2015, 06-16 Budget Workshop Meeting AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING BUDGET Workshop Tuesday, June 16, 2015 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley, Washington Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting WELCOME: Mayor Grafos Worksheet Overviews—Mike Jackson/Chelsie Taylor/Mark Calhoun(See Supplemental Overview) 1. Legislative—Mike Jackson; Council 2. General Government—Mark Calhoun 3. Executive&Legislative Support—Mike Jackson 4. City Attorney/Legal Support—Cary Driskell 5. Operations&Administration Services—Mark Calhoun 6. Finance& Information Technology—Chelsie Taylor 7. Human Resources— John Whitehead 8. Public Works—Eric Guth LUNCH BREAK 12:00—12:30 (Note: Council&Staff will move to the 2"dfloor conference room for lunch, and reconvene in the Council Chambers at 12:30 p.m.) 9.Public Safety • Spokane Valley Police Department—Rick VanLeuven; Morgan Koudelka • Court,Jail and Other Public Safety Contracts—Morgan Koudelka;John Pietro 10. Parks and Recreation—Mike Stone 11. Community Development—John Hohman 12. Supplemental Budget Requests—Chelsie Taylor 13. Potential Capital Projects—Mike Jackson; Mark Calhoun 14. Financial Objectives—Mike Jackson 15. Council Goals—Mike Jackson BRAINSTORMING ADJOURN Note: There will be no public comments at Council Study Sessions or Workshops. During meetings held by the City of Spokane Valley Council,the Council reserves the right to take"action"on any item listed or subsequently added to the agenda. The term"action"means to deliberate,discuss,review,consider,evaluate,or make a collective positive or negative decision. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical,hearing,or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at(509)921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Workshop Agenda 06-16-15 Draft 2016 Budget Workshop Overview 1. Preview of workshop • Budget Worksheets, General direction from council o Notable funding challenges 2. Summary of General Fund 3. Discussion of Sales Tax Forecast 4. Summary of Construction Projects in Capital Funding on list • 2013 Carry-over Workshop Agenda 06-16-15 H:\Marks budget stuff\2016\2016 calendar.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA f 3/6/2015 2015 2014 2013 2016 BUDGET CALENDAR Budget Budget Budget timeline timeline timeline When What June 16 Council Workshop June 17 June 18 June 12 - 2016 Budget workshop with Council. August 11 Formal Council Meeting - Admin Report: 2016 Budget-Estimated revenues and expenditures September 2 August 13 August 14 August 25 Formal Council Meeting - Public Hearing#1 on 2016 revenues including `*** September 9 August 27 August 28 - City Council Motion Consideration-set 2016 Budget hearing for September 22 September 9 August 27 August 28 September 1 Council Study Session - Economic Development Agency presentations(5 min max each) September 2 September 3 August 30 - Social Service Agency presentations(5 min max each) September 2 September 3 September 6 September 23 September 3 September 3 September 8 Formal Council Meeting - City Manager presentation of 2016 Preliminary Budget. `*** October 6 September 17 September 11 September 22 Formal Council Meeting - Public Hearing#2 on 2016 Budget. **** October 13 September 24 September 25 - Council motion to award Outside Agency grants September 23 September 24 September 25 October 13 September 24 September 25 - Admin Report-2015 Budget Amendment October 13 September 24 September 25 October 13 Formal Council Meeting - Public Hearing on 2015 Budget Amendment **** October 28 October 8 October 9 October 28 October 8 October 9 - First reading of the 2015 Budget Amendment Ordinance. October 28 October 8 October 9 - First reading of the 2016 Budget Ordinance. October 28 October 8 October 9 October 27 Formal Council Meeting - Second reading of the 2015 Budget Amendment Ordinance. November 18 October 22 October 30 - Second reading of the 2016 Budget Ordinance. November 18 October 22 October 30 - Admin Report-LTAC recommendations to Council November 18 October 29 November 13 November 3 Council Study Session - r. -.