2015, 06-09 Regular Meeting AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT MEETING Tuesday,June 9,2015 6:00 p.m. Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E Sprague Avenue Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION: Pastor Darrell Cole,Living Hope Community Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: 1-90 Barker Interchange Presentation by Washington State Department of Transportation Representative Larry Larson COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT PROCLAMATION: PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except those on this agenda as action items. (Action items include public hearings, and those items under NEW BUSINESS. Public Comments will be taken on those items at the time those items are discussed.) When you come to the podium, please state your name and city residence for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed 2016-2021 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program — Steve Worley 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately.Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of vouchers on June 9,2015 Request for Council Action Form Totaling: $1,891,168.82 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending May 15,2015: $314,642.01 c. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending May 31,2015: $432,947.01 d. Approval of April 24,2015 Minutes of Council of Governments, Special Council e. Approval of May 12,2015 Minutes of Council Regular Meeting,Formal Format f. Approval of June 2,2016 Minutes of 5:00 p.m. Special Council Meeting NEW BUSINESS 3. Motion Consideration: 2016-2021 Stormwater Construction Improvement Plan—Eric Guth [public comment] 4. Motion Consideration: Comprehensive Plan Citizen Site Specific Amendment Requests— John Hohman [public comment] Council Agenda 06-09-15 Formal Format Meeting Page 1 of 2 PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except those on this agenda as action items. (Action items include public hearings, and those items under NEW BUSINESS. Public Comments will be taken on those items at the time those items are discussed.) When you come to the podium, please state your name and city residence for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 5. Proposed Comprehensive Plan Overlays and Text Amendments—John Hohman 6. Advance Agenda—Mayor Grafos INFORMATION ONLY: 7.Mansfield Avenue Connection Project# 0156 CITY MANAGER COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT General Meetinj'Schedule(meeting schedule is always subject to change) Regular Council meetings are generally held every Tuesday beginning at 6:00 p.m. The Formal meeting formats are generally held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. Formal meeting have time allocated for general public comments as well as comments after each action item. The Study Session formats(the less formal meeting)are generally held the 1st 3rd and Stn Tuesdays. Study Session formats DO NOT have time allocated for general public comments; but if action items are included, comments are permitted after those specific action items. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Council Agenda 06-09-15 Formal Format Meeting Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 9, 2015 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 1-90 / Barker Interchange GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) began studying the Barker Road interchange in 2013 through an Interchange Justification Report (IJR). This type of report is federally required if changes or modifications to interstate access are proposed, including improvements to existing interchanges. The study identified that congestion occurs during the existing conditions and that improvements are needed to accommodate the traffic volumes in the future. The study preliminarily looked at several options for improvements to the interchange resulting in the recommendation of a tight-diamond interchange with roundabout treatments on Barker Road. The study is in the process of obtaining State and Federal signatures of approval. Mr. Larry Larson is the WSDOT design project manager for the 1-90 / Barker Road interchange project. He is here to provide information on the Barker Road interchange and how this interchange fits in with the 1-90 system from Barker Road to the Idaho state line. OPTIONS: For Council Information RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: n/a BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Eric Guth, Public Works Director Sean Messner, Senior Traffic Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Presentation Barker to IdahoLinea e Update Lynn Peterson Cam Gilmour Keith A. Metcalf, P.E. Secretary Deputy Secretary Regional Administrator Eastern Region Larry Larson, PE Project Engineer — Eastern Region City of Spokane Valley June 9th 2015 Washiaisatur State Department of Transportation Practical Solutions - 190 Barker Road to Harvard Road Traditional Design Approach 1-90 Improvements • 20 year design life providing LOS D or • Reconstruct and widen 1-90 better • Purchase R/W for future 4th lane Q; Reconstruction of mainline and • Flatten horizontal curve at Appleway ,i,,:.. ! interchangeseAK'E Interchange Tirp. • $89 Million estimated project cost - ' i _- - . f i t . iiiii ii ZPI dim& , a _ Y ©RIK^Fl 1 -. r R - �L b Barker Road Improvements & Interchange < _ �_� reconstruction • Widen Barker to 5 lanes Harvard Interchange Revision/Improvements • Install double lane roundabouts • New Henry Road Crossing & ramps • Replace structure over I90 • Collector Distributor Eastbound • Realign Broadway • Remove Appleway Interchange • Improve bike and pedestrian access over 1-90 • Reconstruct Harvard Interchange Practical Solutions - 190 Barker Road to Harvard Road Practical Design Approach --- 1-90 Barker Road to Liberty Lake What immediate problems are we trying to solve? • Poor level of service at Barker and Harvard Road ramp terminals (Eastbound more critical) • 190 freight height restriction at Barker Road and Greenacres interchanges , • Consistency of future improvements funded by Liberty Lake with 1-90 current and future plans Cb '+ -,.� . , .. / % ,_• l , IF/ - ,- -"ter - � 1. Decisions Made Using Practical Design r • ¢f. ' • Delete 1-90 widening/reconstruction Project Cost Reduction • Delete R/W purchasingfor future needs j M '3 --,,Q4 Reduces estimate from $89 Other Practical Design Decisions Under Consideration Million to $45 Million Defer Barker Road bridge replacement (retains an 190 height restriction (Actual cost to WSDOT $25 for freight and no bike lanes across I90) Million after planned local Defer new ramps at Henry Road (negative impact on system circulation) contribution for Henry Rd.) Defer removal of Greenacres I/C structure over 1-90 (retains an 190 height restriction for freight) I; " ` . N . '', a.._,_,H.:.,e, ism s �f y t - 7 ' I • _ y f _ - •+ - �. J. .- tea, g. / J a: - - .. ' .# Po qty - v F� (. - >+ '''' ''''. '...:111"'-.:411':-Til' n ...7 • -.- \ I..- l'i,_,____IL ., ., f ._---- y-' ' ; #' f--1 , , ... .. ''_ _., `-' ,,,----. --,. .100. : .- -', ,,:, r; , ._-__:,_- _ � • N 1 a .', _''- �k p. / - a bac a o - 'i - . 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'. `t_ . ; r - Ask • gt7.:,:-.. _ :fr, 4:::rl'1 .1] i ' - .i-ril%.' ilti,..1: • iJ ,. ti .. .� I , r ,j `-''' �P - CAT D O ii9 ` .�� _�: %W.Ulf, OIL- to . rF*r.. A____§.. l ; .. i .' b' F - it # _ m e _ � `' ".' Next Steps: 1 . Finish Harvard/Henry Road IJR 2 . Determine roles and responsibilities for Harvard/Henry Road improvements 3 . Determine strategy for Barker Road Funding Challenge 4 . Consider minor improvement plans at Barker Road v0Washington State Department of Transportation 8 Questions? For more information on (Topic of Presentation ) Please contact: Larry Larson 509-323-8410 ti==" ta< . Ia rso I r@wsd ot.wa . g ov 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 9, 2015 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ® public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Draft 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010, Perpetual advanced six-year plans for coordinated transportation program expenditures. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Info Only RCA, April 28, 2015 and Admin Report on May 5, 2015 for the Draft 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP. BACKGROUND: The City is required by RCW 35.77.010 to prepare and after public hearing adopt a revised and extended comprehensive transportation program for the ensuing six calendar years. This plan must be submitted to the Washington State Department of Transportation by July 1St of each year. The attached draft Six-Year TIP incorporates comments from the Council discussion on May 5, 2015. The new projects added to the Draft 2016-2021 TIP include: Developer Driven Project: • Mirabeau Pkwy & Pines (SR-27) Traffic Signal Projects identified in the "University Rd Overpass Study"& "Sullivan Rd Corridor Traffic Study": • Mission & Pines (SR-27) Intersection Improvement Project • Sullivan-Trent (SR-290) to Wellesley Corridor Lighting • Argonne Rd & 1-90 IC Bridge Widening This year's TIP continues with an emphasis on street preservation projects in accordance with Council goals. Street Preservation Projects are included for each year in this six-year TIP. Staff reviewed historical funding levels for federal, state and City funds from the past five years to estimate projected funding levels available during the next six years. The Six-Year TIP is required to be financially constrained and reflect realistic expectations of annual funding levels. Other needed and worthwhile projects that do not fit within the amount of funding anticipated from state and federal grants and City revenues are listed in the document titled `Projects w/ No Currently Identified Local Match within Existing Resources'. OPTIONS: Public Hearing RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Public Hearing BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: As the proposed 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP is refined, staff will coordinate with the Finance Department regarding the city's ability to meet local match requirements. The City's match on federal and state funded projects is typically between 13.5% and 20%. An initial review of the projected REET funds through 2021 appears to indicate sufficient funds to provide the City's match for the recommended projects. STAFF CONTACT: Steve M. Worley, PE — Senior Capital Projects Engineer Eric Guth, PE - Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, Project Summary Sheets. Spokane Valley City of Spokane Valley Public Works Department " DRAFT" 2016 - 2021 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 6-9-2015 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2016 - 2021 Six-Year Spokane Transportation Improvement Program l . Valley Glossary & Abbreviations Funding Sources: • ARRA American Recovery & Reinvestment Act • BR Bridge Replacement Program Funding Status: • City City Funds • S Project Funding is Secured • CDBG Community Development Block Grant • P Project Funding is Planned. The Most • CMAQ Congestion Management/Air Quality Probable Funding Sources have been • Developers Private Developer Funds Identified. • EECBG Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant • FHWA Federal Highway Administration Project Phases: • FMSIB Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Program • PE Preliminary Engineering • HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program • RW Right-of-Way • HUD Housing & Urban Development • CN Construction • REET Real Estate Excise Tax • Other Fed Misc. Federal Funding Sources Construction Type: • Other RR Railroad Funding • PCC Portland Cement Concrete • Other State Misc. State Funding Sources • HMA Hot Mix Asphalt • SP TIB Sidewalk Program • ITS Intelligent Transportation System • SRTS Safe Routes to School (Integrated Traffic Signal Control Systems) • SW City Stormwater Funds • S/W Sidewalk • STA Spokane Transit Authority • STP(E) Surface Transportation Program (Enhancement) • STP(U) Surface Transportation Program (Urban) • TA Transportation Alternatives Street Functional Classifications: • TIB Transportation Improvement Board Urban: • UAP TIB Urban Arterial Program • 14 Principal Arterial • UCP TIB Urban Corridor Program • 16 Minor Arterial • WSDOT Washington Department of Transportation • 17 Collector Arterial • WTSC Washington Traffic Safety Commission • 19 Local Access • WUTC Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission ,,s,f. Draft 2016 - 2021 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program .Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 1 Sullivan Road West Bridge 0.08 0 0 5,064 5,064 BR 1,711 1,711 S City 536 536 FMSIB 600 600 Reconstruct and widen west(southbound)bridge Other 1,167 1,167 Fed TIB 1,050 1,050 Recv'd FMSIB, BR&TIB grants;City Project#0155 Project Total 5,064 5,064 2 Mission Ave. -Flora Rd. to Barker Rd. (PE/RW) 1 155 160 0 316 City 43 43 S STP(U) 273 273 Reconstruct with curb,sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities; PE&RW Funding Secured,(SRTC#09-01) City Project#0123, Project Total 316 316 3 Citywide Reflective Signal Backplates 0 0 0 72 72 City S HSIP 72 72 New Traffic Signal Backplates at 10 City Intersections 2015-2017 HSIP Grant Award Project Total 72 72 4 McDonald Rd ROAD DIET, 16th to Mission 2 28 0 545 574 HSIP 571 571 S City 3 3 Bike Lanes,traffic signal modifications,new ADA sidewalk ramps at traffic signals. Project Total 574 574 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/3/2015 Page 1 ,,Of 0111.\11 2016 - 2021 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program i Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 5 Seth Woodard Elem Sidewalk Imp, Mission& 0.25 42 0 319 361 City 30 30 p Park CDBG 331 331 Construct ADA sidewalk&curb ramps on the South side of Mission from Lily to Park,and along Park north along the school and E Spokane Grange frontage Project Total 361 361 6 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvements 0 39 12 422 472 City 12 211 223 P DEV 38 211 249 Intersection improvements to improve capacity Developer+City Partnership Project Total 50 422 472 7 2016 Street Preservation Project 0 100 0 2,100 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing,yearly Project Total 2,200 2,200 8 Appleway- Park to Dishman Mica Preservation 1.1 83 0 1,071 1,154 City 11 145 156 S STP(U) 72 926 998 Grind and Overlay,ADA Upgrades Funded with STP(U)funds. Project Total 83 1,071 1,154 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/3/2015 Page 2 ,,�f Draft 2016 - 2021 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program i Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 9 Appleway Trail-Pines to Evergreen 1 146 0 1,885 2,030 City 31 405 436 S STP(U) 69 901 970 TAP 45 579 624 Construct Shared Use Pathway along abandoned RR R-O-W Funded with STP(U)funds. Project Total 145 1,885 2,030 10 Fancher/BNSF RR Overpass Joint Repair 0 29 0 172 201 City 201 201 p Project Repair bridge expansion joints on RR overpass Project Total 201 201 11 Maribeau Pkwy&Pine(SR-27)Traffic Signal 0.1 30 0 320 350 City 350 350 P New Traffic Signal Traffic Signal PE&CN,beginning 2016 Project Total 350 350 12 2017 Street Preservation Project 0 100 0 2,100 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing,yearly Project Total 2,200 2,200 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/3/2015 Page 3 ,,Of 0111.\11111%. 2016 - 2021 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program i Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 13 Argonne-Broadway to Indiana 0.8 64 0 576 640 City 9 78 87 S STP(U) 55 498 553 Pavement Preservation-Grind and Overlay Funded with STP(U)funds. Project Total 64 576 640 14 Mission&Pines(SR-27) Intersection Imp Project 0.2 35 50 250 336 City 34 34 P HSIP 302 302 Intersection lane reconfiguration and ROW on East and West Approches on Mission Project Total 336 336 15 Opportunity Elementary, SRTS(Bowdish Road) 0.25 90 6 404 500 City 12 56 68 P TAP 79 353 432 Construct sidewalk along the east side of Bowdish from 8th to 12th,and along the south side of 11th from Bowdish to Wilbur TA Grant Application for 2018-2020 grant cycle Project Total 91 409 500 16 Sullivan/Euclid Concrete Intersection (RW/CN) 0 0 26 2,082 2,108 City 421 421 p TIB 1,687 1,687 Reconstruct intersection in concrete pavement PE Obligated 9/2010 Project Total 2,108 2,108 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/3/2015 Page 4 ,,0, Draft 2016 - 2021 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program i Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 17 North Sullivan ITS Project 1.75 105 0 809 914 City 14 109 123 S CMAQ 91 700 791 Extend ITS conduit and contols along Sullivan Corridor CMAQ Funded Project Total 105 809 914 18 Sullivan-Trent(SR-290)to Wellesley Corridor 0.3 90 50 600 740 City 12 62 74 p Lighting HSIP 104 562 666 Street lighting, ROW Project Total 116 624 740 19 Sullivan-Wellesley Intersection Imp Project 0.25 198 110 1,062 1,368 City 34 150 184 P CMAQ 218 966 1,184 Traffic Signal or Roundabout Project Total 252 1,116 1,368 20 2018 Street Preservation Project o 100 0 2,100 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing,yearly Project Total 2,200 2,200 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/3/2015 Page 5 ,,Of Draft 2016 - 2021 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program i Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 21 Appleway Trail-Evergreen to Sullivan 1 164 0 1,481 1,645 City 22 200 222 p CMAQ 142 1,281 1,423 Construct Shared Use Pathway along abandoned Railroad Right-of-Way Project Total 164 1,481 1,645 22 Appleway Trail- University Rd. to Balfour Park 0.5 100 130 520 750 City 32 70 102 P TAP 198 450 648 Extend Shared Use pathway to Balfour Park Project Total 230 520 750 23 Argonne Road Concrete Pavement- 1-90 to 0.25 512 0 3,211 3,723 City 102 642 744 p Montgomery TIB 410 2,569 2,979 Reconstruct pavement in concrete; OCI Mullan to Knox 24, OCI Knox to Montgomery 35(2014 Rpt) Project Total 512 3,211 3,723 24 Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project 1 140 30 830 1,000 City 152 848 1,000 P Infill gaps in Sidewalks and add sidewalks to access completed portions of the Appleway Trail. Project Total 152 848 1,000 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/3/2015 Page 6 ,,Of Draft 2016 - 2021 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program i Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 25 Evergreen Resurfacing-Mission Connector to 0.7 80 0 580 660 City 6 84 90 s Indiana STP(U) 34 536 570 Grind and inlay HMA, Bike Lane Positive Guidance thru the 1-90 EXIT 291-A Project Total 40 620 660 26 Sprague-Sullivan to Corbin Preservation 0.85 177 0 1,593 1,770 City 24 215 239 S STP(U) 153 1,378 1,531 Pavement Preservation,ADA upgrade Funded with STP(U)funds. Project Total 177 1,593 1,770 27 2019 Street Preservation Project 0 100 0 2,100 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing,yearly Project Total 2,200 2,200 28 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Concrete 0 0 0 1,703 1,703 City 230 230 p Intersections(CN Only) STP(U) 1,473 1,473 Reconstruct intersections in concrete pavement ROW Obligated 11/2013 Project Total 1,703 1,703 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/3/2015 Page 7 ,,Of Draft 2016 - 2021 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program i Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 29 Broadway Improvement Project- Flora to 0 543 500 4,163 5,206 City 159 883 1,042 p Barker TIB 634 3,530 4,164 Extend Broadway arterial to Barker Rd, Realign Broadway connection east of Barker 3-Lane Urban Section Project Total 793 4,413 5,206 30 Evergreen& Broadway ITS 2 206 80 1,584 1,870 City 36 217 253 P CMAQ 230 1,387 1,617 ITS along Broadway from Pines Rd(SR-27)to Evergreen,along Evergreen from Sprague to 16th Ave. 2018-2020 CMAQ Grant Application funding Project Total 266 1,604 1,870 31 Mission Ave. -Flora Rd. to Barker Rd. (CN) 1 0 0 3,697 3,701 City 499 499 P TIB 1,601 1,601 STP(U) 1,601 1,601 Widen&Overlay with curb,sidewalks,bike lanes and stormwater facilities Project Total 3,701 3,701 32 Park Road#2-Broadway to Indiana(RW&CN) 0.75 0 150 2,877 3,027 City 20 388 408 p STP(U) 130 2,489 2,619 Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with curb,sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities PE Funding 6/2009 Project Total 150 2,877 3,027 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/3/2015 Page 8 ,,0, Draft 2016 - 2021 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program i Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 33 Pines(SR27)/ BNSF Underpass-(PE only) 0 3,000 0 0 3,002 City 128 128 256 p Other 1,298 1,298 2,596 Fed Other- 75 75 150 RR Railroad underpass at Pines(SR-27)/BNSF/Trent Project Total 1,501 1,501 3,002 34 2020 Street Preservation Project 0 100 0 2,100 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing,yearly Project Total 2,200 2,200 35 Appleway Trail-Sullivan to Corbin 1.33 200 0 2,200 2,400 City 27 297 324 p CMAQ 173 1,903 2,076 Shared Use Path along Old Milwaukee R/R ROW Project Total 200 2,200 2,400 36 Barker Rd-Euclid to Flora Road 0.75 471 100 3,613 4,184 City 114 723 837 p TIB 457 2,890 3,347 Reconstruct Barker to 3-lane urban section Project Total 571 3,613 4,184 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/3/2015 Page 9 ,,Of Draft 2016 - 2021 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program i Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 37 Barker Rd Improvement Project-Appleway to I- 0.28 382 1,146 2,397 3,629 City 167 324 491 p 90 STP(U) 1,065 2,073 3,138 Widen and improve to 5-lane urban section, Roundabout @ Broadway, Realign east leg of Broadway Project Total 1,232 2,397 3,629 38 Barker Rd Improvements-South City Limits to 0.81 326 25 2,502 2,854 City 46 340 386 p Appleway TIB 293 2,175 2,468 Widen and Improve roadway to 3-lane urban section Project Total 339 2,515 2,854 39 2021 Street Preservation Project 0 100 0 2,100 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing,yearly Project Total 2,200 2,200 40 Argonne Rd& 1-90 IC Bridge Widening 0.1 800 0 0 800 City 160 160 p FMSIB 640 640 Widen Argonne Rd Bridge to 3 Lanes,SB. New 12' sidewalks. Project Total 800 800 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/3/2015 Page 10 ,,Of Draft 2016 - 2021 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program i Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 41 Barker Rd Improvement Project-Spokane 0.53 378 25 0 403 City 52 52 p River to Euclid TIB 322 322 DEV 29 29 Reconstruct and widen to 3-lane urban section Developer Funds Rec'd 6/2014,$29,500 Project Total 403 403 42 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation 0.5 1,538 450 0 1,988 City 308 308 P Other 180 180 Fed Other 1,500 1,500 State Construct Grade Separation at Barker/BNSF RR/Trent(SR290) Other- RR Other Fed FY09 Federal Earmark for$720K,20%of CN(up to$10M)received from FMSIB FMSIB Project Total 1,988 1,988 Totals: 10,751 3,050 61,204 75,004 9,416 6,422 7,712 20,112 14,937 16,116 74,715 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/3/2015 Page 11 Sp" Of Draft 2016 - 2021 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Walley Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Totals Secured Projects Planned Projects Totals Year Federal State Other City Total Federal State Other City Total Federal State Other City Total 2016 $3,980 $1,650 $0 $624 $6,254 $331 $0 $38 $2,793 $3,162 $4,311 $1,650 $38 $3,417 $9,416 2017 $1,072 $0 $0 $168 $1,240 $406 $1,687 $211 $2,878 $5,182 $1,478 $1,687 $211 $3,046 $6,422 2018 $2,865 $0 $0 $622 $3,487 $1,199 $410 $0 $2,616 $4,225 $4,064 $410 $0 $3,238 $7,712 2019 $1,914 $0 $0 $299 $2,213 $7,782 $4,804 $75 $5,238 $17,899 $9,696 $4,804 $75 $5,537 $20,112 2020 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,412 $4,280 $75 $4,170 $14,937 $6,412 $4,280 $75 $4,170 $14,937 2021 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,156 $7,527 $29 $4,404 $16,116 $4,156 $7,527 $29 $4,404 $16,116 Total $9,831 $1,650 $0 $1,713 $13,194 $20,286 $18,708 $428 $22,099 $61,521 $30,117 $20,358 $428 $23,812 $74,715 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/3/2015 Page 1 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects w/No Currently Identified Local Match Within Existing Resources Dollars in Thousands Project Name Description Total Cost Wellesley Realignment @ Realign connection of Wellesley to Barker Rd and $5,187 Barker/SR290 SR290, 3-lane section, Part of Barker/BNSF Grade Separation Bowdish Road-16th to Sprague Sprague to 8th: Inlay&Enhancement;8th to $2,858 16th: Reconstruct as 2-lane section w/curb, sidewalk, bike lanes and new stormwater facilities Bowdish Road-24th to 16th Reconstruct Roadway as 2-lane section w/curb, $2,846 sidewalk and new stormwater facilities; Bowdish Road-32nd to 24th Reconstruct Roadway as 2-lane section w/curb, $2,637 sidewalk and new stormwater facilities; Bowdish Sidewalk- 12th to 16th Construct Sidewalk along both sides of Bowdish $557 Park Road#2 Sidewalk Project- Construct sidewalk along one side of Park Road $143 Marietta Ave.to Buckeye Ave. and 160-ft gap on north side of Buckeye Ave east of Park Road Park Road/BNSF Grade Separation Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of $18,993 Park Road and the BNSF railroad tracks. Pavement Management Program- Annual street preservation projects $11,664 Local Access Pines(SR27)/BNSF Underpass Construct grade separation at Pines Rd(SR-27)/ $17,184 (RW,CN Only) Trent Ave(SR 290)/BNSF RR Pines Corridor ITS-Sprague to 16th Traffic Signal Control System for Corridor $785 Sprague/Argonne-Mullan Concrete Reconstruct intersections in concrete pavement $2,342 Intersections Sprague/Fancher Concrete Reconstruct Intersection in concrete pavement $1,572 Intersection Sprague/Thierman Concrete Reconstruct intersection in concrete pavement $1,243 Intersection Sprague/University Concrete Reconstruct intersection in concrete pavement. $1,660 Intersection Sullivan/Kiernan Concrete Reconstruct Intersection in concrete pavement $1,423 Intersection Sullivan/Marietta Concrete Reconstruct intersection in concrete pavement $1,493 Intersection Sullivan Rd/BNSF Grade Upgrade and widen grade separation at $16,150 Separation Improvements Sullivan/BNSF/Trent(SR290) Totals: $88,737 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 1 of 1 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects Listed by Category for the 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Arterial Improvements Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Mission Ave.-Flora Rd.to Barker Reconstruct with curb,sidewalks, 2016 $43 $316 Rd.(PE/RW) bike lanes and stormwater facilities; Sullivan-Wellesley Intersection Imp Traffic Signal or Roundabout 2018 $184 $1,368 Project Broadway Improvement Project- Extend Broadway arterial to Barker 2019 $1,042 $5,206 Flora to Barker Rd, Realign Broadway connection east of Barker Mission Ave.