor%01 •1-PNZO-WMNEIZINI Z L) 1.1 'SSV 'i A V. ' -.4.44 I I ID I IHM1-PSI"..... kZ":1 i'LLGt,r-i.--. ' . .' -3 7 t 911 -': -,•4/.--,----. .-----" Y Y ri 55 J sPol.c4Z. COMMUNI1Y and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT "`,'. �N City Council Reconsideration April 28, 2015 Comprehensive Plan Amendment File No. CPA-2015-0002 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 1 COMMUNITY and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Iffl :71.1115ffiNffiffr--- Privately Initiated Map A Project Number CPA-2015-0002 Applicant: Patricia Abraham 1920 N Greenacres Rd Spokane Valley; WA 99016 Application Description Change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for parcels 45124.0203 and 45124.0151 from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Center Comprehnnrivr, Nan Amendments 2 CO U and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ---s � y. F ascsii5gontrry Ar ^'- Vicinity N. Property consists of 0 , -,&IH+n, Adv i mar ilipid Ay ti �iiehkelll[AY 0 P73.56 acres 1:llax.dr _A. t Indian• A.10 , 0 A1.11,k 0 u AY' .. a. 8iirlwin AV S .Am ridr e'Rt Site - I.. h 1,111 J..,a.Ar. mora"AY 11151M IA SA n: F. P n SPOK LLEY �. .:4_ 4ti _ r Mitsi '.Ar. _ r. a NI n I ' 0 a •� , SSS aP i< - paw, ICC IP Els-5,,.t dl 7@r 5 nlr5 Ac s m '13 ' ` r. is ialda nM _ - .- c�tal5i� ON _ irij iN - Rrfild Sva}At' 4_. _. " — iprh.glimld A, _.. Hrnnd4VdY AY Comprehensive Non Amendments 3 „,..,...._......"....... y>aneva„L„,, commuNrrif and ECONOMIC DEVE PiI ENTYom. s�i1a-.�C� a r f Aerial * a F ..LL 51473:14N` . Map 1 '.i o 30r1112.4 0. \ . r, . .ai aa, — 0 .. 11 dr IP M Hors by ' 10 V ° arfalrog - - I1 ',1' a , s I, ILIII651 4J 14 s i -7'451 001' .. -3142 _ C:11) ,,,,, ,.: - _ .. Mission Ph I oto is�l v �— • r. n ,..CE . . . f5134 11116• f, ' ' q. --'�` C_ornprehcnnive Plan Arnercl Brits 4 . cOMMUNITYand EcON MI REVEL PMENT 7Iffil"Friforii, Mission Ave I Flora Rd Looking west at the site Roundabout Amendment Site =y •w - , ; -I // lir n` a. �+`` _ =. , , moi` .. 3 •� r a - w. P. I _�•,.' .,a i. yea y 1 t Tt .. ' ,y y ....,4s..., SOO-ham C ......... valley, OMMUNITY and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .J3Lviacii\I 1 , Comprehensive Plan Map -A, , 4 -. 1 ! %J. i'l - ..., 4 , i__, i ..f., 1 1.H , ..., , 1 ,. ., ___11 ViernISS3 ' MI Of , /7:- 1 r " 1 wp3 1.344 0 ----"7' 1 ,_ -05/2-1"014-1 i..=..__=. _ ,_...r____.:.., In :__ _1211-Ili'—'65g j'—'3 •[ 5501:109 i - -4 r!I 10 1 ..:_ii.9,1:71477 _ 1 i 930731450 l' --. \ 1517.1 illS? 1 'q ‘ 'I , i I i 1, , _ I „Irk...pus.1,na 4S12,4also I I 1 '-MA/' ensi de- -ia ' —13'—'111_Re41 1.11 4612,1.11138 1512i Gall ,La .`,--1 ', 1.1 in -_ I--,-- i1-----1 1 1.1 -... , ... ... % 0I1 ) dUse Center 4 5J24 004 2 ,.`e i I I —1 5513733112 ill. II r I ii _. __ ,, ... .„. „..or, P - - _ -- 1 0, ,i,„. _ --, I L 1 1 i '-'' 1',., ri 1r— t< I 1 III 1 'iiii 451.mour . , , . v..■. -.': P. 1 li , ...L,i UM 45131 IUDS Flihrl.11,or c-,„t" 41-11.0L9 I r 1 MIMI __.01,31.4411., Fil___— II LI; I' • — - il, 1 5522- nem -ImMimni!....77 - -irri1111:i Av_ Comprehensive Plan Amendments 6 siiro- COMMUNITY and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ......*Vaiiey. - DWISION • 1, E __4^!, Zo n i ng M a p r....