__ -.=Resoi.:ro;. November 4 November 12 December 4 December 8 Formal Council Meeting - City Council Motion Consideration: Award Lodging Tax for 2015 December 16 December 10 December 11 - . --: .�Sso!uuon adoption if changes are needec November 18 November 26 December 11 **** City Clerk will post appropriate notice in newspaper. summary 0306 P:\1.General Govemance\Budget\2016 Budget\Finance Dept\budget summary 2015 06 04.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/28/2015 General Fund#001 6/1/2015 2016 Budget 2016 2015 Proposed $ Budget _ Budget Inc(Dec) Inc(Dec) RECURRING ACTIVITY ' Revenues Property Tax 11,277,100 11,479,200 202,100 1.79% Sales Tax 17,628,400 18,098,000 469,600 2.66% Sales Tax-Criminal Justice 1,468,700 1,564,700 96,000 6.54% Sales Tax-Public Safety 820,100 872,500 52,400 6.39% Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax 535,100 333,700 (201,400) -37.64% Franchise Fees/Business Registration 1,238,000 1,244,000 6,000 0.48% State Shared Revenues 1,768,900 1,778,600 9,700 0.55% Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety 1,507,100 1,443,500 (63,600) -4.22% Community Development 1,325,100 1,491,500 166,400 12.56% Recreation Program Revenues 563,500 595,200 31,700 5.63% Miscellaneous Department Revenue 95,900 95,900 0 0.00% Miscellaneous&Investment Interest 131,200 103,500 (27,700) -21.11% Transfer-in -#101(street admin) 39,700 39,700 0 0.00% Transfer-in -#105(him tax-CP advertising) 30,000 30,000 0 0.00% Transfer-in -#402(storm admin) 13,400 13,400 0 0.00% Total Recurring Revenues 38,442,200 39.183,400 741,200 1.93% Expenditures City Council 513,114 507,869 (5,245) -1.02% City Manager 688,363 717,303 28,940 4.20% Legal 461,839 479,951 18,112 3.92% Public Safety 24,153,492 24,703,749 550,257 2.28% Deputy City Manager 691,303 713,602 22,299 3.23% Finance/IT 1,203,879 1,253,880 50,001 4.15% Human Resources 243,317 255,694 12,377 5.09% Public Works 921,914 966,870 44,956 4.88% Community&Economic Development-Admin. 261,094 274,107 13,013 4.98% Community&Economic Development-Econ D 298,276 345,157 46,881 15.72% 86,350 Community&Economic Development-Dev Su 1,424,944 1,486,637 61,693 4.33% 2.57% Community&Economic Development-Buildin( 1,380,902 1,345,665 (35,237) -2.55% Parks&Rec-Administration 286,947 281,871 (5,076) -1.77% Parks&Rec-Maintenance 844,642 838,343 (6,299) -0.75% Parks&Rec-Recreation 226,174 228,197 2,023 0.89% 16,670 Parks&Rec-Aquatics 496,200 461,200 (35,000) -7.05% 0.60% Parks&Rec-Senior Center 91,985 95,781 3,796 4.13% Parks&Rec-CenterPlace 824,997 882,223 57,226 6.94% Pavement Preservation 920,000 940,200 20,200 2.20%1 General Government 1,741,200 1,732,000 (9,200) -0.53%L11,000 Transfers out-#502(insurance premium) 325,000 325,000 0 0.00%j 0.37% Bond pmt>$434,600 lease payment 67,600 72,500 4,900 7.25% City Hall O&M costs 271,700 271,700 0 0.00% Total Recurring Expenditures 38,338,882 39,179,499 840,617 2.19% Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures 103,318 3,901 'NONRECURRING ACTIVITY I Revenues n/a 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 0 #DIV/01 Expenditures Transfers out-#309(park grant match) 100,000 100,000 0 0.00% General Government-IT capital replacements 145,000 120,500 (24,500) -16.90% City Manager(2 scanners) 3,000 0 (3,000) -100.00% Public Safety(const offices for unit supervisors, 25,000 0 (25,000) -100.00% Community&Econ Dev(comp plan update) 395,000 0 (395,000) -100.00% Parks&Rec(upgrade dial-up modem at pools) 10,000 0 (10,000) -100.00% Parks&Rec(replace CP lounge area carpet) 8,000 0 (8,000) -100.00% Parks&Rec(CenterPlace 10yr anniversary) 7,400 0 (7,400) -100.00% Police Department-CAD/RMS 949,000 140,281 (808,719) -85.22% Transfers out-#312(13 fund bal>50%) 1,783,512 0 (1,783,512) -100.