1990, 05-18 Permit: 90002190 Boarding HouseSPOKANE ClJNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINCID SAFETY �4. . W. 1303 BROADWAY -AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROJECT NUMBER== 90001190 3i#34*ai..x..>E.tt..x.****ai*•re •n •n*ai.•x•.u•.;h.v:*****x APPLICATION SITE STREET=: ADDRESS.: PERMIT USE= PLAT;.- BLOCK ARE::A=:: t OF BI..DGS= OWNER= STREET=: ADDRESS= 2415 S' CALVIN L N VERADALE WA 99037 BOARDING HOUSE DATE= 05718/90 PAGE= 01 APPLICATION 343134#31#33434334334**3434M*3434.334* 313(•31 •)4.3*** ii. 3(. PARCEL.= 26543-0313 004245 PLAT NAME= SP -487 LOT= 2 ZONE= AGRI F/ A:= F WIDTH= 71.5 1 4 DWELLINGS= GRAY, BARBARA 14418 E 24TH AVE VERADALE WA 99037 PHONE DIST:.: DEPTH== 154 CONTACT NAME= DAVID L.IiNDQUIST PHONE NUMBER= 509 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= UNKN LEFT= UNKN RIGHT= UNKN REAR= UNKN F R714:„: 922 399( #3433e34#3433(343•:..3.ii..**•*3434**343i•3(•14#•33E3e*1 REVIEI,1 INFORMATION***3*****••3*•343*3k3e)E3e*3e******* D.ERARZMENT REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING BUIL.DING ENGINEER HEALTHDIST PLANNING FIRE: DISTR PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED ENERGY PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED SITE DRAINAGE TO BE REVIEWED NEW OR ADDITIONAL WASTE WATER SITE PI...AN REVIEW REQUIRED FIRE FLOW TO BE: REVIEWED 313***#3134343(#34313(•****3(13i•3i343***3i•3131* e* BUILDING CONTRACTOR STREET ADDRESS NEW DWEL..L. LINI.I.S BLDG W X D REQ PARKING = STANLEY _= I'' 0 BOX SPOKANE = X OXENDAHI... 14394 WA 99214 REMODEL.= OCCI..IP., L.D= SQ FT= :, I1ANDICAP PROCESSED BY: WE:NDEL, GLORIA PRINTED BY: WENDEI..., GLORIA 3343434. 3333 33332343134313 *31334*•313. 34#34 34 31 3 34 APPROVAL COMMENTS PERMIT 31 i1ii•3F33.3434343134 3F.3..33i.ti:3§43i..31(.34.3.gfi3i 33iri PHONE= 509 924 6961 ADDITION== CHANGE OF USF:::::: BLDG HGTr STORIES= SPRINKLER= N CRITICAL.. MAT= N THANK YOU 31#313.3 31 31 31 33• -za l e� Le (AC- (_/ zzL Li_MEte___817/1 L440A-De ergo • sA �/ �Y 7/'v -Z Lor (� U 3343313E 3431.331343.343*34.3*#313431334 (9-ce-4 iftq Lu )l NOTES: Date Comments • 5-1S-90 SrmPLAI) Q.tRCtttATEb AcsoPLAM sr trr -Io fl EAL-rH r s -r DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS JAMES L. MANSON, C.B.O., DIRECTOR June 18, 1991 A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DENNIS M. SCOTT, P.E., DIRECTOR Ms. Barbara Gray East 14418 24th. Avenue Veradale, Washington 99037 RE: Expiration of Building Permit Application South 2415 Calvin/90002190 Dear Ms. Gray: A recheck of our records indicate that your permit application for an boarding house at the above -referenced property has expired. Accordingly, you are hereby notified to make arrangements to pick up your plans, no more extension will be granted. If there is no response to this notice within ten (10) days from the date of this letter, all records and plans will be destroyed wi out further notice from this office. y % � meth E. niors/P1 KEJ : tsL�o t� rey Examiner CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION WEST 1303 BROADWAY • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260-0550 • (509) 456-3675 FAX (509) 456-4703 S f' O K : A N E St -knit -kr ' .._ ;-f`. C 0 U N T Y DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY • A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JAMES L. MANSON. DIRECTOR • DENNIS M. SCOTT, DIRECTOR November 28, 1990 MS. BARBARA GRAY East 14418 24th. Avenue Veradale, Washington 99037 RE: Expiration of Building Permit Application South 2415 Calvin/90-2190 Dear Ms. Gray: A recheck of our records indicate that your permit application for an boarding house at the above -referenced