Agenda 06/08/2015 Valle N. stiokane Spokane Valley Planning Commission Special Meeting Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. June 8, 2015 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 28, 2015 VI. COMMISSION REPORTS VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: A: Public Hearing: Citizen Initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendment Requests — Text amendments and Overlay Requests X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers—City Hall, May 28,2015 Chairman Stoy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. Ms.Horton took roll and the following members and staff were present: Kevin Anderson Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Heather Graham Cary Driskell,City Attorney Tim Kelley Mike Phillips Susan Scott Joe Stoy Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist Sam Wood Deanna Horton, Secretary of the Commission Commissioner Anderson moved to approve the May 28, 2015 agenda. The vote on the amended agenda was seven in favor,zero against, the motion passes. Commissioner Anderson moved to accept the May 14, 2015 minutes as presented. Commissioner Scott noted she and Commissioner Phillips attended the State of the City Address at the Spokane Valley Mall and the presentation regarding the City Hall at CenterPlace. The Commission approved the amended minutes with a vote of seven in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. Commissioner Graham moved to accept the May 18, 2015 minutes as presented. The Commission approved the minutes with a vote of seven in favor, zero against, motion passed. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Kelley reported he attended the Trader's Club, which is a commercial real estate agent group. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Senior Planner Lori Barlow reported the next meeting would be June 8, 2015, which would be a public hearing for the text amendments and over lay requests. Ms. Barlow stated staff is hoping the Commissioners will be able to conduct the public hearing, deliberate and make a recommendation at the June 8 meeting. The City Council will be having an administrative report on the site-specific requests on June 2, but will not be taking any action or public comment at that meeting. The City Council will be taking comment and taking action on the site-specific requests at their June 9,2015 meeting. At the same meeting, the City Council will receive an administrative report on the text and overlay requests. They will be taking action on the overlay and text amendments at their June 23rd meeting. Ms. Barlow stated the regular meeting scheduled for June 1 will be cancelled. The upcoming items include the public hearing for CTA-2015-0004 for the Administrative Exceptions,which was canceled the night of May 14, because of the overwhelming volume of people who showed up to testify for the site- specific Citizen-initiated Amendment Requests(CAR) , and other items on the advanced agenda. Ms.Barlow also reported the City's Shoreline Master Program,which had been sent to the Department of Ecology for final approval, had reached the end of its official comment period and had received no comments. There had been two comments submitted,but after the deadline. The Department of Ecology will now begin its formal adoption process, then the plan will be returned to the City with comments for correction or for the City to adopt it by ordinance. Ms. Barlow stated Spokane Regional Transportation Council is in the process of updating their certification process. They are looking for input and would appreciate input if anyone has comments. 05-28-15 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 2 PUBLIC COMMENT: James Johnson, 13224 E. 4th Avenue: Mr. Johnson stated he believes he is a part of the fabric of the valley. He attended McDonald Elementary, and can recount many of the significant events which he feels shaped this valley. He feels the proposal which is being suggested near him,will allow 50-foot apartments to look into his back yard instead of 50-foot trees. He said he spoke to Sally Jackson one time about disincorporation and she said business would take precedence over residence. He liked the City's vision statement. He commented the City has a planning department with a young planning staff, which are there to advise the Planning Commissioners. He appreciated the Commissioners are volunteers. He hoped the Commissioners understood what the Valley means, what living in it means, and that there was a lot of community space outside of the City. He said the City isn't a bubble and he hoped the Commissioners didn't look at the City as if there were a set of guidelines, a set map,or set percentages and there is no such thing as an allocation of people who will move here. He said there are studies done and expectations made but the Commissioners are the ones who will decide what the City will look like in 20 years. He thought families should come before business. COMMISSION BUSINESS: There was no Commission business. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner Anderson requested some information ahead of the June 8, 2015 meeting. He would like to know what an overlay is, specifically as it relates to the proposed mining overlay, what are the legal implications of such an overlay and can property owners 'opt out' of an overlay. He also asked for information regarding mineral rights or surface rights. ADJOURNMENT: There being no other business meeting was adjourned at 6:33 p.m. Joe Stoy, Chairperson Date signed Deanna Horton, Secretary 1111111411S) 14:11111b 05-28-15 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: June 8,2015 File Number: CAR-2015-0001 through CAR-2015-0026 Item: Check all that apply: n consent n old business n new business ® public hearing n information n admin.report n pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing and Deliberations — Citizen-Initiated Amendment Requests(CARs)to the Comprehensive Plan. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Consideration of the CAR amendment requests to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation Map or text amendments that may result in changes to the development regulations for properties in Spokane Valley. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.106; SVMC 17.80.150 and 19.30.040 BACKGROUND: The City is in the process of updating the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan to meet the legislative update. The Growth Management Act mandates that a complete review of the Comprehensive Plan be conducted every eight years to ensure consistency with the state law and County- wide Planning Policies. The City's legislative deadline is June 30, 2017. As part of that update, the City has accepted Citizen-initiated Amendment Requests(CAR)which propose changes to the land use map or text of the Comprehensive Plan that may lead to changes in the development regulations for properties in Spokane Valley. The Planning Commission is asked to review the CARS to provide a recommendation to the City Council on which requests should be studied as part of the update to the Comprehensive Plan, deferred to a future date, or not considered further as part of the update process. The review process for the CARs differs from the annual amendment process in that this review does not constitute a decision on the land use designation requested, or policy language requested, but will determine if the request will move forward for analysis in the update process. The Planning Commission conducted a study session on April 23, 2015 on all of the CARs and a public hearing on May 14, 2015 on the site specific CARS. On May 18, 2015 the Planning Commission deliberated on the site specific CARS resulting in a motion on each of those items. At this time, the Planning Commission should conduct a public hearing on the remaining CAR applications. The requests are summarized in the Yellow Binder, previously provided. Additional information will be provided and an overview of each request will be presented. The Commission will be asked to make a recommendation to the City Council following the public hearing and deliberations. Prior to the meeting, staff will provide information addressing specific questions raised at the May 28th Commission meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Conduct a public hearing and begin deliberations on each CAR. STAFF CONTACT: Lori Barlow,AICP, Senior Planner Attachment A Attachments: Attachment A—Summary of CAR Requests CAR Amendment Summary of Request Application Change Comprehensive Plan Designation/Change Type Zoning Designation CAR 15-0018 Map Overlay Develop a Mineral Resource Land Designation Overlay CAR 15-0021 Text Modify Garden Office to allow MF-1 density residential uses and Office Zone to allow MF-2 density residential uses CAR 15-0022 Text Create Affordable Housing Incentives CAR 15-0023 Text Add Housing Policies to support a broad and diverse range of housing options CAR 15-0024 Text Develop and establish best practices protocol for development proposals that affect neighborhoods CAR 15-0025 Map Overlay Develop Manufacture Home Park Overlay CAR 15-0026 Text Add Manufactured Home Displacement Policies Citizen-Initiated Amendment Request Review APPLICANT NAME: CPM Development Corp. APPLICATION No.: CAR-2015-0018 PROPERTY OWNER: CPM Development Corp. c/o Jana McDonald SITE ADDRESS: Varies PARCEL NO.: CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Varies PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: New Designation — Mineral Resource Land Designation Overlay ZONING DESIGNATION: VARIES PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION: N/A Summary of Request: The proposal seeks to develop a new chapter within the Comprehensive Plan entitled "Mineral Resource Lands," that would establish goals and policies to designate, preserve and protect mineral resource lands of long-term commercial significance, with a corresponding map amendment to designate an overlay of Mineral Resource Lands. Context: Currently mining activities are defined in Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) as a heavy industrial use. Mining is a permitted use in the 1-2, Heavy Industrial Zone. While the SVMC does not currently identify a specific mining permit governing mining, there are several chapters of the SVMC that may be applicable to new mining or mineral resource operations and related mining activities. The current Comprehensive Plan does not specifically address mining or mineral resource operations, but does contain several goals and policies for the appropriate development of industrial lands. On April 28, 2015 the City adopted Ordinance No.15-009 establishing a moratorium on mining, mineral product manufacturing, and other related matters. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 15-009, the 2015 Comprehensive Plan update process has been identified as the work plan to work through the policy issues surrounding mining and related mining operations in Spokane Valley. Through the 2015 Comprehensive Plan update process, the City may consider the economic and physical impacts of mining on the City's finite supply of available undeveloped industrial land. RCW 36.70A.170 requires the City to consider designation, where appropriate, of"[m]ineral resource lands that are not already characterized by urban growth and that have long-term significance for the extraction of minerals." Implications: There are several existing gravel mining operations in the City which take up significant acreage and which have historically resulted in large open pits once the mining use is concluded within Spokane Valley. One of the unique features of mining is the permanent impact on the land where it is sited. Once a mine is opened, the impacts of the mine on the land are usually irreversible even with appropriate reclamation planning. These impacts can mean that the land may be permanently removed from other future available industrial uses, even after the mine closes. CAR-2015-0018—Staff Analysis Page 1 Focus Areas and Public Input Themes: The application appears to align with the mineral resource lands focus area identified as part of the overall Comprehensive Plan Update process. The application appears to align with the Economic Opportunity public input theme identified in the Community Vision Report developed through the public meetings. Options for Consideration: ❑ Include proposal for further review The CAR will be included in the scope of analysis for the Comprehensive Plan update to better determine if the mineral resource lands zone or overlay is an appropriate designation and will further consider the economic and physical impact of mining on the city's limited supply of available undeveloped industrial lands. Analysis may also include an assessment of the vicinity to determine if such an overlay would be compatible with the surrounding uses. ❑ Defer proposal to future Comprehensive Plan Amendment The CAR will be deferred to a future annual Comprehensive Plan amendment and analyzed at that time. The proposal will be included in a future "docket"when the City determines it is appropriate to analyze. ❑ Exclude proposal from further review The CAR will be excluded from further analysis in the Comprehensive Plan update. The parcels will not be analyzed specifically and may or may not be re-designated in this process, depending upon the overall update and changes made by the City on an area-wide basis. Exhibits: A. Application CAR-2015-0018—Staff Analysis Page 2 .0,00Valley PLAN UPDATE CJTIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION Co+rminfoo of Opyaorne my RECEIVED PART II - APPLICATION INFORMATION MAR 1, 1 21' P al i`lel= �A L Map amendment; or E Text amendment + ut,_�:til�lixl�l: i i APPLICANT NAME: CPM deyelcprnent Cog- cfa Jana McDonald MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 3366 CITY: Spokane STATE:WA ZIP:99220-3366 EMAIL: PHONE: 50S-534-6221 FAX:509-536-3051 CELL: Jrncdonaid©oidcastlematerials.corn PROPERTY OWNER:Same as Applicant - MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: Zip: PHONE: FAX: CELL: EMAIL: SITE ADDRESS: See attached. PARCEL NO.: See attached. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DaslGNATiow: See attached,. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: New designation: Mineral Resource Land Designation Overlay ZONING DESIGNATION:See attached. PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION: N/A BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENIDMENT(atta^h full explanation on separate sheet of paper): See attached text amendment to City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan adding a new chapter entitled`Mineral Resource Lands." A corresponding map amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Map isalso_praposed to place an Overlay desiianaticn called 'Mineral Resource Land" or designated Mineral Resource lands. PL-46`V1,ci Page 4 of 5 CC171. , COMPREHENSIVE PLN.i UPDATE CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION t'r,erJ rno ni fy of O spat Yrori fay PART UI AUTHORIZATION (Signature of legal owner or applicant) I. 13YIII` '' '] yr , (print narnel swear or affirm that the above responses are made truthfully and to the beat of my knowledge. z ? 4 -. 30- (SignA re) (Date) PL-48 V1.0 Page 5 of 5 Site 'creage ,IParcelt Current uses zoning Current Zoning Comp Plan Sullivan Road Approx.2242 45123.90108 Mini n industrial I-2 Heavy industrial 45123.9007 Asphalt Production 45122.5045 Concrete Production 45122.9004 Shop Facilities 45123.9036 Recycling 45123.9011 45125.9157 45135,9007 45124.9012 45121.9016 'Spokane County Flora Pit Apprnx.30 45121.9015 Minin• Industrial 1-2 luridr leasef buy LIPti r Shop Facilities Heavy Industrial ;Park Road Approx.10a 35134.9095Mmining Indwstnall-2 Heavy Industrial 35134.9057 QUA tyControl 35134.9022 35134.91075 35134.9030 35134,9029 35134.3232 35134.9021 Carnahan o Approx.34, 35234..0•9 Mining,Recycling MF-1 MCdiu i Density Rexidartilal 8th&Havana quarry Ap,prox,50. 35233.9191 Mining R-4 Light Density 35233.9192 Asphalt Production Residential 35233.0709 Recycling 35233.{1513 35233.1371,E 35233.0604 35233.0605 35233.0645 35 233.0607 35233.0608 35233.0504. 35233.0505 35233.9176 rn gra m 7t di-jt PARSONS/BM NE TT/B/ORDAHL/HUMEili, A f:!ORN 'YS Stacy A. fijordahl E 1 D cb1nrc2h,f6phi a Sv.h March 31,2015 Ma 3 .1 LUIS VAIN Community Development Department City of Spokane Valley 11707 E, Sprague Ave,Suite 106 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Re. Citizen tnitintedAmendment Request to the Comprehensive Plan Dear Mr.Hohman: On behalf of CPM Development Corporation, we are submitting the attached Citizen- Initiated Amendment Request to the City's Comprehensive Plan. The attached application proposes a: 1) Text Amendment to add a new chapter to the Comprehensive Plan, entitled "Mineral Resource Lands,"and, 2) Corresponding Map.Amendment to designate four sites [Sullivan, Park, 8th and Havana,and Carnahan] as a Mineral Resource Land Overlay designation on the City's Official Comprehensive Plan Map. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed. please feel free to contact me ter the applicant's designated contact,Jana McDonald. Sincerely, PABSONS/ uR E! !