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 3,425,912 360,781 (3,065,131) -89.47% Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (3,425,912) (360,781) Excess(Deficit)of Total Revenues Over(Under)Total Expenditures (3,322,594). (356,e80) Beginning unrestricted fund balance 24,328,568 . 21,005,974 Ending unrestricted fund balance 21,005,974— 20,649,094 Ending fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures=' 52.70% ' Recurring Expenditures Public Safety 24,153,492 24,703,749 550,257 2.28% 63.05% All other departments 14,185,390 14,475,750 290,360 2.05% 36.95% 38,338,882 39,179,499 840,617 2.19% 100.00% 001 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Finance Dept\001 compare 2015 and 2016.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 2016 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2015 to 2016 Difference Between 2015 and 2016 2015 2016 Increase(Decrease) Budget Budget $ ( % City Council Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 214,379 220,634 6,255 2.92% Supplies 4,550 4,550 0 0.00% Services &Charges 294,185 282,685 (11,500) (3.91%) Total 513,114 507,869 (5,245) (1.02%) City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 623,173 651,463 28,290 4.54% Supplies 3,350 3,350 0 0.00% Services & Charges 61,840 62,490 650 1.05% Total 688,363 717,303 28,940 4.20% Legal Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 379,917 397,206 17,289 4.55% Supplies 2,540 2,010 (530) (20.87%) Services & Charges 79,382 80,735 1,353 1.70% Total 461,839 479,951 18,112 3.92% Public Safety Non-Departmental (Fines & Forfeits) 733,500 649,500 (84,000) (11.45%) Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 3,800 6,500 2,700 71.05% Supplies 28,000 27,500 (500) (1.79%) Other Services and Charges 492,650 394,750 (97,900) (19.87%) Intergovernmental Services 22,895,542 23,625,499 729,957 3.19% Total 24,153,492 24,703,749 550,257 2.28% Deputy City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 627,478 660,102 32,624 5.20% Supplies 2,500 2,500 0 0.00% Services & Charges 61,325 51,000 (10,325) (16.84%) Total 691,303 713,602 22,299 3.23% Finance/IT Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 1,172,483 1,222,580 50,097 4.27% Supplies 6,000 6,000 0 0.00% Services&Charges 25,396 25,300 (96) (0.38%) Total 1,203,879 1,253,880 50,001 4.15% Human Resources Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 218,109 230,698 12,589 5.77% Supplies 700 700 0 0.00% Services & Charges 24,508 24,296 (212) (0.87%) Total 243,317 255,694 12,377 5.09% (Continued to next page) Page 1 of 3 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Finance Dept\001 compare 2015 and 2016.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 2016 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2015 to 2016 Difference Between 2015 and 2016 2015 2016 Increase (Decrease) Budget Budget _ $ % (Continued from previous page) Public Works Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 834,363 876,364 42,001 5.03% Supplies 19,000 18,000 (1,000) (5.26%) Services &Charges 68,551 72,506 3,955 5.77% Total 921,914 966,870 44,956 4.88% Community Dev.-Admin Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 237,394 250,407 13,013 5.48% Supplies 3,100 3,100 0 0.00% Services& Charges 20,600 20,600 0 0.00% Total 261,094 274,107 13,013 4.98% Community Dev.-Economic Development Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 274,776 317,257 42,481 15.46% Supplies 1,000 1,100 100 10.00% Services&Charges 22,500 26,800 4,300 19.11% Total 298,276 345,157 46,881 15.72% Community Dev.