1976, 02-18 Permit: L2653 ResidenceFarm 370R Bldg. OKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL' 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 and Use or Structure Permit Property Address Cheryl fret S. 2714 • NUMBER .L 2653 Group 1 Type V Zone Single Fam11yr Res. Permit'for.. -gist, . JS attach Owner A 4 R nt .rpr. ss I.Address RT g7, Spk n aet g9Z06 Phone 926'0755 Architect • Address Phone" Contractor t..9 f3 Enterprises, `y Address. / s Ufane 1(rt-e 9!205 ,\ Phone 9g2(rf7&5 Location Parcel -Re. 25-543-07£5 .,'Let 1r Jloc--k4, .Ttmber1�p Se 900 A jdttttD . Ninim ning -set-baekst front' -yard of --at least -2&', s-tde yard-ef a -J-east--5 , 10 fer--,�..story4UUlTGtng, 1-P--flenking--streets and'25' rear-yards---are--requ-tred, oto-more,:--1€-7-requir 4 by--Zent i,--tBull-din ?and/or -Fire -Codes. ---Srmrke--detec-tor--required--• - Bldg. Zone - 1 Fire Zone 3 Size of Lot _3,g4{x 73.4. x -1-26'{x-130' - . Sewage Septinaratt.Stories 1 MateriaLFrame Dimensions 22 -x24' 2-1x46m Sq. Ft 1#11$ - Valuation.$41.,.$5t}.,.0O . Rooms.......a._2_beths Basement._.agu.}1.Foundation concrete Chimney Fireplace 2.. Heating SystemeleG.,....f;.a, Certificate of Occupancy Issued for see -a a....Pluttbing..at141.-Heating-peatits..a't}--required. E/1141--STARE-OF j Remarks7cONNSTRTUCTION----must--ttave---inseeetions--ca let--forres--requir'ed--by-cader Must.-cpnf-on--;to --a147teunty-Code--requirements. Final inspection -must -be callec#-forrupe-complettanatd` --prfor--to--occupancy-of--residence. Munn.--eon-form--te--$1-1--£Our+ty-Co4e--requi4 Gnts-. al-l4S6-e --3675' .prier--te---- THIS R thO0 -aim. IT th Is granted upon e express condition PEion that the building or land use for which the permit iissued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinances of the County of Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings In Spokane County, and may be revoked' at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances. or ' failure of plans as approved. to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the issuance of the ,permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sign at the ' expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within-- from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authorized by .Building Official .• ` •BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Permit Expires February 103 1977 Fee Paid E 48.00 mme Date Issued 2/18/76 By Building INSPECTOR . V u ''Jr FOUPWAIIUt , ...2. STEEL' r _,C/Zi 4. LATHING FOAL .-.f+ 1 + Si - 6.:• GH{R1NE3;� t. o1'L.........entc• 5:�.'. ^s .1211 3 i!nl333 13 2 C11111132 1r r FIREPLACES •' -t ; . -t 1.1Il n e+ •I timioq , l noita 8. GAr del GE U v i'rnlvh n t r. aAosst el n baa itnvn0 r pt HEATING.su+ no't igrr: , re Li'r -1, ,i......i ,,. n7iti', -Isr. i :o • r.,93 .1iav iL.. SYSIi&- ;;r •.Is, ilio ; b: ,.r.^ 'r TV]. r eau_ ',t O. Mise HO" lel'. • t 1+a .o..0 s 4qY 6f ,qu •. si N9 , o- p., sdegL nc it o b1 fire Apmin ot zoclo 01 et -it hey1 nn.... ,Tl no!cu Ctz: n -ta s-u.u:N9. est is o:.I .mr., la wt {+>,7 b' -s;. dtl`h v k!• ,,-1_r. 'n -ay .ir,? .r-.1! nri .. �fi:: ,s;�5 a311. •sti ,.r• ....4. - 9 nail sisin