---- '''' 15121 0.1.15 Ei..1 ..„7_ =.,.=:.- 7-.:_ .1. -Ir—1 4 ,;.• 1 :. , — _., . . ....7 1:,1-k I - - --- R-3 -:,:-•-i 1 j• r----I ,.....,,,,,,, , —1-, ; 4517481411 :- .-.. ..-- :'- _.;-= =-7:L= _1-..---- 1'-'—-1=1 . - .- _. _ _ -,----6.- - 7---1 i! 1 1 14 I "I 4 - tl—"— 550701.0A I .1 . - - k$101.111-90 , -L7.--•.'" _---= 7. ! R:r r.o.,. bitillii ' 4474 Di Mk 512.0151 ,_ . 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F�; IE ti N°. . ,r-Ak... . < '11010r- . .. a:.=,,--'4-_;, 1.=.1--17L.. �`_ _ 4 ti Crit .rcliersive Plan Amendments 8 t.61'ane COMMUNM'and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Questions ? Comprehensive Plan Amendments Permitted Uses in Single-family Residential CR-31 and Mixed Use Center (MUC Zones Use Category/Type R-3 MUC Supplemental Regulations Beekeeping, hobby 5 SVMC 19.10.150(C) Produce may be sold pursuant to Community garden 5 S RCNJ 36.71.090 as adopted or amended Kennel S Sec zoning districts for conditions Radio/IV broadcasting studio P Repeater facility P TeIeccmniwicatior wireless antenna array S 5 Chapter 22.12DSVMC Telecommunication wireless support tower C 5 Chapter 22,120 SVMC Tower, ham operator 5 S SVMC 19.40.110(A) Community hall, club, or lodge P Church, temple, mosque, synagogue and P €' house of worship Day care, adult P P Day care, child {12 children or fewer P P Day care, child (13 children or more) C P Schools,college or university P schools, K through 12 P P Schools, professional, vocational and trade schools Permitted Uses in Single-family Residential (R-3) and Mixed Use Center (MUC Zones Use Category/Type R-3 MUC Supplemental Regulations Assembly, light p Plastic injection molding,thermoplastic P Laboratories(bio safety level 2) P Bed and breakfast P Hotel/motel P Ambulance service P Hosprtar P Hospital, psychiatric and substance abuse R. R Hospital, specialty Laboratories, medical and diagnostic P Medical, dental,and hospital equipment supply/sales 1. Primary access shall he on an arterial;aiid Medical/dental clinic P 2. Building size shall riot exceed 20%of the lot square footage. Office, professional P Cemetery P Golf course 5 � Chapter 22.60 SVMC Golf driving range C P Chapter 22.60 SV C Permitted Uses in Single-family Residential (R-3) and Mixed Use Center (NiUC Zones Use Category/Type R-3 MUC Supplemental Regulations Candy and confectionery P Clothes retail sales F Convenience store P SVMC 19,60.Q2t1 Floor area limited to 50,000 sq.ft. Department/variety store P or less Educatiorar and hobby store P Florist shop P Food sales, specialty/butcher shop/meat SVMC 19.60.41140(13){3) market/specialty foods General sales/service P Gift shop P Grocery store l} SVMC 19.6O.04Q(B)(3) Office supply and computer sales P Landscape materials sales lot and greenhouse, nursery,garden center, retail Marijuana sales S. Chapter 19.85 SVMC Market, outdoor P Pawn shop P Pharmacy P Permitted Uses in Single-family Residential (R-3)and Mixed Use Center (MUC Zones Use Category/Type R-3 NICK Supplemental Regul otion5 Catalog and mail order houses P Storage,general indoors P Storage,general outdoors 5 See zoning districts for conditions storage,self-service facility P SVMC 25,40.060,Chapter 