property is about to expire. The Uniform Building Code, Section 304(c), states that "Applications for which no permit is issued within 180 days following the date of application shall expire by limitation and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or be destroyed by the building official." Accordingly, you are hereby notified to make arrangements to pick up your application and plans or complete final application. If there is no response to this notice within ten (10) days from the date of this letter, all records and plans will be destroyed wit further notice from this office. Sj.ncer�; E. niorP �_ xaminer KEJ:ts a 115— j�COO ./ JAZ (---6-1t?(---6-1t?/ J -J jQ0E—ni Lett_,/•ci l(, -c? -7d WEST 1303 BROADWAY • SPOKANE.WASHINGTON 99260-0050 • (509) 456-3675 FAX (509) 456-4703 -.-,.q.. ;,, ..,q.r;, _rhe,. C O U NT T Y DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY • A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR DENNIS M. SCOTT, DIRECTOR TO: Scott Egger, Engineering Department John Harrington, Planning Department Jun Mascardo, Building and Safety Daryl Way, Health District Skip Wells, Fire District No. 9 FROM:IYThomas L. Davis, Code Compliance Coordinator Department of Building and Safety DATE: May 24, 1990 RE: May 23, 1990 - Pre -Construction Conference South 2415 Calvin Lane - Enclosed is your copy of the minutes to the referenced meeting. Should you have any questions' or need additional information, pleases feel free to contact me. TLD:rmd cc: Ms. Barbara Gray, Owner Mr. Dave Lindquist, Architect Ms. Mabel Caine, Air Pollution Mr. Dennis Scott, Public Works Director WEST 1303 BROADWAY • SPOKANE,WASHINGTON 99260-0050 • (509)456-3675 FAX (509) 456-4703 • . T� • CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to Order at approximately 12 • 05 '‘a• Xi 1, by cBuilding `',and - Safety " s ,tode t" Compliance Coordinator .1 4 • 4 Z, 3 sx Tonr-Daviia•zwith , the , following , in :attendance. • - PERMIT REVIEW %PARTICIPANTS: - • -• "` (,- 1 .• • /;* Robin Domitrthrichi,' Building and Safety, (3.,*v. Scott Egger, Engineer's Department -.• , John;IHarr4-Pqt9P'A • ,,i„Plal'11:13Pgr:, ,F Jun ardo*ISuildinglandSafety'' - Daryl Way7k.lieralth', District Clyde Wisenore',Fire 'District -No. 1 ? :17,; .1 APPLICANTS::::„ry:c • - , r '' , • ' , Barbara,' Gray,0.,.,wper ,',..,Eii,,,,,1421.8t24,•.t,h fi7Ty±i,.. .,:i 4ti,1 .,,,..,•+•::: . — 7 • .- . • 7 . , . , 44= Dave -- '••4.7 isiiidscitiril--4.,Ii--etii-E06;t:;L•R104...P i,.., sIsip,119 Spokane ,-,-.,-.-3,..,..,7:;),,,..,,,, ,,,,,...,,,„,.,,,;,,:„.•:. .,... .. ,. ,.„ ... . In • "' "•• g""11''''''' -'..n•trOl'•" " ..-.e. 6,'''''j \ gr'‘ 509 )',.!'f922-32901,,ro,,„ • ...„-,„,,I. ,..., , .. y. • , •,. .. , , h.: ,:,•-',.,, , ....- , -.7,.!':',--. - .44.,:,.. • ,'" ''''• ' .5.' 4(:4:t •, '''''' --:-.• • C• 'L •- '' • ' ' c" ..,:•:, : r . ,":5R.V:1{; 4...:24,•••"Vr' .....i...';,."...14./....fr , !:, . ' • .. ., _ .. .. . • .. .. . ,.. ,.. .“ ,,,:,,i* -1 1,,,; ,I....1‘. c.., • sCOPE/PROJECT 13ESCRiPTION3'd-r,-7,,t,•:14,..c.42,4'.,.,,-,141-?-„.,,,0,:r.,-:-,,, ,4,-_-_,,,,,,.,'•:•:- -,•. I. Genera] r Overview The owner Barbara'. Gray is proposing the ;' construct iony6f,ccArii,7eight,:r,room, care ofacility ..4fon adults. The number of adults ;Wi11:1,t.Triat:S‘belimore than y four.; plus - family: members - for :,ai,:total-goins,eixeduite?r,t- The:7. Proposed , will . have ,central cooking ancl,!, laundry:', facil itiee . 2, A license: from the Department of Social if Health 1- Seryie§s ie;tlzrecitiiredi,L, for the proposed. The applicantVandicated,;s.that'f, expansion r :of :the facility may be a poseibilititirirrIthefuture:, - y • ". SUMMARY OF -DEPARTMENTAL REOUIREMENTS: 1. Planning'Department (456-2205) A. Discussion/Requirements • . • . n , , 1. The proposed is located in a Residential Zone (Agricultural :Zone). 