-Dev. Sery Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 1,122,644 1,173,837 51,193 4.56% Supplies 21,050 21,050 0 0.00% Services&Charges 281,250 271,750 (9,500) (3.38%) Intergovernmental Services 0 20,000 20,000 #DIV/0! Total 1,424,944 1,486,637 61,693 4.33% Community Dev.-Building Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 1,288,902 1,256,565 (32,337) (2.51%) Supplies 28,200 28,200 0 0.00% Services&Charges 63,800 60,900 (2,900) (4.55%) Total 1,380,902 1,345,665 (35,237) (2.55%) Parks& Rec-Admin Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 228,697 246,821 18,124 7.92% Supplies 8,450 5,900 (2,550) (30.18%) Services&Charges 49,800 29,150 (20,650) (41.47%) Total 286,947 281,871 (5,076) (1.77%) Parks& Rec- Maintenance Wages, Payroll Taxes&Benefits 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Supplies 20,000 5,500 (14,500) (72.50%) Services&Charges 824,642 832,843 8,201 0.99% Total 844,642 838,343 (6,299) (0.75%) Parks&Rec- Recreation Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 153,924 161,397 7,473 4.85% Supplies 7,750 7,600 (150) (1.94%) Services &Charges 64,500 59,200 (5,300) (8.22%) ,� Total 226,174 228,197 2,023 0.89% (Continued to next page) Page 2 of 3 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Finance Dept\001 compare 2015 and 2016.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 2016 Budget , General Fund Department Changes from 2015 to 2016 Difference Between 2015 and 2016 2015 2016 Increase (Decrease) Budget Budget $ yo (Continued from previous page) Parks &Rec-Aquatics Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Supplies 7,200 14,000 6,800 94.44% Services &Charges 489,000 447,200 (41,800) (8.55%) Total 496,200 461,200 (35,000) (7.05%) Parks & Rec-Senior Center Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 84,285 88,481 4,196 4.98% Supplies 2,500 1,600 (900) (36.00%) Services& Charges 5,200 5,700 500 9.62% Total 91,985 95,781 3,796 4.13% Parks & Rec-CenterPlace Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 435,609 475,925 40,316 9.26% Supplies 66,963 76,024 9,061 13.53% Services&Charges 322,425 330,274 7,849 2.43% Total 824,997 882,223 57,226 6.94% Pavement Preservation Council Designation 920,000 940,200 20,200 2.20% Total 920,000 940,200 20,200 2.20% General Government Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Supplies 70,650 87,600 16,950 23.99% Services &Charges 1,292,550 1,299,900 7,350 0.57% Intergovernmental Services 300,500 301,500 1,000 0.33% Capital outlays 77,500 43,000 (34,500) (44.52%) Total 1,741,200 1,732,000 (9,200) (0.53%) Transfers out-#310 city hall pmt 339,300 344,200 4,900 1.44% Transfers out-#502 325,000 325,000 0 0.00% Total recurring expenditures 38,338,882 39,179,499 840,617 2.19% Summary by Category Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 7,899,933 8,236,237 336,304 4.26% Supplies 303,503 316,284 12,781 4.21% Services &Charges 4,544,104 4,378,079 (166,025) (3.65%) Pavement Preservation 920,000 940,200 20,200 2.20% Transfers out-#310 city hall pmt 339,300 344,200 4,900 1.44% Transfers out-#502 325,000 325,000 0 0.00% Non-Departmental (fines&forfeits) 733,500 649,500 (84,000) (11.45%) Intergovernmental Svc(public safety) 22,895,542 23,625,499 729,957 3.19% Intergovernmental Svc 300,500 321,500 1,000 6.99% `-= Capital outlay 77,500 43,000 (34,500) (44.52%) 38,338,882 39,179,499 820,617 2.19% Page 3 of 3 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Finance Dept\budget summary 2015 06 04.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/26/2015 Street Fund#101 6/4/2015 2016 Budget . 