21.30 Tank storage, LPG above ground 5 SVMC Warehouse Wholesale business p 4-vu-v- l 'kCk, ,bveL ry North Greenacres Neighborhood Petition in Support of Cormprehensivc Plan .Amendmentt 2015 - D002 ( Pre-41(Th --L) North Greenacres Neighborhood Petition Petition summary and Property owned by Jayne Courchaine was planned to put in rental spaces For manufactured homes. This was intended for background an elderly park but with changes in community adjacent to the south and west with high density apartments and increased traffic, this would be undesirable for the community. They are seeking the Comprehensive plan amendment in order to put irr Storage Buildings that would provide Income without creating neighborhood density and a hardship with more traffic. These buildings will be designed to fit with residential housing so it blends with the neighborhood. The next apartment phase starting this summer on Flora and the Mission Parkway will be adding almost 400 more apartments. In order to best utilize their property and safeguard the neighborhood this zoning to MUC would be a better fit. Mrs. Courchaine and her daughter's family the Abraham's currently live with their children in this neighborhood and have come up with this use to fit with the existing neighborhood Action petitioned for We,the undersigned, are residents of North Greenacres Neighborhood who urge our city Council to allow this Comprehensive Plan Amendment to be approved. We understand that Storage Units is one of many uses within this zoning but it is offset by the long term community involvement of this family and their integrity. Printed Name Signature Address Comment Date f}yJff^ j{//' ffffff 44.26:Z fff(ffJ(J� ° it J +j fJ/f[} / r 1,f r ' r I f/ 'lr4I 11j(4', 3 47,-:V . Cr J L.}fre C-4-(J' -Y{ •C 1 t• f + j+ ^ �jj��(J /'{y I 1 / r } f , .r `ffYiJ G^ zr ^ Lr �' 4- 1, ,_y, c;V. U -'17 N. ori gc,I +- ,rte 1 kild-ir mii. g cr\ IMIMINEIMMIIMMI r f i " CA, -. 1 ;.•..„ 11111 fti, '...545- ' ''reemaces )6/, ii9 Ivor NM , , I , , - ---,aria, ,Ai .e, ', . ,,,7' A 1111=11 , Ai- ,___ Aidil .6.AL. , Air NA I A 1 , ,t 01167°1—' i •i L t':').126 )Psr-49,--- Lta) moor= mmioniv_ i_ -r- ex,r_linumilini b P , 64--a-r-di- - W ,./16. im r --E 11 Laa 51,1117M • , f 7 s J North Greenacres Neighborhood_Petition in Support of Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2015 - 00O2 Printed Name Signature Address Comment Date � ' ! + .4.h Th•: rat id M rear•{-, ` 12, Lz'`_ a v i �0 4 -27'-i-' -�fk 2! � tsr,t vo ■ -� I"'b Aaoki ej 12/26(' - 1,--( K,,,,,,1 „4,- ir, Avv- -_7 (S_ ilarea ealek-- 7 -; / i i) ,Wi2,brfl-- , � :, } ]._ -is _d ! , tie6r1 O & - - i : ,- 5( ' . r,;;. 1/1 .; /...1..• -/kidg f'7 111 F- ' racoctua l'I' . 0 67 1 kvibr 41746' g r,,,.. tar • - rkki Effi ' J5i-,11.3 All (-)22,4,) 44 (P a b 10-.44r 1-1171/45 801 I.g ! 7 f i / . oci.d / - ' at4" j,r f -C; /J 7 l5 t\I'M Has *-, - 102_ Li MOVUZU V o1 112A-i1G if - - . ' -k"\,ca . .,.._ a ,m ..,k k,--(L__ L . JS t'--- '-.. 2. ilk Alitir A , ir , INM, / -,f—, 1 it- - KalliMPA41- --' 1.1 f Ii/r /442,-A' 4 ► 2'9,76 /11 Cv.z1,4•..;- cams •c ': >-- ;771.2-5717 -- . - ,J o L . / ",, - .1r.-,rte 4, LI-1 - t ( (-1- + _ 0 a0 d1 e. ill : : °� • , ' .