2. The proposed must comply with •the conditions of Short Plat Number 87-487. • 4-1 • 3. Access to the site is by a recorded service easement. 3. There is a mobile home on the site, the applicant stated that the mobile home may remain on the site after the structure is built as part of the care facility. 4. Since the proposal is under the licensing requirements of :the Department of .Social Health Services, zoning requirements for residential uses are the only applicable code requirements. 5. A minimum 'of two off street parking stalls are required for the proposed. 6. = The proposed is exempt from landscaping requirements. B. Permit Release Requirements 1. The Planning Department has released their portion of the building permit. II. Engineering Department (456-3600) A.Discussion/Requirement 1. Comments were given to the applicant and Building and Safety by Scott Egger. 2. The proposed must comply with the conditions of Short Plat 87-487. 3. A condition of the short plat requires that a 208 drainage swale be constructed on the south side of the property. Please illustrate the drainage swale on the revised site plan. The drainage swale must be constructed prior to occupancy. This swale will be satisfactory for the private road and the proposal. 4. The private road accessing the property must be brought up to the county's private road standards. A copy of the private road plans can be obtained from the Engineering Department. 5. An Agreement to Pay Fees was given to the applicant during the meeting. The agreement is tobe signed by the owner and returned to the •Engineering Department. Plan review will not be completed until this document is executed. • • B. Permit Release Requirements 1. Please submit a -revised site plan illustrating the required 208 drainage Swale. 2. Please submit the Agreement to Pay Fees signed by the owner. III. Health District (456-6040) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. Comments were given to the applicant and Building and Safety by Daryl Way. 2. Apply for a permit to install an on-site sewage disposal system capable of serving the proposed 8 bedroom units (120 gallons per bedroom per day). 3.' The anticipated flow the proposed eight bedroom boarding house is 960 gallons per day. 4. A leachbed will be allowed only in Type 2 or Type 3 soils. If the soil type does not meet the requirement a drainfield will be required -to be installed. 5. If the soil at the site is Type .2 then an 800 square foot leachbed will be required, if the soil is Type 3 then a 1,200 square foot leach bed will be required. 6. The existing septic tank for the mobile home must be properly abandoned. 7. All construction/demolition debris must be taken to a licensed landfill. B. Permit Release Requirements 1. Apply for a permit to install an on-site sewage disposal system. IV. Fire District No. 1 (928-2462) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. Fire flow for the proposed is 1750 g.p.m. 2. The two fire hydrant located near the site are adequate. V. 3. Clyde Wisenor stated that there is an .access problem at the site. A minimum 22 foot'inside'radius. is needed in order to access the site. Clyde Wisenor* Scott Egger and the architect Dave Lindquist will meet at a later date to resolve the access problem s Building and Safety (456-3675) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. Plan review has been completed on preliminary:f plans and a letter was given to the applicant by Jun Mascardo. 