-Flora Rd.to Barker Widen&Overlay with curb, 2019 $499 $3,701 Rd. (CN) sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities Park Road#2-Broadway to Indiana Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with 2019 $408 $3,027 (RW&CN) curb,sidewalks,bike lanes and stormwater facilities Pines(SR27)/BNSF Underpass- Railroad underpass at Pines(SR-27) 2019 $256 $3,002 (PE only) /BNSF/Trent Barker Rd-Euclid to Flora Road Reconstruct Barker to 3-lane urban 2020 $837 $4,184 section Barker Rd Improvement Project- Widen and improve to 5-lane urban 2020 $491 $3,629 Appleway to 1-90 section, Roundabout @ Broadway, Realign east leg of Broadway Barker Rd Improvements-South City Widen and Improve roadway to 3- 2020 $386 $2,854 Limits to Appleway lane urban section Barker Rd Improvement Project- Reconstruct and widen to 3-lane 2021 $52 $403 Spokane River to Euclid urban section Total: $4,198 $27,690 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 1 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects Listed by Category for the 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Bridge Projects Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Sullivan Road West Bridge Reconstruct and widen west 2016 $536 $5,064 (southbound)bridge Fancher/BNSF RR Overpass Joint Repair bridge expansion joints on RR 2016 $201 $201 Repair Project overpass Argonne Rd&I-90 IC Bridge Widen Argonne Rd Bridge to 3 2021 $160 $800 Widening Lanes,SB. New 12' sidewalks. Barker Road/BNSF Grade Construct Grade Separation at 2021 $308 $1,988 Separation Barker/BNSF RR/Trent(SR290) Total: $1,205 $8,053 Congestion Improvements Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Sprague/Barker Intersection Intersection improvements to improve 2016 $223 $472 Improvements capacity Total: $223 $472 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 2 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects Listed by Category for the 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Pedestrian/Bicycle Program Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Seth Woodard Elem Sidewalk Imp, Construct ADA sidewalk&curb 2016 $30 $361 Mission&Park ramps on the South side of Mission from Lily to Park,and along Park north along the school and E Spokane Grange frontage Appleway Trail-Pines to Evergreen Construct Shared Use Pathway along 2016 $436 $2,030 abandoned RR R-O-W Opportunity Elementary,SRTS Construct sidewalk along the east 2017 $68 $500 (Bowdish Road) side of Bowdish from 8th to 12th,and along the south side of 11th from Bowdish to Wilbur Appleway Trail-Evergreen to Sullivan Construct Shared Use Pathway along 2018 $222 $1,645 abandoned Railroad Right-of-Way Appleway Trail-University Rd.to Extend Shared Use pathway to 2018 $102 $750 Balfour Park Balfour Park Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project Infill gaps in Sidewalks and add 2018 $1,000 $1,000 sidewalks to access completed portions of the Appleway Trail. Appleway Trail-Sullivan to Corbin Shared Use Path along Old 2020 $324 $2,400 Milwaukee R/R ROW Total: $2,182 $8,686 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 3 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects Listed by Category for the 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Safety Program Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Citywide Reflective Signal Backplates New Traffic Signal Backplates at 10 2016 $0 $72 City Intersections McDonald Rd ROAD DIET, 16th to Bike Lanes,traffic signal 2016 $3 $574 Mission modifications, new ADA sidewalk ramps at traffic signals. Mission&Pines(SR-27)Intersection Intersection lane reconfiguration and 2017 $34 $336 Imp Project ROW on East and West Approches on Mission Sullivan-Trent(SR-290)to Wellesley Street lighting, ROW 2017 $74 $740 Corridor Lighting Total: $111 $1,722 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 4 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects Listed by Category for the 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Street Preservation Projects Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost 2016 Street Preservation Project Pavement Preservation Projects: 2016 $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 Appleway-Park to Dishman Mica Grind and Overlay,ADA Upgrades 2016 $156 $1,154 Preservation 2017 Street Preservation Project Pavement Preservation Projects: 2017 $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 Argonne-Broadway to Indiana Pavement Preservation-Grind and 2017 $87 $640 Overlay 2018 Street Preservation Project Pavement Preservation Projects: 2018 $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 Evergreen Resurfacing-Mission Grind and inlay HMA, Bike Lane 2018 $90 $660 Connector to Indiana Positive Guidance thru the 1-90 EXIT 291-A Sprague-Sullivan to Corbin Pavement Preservation,ADA upgrade 2018 $239 $1,770 Preservation 2019 Street Preservation Project Pavement Preservation Projects: 2019 $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 2020 Street Preservation Project Pavement Preservation Projects: 2020 $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 2021 Street Preservation Project Pavement Preservation Projects: 2021 $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 Total: $13,772 $17,424 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 5 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects Listed by Category for the 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Street Reconstruction Projects Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Sullivan/Euclid Concrete Reconstruct intersection in concrete 2017 $421 $2,108 Intersection(RW/CN) pavement Argonne Road Concrete Pavement- Reconstruct pavement in concrete; 2018 $744 $3,723 1-90 to Montgomery OCI Mullan to Knox 24, OCI Knox to Montgomery 35(2014 Rpt) Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Reconstruct intersections in concrete 2019 $230 $1,703 Concrete Intersections(CN Only) pavement Total: $1,395 $7,534 Traffic Operations and Maintenance Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Maribeau Pkwy&Pine(SR-27) New Traffic Signal 2016 $350 $350 Traffic Signal North Sullivan ITS Project Extend ITS conduit and contols along 2017 $123 $914 Sullivan Corridor Evergreen&Broadway ITS ITS along Broadway from Pines Rd 2019 $253 $1,870 (SR-27)to Evergreen,along Evergreen from Sprague to 16th Ave. Total: $726 $3,134 Overall Total: $23,812 $74,715 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 6 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Total Project Costs (Including costs before and beyond the six years of this TIP) Projects Listed by Category for the 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Arterial Improvements Project Name Description City Cost Total Cost Mission Ave.-Flora Rd.to Barker Reconstruct with curb,sidewalks, $124 $918 Rd.(PE/RW) bike lanes and stormwater facilities; Sullivan-Wellesley Intersection Imp Traffic Signal or Roundabout $185 $1,370 Project Broadway Improvement Project- Extend Broadway arterial to Barker $1,042 $5,206 Flora to Barker Rd, Realign Broadway connection east of Barker Mission Ave.-Flora Rd.to Barker Widen&Overlay with curb, $499 $3,697 Rd. (CN) sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities Park Road#2-Broadway to Indiana Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with $418 $3,102 (RW&CN) curb,sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities Pines(SR27)/BNSF Underpass- Railroad underpass at Pines(SR-27) $255 $3,000 (PE only) /BNSF/Trent Barker Rd-Euclid to Flora Road Reconstruct Barker to 3-lane urban $837 $4,184 section Barker Rd Improvement Project- Widen and improve to 5-lane urban $491 $3,925 Appleway to 1-90 section, Roundabout @ Broadway, Realign east leg of Broadway Barker Rd Improvements-South Widen and Improve roadway to 3- $385 $2,853 City Limits to Appleway lane urban section Barker Rd Improvement Project- Reconstruct and widen to 3-lane $632 $3,302 Spokane River to Euclid urban section Total: $4,868 $31,557 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 1 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Total Project Costs (Including costs before and beyond the six years of this TIP) Projects Listed by Category for the 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Bridge Projects Project Name Description City Cost Total Cost Sullivan Road West Bridge Reconstruct and widen west $2,360 $19,750 (southbound)bridge Fancher/BNSF RR Overpass Joint Repair bridge expansion joints on RR $201 $201 Repair Project overpass Argonne Rd&I-90 IC Bridge Widen Argonne Rd Bridge to 3 $1,600 $8,000 Widening Lanes,SB. New 12' sidewalks. Barker Road/BNSF Grade Construct Grade Separation at $2,910 $29,200 Separation Barker/BNSF RR/Trent(SR290) Total: $7,071 $57,151 Congestion Improvements Project Name Description City Cost Total Cost Sprague/Barker Intersection Intersection improvements to $223 $489 Improvements improve capacity Total: $223 $489 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 2 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Total Project Costs (Including costs before and beyond the six years of this TIP) Projects Listed by Category for the 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Pedestrian/Bicycle Program Project Name Description City Cost Total Cost Seth Woodard Elem Sidewalk Imp, Construct ADA sidewalk&curb $32 $389 Mission&Park ramps on the South side of Mission from Lily to Park,and along Park north along the school and E Spokane Grange frontage Appleway Trail-Pines to Evergreen Construct Shared Use Pathway $450 $2,093 along abandoned RR R-O-W Opportunity Elementary, SRTS Construct sidewalk along the east $68 $500 (Bowdish Road) side of Bowdish from 8th to 12th,and along the south side of 11th from Bowdish to Wilbur Appleway Trail-Evergreen to Construct Shared Use Pathway $222 $1,645 Sullivan along abandoned Railroad Right-of- Way Appleway Trail-University Rd.to Extend Shared Use pathway to $102 $750 Balfour Park Balfour Park Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project Infill gaps in Sidewalks and add $1,000 $1,000 sidewalks to access completed portions of the Appleway Trail. Appleway Trail-Sullivan to Corbin Shared Use Path along Old $324 $2,400 Milwaukee R/R ROW Total: $2,198 $8,777 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 3 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Total Project Costs (Including costs before and beyond the six years of this TIP) Projects Listed by Category for the 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Safety Program Project Name Description City Cost Total Cost Citywide Reflective Signal Backplates New Traffic Signal Backplates at 10 $1 $81 City Intersections McDonald Rd ROAD DIET, 16th to Bike Lanes,traffic signal $7 $616 Mission modifications, new ADA sidewalk ramps at traffic signals. Mission&Pines(SR-27)Intersection Intersection lane reconfiguration and $34 $335 Imp Project ROW on East and West Approches on Mission Sullivan-Trent(SR-290)to Wellesley Street lighting, ROW $74 $740 Corridor Lighting Total: $116 $1,772 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 4 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Total Project Costs (Including costs before and beyond the six years of this TIP) Projects Listed by Category for the 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Street Preservation Projects Project Name Description City Cost Total Cost 2016 Street Preservation Project Pavement Preservation Projects: $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 Appleway-Park to Dishman Mica Grind and Overlay,ADA Upgrades $161 $1,190 Preservation 2017 Street Preservation Project Pavement Preservation Projects: $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 Argonne-Broadway to Indiana Pavement Preservation-Grind and $87 $640 Overlay 2018 Street Preservation Project Pavement Preservation Projects: $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 Evergreen Resurfacing-Mission Grind and inlay HMA, Bike Lane $89 $660 Connector to Indiana Positive Guidance thru the 1-90 EXIT 291-A Sprague-Sullivan to Corbin Pavement Preservation,ADA $239 $1,770 Preservation upgrade 2019 Street Preservation Project Pavement Preservation Projects: $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 2020 Street Preservation Project Pavement Preservation Projects: $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 2021 Street Preservation Project Pavement Preservation Projects: $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 Total: $13,776 $17,460 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 5 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Total Project Costs (Including costs before and beyond the six years of this TIP) Projects Listed by Category for the 2016-2021 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Street Reconstruction Projects Project Name Description City Cost Total Cost Sullivan/Euclid Concrete Reconstruct intersection in concrete $421 $2,108 Intersection(RW/CN) pavement Argonne Road Concrete Pavement- Reconstruct pavement in concrete; $744 $3,723 1-90 to Montgomery OCI Mullan to Knox 24, OCI Knox to Montgomery 35(2014 Rpt) Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Reconstruct intersections in concrete $230 $1,703 Concrete Intersections(CN Only) pavement Total: $1,395 $7,534 Traffic Operations and Maintenance Project Name Description City Cost Total Cost Maribeau Pkwy&Pine(SR-27) New Traffic Signal $350 $350 Traffic Signal North Sullivan ITS Project Extend ITS conduit and contols along $123 $914 Sullivan Corridor Evergreen&Broadway ITS ITS along Broadway from Pines Rd $253 $1,870 (SR-27)to Evergreen,along Evergreen from Sprague to 16th Ave. Total: $726 $3,134 Overall Total: $30,373 $127,874 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 6 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2016 - 2021 Dollars in Thousands 2016 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 1 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 536 5,064 2 Mission Ave. - Flora Rd. to Barker Rd. (PE/RW) STP(U) 43 316 3 Citywide Reflective Signal Backplates HSIP 0 72 4 McDonald Rd ROAD DIET, 16th to Mission HSIP 3 574 5 Seth Woodard Elem Sidewalk Imp, Mission & CDBG 30 361 Park 6 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvements DEV 12 50 7 2016 Street Preservation Project City 2,200 2,200 8 Appleway-Park to Dishman Mica Preservation STP(U) 11 83 9 Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergreen STP(U) 31 145 10 Fancher/BNSF RR Overpass Joint Repair Project City 201 201 11 Maribeau Pkwy&Pine(SR-27)Traffic Signal City 350 350 2016 Totals: $3,417 $9,416 2017 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 6 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvements DEV 211 422 8 Appleway-Park to Dishman Mica Preservation STP(U) 145 1,071 12 2017 Street Preservation Project City 2,200 2,200 13 Argonne-Broadway to Indiana STP(U) 9 64 14 Mission & Pines (SR-27) Intersection Imp Project HSIP 34 336 16 Sullivan/Euclid Concrete Intersection (RW/CN) TIB 421 2,108 17 North Sullivan ITS Project CMAQ 14 105 18 Sullivan-Trent(SR-290)to Wellesley Corridor HSIP 12 116 Lighting 2017 Totals: $3,046 $6,422 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Added Projects are shown in Green Funded Projects are shown in Blue Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 1 of 3 2018 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 9 Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergreen STP(U) 405 1,885 13 Argonne-Broadway to Indiana STP(U) 78 576 15 Opportunity Elementary, SRTS(Bowdish Road) TAP 12 91 17 North Sullivan ITS Project CMAQ 109 809 18 Sullivan-Trent(SR-290)to Wellesley Corridor HSIP 62 624 Lighting 19 Sullivan-Wellesley Intersection Imp Project CMAQ 34 252 20 2018 Street Preservation Project City 2,200 2,200 21 Appleway Trail - Evergreen to Sullivan CMAQ 22 164 22 Appleway Trail - University Rd. to Balfour Park TAP 32 230 23 Argonne Road Concrete Pavement- 1-90 to TIB 102 512 Montgomery 24 Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project City 152 152 25 Evergreen Resurfacing- Mission Connector to STP(U) 6 40 Indiana 26 Sprague-Sullivan to Corbin Preservation STP(U) 24 177 2018 Totals: $3,238 $7,712 2010 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 15 Opportunity Elementary, SRTS(Bowdish Road) TAP 56 409 19 Sullivan-Wellesley Intersection Imp Project CMAQ 150 1,116 21 Appleway Trail - Evergreen to Sullivan CMAQ 200 1,481 22 Appleway Trail - University Rd.to Balfour Park TAP 70 520 23 Argonne Road Concrete Pavement- 1-90 to TIB 642 3,211 Montgomery 24 Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project City 848 848 25 Evergreen Resurfacing- Mission Connector to STP(U) 84 620 Indiana 26 Sprague-Sullivan to Corbin Preservation STP(U) 215 1,593 27 2019 Street Preservation Project City 2,200 2,200 28 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Concrete STP(U) 230 1,703 Intersections (CN Only) 29 Broadway Improvement Project- Flora to Barker TIB 159 793 30 Evergreen&Broadway ITS CMAQ 36 266 31 Mission Ave. - Flora Rd. to Barker Rd. (CN) STP(U) 499 3,701 32 Park Road#2- Broadway to Indiana (RW&CN) STP(U) 20 150 33 Pines (SR27)/BNSF Underpass-(PE only) Other Fed 128 1,501 2019 Totals: $5,537 $20,112 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Added Projects are shown in Green Funded Projects are shown in Blue Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 2 of 3 2020 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 29 Broadway Improvement Project- Flora to Barker TIB 883 4,413 30 Evergreen&Broadway ITS CMAQ 217 1,604 32 Park Road#2- Broadway to Indiana (RW&CN) STP(U) 388 2,877 33 Pines(SR27)/BNSF Underpass - ,rDE only) Other Fed 128 1,501 34 2020 Street Preservation Project City 2,200 2,200 35 Appleway Trail -Sullivan to Corbin CMAQ 27 200 36 Barker Rd- Euclid to Flora Road TIB 114 571 37 Barker Rd Improvement Project-Appleway to I- STP(U) 167 1,232 90 38 Barker Rd Improvements- South City Limits to TIB 46 339 Appleway 2020 Totals: $4,170 $14,937 2021 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 35 Appleway Trail -Sullivan to Corbin CMAQ 297 2,200 36 Barker Rd- Euclid to Flora Road TIB 723 3,613 37 Barker Rd Improvement Project-Appleway to I- STP(U) 324 2,397 90 38 Barker Rd Improvements- South City Limits to TIB 340 2,515 Appleway 39 2021 Street Preservation Project City 2,200 2,200 40 Argonne Rd & I-90 IC Bridge Widening FMSIB 160 800 41 Barker Rd Improvement Project-Spokane River TIB 52 403 to Euclid 42 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Other State 308 1,988 2021 Totals: $4,404 $16,116 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Added Projects are shown in Green Rescheduled Projects shown in Orange Funded Projects are shown in Blue Wednesday,June 03,2015 Page 3 of 3 1. Sullivan Road West Bridge S"poane 1MLtley 10 4J�'s.RLOO.0 fid' " 36._5.. +5T PIER:7 OUT TO OUT DECK WIDTH OUT TO OUT DECK WIDTH 5-s' 13'-3' 12-Cr 12%0' 13%6" _ _ 14-0. _._ 74'-fl /WALKWAY i •I. •I. MUL.TI-USE TURN LANE LANE LANE TURN LANE NO LANE NE3 LANE PATH i a i 7 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: The construction of the Sullivan Road West Bridge began in 2014 and is scheduled to be completed in 2016. This project replaces the 60-year-old southbound bridge and will include 4 traffic lanes and a widened sidewalk. The widened sidewalk will provide access for people north of the Spokane River to the Centennial Trail and the regional commercial area along Indiana and Sullivan Road south of 1-90. Benefits of Project: The Sullivan Road bridges crossing the Spokane River are a vital connection to the City's industrial land uses,the state highway at Trent(SR-290),the future Bigelow Gulch Road to North Spokane,the Interstate and the Commercial and Retail Hub along Indiana Avenue. The corridor,carrying more than 25,900 vehicles per day,with a very high truck volume of about 24 percent,is a key component to the City's future and this project will guarantee adequate capacity for future City growth. Project Cost Estimate: The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2016 and the budget to complete the project in 2016 is $5,064,000. The project is fully funded using City, FHWA Bridge, FMSIB,and TIB funds. Sgokan'0 �"" 2. & 31. Mission Ave-Flora Rd to Barker Rd Valley � ., .: 4 '',. ,, .„--1,;-• ,10 - - 4,p,., ,.. _ .° °+^ yp .µ •F�.' r,w..rM-.19yin} +v' ,"µ �J�' „ �G n sN+ 7 Aif n, '1 -* .: '* �' **7 `• �. +*1, r ' / ` 'w ,#9" 4t"p ''''''41 ° *1 :+rE.JRa na. .re .y. r;n _ ' / y i * 4 *4 ifi I t . R _ 'a9 � 41,"^.>� ,. iin, • • • , � n Ave Flora to , 4 �Barker Road e , + ni ' t�Il a•'VJ�EIiK41J' -k 1i, # �a .+, ■ ,� `. Flora t. , .. xJ r ` ti,rG eve -E+Pyr .lir 9 �'^m Jf 9 k _ F f +�Js ,N �,�y v'u4 .yk' .—,. _ i 0.' (n■��� F^"(y'M � ct. „miii let RS •µ.P 44, -TAP'--ataid 0 • ' '114i0-11 ,. ... - ' , '11 A!' ^,.. 4;:-. ,a in 1:40416.,_ EiBroadway. � tt , . . ,f:. w ,r AveA/ve k II II I Il 2016 2017 2018 2019 1 2020 1 2021 Project Description: Mission Ave from Flora Road to Barker Road will be constructed to a 3-lane urban section with bike lanes in each direction. Mission is a minor arterial that connects the major commercial districts along Sullivan and Indiana to the North Greenacres Neighborhood and Liberty Lake. The route currently carries approximately 2,700 vehicles per day, but this is expected to significantly increase to a 20-year projected ADT of 11,400. Benefits of Project: The project will accommodate the rapidly growing neighborhoods surrounding the project. Greenacres Park has recently been built on the south end of Long Road and a new elementary school is proposed for the SW corner of the intersection of Mission and Long. The school and the park will generate significant pedestrian traffic from the surrounding neighborhood along Mission Ave.The pro- ject also improves access to two trailheads for the Centennial Trail along the Spokane River at the north end of Flora Road and the west end of Old Mission Ave. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)-$155,000 Right of Way(RW)-$160,000 Construction (CN)=$3,697,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$4,012,000 The Design and Right of way for this project is fully funded with Federal STP(U) and City matching funds and is expected to be com- pleted in 2016 and the Construction phase of the project is expected to be completed in the 2019 construction season. 3. Citywide Reflective Signal Backplates CITY WIDE - REFLECTIVE BACK PLATES HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM(HSIP) 4_4Ei LESLEr IE --- . I . 1- -- l . G1(kNE .IW I IJ -Iy}f—1-._ ME' • . _,A.---- e > f _- 152 - likh SPCK4E , iris,:.,,-- %r' ,,IT7 nw r. I 1- ; j ALLE 4: Ia "j _- _ INI f- - 0 } 1e7JE . .1MEM_ l :.i L2 r LI BERT" 71 I. s,_ dTin <, 4 I LAKE La 0'~ `" !. ` ' ., : ., _ ;., '%' n-TH IIID \. L_ -',TM _'ii i 4 I I Spok— arse �7 ~ J 1 NATES: 1�dl1c �JF�inona� REFLECTIVE E3ACYf HSIP PLATE -1A i•'-I--..E1L_•1.111•& I. VAC:MtI.INIT3`MAP CI TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY T T- -:LLE 2016 2017 2018 I 2019 I 2020 2021 Project Description: This project will add 3-inch reflectorized borders to traffic signal backplates at 10 city intersections. This work will enhance traffic signal visibility at night as outlined in the guidelines set forth in the 2009 Edition of the Manual on Uni- form Traffic Control Devices(MUTCD),Section 4D.12. Per the manual,traffic signal backplates should be used to enhance signal face target value,and a retroreflective strip along the perimeter of the backplate should be used to p project a rectangle appearance at night. In addition to the reflective back- plates, many of the existing traffic signal heads have outlived their service lives and will be replaced. WSDOT has installed similar backplates at their traffic signals with speeds of 45 miles per hour(mph)or greater and at locations where they have determined that retroreflective backplates enhance the con- trast between the traffic signal indications and their surroundings for both day and night conditions. Benefits of Project: The use of backplates with retroreflective borders may result in a 15 percent reduction in all crashes at urban,signalized intersec- tions. Project Cost Estimate: Construction (CN)-$72,000 This project is fully funded using City and HSIP funds. 4. McDonald Rd ROAD DIET16th to Mission Se1Pa � ley .� ,.ur . msµ. S p o k a n e jjjIonAver McDonald Rd Road Diet, 18th to Mission r P z �c Sprague Ave - - .. . . - ° , , . ,...K,.. _ ... ., .r--4.2:-1-..4....0—__ _ lir - .. E-8 t1-1-.A-vED--.—.—, _ e A a Aii L' bIC}..poftu n it _ a. ._ CP .. . 7. • 1' - 16th Ave North "' lila iiiiiiiiiimmir 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: This project will add over 2 miles of bike lanes to McDonald Road from 16th Avenue north to Mission Avenue. Currently, McDon- ald Road is a 4-lane road section with no parking from Sprague Avenue north to Mission and this road section will be converted to a 3-lane road section with 2 through lanes,a two-way-center-turn-lane,and bike lanes in both directions. From Sprague Avenue south,the existing roadway is a 2 lane roadway with ample width for striped bike lanes in both directions. Three traffic signals will be reconfigured to account for the lane modifications along the corridor and bike lane signing and pavement markings will be in- stalled to give positive guidance to the motorist and the bike lane cyclist. Benefits of Project: The McDonald Rd ROAD DIET project will enhance safety from Sprague to Mission by reducing accidents by at least 20%for all accident types. Providing new marked bike lanes along McDonald will give bicyclists excellent north-south access in the heart of the City and access to the Appleway Trail which provides excellent east-west access to the City's commercial core. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)-$29,000 Construction (CN)-$545,000 Total Project Cost—$574,000 This project is fully funded using City and HSIP funds. 5. Seth Woodard Elem Sidewalk Imp, Mission & Park Seth Woodard Dem Sidewalk fmp,Mrssion &Park -� {7��Q �1� ;_ r � Valley ar f .x r • iir11.1111L- '1,- s L .,' r �` e , • Park Rd .i iiii .... .. ,-.40. . ±-—: { _ u Seth Woodard - Elementary School" ;. ��014 �" �' t i,. 6-L X t 1 _ , _i.F;. �"'. r"air, - _ ,.. ti „, L.,„ a w` - ss r+� r 77 ,� .� - -- Mission Ave _tea '_�,.,,,,,,t.:' t rLily I' 431. r ...� ., Bowman i i . 44 • North o ell, 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: This project installs new curb and sidewalk along the south side of Mission Avenue from Lily to Park Roads and along the west side of Park Road along the frontage of Seth Woodard Elementary and the E Spokane Grange. New ADA curb ramps at inter- secting streets and along the west side of the Mission and Park intersection. New paving between the existing road and new curb face. Stormwater upgrades to provide adequate drainage features for the road widening. Benefits of Project: ADA accessible sidewalks for children to use when crossing and traversing higher traffic areas with trucks are vital for safety and a positive way to promote healthy walking habits early on. Providing transportation alternatives to residents that either need or choose non-vehicle transportation and developing sidewalks encourages residents to take pride and ownership in their com- munity. This is especially true in low income neighborhoods. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)-$42,000 Construction (CN)-$319,000 Total Estimated Project Cost -$361,000 This project is fully funded using City and CDBG grant funds. SpaImn' `� 6. Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvements .-Walley y _ AirY pplewayAve ^^ " - I Ili �' . ar 84�Nott _ R "x" -111..Barker Rd . gi * ilk ilk w1 '"Mr, Y I ill JO a Sprague/Barker �. , y. Intersection Improvements r� t ter, Sprague Ave r Spraq/e z .p - ,,. IN' 4 A 11. g i "'—'` ,r;----4 ill v Ir.'. ti a - M1 - North 1 2016 I 2017 1 2018 2019 2020 2021 IProject Description: Barker/Sprague intersection is an unsignalized four-leg intersection. Currently it operates as all-way stop control. Barker Road accesses large tracts of residential zoned parcels and prior to the recession was quickly growing. Now,after several years of slow growth during the sluggish economy the area is beginning to see strong increases in building activity. Traffic analysis indicates that a roundabout or traffic signal will be needed at this intersection in the near future. Once the PE phase begins in 2016,the design of this project will flush out the best solution. Benefits of Project: The Barker/Sprague intersection improvements project will install a traffic control device that will accommodate future growth for many years to come. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$38,000 Right of Way(RW) =$12,000 Construction (CN)=$422,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$472,000 This cost for this project will be a combination of City and Developer funds. 7, 12, 20, 27, 34 & 39 — 2016-2021 Pavement Preservation Projects City of Spokane Valley =1•r1 , 1 2015 Pavement Preservation armle s tllllll k Projects lin ®t Sulhuan-Trent -280] `+ « -.' rt n.an:icu �� ,o rvellwsleY O f _.. It Dartmouth to o 11.1.11k" �" ---3 llMir. niversitly 0 MUM Idl s1 ¢W,ran 1 A?iss�on�owd'.sh �� In.�■1 11.M erg...7- Free ;�; ds, Woodruff to ill ma LIll' WNW• w al M +Au llvan �! a -- .I Corhhn raadw LI,vers nw■lpVI Mora to Bowd rtv °' - TIM - - ..--1,'".'k_ ,.... _,,Ply a rot.- I 1 r2 jj kL �� a �' ------- .--, ., fi - Broadway Herald ■ 9 v� °T - + - to Univers f _ .. =BM V isi _.. { sl!', n EMIT =snr n ,.-� � E]ll�lr a _.,—I LI w.k 1� ': ,• — � am-ea ah„� .,■r.,_� � �;'.i I g alleywa-s'ar#�e � - — 11lodges M1;_�. ....._—' :�r era to ArgonneSprague t 1.-;.. ' +1 et 2-4' 4,-, aE.ri IG,c r. ars:aoplewaY V" 1 - 2- --, h O°E�e" / 1 nh o iu ne cmek r32r7- wd sh a– ,o... ;-End,Gxeenaaes-Gage,Em D8 sfirrun-Mier IV -to Fnes 4 Sth to lfdlh .111■ e• � ���l,,,l�Ek �!{�rR1 _ oEver neer / 16th-herald1811 1� n �' toLtreverscre , �`. y 32no-Pines 2015 Preservation Projects Ito SR-27 32nd-Dishrea-M o,- �. Gvera F:,ecs A•ter:I:_ _,.. to Bowdish I a ,-... 0"...., f/ ` -. ,..„--;,-• „ ›Wvalley. _ --�. 4� dm7rAr:� StltFa¢e Treatment 4:"5 S WI 'Dashed Lines are Contngenq Projects .. �•3.5 .r.M1:11ca-Thorpe'. Dale:8'2&2014 - _ J .2::.:I s`_ 2016 2017 I 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: Beginning with the 2011 budget, the City established Fund 311 —the "Pavement Preservation Fund". This fund set aside money each year to build pavement preservation projects. The fund is broken into these categories: Arterial and Collector Street Overlay Projects—80%of the Pavement Preservation Fund, and Residential/Local Road Overlay and Reconstruction Projects—20%of the Pavement Preservation Fund. Pavement Preservation Projects will be determined for each of the program years using the results of the Pavement Management Analysis Report, site visits, further geotechnical engineering and pavement studies, and citizen complaints. A project list will be developed each year and included in the City's yearly budget. Benefits of Project: Over the last several years,the City,using state and federal grant funds and corresponding City match has invested in several ma- jor street preservation projects. Now,these projects are beginning to deteriorate and show an average Overall Condition Index (OCI) in the mid 70's. Applying surface treatments now to these relatively new pavements will increase the OCI to the low 90's. Surface treatment projects when constructed at the right time are the most cost effective use of City Transportation funds. Project Cost Estimate: These projects are paid for using City Funds established in Fund 311. In the 2016-2021 TIP the Pavement Preservation funds avail- able have been estimated to be$2.2 M per year. 8. Appleway-Park to Dishman Mica Preservation Valley _a. ti @ .,j.