/BIORDAFtL/HUMS LIP f . lacy t�. 1r3 �,r�h Encl. 05• Ki+crrkit;Avc,Spur,4i11'. .rkaaleWA Li.2i1l • T(503;.2-S(I.G • I (5%.,1)252-5067 • sriv,n.ghlawLrc A Lititac I Liabi.t I'.i rer ll.1r,vt:lt•:f'iary inSpnkinc,nd Belau, RECEIVED MU t le .i 2015 Attachment to Proposed Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment :, i.Th ''M'+1I ti Applicant: CPA Development Corp. 1.14..vr 1" thtJi 1_ Why the proposed amendment is needed, and the potential land use impacts if approved; The Washington State Growth Management Act requires each county and city to adopt designate natural resource lands that are not already characterized by urban growth and have long-term camrnercral signification for the extraction of minerals. ROW 36.70.170. The GMA also requires cities and counties to policies and development regulations to assure the conservation of mineral resource lands. ROW 36.70A,060. No land use impacts are anticipated as the proposed mineral resource land sites are currently used for the production of minerals or raining related uses. 2. Describe how the proposed amendment meets the approval criteria belcrwa a. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; As noted above, the Washington State Growth Management Act requires each county and city to adopt designate natural resource lands that are net already characterized by urban growth and have long-term commercial signification for the extraction of minerals. ROW 36.70A.170. The GMA also requires cities and counties to policies and development regulations to assure the conservation of mineral resource lands. ROW 36.70A060. A Comprehensive Plan that is compliant with the GMA is in the best interest of the public health, safely and general welfare, and ensures protection of valuable natural resources found in our environment. b. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of ROW 36.70A and with the City's adapted Comprehensive Plan; As noted above, the Washington State Growth Management Act requires each county and city to adopt designate natural resource lands that are not already characterized by urban growth and have long-term commercial signification for the extraction of minerals. ROW 36.70A.170. The GMA also requires cities and counties to policies and development regulations to assure the conservation of mineral resource!ands. ROW 36.70A.060. 0. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within vThich the subject property lies; N/A d, The proposed amendment corrects en obvious error; and As noted above, the Washington State Growth Management Act requires each county and city to adopt designate natural resource lands that are not already characterized by urban growth and have long-term commercial signification for the extraction of minerals. ROW 36.70A.170. The GMA also requires cities and counties to policies and deve/opmenf regulations to assure the conservation of mineral resource lands. ROW 36 70A.060. Page 1 of 2 When the City adopted its Comprehensive Plan and development regulations following incorporation of the City, it failed to designate and protect existing miners' resource lands within the corporate limits of the, City as required by the GIM, which was obvious error. a The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. When the City adopted its Comprehensive Plan and development regulations following incorporation of the City, it failed to designate and protect existing mineral resource lands within they corporate limits of the City as required by the GMAA which is a deficiency in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Page 2 of 2 ECEIVED F iprI ! 1015 Adopt a New Chapter to the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan entitled r r `,, 44Chapter" "—Mineral Resource Lands" Mineral Resource Lands include mineral lands of long-term commercial significance. Spokane County is blessed with an abundant supply of natural resource lands, Mineral land areas are primarily devoted to sand,gravel, rock, or clay production. Related products such as concrete, asphalt and brick are also produced. Mineral resource lands have special characteristics that make them productive. These characteristics include unique soils and geological structure. They cannot be re-created if they are lost to urban development or nlistnanaged. Mineral resources must meet criteria of quality, quantity and accessibility for commercial viability. Location of mineral resources is important, since the cost of transporting them adds greatly to cost. Goals MRL.I a Provide for necessary mineral resources while preserving and protecting the natural environment arid private property rights, MRL.I b Ensure adequate supply, long-term conservation and wise stewardship of mineral resources within the City of Spokane Valley for the benefit of current and future residents. Policies MRL.l.1 Mineral resource lands of long-tem commercial significance shall be designated as an overlay or official maps and adopted by the City Council through a comprehensive planning process. i IRL.1_2 Environmentally sensitive areas, which may be degraded by mining uses, should not be classified as mineral resource lands. MRL.1.3 Mineral resource land designations should be reviewed every 5 years and amended if necessary to reflect better information or change of conditions. Mineral Land Designation Criteria MRL 1.4 Mineral Resource Lands of long-term commercial significance should be designated on official maps and adopted by the City Council through a comprehensive planning process. Mining shall be allowed on lands not meeting mineral resource designation criteria if environmental protection and compatibility with adjacent land uses is assured. M1L.1.5 Mineral Resource Lands of long-term commercial significance should meet all of the following criteria; a) In the City of Spokane Valley,the commercially important minerals are sand, gravel,rock or clay. Mineral resource land designations should be made where these minerals are lenown to exist. The Mineral Resource Lands Overlay Map should be used as a tool to help identify additional sites to help meet future demand. Page 1 b) Mineral resource land designations should be located in areas with compatible land uses, such as mining, industrial, or vacant lands. c) Mineral resource land designations should be 20 acres or more in size. d) Mineral land designations should have a minimum deposit size of approximately 500,000 cubic yards for sand,gravel and rock, and approximately 200,000 cubic yards for blend sand. e) Mineral resource land designations shall not occur on lands with wetlands,riparian areas, geological hazard or threatened or endangered species unless impacts can be adequately mitigated. I)Mineral resource land designations shall have adequate access for trucks. Access should not be through a residential neighborhood. Goal MRL.2: Land uses shall be consistent with the conservation of designated mineral resource lands and shall not interfere with resource land management practices. Policies MRL.2.1 Viable mining activities shall be protected (rein conflicts through the use of zoning requirements, plat requirements, grandfather rights and similar methods. MRL-2.2 Uses permitted on or near mineral resource lands must be compatible and not interfere with the economic benefit provided by that natural resource. MRL.2.3 The primary land use activities on mineral resource lands are mineral extraction and those uses that maintain,enhance or have insignificant impact on the long-term management of designated natural resource lands. MRL.2.4 Land use activities within or adjacent tv mineral resource lands should be sited and designed to minimize conflicts with resource-related activities. MRL2.5 Specific development and performance standards for access, lot size and configuration, fire protection, water supply and dwelling unit location should be adopted for development within or adjacent to mineral resource lands. These standards will provide for buffer areas adjacent to designated mineral resource lands that minimize conflict with commercial natural resource activities. Residential Development on Mineral Resource Lands Policies MRL.2.6 Residential use on mineral resource lands shall be discouraged unless the residential use is related to resource land management or production. MRL.2.7 Mineral lands are designated only for parcels with proven mineral reserves. Only residences connected with the mineral extraction activity should exist on mineral lands, Commercial and Industrial Use On Natural Resource Lands MRL.2.8 Non-resource-related industrial developments such as major industrial developments. airports and storage yards shall not be allowed on designated resource lands. MRL..2.9 Industries related to and dependent upon mineral resources or mining shall be allowed on designated resource lands. :vMR.L 2,I 0 Retail sales facilities and activities shall not be alloyed on natural resource lands except as accessory to the sale of commodities produced on-site, sale of sand and gravel associated with on-site mining activity. Rage 2 Goal .NLRL.4 Use best management practices and other innovative techniques in a sustainable and eavlronmentaily sensitive manner to protect mineral resource lands from incompatible activities, Policies MRL.4.1 Notification should be placed on all land use pennits or approvals on or within 1,000 feet of designated mineral resource lands, stating that the adjacent land is in resource use and subject to a variety of activities that may not be compatible with residential development, MRL.4.2 Mining operations shall be allowed on mineral resource lands when carried on in compliance with applicable regulations, even though they may impact nearby residences. MR.L.4.3 Mineral resource lands shall be managed, conserved and protected while used for natural resource production and restored to a natural state or developed in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan once resource use has stopped. Mineral Land Policies 1►v RL.4.4 Recognize that mineral resources are site-specific and not subject to relocation. MRL-4,5 Mining shall be allowed on urban lands as well as lands designated as mineral lands if environmental protection and compatibility with adjacent land uses is assured, MRL.4.6 Approval of new proposed mining operations should include conditions that: a)The extraction proposal meets all applicable zoning requirements; b) The proposed extraction operation is buffered from existing or potential developments within. the vicinity of the proposed operation; c)A permit, which includes a reclamation plan and performance bond, is obtained through the Washington State Department of Natural Resources; d)Provide for protection of groundwater and surface water, including wetlands, during and after operation; e)The monitoring and clean-up of contaminants should be ongoing; f)A permit, when applicable, from DOE for coverage under the Sand and Gravel General Permit. Page 3 RECEIVED Attachment to Proposed Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment c"r'tti'�+�Ih-yrs"1 =Y Applicant: CPM Development Corp. ; ,�rtf�;in�ll`V'tf1� d{�i►'� r Why the proposed amendment is needed. The Washington State Growth Management Act requires aitch county and city to designate natural resource lands that are not already characterized by urban growth and have long-term commercial signification for the extraction of minerals. RCW 36.70A.170. The GMA also requires cities and counties to adopt policies and development regulations to assure The conservation of mineral resource lands. RCW 36.70A060, The City has riot designated mineral resource lands or adopted policies and development regulations to protect designated mineral resource lands. 2. Describe how the proposed amendment meets the approval criteria below; a. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; As noted above, the Washington State Growth Management Act requires each county and city to designate natural resource lands that are not already characterized by urban growth and have ion -tem? commercial signification for the extraction of minerals, RCW 36,70A.170. The GMA also requires cities and counties to adopt policies and development regulations to assure the conservation of mineral resource lands. RCW 36.70A.0 0. A Comprehensive Plan that is compliant with the GMA is lir the best interest of the public health. safety and general welfare, and ensures protection of valuable natural resources found in our environment. b. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70A and with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan; As noted above, the Washington State Growth Management Act requires each county and city to designate natural resource lands that are not already characterized by urban growth and have long-term commercial signification for the extraction of minerals, RCW 36 701.170. The GMA also requires cities and counties to adoptpolicies and development regulations to assure the conservation of mineral resource lands. RCW 36.70A.060. Presently, the City's Comprehensive Plan is not in compliance with the GMA because it does not contain policies to preserve and protect mineral resource lands. c. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial charge in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; N/A d, The proposed amendment correots an obvious error; and The Washington State Growth Management Act requires each county and city to designate natural resource lands that are not already characterized by urban growth and have long-term commercial signification for the extraction of minerals. RCW 36.70k170. The GMA also requires cities and counties to adopt policies and Page 1 of 3 development regulations to assure the conservation of mineral resource lands, RCW 36.70A.060, When the City adopted its Comprehensive Plan and development regulations following incorporation of the City, it failed to designate and protect existing mineral resource lands within the corporate limits of the City as required by the GMA, which was obvious error. e. The proposed amendtent addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan_ When the City adopted its Comprehensive Plan and development regulations following incorporation of the City, it failed to designate and protect existing mineral resource lands within the corporate limits of the City as required by the GMA, which is a deficiency in the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. Describe how the proposal addresses the following specific factors: a. The effect upon the physical environment, lll}A. The properties proposed for designation as a llitrreral Resource Land Overlay designation were previously designated as Natural Resource Lands by Spokane County prior to incorporation of the City and are currently{ used for mineral resource production andior mining-related activities. b, The effect on open space, streams, rivers, and hakes; N/A. The properties proposed for designation as a Mineral Resource Land Overlay designation were previously designated as Natural Resource Lands by Spokane County prior to incorporation of the City and are currently used for mineral resource production and/or mining-related activities. It is also noted that those lands that are located near water bodies will be regulated under the City's Shoreline Master Program after mining operations are complete_ o. The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding rseighborhuuds; NM_ As noted above, the Washington State Growth Management Act requires each county and city to designate natural resource lands that are not already characterized by urban growth and have long-term commercial signification for the extraction of minerals. RC W 36.70A.170. The GMA also requires cities and counties to adopt policies and development regulations to assure the conservation of mineral resource lands. F CW 36.7OA.060. When the City adopted its Comprehensive Pian and development regulations following incorporation of the City, rt failed to designate and protect existing mineral resource lands within the corporate limits of the City as required by the GMA, which was obvious error. The City also failed to adopt regulations to protect mineral resource lands from incompatible land uses. O. The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportation, parks, recreation and schools; Page 2 of 3 N/A. Those properties proposed for designation as a Mineral Resource Land Overlay designation are already used for mitring and/or mining-related uses, with the necessary infrastructure in place to support The use. e The benefit to the neighborhood, city and region; As noted above, the Washington State Growth Management Act requires each county and oily to designate natural resource lands that are not already characterized by urban growth and have forrg-term commercial signification for the extraction of minerals. RCW 36.70.4 170 The GMA also requires cities and counties to adopt policies and development regulations to assure the conservation of mineral resource lands. ROW 36,70A.06 . A Comprehensive Plan that Is compliant wr#h the GIiiA is in the best interest of the public health, safety and general welfare, and ensures protection of valuable natural resources found in our environment, f. The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density, and the demand for such land; See attached map and summary of parcels proposed for designation as a Mineral Resource Land Overlay. The demand for mineral lands is dependent on location of the resource and market need for the resource. g. The current and projected population density in the area; and N/A. Those properties proposed for designation as a Mineral Resource Land Overlay designation are already used for mining and/or mining-related uses, with the necessary infrastructure in place to support the use. h. The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. The Washington State Growth Management Act requires each county and city to designate natural resource lands that are not already characterized by urban growler and have long-term commercial signification for the extraction of minerals. l C W 36.70..170. The GMA also requires cities and counties to adopt policies and development regulations to assure the conservation of mineral resource lands. RCW 36.70A,060. A Comprehensive Plan that is compliant with the GMA is in the best interest of the public health, safety and general welfare, and ensures protection of valuable natural resources found in our environment. Page 3 of 3 . Z •.