2. Please submit a letter to Building and Safety documenting..that,.the proposed addition will.be.used as. a dwelling:and part of the house as lodging.: 3. The proposed .bedroom minimum egress height of 24 4. liner. windows do not meet ..the , inches. The proposed ;clothes chute shall contain a metal 5. A smoke detector:is required 6. Please'indicate"the``header' and reinforcing.,barsize.;. _<. in each bedroom. sizes, footing sizes, 7. Draftstops shall be installed between and storage room in the walls and ceiling. attic space 8. The proposed.must comply with the Northwest Code, please submit calculations. B. Permit Release Requirements Energy 1. Two complete revised sets of plans addressing the items discussed during and after the meeting and other items from the plan review letter needs to besubmitted for review and approval. COUNT ACTION: Tom Davis welcomed those in attendance to join in the recognition of Public Works Week. Ray Perry, Manager of the Spokane Interstate Fair joined the conference as part of the Public Works celebration. i • • APPLICANT'S COMMENTS/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The applicant acknowledged that all comments/requirements were understood and had no further questions at this time regarding permit requirements. CORRECTIONS: To minutes or changes from what appears in the minutes, we should be notified within one day of your receipt of these minutes. To site plans as required by any or all of the above -listed departments shall be submitted to Building and Safety who will then distribute accordingly to those departments. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Tom Davis thanked the applicant and the departments for their participation and reminded all that he should be contacted if there are any unforeseen problems which may arise. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:05 a.m. Copies of Minutes to: All participants File = South 2415 Calvin Lane Boarding House NOTE TO APPLICANT: Some time ago the County recognized the need to streamline the building permit system and accordingly initiated these Pre -Construction Conferences.. Comments so far would indicate these conferences are successful and do enhance the permit system. As a recent participant, we would appreciate any comments you might have to further improve the process or, should you have any questions or concerns regarding your conference, please contact either Jim Manson, Building and Safety Director, at 456-3675 or Dennis Scott, Public Works Director, at 456-3600. Sincerely, James L. Manson, Director ill DATE:g-22-90 TIME: I(-zo PRESENT B & • PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE ADDRESS S2(1IS aft LV lnJ GAJ DESCRIPTION 2 c7/N6 tfousE ROBIN. 45 S — -Th rYn (R4`� rr ENG c5 HEALTH D (A3 PLANNING .A'i-i USS CL'I D€ (A) J5E/ziz (�a�/ey c APPLICANT 1 A-_ eAy _Ow&Je& PROJECT: USE: Thai 4,()aiI t -A 0C1to a zo Un�4- 7pcQ.t NCo house BUILING SIZE: NO. OF EMPLOYEES: OCCUPANT: CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: FUTURE ADDITIONS: SIGNAGE: ul F Th1'i/L7 imr'4c ex Pa.l d. h<m-Q p/cV / CdA gel •243t II �Q.J� !`c�\ Q op 14 n net Sfa-c C'9ithr s c_gcnSc. (b5HS) wAct--. alark teed sed Qoc1eo- W A . /c3.- PLANNING • c ?1/( r 3 P ?3-7-487 4\ test 40 I el -San 7Z2O'bf/ - home ar) 5[fe_ - /?/1/7 / 4 M1 a Tom- 6-'uc re rs 6u 1 J-- Ffa4hnj (3 ee. 5ekds oc re,uof, • ENGINEERING ce 1 o' !s 1 6e aorlstru.c(cd . a5- per cove-d___ L rQ_ pan s 1nvti¢-co,fo }LA -vs i (k (/a i /a. { (e C)6 j vl�i -�G�-n/ QdYl 5 -Tru c it o f ((r (2 U 1 C . RA -70 I Sc v¢rLc ({ per C--,,oc�1- plQ�t 2-0-c A154f1 —e ' 1 01 4 Occe t poc.� C� r Q14 cS pom,1 s(S7C-44 = 14 cr,rram t lictO ys-E--c44. 