�.�""'^_"'.•_"'".rte-.. .. .. �.,.. V_ - • - - .. �p 3234 m .451&3.91as i� ' . - -. - q ■ diAs 1451.69190 ci'lam 1' 8 :: . a* N • r v 1. ,� bra r, ,. .rn . . '1171 LV- 4 ' + r l 7 n t' "NOi e aM. . , y tri r 2.. i.. a a , 4, ...... . _ __.. „ ,. . -.3: Aftgorow f y 45-'92 - ppleway-Park to )04 t f e s- Die hman Mica Preservation �,, .. 9 45.191-.91:24 y.W --Q. -r1 �. • 46101.9091 f. .: 7 tr 1• f :t • 45191 9093 1 'Q ' 45192.9066 45191.904 0 'A I ,, ...•til 1 ': '' ' 7 4..' Nora Y 9039 - p' 4 F{L rel ! a r 7 i � 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: This pavement preservation project along Appleway from Park to Dishman Mica is a 4-lane principal arterial and is a part of the 1-90 Business Route through Spokane Valley. Appleway is an eastbound one-way road section making up one half of the Sprague/ Appleway Couplet. This project will resurface and strengthen 1 mile of the existing pavement with a new thick asphalt overlay (2.5-3.5 inches). It will remove existing ruts and provide a sealed road surface to re-establish good drainage to the existing gutters. In addition to the road surface,all sidewalks will be field reviewed to verify that they meet current ADA requirements. Sidewalk and sidewalk ramps not meeting these requirements will be upgraded to meet the current standards. The project will also in- clude some stormwater treatment upgrades. Benefits of Project: This project was identified in the City's 2014 Pavement Management Analysis Report as Marginal. Marginal streets that display high amounts of load associated distresses are selected as a priority for rehabilitation as they provide the greatest cost benefit to the City—that is the greatest increase in life per rehabilitation dollar spent. This project benefits the City by using our limited dol- lars with a project that provides the greatest benefit for the least cost. Estimated Project Cost Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$83,000 Construction (CN)=$1,071,000 Total Project Cost—$1,154,000 This project is fully funded using City and Federal STP Urban funds. 9. Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergreen Spokane pp Y 9 Watley .. R v..2— of -.+ i - i. . Y -y 4f fir. O , R r,. I.. - -,, '9A. T F1 b w SO ' o. r . N if x , x r--- in• c cc • �ua: o 4: wA �1 d�- ,,i, "'9G� a e F �•a9"' �Yn ma x .51 r a x h '�' alai � •• G-3rd Ave ° ' A - L 'ppleway Trail-Pines to Evergreen „ - -"r in o )' u • W , �, t b , r4R -- -5tre North 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: The City's goal is to complete the Appleway Trail across the City from Balfour Park east to Liberty Lake. The length of Trail,when complete will be about 6 miles. The City has built about 2.3 miles. This project continues the Trail another mile to the East from Pines to Evergreen. The Trail will be a 12' hot mix asphalt path. The Appleway Trail project will be landscaped that will include trees and an irrigation system. The trail will include lighting, benches,architectural features and stormwater facilities. Where the trail crosses the highway at Pines, a High intensity Activated crossWalK(HAWK) traffic signal is proposed. The purpose of a HAWK is to stop vehicles to allow pedestrians to cross the roadway and then permit drivers to proceed as soon as the pedes- trians have passed. At Evergreen Road where the Shared Use Path crosses, a Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB) is proposed. Including RRFBs on the roadside increases driver yielding behavior significantly. Benefits of Project: The trail accesses services such as banking, postal and government services, the City police department, retail services such as drug stores, supermarkets, office supply stores, and restaurants. In addition,the trail provides access to multifamily housing and single family housing along the corridor. Employees now have a safe choice to walk and bike to access jobs. The Trail provides facilities for healthy lifestyles giving people the opportunity to walk and ride bikes in a safe urban environment. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)-$146,000 Construction (CN)-$1,885,000 Total Project Cost—$2,031,000 This project is fully funded using City, Federal STP Urban funds, and Federal TAP funds. 10. Fancher/BNSF RR Overpass Joint Repair Project Sgvkan�ems` . _ „. . - .- - - ". i gr I ID t 000 low Trent Ave(SR-290) glii - r * 41,y I l; t , w «. . Fancher Rd .-- r-- v:7'..", ` 1,' . FancherIBNSF OP ..� % , . ,- t"tt.Jornt Repair Project t i A. t- - _ a • r . A. - __` ... North �.� .• i ,,,,„,r � 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: The Fancher Road Bridge was completed and open to traffic in 1982. The most recent 2012 bridge inspection report indicates that the expansion joints on both ends of the bridge are in poor condition and need to be replaced.The bridge joint membranes are torn and the concrete along the seals is delaminated and spalling. This project will install new bridge expansion joints on both ends of the bridge. Benefits of Project: Because the expansion joints are failing,water and rock is able to get behind the bridge beams and abutment wall where expan- sion and contraction is beginning to cause damage to the structural components of the bridge. Replacing the expansion joints will prevent further damage to the bridge and is the best money the City can spend to protect the taxpayer from having to pay for expensive bridge repairs caused by failing bridge joints. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)-$29,000 Construction (CN)-$172,000 Total Project Cost—$201,000 kan � `�pc 11. Mirabeau Pkwy & Pines (SR-27) Traffic Signal .0Valley , r� I �( - r . _ 0 i a !lig 411. - G! � � Mirabeau Pkwy&Pines ry P,z (SR-27). Traffic Signal " ; ;, y 1 IT, — '". , -1,..—— _.. "I r_. 1 IW F' - Jli�be.ti7 Qk.rrY .. Y, a1015Tr t9 -• ' 4 •illi !' sw - 7I �.f .e. w t-I.r� - I a v r- 1. - - "zs1 t• , c C.3 4 1 } 'C7 w _ 11'` ,�i Imo` yllwF_�tii' � Y rL 4111 y P yr SI ». — a . L '..t n 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: The Mirabeau Pkwy& Pines(SR-27)Traffic Signal project installs a new traffic signal at the Mirabeau Pkwy and Pines(SR-27) in- tersection. New commercial development along Mirabeau Pkwy and increased traffic along Pines(SR-27) has made it increasingly difficult to access Mirabeau Pkwy during the morning peak hour and Pines Road during the evening peak hour. Benefits of Project: Installing a new traffic signal at Mirabeau Pkwy& Pines(SR-27)will increase the level-of-service at the intersection from LOS"F" to"LOS" B during the AM & PM Peak Hour. A failing LOS places the burden of mitigating this condition on new development which is oftentimes cost prohibitive. Installing a traffic signal at this location will encourage business to locate and develop along Mirabeau Pkwy, Pinecroft Way,and Cherry Street. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)-$30,000 Construction (CN)-$320,000 Total Project Cost—$350,000 A—N 13. Argonne-Broadway to Indiana ��1° .. 9 Y 7.0•0_, VaYYey w ,. Indiana Ave a* I r - -p r 47-4 --'''l47-4,t' J y —.'✓c' 17.' �6. 'tel '11 + — , e Argonne-Broadway to Indiana •1 . . 1 ! ' ..P. Zal-E' ■ I ° _ y+ • l -- Id . 1- I • e �t y n Y d d Z. v i.. _k ... R 7 "yv Y L' Ar t+O ' '' t 4 e. A - - - 6` 0111110, 4 - I iffla 1 �, Nth W,= oa wa Ave. • pig �... p f .. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: N Argonne Road from E Broadway to E Indiana Avenues will be a street preservation project that will grind the existing surface to a moderate depth (1.5 to 2.5 inches)and replace with a new hot mix overlay. This project will also evaluate all existing pedestrian facilities and where deficient in terms of ADA will be updated. All broken sidewalks will be replaced or restored. Benefits of Project: This project will apply a new pavement surface extending the life of the road for up to 15 years before retreating. Another bene- fit will be sidewalk restoration and new ADA facilities to provide a safe and barrier free sidewalk along this route. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)-$64,000 Construction (CN)-$576,000 Total Estimated Project Cost—$640,000 This project is fully funded using City and Federal STP Urban funds. 14. Mission & Pines (SR27) Intersection Imp Project Si O1 Valley � :_ _ . _— �. ��d� ,� ''�' �._ m�JS`I��nti�rr� , c,�a,x -. — 9T] ..,. _ .. , _ A+ LL Mission &Pines(SR-27) ntersection!m ' Proect � 2 . .•0,.:':. .•0,.:':. .•0,.:'::- _ .y �. ' P s " r m 1 0. r � '.. . .. _ z ' j S � — _...2** .Mission Ave 4,,,,,,,,..„ _._ _ - ", e'—'r L.J.70 t'a- +* C:q " „ „ c' ,— .P lle 27) 4 R , ' d ti mix a.. a —} ” i --b 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: This project is a restriping and signal modification project for changing the lane configuration of Mission at the intersection of Pines Rd (SR-27). Dedicated left turn lanes will be installed for east and westbound left turn traffic. This change would allow this signal to be run with a duel left turn phase. This would improve the operations of the intersection. Benefits of Project: This project benefits the City by modifying one of the City's busiest intersections for better operations. This improvement results in less vehicle delay and less vehicle emissions. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$35,000 Right of Way(RW)=$50,000 Construction (CN)=$250,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$335,000 15. Opportunity Elementary-SRTS (Bowdish Road) Spvkan `' .rte Val ley ' . , ...tea. _ �-� , ..1.. ° " 8th Ave .."-.7 'Nu- s'. mm - ,.rte x -- 4e n- .. : - _ � .tBowdish Road _ ,„ u ' ,Ji - id { - ,,,,,,c_,.....-_,,,,, EPPO E t k « ELEMENTARY 11th.Ave ,... « WIA f.m SCHOOL, . � -'-3 : i 1,--4--r s,'' a lop, r r,ras . � t -- ;1 — 1 ,,,,,..iik�� u _,. __, . ... wa �� urn ,,.. .M _..� • . ; , ,. -- ,..,, - ,..„..._, _ �.. _ :,� 12th Ave 0 air :w IE .1 5 A' 1 .i - --.�;ta, .. „4 2016 2017 2018 2019 I 2020 1 2021 Project Description: This project is a Safe Routes to School(SRTS) project that provides new sidewalks to the Opportunity Elementary School. New sidewalks will be installed along the east side of Bowdish Road beginning at 8th Avenue and ending at 12th.At 11th Avenue, new sidewalks will be installed on the south side of the street from Bowdish Road east to Wilbur Road. The project will include new curbing,a minimum 5'wide sidewalk, new ADA curb ramps at street corners,some roadway paving where new curbs will be be- yond the existing edge of road,some right-of-way acquisition,curb walls and stormwater facilities. Benefits of the Project: New sidewalks provide a safer route to school. Sidewalks build a sense of neighborhood and community and these sidewalks will hopefully reduce the number of cars dropping children off at school during the day. Sidewalks promote safety and encourages children and their parents to walk and be more active. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering =$90,000 Right of Way&Construction=$6,000 Construction=$404,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$500,000 k' 16. Sullivan Euclid Concrete Intersection (RW CN) S` Oa nValley › 1\ I Sullivan/Euclid Concrete - intersection(RW/CIV) Project r ., § �._. ._ _ erclyd Ave. _ � _ _ I - tr- I r � i a cn IM1I . 4 ? i d r r - n `Y AY w ; � d , IN *"� l'''311:1.r 11", ,1IeI` . 16 °, � u Y • "�� rp I w • � his P.r ,,, io N2016 ! 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 i Project Description: This project will reconstruct the intersection of Sullivan Rd and Euclid Ave with Portland Cement Concrete and provide ADA up- grades as necessary. Benefits of Project: The existing intersection is experiencing severe rutting,ravelling and longitudinal cracking. Significant truck traffic continues to destroy the pavement. Preservation of the existing pavement is not an option in that the existing pavement section does not have the structural integrity to support the heavy turning trucks. To reconstruct this intersection using PCC Pavement at a de- signed depth to support the type of traffic using it will provide a long term solution to prevent pavement deterioration. This is the most cost effective solution and the least expensive over the long run for the taxpayer. Project Cost Estimate: Right of Way(RW) =$26,000 Construction (CN)=$2,082,000 Total Estimated Construction and Right of Way cost=$2,108,000 17. North Sullivan ITS Project ,. Value „ Fr_ I , _ E 4 — row' F •;.+ iiiiiii --rt £ i:. R i `kms, , r , wr , ;...,1t "�wR� yt. sem wow I _ , .. 7. ' El ,. firs 0 41. a North Sullivan E61,* Ir `••• S t, TS Project _ f v r n North Sullivan Road 11 ... � °a 1�.:,.��'},moi � .*2...r i y ,. gy T. .. , Cm y,- _ r L1,ss ,.., � w .. r,- .�r L T fen r x f xmuy � y w ta .� G 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: Sullivan is a principal arterial and this section carries a high volume of freight. The project is located within the particulate matter and carbon monoxide maintenance areas. The project includes the installation of conduit and extension of the fiber optic lines for the continuation of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)along Sullivan Road from 1-90 to Trent Ave (SR-290). This would connect the traffic signal controllers at Central Pre-Mix, Marietta, Euclid, Kiernan and Trent Ave to the Spokane Regional Traffic Management Center via existing fiber optic lines at Indiana. It would also install cameras at three locations. Benefits of Project: The Project adds efficiency to traffic operations along the Sullivan corridor north of the interstate resulting in lower vehicle emis- sions and travel time. Traffic signals will be interconnected and can be remotely operated to address emergency traffic needs. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$105,000 Construction (CN)=$809,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$914,000 18. Sullivan Rd - Trent (SR-290) to Wellesley Corridor Lighting Wellesley a'.. .,,,;� x �. - 1 -- lley ' a 4 �• fin. S 3y-A`¢ 9 1 L _1,./_____) -`' r i_ Trent(SR-290)to Wellesley r� "z Va . Ottii4:�a� _ „ ^,, Corridor Lighting ° '" la 1 w` "0-141 / ' �•� ♦ .r ' } . ., _ , -• F r py . eP_. I, Y .. U Trent(SR-290) re 7tar4ve ,, ____-_-.-- Forth Y 2016 2017 2018 V 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: This project installs street lights between Trent Ave (SR-290)to Wellesley Avenue. This project was identified in the recently com- pleted North Sullivan Corridor Study that saw increased night time crashes through this section of Sullivan Road. Street lights have been shown to reduce nighttime crashes anywhere from 12-30%. Benefits of Project: By adding streetlights,this project will reduce the number of nighttime crashes along Sullivan Road between Trent and Wellesley Avenue. Also,as an added benefit,street lighting has been shown to reduce crime rates. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$90,000 Right of Way(RW=$50,000 Construction (CN)=$600,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$740,000 19. Sullivan-Wellesley Intersection Improvement Project hiEVY Eli GELOVY GULCH RtDAJD E_7CTENSI.iON - _ .. f on�1� ': `^^.+ . ,. r _, S/JLLI VAN 1N LLESLE-Y [.1l. . R., t, .+ :,. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 9N. �^*0C�Yy aic- verb i �i - pp n A n W 0. 71 O y . #, q .,,p..l, s • � — - .. .� .� .may � . i_ o-� r_ T' dr.'. "h # '• - tib. • ::14-- -idp'L.71H., -51 - J 6r. el" e . .d .a.ter h :� i TM"#"h " •L . — --�' Col L' fi """"'--•'�' a E•Lcrts ■ti+n ti---- -.0 ind^`Str l�f7ark'#ASi;. - is r 9 � - sPor a r l 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: A traffic signal or a multilane roundabout is needed at the intersection in order to provide safe and efficient traffic movement. Currently,during certain times of the day, traffic volumes at the Sullivan-Wellesley intersection exceed the capacity of the all-way stop-controlled intersection. Spokane County is moving forward with its Bigelow Gulch Road project which is scheduled to con- nect to Wellesley at Sullivan in 2019. When that occurs,the Sullivan Road intersection will not be able to accommodate the add- ed traffic and motorists will experience excessive delay and congestion. Benefits of the Project: 1) Reduces delay and efficiently moves traffic along the Sullivan&Wellesley corridors 2) Reduces serious, high speed crashes 3) Allows for the added traffic volumes expected with the future connection of Bigelow Gulch Road Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering=$198,000 Right of Way= $110,000 Construction=$1,062,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$1,370,000 21. Appleway Trail - Ever Evergreen to Sullivan Spokane pp Y 9 Valley t .' f ;.'I :, . ,� tleta '-IJ -1 � : i Appleway Trail- + _go lue -• s ra ' . j� 11".I P g w� r ,' ■l An vergreen to Sullivan ° r s , M' wm j : 111 m -II- .1 PI YYxtx . , ■ ', I 1 1,111°,1, -) �,No ii E-21-1(1 Av m 'h . . ,.! ' 5� -` - r' irb " - 9fC�.+�V@ I tll., tiM .I T/ :11 �8 ter ., 4t �� 1, 7 t . '- r.•.A`r w I, 1- -Xr' •Sullivan , +4. i:::.:::%.1';',- ; 4 •. , 9 „ ''„Evergreen waw t ' ; 1 , -a�: I1 1 a.-EiStrt� M _ °” •thy ., m', tl d , E161r Av7# ..... 5th,-r, e I.ro 4.W gym-e , !,_* r. 0 ffllEfive,, „ I r w.r.- T - r +' ''''.1`x ': ,k rw�„� - ft .;•j.,'' -6 y, r 7 ' 4- + r r ,.I 7L"` 90I•h-Ave-- , ,,, '. +.r _, 6 ► "Central Valley N5 ,4 i 9. ,3 ... iw 1 21J'P Ave µ ... Iw, L5� ,Yr.C�II, 'N:3„ vCf3 r :,,. �- 6- . k . . ' •�.A. NA • 1, '.. '•yV r. w 4 •' t't ' Inr, N'+�, 1 •.1 Y'21 1 f Vf n • ' 1* ' 131: 4c04 g- I” d.c 'r! 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: The City's goal is to complete the Appleway Trail across the City from Balfour Park east to Liberty Lake. The length of Trail,when complete will be 6.2 miles. Of that the City has built or funded about 3.3 miles. This project continues the Trail another mile to the East from Evergreen to Sullivan Road. The Trail will be a 12' hot mix asphalt path. The Appleway Trail project will be land- scaped that will include trees and an irrigation system. The trail will include lighting, benches, architectural features and storm- water facilities. Benefits of Project: The trail accesses services such as health care, banking, postal and government services, retail services such as drug stores,super- markets,office supply stores,and restaurants. In addition,the trail provides access to multifamily housing and single family hous- ing along the corridor. Employers such as the Numerica Corporate Offices, Monaco Enterprises, H & H Molds, and various retail services will allow walkers and bikers to access jobs. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)-$164,500 Construction (CN)-$1,480,500 Total Estimated Project Cost=$1,645,000 22. Appleway Trail - University to Balfour Parkp •N.-- oe .0Malley pmio s Balfour - r °1 •y .. Park 1 e x m 5: .. E#f iversiduVA - . Possible site for , �:' ir . 41 �.. • � Spokane Valley - E'_ _, y 1 .-. 1 �I :: ° r ( Branch Library ,:I _i l_ c■ ':. • .. riRk. 12:014. u4 i Fut re City a -. ., s' yr all Spokane I -�,� Hall ... = - •115, - _ • - _. . Valley-- ., f _ l Q 1 ""_ i vi r _ - _ a `4 RFPP { V ' .. r.. , _a„Da rtmouth Trail ,` s I SJ I ",�— _ ._ - .� �:. . v _ FTl v !.,' r,!..,;::: 11 .•!:.: $ ,, :l 2016 2017 2018 I 2019 I 2020 2021 Project Description: The City's goal is to complete the Appleway Trail across the City from Balfour Park east to Liberty Lake. The length of Trail,when complete will be about 6 miles. By 2019,The City has built about 3.3 miles. This project continues the Trail another% mile from Balfour Park to University Road. The Trail will be a 12' hot mix asphalt path. The Appleway Trail project will be landscaped that will include trees and an irrigation system. The trail will include lighting,benches,architectural features and stormwater facilities. The Appleway Trail from University to Balfour Park connects the University City Mall, Balfour Park,and the City's future City Hall to the Appleway Trailhead at University. In addition, if the voters pass a Spokane Library District bond,the County plans to build a 30,000 square foot Spokane Valley branch across from the University City Mall on the north side of Sprague fronting Harold. Benefits of the Project: This project is probably one of the most important components of the entire Appleway Trail project in that it connects walkers and bikers to shopping,a park, municipal government,and possibly a County/City library. Also,this portion of the trail would con- nect people to the Spokane Transit Authority's Transit Center,giving people the option to use the bus to work,shop, play,and conduct their business here in Spokane Valley. The Trail provides facilities for healthy lifestyles giving people the opportunity to walk and ride bikes in a safe urban environment. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)and Right of Way(RW)-$230,000 Construction (CN)-$520,000 Total Estimated Project Cost—$750,000 23. Argonne Road Concrete Pavement- 1-90 to Montgomery -;;,-----',., :7-7---7---..."---"-rr ' !FL: -... .". - . ,-- ,--,-: ,. _ T r r ''' -—` ' - ' Fr- i . , Z:* -r--rm— ----f __ 417 '7:-'' --": -•"' : -- *; — poirane -4n . 4. a ......_ fv;orl gorneryAve - ,o, .� _ - ,-,,- -, .,,,. - , ',— , '4F-***- .,v.tevillik.."' f i - - rt. 11 r ro- - F' n :7,-,, mr '� .- w iar _ - !i A a i I — Iii. , -44,1 "' .fI - n� donne Rd Concrete Pavement, . - } 7 7 : '� ry �. .3„_____4_,...Ti,, �aa+� To Montgomery ,. _ r .4.!..74, —ter r .p l , OR�.+�w..,.�.•,w... 1 x i Y _ q� , ,7"0",,,,14„iii--","=., tir140,,,,,....;.,...: ". '';:„1 -''' ----.- r a .�. , i1 - to tr. j .. r U `K r c,uJ 4.Po H , . k - r _ + Allkr ..._ r °:•� rx e"" a '.✓e ..d �• " - -_- - -,...-rte , ,.. North fir K -y❑�d �^* .-� � ,��� ��„� �; .. *� 1 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: Argonne Road from Indiana to Montgomery Avenues is about a 1/4 mile (1400'),7-lane asphalt concrete pavement that has ade- quate capacity for the traffic that is there today and expected traffic that will use the facility over the next 20 years. But the road is quickly failing and has gone past the point where pavement preservation is an option. A full reconstruction is required. This application seeks funding to fully reconstruct this roadway by rebuilding the base and constructing a thick structural portland cement concrete pavement surface. In addition,all pedestrian sidewalks and wheelchair ramps will be upgraded to meet ADA requirements. Benefits of Project: The City of Spokane Valley's Pavement Management Analysis Report(PMAR)allows staff to be good stewards by providing up-to- date roadway condition information when selecting projects. The PMAR has identified Argonne Road to be reconstructed through this section. With the high amount of traffic on this street and the high maintenance dollars being spent to maintain this roadway it makes sense to invest in reconstructing this roadway using concrete rather than continuing to spend scarce resources trying to preserve it. Paving this street with concrete will provide a 30 year design life. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$512,000 Construction (CN) =$3,211,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$3,723,000 24. Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project n_�� mm����� ^m���������n�� ���nnnn ~^~m�~�~ �� ���0N^~�, Val :. m -' g - ' � ' ' ` — � ,� ~^_ ~~ e } -�~ =~ �—� ~~~ 1�� ~ J� f '�'°.~�� / ~~�� —_ =i ~' 4 � .~ ; �`—m� •4 �— , ; ' � ' ~�� ~�' ~ 1 ~~ ' ~ �~� ) ~ � � ^ '" � ~~� � ' x - �- ' ��� - ^ � � �� ���---~-� ' s =^ � �~: ~~' `��� . �� �� . . EL ,IN ,,, , 1 = • * '''' E 2 ; ..,-,r- ., , , ,. ....- ill .1-.-eh,,..,,,A k.,„ ,, ,,:::, .44784..,,i, 7 2 ,, 1 ,.. T.,,,,, , „ ,,,,, ,,, ir , . i . , „ ,,,,,.._, , 11 ,. ,i, : _ 11 . 1 - , :,,....,- ,,, 1 24TH AV I - Ar.v, 4 1h''I Ea Transit Location —Existing Shared Use Path —1 2016 2017 1 2018 2019 —r. 2020 I 2021 Project Description: This project will continue the City's effort to fill in sidewalk gaps and improve transit accessat selected locations throughout the City.The project segments will focus on improvements within the walking radius of schools, high density housing,commercial districts and transit facilities. Benefits of Project: Thepnojectvvou|denhancenon'motorizedtransportationvviththegoa| ofincreasingtransitridemhip,vva|kingandbikingtrips, and reducing the need to drive. It will improve the accessibility of several corridors and public facilities. Thepnojectexpandsthechoicesfornon'motorizedtrave| betweenschoo|s, recreation,commerda| districtsandresidentia| aeas. This is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan to develop a balanced, integrated,multi-modal transportation system, which serves the existing and future needs of the area and provides convenient choice among modes for trips into and out of Spokane Valley:for work,school,shopping,personal business,and recreational purposes. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$140,000 ,1 Right of Way(RW) =$30,000 Construction (CN)=$830,000 25. Evergreen Resurfacing- Mission Connector to Indiana r"'1 �' lFR ` - " ` ~y`- L d SpCkane e._.,.. � a - Indiana ` F vergreen Resurfacing are t h Mission Connectorto!ndiana - J "s..v rr� ✓ .M,SVY hr I WIN an Mission d- ve - ' 11‘, err �y r tq «., -..... ■-- 1 - w. • P r ES,rttc y 4. v 1sow, junrth Ts Wim . a 5 6 ape = " � i war z �� �� � ,.�"*4+s , E-BaoneA' 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: This preservation project will resurface and strengthen the existing pavement by grinding the existing surface down below the existing ruts and cracks and apply new asphalt overlay to the surface. This project provides a sealed road surface and reestablish- es roadway slopes for good drainage. This project will improve bicycle facilities on Evergreen Road over 1-90. There are bike lanes through this section of Evergreen Road but the bike lanes start and stop at the various ramp terminals and turning pockets. One of the desires for this project is to provide positive guidance for bicyclists both from the standpoint of the bike user for better wayfaring and to make it clear to the motorists to expect bicyclists and to give them the right-of-way required to negotiate such a high-speed, large roadway. Benefits of Project: This project was identified in the City's 2014 Pavement Management Analysis Report as needing a thin to moderate overlay. Streets requiring minimal treatment at the right time are selected as a priority for preservation for they provide the greatest cost benefit to the City—that is the greatest increase in life per rehabilitation dollar spent. This project benefits the City by using our limited dollars to preserve a key roadway that provides the greatest benefit for the least cost. Updating Bike Facilities over the Evergreen IC will provide positive guidance over 1-90. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$80,000 Construction (CN)=$580,000 Total Project Cost—$660,000 This project is fully funded using City and Federal STP Urban funds. 26. Sprague-Sullivan to Corbin Preservation Spokane "'` Valley rl r 9 wI Y R ,'Tp R r _L • r a 'k - � A r' H', h4 9 y , mo t. + 11 �, iii, �`� 1 y 1 • 0• �.'E.;�} Sprague ; ' ` N. _ o veradale 4._a f/ , . �.. „ !,,,oi^' ,..' .+ — 11l1 ` • r_ n tiff L�' 0 � N 'iC]' f: r t IfiY 1fi+1. .,,,.,,,..;.1,:7) '� _� AdM1� l. a i �,. }P Y - i 'Sprague-Sullivan to Corbin U_ •- �_ T ,A:, sir ., i i [,,"mu ' 2Preservation Project ;i - .,.', ,,3-� m. Y ! r • t ,,til .4 y :1..4 .ci.., . . 'a , . , s. 20;1 ,, ,,,. . , .dfl +q '" '.„Sp-'SAL' r:. —rI ' �+ „i , I. "ah Its L L., co ; co 4,---- Aril g «°(.,, 'r ''' 0 ' -• •p- 4 ""..r....-- -I1,1.10).',,,o. tfr . � °, ,Y • North 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: Sprague Road between Sullivan and Corbin was identified in the City's Pavement Preservation Analysis Report as a candidate as a preservation project that would grind and overlay up to 3 inches of hot mix asphalt. Doing this project in 2019 will extend the life and serviceability of Sprague Road and make it a good candidate for a perpetual pavement. This project will also evaluate side- walk,sidewalk corner ramps,and stormwater facilities and make upgrades and replacements as required. Benefits of Project: Sprague Road is the 1-90 Business Route through the City and provides access to services, commercial retail and office space, and access to high, medium,and low density residential development. Sprague allows good east and west movement of people and goods and is a vital link in providing economic vitality along one of the City's major arterials. Bus Service runs in both directions at a frequency of 15 minutes during most of the day and evening. This project is a good use of the City's money in that it provides an extended service life to a very important piece of the City's transportation infrastructure. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$177,000 Construction (CN)=$1,593,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$1,770,000 This project is fully funded using a combination of City and Federal STP(U)funds. 28. Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Concrete Intersection (CN only) � I • tri` — - - s i 12c e e F d r `"� I••••'" 1 ' - ( x _Jill 1.1_— _t 1 — :roadwa Ave J - - _�.�ff I-11 x�--777�77 rs— .—. _. _...__�u n i iitillflflT �� 1 J 4 1 / -11!1!1.61!1 r . " " P,, T.1_ 3 a li r,rr , a1 '1 w. �1.' " - f f ro d 1 - - North i . i \., 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: This project will reconstruct the intersections of Broadway Avenue at Argonne and Mullan Roads with PCC pavement and provide ADA upgrades as necessary. Benefits of Project: The existing intersection is experiencing severe rutting,raveling and longitudinal cracking. Significant truck traffic continues to destroy the pavement. Preservation of the existing pavement is not an option in that the existing pavement section does not have the structural integrity to support the heavy turning trucks. To reconstruct this intersection using PCC Pavement at a de- signed depth to support the type of traffic using it will provide a long term solution to prevent further pavement deterioration. This is the most cost effective solution and the least expensive for the taxpayer.The design life of the project is 30 years. Project Cost Estimate: Construction (CN)=$1,703,000 29. Broadway Improvement Project-Flora to Barker yy s ' = Val ley Greer acres ` -i .. _ .• 4 —Broadway improvement Flora Rd -1 -1):project-Flora to Barker �__ -- ^ ' Broadway Ave 11111r .. ' ' ._ ..: , . w ..v r r a s e. * w. a1 • Y ♦ / _ Barker .t r_ y ar IC _ F 4 `c a s . • . r , .. ". a, ar --;..,„ Cap k - — , � f 5�-C' � G�9V'1-. t-.Ma i-Aue - a- i ,. .. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: The Broadway Improvement Project between Flora and Barker Road will connect Broadway between Long and Greenacres Roads and improve Broadway Avenue to a 3-lane urban section with bike lanes,curb,gutter,sidewalks and swales. Benefits of Project: The project will provide access to large vacant parcels that have limited access because the current Broadway Avenue does not go through to Flora or Barker. Also,this project will allow those traveling east on Broadway to Barker and the interstate unre- stricted travel east of the Flora and Broadway roundabout. Now eastbound drivers on Broadway must go out of direction in order to get to their destinations. This project will give drivers, bikers and walkers direct access to Barker Road. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$543,000 Right of Way(RW) =$500,000 Construction (CN)=$4,163,000 Total Estimate Project Cost=$5,206,000 30. Evergreen & Broadway ITS Sdntrmia�"` Valley • Sookarle 11a:ley _7r ._._ _ � }� _.. Fir .. k r _ o t 3 .,. - Broadway a ,1 . • - . Pines(Si2 2T} r4 rr: . r„� w _ �. • :• •_” _ r_ -Evergreen &Broadway ITS — _5�• — 1 e r AI !Oa ,,. .r,_ _ „ , J. re _ As I �.,._ 4 ..�.. C7� - . iE'-5 f f5 Ave w f I t--y----"' �•� ,i7 w-. f P s t _ . } _ E 7Otti Ave vergreen t} AMP - 4 cep portu n rty r. . • _- Note: Blue Line indicates the extent of Cr, Communication and Traffic Signal Corridor that will on Ln _ .- ..r F c� r *k 4M be completed with this project. • , c I y -- North s, E -- "P""II16th Ave " 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 6 Project Description: This Project proposes to install ITS conduit and communication equipment to improve traffic flow,reduce congestion,and re- duced emissions on Evergreen from Sprague to 16th Avenue and along Broadway from Pines Road (SR-27)to Evergreen Road. Benefits of the Project: The Project will reduce travel time and stops along Evergreen and Broadway. In addition,the Project reduces emissions along corridors keeping the air clean in Spokane Valley. The Project increases economic development by reducing delays to freight trav- el, reduces fuel and maintenance costs for freight carriers and the public, reduces the operational cost for traffic signal manage- ment,and improves the monitoring of the traffic signal system to enhance efficiency(emergency situations and operations). Project Cost Estimate Preliminary Engineering=$206,000 Right of Way&Construction=$1,664,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$1,870,000 32. Park Rd #2—Broadway to Indiana (RW/CN) S T. w - a' Park Rd##2-Broadway _ fi'*" `, ;, --: Y.' , fo Indiana (RWIGN) .. 9� Y.. - • . . ,s SIF er'1.'1'-'n".".1,.37.L.4 "'.Fl- air`. . - �y ..- ^ ,� 4 . ' r ,r f"'-.�.� -n�ww' �t-r,. ,,,,,,,,:,-",.,...:„,�N�YIiR�' � ,. x .r•z � - �- �• . ,- � . +b irJ_ �1x a± ,; Iter .±..-,.......--....;,..;;;;;;; - _ "`7'&` - r ^ ,mayIIP s - � � n -. a Kim p ,rbj _ — -� •_ ars edaY — - __ .�„.,,, 1 — " Broadway Ave T Ii 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: This project will reconstruct the existing minor arterial to a three lane urban section. Curb,gutter,sidewalks and bike lanes will also be constructed. It will feature two 12 foot wide travel lanes and 5 foot bike lanes, a 14 foot,two-way, left turn lane,curbs, gutters and 6 foot sidewalks. Benefits of Project: The project will provide needed safety and capacity improvements to accommodate the anticipated increase in traffic between Trent (SR-290) and Broadway Ave. The traffic volume on this section of Park Road is anticipated to increase from the existing 7,200 vehicles per day to approximately 21,000 vehicles per day in 2040 according to the most recent SRTC regional traffic model. Also, Park Road is an 1-90 crossing that has adequate width to meet bike and pedestrian standards. As the bike system develops in the City,the Park Road interstate crossing and eventual Bridging the Valley BNSF Railroad and Trent Ave (SR-290)crossing,will make Park Road a more attractive bike way. Park Road bike lanes will access the Millwood Trail to the north and Sprague and Appleway on the south. Project Cost Estimate: Right of Way(RW) =$150,000 Construction (CN)=$2,877,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$3,027,000 33. Pines (SR-27)/BNSF Underpass, PE ONLY ilt ru lj -.fir . - , .. iii :01 • �`r _ I $`1 3 11} i T. }' * .," :. ch __;_.:r� "w . r • �eQ1._.<� !...11.T.i.aL ._ ,T.w _ zsryr, ... _ ' '1"w { 7 _ _ 1111't'l �y yfAy.X.. eb m V°'M ' I° �b M'J. d1 h4; it,: M P'I�! rx ' 41'... ;. O P. ,/...V-"'S'rbd C 1� .0 ', r s1d5i, 1 a!) s7" ,ir Et , , .-7/ ,40 . 0- 1).:5.. A : gkr,it- '"' , ;',....\.):fr",f, Em4 `= (aScrpone _ _ - i 6• '-.L'f AWry „.M1 Vin•A ,Se�.,J zoom 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: This project proposes to reconstruct Pines Road to pass under four BNSF tracks.To accommodate this Trent Avenue will also be lowered,similar to the Argonne Road underpass.This project will allow the City of Spokane Valley to request closure of the Uni- versity Road railroad crossing one mile to the west,which would further improve public safety by reducing the possibility of rail/ vehicle collisions at this intersection. This project is critical because of the projected increase in vehicular traffic in the area through 2040 and because of it's location, which is approximately half way between the two nearest crossings of the BNSF track(Argonne Rd to the West and Sullivan Rd to the East).The separation of Pines Road and the BNSF tracks will provide a vital transportation link to the businesses and residenc- es north of Trent (SR-290),south along Pines(SR-27), I-90 and further south to the Palouse. Benefits of the Project: This project eliminates rail crossing crashes at both the Pines(SR-27)and University BNSF crossing. Crossing delay is eliminated along Pines Road and along Trent(SR-290)when accessing Pines(SR-27). Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering=$2,000,000 Right of Way&Construction=$25,000,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$27,000,000 '' e35. ApplewayTrail-Sullivan to Corbin S" opka Valley 7 rrM S -gwFK m�. E,z�. • - Val,eyvu2y-Rc • e r_� - 1� A _�F-31_ , mow, - r._ , • _,PI �S _ L N. ` M , a. r M iS' ��Ive�sldc-P:ue • �� , �:,,� p, ��;,. '� , ‘�. , . s .1 ,.... � ,� -e,rive g ' _ 8 i . ,-,- .. .1 _.... 1 -,.„,_ ..-‘ r. 7. ic r Gp ' are , „d 7'� ',.'1Mi +e� w 1 g , ill;�' k - W" .N ,1 , " 1st cai . : pleway Trail-Sullivan to Corbin F - .p L 0 o, rri° ° 1 v P =E S_��� ii"1, 1 .. - it' ,PP�(��lL a #m✓ i ai+ru f .-:-:-"j10)1 =:m�4�k L N.,R IaidlLrl -� '14 '66./.42- y 1,41 ,MAs1h '+� I lj L , ,,,..t,,, yy d w.; ,„n,,..,.,_, I■Re s PPPP,F.1 a m r'i1l , Li.,t-...1'.,V.6 . 1■ i b �, ow-qtr, ,,T. ,-LL. .1 .a{s i if r, t North ,, I 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: The City's goal is to complete the Appleway Trail across the City from Balfour Park east to Liberty Lake. The length of Trail,when complete will be about 6 miles. In 2020,the City will have built about 4.7 miles. This project will build 1.3 miles from Sullivan to Corbin Rd completing the Appleway Trail. The Trail will be a 12' hot mix asphalt path. The Appleway Trail project will be land- scaped that will include trees and an irrigation system. The trail will include lighting,benches,architectural features and storm- water facilities. Where the trail crosses Sullivan,a High intensity Activated crossWalK(HAWK)traffic signal is proposed.The purpose of a HAWK is to stop vehicles to allow pedestrians to cross the roadway and then permit drivers to proceed as soon as the pedestrians have passed. Benefits of Project: The Appleway Trail accesses services such as banking, postal and government services, retail services such as drug stores, super- markets, office supply stores,and restaurants. In addition,the trail provides access to multifamily housing and single family hous- ing along the corridor. Employees now have a safe choice to walk and bike to access jobs. The Trail provides facilities for healthy lifestyles giving people the opportunity to walk and ride bikes in a safe urban environment. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$200,000 Construction (CN)=$2,200,000 Total Project Cost—$2,400,000 Sf�'1� 36. Barker Road- Euclid to Flora Road Wellesley Ave Trent Ave-SR-290 it-47. eft Barker Rd -Euclid to 0.1 mi S of Trent Ave(SR-290) 1•• -• -; i a - uclid AVCe c�• �a'a'larietta�r"�y �" North �E f11 w y■ + • o. . Q .S l' afij�• AZAR rT ty r•• V 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: Barker Road from the Spokane River to Euclid intersection will be widened to a 5-lane roadway with 2 lanes in each direction and a middle turn lane,and will include bike lanes,sidewalks and swales. Benefits of Project: Barker Road accesses the heart of the city's industrial area and traffic is expected to grow by 38% by year 2040. Widening the road anticipates future growth and will be in place as the industrial land is developed. New bike lanes and sidewalks will extend access to Trent Ave(SR-290)and neighborhoods on the north side of the highway and east to Otis Orchards along Wellesley Avenue. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$471,000 Right of Way(RW) =$100,000 Construction (CN)=$3,613,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$4,184,000 37. Barker Rd Improvement Project-Appleway to I-90 ~pokane r " NialleV " �,„--- .,^..». ;r it °" s'S: J A r °" n A • ,ter c �^ rx d v , . h \, a d�.' ,row..,., W r r Bro£�GI/+£7r..SVefl u x 11. /� - Barker R ImpProject-Apwayfo 90 ~a" • 4-_. u ,� • .yam :.,-11 �` �I. d, � Ifr ��'"'' +� •L rry,,di...1 ,. a :7w E.1 x':.d.� m ,_ _ ' "'h' .r"" 'IliL • earkii��ce dag a ,. I �r, " IJ its., s rr , ".- e , b. �3 , -. ,. rAt) c • lii�, $ ',4 t i ` iT ,,9E iu.w '!F--`. e ' aK.J15'^ �^1� t y i ;, „, ]it P' 1 i .1' plt, 11: .ply, .! T ir, r _ IF - E.'e-jr.wilty A. q_. "::c„,,, ,,, i . ,,, ....,,,.. ,l, _ „i r y ":. ,4 .yam le r ,.j P fir. [., 'l . a 0 e Y -! l d^ ' flw�' • 7 2016 2017 2018 11 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: Barker Road will be widened to a 5-lane urban section from Appleway to the Barker Road 1-90 interchange (IC). The east leg of Broadway Avenue will be realigned to match Broadway on the west side of Barker Road. The new intersec- tion will either be a 2-lane roundabout or traffic signal. Barker Road will include new bike lanes, sidewalks, and swales. Benefits of the Project: Barker Road between Appleway and the Barker Road 1-90 (IC) is an important arterial link. Appleway is the east end of the 1-90 Business Loop and accesses the heart of the commercial district in the City of Spokane Valley. New side- walks and bike lanes will connect to the Appleway Trail on the south and provide a link over 1-90 to the Centennial Trail along the Spokane River. This area is ripe for development and redevelopment and this upgrade will provide good transportation facilities to facilitate that growth. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering (PE) =$382,000 Right of Way(RW)=$1,146,000 Construction (CN) =$2,397,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$3,629,000 38. Barker Rd Improvements-South City Limits to Appleway 5 _ Valley �, , ' n Sprague - -. t- �' - _ �� 'T .. . Barker Rd Imp,S C!ty I . . Limits to Appleway -.•r .1 z . .±:_ i. _ w. ,. - '�., s cin • _ fr. a i At Jr-■ '7. t±--Av • ': i r "" "" t a - vs • ar am r. �� r..e [ t �r r t x s 'E-9,dn qG't—�. "� sa r L- ,.,. t r 4t t...=-1-01. f Nott 1 C". ' 7• Vic' „ , 1nr - "'. rS:rt. C, 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: The Barker Road Improvement project from the South City Limit to Appleway is about 0.80 miles long and will be widened to a 3- lane urban section that will include bike lanes,curbs,sidewalks,and swales. Barker Road traffic is steadily increasing due to significant housing development in both the City and the County. The existing road was constructed when this section of the City was primarily rural and Barker Road was a farm to market road. In most places the road is one lane in each direction, narrow,with gravel shoulders. The drainage facilities are at a minimum with few swales. Crash rates are slowly increasing and as the area becomes more developed,crashes are expected to increase. Benefits of Project: This project will upgrade the existing road to urban standards. A new center turn lane will provide left turn refuge out of the mainline traffic. New bike and pedestrian facilities will be installed to give residences more options in transportation. Rebuilding and widening the road is expected to reduce crash rates. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$326,000 Right of Way(RW) =$25,000 Construction (CN)=$2,502,000 Total Estimated Project Cost=$2,853,000 % 40. Argonne Rd & I-90 IC Bridge Wideningspokan'� *``" Val le\ , -, ,i - \V----J L ▪ I4 L .. M ed I : 111 6t"'-�uen4tAt ln T LI-1 a �1 u+ n 1z i 0- ' ' 1icr4-.1a2.- 114'11 ii Cala - ean 1 d �° dam., f*" - - . q 1 k ti WIDEN BRIDGE TO 3-LANES, ARGONNE 4 WSDOT EXIT NUTABER 287 1 2 1 I Q 0 I 1 SHOULDER 1 I 1 , ww ,„,,' -, oil .,-;:;A.;.ir'0r;, .,, :m 1 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: Argonne Road north and south of the interchange is three lanes, except over the interstate,where Argonne Road travels over a 2- lane bridge. This creates a bottleneck and significantly adds delay and congestion in the peak travel hours. The City recently completed the University Overpass Report that recommends adding a third lane and a sidewalk to the bridge. According to the report,adding an additional lane would significantly reduce delay through the 2040 design year. This project will add another 12 foot travel lane,a 6 foot wide shoulder and a 10 foot sidewalk to the Argonne Road bridge over I- 90. Benefits of Project: The project relieves corridor congestion and significantly reduces travel time. By 2040, according to traffic modeling, if no lane were added, the time to drive from Trent to Mission would take about 7 minutes. The same drive by adding another lane to the bridge would be under 2 minutes. The project supports future plans for STA's "Fly-over" Stop at Argonne Interchange when they implement the High Performance Transit Network(HPTN). Widening the bridge and adding a new 10 foot sidewalk and widened shoulder provides improved pedestrian facilities per the City's Comprehensive Plan. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)-$800,000 Construction (CN)-$7,200,000 Total estimated project cost=$8,000,000 41. Barker Rd Improvement- Spokane River to Euclid ~pvkan ,.- -i ._ Va11ey _,,-..q �. f ` 4 _ d ; •1 J ":.:y 1 i , M1 ! ' - • Euclid Ave m kI �~ 1• ' Barker-Spokane River to Euclid -- 1. ` ,` '^.��' ,., , �� y x •ti.' t. m o. - = S.okane River .. ri gr_: .4` I,s-i, �fj 11 4¢4 ., ♦ate y v z_491ri: i _ i +'w sf -0",. .,-,., .„ iRYlT • �� 0 7 ' y* Re a North - as •tt� r -' . L. a , GI ] t , ■ I II 2016 1 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 I Project Description: Barker Road from the Spokane River to Euclid intersection will be widened to a 5-lane roadway with 2 lanes in each direction and a middle turn lane,and will include bike lanes,sidewalks and swales. Benefits of Project: Barker Road accesses the heart of the city's industrial area and traffic is expected to grow by 38%by year 2040. Widening the road anticipates future growth and will be in place as the industrial land is developed. Adding bike lanes and sidewalks will ex- tend access to the Centennial Trail along the Spokane River,STA bus stop Route 98, and to various commercial businesses. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$378,000 Right of Way(RW) =$25,000 Note: The construction of the project is estimated to be$2,899,000 and is programmed for year 2022. 1110.1111111.1414440011100, 42. Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation S,P°lcane Val ley >Pet � 'R � -.r i s°.. �,"' '�'+i'-_ Barker Rd/BNSF Grade . <' •� �'� ,Separation Project - x?r= •14, . .ro • ! � � � ' � , r. vy _ der, as 1 r': rr +. ,200 t/',' FL- rip � r v f North 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Project Description: The Project builds an overpass for Barker Road over the BNSF tracks,adds on-and off-ramps from Barker Road to Trent Avenue (SR-290), incorporates a realignment of Wellesley Ave,and provides safe passage for bikes and pedestrians across both the BNSF rail line and SR-290. In addition,the Project would eliminate train-vehicle conflicts, remove automobile delays,and improve the level-of service(LOS) rating for the intersection from "F"to "A." Benefits of Project: The Project would eliminate train-vehicle conflicts, remove automobile delays, and improve the LOS for the intersection from "F"to"A."The realignment of Wellesley Avenue mitigates congestion on SR-290 by consolidating access points for Barker and Wellesley into one interchange. The addition of bike and ADA compliant pedestrian access on the overpass encourages alterna- tive modes of transportation to nearby businesses, residences and schools. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)=$1,538,000 Right of Way(RW) =$450,000 Note: These costs are costs to begin the PE and RW phases in 2021.Total estimated costs for this project including construction is expected to be$29,200,000. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 9, 2015 Department Director Approval: El Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST VOUCHER NUMBERS TOTAL AMOUNT 05/07/2015 35358-35383 $117,455.93 05/07/2015 35384-35417; 505150023 $683,364.23 05/07/2015 6096-6097 $243.00 05/12/2015 35418 $1,879.36 05/18/2015 35419-35489 $607,596.79 05/18/2015 6098-6110 $2,238.00 05/20/2015 13; 5149-5150; 5152-5153; 139325968 $74,414.00 05/21/2015 35490-35502 $18,376.49 05/21/2015 6111-6116 $837.50 05/26/2015 35503-35517 $21,582.04 05/29/2015 35518-35525 $227,403.78 05/29/2015 35526-35563; 528150244 $134,352.70 05/29/2015 6117-6138 $1,425.00 GRAND TOTAL: $1,891,168.82 Explanation of Fund Numbers found on Voucher Lists #001 - General Fund Other Funds City Council 101 —Street Fund City Manager 103 —Paths &Trails Legal 105 —Hotel/Motel Tax 001.016.000. Public Safety 106—Solid Waste Deputy City Manager 120- CenterPlace Operating Reserve Finance 121—Service Level Stabilization Reserve Human Resources 122—Winter Weather Reserve 001.032.000. Public Works 123 —Civil Facilities Replacement CED -Administration 204—Debt Service CED—Economic Development 301 —REET 1 Capital Projects CED—Development Services-Engineering 302 - REET 2 Capital Projects CED—Development Services-Planning 303 —Street Capital Projects CED—Building 309—Parks Capital Grants Parks & Rec—Administration 310—Civic Bldg Capital Projects 001.076.300.576. Parks & Rec-Maintenance 311 —Pavement Preservation 001.076.301.571. Parks & Rec-Recreation 312—Capital Reserve 001.076.302.576. Parks & Rec-Aquatics 402—Stormwater Management 001.076.304.575. Parks & Rec- Senior Center 403 —Aquifer Protection Area 001.076.305.571. Parks & Rec-CenterPlace 501 —Equipment Rental &Replacement General Gov't-Council related 502—Risk Management General Gov't-Finance related General Gov't-Employee supply General Gov't-Centralized Services General Gov't-Other Services General Gov't-Transportation General Gov't-Natural &Economic General Gov't-Social Services General Gov't-Capital Outlay General Gov't-Pavement Preservation RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve attached list of claim vouchers. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Mark Calhoun, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Voucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/07/2015 1:10:49PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35358 5/7/2015 001081 ALSCO LSPO1605141 FLOOR MAT SERVICE AT PRECINC 20.39 LSPO1611009 FLOOR MAT SERVICE AT PRECINC 20.39 Total : 40.78 35359 5/7/2015 003775 AM HARDWARE 34029 001.076.302.576 SUPPLIES FOR PARKS 28.43 Total : 28.43 35360 5/7/2015 004046 AMERICAN ONSITE SERVICES A-145703 001.076.300.576 PORTABLE RESTROOMS AT PARK: 78.94 Total : 78.94 35361 5/7/2015 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 9639566 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 500.26 S0106363 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 196.48 S0107192 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 328.73 Total : 1,025.47 35362 5/7/2015 003300 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL April 2015 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES: PARKS 119.48 Total : 119.48 35363 5/7/2015 001169 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY April-May 2015 PETTY CASH: 12421, 24,25,26,28 12.47 Total : 12.47 35364 5/7/2015 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION#19 April 2015 001.076.305.575 UTILITIES: CP 370.79 Total : 370.79 35365 5/7/2015 000795 EARTHWORKS RECYCLING INC. 35604 001.076.305.575 RECYCLING COLLECTION CP 31.25 Total : 31.25 35366 5/7/2015 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST#1 April 2015 001.076.300.576 WATER CHARGES FOR EDGECLIF 91.85 April 2015 WATER CHARGES: PW 423.66 Total : 515.51 35367 5/7/2015 001635 ISS FACILITY EVENT SERVICES 874729 001.076.305.575 MONTHLY CLEANING AT CENTERP 7,136.00 Total : 7,136.00 35368 5/7/2015 000252 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT March 2015 001.076.305.575 OPERATING SUPPLIES: PARKS/CP 332.16 Total : 332.16 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 05/07/2015 1:10:49PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35369 5/7/2015 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO April 2015 001.076.302.576 UTILITIES: PARKS 1,319.66 Total : 1,319.66 35370 5/7/2015 001084 PAPICH,JENNIFER Expenses 001.076.301.571 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 47.74 Total : 47.74 35371 5/7/2015 000868 POWER CITY ELECTRIC CON. INC. 40363 001.076.305.575 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,072.51 Total : 2,072.51 35372 5/7/2015 002633 PRORIDER INC 65958 BICYCLE HELMETS FOR SCOPE PI 2,997.02 Total : 2,997.02 35373 5/7/2015 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS INC. 41584 001.076.301.571 BANNERS FOR PARKS AND RECRE 1,134.83 Total : 1,134.83 35374 5/7/2015 000415 ROSAUERS FOOD&DRUG CENTER 01-399768 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES FOR TRADE SHOWS-C 37.29 02-344932 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES FOR TRADE SHOWS-C 9.48 Total : 46.77 35375 5/7/2015 000709 SENSKE LAWN &TREE CARE INC. 2014 RETAINAGE RELEASE:2014 PARK 33,979.27 6057527 001.076.300.576 CONTRACT MAINT: PARKS APRIL 2 58,934.26 6601381 MONTHLY SERVICES AT PRECINC- 770.47 Total : 93,684.00 35376 5/7/2015 003231 SHERWIN WILLIAMS COMPANY 6922-1 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE 135.82 7174-6 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES: PARKS 275.96 Total : 411.78 35377 5/7/2015 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST#3 April 2015 001.076.300.576 WATER CHARGES: PARKS 64.77 April 2015 WATER CHARGES: PW 43.48 April 2015 001.076.300.576 WATER CHARGES: PARKS 57.95 Total : 166.20 35378 5/7/2015 000731 SPOKANE RESTAURANT EQUIP INC 60212 001.076.305.575 KITCHEN ITEMS FOR CENTERPLAC 129.35 Total : 129.35 35379 5/7/2015 000854 SPVV LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 1510.03 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,710.00 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 05/07/2015 1:10:49PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35379 5/7/2015 000854 000854 SPVV LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (Continued) Total : 1,710.00 35380 5/7/2015 003532 STERICYCLE COM. SOLUTIONS INC 150411173101 001.076.305.575 ANSWERING SVC: CP SEA4590531 32.45 Total : 32.45 35381 5/7/2015 002306 TERRELL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, MIC 2272 309.000.203.594 0203-ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 2,589.70 Total : 2,589.70 35382 5/7/2015 003175 VISIT SPOKANE 7157 2015 VISITOR MAP-COSV PARK& 400.00 Total : 400.00 35383 5/7/2015 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0079300-2681-5 001.076.305.575 WASTE MGMT: CENTERPLACE 740.02 0079301-2681-3 WASTE MGMT: CENTERPLACE 282.62 Tota[ : 1,022.64 26 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 117,455.93 26 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 117,455.93 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: '1 05/07/2015 3:44:44PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35384 5/7/2015 000197 ACRANET 103881 NEW HIRE CRIMINAL REPORTS 60.00 Total : 60.00 35385 5/7/2015 003076 AMSDEN, ERICA EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 16.12 Total : 16.12 35386 5/7/2015 000050 APA- INLAND EMPIRE SECTION JUNE 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE M. BASING 273.00 JUNE 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE G. MANTZ 265.00 JUNE 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE G. GALLIN 340.00 Total : 878.00 35387 5/7/2015 000843 ASFPM MEMBERSHIP 2015 RENEWAL D. HORTON 60.00 Total : 60.00 35388 5/7/2015 004110 BURKES KLEINS DKI 77018 ABATEMENT SERVICES 1,669.28 Total : 1,669.28 35389 5/7/2015 000571 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY 49600 MUNICIPAL CODE ELECTRONIC OF 147.96 Total : 147.96 35390 5/7/2015 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 40714806 APRIL 2015: FLEET FUEL BILL 1,623.22 Total : 1,623.22 35391 5/7/2015 003255 DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS 569138 TOWER RENTAL PUBLIC WORKS 206.07 Total : 206.07 35392 5/7/2015 003624 DEHN,SHELLY EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 22.30 Total : 22.30 35393 5/7/2015 000999 EASTERN WA ATTORNEY SVC INC 92111 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 20.00 Total : 20.00 35394 5/7/2015 004165 EXPRESS SERVICES INC 15662637-6 EMPLOYEMENT SERVICES 142.50 15692042-3 EMPLOYEMENT SERVICES 312.55 Total : 455.05 35395 5/7/2015 004268 FRAME-RITE STRUCTURES BLD-2015-0926 BUILDING PERMIT REFUND 625.00 Page: /'I vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 05/07/2015 3:44:44PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35395 5/7/2015 004268 004268 FRAME-RITE STRUCTURES (Continued) Total : 625.00 35396 5/7/2015 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 125475 ADVERTISING 167.00 125614 ADVERTISING 167.00 43640 LEGAL PUBLICATION 473.60 43675 LEGAL PUBLICATION 31.45 43676 LEGAL PUBLICATION 35.70 43677 LEGAL PUBLICATION 98.60 43678 LEGAL PUBLICATION 96.90 43679 LEGAL PUBLICATION 25.00 Total : 1,095.25 35397 5/7/2015 000825 GEOLINE INC 330622 402.402.000.531 TRIMBLE YUMA GPS UNIT 4,834.98 Total : 4,834.98 35398 5/7/2015 000265 JACKSON, MIKE MAY 2015 AUTO ALLOWANCE 300.00 Total : 300.00 35399 5/7/2015 003959 MAX J KUNEY CO PAY APP 7 303.303.155.595 0155-SULLIVAN RD WEST BRIDGE 16,270.36 Total : 16,270.36 35400 5/7/2015 004269 MILLER,WILLIAM EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 32.60 Total : 32.60 35401 5/7/2015 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO EE-15-016 303.303.060.595 PRE-JOB COST ESTIMATE ARGON 8,366.75 EW-15-016 303.303.060.595 PRE-JOB COST ESTIMATE ARGON 8,158.03 EW-15-017 303.303.060.595 PRE-JOB COST ESTIMATE ARGON 4,306.36 Total : 20,831.14 35402 5/7/2015 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 765766625001 001.076.304.575 SUPPLIES: PARKS 235.92 766657096001 SUPPLIES: PW 18.69 767490323001 001.076.301.571 SUPPLIES: PARKS 34.75 768043408001 SUPPLIES: FINANCE 30.69 Total : 320.05 35403 5/7/2015 000881 OXARC INC 5412DSS SUPPLIES: PW 162.77 Total : 162.77 Page: ' 2 e:Pa vchlist Voucher List g 05/07/2015 3:44:44PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35404 5/7/2015 002561 RICASHAY ENTERPRISES P8975-0515 LARGE ANIMAL CONTROL 550.00 Total : 550.00 35405 5/7/2015 000836 SCHULTZ,WILLIAM J. EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 482.00 Total : 482.00 35406 5/7/2015 000709 SENSKE LAWN &TREE CARE INC. 6057551 ON-CALL EMERGENCY TRAFFIC C 530.46 Total : 530.46 35407 5/7/2015 001140 SPECIAL ASPHALT PRODUCTS INVC067758 SUPPLIES: PW 7,429.25 Total : 7,429.25 35408 5/7/2015 000230 SPOKANE CO AUDITORS OFFICE APRIL 2015 RECORDING FEES 1,133.00 Total : 1,133.00 35409 5/7/2015 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER APRIL 2015 2014 DSA RETRO PAY 224,244.23 APRIL 2015 JAN-APR' 15 DSA BACK PAY 153,299.71 Total : 377,543.94 35410 5/7/2015 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 42000136 MAY ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES 20,435.67 Total : 20,435.67 35411 5/7/2015 000065 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 3258948929 SUPPLIES: COUNCIL 57.85 Total : 57.85 35412 5/7/2015 001969 SUNSHINE DISPOSAL 851486 TRANSFER STATION ACCOUNT 021 15.20 Total : 15.20 35413 5/7/2015 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW 288128 23152 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION 24'A 98.40 424681 ADVERTISING ACCOUNT 9013993 703.13 Total : 801.53 35414 5/7/2015 000335 TIRE-RAMA 8080035330 58401D:SERVICE 52.12 8080035427 40205D: SERVICE 41.58 8080035475 40210D: SERVICE 41.58 Total : 135.28 35415 5/7/2015 002597 TWISTED PAIR ENTERPRISES LLC 4302015 BROADCASTING COUNCIL MEETIN 802.00 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 05/07/2015 3:44:44PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35415 5/7/2015 002597 002597 TWISTED PAIR ENTERPRISES LLC (Continued) Total : 802.00 35416 5/7/2015 003206 VAN NESS FELDMAN LLP 118597 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 49,481.11 Total : 49,481.11 35417 5/7/2015 000087 VERIZON WIRELESS 9744303180 APRIL 2015 WIRELESS DATA CARE 400.12 Total : 400.12 505150023 5/5/2015 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER APRIL 2015 SPOKANE COUNTY SERVICES 173,936.67 Total : 173,936.67 35 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 683,364.23 35 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 683,364.23 I,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: .