— s , e ' am ._ I - ,...,.*:,„.79-..f;' S'� • _ b.1 t ' ' ,•-•:17 .— . f E- I ! - '''.".',:-_,„„..-7--' ^,� ^ -"k 3 J'- `' ,-. .--;:i,::;,_---:,,,,,,. adf . r , ' - .'' . . CeKaCID' • :.,. . -. ' '.'-'::11::.71;:t .11-74! ::1: ,,i'' •,,--' w ,E _ Wit' - P,__ _�- k ;d U..1 sW L • i r r :r • y ,' • - - . 6, • •fir r- i o 11 f1f w S ' `ice. _ —I • _ r - .� f. i y , w_ r 1. i` - r" f-�- • _ ��:: — , 4. _ e j � +� ri • f rf . ;; . -- } - • ` y.. ? r Tc r "'ma NAR 3 1 2015 KANE VALLFY DOPAR CCM FSAUNiTY DEV pm 1T __ — --- • �1. y — .F alp t U�:. ctr 1, 3C �.` y ,s -- o-573�1.1S _ _ a s 153.:Y,'7i _ _ ,�.. 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"' .16 ,a17� 7a-`6 _- Citizen-Initiated Amendment Request Review APPLICANT NAME: Land Use Solutions and Entitlement APPLICATION NO.: CAR-2015-0021 PROPOSED CODE TEXT AMENDMENT: SVMC 19.60.020 GO, Garden Office district; 19.60.030 0, Office district; and 19.120.050 Permitted Use Matrix SITE ADDRESS: N/A PARCEL No.: N/A CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Office designation PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Office designation ZONING DESIGNATION: GO and 0 designations PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION: GO and 0 designations Summary of Request: The proposed amendment is a text amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) relating to the Garden Office zone (GO) and Office zone (0), found in SVMC 19.60.020 and 19.60.030 respectively. The proposal is to allow multi-family as a permitted use in both the GO and 0 zones, subject to the development standards of SVMC 19.40.070 for the GO zone and SVMC 19.40.080 for the 0 zone. Also included in this proposal is the repeal of SVMC 19.60.020(B)(2), which limits multi-family units in the GO zone only to buildings and structures with nonresidential uses on the entire ground floor. Context: Garden Office Zone The Garden Office designation is intended primarily for low-rise office development with limited retail or commercial uses. Garden Office uses are intended to provide a buffer between residential uses and commercial uses. Multi-family dwelling units are currently allowed as supplemental uses in the GO zone, meaning that it is subject to supplemental use regulations, which are outlined in SVMC 19.60.020(B)(2). This supplemental use regulation only allows multi-family dwelling units in a building or structure with nonresidential uses on the entire ground floor. Office Zone The Office designation is intended primarily for medium-to high-rise office development with limited retail or commercial uses. Multi-family dwelling units are currently allowed as supplemental uses in the 0 zone, meaning that it is subject to supplemental use regulations, which are outlined in SVMC 19.60.020(B)(2). This supplemental use regulation only allows multi-family dwelling units in a building or structure with nonresidential uses on the entire ground floor Implications: Adding regulatory language in the GO and 0 zones to outright permit multi-family dwelling units without limiting it to buildings and structures with nonresidential uses on the entire ground floor would open up CAR-2015-0021—Staff Analysis Page 1 parcels within the City that previously would not be allowed to build multi-family residential units to be developed for this use. The proposal asks for the allowance of multi-family uses with a density of up to 12 units per acre in the GO zone and a density of up to 22 units per acre in the 0 zone (consistent with the MF-1 and MF-2 densities, respectively). Development of multi-family residential in the GO zone would be governed by SVMC 19.40.070 and subject to the development standards for MF-1 shown in SVMC Table 19.40-1 while development of multi-family residential in the 0 zone would be governed by 19.40.080 and subject to the development standards for MF-2 shown in SVMC Table 19.40-1. This proposed code text amendment may have impacts to the City's Land Quantity Analysis and subsequently, how the City proposes to accommodate its population allocation. Focus areas and public input themes: The application appears to align with the office focus area identified as part of the overall Comprehensive Plan Update process. The application appears to align with the housing public input themes identified in the Community Vision Report developed through the public visioning meetings. Options for Consideration: ❑ Include application for further review The CAR will be included in the scope of analysis for the Comprehensive Plan update to consider regulatory language allowing multifamily residential uses in the GO and 0 zones throughout the City. Analysis will focus on the current supply and demand of GO and 0 zoned parcels including identification of the need for more or less of these parcels. Furthermore, analysis of multi-family housing supply and demand will need to occur to determine the impact of this code text amendment. ❑ Defer application to future Comp Plan Amendment The CAR will be deferred to a future annual Comprehensive Plan amendment and analyzed at that time. The proposal will be included in a future "docket"when the City determines it is appropriate to analyze. ❑ Exclude application from further review The CAR will be excluded from further analysis in the Comprehensive Plan update. The proposal will not be analyzed specifically and may or may not be included in this process, depending upon the overall update and changes made by the City. Exhibits: A. Application CAR-2015-0021—Staff Analysis Page 2 Sinane ValleCOMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE 1 CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLUCATL IJN Corusrnnily r!/Opporiumry PART II - APPLICATION INFORMATION ❑ Map amendment; or X Text amendment APPLICANT NAME: Land Use Solutions and Entitlement, Dwight Hume agent MAILING AnnREss: g1O1 N Mt. View Lane CiiY: S.okane STATE:WA ZIP: 99218 EMAIL:dim me@spokane- PHONE: 508435-3108 FAX: CELL:same Ianduse.com PROPERTY OWNER: N/A Text Amendment to Zane Code MAILING ADDRESS: NIA CITY: N/A STATE:NA ZIP: N/A PHONE: NSR Fret: N/A CELL:NIA EMAIL: NFA SITE ADDRESS: NIA , PARCEL NO.: NfA COrnPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Garden Office (GO)and Office (0) PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: NIA ZONING DESIGNATION: Garden Office (GOpnd Office (0) PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION: NIA BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(attach full explanation on separate sheet of paper): Amend the Garden Office zone to al[tw MF 1 residential density as an additional use and/or option in-lieLr-of office Amend the Office zone to allow MF-2 density residential density as an addrtional use and/or optional use in-lieu--of office. I ?cis PL-4B V1.0 Fags 4 cf 5 11f n' .00 Valley COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION Crrrrrorro4F0:oJGpplrlar rry PART III - AUTHORIZATION (Signature of legal owner or applicant) i, /4 x,7,0. , (print name) swear or affirm that the above responses are madetrutr . and to the best of my knowledge. A Z.4-1 . ,', _ Alle: ao, 1 '''' (Signature) (Date) PL-4R V1_111 Page 5 of 5 Text Amendmant Narrative Spoke tic Valley Zone Cmlr Proposed Amendment: Amend the Garden Office zone (30) to allow MF-1 density as an additional use and/or option in-lieu-of office. AND Amend the Office (0) zone to allow MF-2 density residential as en additional and/or optional use in-Feu-of office, 1) Why is the proposed amendment needed and what are its potential land use impacts? The amendment would: a) provide suitable locations for residential in-fill without having to do annual map amendments and down zones from office to My-? or MF 2. Other benefits include: h) Adds additional irr-fill options for residential growth heretofore commuted to in the GM Plan whereas current in-fill options are questionably adequate for obtaining the population allocation adopted into the GM Plan. c) Without this amendment, increased residential densities may be required and yet won't be implemented in Spokane's apartment rental market. d) Office zoned properties have similar site location requirements to apartment uses and similar bulk and scale issues. e) The option for residential use can stimulate new land use and tax base revenues during a soft office market. The land use impacts would be minimal due to the similarity of site requirements, such as arterial frontage access and infrastructure services. . 2) Describe how the amendment meets the approval criteria below: a) The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. The amendment allows residential use without retail mix as currently required. Development would be subject to applicable development standards to ensure land use compatibility. As a similar use to existing permitted uses, it bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. b) The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of RCW 36_TDA and with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. b) The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of RCVV 3S.70A and with the City's adopted Comprehensive Pian. This amendment offers additional in-fill opportunities to implement the population allocation adopted into the plan. it's location within the GC and 0 categories. places it in similar proximity to required infrastructure and services for either office or apartment uses. It is consistent with the comprehensive plan as it does not change any designated categories. c) The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owners control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies, Not Applicable d) The proposed amendment corrects an obvious error. Not Applicable e) The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan, There is no identified deficiency. Nonetheless, this amendment would increase the potential for in-f!l in implementing the intended population allocated for Spokane Valley. Proposed Amendment Language 19.50.020 GO, Garden Office district. A_ The Garden Office designation is intended primarily for low-rise office development with limited retail or commercial uses. Retail andcommercial uses are limited to those that are clearly subordinate to the primary office use or the retail function primarily serves the office uses in close proximity to the retail or commercial use. Garden Office uses provide a buffer between residential uses and commercial uses. Primary uses including medical and dental facilities, education services, insurance, real estate, financial institutions, design firms, and regal services are representative of this Comprehensive Plan category. B. Supplemental Permitted Use Regulations. 1. Convenience Store. a. Exterior loudspeakers, public address systems or similar audio equipment shall not be permitted; and b. The proposed location shall be directly adjacent to at least a principal or minor arterial street or collector street. 2. Dwelling-uPt ll-beJ --wcl n•Iy---i� -a wilding or structu ith- resi ntal n„ the entic gfesi 1R.� 1 #--Par Sirig-t l residents�T o o e-reserved-aed--ciear marked exoe t ii id �, off+ a �r " n-i�c,x , a�s�U�s �SF e� a Gefl,Gept.4o enourage indep eet-livir-Ifj; 2> Multi-family units subject to the development standards of 19.41070 1137.(1). 3. Traffic from the proposed use on a side street shall be directed to the nearest arterial or collector street and shall not be routed through an adjoining neighborhood, (Ord 09-017 § 1, 2009; Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 19.60.030 0, Office district. A. The Office designation is intended primarily for medium- to high-rise office development with limited retail or commercial uses. Retail and commercial uses are limited to those that are clearly subordinate to the primary office use or the retail function primarily serves the office uses in close proximity to the retail or commercial use, Primary uses including medical and dental facilities, education services, insurance, real estate, financial institutions, design firms, and legal services are representative of this Comprehensive Plan category. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). B. Suplernental Permitted Use Regulations 1. Multi-family units subject to the development standards of 19.40.080 (E).(1). 19,120.050 Permitted use matrix GO 0 Supplemental Conditions Residential Dwelling Multi-Family s s— •►"�„ -1g. O 02g (B) (2) Dwelling Multi-Family P SVMC 19,40.070 (B) (1) Dwelling Multi--Family P SVMC 19.40_[)80 Citizen-Initiated Amendment Request Review APPLICANT NAME: Greater Valley Support Network APPLICATION No.: CAR-2015-0022 SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE TEXT: Chapter 19.35 Residential Density Bonus PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT: 19.35.045 Incentives to Develop Affordable Housing Summary of Request: The proposed amendment is to expand affordable housing options for low income households and create more incentives for housing developers. In addition to the existing density incentives, the proposal includes height and bulk bonuses, fee waivers or exemptions, parking reductions, and expedited permitting. Context: The Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC)Chapter 19.35 contains the requirements for a residential density bonus. Projects must be new and create a minimum of 20 units to be eligible. Density calculations are based on the median income of the families as well as the type of amenities proposed. Amenities can include underground parking, covered bus shelters, energy efficient construction, indoor recreational facilities, playground equipment and benches. Site design criteria provisions are defined in the regulations. Implications: The proposal directs the incentive toward increasing the supply of low income housing projects, as referenced in RCW 36.70A.540. The current regulations result in one bonus unit for each affordable unit based on the targeted income range of the housing development. The inclusion of additional incentives may result in the increased supply of affordable housing in the City. However, the regulations in Chapter 19.35 would need to be modified and expanded to define the specific requirements to achieve the incentives outlined in the proposal. Typical development standards are defined in the underlying zoning district and in Title 22 Design and Development Standards and would still apply. A review of other regulations affected will be needed to understand the impacts on the adjacent uses as a result of parking reductions, or height increases, etc., as identified in the proposal. Focus Areas and Public Input Themes: The application appears to indirectly align with the multifamily housing focus area identified as part of the overall Comprehensive Plan Update process. The application appears to align with the public input theme of Housing identified in the Community Vision Report developed through the public meetings. Options for Consideration: ❑ Include application for further review The CAR will be included in the scope of analysis for the Comprehensive Plan update for the purposes of a possible modification to the development regulations. ❑ Defer application to future Comp Plan Amendment The CAR will be deferred to a future annual Comprehensive Plan amendment or text amendment opportunity and analyzed at that time. The proposal will be included in a future "docket"when the City determines it is appropriate to analyze. CAR-2015-0022—Staff Analysis Page 1 ❑ Exclude application from further review The CAR will be excluded from further analysis in the Comprehensive Plan update. The proposal will not be analyzed specifically and may or may not be included in this process, depending upon the overall update and changes made by the City. Exhibits: A. Application materials CAR-2015-0022—Staff Analysis Page 2 _y� m+r * 0 f COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE 40100.1" -_ CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION o,)Jrrrxlir ,rl+Op�rcrrrrrraily PART II - APPLICATION INFORMATION E Map amendment; or X❑ Text amendment APPLICANT NAME:----[ rcater Valley%.