1 frock le -0) «1sM o & , mor -7-10 e a 0 y 3csores - /r Sd (4_ P� im s n 4- yY2ee4- c 'Ulleime (Yin 01 _ rep (qd. f� Tes�F� -mss , - )avvo - - leas bca Wa h e(1 bu) quo 5a` ee(` ci (Si n 6 mc(S Ten/\ RN925)7/ec. be G's e�- v,r- (Ol s pe - 1-Tpf 7 ;7. pi/44-W BUILDING AND SAFETY a J LcTn, /r%( ��11 ni proeose1 is --s es. O/e 447Cti Pec t . LJkt c*- r000l. s 'I o (-e (i sccI r_ lock W Ii eeS Ab 7 leer ftl /Al • caress 11er�}tr Jo e C.tivae - Ivl e --LI Mo v_ c\reec--tee._ - eac f. - &echcx � -1 k Vr C 0 --cam' T \e‘45 d /rk ` SuGeut t 1--e c6 bearler C" ) oy 'Wee p(av-,-, 5225— (l21+n orae{ tars �O Ci.(=✓� �v.rS�r #tke_, l ,ac/,-- brd-v.ro-rNt.- - eVUAIX..0 .C`- Va.-vim .krAc)"_ent,__ - ekka.0 r Oc n Ths f.J 'k.)WCO- - p(c4 ?DE cAn6t 'NOTES 4_ abib* to fser072___ Li /755 j Pry a. kvdicA/ r a dcrth. a SS err) 672/K a�( we ,,r , `cr aaY - - (NS we act) Ct pe £ CTo ✓ T 7 rscccc o- access. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Project: Lode a Roarding_Home' Date 5/23/90 Address: S. 7415 Calvin t.:�ne . Parcel. No: 26543-0313 — ----- Ref No. D90056 The County Engineering Department has completed a review of the above referenced project. The following information must be provided in order for us to proceed with our review. A) A drainage plan for the site which has been prepared in compliance with Spokane County "Guidelines for Stirmwater Management". At a minimum the plan must contain: site 1. Drainage calculations for stormwater volumes generated'on 2. Calculations for total impervious. surfaces contained within the site. ... 3. Site grade information to,.verify,the direction of stormwater flow on site. .4. Site plan showing sizeand locati.on,of grassed.percol.ation area. D) The subject property is affected by the "Findings and Order" and the "Conditions of Approval" for the following land use action: 1. Short Plat 87-487 C? See comments on the attached check print. Please return the check print to your contact person at County Engineering. E) Insufficient information was submitted with the proposal. We are unable to proceed with our review. We will: need -the following. before we can proceed: • i. Revised 'si.to/drainage;plan'asindicated'. 2. "Agreement to Pay Fees" as noted below. F) The owner of the property or the authorized representative must._complete and sign Spokane County Engineers "Agreement to Pay_ Fees'_ This document must returned to the County Engineers office_ Flan review will not be completed until this document is executed. This document is attached to these comments. Please return the completed Agreement tojtour contact person at the Engineers Department_ Your contact person at the County Engineering Department may be contacted by calling 456-3600. Your contact person is Scott Egger. SPOKANE COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION INTEROFFICE MEMO DATE: May 23, 1990 To: Tom Davis - Code Compliance Officer, Spokane County FROM: Daryl Way'"= EXvironmental Health Division SUBJECT: Pre -Construction Conference for: Barbara Gray Boarding Home 9 S. 2415 Calvin Road Please include the following comments into the minutes of the pre -construction conference scheduled this date: - The applicant must apply for a permit to install an on-site sewage disposal system capable of serving the total number of bedroom units (120 gallons/bedroom/day). The installation of a leachbed=type sub- surface disposal system will be allowed only in Type 2 or Type 3 soils. The site does not appear to be of the proper dimensions to allow the installation of.a drainfield disposal system capable of serving the proposed structure (.and use). - The Health District does not currently enforce the