1991, 04-24 Permit: 91002041 ReroofSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W..1303 BROADWAY ANIENUE SPOKANE,_ WASHINGTON 99260 (50b) 456-3675 t I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the int ormation contained in it and eobmitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct. and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating a _construction, or as warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. . SIGNATURE OF •' - APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT - DATE PRO._;E.0 T -NUMBER== :,e?i.) *di'*didb*31dt'_hdB 3i kiti iid*d SITE • STREE-:T= 981 ADDRESS== Sr'Ci'r 100204 i ISSUI:i:D -PE:r MI -i - :DATE:=': 04/24/91 PAGE== 01 - ji' r>j;;:V�{i';.ET lvr!.11'tli!-1 L.LCIN., dpi-***dit.j**.tt.ii.**iir*** E BROADWAY AVE NE LIA 99202 PERMIT USE== RE -ROOF. RESIDENCE PLATO= t00'I1035 BLOCK= AREA== . OF :BLDG'S= _ OWNER= COCHRAIN , JEFFREY STREET= 1415 S WCICt;.it._AWN AVE - ADDRESS= :iF'OKANI::: WA .992.16 c. driedidfdf df di* PLAT NAME= OPP.TR:. i-�::i`.><"} • LOT= - ONE==. Lift J.? ! i}: ST'g:=: F/A= WIDTH= DEPTH:::: 1 DWELLINGS= WATER ;;:L,cr :::: , PHONE:: 509 . 2 _'. 20 CONTACT NAME= _JEFF: - COCHRAN ,:-:9_>i?y ' I PHONEPHONENI,I'I'•f:CiEp:�:= 9�.r r,;:,0 BL.;ILpING SETBACKS: FRONT= NA LEFT= NA RIGHT= NA REAR= f4i.j T �)i�'hi'L. ji..k..k.:n} dU ii� d4 di)i �i,i ji� #H* d,i df di 9@:u. jE.ii..h..)�} di�9i� ii -1; di� d,i 'BUILDING JF; I::. i�t l'1 I **-x ji..ii. jt: ai. ii..h..1t• ii' * *:n: ii- :a: d1:*******. CONTRACTOR= OWNER L..L.. UNI TS= i - �; w X- D ::: j PARK ING= REMODEL= OCCUP ED= :C:HANDTCAi- DESCRIPTION l:;RO!_;1 TYPE RE ROOF . - R-3 VN ITEM- i)ESCR:I:icri:ON...-QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT Y RESIDENT IAL. V'AI._Hr=,TION STATE. SURCHARGE COUNTY Y SL.i1R:f:1-1r=RC;E- .R, j4 * .7l..h.3* A: ii' fl' it")i it' di dT di' di'.'I PAYMENT DATE:. 04/24/91 TOTAL DUE= : PEi:Ftr1:ET I'YF'Ei: -• FEE AMC) LI i AMOUNT PAID At4OLitfT OWING PHONE= y ADD ITI. /ON= SPRINKLER= N CRITICAL MAT N • • CHANGE OF USE,: STORIES= VAL.UATIiON •• - 60C)00 F'E••IYV-iEENT 'SUMMARY RECE:Ir... _2'.r ;,].ti,] di dt• hi )i..k..x..k..}*:1..x..3..3*-)i..g..)i. *.* * .* * * .u..]i.... j... PAYMENT AMOUNT ..00 T'OT'AL. PAID= 45.10 BUILDING F'i_RMIT - 45.)0 45.10 :>0 PROCESSED )3Y PRINTED BY ::,i.ji.}t.ji..x.ji.ji.ji..M.ji.;4.y¢i JOHN LARSON JOHN LARSON I,. 3.3..n..It..It..n. ;K.:;t..n..i,: b: 45.:i0 45.i0. :.010' dt• ii..]i.:ri. Y ..:. IFiAN;i 7O).; 'n:'n: 'lhi@,jk T: jt jB it"nidi'9i':uii'di di")kridit"i49i 9i ii; j Ii -]i i4 h: -n