-4� vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/07/2015 4:01:08PM Spokane Valley Bank code : pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 6096 5/7/2015 000895 NEWBILL, BRANDON PARKS REFUND REFUND 1/2 FOR SUMMER CAMP 107.00 Total : 107.00 6097 5/7/2015 004270 PRIMAKOVA, DARYA PARKS REFUND CANCELLATION FOR MIRABEAU S. 136.00 Total : 136.00 2 Vouchers for bank code : pk-ref Bank total : 243.00 2 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 243.00 I,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: /I Gj vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/12/2015 12:58:18PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35418 5/12/2015 001606 BANNER BANK 8581 April 2015 ENZIAN INN LEAVENWORTH 317.49 8581 April 2015 ULINE SHIP SUPPLIES 344.40 8581 April 2015 VARIDESK 375.00 8581 April 2015 SKILLPATH SEMINARS 99.00 8581 April 2015 FRED PRYOR CAREERTRACK 149.00 8581 April 2015 THE HOME DEPOT 129.99 8581 April 2015 WABO INC 60.00 8581 April 2015 STRUCALC INC 404.48 Total : 1,879.36 1 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 1,879.36 1 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,879.36 I,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: �� jV) vchlist Voucher List Page: -1--- 05/18/2015 05/18/2015 10:38:20AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35419 5/18/2015 000958 AAA SWEEPING LLC 53732 402.402.000.531 STREET SWEEPING SERVICES 68,292.24 53733 402.402.000.531 STORM DRAIN CLEANING 38,464.16 Total : 106,756.40 35420 5/18/2015 000648 ABADAN REPROGRAPHICS 46551 303.303.060.595 PRINTING SERVICES 533.93 Total : 533.93 35421 5/18/2015 002931 ALL WESTERN INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 100192 SUPPLIES: PW 68.98 Total : 68.98 35422 5/18/2015 003076 AMSDEN, ERICA EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 24.15 Total : 24.15 35423 5/18/2015 000135 APA 134254-1545 2015-2016 RENEWAL K. KENDALL 306.00 183514-1545 2015-2016 RENEWAL M. PALANIUK 238.00 Total : 544.00 35424 5/18/2015 004278 ARCHITECTS WEST INC 8027 310.000.215.594 0215-CITY HALL DESIGN&CN ADN 20,690.40 Total : 20,690.40 35425 5/18/2015 001017 AVTECH SOFTWARE INC G015050802 AVTECH SUPPORT RENEWAL 55.00 Total : 55.00 35426 5/18/2015 000173 BINGAMAN, GREG EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 3.59 Total : 3.59 35427 5/18/2015 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 9641552 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 278.17 S0107504 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 129.91 Total : 408.08 35428 5/18/2015 002615 BULLOCK, SUSAN EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 26.00 Total : 26.00 35429 5/18/2015 004277 BUTCHER, DAN EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 160.00 Total : 160.00 35430 5/18/2015 001122 CAMERON-REILLY LLC PAY APP 3 303.303.149.595 0149-SIDEWALK INFILL PHASE 2 C 2,000.00 Page: -"'lir vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 05/18/2015 10:38:20AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35430 5/18/2015 001122 001122 CAMERON-REILLY LLC (Continued) Total : 2,000.00 35431 5/18/2015 000572 CARTER, CAROL Expenses 001.076.305.575 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 20.66 Total : 20.66 35432 5/18/2015 000101 CDW-G VD27355 SUPPLIES: IT 108.52 Total : 108.52 35433 5/18/2015 002572 CINTAS CORPORATION 606121261 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 02356 100.17 6061212649 SERVICE ACCOUNT 02384 195.33 606122439 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 02356 100.17 606123639 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 02356 100.17 606124814 SUPPLIES ACCOUNT 02356 113.60 Total : 609.44 35434 5/18/2015 000571 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY 49803 ELECTRONIC CODE UPDATE 49.32 Total : 49.32 35435 5/18/2015 001888 COMCAST ROW-2015-0039/0040 BUILDING PERMIT REFUND 146.00 Total : 146.00 35436 5/18/2015 001888 COMCAST MAY 2015 HIGH SPEED INTERNET CITY HALL 143.03 Total : 143.03 35437 5/18/2015 004246 CONCORD CONSULTING CORPORATIOP 7765 CCI LEADERSHIP ASSESSMENT SI 175.00 Total : 175.00 35438 5/18/2015 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION#19 April 2015 UTILITIES: PW 152.70 Total : 152.70 35439 5/18/2015 000683 DAVID EVANS&ASSOCIATES 356754 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 320.00 Total : 320.00 35440 5/18/2015 002604 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC 77924188 COMPUTER LEASE 001-8922117-0( 1,006.63 Total : 1,006.63 35441 5/18/2015 002604 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC 77925126 COMPUTER LEASE 001-8922117-0( 115.29 Page: •-2--- vchlist Voucher List Page: ("3"-- 05/18/2015 10:38:20AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35441 5/18/2015 002604 002604 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC (Continued) Total : 115.29 35442 5/18/2015 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-ATB50414114 303.303.060.595 ARGONNE CORRIDOR UPGRADE I 100.48 RE-313-ATB50414129 303.303.156.595 MANSFIELD AVE CONNECTION 56.16 Total : 156.64 35443 5/18/2015 002920 DIRECTV INC 25746294045 TV SERVICE FOR MAINT SHOP 50.99 Total : 50.99 35444 5/18/2015 003256 DISCOVERY BENEFITS INC, HRA PLAN 0000540633-IN HRA MONTHLY SERVICE FEE APR 405.00 Total : 405.00 35445 5/18/2015 004276 DRUMMOND, KIPP EXPENSE EXPENSE TRAVEL FOR FINANCE E 500.00 Total : 500.00 35446 5/18/2015 000999 EASTERN WA ATTORNEY SVC INC 92454 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 15.00 Total : 15.00 35447 5/18/2015 003697 ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE LLC 12956866 INTERNET SERVICE SCRAPS MAY 88.48 Total : 88.48 35448 5/18/2015 002296 ELECTRONIC COMMERCE LINK 10736 E-GOV MAINT&HOSTING 1,587.00 Total : 1,587.00 35449 5/18/2015 002157 ELJAY OIL COMPANY 4237072 FUEL FOR MAINT SHOP 314.85 Total : 314.85 35450 5/18/2015 003682 EPIC LAND SOLUTIONS INC 0315-0464 303.303.166.595 0166-PINES RD&GRACE AVE IN1 1,726.53 0315-0537 303.000.206.595 0206-ROW ACQUISITION SVCS 6,555.54 Total : 8,282.07 35451 5/18/2015 003500 FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 113655 001.076.305.575 COFFEE SUPPLIES FOR CENTERF 205.12 Total : 205.12 35452 5/18/2015 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 125776 ADVERTISING 115.00 43703 LEGAL PUBLICATION 93.50 Total : 208.50 Page: -3e-- vchlist Voucher List Page: r 4 05/18/2015 10:38:20AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35453 5/18/2015 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL APR15 1042 GOVERNMENATAL AFFAIRS APRIL 3,549.39 Total : 3,549.39 35454 5/18/2015 000007 GRAINGER 9730491975 SUPPLIES: PW 16.41 Total : 16.41 35455 5/18/2015 002043 HDR ENGINEERING INC 00209573-B 303.000.177.544 0177-FURURE TRAFFIC ANALYSIS 11,111.01 Total : 11,111.01 35456 5/18/2015 000070 INLAND POWER&LIGHT CO 94202 UTILITIES:APRIL 2015 PW 412.40 Total : 412.40 35457 5/18/2015 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST.#6 April 2015 001.076.300.576 UTILITIES: PARKS 166.00 Total : 166.00 35458 5/18/2015 001635 ISS FACILITY EVENT SERVICES 872978 001.076.305.575 EVENT SVCS AT CP 73.75 Total : 73.75 35459 5/18/2015 004275 IZZO, DANIEL EXPENSE TRAVEL EXPENSE FOR FINANCE C 323.67 Total : 323.67 35460 5/18/2015 003185 LAMB, ERIK EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 25.55 Total : 25.55 35461 5/18/2015 002259 MENKE JACKSON BEYER LLP 492 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 907.80 497 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,785.60 499 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 136.50 Total : 2,829.90 35462 5/18/2015 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO April 2015 UTILITIES:APRIL 2015: PW 8,476.05 Total : 8,476.05 35463 5/18/2015 004272 MOMENTUM INK LLC 4321 WELLNESS CAMPAIGN T-SHIRTS 157.62 Total : 157.62 35464 5/18/2015 002203 NAPAAUTO PARTS APRIL 2015 SUPPLIES PW ACCOUNT 16402591 151.11 Total : 151.11 Page: 4 /L vchlist Voucher List Page: 05/18/2015 10:38:20AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35465 5/18/2015 003090 NORTH 40 OUTFITTERS 062245 SUPPLIES: PW 21.73 062478 SUPPLIES: PW 26.41 Total : 48.14 35466 5/18/2015 002364 NORTHEND TRUCK EQUIPMENT INC 1030894 SUPPLIES: PW 1,990.72 Total : 1,990.72 35467 5/18/2015 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC June 2015 CITY HALL RENT 35,511.52 Total : 35,511.52 35468 5/18/2015 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 767756819001 SUPPLIES: PW 47.18 767756877001 SUPPLIES: PW 2.72 76808522001 SUPPLIES: OPS 71.20 768348543001 SUPPLIES: FINANCE 20.64 768440625001 SUPPLIES: OPS 16.29 769176028001 SUPPLIES: OPS 3.03 Total : 161.06 35469 5/18/2015 002243 ORBITCOM 00837179 001.076.305.575 PHONE SERVICE CENTERPLACE 209.26 Total : 209.26 35470 5/18/2015 000881 OXARC INC 6120DSS SUPPLIES: PW 291.32 6520DSS SUPPLIES: PW 291.32 Total : 582.64 35471 5/18/2015 000029 PITNEY BOWES INC 21614864862 POSTAGE METER POSTAGE ADD 5,017.00 Total : 5,017.00 35472 5/18/2015 001089 POE ASPHALT PAVING INC. 44402 2015 STREET AND STORMWATER 1,571.43 44409 2015 STREET AND STORMWATER 74,377.30 44442 2015 STREET AND STORMWATER 187,439.65 Total : 263,388.38 35473 5/18/2015 000041 PROTHMAN COMPANY 2015-4859 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 1,092.38 Total : 1,092.38 35474 5/18/2015 003208 RODDA PAINT CO. 09436163 SUPPLIES: PW 70.86 Page: ,-5--- 75 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 05/18/2015 10:38:20AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor. Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35474 5/18/2015 003208 003208 RODDA PAINT CO. (Continued) Total : 70.86 35475 5/18/2015 002835 SCS DELIVERY INC 6618 PACKAGE DELIVERY FOR COUNCI 100.00 Total : 100.00 35476 5/18/2015 000709 SENSKE LAWN&TREE CARE INC. 6057551 ON-CALL EMERGENCY TRAFFIC C 530.46 6610533 ON-CALL EMERGENCY TRAFFIC C 169.57 Total : 700.03 35477 5/18/2015 001140 SPECIAL ASPHALT PRODUCTS INVC067801 SUPPLIES: PW 14,901.36 INVC067812 SUPPLIES: PW 1,851.76 INVCO67880 SUPPLIES: PW 1,862.67 INVCO67883 SUPPLIES: PW 3,725.33 Total : 22,341.12 35478 5/18/2015 004131 SPOKANE CO SOLID WASTE MGMT 20150507-0015-31547 TRANSFER STATION CAHRGES 7.52 Total : 7.52 35479 5/18/2015 000459 SPOKANE CO TITLE CO 181126 311.000.220.595 OWNERS POLICY 54.35 5-189448 303.303.166.595 OWNERS POLICY 245.74 Total : 300.09 35480 5/18/2015 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 51502678 APRIL WORK CREW INVOICE 3,891.01 Total : 3,891.01 35481 5/18/2015 001159 SPOKANE PUMP INC. 0226807 402.402.000.531 SUPPLIES: PW 18,684.44 Total : 18,684.44 35482 5/18/2015 001472 TESTAMERICA LABORATORIES 59100524 402.402.000.531 MATERIALS TESTING 152.00 Total : 152.00 35483 5/18/2015 000335 TIRE-RAMA 8080035629 38904D: SERVICE 189.03 Total : 189.03 35484 5/18/2015 003206 VAN NESS FELDMAN LLP 119269 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 64.00 Total : 64.00 35485 5/18/2015 003175 VISIT SPOKANE 6120 2015 LODGING TAX GRANT REIMB 76,666.66 Page: .--6' /, vchlist Voucher List Page: c-7-- 05/18/2015 10:38:20AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35485 5/18/2015 003175 003175 VISIT SPOKANE (Continued) Total : 76,666.66 35486 5/18/2015 000140 WALT'S MAILING SERVICE LTD 45504 303.303.155.595 POSTAGE SERVICES 1,509.96 Total : 1,509.96 35487 5/18/2015 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0079299-2681-9 WASTE MGMT: MAINT SHOP 172.94 Total : 172.94 35488 5/18/2015 000676 WEST-THOMAS REUTERS 831749951 WEST INFORMATION CHARGES 766.02 Tota[ : 766.02 35489 5/18/2015 001885 ZAYO GROUP LLC MAY 2015 INTERNET SERVICES 560.73 MAY 2015 B DARK FIBER LEASE 195.65 Total : 756.38 71 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 607,596.79 71 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 607,596.79 Page: 7------ /2 vchlist Voucher List Page: ---1- 05118/2015 11:36:38AM Spokane Valley Bank code : pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 6098 5/18/2015 004289 BUTLER, MARGO PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT GREAT ROOM 170.00 Total : 170.00 6099 5/18/2015 004285 CASA PARTNERS PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT GREAT ROOM 210.00 Total : 210.00 6100 5/18/2015 004280 CLAYPOOL, KIM PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT FIRESIDE LOUD 210.00 Total : 210.00 6101 5/18/2015 004282 COSTCO WHOLESALE PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT MEETING ROOT 104.00 Total : 104.00 6102 5/18/2015 004284 DAVIES, STEVE PARKS REFUND REFUND SUMMER CAMP 107.00 Total : 107.00 6103 5/18/2015 003665 FREEMAN HIGH SCHOOL PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT FIRESIDE LOUD 210.00 Total : 210.00 6104 5/18/2015 004286 HANLEY, NICOLE PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT FIRESIDE LOW 210.00 Total : 210.00 6105 5/18/2015 004281 MCCLAIN, LINDA PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT FIRESIDE LOW 210.00 Total : 210.00 6106 5/18/2015 004283 MCCOLLUM, BROOKE PARKS REFUND SUMMER CAMP REFUND 214.00 Total : 214.00 6107 5/18/2015 004287 NASCO,ALA PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT GREAT ROOM 89.00 Total : 89.00 6108 5/18/2015 004279 RANSON, BRIAN PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT GREAT ROOM 210.00 Total : 210.00 6109 5/18/2015 001336 RIVERSIDE HIGH SCHOOL PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT GREAT ROOM 210.00 Total : 210.00 6110 5/18/2015 004288 WASHINGTON STATE QUILTERS PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT GREAT ROOM 84.00 Page: .1 --- J/n ( V vchlist Voucher List Page: 05/18/2015 11:36:38AM Spokane Valley Bank code : pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 6110 5/18/2015 004288 004288 WASHINGTON STATE QUILTERS (Continued) Total : 84.00 13 Vouchers for bank code : pk-ref Bank total : 2,238.00 13 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 2,238.00 I,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: '� 77,--1 vchlist Voucher List Page: --f- 05/20/2015 11:43:45AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 13 5/20/2015 003256 DISCOVERY BENEFITS INC,HRA PLAN Ben60968 HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT: 400.00 Total: 400.00 5149 5/20/2015 000048 VANTAGE TRANSFER AGENTS,401A PLAN Ben60970 401A:PAYMENT 31,634.32 Total: 31,634.32 5150 5/20/2015 000682 EFTPS Ben60972 FEDERAL TAXES:PAYMENT 32,526.05 Total: 32,526.05 5152 5/20/2015 000145 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS,457 PU Ben60974 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION:PAYI 7,660.72 Total: 7,660.72 5153 5/20/2015 000162 VANTAGE TRANSFER AGENTS,401A EXEC P1 Ben60976 401 EXEC PLAN:PAYMENT 1,172.35 Total: 1,172.35 1393235968 5/20/2015 002227 IDAHO TAX COMMISSION Ben60966 IDAHO STATE TAX BASE:PAYMENT 1,020.56 Total: 1,020.56 6 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total: 74,414.00 6 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 74,414.00 Page: `"� vchlist Voucher List Page: 1- 05/21/2015 4:16:23PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35490 5/21/2015 000168 BLACK BOX NETWORK SVC SPO-073020 PHONE SERVICE CALL 204.89 Total : 204.89 35491 5/21/2015 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 43739 LEGAL PUBLICATION 25.00 Total : 25.00 35492 5/21/2015 000002 H &H BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 292744 COPIER COSTS 25.26 292745 COPIER COSTS 6.86 293131 COPIER COSTS 428.45 293132 COPIER COSTS 59.74 293137 COPIER COSTS 128.67 293138 COPIER COSTS 13.53 293149 COPIER COSTS 161.09 293150 COPIER COSTS 30.88 293155 COPIER COSTS 88.54 293156 COPIER COSTS 8.01 293226 COPIER COSTS 377.44 293227 COPIER COSTS 23.59 293254 COPIER COSTS 6.70 Total : 1,358.76 35493 5/21/2015 001728 HP FINANCIAL SERVICES CO 600451425 SCHEDULE 572DD016 5/11-6/10/15 745.84 600451426 SCHEDULE 572E3651 5/11-6/10/15 830.28 600453850 SCHEDULE 572DA494 4/19-5/18/15 839.80 Total : 2,415.92 35494 5/21/2015 000239 NORTHWEST BUSINESS STAMP INC. 94627 SLOTTED NAME BADGE 16.85 Total : 16.85 35495 5/21/2015 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 768440954001 SUPPLIES: OPS 8.39 768696904001 001.076.304.575 SUPPLIES: PARKS -177.93 769377442001 SUPPLIES: HR 38.10 770649564001 SUPPLIES: FINANCE 136.12 Total : 4.68 35496 5/21/2015 000437 PERIDOT PUBLISHING LLC, LIBERTY LA 17733 ADVERTISING 124.00 Page: "—I vchlist Voucher List Page:' '2 05/21/2015 4:16:23PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35496 5/21/2015 000437 000437 PERIDOT PUBLISHING LLC, LIBERT (Continued) Total : 124.00 35497 5/21/2015 000675 RAMAX PRINTING&AWARDS INC 26900 NAME PLATE 38.59 Total : 38.59 35498 5/21/2015 000090 SPOKANE CO INFO SYSTEMS 50312693 COUNTY IT SUPPORT APRIL 2015 13,447.93 Total : 13,447.93 35499 5/21/2015 000065 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 3265179754 SUPPLIES: OPS 304.43 3265179755 SUPPLIES: OPS 9.33 3265179756 SUPPLIES: OPS 24.66 3265179757 SUPPLIES: OPS 36.05 3265179758 SUPPLIES: OPS 40.34 Total : 414.81 35500 5/21/2015 004295 THE SMOKE HOUSE CSV REFUND CSV ENDORSEMENT REFUND 13.00 Total : 13.00 35501 5/21/2015 004294 THE TOTAL EXFOLIATOR CSV REFUND CSV ENDORSEMENT REFUND 13.00 Total : 13.00 35502 5/21/2015 001792 WHITEHEAD,JOHN EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 299.06 Total : 299.06 13 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 18,376.49 13 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 18,376.49 Page: "2-- vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/21/2015 4:40:27PM Spokane Valley Bank code : pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 6111 5/21/2015 004297 BJORKLUND,JULIE PARKS REFUND SUMMER CAMP REFUND 117.00 Total : 117.00 6112 5/21/2015 004299 HENDRICKSON, KELCEY PARKS REFUND REFUND SUMMER CAMP 135.00 Total : 135.00 6113 5/21/2015 004298 JENNINGS, HANNAH PARKS REFUND REFUND 50%OF SUMMER CAMP 58.50 Total : 58.50 6114 5/21/2015 004296 NAUTA, SYLVIA PARKS REFUND SUMMER CAMP REFUND 107.00 Total : 107.00 6115 5/21/2015 000877 VALLEY FOURTH CHURCH PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPSOT FIRESIDE LOUN 210.00 Total : 210.00 6116 5/21/2015 001332 WEST VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT GREAT ROOM 210.00 Total : 210.00 6 Vouchers for bank code : pk-ref Bank total : 837.50 6 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 837.50 / Page: .�I vchlist Voucher List Page: 3j 1 05/26/2015 3:40:34PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35503 5/26/2015 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL LLC INV011780 JANITORIAL SVCS:APRIL 2015 2,501.87 Total : 2,501.87 35504 5/26/2015 000030 AVISTA April 2015 001.076.300.576 UTILITIES: PARKS MASTER AVISTA 7,242.22 Total : 7,242.22 35505 5/26/2015 003229 BARGREEN ELLINGSON 007143248 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES: CP 327.63 Total : 327.63 35506 5/26/2015 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 9643636 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 244.41 9645608 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 338.23 S0108845 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 69.69 S0108888 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY ATC 243.66 Total : 895.99 35507 5/26/2015 002308 FINKE, MELISSA April 2015 001.076.301.571 INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 836.25 Total : 836.25 35508 5/26/2015 003500 FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 113855 001.076.305.575 COFFEE SUPPLIES AT CENTERPLI 24.05 Total : 24.05 35509 5/26/2015 001983 GLOBAL EQUIP COMPANY 108029865 001.076.300.576 SUPPLIES AT CENTERPLACE 257.90 Total : 257.90 35510 5/26/2015 000007 GRAINGER 9728626350 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES: CENTERPLACE 186.14 Total : 186.14 35511 5/26/2015 003657 HEARTH HOMES 2015 2015 SOCIAL SERVICES GRANT RE 4,312.51 Total : 4,312.51 35512 5/26/2015 001944 LANCER LTD 0452688 001.076.305.575 BUSINESS CARDS 54.07 Total : 54.07 35513 5/26/2015 001684 MARKETING SOLUTIONS NW CP M-5-6-15 001.076.305.575 MEDIAAND PURCHASES EXPENSE 4,267.35 Total : 4,267.35 35514 5/26/2015 000415 ROSAUERS FOOD&DRUG CENTER 01-412898 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE 20.78 Page: �i vchlist Voucher List Page: �2 05/26/2015 3:40:34PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35514 5/26/2015 000415 000415 ROSAUERS FOOD&DRUG CENTEF (Continued) Total : 20.78 35515 5/26/2015 000885 STAGERIGHT CORPORATION 205160 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE 570.68 Total : 570.68 35516 5/26/2015 001472 TESTAMERICA LABORATORIES 59100578 001.076.300.576 J797-1 MONTHLY DRINKING WATEI 27.00 Total : 27.00 35517 5/26/2015 003128 YWCA OF SPOKANE 14764 2015 SOC SER GRANT REIMBURSI 57.60 Total : 57.60 15 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 21,582.04 15 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 21,582.04 I,the undersigned,do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered,or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just,due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley,and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: %2----- z_7 vchlist Voucher List Page: ---1--- 05/29/2015 11:02:05AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35518 5/29/2015 004046 AMERICAN ONSITE SERVICES A-147901 001.076.300.576 PORTABLE RESTROOMS AT PARK: 130.00 Total : 130.00 35519 5/29/2015 000030 AVISTA May 2015 UTILITIES: PW MASTER AVISTA 27,115.15 Total : 27,115.15 35520 5/29/2015 000252 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT April 2015 001.076.305.575 OPERATING SUPPLIES: PARKS/CP 98.63 Total : 98.63 35521 5/29/2015 000323 SPOKANE CO UTILITIES May 2015 001.076.302.576 SPOKANE CO SEWER CHRGS: MA 1,598.65 Total : 1,598.65 35522 5/29/2015 000404 SPOKANE VALLEY HERITAGE MUSEUM May 2015 2015 LODGING TAX GRANT REIMB 6,082.00 Total : 6,082.00 35523 5/29/2015 004005 STONE CREEK LAND DESIGN &DEV App 1 309.000.203.594 0203-BROWNS PARK VB COURTS 40,691.71 Pay App 1 309.000.203.594 0203 BROWNS PARK VB COURTS I 147,235.77 Total : 187,927.48 35524 5/29/2015 000167 VERA WATER& POWER May 2015 UTILITIES: MAY 2015 2,965.97 Total : 2,965.97 35525 5/29/2015 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0061361-1518-2 402.402.000.531 WASTE MGMT: PW VACTORING 1,485.90 Total : 1,485.90 8 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 227,403.78 8 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 227,403.78 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/29/2015 1:57:36PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35526 5/29/2015 001107 ADVANCEDTRAFFIC PRODUCTS 0000012390 SERVICE: PW 607.64 Total : 607.64 35527 5/29/2015 000150 ALLIED FIRE&SECURITY SVC1107495 REKEY CASH DRAWER 89.35 Total : 89.35 35528 5/29/2015 000271 BAINBRIDGE, CHRISTINE EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 208.89 Total : 208.89 35529 5/29/2015 002562 CD'A METALS 903686 SUPPLIES: PW 95.13 Total : 95.13 35530 5/29/2015 000683 DAVID EVANS&ASSOCIATES 357321 SPV TRAFFIC SERVICES 2015 1,488.50 Total : 1,488.50 35531 5/29/2015 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE 46 JG6436 L001 402.402.000.531 COSV DELIVERED EDUCTOR MATE 3,811.72 RE-313-ATB50513050 STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAINT 3,075.48 RE-313-ATB50513051 SIGNAL&ILLUMINATION MAIN 5,725.42 Total : 12,612.62 35532 5/29/2015 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST MAY 2015 001.076.305.575 ADVERTIISNG FOR CENTERPLACE 225.25 Total : 225.25 35533 5/29/2015 000278 DRISKELL, CARY EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 591.94 Total : 591.94 35534 5/29/2015 000746 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT 00-217156-00-2 502.502.000.517 MAY EMPLOYEMENT BALANCE 429.41 Total : 429.41 35535 5/29/2015 002887 ETTER,MCMAHON,LAMBERSON,CLARY, 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,676.40 Total : 1,676.40 35536 5/29/2015 001232 FASTENAL CO IDLEW104257 SUPPLIES: PW 35.37 Total : 35.37 35537 5/29/2015 000106 FEDEX 5-025-83024 POSTAGE CHARGES 4.80 Page: --'1 r vchlist Voucher List Page. .