�\ . , "cif � ti . Alt y'.' .'i1.. ! , _ �� _'+� , ,y # -'•V''''-' ' ''' t r a a -u� -`r'-� -4 Spokane County ;'p" fir° ,—■ t ,y L N -, - m i - ('O f:3 Fid, i1C +* . 7.°�� r GPM Sullivan Rd .,I �4 • H t • o. t s'�t °. er �! . .�Uc- is::a,:;-. yi y She submitted lar - 1; Y • • , I, �T_. s _ _ 1�F r `� , -. �hiineral Lanris , !q f 9 y C7 S:9na9a�an r a .w. Bath sites reclaimeel and no 1'-'`"2,': _ .�. 4 -. ©Nn Mining Permits. CPM �! ,f r p f � tr' _ 3 Yardley site has nal teen �r.' • .T `+ e, R �` ,� —. ......„'Z--;-'''''''swr , '' .._ -_Honed Dui over 24 years.. �, 1rs r k .� �r R M5 • • .i..(40, -•i - - T ° ° CPM Pak Rd site t� ,' t Fl_ s1 �• _ .ii �° �I submilled for - �_ ' • 4° -" il: �1 r -.' •a .pr 1 - ,+�rs�, °i. a • F , _, Mineral Lands ?-1" �i:. F' ya,41•4•.%-,;:,.}r f"° ':d]6Slgnailt]la '9, It ; ;a J A'+,f - ( ♦ ' h $ L..!.• -"--C its 3 s - ��� . i %° �Y— ■ As - FFP"�F 'A.. • r .- -. t. -. �I - Owned : w r 1] by f j Spokane County .. e +., • ,,, w r s�°a -Uk liiias O pk.tor .1. 3I" a h, •,-• • S1arrnwater k. A' 5ti r #. r • rriF _ -Mana.pmeni CPr 1 VII&Havana and®ih a t Carnahan sites hath'submined for , ' 'r'r" _^ ... .. Mineral Lands De5ign3Yian ' : f. , ,4 . yr. , ,, e 4 - f .. , : : i , e7 ` Li • • • .n • y • l - a, - r * r, 7u�es'k, a , ��'ast7� sZ .- k ° '1°4 _ k' .` -- . s.L _ Ill y 'LT+' •... t .-' Inland Asphakr Inert ,x....4111:,-. iiir - ➢ �* ,,., rrt , J ..� , cU Landfill no Mining � ' ` Y� 1 .„.�1t 9R' ' A11 s4 ,.li` M` ' ”`" . .:1�., PeerrrGk yr F+iinirpg • ...i4.- r I. -=- ....... .w "y�� ,r' ' actiuitlas for 20 a ° . .I C� �R Ire , �✓1° rI.FI t , • 10.11 ,,• : W ,+ ' '�4 ;- 1 ` 5.p ` .r -yyy d L y . ���i. . DNR Permits in CSV a i _ ,. e . -, ♦ - 'r Ips _ , �y: •" * 1' Y a. I '7.1:1".7141,1.,, 7- ' 1 rLI ' ' ! _'' 6 - -,k ip , aw ; �r• ° - [- �`. "!F _ r -rCa'{ 1.'x:1} i., •• - - a . �■ k .c y -• p " til p d_ e fp # • yF_ { .I6 j ... `d `-, lir ti. -}i i� �, Ii•i4 'Y. - a�y ."lt..,',10 {� + ' 1 h ' 1 y�ii . r, '.-� , . . *_ I I o. Co. Flora Road d@i.,7 - a `F • 1 .,, L a°�i ,;I � _ a l .-Yt + off �'..• F — Sullivan • :V a • _ •. I Pari Road - ;o t ■. i • r' a " ' I Y.: p 1 yam, if« J aF .� +',. nth Havana CPM 8th & Carnahan 3, R �:. CPM 4 - - .* v 4 - S.f .- . ,e. , yp. (.7{�" i . r�,L . rp t •`-' .,til;'.+ 5,, y,9r`'. •, r ■Y ii ': ydl.: r- A R f .. y,, ♦. S 7•. Ij i,Y '_ • r "4 1F 4,'" ;: r,, • ;. �a }` °'. R'_.i1 p ink? ". ' C p , 1• Z'— , I • ° yr r } 1` • ' av " /• • '' 1rJf a ! + • JIM p ,� e Item 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 28, 2015 Department Director Approval: ID Check all that apply: ❑consent 1T old business new business ❑ public hearing information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Bid Award for Broadway Avenue Storm Drain Retrofits GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 90.48, Chapter .173-200 WAC, Title 33 U.S.C. 1251-1376; Storm and Surface VVater Utility. SVMC 3.80; Aquifer Protection Area Fund: RCW 36.36. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan 2014-2019, May 28, 2013. Directed staff to proceed with retrofit-only option on January 6, 2015. BACKGROUND: The Broadway Avenue Storm Drain Retrofit is a Department of Ecology stormwater grant funded project. The intent is to retrofit or eliminate several direct-injection drywells along Broadway Avenue between Havana and Fancher Roads. The City applied for Ecology starrnwater grants in June 2013. Broadway was not selected during the first round of awards, but additional funding became available in May 2014 and this project was awarded funding. Final grant documents were finalized in August 2014. Staff received approval from the Department of Ecology for the retrofit design on April 6, 2015, which allowed us to move forward with the construction phase. The project was advertised for public bids on April 10 and April 17, 2015, with a bid opening date of April 27, 2015. OPTIONS: 1) Award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, 2) Not award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, or 3) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to award the Broadway Avenue Storm Drain Retrofits project to Sandry Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $444,877.00 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Preliminary construction estimate of $1,300,000 for improvements, with up to $975,000 reimbursed by the Department of Ecology. STAFF CONTACT: Eric Guth Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulations to be provided at the Council meeting BID IOADWABY AVE.SDRETROFITSS""okane - CIP PROJECT#0197,BID 4 15-034 p -.°BID OPENING-10:00 a.m.,April 27,2015 jVal ley' �` 240-2DI5- Engineer's Estimate Sandry Construction L&L Cargile,Inc Red Diamond Cameron-Reilly,LLC. T.LaRiviere Equipment& ASCORP dba DEBCO Company,Inc Construction,Inc. Excavation,Inc. CONSTRUCTION ITEM ITEM Unit Total Qty. Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost BIDSCHEDULE -',AFL '.�-Aoki, 101 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $ 40,635.70 $ 40.635.70 $ 14,944.00 $ 14,944.00 9 39,349.00 5 39.349.00 $ 51,700.00 $ 51,700.00 5 24,042,00 $ 24,042.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 60,000.00 5 60,000,00 102 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 8,036.00 5 8,035.00 9 10,900.00 $ 10,900.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 19,500.00 $ 19,500.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 103 SPCC PLAN LS 1 0 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 50.00 5 50.00 $ 300,00 $ 300,00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 593.00 5 993.00 104 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING LS 1 3 5,000.00 $ 5,000,00 $ 3,850.00 $ 3,850.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 6,300.00 5 6,300.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 3,000.00 5 3.00000 105 SAWCUT ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT LF-IN 9,000 $ 1,00 $ 9,000.00 $ 1.00 $ 9,000.00 0 0,30 5 2,700.00 $ 0.30 $ 2,700.00 8 1.00 $ 9,000.00 5 0.48 $ 4,320.00 $ 0.21 $ 1,890.00 106 REMOVE ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT SY 750 $ 8.00 $ 6,000.00 9 7.00 $ 5,250.00 $ 12.20 $ 9,150.00 $ 4.00 $ 3,000,00 $ 10.00 $ 7,500.00 5 3.