[ ort Network. Contact Person' Ginty Aftl MAicec ADDRESS:- cfo Spokane Vallet FD Hers 1 QI I A F- Broaciwa Avg STATE: C19 Y: -- cane ValleNt WA ZIP:- 992CPG PHONE: 539-325- FAX. ----5O9- CELL:---5Q9- 3235 — Q9-3235 ; '25.3295 1.1883, EMAIL: c nd+ lnn,org PROPER r?OWNER: N/A MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: PAX: CELL: EMAIL: SITE ADDRESS: — frJ PARCEL No,: —.NiA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:,-- PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: -- ZONING —ZONING DESIGNATION: - 1935 PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION: •---- 19.35 045 Incentivesto DaTuelo: Affordable Housing BIRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP R TEXT AMENDMENT(attach full explanation on Separate sheet of paper); ----•----fie City of Spokane Valley should veand.incentives for t17esglevelopgent of affordable housinato increase the auailablility of affordable hpusrnct stock. Twen fo r percent of Spokane Valley hausetiolrls have an al hcomsaLL 2 JOO or less, PL-48 W.0 Page4oft SilOkane COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE CITIZEN-lN(TIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLrcATIDN C@li11P1onily d ppo1 tunny PART III -AUTHORIZATION (Signature of legal owner or applicant) di I, { -4' -2-6 (print name) swear or affirm that the above responses are meals truthfully a d kv th; +est of my knowledge, (Signature) (Date) PL-48 VIA A Pegs 5 0 5 SlYokane leer pCOMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION C:e:rrinun idy of oppe)rJarrrty B. Submit the following for text amendments to the Comprehensive Plan or development regulations~: Completed Application Form 7+ One copy of the text proposed to be changed, showing deletions by ss4rik+ethrough and additions by underline. M One copy of a narrative describing the following: I Why the proposed amendment is needed, and the potential land use impacts if approved; 2. Describe how the proposed amendment meets the approval criteria below; The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health. safety, welfare, an© protection of the environment; b. The proposed amendment is consistent with ti-te requirements of RCVd 38 70A and with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan; c. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owners control applicable to th€ area within which the subject properly lies; d. The proposed amendment corrects an obvious error; and e. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. A P .h e k! STAFF USE ONLY Date Submitted: Received by: Fee; PLUS#: File #: PL-45 Vl.c Page 0of5 City of Spokane Valley ilixert-initis#ed Amendment RerluestApplicntirrn Here Is a copy of the text to he adderilrevised: Chapter 19 35 - RESIDENTIAL DENS-ITY DENS—IBONUSES acid INCENTIVES 1A.35.010 Purpose, : aunrxc The purpose of this chapter Is to provide density incentives and other incentives to residential developments Ic help achieve consistency with the Growth Management Act,the City's Comprehensive elan,and countywide planning policies tar Spokane County. (Old.00-032§ 1,2aas) 19.36.O2O General. SHRRE The provisions of this chapter are available,at the sole discretion ofthe property owner.es incentives 10 encourage construction of housing affordable to low-and-rwedepate•inovrns households for new nnultiramlly dcveleprnonis.In exchange for residential density bonuses a.l other I+tccniives,the applicant Is required to provkta a well-designed project with additional amenities contributing to the quality or IN for Etre residents. (Ord,09-032§ 1.2909), i9,35,045 Other Ina derrelo ff r ihle hra❑sinr. i ition f I entices i Oil;+.Of Spokane Valrev—sagonbleid by State legislation(RQW 36.70A.04Q1—may nravt Other incept ej. incudlne but not limiled ta: 1.Fiht and bulk buses; 2. Foe waivers or exernettOns, man reductions; 4. Exoec+iled n rtmitting. Narratlae The proposed amendment is needed to expand affordable housing options for Spokane Valley households of Tow income,Tvrenly-four percent(24%)of households have annual Incomes of$25,09R or less and#33% have 2 or less household members(Demographics Now-Library Edition), With These additional incentives available,housing eevelopers may be more inclined to construct housing affordable to low- income households for new muttilarniiy doveoprnents, The proposed amendment provides far the public health, safely,and welfare of low income households. It does not negalively impact on the environment_ it is Consistent with the requirements of ROW 38.701 and with the City's adopted Comp Plan, Citizen-Initiated Amendment Request Review APPLICANT NAME: Greater Valley Support Network APPLICATION No.: CAR-2015-0023 SPOKANE VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT: Housing Element Goal (HG-1) PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT: .Housing Policy (HP-1.7) SITE ADDRESS: N/A PARCEL NO.: N/A CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: N/A PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: N/A ZONING DESIGNATION: N/A PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION: N/A Summary of Request: The proposed amendment is a Comprehensive Plan text amendment to add a housing policy to the Housing Element which would allow a broader range of housing types to be constructed in the City of Spokane Valley(City). The housing options identified in the request include single family, multi-family, manufactured homes, micro-housing, co-housing and other types. Context: Language relating to a broad range of housing types can be found in the City's current Comprehensive Plan. Land Use Goal LUG-2 in the Comprehensive Plan states, "Encourage a wide range of housing types and densities commensurate with the community's needs and preferences." ." Existing Housing Policy HP-1.3 attempts to incentivize a greater diversity of housing types by stating, "Establish development regulations and incentives for greater diversity of housing types, costs and designs, that may include bonus incentives, clustering, and transfer of development rights." However, the identified goal and policy do not explicitly cover the housing types that are identified in the proposal. Implications: Amending the Comprehensive Plan to add a housing goal similar to the proposal would clearly state the City's intention to encourage a broader range of housing types to increase the supply of housing for more segments of the population, including low-to moderate-income individuals and families. Allowing a range of housing options and recognizing emerging housing trends could be one approach to meeting the housing needs of the City's diverse population. The proposed amendment mentions several housing options. The City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) currently only contains requirements for the placement of single family, multi-family and manufactured homes and is silent on other types. Micro-housing and co-housing, two emerging housing trends, are not included in the SVMC. Micro-housing is a small complete dwelling unit which contains a full kitchen and is minimum size of 220 square feet (depending on the jurisdiction). Co-housing is a cooperative living arrangement in which people build a cluster of single-family houses around a common building for sharing such necessities as meals, child care, or guest rooms. Currently, housing types not addressed in the SVMC would be precluded from development in the City until regulations are developed, if at all. If a use is not permitted in the SVMC, the applicant cannot apply until and unless the regulations are revised. If such an application were to be submitted, the City would need to address the need for specific development regulations at that time. CAR-2015-0023—Staff Analysis Page 1 Focus Areas and Public Input Themes: The application appears to align with the specific focus areas identified as part of the overall Comprehensive Plan Update process. The application appears to align with the public input themes of Housing identified in the Community Vision Report developed through the public meetings. Options for Consideration: ❑ Include application for further review The CAR will be included in the scope of analysis for the Comprehensive Plan update to consider policy language to the Housing Element to support, consider and/or encourage a broader range of housing types. ❑ Defer application to future Comp Plan Amendment The CAR will be deferred to a future annual Comprehensive Plan amendment and analyzed at that time. The proposal will be included in a future "docket"when the City determines it is appropriate to analyze. ❑ Exclude application from further review The CAR will be excluded from further analysis in the Comprehensive Plan update. The proposal will not be analyzed specifically and may or may not be included in this process, depending upon the overall update and changes made by the City. Exhibits: A. Application materials CAR-2015-0023—Staff Analysis Page 2 4000 W COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION Corr uurwiey of°,dry r.'rl raify PART II - APPLICATION INFORMATION Ildap amendment; or X❑Text amendment APPLICANT NAIVE; Gr p: r'fall v aGa�,�r ekwork. contact Pers rn: Cd siy Algeo MAILING ADDRESS:------do Spokane Valley Partners 1€014 E. Brr zrl•rY°ay ye, STATE: Apokina yall .-_-• -WA ZIP:----98246 PHONE!---- FAX: .11GL CELL: 509- 3235 325-3295 051.1883 -- Cindy r slhc,arm PROPERTY OWRER: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: , STATE: ZIP: PHONE: FW(; CELL: EMAIL: SITE ADDRESS: hf1A PARCEL NO.: ------Iii COMPI EHENSIVE PLAN DES GNATION: - ®aI F (3- P Il I -S PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: ----HP-1.7 ZONING DESIGNATION: --- 1NiA PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION: - 1fA BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(attach full explanation on separate sheet of paper). - --The G iy r,i`jx:kan ,VuIFti:i rir_rds a broad rur)ge of housin,oltyp s to serve its ever more div+ers°populations. PL-9S V1.O Page A of 5 SDoleleiNb°16% COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE CITIZEN-INITIATED REQUEST APPLICATION PART HI — AUTHORIZATION ff (signature of legal owner or appjloan t) 1, li}GLr�lelr'C.) (print name) swear or affirm that the above responses are made truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. (Signature) 1 / (pate) PL-4A%Pik Page.5 or 5 lane -I,\r COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE �`J CITIZI~N-ItsITIATEIJ AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION C:0111rJ1 arr1 fry of Opporilrllfi}. B. Submit the following for text amendments to the Comprehensive Plan or development regulations: Completed Application Form :.i One copy of the text proposed to be changed,showing deletions by strikethrough and additions by underline. One copy of a narrative describing the following: 1. Why the proposed amendment is needed, and the potential land use impacts if approved; 2. Describe how the proposed amendment meets the approval criteria below; a. The proposed amendment bears a substantial retalionshlp to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; b The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of RCW 367C and with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan; c The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; d. The proposed amendment corrects an obvious error; and e. The proposed amendment addresses an identified cieftoiency in the Comprehensive Plan. A SEPa e kIr STAFF USE ONLY Date Submitted; Received by: Fee: PLUS#: Filo#: PL 4g V1,0 Page 3 of 5 City of Spokane ldarley Citizens-initiated Amendment Request Application Here is a copy of the text to be added: 5.4 Goals and Policies As with many cities,Spokane valley will have limited fundswith which to pursue Its housing goals.The City will have IC use it6 resources in a focused and prioritised manner to have a positive impact on the supply of affordable housing.It will be imperative that Spokane Vallyy make strategic Investments of the limited resources evetrable. Goal HG-1 Encourage diversity in design to meet the housing needs of the residents of the community and region. Policies 1-1P-1,1 Consider the economic impact of development regulations on thecost of housing. HP-1.2 Streamline-the development review process and strive to eliminate unnecessary time belays and expenses. HP-1.3 Establish development regulations and incentives for greater diversity of housing types,costs end designs,.that may Include bonus incentives,clustering,and transfer of development rights. HP-1.4 Encourage rnixed•use residential/commercial development In designated areas throughout the City with the use of develope, incentives and design standards. HP-1,5 Encourage the deveiopmerit of three-and four-bedroom rental units alorg transit corridors end urithin walking distance of schools and recreational facilities.. HP-1.6 Encourage the development of housing for seniors and other special populations along transit corridors and within walking distance of shopping and medical facilities. I1.P_ nv for the development of a broad ragge of housinglypes.ineludhrig,but not limled to.single family.int lti-family,manufactured tiarnes,micro-housing,ca-housing and other tykes. Narrative The proposed amendment is needed to accommodate the ever imire diverse populations of people residing in the City of Spokane Valley(/roan Demogrophfrs now-Library Editior* 24 fi of households(rave incomes of$25,1100 or less. 53%of households have 2 or less members 51.495 of households are divorced,never married,.sepa•ated or widowed. The proposed amendment provides for the publb health, safety, and welfare of low inoorne households_ It does not negatively Impact on the environment. It is corrstsienl wllh the requiremenis of RCUr!3G.74A and wilh the City adopled Comp Plan. Citizen-Initiated Amendment Request Review APPLICANT NAME: Greater Valley Support Network APPLICATION No.: CAR-2015-0024 SPOKANE VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT: Housing Section 5.3 (Housing and Neighborhood Issues) and Goal HG-4 and Policy HP4.1 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT: Housing Section 5.3 (Housing and Neighborhood Issues) and Goal HG-4 and Policy HP4.1-3 SITE ADDRESS: N/A PARCEL NO.: N/A CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: N/A PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: N/A ZONING DESIGNATION: N/A PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION: N/A Summary of Request: The proposal is a Comprehensive Plan text amendment to add language to Section 5.3 (Housing and Neighborhood Issues) and establish a new housing goal with policies addressing the need to develop and establish best practices protocol for development proposals that affect neighborhoods. Context: Language discussing the need for preservation of neighborhoods, as well as housing, is found in the City's current Comprehensive Plan. Land Use Goal LUG-2 in the Comprehensive Plan states, "Encourage a wide range of housing types and densities commensurate with the community's needs and preferences." The proposed text amendment is requesting to add clarifying language to address early coordination of proposed housing developments with developers, neighborhoods and City. The addition of a goal and policies to establish early coordination will provide framework for transparency and coordination within government review. Implications: Amending the Comprehensive Plan as proposed will establish framework to encourage early coordination between developers and interested parties. The guidelines will serve as a foundation for smooth and timely project review. The intent for early community involvement is in line with the City's intention to encourage a broader range of housing types to increase the supply of housing for more segments of the population, including low-to moderate-income individuals and families. Focus Areas and Public Input Themes: The application does not appear to align with the specific focus areas identified as part of the overall Comprehensive Plan Update process. The application appears to align with the public input themes of Housing identified in the Community Vision Report developed through the public meetings. CAR-2015-0024—Staff Analysis Page 1 Options for Consideration: ❑ Include application for further review The CAR will be included in the scope of analysis for the Comprehensive Plan update to consider policy language in the Housing Element to address early project coordination and communication. ❑ Defer application to future Comp Plan Amendment The CAR will be deferred to a future annual Comprehensive Plan amendment and analyzed at that time. The proposal will be included in a future "docket"when the City determines it is appropriate to analyze. ❑ Exclude application from further review The CAR will be excluded from further analysis in the Comprehensive Plan update. The proposal will not be analyzed specifically and may or may not be included in this process, depending upon the overall update and changes made by the City. Exhibits: A. Application materials CAR-2015-0024—Staff Analysis Page 2 P[T£f kalle pp� COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION Commtroy gifjP Opparlrrrafiy PART Ii APPLICATION INFORMATION 0 Map amendment; or X0 Text amendment I APPUcANT NAME: Greater Vellqy Support Network_Contact Person: Cindy h,i er MAILING ADDRES: c!n Spokane Partners 10814 . Broadv23 Ave .STATE: CITY; _ Snakwr�e 'Valla — WA ZIP: 992Q PItUN ; -- Q9-325- FAX: 5O CELL;-- 32 5 325-.3295 951-1883 EMAIL: -- - clnch+fa5 the ori PROPERTY OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: -- PHONE: Fax: el ''E�� EMAIL: - SITE ADDRESS; IA PARCEL No - NfA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: - -- -5.3 Housin• a Nei•hborhood Issu s fi 4 CGJOIS PCidcieS PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UESMNATION: --- --5.3• Add HO-4 . d HP •,1 ZONING DESI.HATIoN: -- .