Board of Health Rules and Regulations for Food Service Establishments for boarding homes and boarding houses. This requirement may change in the near future... man- dating the operator to obtain an annual permit from the health Officer to operate a food service establishment. We recommend the applicant submit a complete set of building construction plans and specifications for review at this time. This review will be considered a "courtesy" review by the agency...at no cost to the applicant. The response to the review (if requested) will be suggestions only; and should not be considered requirements. - If the structure is to house tenants requiring nursing care, the State Department of Health needs to be consulted for any/all requirements of said agency. - All demolition/construction debris must be transported to and he disposed of at a licensed solid waste disposal facility. - The existing septic tank serving the mobile home must be: Dumped out by a licensed septage pumping company and then 1) crushed in place, 2) re- moved totally from the site, or 3) filled with pea gravel or sand. • • S P 0 LC A N C o U N T Y ? DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY • A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR May 23, 1990 MR. DAVID LINDQUIST, ARCHITECT North 919 Skipworth Spokane, Washington 99206 Re: Boarding House - South 2415 Calvin Lane Dear Mr. Lindquist: DENNIS M. SCOTT, DIRECTOR Data and plans for the above mentioned project have been reviewed for conformance with the Uniform Building Code, and some parts of the Mechanical and Plumbing Code as well as the Washington State Regulations for Energy and Barrier -Free Design. They have not been reviewed for compliance with requirements of Federal or other state and local agencies. The following items will need to be addressed/clarified on the plans and/or included as an addendum. SITE PLAN AND GENERAL COMMENTS Before the permit can be issued, review and approval of the project by the Spokane County Health Department, the Spokane County Planning Department, the Spokane County Engineers Office and the Spokane County Utilities Department will be necessary. Please check with Fire District No. 1 for the number(s) and location of the hydrant(s) to satisfy the minimum fire flow of 1750 G.P.M. Hydrant(s) are required to be installed prior to commencement of construction unless otherwise approved by the Fire District. If such approval is obtained, it should specify when hydrant installation is deemed necessary by the district (i.e., "prior to occupancy," "within days of occupancy," etc.) Such statements should be included in the letter from the district delineating the hydrant(s) location. OCCUPANCY AND EXIT REQUIREMENTS 1. Please provide this office a letter documenting the proposed addition will be used as a dwelling and part of the house as lodging areas. Specify which bedrooms will be used for lodging areas for compliance purposes. 2. Proposed bedroom windows are not big enough to meet the minimum egress height of 24 inches. WEST 1303 BROADWAY • SPOKANE,WASHINGTON 99260-0050 • (509) 456-3675 FAX (509) 456-4703 • 1 3. The clothes chute and dumbwaiter shall meet the requirements specified in Section 1706 of UBC. 4. Smoke detector shall be provided for each bedroom and shall sound an alarm audible within the sleeping area. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 1. Stairway shall meet the requirements specified in Section 3306 of UBC. 2. Crawl space ventilation shall be a maximum of 1/300 and not 1/1500 as specified on plans. 3. Shop drawings for floor and roof trusses shall be submitted for review. 