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 8.00 $ 6,000.00 107 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER LF 680 $ 10.00 5 6,800.00 S 13.00 $ 5,840.00 $ 10.50 $ 7,140.00 $ 4.00 $ 2,720.00 $ 7.00 $ 4,760,00 $ 12,00 $ 8,160.00 $ 5.00 $ 3,400.00 108 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK/DRIVEWAYAPPROF SY 180 $ 10,00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,00 9 180.00 $ 9.75 $ 1,755.00 3 6.00 $ 1,080.00 $ 10,00 $ 1,800.00 $ 11.00 $ 1,980.00 $ 22,00 $ 3,960.00 109 TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM LS 1 $ 1,000.00 9 1,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500,00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 5 2,000.00 8 2,000.00 110 ABANDON DRYWELL EA 12 $ 500.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 430.00 $ 5,160.00 $ 500,00 $ 6,000.00 5 300.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 500.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 450,00 $ 5,400.00 5 1,000.00 9 12,000.00 111 REMOVE EXISTING CATCHBASIN EA 2 $ 400.00 $ 800.00 $ 430.00 $ 860.00 $ 280.00 $ 560,00 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ 500,00 5 1,000,00 $ 400.00 $ 800.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 112 REMOVE FENCE LF 650 $ 5.00 $ 3,250.00 6 2.00 8 1,300.00 $ 3.00 $ 1,950,00 3 2.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 10.00 5 6,500.00 $ 7.00 $ 4,550,00 $ 3.00 $ 1,950.00 113 CATCHRASIN TYPE 1 EA 26 $ 1,500.00 3 39,000.00 $ 2,032.0D $ 52,832.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 41,600.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 31,200.00 § 1,800.00 $ 46,800.00 $ 1,800.00 § 46,800.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 52,000,00 114 CATCHBASIN TYPE 2,48 IN.DIAM.,WSDOT EA 4 $ 2,500.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 3,154.00 $ 12,616.00 $ 2,950.00 $ 11,800.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 8,400.00 $ 3,100.00 $ 12,400.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 8,400.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 16,000.00 115 CONTECH STORMFILTER UNIT,96 IN.DIAM. EA 3 $ 33,000.00 $ 99,000.00 $ 26.577,00 $ 79,731.00 $ 26,720.00 $ 80,160.00 S 39,000.00 $ 117,000,00 $ 25,000,00 $ 75,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 135,000.00 $ 34,000.00 $ 102,000.00 116 PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL TYPE B WITH SOLID COVER EA 6 $ 2,500.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 3,231.00 $ 19,386.00 $ 4,980.00 $ 29,880,00 $ 3,100.00 $ 18,600.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 25,200.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 12,600.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 18,000.00 117 PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL TYPE B WITH TYPE 4 GRATE EA 2 $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 0 3,231.00 8 6,462.00 $ 4,175.00 $ 8,350.00 $ 3,200,00 $ 6,400.00 $ 4,200,00 $ 8,400.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 7,000.00 118 SOLID WALL PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 10 IN,DIAM, LF 480 $ 35.00 $ 16,800.00 $ 52.00 5 24,960.00 $ 26.50 $ 12,720.00 $ 30.00 $ 14,400.00 $ 40.00 $ 19,200.00 $ 48.00 $ 23,040.00 $ 70.00 $ 33,600.00 119 SOLID WALL PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 1216.DIAM. LF 24 $ 40,00 $ 960.00 $ 68.00 $ 1,632.00 0 30.00 8 720.00 $ 34.00 $ 816.00 $ 45.00 $ 1,080.00 $ 52.00 $ 1,248.00 $ 90.00 8 2,160.00 120 0.1.STORM SEWER PIPE 121N.DIAM. LF 30 3 50.