-NdA PROPOSED Z0111 NO DESIGNATION: ----hlIR BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(attact1 full explanation on separate sheet of paper): WE r rope a:lie creation and adoptioi of a Best Practic s 'rotocor for develra auLienk proposals affectiri.g rtie!ghborhsad living environments. PL-4&v1.0 Pale 4 or 5 SVolrane par6 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE ".T CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT RECIUEST APPLICATION Cam+i isn ry oflJ�sru�� PART III - AUTHORIZATION { (Signature of legal owner or applicant) in , —ec> , (print name) swear or affirm that the above responses are male truthfully and the befit of my knowledge_ (Signature) (Date) PL-4$V1.41 Page 6 or 5 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDA-E CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION CvnonimirycfOppo'Ii niDi B. Submit the following for text amendments to the Comprehensive Plan or development regulations: Completed Application Form g One copy of the text proposed to be changed, showing deletions by str-lketlirough and additions by underline. Oi One copy of a narrative describing the following: 1. Why the proposed amendment is needed, and the potential land use impacts if approved; 2. Describe how the proposed amendment meets the approval criteria below; a. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safely, welfare. and protection of the environment; b. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of ROW 36.70A and with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan; o. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's coritro'applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; d. The proposed amendment corrects an obvious error; and e, The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Corrlpreherlsive Plan. STAFF USE ONLY Bate Submitted: Received by: Fee: PLUS#: Flie#: PL-4s uy.4 Page 3 orb City of Spokane Valley Citizen-initiated Amendment Request Application Here Is a copy of the text to be added: 5.3 Housing&Neighborhood issues In common with many urbanizing areas,creation of higher density residential development close to existing neighborhoods is viewed with suspicion and concern. Tete concerns of residents may be alleviated If proper consideration is given to the reservation character and vitality of existing nei hhorhoods b establisiin and adherin to a Best Practices Development Protocalprapastng any develotrrnelt orolect that affects the neijhberhaod living environment or property values.The S okane Valle aeveio me t P atacol is intended to encourage early neighborhood involvement acid stron I su orts and enecaura es co structive diaie ue betNeen deveir, ars and nei iaaorl�oods. Establishi ratcacoi that encoura es collective dialo ue and skillful review of ro osed development projects can uitimatel crew e a founda Ion for smtroth timely and on-budget housing development projects. Similarly,design regulations which provide adequate transition between different uses will be essential in preserving both existing and new development. 5.4 Goals and Policies As with many cities, Spokane Valiey will have limited funds with which to pursue its housing goals.The City will have to use its resources In a focused and prioritized manner to have a positive impact on the supply ofaffordable housing. It will be imperative that Spokane Valley make strategic investments of the limited resources availabie, Coal HG.4 Encourage Developers and Neihlaorhoods to use a Best practices Development Protocol to be written into the Cltw of 5nokane Valle "s devele rrEerit ordinances.This protocol encourages and identifies Ruldelines for developers, neighborhoods,and cityPolicy makers,The Best Practices Protocol is intended to ensure that neighborhood and community concerns are voicedearl r_in the development process. Early constructive,respectful and educational dialogue will assist in timely prolect completion and ositivel im act the€ievelo ament •rv■osalsafecting the living environments,property values and other neighborhood concerns, Policies HP-4.1 Assist S okane Valley residents to establish a cominuni y Neiebborhoed Association. Assist in identi In fund le sources and ntentla stakeholders o assist in Goal HG-4. HP-4.2 Ensure that ,Ludelines are established and adhered to that creat- rnn$tructive communication between developers and neighborhoods ensurint this best ossihle outcome for the Spokane Valley community. HP-4.3 Ensure clarity between Developers and Neighborhood Associations regardine the established Neighborhood Proposal Review Process Narrative Development projects have been rejected after neighborhood residents voiced concerns later in the project review process. 2) CPA-05-12:Greg Arger-240 unit apartment complex near Broadway and Conklin. 2) Catholic Charities:proposed charge-tow-density to medium-density residential 38-42 unit complex for senior residents. The amendment being preposed to Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Plan is the creation and adoption of a Best Practic.es Protocol for development proposals affecting neighborhood living environments and property values. Developing and instituting a protocol for proposed projects will identify early neighborhood communication and involvement as a practice that is best for the City of Spokane Valley developers,neighborhoods and city policy makers.The protocol Is intended to be a guide with established options for all parties Involved to use in the discussion and skillful review of development proposals. The Best Practices Protocol should include; Proposal Review Process, Neighborhood Readiness,Developer Readiness, Ground Raffles, Respectful and Successful Communications and an Evaluation of the Protocol Process, Citizen-Initiated Amendment Request Review APPLICANT NAME: Naomi Eisentrager APPLICATION No.: CAR-2015-0025 PROPERTY OWNER: N/A SITE ADDRESS: Manufactured Home Parks sites PARCEL NO.: N/A CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Various PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: MHP ZONING DESIGNATION: Various PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION: MHP Summary of Request: The proposal seeks to designate appropriate areas for the preservation of mobile and manufactured home parks (MHP). Designating such areas requires the creation of a Manufactured Home Park land use designation or overlay and an implementing MHP zoning district or overlay. Context: The City of Spokane Valley contains over 30 manufactured home parks with approximately 1200 spaces. Manufactured Home Park is an allowed use in R-2, R-3, R-4, MF-1, and MF-2 zones, subject to supplemental regulations in SVMC 19.40.130. By definition a manufactured home park is created through a binding site plan. Spaces are designated in the site plan for the placement of manufactured homes. The spaces are retained under single ownership and rented to manufactured home owners. The manufactured home owner does not have ownership of the land beneath the home. If the property owner chooses to redevelop the property from a MHP to another permitted use the home owners within the MHP must relocate the manufactured home to another location. The proposal would limit the land uses permitted within the MHPs to manufactured homes. Implications: The proposal would preserve the existing MHPs by restricting the type of development that can occur within the existing MHPs to mobile homes uses. Homeowners within the MH Ps would have assurance that the park property would not be redeveloped causing them to relocate the home. Property owners would not be permitted to redevelop the property to other uses without going through a public process to rezone their property. Property owners may not realize the "highest and best" use of their property if they are required to maintain the property as a MHP. Furthermore, the City would be creating a zone based on a housing typology. Creating a new zoning designation for manufactured home parks would also require modifications to the zoning code and development regulations. Focus Areas and Public Input Themes: The application does not align with the specific focus areas identified as part of the overall Comprehensive Plan Update process. The application does align with the Housing theme identified in the Community Vision Report developed through the public meetings. CAR-2015-0025—Staff Analysis Page 1 Options for Consideration: ❑ Include proposal for further review The CAR will be included in the scope of analysis for the Comprehensive Plan update to better determine if the MHP zone or overlay is an appropriate designation and what the full implication of such an overlay may be to property owners. . Analysis will focus on the current supply and demand of MHP's, including identification of the need for more or less MHP's zoned parcels, including what the proposal will mean for land capacity. Analysis will also include an assessment of the vicinity to determine if such an overlay would be compatible with the surrounding uses. ❑ Defer proposal to future Comprehensive Plan Amendment The CAR will be deferred to a future annual Comprehensive Plan amendment and analyzed at that time. The proposal will be included in a future "docket"when the City determines it is appropriate to analyze. ❑ Exclude proposal from further review The CAR will be excluded from further analysis in the Comprehensive Plan update. The parcels will not be analyzed specifically and may or may not be re-designated in this process, depending upon the overall update and changes made by the City on an area-wide basis. Exhibits: A. Current Comprehensive Plan map B. Current Zoning map C. Aerial Map of subject property CAR-2015-0025—Staff Analysis Page 2 Sboilune -, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE CITIZEN-INI` 1ATEDAMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION Crunniar ryof rarJfly PART II - APPLICATION INFORMATION Map amendment; or Next amendment APPLICANT NAME:. L_I a �' c',�� MAILING ADDRESS: 3 ! kl{ 4 i t r ct CITY, ii,,A. I 'S . 4-- _ STATE:ILC SII'; C. Ct r ,2 7 PHONE: LT:+ ` 1 14x: ] CELL: EMAIL J (S ) 014C6 s L 1 P I PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS; CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE; FAX: CELL: EMAIL: U� �4l SITE ADDRESS' I i r , a - ` PARCEL NO.; COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GESJGNATIEJVii: l L PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION' ZONING DESIGNATION: PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION: BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR KAP ORTEKTAMENf]MPN1(ettaCh full explanation on separate sheet i f ed paper). t 'C) , •t 1 F 44 1 d1G (JI1 -- , A hL Imo "_ 4 I rt 1 L' i `\ 6 4 - 4 1 t til 'IA I4 0 A AA I. L - ' • \--Q" lic, ' lk ' -Q_ ik b C) - i Qtil 6 Sg, I '.;:.e I ._ , I ,i II il ,_1I:11, hf'Rif) f2015 Page al 419 ow , am COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE d� CITIZEN-INITIATED At41ENDNIENT REQUEST APPLICATION Comm ,wi Uf OJaf orstrrun' PART III AUTHORIZATION (Signature of legal owner or applicgnt) 4 [ t 1c . i1). C 4 pr;nt narre} swear or al:frrm th8t the above responses are made tnthfttlky and to the best of m newledge. (Sig naive) (Date) IJL-48 Vi.Q Wage S of 5 *Mune COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION Colirinrefirry qrOpptwanify B. Submit the following for text amendments to the Comprehensive Plan or development ulations: Completed Application Form One copy of the text proposed to be changed, showing deletions by stril gh and additions by underline. One copy of a narrative describing the following: 1. Why the proposed amendment is needed, and the potential land use impacts if approved; 2 Describe how the proposed amendment meets the approval criteria below, a The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment; b. The proposed amendment is consistent with, the requirements of ROW 36.70A and with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan; c. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property ties; d. The proposed amendment corrects an obvious error; and e. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan, STAFF USE ONLY Date Submitted: All Received by: , i T Fee: t #: File #: Lam-20 t<'- IC Z„ PL-49 V9.0 Page 3 of 5 CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT Y OF1�� Sj1ne REQUEST APPLICATION 40,001FU\ialky Community Development— Planning Division C arter+�tririh'rf Opportunity 509.720.5310 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Walley WA 99206 509.720.5310$ Fax: 509.688,0037 41 ptannlne spokanevalle,urg COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PERIODIC UPDATE CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) requires the City to periodically review and update its Comprehensive Plan and development regulations. On January 6, 2015, the Spokane Valley City Council approved a Public Participation Program (PPP) outlining opportunities for public involvement in the current Comprehensive Plan update process. As indicated in the PPP, arl citizens, neighborhood organizations, or others may submit an application to propose changes to the Comprehensive Fran, land use map, zoning map, or development regulations. These requests are referred tc as Citizen-initiated Amendment Requests (CARS) and wirf be evaluated for consideration by City staff, Planning Commission, and City Council. in order to be considered for inclusion in the City's Comprehensive Plan update, CARs shall be filed no later than March 31, 2015_ Complete CAR applications will be reviewed for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan update work program, and will be processed based upon established criteria as well as the City's ability and level of resources necessary to review the proposal. Unless a proposed amendment fulfills a particular duty under the GMA, the City has broad discretion to take one of the following actions: • Accept the CAR(s) for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan update process; or • Defer the CAR(s)to a future amendment docket pursuant to SVMC 17,80.140; Or * Deny the CAR(s)from inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan update process. PROCEDURES 1. Application Period. The application period will commence at the first Comprehensive Plan update public meeting on January 28, 2015 and will close en March 31, 21015: Submittals received after the deadline shall not be considered. 2. Initial Review_ Following the closing of the application period, the City shall review each application to determine whether to include the proposal in the Comprehensive Plan update work program. Staff shall review each application and prepare a report to the Planning Commission, which will make a recommendation to the City Council_ The City Council shall consider the Planning Commission's recommendation and make a decision on which applications to include iii the Comprehensive Plan update work program in May 2015. Unless a proposed amendment fulfills a particular duty under the GMA, the City has broad discretion to take one of the following actions: • Accept the CAR(s) for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan update process; or * Defer the CAR(s) to a future amendment docket pursuant to SVMC 17.80.140; or • Deny the CAR(s)from inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan update process. The application(s), if included in the work program, shall be consolidated with the City's Comprehensive Plan update work program and will be subject to Steps 3 through 7 as stated below. 3. Staff Report. Spokane Valley Planning Staff will prepare a report and recommendation to the Spokane Valley Planning Commission. The report shall analyze whether each proposal included in the work program meets the amendment criteria included in this application and if so, how it meets those criteria_ All application documents and staff reports shall be available for public review. 4. Planning Commission Public lfearing. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission shall conduct a formal public hearing on all proposed amendments. The Commission shall consider amendments individually and shall examine the cumulative impacts of all amendments collectively. The Commission shall prepare one combined recommendation to the Spokane Valley City Council, including findings on each individual proposed amendment, P L-45 V1.0 Page 1 of 5 IIY S! COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE a CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION 'otrMunrry o"(.LP •1 Wily 5. City Council Review and Decision. The City Council shall review the Planning Commission's recommendation and will then adopt the recommendation or amend it. 6. Appeal Procedures. City Council decisions on Comprehensive Plan amendments may be appealed to the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board within 60 days of publication of notice of adoption, pursuant to ROW 36.70A_290(2). 7. Staff Contact. Questions may be directed to Lori Barlow, Senior Planner (I_barliwrt sprk.aneva+lr,p ryrri) PA 31 J — 31E J .D_MATEF IAL "TME PLANNING DIVISION SHALL NOT ACCEPT YOUR APPLICATION IF THE REQUIRED MATERIALS ARE NOT INCLUDED" A. For map amendments: ❑ Completed Application Form SEPA Checklist: One copy of completed State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Environmental Checklist, including optional Non-Project Action supplemental form. (P'Iote: Any previous environmental dccurrnents that are relevant to this project should be included and may be adopted by reference.) 12 Notice of Public Hearing packet for 400-foot notification (Please note° Co not submit the notice of public hearing packet until you have been contacted by the City. Addresses sluff be current within 30 days of the Planning Commission public hearing.) ❑ One copy of a narrative describing the following: 1. State the reason for the Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment. 2. Describe how the proposed amendment meets the approval criteria below: a The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; b. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirernents of RCW 36_70A and with the CRY'S adopted Comprehensive Plan; c. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the propertyowner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; d. The proposed amendment corrects an obvious mapping error; or e. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Flan 3. Describe how the proposal addresses the following specific factors a. The effect upon the physical environment; b The effect on open space, streams, rivers, and lakes; c, The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods: d. The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportation, parks, recreation and schools; e. The benefit to the neighborhood, city and region; f. The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density. and the demand for such land: g. The current and projected population density in the area; and h. The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan_ PL-ea111,4 Page 2of5 Text proposed to he changed: Land Use Desie tiations 2.5.X Mobile Home Parks De tii mate �a r o riate treas rar the reservation o mobile and maim actured home parks', Manufactured and/or Mobile Home Parks provide affordable housing to metre City residents. In many eases,they provide the opportunity of home ownership to house-holds which cannot afford topurchase other tyi es cf housing..' 4`hen existing manufactured home parks are redeveloped many homeowners are unable to movetheir homtes to other sites. Additional]y, redeveloyed mobile and manufactured home narks are generally not replaced by new parks within the City, resulting in a net loss of this type of housing.] I. Why the proposed amendment as needed, and the potential lane/use impacts if approved; Mobile/manufactured housing is the largest source of unsubsidized housing in the country, In the City of Spokane Valley these homes make up 7% of the city's affordable housing stock! The majority of these homes are in mobile home parks where home owners maintain their property while paying Iot rent for the land under the home. These communities are essential in providing affordable home ownership opportunities to low- income families and senior citizens in Spokane Valley. Unfortunately, the immobility of the homes (once hi place, only 1. in every 100 mobile homes is ever moved), the high cost of relocation of a home, and the limited financial resources of many mobile home owners has led to a well-documented problem when the owner of a mobile home park wants to convert the property to a dil erer t use.3 When a landowner decides to close a park or convert it to another use the financial burden of moving or demolishing a mobile home rests on the home owner. The Department of Commerce estimates the cost of moving a single-section manufactured home to be $7,500.4 In many cases the cost to relocate a home is much more than this. Thus moving the home is financially difficult, in some cases impossible, given the low- income status of the home owner. Home owners then have to abandon their homes. They lose their largest asset, their home, leaving them homeless or seeking subsidized housing. City of Spokane Mobile Home Parks Application submitted November 8: 201 14 Spokane Valley Compr .hensive Plan; 5.2.4 Housing Inventory Paraphrased from the 9`1'Circuit Coon of Appeals ruling on Latwrei Park Community v. City of Tumwater ``Chamber or-Commerce Retucaticn Assistance Fund: hula:Ovirme v.commerce.wa.oviSory cestindividualassistancefliousingirageslt'telocati€snAssistance.aspx The hardship of moving from a mobile or manufactured home park is difficult for the residents and members to bear. The state legislature recognized this back in 1990 when they adopted 1113 2907 (Mobile IIome Relocation Bill). While the state still offers relocation assistance, it can still be a lengthy and costly process even with help.5 This problem is further magnified due to the Valley's narrow range of replacement housing options. When a community closes there is no like affordable housing made available to replace the units lost. The proposed amendment would create a new Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation as well as a new zoning designation for existing manufactured/mobile home parks. This change is necessary to protect residents of manufactured and/or mobile home parks from potential relocation as a result of land owner sales. According to the Seattle Times, from 2003 to 2007 Mobile Home Park closures in the State of Washington were 13.6 per year.' A zoning ordinance would add an extra Iayer of sertrtiny to land sales or redevelopment efforts that could displace manufactured and/or mobile home park residents! There are two proposals being put forward that center on manufactured and mobile home communities. Both proposals are supported by manufactured and mobile home owners in the City. Passage of this amendment would be preferred because it is proactive against park closures whereas the second, weaker proposal is reactive. Because the amendment seeks to preserve existing housing, land use impact would remain the same. ,e. Describe how the proposed amendment meets the approval criteria below; a. The proposed amendment hears a substantial relationship to the public health, softy, welfare, and protectin of the environment; Manufactured and/or mobile homes provide residents of the City of Spokane Valley with another option for lower income, higher density housing. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau estimates that monthly housing costs for Metro Manufactured Homes are $816 less per month for owner-occupants and $316 less per month for renters.' Subsidized housing programs cost jurisdictions money and time in coordinating with local, state, and federal funders. Existing mobile and manufactured home parks in Spokane Valley provide 1,199 unsubsidized spaces.9 That's 1,199 affordable housing units the city does nut have to pay for. By preserving these 5 In April 2013, the Department of Commerce issued a memorandum that noted,"We are unable to estimate how long the reimbursement process will take due to the fluctuation of the revenue smite."(See attached). It?tE}_.'4e<<iilc[itrles.cosyliinijispio io ijheouutsnews'2Qt3432 `06.1_ii hllrark.021 liriul City of Spokane Mobile Home Parks Application submitted November 8.2014 _ $Consumer Financial Protection Bureau(2014),114am facturedf(ror4.sing corrsrcmerflnarrce in The United States,pg. 22.(See: lute. tiles.cursinnert nance.g rurfe20140 st'p a__ rad facture(1elt«t Oft. 'w) Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan;5.2.4 Housing Inventory. communities the City saves federal, city, and tax payer money through protecting unsubsidized housing. The amendment would also protect against homelessness by allowing home owners to remain in their homes. With homelessness reduced public health and safety is maintained. Manufactured homes also provide a benefit to the community through their small carbon footprint- One of the city's core values is to focus on the future through stewardship of land and resources. According to a 2012 study manufactured homes have an overall environmental impact that is less than half that of a Single- Family HoEne.it) b. The proposed amendment is consistent with Ow requirements of RCW 36.70 4 and with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan,- The lan,The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.71/A and with several goals outlined in the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. It encourages the availability of affordable housing to all economic segments of the population. As noted earlier, manufactured and mobile homes are traditionally less expensive than single family homes and can accommodate families aswell as seniors. The amendment promotes a variety of residential density and horsing types (Goal I.LJG-2). The city recognizes the balance of high density housing stock "tends to be two and three story apartment buildings" (SVCP 5.2.4 Housing Stock).`i'hese communities offer a higher density alternative to apartments or single family homes. It is consistent with the City's goal to meet the housing needs of special populations (Goal HG-3). Manufactured housing is an attractive home ownership option for senior citizens and people on disability. Out of the 31 existing manufactured housing communities in the Valley 10 are specifically designated 55+communities. The limited income of this population would make losing their homes a financial hardship. It also encourages the preservation of existing housing stock and housing stock diversity (GMA Goal and Goal HG-I). The creation of a new zoning designation for manufactured and mobile home parks would accomplish all of these goals simply by protecting existing housing. r° "Sue ainabrtrty in il9arn rrcturcd Home Canornnoi7i nes:Cost-E9eclive Energy Water and Cow rrrrnrty trafr, b arc iris Strategists it?AMtatilliz Long-terra Valve" c, The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in cond/tionss beyond the property owners control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; Because mohileinianufactured home owners rent the land under their homes any decision by the park owner to change the use of land is beyond their control. While the amendment allows the preservation or low cost housing it also allows the continuation of a profitable business, resulting in a win for everyone. The park owner is able to continue to operate their successful business, the home owners are able to preserve their affordable housing for themselves and future generations of home owners and the City meets all the criteria of the Housing Element of its Comprehensive Plan. d The proposed amendment corrects an obvious error; and The obvious error is the fact that these mobile home park businesses arc not zoned in a way that guarantees the business will continue. Discontinuance would result in displacement of over 1,100 households. e. The proposed amendment addresses on identified deficiency in the C..'omprehensive Placa_ As stated earlier, the city recognizes in its Comprehensive Plan that the balance of housing stock tends to be apartment buildings. There is a lack of affordable housing options for low income families and seniors. Manufactured and mobile homes offer variety to a housing mix that lacks diversity. When a community is converted to another use home owners are displaced and what little variety in housing stock the City now has would be lost. The proposed amendment would ensure that the City doesn't lose this valuable resource. Citizen-Initiated Amendment Request Review APPLICANT NAME: Naomi Eisentrager APPLICATION No.: CAR-2015-0026 PROPERTY OWNER: N/A SITE ADDRESS: Manufactured Home Parks sites PARCEL No.: N/A CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: N/A PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: N/A ZONING DESIGNATION: N/A PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION: N/A Summary of Request: The proposal seeks to add specific language to the City's development regulations. The language would require Manufactured Home Park (MHP) owners to establish a Relocation Report Plan (RRP). The RRP would describe how the MHP owner would comply with Washington State Law relating to mobile home relocation assistance. The RRP would require the MHP owner to assist each mobile home park tenant household to relocate, in addition to making any state or federal required relocation payments. Such assistance would include providing tenants with an inventory of relocation resources, referring tenants to public and private subsidized housing resources, helping tenants obtain and complete the necessary application forms for state-required relocation assistance, and helping tenants to move the mobile homes from the mobile home park. The proposed language would require City staff to administer the RRP provisions and issue a certificate of completion for the RRP prior to the MHP owner taking action to close or rezone the MHP. Context: The City of Spokane Valley contains over 30 manufactured home parks with — 1,200spaces. By definition a manufactured home park is created through a binding site plan. Spaces are designated in the site plan for the placement of manufactured homes. The spaces are retained under single ownership and rented to tenant manufactured home owners. The tenant manufactured home owner does not have ownership of the land beneath the home. If the property owner chooses to redevelop the property from a MHP to another permitted use the tenant home owners within the MHP must relocate the manufactured home to another location. Relocation can be difficult for homeowners to accomplish for reasons of manufactured home age, expense and space availability. Requirements for MHP owner relocation notification and assistance have been established by the Washington State Legislature through RCW 59.20 Manufactured /Mobile Home Landlord-Tenant Act (formerly Mobile Home Landlord-Tenant Act) and RCW 59.21 Mobile Home Relocation Assistance. The two laws establish the park closure notification and relocation assistance burden placed upon the MHP landlord. Based on a first-come, first-serve basis and the availability of funding, MHP tenants may receive up to twelve thousand dollars for a double-wide home and up to seven thousand dollars for a single-wide home. The MHP landlord must notify the Director of the Department of Commerce and all tenants of the MHP twelve months prior to park closure or change of use. The notification must be in writing, posted at all park entrances, and recorded in the county in which the MHP resides. The city has recently completed a code text amendment (CTA)to the MHP Regulations to establish a regulatory environment that supports MHP operations for MHP owners. The CTA was in response to CAR-2015-0026—Staff Analysis Page 1 requests from MHP residents to establish a MHP zone. At that time the Council declined to take that action. Implications: The proposal would create significant burden on MHP owners to assist MHP tenants to relocate their homes when the owner wishes to close the park or undertake a change of use. The proposed language would add a second, local layer of regulation in addition to the state regulation. The language would also place burden on the City to administer the additional regulation and certify the completion of an RRP. Liability for certifying the plans would fall to the City. The proposed language would provide significant protection and assistance to MHP tenants should the MHP owner choose to close the park or change the use. The RRP would provide specific requirements and responsibilities that the MHP owner would undertake to assist MHP tenants with relocation. Focus Areas and Public Input Themes: The application does not appear to align with the specific focus areas identified as part of the overall Comprehensive Plan Update process. The application appears to align with the Housing theme identified in the Community Vision Report developed through the public meetings. Options for Consideration: ❑ Include proposal for further review The CAR will be included in the scope of analysis for the Comprehensive Plan update to determine if an RRP is an appropriate regulation to be added to the MHP regulations. Analysis will focus on the current supply and demand of MHP zoning, including identification of the need for more or less zoned parcels. ❑ Defer proposal to future Comprehensive Plan Amendment The CAR will be deferred to a future annual Comprehensive Plan amendment and analyzed at that time. The proposal will be included in a future "docket"when the City determines it is appropriate to analyze. ❑ Exclude proposal from further review The CAR will be excluded from further analysis in the Comprehensive Plan update. The request will not be analyzed specifically and may or may not be considered in this process, depending upon the overall update and changes made by the City . Exhibits: A. Current Comprehensive Plan map B. Current Zoning map C. Aerial Map of subject property CAR-2015-0026—Staff Analysis Page 2 Stliiikane oUt+1PRENENSIVE PLAN UPDATE CITIZEN-INITIATED AErrNi7MENT REQUEST APPLICATION CthR11121TOir rj,of Op/HAI/may PART III — APPLICATION INFORMATION El Map arnendriient; or MText amendrnent APPLICANT1� ¢ : LI ' + C3 = ` 'IUAILING ADDRESS: r} ! UL ) -, .