4. Please specify header sizes provided at cantilevered windows. 5. Please specify footing sizes, foundation wall and sizes of reinforcement, if any. 6. Firestopping and draftstopping shall be installed between attic space and storage room in the walls and ceiling. (Wall Section 2) 7. Please clarify the exact location of spiral stairways. 8. Please provide attic access in the ceiling area as specified in Section3205 of UBC. ENERGY CODE REQUIREMENTS 1. Each bedroom shall be provided with a minimum of 10 CFM of outside air and additional 10 CFM for the remaining living area. The ventilation system shall be capable of providing the outside air in a continuous basis and shall be provided with automatic control with a manual overide. 2. Each bathroom shall be provided with exhaust ventilation of 50 CFM and 100 CFM for the kitchen. 3. The proposed addition shall meet the minimum requirements specified in Table 6-2, Option I or II of the Northwest Energy Code. Otherwise, an energy calculation is required to be submitted to justify the thermal efficiency of the proposed house as specified in Chapter 5 of the NWEC.. 4. Water heaters shall meet the standards of ASHRAE-1980 and be so labeled. Please verify and submit revised plans for the above listed items. Should you have any questions, please contact this office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., weekdays. Sincerely, Godolfin (Jun) Mascardo Plans Examiner JUN:rmd 4(111 4141117LcL. g. S 2595 6 SP,') 2. 4 4 6 4711‘,;1M. L) a .tc..� rplect c--) AAAA=ci a (/ r /Cog = ?S'. 79 r w'-13.72, 4. mi 11 11 4 / . = rho ' 3 .aau.c,c a ti -J = 2.51 / Z 4l'�Gv,441A� r� tom•- 3,na ti v - 3 38 / . 3(2% _ ll -17 !Vac-, 3n - (yr. Ain ?-neir724449finktras a' 2 301) s 2.0e /8.9/ • • 7. :24.; a/,� lo�� vr. 444-7 }� Q , ," triaf f^ /� vvL�rti ws- a_e ( q( 254 7 2. ; / :,( 0 ,tom Adiaie ic/ Pt- )0 c cry! y &wt 'c av o -JA t J' �' C.F- F >�,U � co-otALI A& o-tideru i'us n- Lc onion ac/tw n av2A,� Nti,. Q GJ.zJ/ 4c Op/.ttwu.C¢a' AitAA:14 Oh"- aAA,6. 41-2.4 c in t/Uz-i" c w(,1 Nv i'nrneterta,-0 /+Pnit b . (NW 3?2 . j. S •) 7.3. I. -at acg.S' ,ebt-1 2-na „R ;wetiG'c, z ; . . I . .off t - k 'L!% .✓ - e) ik et4WCIejf ,/ 2 2 c' eo(�eZ-wr 7.z.z_ £f/J ,ir�;tf 25 v &L,i.- .S3 CFni Aral in) Cfin ,/T ecte,-. 6 1,vL. ,- .4., „AL( / tea xrcirtzpir ,r tc ,.. 3)o6 1 9l3G _ fl - aieet-t vu,zg �v ata dtia,Wz . z . C , ,P .�. , t. ti�; ��L�^ txptiac, a syr oiA.:44- 1 /an 0 3 41,7 dvN' yv a /tnf Std/ Lz__ • • 8)-1 4.c3 A i_ot. 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A ,fr if - /%8o of L: G 44,c ar (fl;9) /A »S 1 c. nc �_ I I s/ -. w/4 7/ y t (,,/o-� P_� u 1�f� W g//" � . 0-4-/-9 �-e C -- 3 � a- ■ __ :■ ■ t l r ■ 2.5 O ■ u -c -e C//Y- j f-- Y� ■■■•, ■ ■■■■■ ■�■■ ■■ VVVVVV I. ■ V S (- g-7- 4/g- 7 1.01■ L. C_Iit_C-4_4..c.;)___L9H______,--.5-etee-c- drx,c- c-L_u��`l�w 'sacs I -9 -e -t-- -4 ■ -- LI -D -7D/ / L� LLT . ■ �■ I ��o T ■ o/ je,„, SIM &� ('j ■ ---vesseH in «� 12 r 4-7n e ' - 0-2., Ft-dio cac r.1G-tea_ ■■■■■■■■ tit -i c a ,Ship 7c-, ' ■ ■ ■ .■ c / ■ shilort--s,_7! -c vee ! ■ �} -� �.. L� ■ ■ 2 S ■ .■■■ ■■ ■ eco- �u._ t¢e�v_4 ■■ ` -� C ■ __ ■■■q `�' / / C' 6 eI cei_ ,�96i0; /'ce /ZOo l� 9 e« i {� 7�n j �'— / cP e9G�a- __GP._ j�01 - c c'=-e'1'- _1 I- - - � � p�� - I• f ■■ ■ = � aiu: ■■� ■ 1:. • ®::... • GUIDE FOR DETERMINATION OF REQUIRED FIRE FLOW 15OARDINc. HO055 ADDRESS 2415 5 • CALVIN FIRE DISTRICT 1 I PLAN 1/ go - 2190 F . (.4)°'S A. DETERMINE TYP: OF CONSTRUCTION — CLASS (CIRCLE ONE): re Igxh5(3301f5 1-11 IV FIRE—RESISTIVE NON—COMBUSTIBLE • ORDINARY WOOD FRAME MIXED NOTE: IF "MIXED", SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR AREA AND BASIC FIRE FLOW. B. DETERMINE THE GROUND FLOOR AREA noel BI DETERMINE THE HEIGHT IN STORIES 2— D. D. DETERMINE REQUIRED FIRE FLOW TO THE NEAREST 250 GPM. (USE TABLE 1569.95 GPM DETERMINE THE CREDIT OR SURCHARGE, IF ANY, FOR TYPE OF OCCUPANCY. IF LOW HAZARD, SUBTRACT UP TO 254 OF (D); IF HIGH. HAZARD, ADD UP TO 25% OF (D) CREDIT (SUBTRACT) ✓ SURCHARGE (ADD) — 39 2.9q TOTAL 1177. 