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 89.00 $ 2,670,00 $ 58.00 $ 1,740.00 $ 48.00 $ 1,440.00 $ 75.00 0 2,250.00 $ 55.00 $ 1,650.00 $ 150.00 $ 4,500,00 121 STORM DRAIN ENCASEMENT LF 30 $ 20,00 $ 500.00 8 79.00 $ 2.370.0D $ 82.60 $ 2,478.00 9 50.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 75.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 35.00 $ 1,05000 $ 40.00 $ 1,200.00 122 SPILL CONTROL SEPARATOR EA 26 $ 500.00 $ 13,000,00 5 333.00 $ 8,658.00 $ 44000 $ 11,440.00 $ 200,00 $ 5,200.00 $ 500.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 225.00 $ 5,850.00 $ 800.00 $ 20,800.00 123 CONNECTION TO EXISTING DRYWELL EA 20 $ 500.00 $ 10,000.00 8 508.00 5 10,180.00 $ 924.00 3 18,480.00 $ 500,00 $ 10,000,00 $ 1,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 150.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 450.00 $ 9,000.00 124 ADJUST EXIST.DRYWELL EA 1 a 300.00 $ 300.00 8 86000 $ 860.00 5 452.00 $ 452.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000,00 $ 550.00 $ 550.00 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 125 REPLACE FRAME&GRATE INCL.ADJUST. EA 20 $ 000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 364.00 9 7,280.00 $ 1,025.00 $ 20,500.00 $ 700.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 550.00 5 11,000.00 $ 650.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 600.00 $ 12,000.00 126 ADJUST EXIST.GAS VALVE EA 2 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 $ 215.00 0 430.00 $ 335.00 $ 870.00 $ 200,00 $ 400.00 5 250.00 $ 500.0D $ 300.00 9 600.00 5 300.00 $ 600.00 127 ADJUST EXIST.WATER VALVE EA 2 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 $ 215.00 $ 430.00 $ 335.00 $ 670.00 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $ 250.00 $ 500.00 $ 300.00 5 600.00 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 128 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE,4 IN.DEPTH SY 25 S 10.00 $ 250,00 $ 6.00 $ 150.00 $ 12.00 $ 300.00 0 9.00 $ 225.00 0 14,00 $ 350.00 $ 100.00 5 2,500.00 $ 23.00 $ 575.00 129 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE,6 IN.DEPTH SY 750 $ 12.00 $ 9,000.02 S 2.00 $ 1.500.00 $ 13.70 $ 10,275.00 $ 9.75 $ 7,312.50 $ 12.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 15,00 $ 11,250.00 $ 15.00 $ 11,250.00 130 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER LF 670 $ 20.00 $ 13,400.00 $ 24.00 $ 16,080.00 $ 18.00 $ 12,060.00 $ 26.00 $ 17,420.00 $ 24.00 $ 16,080.00 $ 18.00 0 12,060.00 $ 40,00 0 26,800.00 131 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB TYPE A LF 675 9 15.00 $ 10,125.00 $ 24.00 $ 16,200.00 $ 17.00 $ 11,475.00 $ 16.50 $ 11,137.50 $ 22.00 $ 14,850.00 $ 16.00 $ 10,800.00 $ 20.00 S 13,500.00 132 CURB INLET TYPE 2 WITH LID AND FRAME EA 3 $ 1,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 2,282.00 $ 6,846.00 $ 2,089,00 $ 6,267.00 5 1,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,200,00 5 600.0D $ 1,800.00 $ 7,000.00 5 21,000.00 133' CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK SY 370 $ 40.00 $ 14,800.00 $ 70.00 $ 25,900.0D 9 35.00 $ 12,950.00 9 37,00 $ 13,690.00 $ 45.00 $ 16,650.00 $ 36.00 $ 13,320.00 $ 60.00 $ 22,200.00 134 HMA CL 112-INCH,PG 64-28,MISC.AREAS SY 30 $ 30,00 5 900.00 $ 66.00 $ 1,980.00 $ 64,00 $ 1,920.00 $ 61.00 $ 1,830.00 $ 65,00 $ 1,950.00 8 60.00 5 1,600.00 $ 50.00 $ 1.500.00 135 HMA CL.1/2-INCH,PG64-28,0.50 FT.DEPTH SY 750 $ 50.00 $ 37,500.00 $ 46.00 § 34,500.00 5 50.00 $ 37,500.00 $ 48.00 9 36,000.00 $ 50.00 $ 37,500.00 $ 48.00 $ 36,000.00 3 50.00 $ 37,500.00 136 JOINT ADHESIVE LF 1.490 $ 2.00 $ 2,980.00 $ 2.00 5 2,980.00 9 1.60 $ 2,384,00 $ 1.60 9 2,364.00 $ 1.50 $ 2,235.00 $ 2.00 $ 2,980.00 $ 10,00 $ 14,900.00 137 SWALE EXCAV.INCL.HAUL CY 250 $ 20.00 $ 5,000.00 3 55.00 $ 13,750.00 5 17.50 $ 4,375.00 $ 12.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 65.00 $ 16,250.00 $ 12.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 50.00 $ 12,500.00 138 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REVISION/REMOVAL LS • 1 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 3,300.00 $ 3,300.00 $ 2,903,00 $ 2,903.00 $ 8,500.00 $ 8,500.00 $ 9,500.00 $ 9,500.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 6,000.00 139 QUARRY SPALLS SY 22 $ 20,00 $ 440,00 $ 61.00 $ 1,342.00 $ 19,50 $ 429.0D $ 15,00 $ 330.00 $ 30.00 $ 660.00 $ 50.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 80.00 $ 1,320.00 140 TOPSOIL TYPE C.0,33 FT.DEPTH SY 1,200 $ 4.00 $ 4,800.00 5 14.00 $ 16,800.00 $ 5.80 $ 6,960,00 $ 6.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 6.50 0 7,800.00 $ 7.00 $ 8,400,00 5 5.00 $ 6,000.00 141 SOD INSTALLATION SY 1,200 $ 5.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 3.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 6.70 $ 8,040,00 $ 8,30 $ 9,960.00 $ 9.25 $ 11,100.00 $ 9,00 $ 10,800,00 $ 10.00 $ 12,000.00 142 CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH TOP RAIL(FS-2) LF 550- $ 30.00 $ 19,500.00 $ 17,00 $ 11,050.00 $ 14.80 $ 9,620.00 $ 15.00 $ 9,750.00 $ 17.00 $ 11,050.00 $ 21.00 $ 13,650,00 $ 30.00 $ 19,500.00 143 JOB MIX COMPLIANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 $ 1,00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 3 1.00 $ 1,00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 144 COMPACTION PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 $ 1,00 S 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 5 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 0 1.00 $ 1,00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 Bid Schedule Total $ 447,342.70 $ 444,877.00 $ 451,174.00 $ 455,097.00 $ 481,609.00 $ 488,2 $ 615,500.00 T.15010mere Equipment& Bid Opening Checklist Sandry Construction Company,Inc L&LCarglle,Inc Red Diamond Construction,Inc. Cameron-ReIIN,LLC. Excavation,Inc. ASCORP dba DEUCO CONSTRUCTION CITY OF01111111°1111\11Bid Proposal Checklist YES YES YES YES YES YES pokaneProposal Form&Receipt of Addenda YES YES YES YES YES YES Valley, Contractor's Bidder iuisccatio Statement YES YES YES YES YES YES Bidder QuallRcation Statement YES YES YES YES YES YES Bidder Surety Bond Form or Cash Deposit YES YES YES YES YES YES Representations and Certifications YES YES YES YES YES YES Non-Collusion Declaration YES YES YES YES YES YES 1 of