--2- 05/29/2015 205/29/2015 1:57:36PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35537 5/29/2015 000106 000106 FEDEX (Continued) Total : 4.80 35538 5/29/2015 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 43773 LEGAL PUBLICATION 25.60 43774 LEGAL PUBLICATION 91.20 Total : 116.80 35539 5/29/2015 002992 FREEDOM TRUCK CENTERS PC001192596:02 SUPPLIES: PW 38.64 Total : 38.64 35540 5/29/2015 000609 GENDRONS CO 5736 SUPPLIES: PW 72.11 Total : 72.11 35541 5/29/2015 000007 GRAINGER 9738266346 SUPPLIES: PW 81.64 9741092515 SUPPLIES: PW 29.94 9741092523 SUPPLIES: PW 97.42 Total : 209.00 35542 5/29/2015 000864 JUB ENGINEERS INC. 0093778 2015 TIP MAINTENANCE&UPDATE 11,285.56 Total : 11,285.56 35543 5/29/2015 004273 KITSAP COUNTY KC-093-15-1 402.402.000.531 REMOTE QUANTUM SPATIAL LIDA} 10,741.00 Total : 10,741.00 35544 5/29/2015 001944 LANCER LTD 0452888 BUSINESS CARDS 37.23 Total : 37.23 35545 5/29/2015 003251 MDI MARKETING 10254 ADVERTISING FOR COSV 1,350.00 Total : 1,350.00 35546 5/29/2015 000662 NAT'L BARRICADE&SIGN CO 87602 402.402.000.531 SUPPLIES: PW 178.96 Total : 178.96 35547 5/29/2015 003090 NORTH 40 OUTFITTERS 062558 SUPPLIES: PW 22.78 Total : 22.78 35548 5/29/2015 000239 NORTHWEST BUSINESS STAMP INC. 94694 SLOTTED NAME BADGE 16.85 Total : 16.85 Page: �2/ 26 vchlist Voucher List Page: —3- 05/29/2015 1:57:36PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35549 5/29/2015 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 768210114001 SUPPLIES: PW 85.84 771428681001 SUPPLIES: PW 23.90 Total : 109.74 35550 5/29/2015 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER APRIL 2015 STATE REMITTANCE 56,222.85 Total : 56,222.85 35551 5/29/2015 000881 OXARC INC R339467 CYLINDER RENTAL: PW 102.83 Total : 102.83 35552 5/29/2015 004173 POWDERTECH 28240 5-207: SERVICE 489.15 Total : 489.15 35553 5/29/2015 003208 RODDA PAINT CO. 9436163 SUPPLIES: PW 70.86 Total : 70.86 35554 5/29/2015 002520 RWC GROUP H3789 FINANCE CHARGE FOR APRIL STA 35.54 Total : 35.54 35555 5/29/2015 000709 SENSKE LAWN &TREE CARE INC. 6531257 402.402.000.531 2015 ROADWAY LANDSCAPING SE 6,431.41 Total : 6,431.41 35556 5/29/2015 001140 SPECIAL ASPHALT PRODUCTS INVC067908 SUPPLIES: PW 14,901.36 INVC067910 SUPPLIES: PW 48.91 INVC067918 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,576.15 INVC068014 SUPPLIES: PW 5,588.01 INVC068019 SUPPLIES: PW 19.56 Total : 22,133.99 35557 5/29/2015 000308 SPOKANE CO PROSECUTING ATTY APRIL 2015 CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION F 834.92 Total : 834.92 35558 5/29/2015 001969 SUNSHINE DISPOSAL 864534 TRANSFER STATION 191.37 Total : 191.37 35559 5/29/2015 000335 TIRE-RAMA 8040054254 58402D: SERVICE 102.29 8040054263 402.402.000.531 47366D: SERVICE 45.71 8080034705 53667D: SERVICE 36.90 Page: ---<-- . . ,91? vchlist Voucher List Page: 05/29/2015 1:57:36PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 35559 5/29/2015 000335 TIRE-RAMA (Continued) 8080035883 35518D: SERVICE 36.90 Total : 221.80 35560 5/29/2015 001464 TW TELECOM 07108386 001.076.305.575 INTERNET AND PHONE SERVICE 1,247.45 Total : 1,247.45 35561 5/29/2015 000100 WABO INC. 30375 JOB POSTING ON WABO SITE 50.00 Total : 50.00 35562 5/29/2015 002363 WESTERN STATES EQUIPMENT CO PC060804936 SUPPLIES: PW 179.75 Total : 179.75 35563 5/29/2015 000347 WORLEY, STEVE EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 30.33 Total : 30.33 528150244 5/28/2015 002244 AOT PUBLIC SAFETY CORPORATION SPKVLY-65 CRY WOLF CHARGES 3,866.48 Total : 3,866.48 39 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 134,352.70 39 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 134,352.70 Page: ---4 2L vchlist Voucher List Page: ---i- 05/29/2015 2:40:38PM Spokane Valley Bank code : pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 6117 5/29/2015 004304 BEADLE, KRIS PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT DISCOVERY PL 52.00 Total : 52.00 6118 5/29/2015 004306 BOYER, STACIE PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT DISCOVERY PL 52.00 Total : 52.00 6119 5/29/2015 004323 CENTRAL VALLEY PTA/PTSA COUNCI PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT FIRESIDE LOUD 210.00 Total : 210.00 6120 5/29/2015 004308 CLYDE, EMILY PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT DISCOVERY PL 52.00 Total : 52.00 6121 5/29/2015 004311 CRAWFORD, MARNIE PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT DISCOVERY PL 52.00 Total : 52.00 6122 5/29/2015 004309 ENGELHARD, ELIZABETH PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT DISCOVERY PL 52.00 Total : 52.00 6123 5/29/2015 004313 GOWER,JANNET PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT MIRABEAU ME/ 52.00 Total : 52.00 6124 5/29/2015 004310 HALL, NOELLE PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT DISCOVERY PL 52.00 Total : 52.00 6125 5/29/2015 004305 LOGSDON, DEBBIE PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT DISCOVERY PL 87.00 Total : 87.00 6126 5/29/2015 004307 LUTZ, SHAWN PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT DISCOVERY PL 52.00 Total : 52.00 6127 5/29/2015 004319 MAY, STEPHANIE PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT DISCOVERY PA 52.00 Total : 52.00 6128 5/29/2015 004317 RENDALL,ANGELA PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT MIRABEAU ME/ 52.00 Total : 52.00 6129 5/29/2015 004320 SANDON, LESLEY PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT MIRABEAU ME/ 52.00 Page: ---1--- vchlist Voucher List Page: 05/29/2015 2:40:38PM Spokane Valley Bank code : pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 6129 5/29/2015 004320 004320 SANDON, LESLEY (Continued) Total : 52.00 6130 5/29/2015 004303 SATHER, STEPHANIE PARKS REFUND SUMMER CAMP REFUND 85.00 Total : 85.00 6131 5/29/2015 004312 SCHOVAERS, GARY PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT GREENACRES 52.00 Total : 52.00 6132 5/29/2015 004322 SCOTT, CODI PARKS REFUND SUMMER CAMP REFUND 107.00 Total : 107.00 6133 5/29/2015 000774 SERVATRON INC. PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT MIRABEAU ME/ 52.00 Total : 52.00 6134 5/29/2015 004315 SPOKANE PARKS FOUNDATION PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT MIRABEAU ME/ 52.00 Total : 52.00 6135 5/29/2015 004321 STARK, DAYNA PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT DISCOVERY PL 52.00 Total : 52.00 6136 5/29/2015 004314 TIBBALS, CAROLYN PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT MIRABEAU ME/ 52.00 Total : 52.00 6137 5/29/2015 004318 TOTTEN, BERNIE PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT MIRABEAU ME/ 52.00 Total : 52.00 6138 5/29/2015 004316 WALK N ROLL 5K PARKS REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT MIRABEAU ME/ 52.00 Total : 52.00 22 Vouchers for bank code : pk-ref Bank total : 1,425.00 22 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,425.00 Page: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 9, 2015 Department Director Approval : Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business [' new business [' public hearing [' information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Payroll for Period Ending May 15, 2015 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Budget/Financial impacts: Employees Council Total Gross: $ 265,427.78 $ - $265,427.78 Benefits: $ 49,214.23 $ - $ 49,214.23 Total payroll $ 314,642.01 $ - $314,642.01 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to Approve above payroll. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 9, 2015 Department Director Approval : Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business [' new business [' public hearing [' information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Payroll for Period Ending May 31, 2015 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Budget/Financial impacts: Employees Council Total Gross: $ 267,751.16 $ 5,475.00 $273,226.16 Benefits: $ 148,458.94 $ 11,261.91 $159,720.85 Total payroll $ 416,210.10 $ 16,736.91 $432,947.01 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to Approve above payroll. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri DRAFT MINUTE S Special Regional Council of Governments Meeting Hosted by Spokane County Board of County Commissioners Friday,April 24,2015 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, Conference Facility 404 N Havana Street, Spokane Valley,Washington Attendance: Spokane Valley Council Staff Deputy Mayor Arne Woodard Cary Driskell, City Attorney Councilmember Chuck Hafner Councilmember Rod Higgins Councilmember Ed Pace Councilmember Ben Wick Others in Attendance: Various elected officials and staff members [Please note that the numbered agenda items were discussed in the order as shown below.] 1. Welcome &Review of Meeting Agenda—Spokane Co. Commissioner Shelly O'Quinn Commissioner Chair O'Quinn welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave those in attendance the opportunity for self-introductions. 2. 92 ARW Commander—Colonel Charles McDaniel Colonel McDaniel said our airmen are busy in Syria,Yemen and the Middle East;he said they are getting closer on some P-4 initiatives on the firing range and the KC-46 is still out for 2017; they are getting more focused on Fairchild as a Center of Excellence for air refueling and that air refueling will be a part of Fairchild for a very long time because FAFB (Fairchild Air Force Base) is one of three remaining Strategic Air Command bases. He said the air education and training Fairchild provides along with the strategic location of the base are key to its survival; he thanked everyone for their support of the base. 4. Cities and Town Updates First to give an update was Deputy Mayor Woodard of Spokane Valley who said we are working on the design of a City Hall, the Appleway Trail, Sullivan Bridge, Browns Park Volleyball Courts and several stormwater and street projects; he said we just increased our lodging tax to promote tourism,general fund revenues continue to increase and the Valley Arts Commission donated another statue that was placed at Discovery Park. Second, a Cheney representative on behalf of Mayor Trulove said Cheney faces several challenges and they struggle with their general fund revenues; he said their tax revenue does not adequately cover police and fire services and they are understaffed in police and need new fire equipment; they continue to talk with legislators about reinstating state-shared revenues and getting the Highway 904 project back into the transportation packet; he said the Palouse-Coulee City rail line is going to need upgrades and they are looking to relocate the tracks to the other side of Highway 904; he said Mayfest is May 29-30 and the event will have vendors, music and a three-on-three basketball tournament; he said construction is increasing, new business is coming in and some local companies are expanding and they are building a 50-acre park with softball fields. 6. Parks and Recreation Survey Results—Doug Chase, Spokane County Mr. Chase said they updated their Park Plan last year and they are looking at their funding options for parks, maintenance and repairs such as a ballot measure or levy lid lift; he said they conducted a survey Special:Regional Council of Governments 04-24-2015 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT and held meetings that considered twenty-seven projects and identified the top two projects for eight geographical areas; he said if the County goes forward with a levy, they are looking at April 2016 to do so;he said the overall top scoring project is the Centennial Trail repair. 5. Sports Commission Update—Eric Sawyer Mr. Sawyer said the Sports Commission is a non-profit agency focused on bringing tourism to the area and that sports drive economic development in our region; he said our community has not been able to keep pace with the demand for sports facilities; through their Project Sports Initiative they surveyed regional sports agencies and came up with a list of recommendations, one of which was a large multi- purpose indoor facility or Sports Plex which he said will be a 93,000 square foot multi-purpose building for volleyball,basketball,wrestling, and a running track that is easily converted between the uses; he said the cost projection is $27 million and it will be located near the Spokane Arena and Riverfront Park; he said they have identified over 200 sporting events that we are not able to host because we do not have the facilities and an indoor running track is in high demand;he said the building will be owned and run by the Public Facilities District (PFD) and the Sports Commission will market and book events; he said it will bring $2 million in tax revenue to the area but cost recovery of the Sports Plex is expected to be eighty to ninety percent,the balance would come from the PFD and lodging tax. 7. City and Town Updates Liberty Lake Mayor Peterson said they are investing heavily in their roads and are currently working on Appleway from Harvard through the city; he said they are heavily dependent on state-shared revenues, especially in roads, and there has been controversy about whether to raise gas taxes and he said his community benefits from gas tax revenues; he said their growth in housing and jobs have exploded; he said they cancelled Liberty Lake Days but will have Barefoot in the Park July 24-26. 3. Competitive Business Advantages and Disadvantages of Spokane County—Steve Stevens, GSI Mr. Stevens, Greater Spokane, Incorporated (GSI) President and CEO, said their top priority toward keeping and recruiting businesses to our area is medical education and they put a lot of money into that initiative because from medical education comes research which converts to commercialization or creating businesses based on the research; he said over the next ten to fifteen years we can expect $1.7 billion and 9,000 jobs created;Vision 2030 is a new group they have put together to talk about bringing in the right businesses to advance their vision; he said other top priorities include protecting FAFB from encroachment, strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem, higher education attainment, North Spokane Corridor transportation initiative, and AIR Spokane to grow aerospace in our economy; he said Spokane employment is up from last year with 3,300 more people in the workforce; he said consultants completed the first phase of a three-phase competitiveness study and are now working on the second phase. 8. Transportation Updates—Wayne Brokaw Newly appointed executive director of the Spokane-based Inland Northwest chapter of Associated General Contractors of America, Ms. Cheryl Stewart, standing in for her predecessor Wayne Brokaw, said the state is negotiating a transportation revenue package primarily funded by a gas tax increase and cost-saving practical design for future projects; she said they are advocating for the entire transportation package which invests $1 billion to our region's infrastructure and future economic development; she said the North Spokane Corridor is the top priority and it is included in both the Senate and House packages; she said the increase in gas tax will cost the taxpayer an additional $95 per year, the transportation package will create over ten thousand jobs in our region, have a $2 billion economic impact and an unlimited amount of future economic development; she said the current federal package expires on May 31, 2015 and they will not make the deadline and she said they may see a short term extension; she said funding is provided in the transportation packages to complete the North Spokane Corridor in the next eight years. Special:Regional Council of Governments 04-24-2015 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT 9. Law and Justice Updates—Todd Mielke John Dickson and Jacqueline van Wormer In Commissioner's Mielke's absence, Mr. Dickson said the Spokane Regional Law and Justice Council (SRLJC) started in August 2014 and hired Dr. Van Wormer of Washington State University to facilitate the process. Dr. van Wormer said the SRLJC is critical for our region and we need to make sure the criminal justice systems — police, corrections and courts — are collaborative, effective, efficient and affordable; she said they started the SRLJC by creating the foundation of the council under an administrative committee made up of elected officials; she said the council is required by statute and currently there are nineteen board members across the region and they plan to add two community at- large members; she said they meet monthly and have conducted training on risk, needs and responsivity and performance measurement; she said the Process subcommittee created the by-laws of the SRLJC,the Facilities subcommittee has focused primarily on the issues of the jail facility; she said they were one of over two-hundred applicants that applied for a $150,000 Mac Arthur Foundation Safety and Justice Challenge Grant and they should know if they will receive one of the twenty grants awarded in the next few weeks; from the twenty awarded sites, ten will be selected for a five-year program and will receive between $500,000 to $2 million per year to help continue with reforms. 10. City and Town Updates There were no other updates. 11 Around the Room—Agenda Suggestions for next Council of Governments Commissioner O'Quinn opened the floor to comments, suggestions for future agenda items and announced that the next Council of Governments meeting is scheduled for September 11, 2015. The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:00 p.m. Dean Grafos,Mayor ATTEST: Carrie Koudelka,Deputy City Clerk Special:Regional Council of Governments 04-24-2015 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday,May 12,2015 Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: City Stag: Dean Grafos,Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Mark Calhoun,Deputy City Manager Rod Higgins, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Ed Pace, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks&Recreation Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Eric Guth,Public Works Director Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney ABSENT Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Administrative Analyst Arne Woodard,Deputy Mayor John Pietro,Administrative Analyst Bill Bates, Councilmember Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: In the absence of a pastor,Mayor Grafos asked for a few moments of silence. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council,staff and audience rose for the Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Deputy Mayor Woodard and Councilmember Bates. It was moved by Councilmember Wick, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Deputy Mayor Woodard from tonight's meeting. It was then moved by Councilmember Pace, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Bates from tonight's meeting. (Due to technical difficulties, Deputy Mayor Woodard was not able to participate via telephone conference as originally planned.) APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Councilmember Wick, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: City Manager Mike Jackson stated that City employee Chelsie Taylor has been appointed as the Interim Finance Director. Mr. Jackson gave a brief background on Ms. Taylor's work and education history, City Clerk Bainbridge administered the Oath of Office, and Councilmembers greeted and congratulated Ms. Taylor as the new Interim Finance Director. COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Wick: no report Councilmember Higgins: said he attended the officers' memorial; the Mayor's State of the City message and the new City Hall public participation meeting; went to the annual downtown prayer breakfast; attended the Clean Air Agency meeting where they discussed anticipated reductions in state and federal grants, which he said might be an indicator of other grants being reduced, all of which could affect our budget; said the Clean Air Agency recently held two public hearings on wood burning stoves and said the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) will be lowering its levels below our levels within the next few years,which he said could make wood burning stoves very expensive or cease to exist. Councilmember Pace: said he attend the Washington/Idaho Joint Aquifer meeting and heard discussion about what different entities are doing to prepare for emergencies such as from trail spills; participated in Minutes Regular Council Meeting:05-12-2015 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT the Jr. Lilac Parade; went to the Spokane Transit Authority (STA) planning committee meeting where they discussed failed Proposition 1; said they examined results of a survey to find out why it failed miserably in Spokane Valley, and only passed in the City of Spokane and a few cities to the west, said they discussed the idea of putting the issue back on another ballot, which Councilmember Pace said he disagreed with and said if Spokane City wants it,they should figure out how to pay for it; said he attended our City's State of the City address and he extended congratulations to the Mayor for his speech. Councilmember Hafner: said he was the Mayor's representative at a meeting concerning visitor's week and the importance of visitors; he also congratulated Mayor Grafos on his State of the City address; went to the Government Action Committee meeting through the Chamber of Commerce; mentioned that the Central Valley School District bonds passed so we should see a big difference with the new building which were very much needed; went to the STA Performance meeting and said there will be a workshop in early June to discuss the STA proposal and what it meant to people; said the biggest concern about the proposition is it would cost $4 million a year for maintenance; and said he attended the downtown memorial service. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Grafos said the State of the City address was well attended; said that address is important as it tells citizens what we do and our accomplishments; said he also attended today's memorial service for law enforcement, and noted that there are now 316 names on the plaque honoring fallen law enforcement officers. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Grafos invited public comment. Dr. Harkin: invited everyone to the upcoming May 30, 2015 Spokane Valley Arts Council Artist Showcase and Art Auction; said the event will be held at CenterPlace and will feature student artists, live artists working, and about one hundred pieces of art for sale, all of which will benefit the City of Spokane Valley; he gave the City Clerk copies of the first issue of the Art Catalogue for distribution to all Councilmembers. Dr. Harkin also mentioned the Current newspaper, and said they have been very helpful and he is going to suggest to the Arts Council that the Current become the "face" of the arts program. Dr. Harkin thanked everyone for all their help. Tzena Scarborough: in connection with Wreaths Across America events, invited everyone to the May 25 Memorial day event at Pines Cemetery. Scott McClay: gave the City Clerk a handout for each Councilmembers concerning "Justice for Ryan Holyk;" he asked Council to form our own Spokane Valley Police Department; said we lost a pastor, and a kid; that Ryan was struck at the intersection of Sprague and Vista; said he did not fall off his bike but was hit from the back end of a Sheriff Deputy's car; said our City spends millions of dollars a year to contract with the Sheriffs Office, that a government closer to the people is better, and said it wouldn't take much to get our own Police Depaitinent working. Gary Edwards: said he spoke before Council a few weeks ago about subjects from the national to the local level that impact all cities; said he spoke at the Spokane City Council meeting last night and heard scandalous reference to "hookerville" about a bridge not well accepted by some people at Council; said he wanted to have discussions on the First Amendment concerns and underlying issues dealing with prostitution and poverty. Tim Vile: said he was a witness to the Ryan Holyk accident where Ryan was hit by the rear end of a police cruiser last May 23; and that the injuries were so extensive it was a miracle he lived to get to the hospital. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately.Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of vouchers on May 12,2015 Request for Council Action Form Totaling: $2,448,858.85 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending April 30,2015: $443,693.11 Minutes Regular Council Meeting:05-12-2015 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT c. Approval of April 28,2015 Council Meeting Minutes,Formal Format d. Approval of May 5,2015 Council Study Session Meeting Minutes It was moved by Councilmember Wick, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. After the consent agenda,Mayor Grafos moved back to the Mayor's report: Mayor Grafos explained that Councilmember Bill Bates has been on an extended leave and of the importance in having a full council, and said he would like to discuss the topic of placing someone in that position on a temporary basis, of up to one year. City Manager Jackson explained some of the process in filling a temporary position, which he said differs from filling a vacated position; said staff drafted a couple options for Council's consideration; that some components are covered by state law, like the qualifications; and he noted that to fill the position temporarily requires the majority vote of the remaining councilmembers to pass, so it would need at least four votes to select someone; said there is no tie-breaker for this process. Mr. Jackson asked if Council would like to move forward and if so, said a Councilmember could make a motion and if that passed, we would then advertise and come back June 2 or whenever the schedules works, giving Councilmembers the opportunity to review all the applications; said once Council reviews all applications, the first applicant to receive at least four votes would be the temporary councilmember. As an option, Mr. Jackson said Council could treat it like other appointments with the Mayor making a recommendation, and Council voting on the recommendation. Councilmember Hafner suggested adding more to the qualifications to make sure we get someone who is not totally new to government; and said he also would like to interview each candidate. Councilmembers Pace and Higgins agreed with the idea of holding interviews. Councilmember Wick asked about the one year time period and Mr. Jackson he would assume at some point the current councilmember might relinquish the position, or Council could appoint someone, but if the period were longer than a year, it would almost be appointing a permanent councilmember. Councilmember Pace said he wants to conduct interviews, he disagreed about adding qualifications and said it doesn't fit with a democratic society to add requirements, that this is not a profession just regular citizens. Mayor Grafos said he would like to have the ad placed, and have the applicants interviewed publicly. It was moved by Councilmember Wick, seconded and unanimously agreed to have staff start the process and for Council to move forward with this process. Mr. Jackson said he will send Council a full list of the previous questions, and Councilmembers can determine which questions to use, or move forward with all questions. Councilmember Pace said he would like to interview all candidates, and Mr. Jackson said that Council can determine that once the applications have been received; that Council can hold an executive session to discuss the applications, and that Council does not have to interview everyone. Councilmember Higgins suggested during the interviews, to have the other applicants in a different room so they don't hear the prior applicant's answers to questions. Mr. Jackson said the interviews would be conducted in a public meeting, so he will look into that possibility. NEW BUSINESS 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-012 Gambling Tax Amendment—Mark Calhoun After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title,it was moved by Councilmember Wick and seconded, to approve Ordinance 15-012, amending Spokane Valley Municipal Code 3.25 gambling tax. Deputy City Manager Calhoun explained the ordinance as noted on the Request for Council Action form. In response to a comment from Councilmember Hafner about his concern with the revenue reduction, Mr. Calhoun said this ordinance change would be effective June 1 so for this year it would represent a loss of about $103,000; he said with the current figures in the adopted 2015 budget, it would be about a wash to the general fund; said the concern is that the state legislature has not completed their budget deliberations, so we do not know what the status would be of the shared revenues. Councilmember Hafner suggested Council wait to act on this ordinance until we know the status of the state budget, and suggested there is no hurry to make the reduction. Mr. Calhoun reminded Council that the next meeting is set for June 2. It Minutes Regular Council Meeting:05-12-2015 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT was moved by Councilmember Hafner and seconded to delay the passing of this ordinance until after June 1st. After Council discussion on whether to postpone this motion, Councilmember Hafner called for the question. Vote on the call of the question (whether to stop discussion and vote on the motion): Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Vote on the motion to postpone until after June 1: Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Councilmembers Wick and Hafner. Opposed: Mayor Grafos, and Councilmembers Higgins and Pace. Motion failed. After still further discussion on the just failed motion, it was moved by Mayor Grafos and seconded to reconsider the failed motion and delay the vote on the ordinance: Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Grafos, and Councilmembers Wick, Higgins and Hafner. Opposed: Councilmember Pace. Motion passed and the ordinance second reading will be postponed until after June 1. 3. Motion Consideration: Prosecutor Services Interlocal Amendment—John Pietro,Morgan Koudelka It was moved by Councilmember Wick and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Addendum to the Interlocal Agreement for Prosecuting Attorney Services. Administrative Analyst Pietro explained the proposed various modifications to the agreement, as noted on the May 12, 2015 Request for Council Action form. Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion Carried. 4.Motion Consideration: Contract for Comprehensive Plan Update,Land Quantity and Market Analysis— John Hohman It was moved by Councilmember Wick and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Professional Services Agreement with Van Ness Feldman for the Comprehensive Plan Update Analytics, Citizen-Initiated Amendment Request and Plan Audit. City Attorney Driskell, standing in for Mr. Hohman, explained what this contract covers, and briefly discussed the various phases on the Comprehensive Plan update. Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion Carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 5. Support for Change of North/South Corridor name to Thomas S. Foley—Mike Jackson Mr. Kelly Cruz explained that he has initiated a proposal to have the North/South Corridor name changed to the Thomas S. Foley Corridor as a means to acknowledge and honor the late Speaker's efforts to the corridor. Mr. Cruz said he has received resolutions of support from Spokane County and Spokane City and would welcome a resolution of support from our city; he noted that it is the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) who has the authority over naming; and said a hearing will be held June 16 in the City of Spokane City Hall,with the WSDOT Commission there to hear the item. Mr. Cruz said he has also received a support letter from the WSDOT Eastern Region. Mayor Grafos said he feels this is a great idea and would like to see a resolution come forward. Councilmember Pace said he thought Council didn't weigh-in on things that don't relate to City business. Mr. Jackson explained that Council doesn't weigh-in on ballot measures but these types of issue are at Council's discretion, and this was discussed in the pre-agenda meeting where it was felt it was appropriate to bring this before Council. Councilmember Wick mentioned that one of the criteria is getting support from local, publicly elected bodies in the area of the facility. Councilmember Wick said he would like the resolution brought forward at the next Council meeting for approval consideration,and Council concurred. 6. Advance Agenda—Mayor Grafos There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:05-12-2015 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT 7. Houk-Maxwell-Sinto Street Preservation Project This item was for information only and was not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Concerning the temporary council position,Mr. Jackson said the duration of the appointment doesn't have to be a year, and the verbiage could be for a maximum of one year or until the councilmember returns. Councilmembers agreed to keep the duration of one year. Mr. Jackson said Council also has the option of holding an executive session to review the applications; but that during the public open meeting, Council will determine who to interview. It was moved by Councilmember Wick, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m. ATTEST: Dean Grafos,Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Minutes Regular Council Meeting:05-12-2015 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Executive Session Tuesday,June 2,2015 Attendance: Councilmembers: Staff: Dean Grafos, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Arne Woodard,Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Rod Higgins, Councilmember Ed Pace, Councilmember Ben Wick, Councilmember Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember Bates. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Bates from tonight's meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION: [RCW 42.30.110(1)(h)] It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into executive session for approximately sixty minutes to evaluate the qualifications of candidates for temporary appointment to elective office, and that no action is anticipated thereafter. Council adjourned into executive session at 5:02 p.m. At approximately 5:45 p.m., Mayor Grafos declared Council out of executive session, immediately after which it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. Dean Grafos,Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Special Meeting: June 2, 2015 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 9, 2015 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Approval of 2016-2021 Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 90.48, Chapter 173-200 WAC, Title 33 U.S.C. 1251-1376; Storm and Surface Water Utility: Spokane Valley Municipal Code 3.80; RCW 36.36.040. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Information to Council April 28, 2015 regarding staff work on proposed draft of 2016-2021 Stormwater CIP; June 2, 2015 Council consensus for staff to add the proposed 2016-2021 Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan to the June 9, 2016 Council agenda for consideration and approval. BACKGROUND: Staff has developed a Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan (SW CIP) that organizes and prioritizes top stormwater problems and concerns based on public health and safety needs and balances those needs with available local, state, and federal resources. The program identifies a list of projects that will make improvements to address or remedy top problems. Funding for projects in the SW CIP could come through grants, available capital funds in the Stormwater Utility 402 account, and the Aquifer Protection Area (APA) Fund 403. It includes a goal to balance working capital to $1.5M in reserves in the 402, and $500k in the 403 accounts. Fund strategy includes maximizing local funds to the highest extent through grant applications for outside funding of the highest priority projects. If the City does not receive grants in the amounts required for certain projects, the City could decide to proceed with the project with added local funds or delay the project until funding becomes available. OPTIONS: The Council may approve the Plan, or request changes. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I move to approve the 2016-2021 Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan and authorize the City Manager to make application for grants to assist in funding the Plan." BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Impacts include 2016 budget requests and discussion for future budget years in the 402 and 403 funding accounts. STAFF CONTACT: Eric Guth, Public Works Director; Art Jenkins, Stormwater Engineer ATTACHMENTS: 2016-2021 Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan 2016-2021 STORMWATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN JUNE 2015 #0#'\,, Spokane jValley® PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STORMWATER UTILITY 1 of 28 OVERVIEW The 2016-2021 Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan (SW-CIP) was developed to give Utility staff and City Leaders guidance and direction on what priority projects should be advanced for design and construction during the next six years. As approved by City Council, the plan allows Utility staff to apply for grants to assist in funding the projects listed in the plan. It also helps in the preparation of annual budgets in future years. This document outlines the current goals of the Capital Improvement Program, the 2016-2021 plan development, immediate year proposed budget levels, project summary listing, and proposed project locations, descriptions, and planning level cost estimates. CAPITAL PROGRAM GOALS The 2016-2021 Plan developed with the following program goals in mind: 1. Improve failing locations or areas that show the highest possibilities of flood damage. 2. Reduce the number of City-owned stormwater outfalls to surface waters in half by 2020. 3. Eliminate or reduce the highest potential threats to groundwater from stormwater facilities. 4. Leverage local funding to maximum extent by seeking and receiving grant funding. 5. Minimize disruption and lower overall costs to the public by partnering on other agencies or other public works projects. IMPROVEMENT PLAN DEVELOPMENT The plan's basis came about through the review, assessment, and evaluation of current needs and the assumed availability of future resources. IDENTIFIED NEEDS Needs identified included improvement of water quantity and quality benefits. The needs list came from the following: 1. Citizen action requests dealing with street runoff. These were investigated and evaluated for the seriousness and legitimacy of the cases reported. 2 of 28 2. A State Department of Ecology required assessment and retrofit plan of City-owned drywells to reduce threats to groundwater. 3. The NPDES Permit requiring improvements to protect surfaces waters of the State. 4. Staff identified problem locations in storm drainages, flood ways, and floodplains that run through, and infiltrate within the City limits. 5. Current City of Spokane Valley Goals, Priorities, and Requests. Conceptual ideas to mitigate or make improvements to address priorities furthered project lists. Additional development of concepts produced general information regarding size and scope of projects and included a planning level estimate. Many estimates in this plan do not have a complete project definition and therefore have a range of accuracy of 100% more or 50% less than incurred actual costs. As projects are defined better in upcoming years, accuracies will improve. FORECASTED AVAILABILITY OF FUTURE RESOURCES Future resources identified included grant funding, local stormwater utility fees, and aquifer protection fees: • Current levels of grant funding have increased over the past several years as the City seized on opportunities available through State Department of Ecology (Ecology) grants. Over the past several years, the City has successfully apply for and received over $1M in funding annually. It appears that the State will continue to offer these types of grants, although the total amount available to the City is up to the Legislature, a competitive selection process, and the City's ability to compete. The City of Spokane Valley was awarded in 2015 several projects that affect the 2016- 2021 SW CIP. Projects have been adjusted in the schedule to reflect these recent awards for the 2016-2017 construction seasons. If the State Legislature approves the Ecology budget for the 2015-2017 Biennium, it is anticipated that Ecology staff will add a new "Green Retrofit" funding program. The proposed program would fund pre-design of projects 100% (no cost to the City) up to $50,000 per projects. The pre-design work would help the City to identify unknowns such as environmental, geotechnical, cultural resource clearance, and property acquisition needs. City staff suggests that applications be made for two projects, one on the Appleway Improvements, from Farr to University and one to divert and treat stormwater from 4-6 additional outfalls that go to surface waters of the state. 3 of 28 • In light of the fact that the City has enjoyed a well-managed and healthy capital fund balance in the Stormwater Utility and the Aquifer Protection Area fund each year, the City continues to be highly competitive for these types of grants due to the typical 13.5% to 25% required local match for many opportunities. The health of the City's capital funding through local match from the 402 Stormwater Utility fund are moderately threatened as operational costs are expected to increase. Pressures on the recurring budget include inflation, responding to the large backlog of structural cleaning needs, and to adequately address the maintenance needs of an increasingly aging infrastructure. Local stormwater utility fees and budgets in the past have offered in the range of $200,000 to $400,000 each year towards Stormwater Improvements. Finding increased efficiencies has allowed the utility to experience savings on the recurring expense side, allowing for additional capital project work to be completed, as demonstrated recently in additional expenditures to bring the reserve account down to around $1,500,000. However, constraints on the recurring (operations) side of the budget may continue to decrease the availability of capital funding. This may become even more apparent in the next several years as additional stormwater structure cleaning (vactoring) is employed to get caught up with the backlog of cleaning the City's stormwater structures. One recent operational change that the City made was to construct in partnership with WSDOT a new decant facility. This facility has allowed the City to start realizing significant savings from prior years for processing and disposing of debris collected. With this savings, staff plans to use it to help address the backlog of structures in need of cleaning. It is suggested that by 2018, the Stormwater Utility begin a rate study to determine if scheduled needs and non-recurring capital needs can be adequately addressed under the current funding levels and programs needed. • Aquifer Protection Fees were previously estimated to generate approximately $500,000 each year for the City, but actuals received from the County in 2013 were less. Adjustments to the 2016 suggested budget show this change in projected revenue amount to reflect the slight reduction. 4 of 28 It is important to note that the Aquifer Protection fees will sunset in 2025 under the arrangement passed by voters in 2004. During the next 5 years, it is suggested that the Stormwater Utility look at if there are projects needed and warranted to be funded in part by this funding mechanism past the 2025 sunset year. 5 of 28 2016 — 2021 STORMWATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN SUMMARY Project 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Grant? APA Annual Small Works Projects 300 300 300 300 300 300 1,800 x Retrofits with Pavement Preservation Projects 600 300 300 300 300 300 2,100 x x Sprague, University to Park Stormwater Improvements 1940 1,940 x x Spokane County Regional Decant Facility Canopy 400 400 x x Appleway Improvements, Farr to University 50 200 1000 _ 1,250 x _ x Havana-Yale Diversion 10 270 280 x x Ponderosa & Chester Creek Diversions 30 400 _ 430 x x Glenrose Surface Water Diversion 30 250 280 x x Chester Cr Wetland Overflow Improvements _ _ 40 _ 160 _ _ 200 _ x _ x Wellhead Protection Study and Pre-Design 80 80 x x Dishman-Mica Infiltration Facility Plan 40 40 _ x x Petroleum Transport Routes, Spill Protection 25 175 200 x x Dishman-Mica, 16th to Appleway Retrofits 300 300 x x Montgomery, Argonne to Mansfield Retrofit 100 1000 1,100 x x NW Yardly Retrofits (Area NW of Fancher/Broadway) 100 1150 1,250 x x Veracrest Groundwater/Stormwater Conveyance 350 350 x x NE Yardly Retrofits (Area East of Fancher& North of 1-90 100 900 1,000 x x Argonne, 1-90 to Montgomery Retrofits 400 400 x x Sloan's Addition (15th/Stanley) 250 250 x Heather Park (16th & Rocky Ridge) SD Improvements 300 300 x Bowdish, 32nd to 20th SD Improvements 600 600 x x Totals: 3,360 2,205 2,485 2,850 2,150 1,500 14,550 6 of 28 402 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND PROPOSED NON-RECURRING 2016 BUDGET REVENUE �,a�,a� 2015 projected working capital balance (reserve) 1,933,564 Grant reimbursements(est. additional to 2015 budget) 350,000 Total Fundin• Available: 2,283,564 Small works projects 300,000 Retrofits w/pavement preservation projects 300,000 Total Expenditures: 600,000 RESERVE BALANCE: $1,683,564 403 APA FUND PROPOSED NON-RECURRING 2016 BUDGET REVENUE Total 2015 projected beginning working capital (reserve) 1,773 2014 project grant reimbursements 629,796 Spokane County APA 2015 projected revenue 450,000 2015/2016 project grant reimbursements 2,037,500 o aunaih• Available: EXPENDITURES 2015 Projects 720,000 2016 APA Projects (Sprague Construction, Diversion Final Design, and possible Appleway Improvements Pre-Design) 2,060,000 Total Ex•enditures: 2,780,000 RESERVE BALANCE: $339,069 7of28 2016-2021 Stormwater CIP Project Detail Sheets June 2015 Proposed Start: 2016 Project: Stormwater Small Works Projects Description: Improvements of stormwater facilities at various locations throughout the City on an annual basis. These projects were developed and prioritized from Stormwater Action Requests that staff have evaluated. Typically designed and managed by utility staff. Funding and Estimated Costs shown are typical for each year in the program. Category: Flood Mitigation Managing Fund: SW Utility- Fund 402 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost SW Utility- Fund 402 $300,000.00 2016 Design 2016 $30,000.00 Fund Amount Fund Yr Construction 2016 $270,000.00 Phase Year EstCost Grant Candidate ❑ I Grant Received ❑ 2. mor — rr 44, ti 8of28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2016 Project: Retrofits with Pavement Preservation Projects Description: Annual program to address stormwater improvements on Arterials associated with the Pavement Preservation Program. Based on pavement preservation project list and the UIC Retrofit Plan. Normally$300,000 per year, increased for 2016 due to receiving a 75%grant for up to$900,000 of project work from Ecology in 2015. Additional grant funding will be split between the 2015 and 2017 construction seasons. Category: Aquifer Protection - UIC Retrofit Managing Fund: SW Utility- Fund 402 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost Ecology Grant $450,000.00 2016 Design 2016 $60,000.00 SW Utility- Fund 402 $150,000.00 2016 Construction 2016 $540,000.00 Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost a.. Grant Candidate k ' AO t : .� � -se Grant Received W1,4" 1 9 of28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2015 Project: Sprague Ave LID, University to Park Description: Working with existing landscape strip as much as possible, construct curb cuts to accept stormwater for bio-infiltration swales, improve and adjust existing drywells. Ecology funded 100%of a $20,000 design effort in 2014. Work to finalize the design may begin in the remainder of 2015. 20%design estimate shown. Category: Aquifer Protection - UIC Retrofit Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost APA- Fund 403 $30,000.00 2015 Design 2015 $30,000.00 APA- Fund 403 $470,000.00 2016 Construction 2016 $1,910,000.00 Ecology Grant$1,470,000.00 2016 Design 2017 $30,000.00 Ecology Grant $30,000.00 2017 Construction 2017 $30,000.00 Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost Grant Candidate 0 Grant Received ❑� -too,o/ i ro 10of28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2015 Project: Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Canopy Description: Install Canopy over concrete areas to direct stormwater away from drying beds, connect to sewer or improve sand filter system, and make minor updates that were not allowed under the previous project phases due to Ecology funding constraints. Category: Maintenance Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost Ecology Grant $300,000.00 2016 Design 2016 $40,000.00 SW Utility- Fund 402 $25,000.00 2016 Construction 2016 $360,000.00 WSDOT $75,000.00 2016 Phase Year EstCost Fund Amount Fund Yr Grant Candidate ❑� _ Grant Received ❑� 4.0010-1 is 11 of 28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2016 Project: Appleway Improvements, Farr to University Description: Add irrigated swales to new areas and convert existing dryland grass swales to irrigated swales. Separate sidewalks where possible, improve gutter flow paths and commercial drive approaches to better convey stormwater into swales. Category: Aquifer Protection - UIC Retrofit Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost Ecology Grant $50,000.00 2016 Pre-Design 2016 $50,000.00 APA- Fund 403 $50,000.00 2017 Property 2017 $100,000.00 CIP Street/PMP $12,500.00 2017 Design 2017 $100,000.00 Ecology Grant $125,000.00 2017 Construction 2018 $1,000,000.00 SW Utility- Fund 402 $12,500.00 2017 Phase Year EstCost APA- Fund 403 $190,000.00 2018 CIP Street/PMP $120,000.00 2018 Ecology Grant $570,000.00 2018 SW Utility- Fund 402 $120,000.00 2018 Fund Amount Fund Yr Grant Candidate ❑� �'"—� " 144 Grant Received ❑ r ,e, .. • 12of28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2014 Project: Havana-Yale Diversion Description: Intercept possible discharges to City of Spokane Sewer System. Route stormwater discharges out of Spokane sewer to new stormwater swale, and provide infiltration to ground. Will help the City meet current stormwater permit requirements. Ecology funded 100%of up to $20,000 for pre-design work in 2014. Grant candidate for final design and construction. Category: Outfall Elimination Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost Ecology Grant $20,000.00 2014 Pre-Design 2014 $20,000.00 APA- Fund 403 $3,500.00 2016 Design 2016 $10,000.00 Ecology Grant 2016 Construction 2017 $270,000.00 APA- Fund 403 $67,500.00 2017 Phase Year EstCost Ecology Grant 2017 Fund Amount Fund Yr E loth Ave Grant Candidate ❑� Grant Received ❑ Spokane Valley vr loth Ao, E City of Spokane a n,f E 14thi Aire f 4th a, GYM 111,1M .-. 13of28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2014 Project: Ponderosa Surface Water Diversion Description: Route existing stormwater discharges currently going to the Chester Creek along Ponderosa Drive to stormwater treatment and provide infiltration to ground. Would help the City meet current stormwater permit requirements. Ecology funded 100%of a $20,000 pre-design in 2014. Grant candidate for final design and construction. Category: Outfall Elimination Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost Ecology Grant $20,000.00 2014 Design 2014 $30,000.00 APA- Fund 403 $7,500.00 2016 Construction 2016 $250,000.00 Ecology Grant 2016 Phase Year EstCost APA- Fund 403 $62,500.00 2017 Ecology Grant 2017 Fund Amount Fund Yr Grant Candidate 0 1 Ya h 101 ' '4N *1 Grant Received ❑ X48 p A\o d 5 9 l'.s' 1 yk F 4 �� 1. G i {1`ry,n, iv .ti �a� „ ,94 "x' �4 E4�, "t a0. m1 ' tot J ' ,I. ►iti' !*`% 4, x.1{ 14of28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2016 Project: Glenrose Surface Water Diversion Description: Route existing stormwater discharges currently going to Glenrose Drainage to new treatment facilities. Negotiate easements, improve existing facilities, and provide infiltration to ground. Will help the City meet current stormwater permit requirements. Grant candidate. Planning level estimate shown. Category: Outfall Elimination Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost APA- Fund 403 $7,500.00 2016 Design 2016 $30,000.00 Ecology Grant 2016 Construction 2017 $270,000.00 APA- Fund 403 $67,500.00 2017 Phase Year EstCost Ecology Grant 2017 Fund Amount Fund Yr Grant Candidate 0 ,,.:44 v • 14 Grant Received ❑ ) ,„ :•:totipi e";444,:.'' :41161ii.,,,t: 41$1:4:0:'I At',,il/,,, f r 'aw y a 15of28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2017 Project: Chester Creek Wetland Overflow Improvements Description: Project to replace existing embankment overflow channel with a concrete embankment overflow channel to mitigate vegetation clogging the current flow path from the existing wetland area. This work will help decrease the overflows from the wetland area across Thorpe Road during heavy runoff volumen periods in Chester Creek. Within City-owned easement. Possible candidate for a FEMA flood grant. Planning level estimate shown. Category: Flood Mitigation Managing Fund: SW Utility- Fund 402 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost Ecology Grant 2017 Design 2017 $40,000.00 SW Utility- Fund 402 $10,000.00 2017 Construction 2018 $160,000.00 Ecology Grant 2018 Phase Year EstCost SW Utility- Fund 402 $40,000.00 2018 Fund Amount Fund Yr Grant Candidate k Grant Received ❑ OEM yNC.► w#e� "t' �7A1 V a� y} 16of28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2017 Project: Wellhead Protection Study and Pre-Design Description: Study work would identify and develop projects that would meet upcoming wellhead protection parameters. Projects will help protect water purveyor's wells from possible contamination from existing City Utility stormwater infiltration systems. Generate list of projects, develop possible solution alternatives, and provide cost estimates. Possible Centennial Water grant candidate. Planning level estimate shown. Category: Aquifer Protection - UIC Retrofit Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost APA- Fund 403 $20,000.00 2017 Pre-Design 2017 $80,000.00 Other 2017 Phase Year EstCost Fund Amount Fund Yr Grant Candidate D Grant Received ❑ w. '.�"k vir6. r '-:-At... • ,--,,, 4 - rk ,,,, . ,:: '_. . 0 lir' *01 rr .. .. . ..r- t «. 17 of 28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2017 Project: Dishman-Mica Infiltration Facility Plan Description: Determine current capacity of infiltration pit located near Dishman-Mica and 28th Ave, provide routine inspection and maintenance plan. Upgrade facility with suggested recommendations. Grant candidate under Ecology Centennial Water. Planning level estimate shown. Category: Operations Managing Fund: SW Utility- Fund 402 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost Ecology Grant 2017 Pre-Design 2017 $40,000.00 SW Utility- Fund 402 $10,000.00 2017 Phase Year EstCost Fund Amount Fund Yr Grant Candidate k iyierpo Grant Received ❑ ro 46,1 KK 18of28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2017 Project: Petroleum Transport Routes, Spill Protection Description: Identify major petroleum transport routes, size and install spill protection on existing city drywells on those routes. Good candidate for State stormwater grant. Planning level estimate shown. Category: Aquifer Protection Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost APA- Fund 403 $6,250.00 2017 Design 2017 $25,000.00 Ecology Grant 2017 Construction 2018 $175,000.00 APA- Fund 403 $43,750.00 2018 Phase Year EstCost Ecology Grant 2018 Fund Amount Fund Yr 11 Grant Candidate ❑k Grant Received ❑ � ,.. 19of28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2017 Project: Dishman-Mica, 16th to Appleway Retrofits Description: Project will retrofit and install treatment to drywells identified in UIC Assessment and Retrofit Plan as needing improvements. Possible use of existing railroad right of way to take stormwater from roadway and treat in new swales to be built with the project. Planning level estimate shown. Category: Aquifer Protection - UIC Retrofit Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost APA- Fund 403 $75,000.00 2017 Design 2017 $50,000.00 Ecology Grant 2017 Construction 2017 $250,000.00 Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost Grant Candidate k .A Grant Received ❑ lP 20 of 28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2018 Project: Montgomery, Argonne to Mansfield Retrofit Description: Project will retrofit and install treatment to drywells identified in UIC Assessment and Retrofit Plan. Strong candidate for State stormwater grant funding. Planning level estimate shown. Category: Aquifer Protection - UIC Retrofit Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost APA- Fund 403 $25,000.00 2018 Design 2018 $100,000.00 Ecology Grant 2018 Construction 2019 $1,000,000.00 APA- Fund 403 $250,000.00 2019 Phase Year EstCost Ecology Grant 2019 Fund Amount Fund Yr Grant Candidate ❑k ' 'WV...3: ' :- eok Grant Received ❑ . �• " `"`" ....� r � i ♦ ees Y. a 0 • tw I i te... v� . I a wank. + '''''*- 1 � I "4:inti . s I r ♦ gym i! ......w ! Z z 21 of 28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2018 Project: NW Yardly Retrofits (Area NW of Fancher/Broadway) Description: A number of locations have ongoing drainage problems due to narrow pavement and truck parking areas along existing roadways. Project will retrofit and install treatment to drywells identified in UIC Assessment and Retrofit Plan. Strong candidate for State stormwater grant funding. Planning level estimate shown. Category: Aquifer Protection - UIC Retrofit Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost APA Fund 403 $25,000.00 2018 Design 2018 $100,000.00 Ecology Grant 2018 Construction 2019 $1,150,000.00 APA- Fund 403 $287,500.00 2019 Phase Year EstCost Ecology Grant 2019 Fund Amount Fund Yr Grant Candidate k Grant Received ❑ k pl� - tb -a n wWa. a N f ! , 22 of 28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2018 Project: Veracrest Groundwater/Stormwater Conveyance Description: Secure conveyance and treatment easement(s), install groundwater drains, install pretreatment and stormwater pipe, connect to existing Stormwater Treatment Ponds. This work would likely coincide with a roadway rebuild project. Subsurface drainage improvements would help preserve the roads longer. Funding could come from Stormwater Utility 402, formation of an RID, or new Neighborhood "Drainwater Account" that would pay back the Stormwater fund over a series of years for the improvements installed. Planning level estimate shown. Category: Groundwater Conveyence Managing Fund: SW Utility- Fund 402 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost SW Utility- Fund 402 $350,000.00 2018 Design 2018 $70,000.00 Fund Amount Fund Yr Construction 2018 $280,000.00 Phase Year EstCost Grant Candidate ❑ Grant Received ❑ 23 of 28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2019 Project: NE Yardly Retrofits (Area East of Fancher & North of 1-90) Description: A number of locations have been ongoing drainage problems due to narrow pavement and truck parking areas along existing roadways. Project will retrofit and install treatment to drywells identified in UIC Assessment and Retrofit Plan as needing improvements. Project will convey and treat stormwater prior to using existing infiltration facilities. Strong candidate for State stormwater grant funding. Planning level estimate shown. Category: Aquifer Protection - UIC Retrofit Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost APA- Fund 403 $25,000.00 2019 Design 2019 $100,000.00 Ecology Grant 2019 Construction 2020 $900,000.00 APA- Fund 403 $225,000.00 2020 Phase Year EstCost Ecology Grant 2020 Fund Amount Fund Yr Grant Candidate k Grant Received ❑ IpAPPIPPRIMPIF tOrey x .T�y, e.edMrym 11�U .. n �. 