910 DETERMINE CREDIT IF ANY FOR AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER PROTECTION. CREDIT (SUBTRACT) TOTAL 1177. 4(0 DETERMINE EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT;^. USING THE TABLE AT LEFT AS GUIDE, ENTER THE SEPARATION AND ADJUSTMENT FOR EACH OF THE "FOUR FACES' OF THE BUILDING IN THE TABLE AT RIGHT: SEPARATION MAX ADJUSTMENT EXPOSURE SEPARATION ACT. ADJUSTMENT 0-10 25% MAX NORTH Gr12,551" ADD O % 11-30 20% MAX EAST 5' ADD ZS % 31-60 15% MAX SOUTH 25,74' ADD 20 % 61-100 10% MAX WEST Stitear ADD D % 101-150 5% MAX TOTAL % ADJUSTMNT 1S1—OR 4—HR WALL 0% MAX (NOT TO EXCEED /557.): IS % DETERMINE ROOF COVERING ADJUSTMENT;. (IF WOOD SHINGLE ROOF COVERING, ADD 500 GPM) ADJUSTMENT: (G) & (H) SURCHARGE (ADD) 5201.869 TOTAL: 170 7 3 2- J J OFF THE FINAL ANSWER TO THE NEAREST 250 GPM IF LESS THAN 2500 GPM AND.TO NEAREST 500 GPM IF GREATER THAN 2500 GPM. TOTAL REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: 1750 & PIr) DATE: SI15IC10 TO : Spok(Ile County Department of Building & Safety Air Pollution Control Engineer's Office i Environmental Health'' Planning Department RE ADDRESS: S .24-\s CALL) I r._3 JAMES L MANSON, DIRECTOR LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Utilities Department City of Spokane Fire District No. l ✓ Liberty Lake Sewer District Pont OWNER/APPLICANT: 13 Ac2-3RRV! rzA`I PARCEL NUMBER: ZCoS 43' 03\ 3 PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT DESCRI PIION: LoOGING / 13oARoINJc 14C) nitre 1—NOTICE OF PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE: U An initial review for the described proposal has been sbhed- uled for at a_n. in the Building and Safety Conference Room_ Attached is a preliminary site plan for your review_ VINOTICE OF PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE: .A formal review for the described proposal has been scheduled for 51-Z31630 at 1`:O3 a_m_ in the Building and Safety Conference Room_ Attached is a copy of the permit application, along with the site development plans for your review_ Should you find that additional information is needed in order to present your findings at the conference, please contact n REVISED OITE PLAN ATTACRPD: U our office. As required at the Conference for the above proposal, attached is the revised site plan dated Should there be further revisions necessary, or if your portion of the permit is ready to be released, let us know as soon as possible after contacting the applicant in order that we might keep informed of the status of the project_ r --\MEETING TO BE RESCHEDULED: Please be advised that the Conference date for the above pro- posal has been changed from _ to at a_m. r� OTHER: at a.m. WT-_STIV11 aonanw,V ao BAREI & FRIENDS 2415 5. CALVIN LANE VERADALE, WA 99037 927-1746 NOVEMBER 29, 1990 SPOKANE COUNTY DEPT. OF BUILDING & SAFETY W. 1303 BROADWAY SPOKANE, WA 99240-0050 . ATTENTION: MR. KEN E. JEFFERY, Dear Mr. Jeffery, • I received ;:our letter today concerning our proposed plan for our Adult Boarding House, building permit for 2415 S. Calih n Lane/90-2190. We would like to request an extentior, for this permit, and the possible permit for the mobile home at this same site. 11 BARBI'S RENT A HOMEMAKER DO YOU NEED A WIFE? 2415 South Calvin Lane VERADALE, WA 99037 • (509) 927-9013 J-Qz-J2-t MEW -30-- � _ --'N 1/1/, /303