- , PHONE: tl': ` A0 FAx: CELL: EMAIL: 1'S S VCat-.L 5• ' PL PROPERTY OWNER` MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE; I FAX: CELL: EMAIL: S C.: SITE ADORES S 4A nC f - PA REEL T1}[?.: CoMPREHIm sIIIE PLAN DEsicNAIION: I�C L') PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PI AN 1Es cNATIOFf: ZONING DESIGNATION: PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION: f EIRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT(attach full explanation on separate sheet paper)V L) )U Ir1. _ \ (�\f s tCV ' I$3 ct_lit 61 act(){1 Ti)... _1. '�. ( d ` _ ile._ 4_0' - C \ i . k _ I 'm , 0 1 C-D Et ), ' Li' L APR 0 .- 0l!1 PLAD V1,1) Page a of pCOMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE Stiaane �'.;x CITIZEN-INI fIATED AMENDWI NT REQUEST APPLICATION OfpOrf Miry PART III — AUTHORIZATION {Signature of legal owner or applicant) i /0006 )/il r C_ ; = G'4 ( print name} swear or affirm that the above responses are ma0e truthfully and to the best of rnn nowledge_ (signature) (Date) Pt-43 V11 Page 5 or 5 0.6 S 1eikane QMPREIjENSIVE PLAN UPDATE ��. CITIZEN-INITIATt D AMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION rrrrnfy of Opp iiri tty 13. Submit the following for text amendments to the Comprehensive Plan or development uIations: Completed Application Farm One copy of the text proposed to be changed,showing deletions by 6triketh-001.1911 and additions by underline. One copy of a narrative describing the following: 1. Why the proposed amendment is needed, and the potential land use impacts if approved; 2_ Describe how the proposed alriendrrent meets the approval criteria below; a The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment, b. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of RCW 30_70A and with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan; c. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the properly owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; d. The proposed amendment corrects an obvious Error; and a The proposed amendment addresses en identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF USE ONLY Date Submitted: , VII Received by: C Fee: N t P7S _ File#: p1.,' - • . - •• Page 3 of 5 PL-48 V1.0 CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT sook#44%, REQUEST APPLi ATI N Viiliey F Community Development- Planning Division 4•••••* 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 + Spokane Valley WA 99206 CUM Witty af Opportrueir4 509.720.5310 # Fax: 539.6135.0Ct37 # i laming@spokarievall€y.org mow COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PERIODIC UPDATE CITIZEN-INITIATED AMENDMENT REQUEST The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) requires the City to periodically review and update its Comprehensive Plan and development regulations. Orli January b, 2015, the Spokane Valley City Council approved a Public Participation Program (PPP) outlining opportunities for public involvement in the current Comprehensive Plan update process. As indicated in the PPP, all citizens, neighborhood organizations, or others may submit an application to propose changes to the Comprehensive Plan, land use map, zoning map, or development regulations. These requests are referred to as Citizen-initiated Amendment Requests(CARS) and will be evaluated for consideration by City staff, Planning Commission, and City Council. In order to be considered for inclusion in the City's Comprehensive Plan update, CARs shall be filed no later than March 31, 2015_ Complete CAR applications will be reviewed for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan update work program, and will be processed based upon established criteria as well as the City's ability and level of resources necessary to review the proposal. Unless a proposed amendment fulfills a particular duty under the GMA, the City has broad discretion to take one of the following actions: • Accept the CAR(s)for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan update process; or • Defer the CAR(s) to a future amendment docket pursuant to SVMC 17.80,140: or • Deny the CAR(s)from inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan update process. PROCEDURES 1. Application Period. The application period will commence at the first Comprehensive Pan update public meeting on January 2$, 2015 and will close on March 91, 2015. Submittals received after the deadline shall not be considered. 2. Initial Review. Following the closing of the application period, the City shall review each eppl:cation to determine whether to include the proposal in the Comprehensive Plan update work program. Staff shall review each application and prepare a report to the Planning Commission, which will make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council shall consider the Planning Commission's recommendation and make a decision on which applications to include in the Comprehensive Plan update work program in May 2015. Unless a proposed amendment fulfills a particular duty under the GMA. the City has broad discretion to take one of the following actions: • Accept the CAR(s) for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan update process or ▪ Defer the CAR(s)to a future amendment docket pursuant to SVMC 17.80.140; or • Deny the CARS)from inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan update process. The application(s), if included in the work program, shall be consolidated with the City's Comprehensive Plan update work program and will be subject to Steps 3 through 7 as stated below. 3. Staff Report. Spokane Valley Planning Staff will prepare a report and recommendation to the Spokane Valley Planning Commission. The report shall analyze whether each proposal included in the work program meets the amendment criteria included in this application and, if so, how it meets those criteria. Ali application documents and staff reports shall be available for public review. 4. Planning Commission Public Hearing. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission shall conduct a formal public hearing on all proposed amendments. The Commission shall consider amendments individually and shall examine the cumulative impacts of all amendments collectively. The Commission shall prepare one combined recommendation to the Spokane Valley City Council, including findings on each individual proposed amendment. Page'i of 5 P Iii,o Set rekkane t1e COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE T • hAMENDMENT REQUEST APPLICATION 'ORID itnili elf Vpportt>nUy S. City Council Review and Decision The City Council shall review the Planning Commission's recommendation and will then adopt the recommendation or amend it. 6. Appeal Procedures_ City Council decisions on Comprehensive Plan amendments may be appealed to the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board within 60 days of publication of notice of adoption, pursuant to RCW 36.70A,29O 2). 7. Staff Contact. Questions may be directed to Lori Barlow, Senior Planner (1„ Traci,?@ Ca°`,eyol ',.u•_y}- PART I - REQUIRED MATERIAL "THE PLANNING DIVISION SHALL NOT ACCEPT YOUR APPLICATION IF THE REQUIRED MATERIALS ARE NOT INCLUDED' A. For map amendments: ❑ Completed Application Form SEPA Checklist: One copy of completed State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Environmental Checklist. including optional Non-Project Action supplemental form, (Note: Any previous environmental documents that am relevant to this project should be included and may be adopted by reference.) ❑ Notice of Public Hearing packet for 400-foot notiification. (Please note- Do notsobmit the notice of pubfic hearing packet until you have been contacted by the City. Addresses shall be current within 30 days of the Planning Commission public bearing,) El One copy of a narrative describing the following: 1. State the reason for the Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment 2. Describe how the proposed amendment meets the approval criteria below: a The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; b. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of RCVV 36.70A and with the City's adopted Comprehensive Ran; c. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; d. The proposed amendment corrects an obvious mapping error; or e. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Describe how the proposal addresses the following specific factors: a_ The effect upon the physical environment; b. The effect on open space, streams, rivers, and lakes; c. The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods; d_ The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportation, parks, recreation and schools; e. The benefit to the neighborhood, city and region; 1_ The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density. and the demand for such land; g. The current and projected population density in the area; and h. The effect upon other aspects of the Gcrriprehensive Plan PL-4BV1.4 Paga2of5 Tod proposed to he changed: 19,40.X Eviction notices for change of use or closure of a mobile home parks A. Before a mobile home +urk owner ma issue eviction notices .ursuant to a closure orchan e of use under Chaster 59.21 RCW the mobile home Dark owner must first submit to staff and de artment best determined by the city) a relocation report and plan that meets the.requirements of SVMC 19.40.X,_ If applying for a change of use. the mobile home park owner shall submit the relocation rer3pit and plan Nether with all other necessary applications. Once the (staffany! department best determined by the city determines that the relocation report and Ilan meets the rc;uirements of SMC 19.40. [, he or she shall sta.rnp his or leer anpro 'al on the relocation resort and 'Ian and return a coof the aF Droved plan to the mobile home park owner. If the staff and desartorent best determined b the cit determines that the relocation re Fort and plan does not meet the re uirements of`SVMC 19.40.3hie or she ma re uire the mobile home 'ark ownett to amend or suF ;lement the relocation resort and plan as necessary to corn 1 with this chs ter before approvingit. 13,140 sooner than upon as Froyal of the relocation re Dirt and clan the owner of the mobile home .ark ma issue the twelve 12 month eviction notice to the mobile home Dark tenants.T'he eviction notice shall corn sly with RCW 59.20.080 and 59.21.030 as amended. No mobile home owner who rents a mobile home lot ma be evicted until the twelve 12 month notice seriod ex tires exce a pursuant to the State Mobile Home Landlord-Tenant Act,Chapter 59.20 RCW. 19A0.X Relocation re art and lan. A, The relocation report and plan shall describe how the mobile horde .ark owner intends to cum lv with Cha iters 59.20 and 59.21 RCW relatini to mobile home relocation assistance and with SVMC 19.40.X through 19.40.X. The relocatior__� .ort and plan must piovide that the mobile home park owner will assist each mobile home ',ark tenant household to relocate, in addition to making.any state or federal re aired relocation a menta. Such assistance rrrrsst include ro ridin ter nts an inventor of relacafion resourccsreferrinn tenants to alterative public and private subsidized housing resources, het sin_ tenants obtain and corns lete the necessai at plication forms for state-r,suited relocation assistance, and hel in tenants to move the mobiLc lir me. from the mobile home rk. Further the relocation resort and Flan shall contain the followin_ information: 1. The name, address, and faiaihe cepri osition for each mobile home park tenant household,and the ex.iration date of the lease for each household• 2. `fie condition sire ownershi, status HUD and State De Fartment of Labor and industries certification status and probable niobilit of each mobile hone occu• in_ a mobile home.lot: 3. Copies of all lease of_rear_!agreement forms the mobile harrre ark owner currently has in place with mobile home nark tenants, 4. To the extent mobile home Dark tenants voluntaril make such information available, a confidential listin_ of current month! - housin• costs includi _ rent or martaayments and utilities, fur each mobile home park tenant household 5. To the extent mobile home .ark tenants voluntaril make such information available a confidential listitt of± oss annual income for each mobile home lark tenant household- 6, An inventory of relocation resources, including available mobile home spaces in Spokane and surrounding area c ulltre5;. 7. Actions the mobile home Bark owner will take to refer mobile home 'ark tenants to alternative pal}lfc and private subsidised hoe ing r seaurces. 8. Actions the mobile home ark owner will take to assist mobile home 'ark tenants to move the mobile homes from the mobile home park; 9. Other actions the owner will take to minimize the hardship mobile home park tenant households suffer as a result of the closure or conversion of the mobile home park;and 10. A statement of the anticipated timin&for park closure. B. The(gaff and department best determined by the city) may require the mobile home park owner to designate a relocation coordinator to administer the provisions of the relocation report and plan and work with the mobile home park tenants,the housing and human services office, and other city and state offices to ensure compliance with the relocation report and plan and with state laws governing mobile home park relocation assistance. eviction notification, and landlordjeriant responsibilities. C. The owner shall_make available to any mobile home park tenant residing in the mobile home park cosies of the +ro'lased relocation re I ort and +Ian with confidential information deleted. Within fourteen (14) days of the(staff and department best determined by the eitv)'s approval of the relocation retort and plan, a copy of the approved relocation report and plan shall be mailed b the owner to each mobile home park tenant. D. The mobile honepaark owner shall update with the(stuff and do artmcnt best determined by the city) the information required under this section to include any chane, ofeircurrrst noes occurring after submission of the relocation report and plan that affects the relocation report and plan's_implementation 19.40.X Certificate of come letion of the relocation report and plan. No mobile home park owner may close a mobile home park..or obtain final at proval of a comprehensive plan or zoning redesignation until the mobile home park owner obtains a certificate of completion from the(staff and department best determined by the city). The (staff and department beg determined b , the city shall issue a certificate of comcompletion osti if satisfied that the owner has complied with the provisions of an ❑pproued relr cation report andplan, the eviction notice requirements_ of RCW 59.20;080 arid 59.21.030,the relocation assistance requirements of RC W 59.21.021and any additional requirements imposed in connection with requiredcity applications. 