12/06/2004 24 of 28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2020 Project: Argonne, 1-90 to Montgomery Retrofits Description: This project is an identified need from the UIC Assessment and Retrofit Plan. Includes estimated costs for stormwater improvements for grant applications for possible street rebuild or PCC project. Planning level estimate shown. Category: Aquifer Protection - UIC Retrofit Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost APA- Fund 403 $100,000.00 2020 Design 2020 $80,000.00 Ecology Grant 2020 Construction 2020 $320,000.00 Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost Grant Candidate k Grant Received ❑ 25 of 28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2020 Project: Sloan's Addition (15th/Stanley) Groundwater/Stormwater Conveyance Description: Secure conveyance and treatment easement(s), install groundwater drains, connect to existing structures in 15th one block away that appear to be working adequately. This work would likely coincide with a roadway rebuild project. Subsurface drainage improvements would help preserve the roads longer. Funding could come form Stormwater Utility,formation of an RID, or though the formation of a new Neighborhood "Drainwater Account" that would pay back the Stormwater fund over a series of years for the improvements installed. Planning level estimate Category: Groundwater Conveyence Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost SW Utility- Fund 402 $250,000.00 2020 Design 2020 $50,000.00 Fund Amount Fund Yr Construction 2020 $200,000.00 Phase Year EstCost Grant Candidate ❑ Grant Received 44 4 .y .� µ ..e.... ... m 4 m. ri (U�Sly qn s 1 r 26 of 28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2021 Project: Heather Park (16th & Rocky Ridge) SD Improvements Description: Secure conveyance and treatment easement(s), install groundwater drains, install pretreatment and stormwater pipe, convey to existing functioning ponds or drywells. This work would likely coincide with a roadway rebuild project. Subsurface drainage improvements would help preserve the roads longer. Funding could come form Stormwater Utility or though the formation of a new Neighborhood "Drainwater Account" that would pay back the Stormwater fund over a series of years for the improvements installed. Planning level estimate Category: Groundwater Conveyence Managing Fund: SW Utility- Fund 402 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost SW Utility- Fund 402 $300,000.00 2021 Design 2021 $30,000.00 Fund Amount Fund Yr Construction 2021 $270,000.00 Phase Year EstCost Grant Candidate ❑ w1 fi Grant Received ❑ w#M s — 27 of 28 June 2015 Proposed Start: 2021 Project: Bowdish, 32nd to 20th SD Improvements Description: Install conveyance, treatment, storage, and discharge facilities to improve Bowdish road corridor. Improve or decommission existing drywells. Planning level estimate shown. Category: Aquifer Protection - UIC Retrofit Managing Fund: APA- Fund 403 FUNDING ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost APA- Fund 403 $450,000.00 2021 Design 2021 $60,000.00 Ecology Grant $150,000.00 2021 Construction 2021 $540,000.00 Fund Amount Fund Yr Phase Year EstCost K Grant Candidate k ....._r.�. 11 � rdr � Grant Received ❑ I ,,, -i:!4"--, ~� Ak y +li a :::11141*.:... a.Myv x �" -t77;,,..:''+. y 4 m,q «�s*t��-o-7 rv t 1.. 1.^gym 4r, nirS ut, -:%! � ; i rtk {� 8 Y ' 28 of 28 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 9, 2015 Department Director Approval: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration - Comprehensive Plan Legislative Update — Site Specific Citizen-Initiated Amendment Request Review GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Growth Management Act (GMA) RCW 36.70A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Administrative Report June 2, 2015. BACKGROUND: Per RCW 36.70A.130(1), every county and city in the state is required to conduct an update of its comprehensive plan and development regulations every eight years. The City of Spokane Valley's update is due no later than June 30, 2017. RCW 36.70A.140 of the Washington GMA requires that each city "establish and broadly disseminate to the public a public participation program identifying procedures providing for early and continuous public participation in the development and amendment" of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City approved a Public Participation Plan on January 6, 2015. The CAR (Citizen Amendment Request) application process is a method for citizens, neighborhood organizations, or other interested parties to propose changes to the Comprehensive Plan, land use map, zoning map, or development regulations. The CAR process was included in the public participation program as a tool to give the public opportunity to provide input at the outset of the process. Identification of issues at the beginning of the process assists in the development of the draft Comprehensive Plan and development regulations by avoiding significant public comment much later in the process that could result in the need for revisions. Revisions affect schedules and can have significant cost implications later in the process, especially if they lead to a need for additional traffic modeling. The CARs should be reviewed to determine which warrant analysis in the legislative Comp Plan Update. Criteria to determine which CARs to move forward should include the City Focus Themes and Community Input themes. These themes were outlined in the staff memo included in the Comp Plan Update Binder (previously provided). However, the Council has broad discretion determining what to move forward. Once the Council determines which applications to move forward, the applications will move forward collectively, as they are intended to be studied as part of the Update. Recommendations on the requests will be based on the completed Comp Plan analysis, which may include the current supply and demand of parcels and result in an increase to boundaries, or a recommended designation change. Additional opportunities for public input will be provided through the process. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on May 14th and deliberated on the site- specific CARs on May 18th The Planning Commission considered whether each proposal should be 1) included in the Comprehensive Plan Update for further analysis, 2) deferred to a future annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle and analyzed at that time, or 3) excluded from further analysis in conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan Update. On June 2, 2015 the Council was presented an Administrative report on the site specific CARs which included the Planning Commission recommendation. The Council agreed by consensus to include all the CARs in the Comp Plan Update for further analysis. OPTIONS: Move to include all, or some of the CAR applications in the Comp Plan Update for further analysis; Move to exclude the CARs from further analysis in Comp Plan Update; Move to defer the CARs to a future annual Comp Plan Update or Legislative Comp Plan Update; or direct staff otherwise. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to include the following CARs in the Comp Plan Update for further analysis: CAR 2015-0001 to 0017 and 2015-0019 to 0020. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: John Hohman, Director; and Lori Barlow, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: 2015 Comprehensive Plan Legislative Update Binder — Previously provided with June 2, 2015 meeting materials CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 9, 2015 Department Director Approval: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Comprehensive Plan Legislative Update — Text/Overlay Citizen- Initiated Amendment Request Review GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Growth Management Act (GMA) RCW 36.70A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Per RCW 36.70A.130(1), every county and city in the state is required to conduct an update of its comprehensive plan and development regulations every 8 years. The City of Spokane Valley's update is due no later than June 30, 2017. RCW 36.70A.140 of the Washington GMA requires that each city "establish and broadly disseminate to the public a public participation program identifying procedures providing for early and continuous public participation in the development and amendment" of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City approved a Public Participation Plan on January 6, 2015. The CAR (Citizen Amendment Request) application process is a method for citizens, neighborhood organizations, or other interested parties to propose changes to the Comprehensive Plan, land use map, zoning map, or development regulations. CAR applications were received through March 31, 2015. Staff reviewed the applications and first compared them to the focus areas identified in the comprehensive plan work program and then to the public input themes developed at the public meetings. The information was presented to the Planning Commission at a Study Session on April 23. Following the study session, the 26 applications were separated into two review groups, beginning with the site-specific CARs. Council heard an Administrative Report on the site-specific CARs at their June 2 meeting and will consider a motion as a separate item at a later meeting. A public hearing will be conducted June 8th before the Planning Commission on the text and overlay CARs. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will deliberate on the Text and Overlay CARs and recommend to the Council whether each proposal should be 1) included in the Comprehensive Plan Update for further analysis, 2) deferred to a future annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle and analyzed at that time, or 3) excluded from further analysis in conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan Update. Since the text and overlay CARs public hearing is scheduled the day before the council meeting, the Planning Commission recommendation will be provided to the Council for consideration at the meeting. Staff will be present to discuss the CAR applications. OPTIONS: Council Discretion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion only. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: John Hohman, Director; and Lori Barlow, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: 2015 Comprehensive Plan Legislative Update Yellow Binder — previously provided with the June 2, 2015 meeting materials. City Council Meeting Citizen - Initiated Amendment Text and Overlay Requests Administrative Report June 9, 2015 — 6:00 p.m. City Hall Planning Commission options Include in Comp Plan Update A •Review Staff Planning orwarda Defer to Future U Commission Recommendation to City Council Do Not Include in C ��f � Plan Update Spokane ..Valley® COMMUMt}%c?i Opportunity PROPOSED TEXT AMENDM r—IAPPLICANT: 19.60.020 GO, Garden Office District (N1 Dwight Hume Dwelling unit 0 q ADDRESS: Citywide in a building orstructurewit--h nonresidents c REQUEST: entire ground floor. Parking for residents must be reserved and clearly marked, except housing in Modify Garden Office to allow provided as part of an institutional "continuum of CDcare" concept to encourage independent living. MF-1 density Multi-family units subject to the development I residential uses standards of 19.40.070(6)(1) t and Office Zone to allow MF-2 19.60.030 Office District density residential 19.60.030(6)(1) Multi-family units subject to the mouses development standards of 19.40.080(6)(1) *Wane �.�Va11ey® Community of Opportunity APPLICANT: Chapter 19. 35 Residentia Greater Valley Support Density Bonus Network o 19.35 .045 Otner Incentives to 11.) ADDRESS: Citywide develop affordable housing %-1 c• REQUEST: o A. In addition to density cv Create Affordable incentives... . may provide DC Housing Incentives in • Height and bulk bonuses addition to Density • Fee waivers or exemptions • Parking reductions �.�Bonus Sfilikane • Expedited permitting TEXT AMENDMENT m APPLICANT: cProposed Policy: (Ni Greater Valley Allow for the development 0 p Support Network of a broad range of housing LA * ADDRESS: Citywide types, including, but not C ® REQUEST: limited to, single family, Ni Add Housing multi-family, manufactured icL Policies to support a homes, micro-housing, co- Q broad and diverse housing and other types. V range of housing ��. options j,��t wn;, TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICANT: Goal : Develop Protocoi il- Greater ValleySupport Developers and Neighborhoods that Ensures: O0 Network Early engagement with ADDRESS: Citywide neighborhood and projects � �. REQUEST: Development of Guidelines for O Develop and establish best constructive communication NI between developers and icL practices protocol for neighborhoods a development proposal that Creation of a clear process for V affect neighborhood living Neighborhood Proposal environments Review Siiiikane j,��t wn;, TEXT AMENDMENT IIIIIIIIII APPLICANT: The request would provide N Naomi assistance to manufactured home park ( MHP) residents 0, Eisentrager when forced to relocate by ' ADDRESS: closure. � o Will place burden on the MHP � Citywide owners in addition to that placed NI REQUEST: on them by RCW 51.20 icL Add Manufactured Manufactured/Mobile Home Q Landlord-Tenant Act. V Home Displacement o Will require the City to review, Policies approve and administer a MHP ..."-4s....,„ Relocation and Report Plan . j•��t un,ty TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICANT: Text Proposal %—i CPM Development Add Mineral Resource pCorporation Land Chapter LA ADDRESS: Citywide Map Proposal � c• REQUEST: Create a Mineral Resource NI Develop a Mineral Land Use Designation oC Resource Land Designate Sites as Mineral VResource Designation Overlay Lands ..".... Sifokane j,��107,Ln;, TEXT AND MAP AMENDMENT -1- - .7_',1-)1E 1 'j'l r-L_ .7 H.-------- .11 ..) • 4 E ■ !m i ii:■111■ _. `� ' - ■■■ 1111:111111 Clo.ef _ ._ 111■ ai 4, — — 1 r\''''\Z'" ,Y)L'''• '''. . r ii_Li , _ •'` pall M Y./ --,- -1-11. 1_--- 4_ , --__ SP.� 1 !' s am TIS 4 _ =�."-r��Y S. .. - _ 0 , 1.1 r iff— x.. _ IL - • --AR,5-0619=. - e —_ _ - t i �1�1GAR 1'S-901" IripMffi ■ OtoC -' - ._ '`_ ;, ! - .r OteNbR , 9 - J CAR 15-0413 -R 150017 J �_ L I \ �}'•I f I 4 Oto HDR ', OR'RC SEtlIEFIIIPIIIIM — I — pRii Rio H6R --- _ „. - s'- i- I Ii.- _ -. R.- Pi ¢r - - CAR 15-0615 [[ i CAR15-002 — LDR taC - I - MDR to HDR :. . •. ,,,-��` h= :MI. „. .. ®■■ -.AR 15-0012', Rte CNll•— MI, I _ ... ..1 1I _ , _ - HDR to CNV _.4_ _._ r • 1 r 11 ,=____,,f7,_ "-_ --r-- MDR to HDR _ - 15-0,620 ii r ?mil l �H-imm�- I- '- 1 L. L L -- L �1�IJJi e. moi: : r ■ ■ I f r ._ J i0.1. LS, 1 , ■1 7,,•-• :,..._00,,j,—= - CAR,5-008 099. CAR 15-044-907 '� _ Jim— �i�_ iii MDRib HDR E - Oto C MU or NC -f I iia rkt __ i� i �i MDR to CMU or MC , i IIl, inlidII laINELED=ra mi 'MN I iii 1 ■■■�■® i 'All , lia 1I': - Nri, i=vilimminaM=k71111111111=11p1"111111plup .a. ,„,_ imitil gam . ... A t•d• w .„.. Overlay Locations 45 i r i i— I ■ Legend _ CAR App location Destiiption of 1-J'� ..m.1 ii' �_ill ihr 10, rm. ■ eARfbcro Number Req uegi 15 � ' i Comprehensive.flan 1 Dr CAR 15-4141,18 Derek p a M inere I Resource iinC - .....___i Lana Deng!Yeti.)n Orzl lB y ivil !_ >J�r 12: i❑, i i CAR,58425 Derr*P Manufactured �li■�A Home Palk C?&L y � Iripno.rorya.dmnda,.>c«, „ aaugol 111% -M Iglx.wedCaZw9.l prCl Mr Al mi IIIII r, dl I = SWI ± ti 11111upda,s.led Oil , , - � ' r � I s • �� moi, l r :�_ ,._ 'LII,. . t 0 , - 0 , - _ ,, 11. .....,e,, y, a Park Road Pit _.„ • :,...,..----,„;_-. .., -a. ..;- , , _ __re _ . ,... _ _ , 0 _ .,.,„..._ ._., _ . _,... __„._ _ ._ p,....,_:„_. . ,.. . , _ .� e = ' eVie- r •� r8* t ,. WA99141 1. _ •�": r • _ � - ., , 07- • - t f,rti „ �l ' 1 ""' IY Sullivan Road Pit and .. = • -�� ��.� -. .ns from here '° `-- - - .a - -.`C - . .ink • ` r ."""# . __ ns to here Spokane County Flora Pit here ' = :-,! v I:1lik 'Unearby - -- _. . _ -.- - 4fi6 e distance 'I Spokane .0,0Va11ey® TEXT AND MAP AMENDMENT Community of Opportunity ,__ _ _____ ..., _... .:._ ...,.__Iiit.:.. 4,,,,,,01,7_ ._. r, .;,;. .--- -,.. . -1:1)1.1,4--Tiff-11; - a 1Sa f n i: .. , , : ... s ... _,,, A _.... a ri, „...,.. .. _ _ „,„„„,, _ .. ........„ ,-1 ,.... .. . __ . 0CD --. _ r . 4. l Ia1I„,,P-----.,,,=1E.,1,.$-.1.1—=.-...11=-5,A-1,._1A.4r-1".-,,:.-.°t.,4'_l':-1-,-.__:...-__ _i,_m .-, -. ::: !",/4"-.46- :-1--''''" Vil } = # Spokar e� aducts 0 . . 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[=- •s -,,'- - y "b .,moi A-.� t er✓ -� _ __ Explore v 0 cIT okane �,,0valiey® 8th and Havana Quarry Carnahan Site Community of Opportunity APPLICANT: N Naomi Eisentrager Map Proposal: Develop a CI Manufactured Home Park � ADDRESS: Citywide REQUEST: Overlay or Zone Designate appropriate CD areas for the preservation cL, of mobile and manufactured home parks. j,��t wn;, MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT -1- - .7_',1-)1E 1 'j'l r-L_ .7 H.-------- .11 ..) • 4 E ■ !m i ii:■111■ _. `� ' - ■■■ 1111:111111 Clo.ef _ ._ 111■ ai 4, — — 1 r\''''\Z'" ,Y)L'''• '''. . r ii_Li , _ •'` pall M Y./ --,- -1-11. 1_--- 4_ , --__ SP.� 1 !' s am TIS 4 _ =�."-r��Y S. .. - _ 0 , 1.1 r iff— x.. _ IL - • --AR,5-0619=. - e —_ _ - t i �1�1GAR 1'S-901" IripMffi ■ OtoC -' - ._ '`_ ;, ! - .r OteNbR , 9 - J CAR 15-0413 -R 150017 J �_ L I \ �}'•I f I 4 Oto HDR ', OR'RC SEtlIEFIIIPIIIIM — I — pRii Rio H6R --- _ „. - s'- i- I Ii.- _ -. 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Overlay Locations 45 i r i i— I ■ Legend _ CAR App location Destiiption of 1-J'� ..m.1 ii' �_ill ihr 10, rm. ■ eARfbcro Number Req uegi 15 � ' i Comprehensive.flan 1 Dr CAR 15-4141,18 Derek p a M inere I Resource iinC - .....___i Lana Deng!Yeti.)n Orzl lB y ivil !_ >J�r 12: i❑, i i CAR,58425 Derr*P Manufactured �li■�A Home Palk C?&L y � Iripno.rorya.dmnda,.>c«, „ aaugol 111% -M Iglx.wedCaZw9.l prCl Mr Al mi IIIII r, dl I = SWI ± ti 11111upda,s.led Oil DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of June 3,2015; 4:00 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council& Staff From: City Clerk,by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings Wednesday,June 10,2015, Special Meeting: 5:00 p.m.—Council Chambers Interview Applicants for Temporary Council position. 18 applicants @ 15 minutes each (—5 hours) Monday,June 15,2015, Special Meeting,5:00 p.m.—Council Chambers Nomination and selection of applicant for Temporary Council Position June 16,2015, Special Meeting: Budget Workshop,8:30 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. [due Mon,June 8] Spokane Valley Council Chambers (No evening meeting June 16, 2015) June 23,2015,Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,June 15] Proclamation: National Parks &Recreation Month (July) 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Proposed Resolution Adopting 2016-2021 Six Year TIP—Steve Worley (10 minutes) 3. Motion Consideration: Bid Award,Montgomery Ave St Preservation—Steve Worley (10 minutes) 4. Motion Consideration: Bid Award for Mansfield Avenue Connection Project#0156—S. Worley(15 min) 5.Motion Consideration: JAG Grant Application -Morgan Koudelka (10 minutes) 6.Motion Consideration: Comp Plan/Overlays and Text Amendments—John Hohman (60 minutes) 7. Admin Report: Bus Shelter Plan—Eric Guth (20 minutes) 8. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 9. Info Only: Dept. Monthly Reports [*estimated meeting: 135 minutes] June 30,2015, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,June 22] 1. Historic Preservation—Gloria Mantz (20 minutes) 2. Tourism Promotion Area(TPA)—Erik Lamb (10 minutes) 3. Indigent Defense Standards—Cary Driskell (15 minutes) 4. Community&Economic Development Project Updates and Progress Report—John Hohman (15 minutes) 5. Parks&Recreation Project Updates and Progress Report—Mike Stone (15 minutes) 6. Public Works Project Updates and Progress Report—Eric Guth (15 minutes) 7. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 80 minutes] July 7,2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,June 29] 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) July 14,2015,Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,July 6] Presentation:Eagle Scout Recognition Mike Stone 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Proposed Resolution Adopting Indigent Defense Standards—Cary Driskell (10 minutes) 3. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: minutes] July 21,2015, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,July 13] 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 6/4/2015 2:32:13 PM Page 1 of 3 July 28,2015,Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,July 20] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Dept. Monthly Reports August 4,2015—No Meeting(National Night Out) August 11,2015,Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Aug 3] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Admin Report: 2016 Budget Estimated Revenues/expenditures—Mark Calhoun (20 minutes) 3. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) August 18,2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Aug 10] 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) August 25,2015,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Aug 17] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2016 Budget Revenues,including Property Taxes—Mark Calhoun (15 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes,motion to set Sept 22 Budget Hearing) (5 minutes) 3. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 4. Info Only: Dept. Monthly Reports September 1,2015, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Aug 24] 1. Outside Agency Presentations(Economic Development, & Social Service; 5 minutes each) (90 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda September 8,2015,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Aug 31] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. City Manager Presentation of 2016 Preliminary Budget—Mike Jackson (30 minutes) 3. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) September 15,2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Sept 7] 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) September 22,2015,Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Sept 14] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2016 Budget—Mark Calhoun (20 minutes) 2. First Reading Property Tax Ordinance—Mark Calhoun (15 minutes) 3.Motion Consideration: Outside Agency Grant Allocations—Mark Calhoun (20 minutes) 4. Admin Report: 2015 Budget Amendment—Mark Calhoun (20 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 6. Info Only: Dept.Monthly Reports September 29,2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Sept 21 1. Advance Agenda October 6,2015,Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Sept 28] 1. Advance Agenda October 13,2015,Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Oct 511 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2015 Budget Amendment—Mark Calhoun (10 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 3. Second Reading Property Tax Ordinance—Mark Calhoun (10 minutes) 4. First Reading Ordinance Adopting 2016 Budget—Mark Calhoun (15 minutes) 5. First Reading Ordinance Amending 2015 Budget—Mark Calhoun (10 minutes) 6. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 6/4/2015 2:32:13 PM Page 2 of 3 October 20,2015, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Oct 12] 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) October 27,2015,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Oct 19] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second reading Adopting 2016 Budget—Mark Calhoun (10 minutes) 3. Second Reading Amending 2015 Budget—Mark Calhoun (10 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Lodging Tax Advisory Cmte (LTAC)Recommended Allocations—Mark Calhoun(25 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 6. Info Only: Dept.Monthly Reports November 3,2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Oct 26] 1.Fee Resolution for 2016—Mark Calhoun (15 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda November 10,2015,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Nov 2] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) November 17,2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Nov 9] 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) November 24,2015—no meeting (Thanksgiving week) December 1,2015, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Nov 23] 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) December 8,2015,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Nov 30] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Proposed Fee Resolution for 2106—Mark Calhoun (10 minutes) 3.Motion Consideration: LTAC Allocations—Mark Calhoun (20 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Advance Agenda (5 minutes) December 15 2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Dec 7] December 22,2015—no meeting December 29,2015, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Dec 21] January 5,2016, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Dec 28] 1. Council Officer Elections for Mayor and Deputy Mayor—Chris Bainbridge (15 minutes) *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: Admissions Tax Sidewalks and Development Avista Electrical Franchise (2"d read Ord 15-011) SRTMC Interlocal Agreement(prior to end of year) Clean Air Agency(Julie Oliver) Used Oil Signage Ordinance Coal/Oil Train Environmental Impact Statement LID (Local Improvement District) Marijuana,Legislative Update Marijuana,Minor in Consumption Public Safety Quarterly Costs Draft Advance Agenda 6/4/2015 2:32:13 PM Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 9, 2015 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ® information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mansfield Ave Connection Project #0156 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 3.35.10 — Contract Authority PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: (1) Adoption of the 2012-2017 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) on June 28, 2011 (Resolution #11-005), which included this project; (2) Informational RCA on 2011 TIB Call for Projects (FY2013) on July 5, 2011; Admin Report on 2011 TIB Call for Projects on July 19, 2011; (3) Approval to move ahead with TIB Grant Applications on August 9, 2011; (4) Approval to move ahead with Mansfield Ave Connection TIB Grant Application on August 23, 2011; (5) Approval to sign the TIB Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement on December 6, 2011; (6) Adoption of the 2013-2018 Six Year TIP on June 26, 2012 (Resolution #12-003), which included this project; (7) Adoption of the 2014-2019 Six Year TIP on June 11, 2013 (Resolution #13-006), which included this project; (8) Adoption of the 2015-2020 Six Year TIP on June 24, 2012 (Resolution #14-006), which included this project. BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley was successful in receiving a CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality) grant for design and right-of-way acquisition, and a TIB (Transportation Improvement Board) grant for construction of the Mansfield Avenue Connection Project. This project will connect two separated parts of Mansfield Avenue, between Pines Road and Mirabeau Parkway into a single, continuous roadway with center turn lane, sidewalks and bike lanes. The project was advertised on June 5, 2015, and bids are scheduled to be opened on June 19, 2015. After opening bids and tabulating the results, staff will present the results at the Tuesday, June 23, 2015 Council meeting for award of the contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. OPTIONS: Information only. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Information only. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total project cost is $2,002.350. The grant-eligible work is estimated at $1,680,200. The local match for this work is $124,450 from REET (Fund 301), and a private developer has contributed $197,700 toward the project. STAFF CONTACT: Steve M. Worley, P.E., Senior Capital Projects Engineer, Eric Guth, P.E., Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Aerial photo showing project's street revisions Mansfield Ave Connection Project ° —- _ 441.14i * ( —17L ' • iIIII iI Mir MEMmummoimmrmjain.a... . • NM . MANSF1EAO _ - r or.„. :r Inrr 41: .111: re. _ '"1 ; , --111L.-.11‘ • - 111= .114. .2, 1 0.4 IVL A V I • •*°' 4014V I -- v II I - 4 . F •- -I I I 01 I I I ' 1 ;r1--w. - I