19.40.X Notice of provisions. it is unlawful for any party to sell, lease, or rent any mobile home or mobile home park rental space without providing a coin of any relocation report and plan to the prospective purchaser, lessee, or renter, and advisin_ the same in writin, of the :tuvisions of SVT\IIC 19.40.X throw 19.40.X and the status of any relocation report and plan. 19.40.X Administration. The (staff and department best determined by the city).shall administer and enforce SV MMC 19,40.X through 19.40.X. Whenever an owner or an owner's agent fails to comply with the provisions of SVMC 19.40.X through I 9.40.X, the following Data ocggr,; A. The (staff and department best determined by the city.) may deny,revoke, or condition a certificate of completion. a permit, or another approval; B. Any other appropriate city official may condition any permit or other approval upon the owner's successful completion of remedial actions deemed(necessz ry by the (staff and department best. determined by the city) to carry out the purposes of SVMC 19.40.X through 19.40.X. I "'Text take from the Kent City Code Chapter 12.05 Mobile Home Parks I. Why the proposed amendment is needed and the potential lanes use impacts i{approved,` Mobilelmaniufactured housing is the largest source of unsubsidized housing in the country. It provides home ownership opportunities to senior citizens,persons with disabilities,and low- income families, The majority of these homes are in mobile home parks where home owners maintain their property while paying lot rent for the land under the home. As quoted by the 9th Circuit Court"mobile homes are largely immobile as a practical matter, because the cost of moving one is often a significant fraction of the value of the mobile home itself. They are generally placed permanently in parks; once in place, only about 1 in every 100 mobile homes is ever moved."' When a landowner decides to close a park orconvert it to another use the financial burden of moving ar demolishing a mobile home rests on the home owner. The Department of Commerce estimates the cost of moving a single-section manufactured home to be $7,500.3 in many cases the cost to relocate a home is much more than this. Moving a home can be incredibly burdensome financially, in some cases impossible, given the low-income status of the home owner. Home owners then have to abandon their homes. They lose their largest asset, their home, leaving them homeless or seeking subsidized housing. The proposed amendment would require a manufacturedlmobile home park owner to prepare a city approved relocation plan for manufactured home owners in his or her community before he or she could distribute the 1 year notice of park closure required by state law. The plan would include information on who to contact to move a home and other possible options in the event the house could not be moved. The purpose of the plan is to provide home owners with necessary information to help them prepare successfully for relocation as well as offering them more time over and above the statutory required 12 month notice. Earlier notice would provide home owners more time to prepare financially and emotionally,with the hope that homelessness for displaced home owners would be reduced. This proposal is one of two being put forward that center on manufactured and mobile home communities. The amendment reacts to a negative situation instead of preventing it. Although manufactured housing community preservation through zoning is the much more preferred option,park closures do happen and we ask that this proposal be considered as well. The amendment does not change the current use of the land in a mobile/manufactured home park; therefore there are no estimated land use impacts 2_ Describe how the proposed amendment'rtteels the approval criteria below, cr. The proposed amendment bears t substantial relationship to the public health, safely, welfare, and protection of the environment; Subsidized housing programs cost jurisdictions money and time in coordinating with local, state, and federal funders. 1,199 unsubsidized spaces arc available in 31 mobile/manufactured 2 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.Laurel Park Community v. City of Tumwater Opinion pg.4 Chamber of Com nerve Relocation Assistance Fund: http://www.carnmercema,goviServicesf individualassistanceiliousing/Pages/RelocationAssistance.aspx plan program that would give displaced mobile and manufactured home owners more time and needed housing option information to avoid homelessness. e The proposed amendment addresses an identlr`ed deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan: Currently the Comprehensive Plan has little reference to manufactured and mobile home parks, it has no reference to the threat of homelessness that manufactured/mobile home owners face daily, since a 12 month notice of closure could be served on them at any time.. As stated above, the proposed amendment addresses the vulnerability of these 1,199 households in Spokane Valley by establishing a relocation report and plan program that would give displaced mobile and manufactured home owners more time and needed housing option information to avoid homelessness. Planning Commission Citizen - Initiated Amendment Requests Public Hearing June 8, 2015 — 6:00 p.m. City Hall Discussion Points Comp Plan Update - Overview CAR Application Review Process and Next Steps CAR Application Review SOokane — Con'n'a"r9Jl pyar'w ,y Update r cess Began Jan . 20 1 5 Amend the Zoning Code and other development regulations as Review the vision needed to ensure for the consistency with development of the updated Data gathering community Comprehensive Plan Implement the Develop goals, Public Participation policies,and Program to ensure objectives continuous consistent with the participation vision Spokane Valley CoWe are here aranaunity�Of O�porturrity Review and Update Process ESTABLISH PUBLIC PARTICIPATION REVIEW PLANS AND REGULATIONS PROGRAM Evaluate Comprehensive Plan and Ensures the public is aware of the Development Regulations for process Consistency with GMA Knows how they can participate Focus Themes Identified by City Public Meetings — Develop Focus Mineral Resource Lands Themes Multi-family Zones CAR Applications Office Zones WEB Page Industrial Lands Spokane �Va11ey Community of Opportunity Community Vision Report Public Input Themes Themes were developed Community Economic SUFI (Um and adjusted based on input Character Opportunity Valley pokane from the public. , . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE COMMUNITY VISION REPORT APRIL 2015 Housing Transportation N AP Vi5I0 Sfilikrie COMItit211),of Opportunity 111.1' CAR AppReview Overview of Review Process and Next Steps Spokane e ��Va11ey� Cornrnumty of Opportunity CAR Applications A total of 26 applications were received 19 Map amendment requests 5 Text amendment requests 2 Overlay zone request (map and text amendment) Spokanems' �Va11ey Community of Opportunity i -___.------------------ 1----- , L ci.,...f ..---- .. ._, • __ ____--_____--7.-------- - -) ., .._ 1 .----.--N-„,.. \ --... I---, \ , ENE MEW MI . L- ) --.--77<•. - ...- -_ Ifidwad 1110 .I .--1-1 f- •'= -'... • ' — - --,. IM "• "' 4 I ..,-, ' 1 1 ,.., mmL i -,----- MI .._ /1-- _ _ ji nallin VI . 1- 1-11 1 111:11il..,..... _ ---P-• m nom- _ r.,_ ,..... . . _ - -___ _ -, , - _ / OIL 1- -I ... s \ ''-L- - . / willtfil• —1111112r -r-CAR 15-901,1 M. -- o m.c •i-,,—_ ---,7-.2-_---111. --'-----_i/V- FIE 161 IN • -' .. -. 1 . 10 15003 --*,..--- _,II . •—re 0 tel HER apir T.C.rei, ..11 =111111 == • CAR 154014-Obi ill - j" IIII. Edr - I IIMMIllr'm h.. , CA R 15-042E_ 1 LOR to C imal_111 DRato..ID,It Immillh, HDR to CNIU , . .71 , - .GAR 1541424 JO' Al II I 7- I- • '''.-:! _ r•--: %,...-.'ifilp -asim „......... • . .. . MDR to HDR III: ,-'" . --.- .i 119 ' I li i.,-: ._ ..__ .-,- . ".•,- _i_.. Ai km_ •_. - -\:..,..... -- ,. .. . _ ,.. i--- , • . - 1 m, 1 1 ' • ' . INEwr-A 1,1PMNIIIMIa"- --"r"-- - ,. . ) :_. -,,, "...-- -..'L Ili V - m irmmi N I AR 154110-0011 1M I wi-1E408_001, GA R 154104.007 .0 to C MU or NC ei . ''.... .)1 liNi - _-.,-,-I - - 1 .Nomi lacm to H DR =6m min to cm u...Ns 0 I I= 0 -=.- 1 _ 17._::4-17 ' lit - ._ _, ,,,,,411._•._ _ l ____Innamm ..L..= _ - - ------ : 4•11. 1.1121 4 ....... .• : , "1 . . .11. ,.. III nil 7.,t,"...... lie 4. .1_ kilLA:= It' ........ I.. - 'Ll-,. - ' 1, =0,„,....... r ivirz his=mas.r.„ ,weitimir wiligirfti gii I 114100 Alf 41. krillk m I Overlay Locations \1111711.p.MEEMMIW. 1*...'1.6.4\111"111kliklarrli diarilli ghfic, Legend SARA pp licatioil Desenption of 10 =MEIMMILii_me.s\II=11111.1MM.I =MMIEIrgt( 'ft Comprehensive PI.11 i Nuf1115&E RINI ALS.1 M ..,LIMilight."15===1111\ 110=1 _ 'CO CA1'11541418 L.8":1.1iel°DP.:19MtkahriCarti Chttla';- EMelillikilhibliMINIC14111611117rWliair II I -1Io 1.10101111.;1 11111111EF iliirdasal .- .•.‘.• . .-; De.elop Man beriotered la MIIINVE All ii. •' • . --r., CAR 154°25 Nome Park Over lay IN ii, I wiraitipvi q -- - iiiik Nrorpieft. fedi ME.• ' • . - ''''' Mc) I M . I MI= ....Ai CialltAld dig gilei MIL r.i-^E"WM q1.1) ,CN ' '-'i I 11" •1 Review Process •Review Planning •Review for •Review Staff Commission Staff criteria Planning Memo City Recommendation Review •Prepare Staff Commission •Forward a Council 'Make final Memo Recommendation decision on what to City Council is included in update scope *April — May 2015 *May 2015 *May —June 2015 Spokane Valley *Anticipated Dates Community of Opportunity Planning Commission Review Timeline StudySession Map and Text/Overlay CARs - April 23, 2015 •Review Staff PH/Deliberations Map CARs PlanningMemo Forward a Commission Recommendation to City Council May 14, 2015 and May 18, 2015 PH/Deliberations Text/Overlay CARs June 8, 2015 Spokane Valley C.0/ flaunit}'o)Opportunity Planning commission options Include in Comp Plan Update A •Review Staff Planning ForwaMem°rd a > Defer to Future U Col'YlmiSSIon Recommendation to City Council Do not Include in C � Plan Update A Sc�,�okane Valley C.on munrt}�o)Opportunzty ag o CAR Application Include Defer Exclude No Recom- # application application application mendation °E.— tic CAR-2015-0001 X E (l) CAR-2015-0002 X 0 E CAR-2015-0003 X (...) E CAR-2015-0004-0009 X 120 0 CAR-2015-0010-0011 X C •— cul CAR-2015-00012 X C re CAR-2015-0013 X CO CAR-2015-0014-0015 X O. CAR-2015-0016 X CAR-2015-0017 X Spokane'` Valley. CAR-2015-0019 Application Withdrawn eo,7anaunrti, f°1"'-',n CAR-2015-0020 X 1 1 1 If a CAR iincluded in the Update Process for analysis No Waiting for a does that mean it'srave ' ? analysis - Requests will be Amend the Zoning Code andother considered as part development regulations as needed to ensure of t h e Review the vision for consistency with the development of updated Data gathering the community Comprehensive Plan comprehensive land use analysis Implement the Public Develop goals, completed by Participation policies, and Program to ensure objectives consistent consultants. continuous with the vision participation Revisited at Draft Spokane Plan Review valley. Community of Oppo tumti' Stage. Text Amendments Overview Spokane mmunitVa1y of Opportu 1ey Conity PROPOSED TEXT AMENDME o APPLICANT: 19.60.020 GO, Garden Office District (IN Dwight Hume Dwelling unit 0 ® ADDRESS: Citywide in a building orstructurewith nonresidents l-on CD ® REQUEST: entire ground floor. Parking for residents must be reserved and clearly marked, except housing Modify Garden Office to allow provided as part of an institutional "continuum of CD care" concept to encourage independent living. MF-1 density Multi-family units subject to the development I residential uses standards of 19.40.070(6)(1) CC and Office Zone to allow MF-2 19.60.030Office O ce Di ri st ct density residential 19.60.030(6)(1) Multi-family units subject to the Spokane uses development standards of 19.40.080(6)(1) Val :C.a, naunity' rtunity .....________ _ _________„..........a. APPLICANT: Chapter 19 .35 Residential „...4 NGreater Valley Support Density Bonus p o 19.35.045 Other Incentives to Q Network develop affordable housing Lino ADDRESS: Citywide o A. In addition to density � ® REQUEST: incentives... . may provide N Create Affordable Height and bulk bonuses I DC Housing Incentives in Fee waivers or exemptions Q addition to Density V Parking reductions Bonus Expedited permitting ....Valley TEXT AMENDMENT 11.11111.11. 1.1111111111.11111111.11111111111111.11m APPLICANT: ® Proposed Policy: Ni Greater Valley Allow for the development pSupport Network of a broad range of housing LA oADDRESS: Citywide types, including, but not � ® REQUEST: limited to, single family, N Add Housing multi-family, manufactured � Policies to support a homes, micro-housing, co- Q broad and diverse housing and other types. U range of housing S���, options jley.w ,, TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICANT: Goal : Develop Protocoi ii- Greater ValleySu ort Developers and Neighborhoods pp that Ensures: CD Network Early engagement with � o ADDRESS: Citywide neighborhood and projects � ® REQUEST: Develops guidelines for 0 Develop and establish best constructive communication Npracticesprotocol for between developers and neighborhoods Q development proposal that Create clear process for U affect neighborhood living Neighborhood Proposal environments Review .0"....... ....Valley TEXT AMENDMENT IIIIIII'll APPLICANT: The request would provide Ni Naomi assistance to manufactured 0 home park ( MHP) residents Q Eisentrager when forced to relocate by LA o ADDRESS: closure. o Will place burden on the MHP � Citywide owners in addition to that placed N o REQUEST: on them by RCW 51.20 � Add Manufactured Manufactured/Mobile Home Q Landlord-Tenant Act. V Home Displacement o Will require the City to review, Policies approve and administer a MHP *Wane Relocation and Report Plan . ....Valley mry TEXT AMENDMENT Map Overlay Spokane mmunitVa1y of Opportu 1ey Conity IIIII1 APPLICANT: Text Proposal � CPM Development Add Mineral Resource CD Corporation Land Chapter � ® ADDRESS: Citywide ® Map Proposal � ® REQUEST: Create a Mineral Resource cv Develop a Mineral Land Use Designation oC Resource Land Designate Sites as Mineral � Designation Overlay Resource Lands Siolane jY2oftLTEXT AND MAP AMENDMENT i -___.------------------ 1----- , L ci.,...f ..---- .. ._, • __ ____--_____--7.-------- - -) ., .._ 1 .----.--N-„,.. \ --... I---, \ , ENE MEW MI . L- ) --.--77<•. - ...- -_ Ifidwad 1110 .I .--1-1 f- •'= -'... • ' — - --,. IM "• "' 4 I ..,-, ' 1 1 ,.., mmL i -,----- MI .._ /1-- _ _ ji nallin VI . 1- 1-11 1 111:11il..,..... _ ---P-• m nom- _ r.,_ ,..... . . _ - -___ _ -, , - _ / OIL 1- -I ... s \ ''-L- - . / willtfil• —1111112r -r-CAR 15-901,1 M. -- o m.c •i-,,—_ ---,7-.2-_---111. --'-----_i/V- FIE 161 IN • -' .. -. 1 . 10 15003 --*,..--- _,II . •—re 0 tel HER apir T.C.rei, ..11 =111111 == • CAR 154014-Obi ill - j" IIII. Edr - I IIMMIllr'm h.. , CA R 15-042E_ 1 LOR to C imal_111 DRato..ID,It Immillh, HDR to CNIU , . .71 , - .GAR 1541424 JO' Al II I 7- I- • '''.-:! _ r•--: %,...-.'ifilp -asim „......... • . .. . MDR to HDR III: ,-'" . --.- .i 119 ' I li i.,-: ._ ..__ .-,- . ".•,- _i_.. Ai km_ •_. - -\:..,..... -- ,. .. . _ ,.. i--- , • . - 1 m, 1 1 ' • ' . INEwr-A 1,1PMNIIIMIa"- --"r"-- - ,. . ) :_. -,,, "...-- -..'L Ili V - m irmmi N I AR 154110-0011 1M I wi-1E408_001, GA R 154104.007 .0 to C MU or NC ei . ''.... .)1 liNi - _-.,-,-I - - 1 .Nomi lacm to H DR =6m min to cm u...Ns 0 I I= 0 -=.- 1 _ 17._::4-17 ' lit - ._ _, ,,,,,411._•._ _ l ____Innamm ..L..= _ - - ------ : 4•11. 1.1121 4 ....... .• : , "1 . . .11. ,.. III nil 7.,t,"...... lie 4. .1_ kilLA:= It' ........ I.. - 'Ll-,. - ' 1, =0,„,....... r ivirz his=mas.r.„ ,weitimir wiligirfti gii I 114100 Alf 41. krillk m I Overlay Locations \1111711.p.MEEMMIW. 1*...'1.6.4\111"111kliklarrli diarilli ghfic, Legend SARA pp licatioil Desenption of 10 =MEIMMILii_me.s\II=11111.1MM.I =MMIEIrgt( 'ft Comprehensive PI.11 i Nuf1115&E RINI ALS.1 M ..,LIMilight."15===1111\ 110=1 _ 'CO CA1'11541418 L.8":1.1iel°DP.:19MtkahriCarti Chttla';- EMelillikilhibliMINIC14111611117rWliair II I -1Io 1.10101111.;1 11111111EF iliirdasal .- .•.‘.• . .-; De.elop Man beriotered la MIIINVE All ii. •' • . --r., CAR 154°25 Nome Park Over lay IN ii, I wiraitipvi q -- - iiiik Nrorpieft. fedi ME.• ' • . - ''''' Mc) I M . I MI= ....Ai CialltAld dig gilei MIL r.i-^E"WM q1.1) ,CN ' '-'i I um) APPLICANT: Naomi Eisentrager o ADDRESS: Citywide � o REQUEST: Develop a Manufactured N Home Park Overlay V •-••\, Sliokane j„n�l�m� TEXT AMENDMENT i -___.------------------ 1----- , L ci.,...f ..---- .. ._, • __ ____--_____--7.-------- - -) ., .._ 1 .----.--N-„,.. \ --... I---, \ , ENE MEW MI . L- ) --.--77<•. - ...- -_ Ifidwad 1110 .I .--1-1 f- •'= -'... • ' — - --,. IM "• "' 4 I ..,-, ' 1 1 ,.., mmL i -,----- MI .._ /1-- _ _ ji nallin VI . 1- 1-11 1 111:11il..,..... _ ---P-• m nom- _ r.,_ ,..... . . _ - -___ _ -, , - _ / OIL 1- -I ... s \ ''-L- - . / willtfil• —1111112r -r-CAR 15-901,1 M. -- o m.c •i-,,—_ ---,7-.2-_---111. --'-----_i/V- FIE 161 IN • -' .. -. 1 . 10 15003 --*,..--- _,II . •—re 0 tel HER apir T.C.rei, ..11 =111111 == • CAR 154014-Obi ill - j" IIII. Edr - I IIMMIllr'm h.. , CA R 15-042E_ 1 LOR to C imal_111 DRato..ID,It Immillh, HDR to CNIU , . .71 , - .GAR 1541424 JO' Al II I 7- I- • '''.-:! _ r•--: %,...-.'ifilp -asim „......... • . .. . MDR to HDR III: ,-'" . --.- .i 119 ' I li i.,-: ._ ..__ .-,- . ".•,- _i_.. Ai km_ •_. - -\:..,..... -- ,. .. . _ ,.. i--- , • . - 1 m, 1 1 ' • ' . INEwr-A 1,1PMNIIIMIa"- --"r"-- - ,. . ) :_. -,,, "...-- -..'L Ili V - m irmmi N I AR 154110-0011 1M I wi-1E408_001, GA R 154104.007 .0 to C MU or NC ei . ''.... .)1 liNi - _-.,-,-I - - 1 .Nomi lacm to H DR =6m min to cm u...Ns 0 I I= 0 -=.- 1 _ 17._::4-17 ' lit - ._ _, ,,,,,411._•._ _ l ____Innamm ..L..= _ - - ------ : 4•11. 1.1121 4 ....... .• : , "1 . . .11. ,.. III nil 7.,t,"...... lie 4. .1_ kilLA:= It' ........ I.. - 'Ll-,. - ' 1, =0,„,....... r ivirz his=mas.r.„ ,weitimir wiligirfti gii I 114100 Alf 41. krillk m I Overlay Locations \1111711.p.MEEMMIW. 1*...'1.6.4\111"111kliklarrli diarilli ghfic, Legend SARA pp licatioil Desenption of 10 =MEIMMILii_me.s\II=11111.1MM.I =MMIEIrgt( 'ft Comprehensive PI.11 i Nuf1115&E RINI ALS.1 M ..,LIMilight."15===1111\ 110=1 _ 'CO CA1'11541418 L.8":1.1iel°DP.:19MtkahriCarti Chttla';- EMelillikilhibliMINIC14111611117rWliair II I -1Io 1.10101111.;1 11111111EF iliirdasal .- .•.‘.• . .-; De.elop Man beriotered la MIIINVE All ii. •' • . --r., CAR 154°25 Nome Park Over lay IN ii, I wiraitipvi q -- - iiiik Nrorpieft. fedi ME.• ' • . - ''''' Mc) I M . I MI= ....Ai CialltAld dig gilei MIL r.i-^E"WM q1.1) ,CN ' '-'i I