2016 2015 Proposed $ 0/0 Budget Budget Inc(Dec) Inc(Dec), RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel(Gas)Tax 1,859,900 1,858,900 (1,000) -0.05% Investment Interest 3,000 3,000 0 0.00% Utility Tax 2,565,100 2,230,700 (334,400) -13.04% Miscellaneous Revenue 10,000 10,000 0 0.00% Total Recurring Revenues 4,438,000 4,102,600 (335,400) -7.56% Expenditures Wages/Benefits/Payroll Taxes 677,297 734,604 57,307 8.46% Supplies 111,500 111,500 0 0.00% Services&Charges 2,122,808 2,132,754 9,946 0.47% Snow Operations 520,000 430,000 (90,000) -17.31% Intergovernmental Payments 748,000 771,000 23,000 3.07% Interfund Transfers-out-#001 39,700 39,700 0 0.00% Interfund Transfers-out-#311 (pavement preserve 206,618 0 (206,618) -100.00% Interfund Transfers-out-#501 (plow replace.) 0 0 0 #DIV/01 Interfund Transfers-out-#501 (non-plow vehicle 12,077 0 (12,077) -100.00% Total Recurring Expenditures 4,438,000 4,219,558 (218,442) -4.92% Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures 0 (116,958) NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues N/A 0 0 0 #DIV/01 N/A 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Expenditures Pavement marking grinder 8,000 0 (8,000) -100.00% Maintenance facility storage unit 0 5,000 5,000 #DIV/0! Signal detection equipment upgrades 0 20,000 20,000 #DIV/0! Capital 45,000 0 (45,000) -100.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 53,000 25,000 (28,000) -52.83% Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (53,000) (25,000) Excess(Deficit)of Total Revenues Over(Under)Total Expenditures (53,000): (141,958); Beginning fund balance 1,705,244 �7 1,652,244 Ending fund balance 1,652,244- 1,510,286 � /' 101 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Finance Dept\budget summary 2015 06 04.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 5/26/2015 Stormwater Fund#402 2016 Budget 2016 2015 Proposed $ cya 1 Budget i , Budget Inc(Dec) Inc(Dec). RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues . Stormwater Management Fees 1,880,000 1,880,000 0 0.00% Investment Interest 1,500 1,500 0 0.00% Miscellaneous 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Total Recurring Revenues 1,881,500 1,881,500 0 0.00% Expenditures Wages/Benefits/Payroll Taxes 488,101 514,132 26,031 5.33% Supplies 15,900 15,900 0 0.00% Services&Charges 1,078,301 1,113,683 35,382 3.28% Intergovernmental Payments 42,000 67,000 25,000 59.52% Vehicle Rentals#501 4,167 11,000 6,833 163.98% lnterfund Transfers-out-#001 13,400 13,400 0 0.00% Total Recurring Expenditures 1,641,869 1,735,115 93,246 5.68% Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures 239,631 146,385 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Miscellaneous 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Expenditures Capital-various projects 600,000 500,000 (100,000) -16.67% VMS Trailer 16,000 0 (16,000) -100.00% I Maintenance facility storage unit 0 5,000 5,000 #DIV/0! Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 616,000 505,000 (111,000) -18.02% Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (616,000) (505,000) Excess(Deficit)of Total Revenues Over(Under)Total Expenditures (376,369) (358,615), Beginning working capital 1,933,564 X71,557,195 Ending working capital 1,557,195- 1,198,580 402 Spokane a Tab #1: Legislative _Valley. 2015-17 Legislative Agenda The following is the City of Spokane Valley's 2015-2017 legislative agenda,adopted by Council at their November 4,2014 Council meeting. Appleway Trail Project Seek $1,000,000 in funding in the 2015-2017 Capital Budget for the next phase of development of the former Milwaukie Railroad right-of-way as a unique, five and three-quarter mile green space and trail in the heart of Spokane Valley's commercial district.The$1,000,000 would assist in funding the section from Evergreen to Sullivan. The project is expected to increase use of the commercial corridor, benefit the economy and create new jobs. The project will provide a much needed route for non-motorized travel along Spokane Valley's principle east-west commercial arterial, connecting the Spokane Transit Authority Transit Center, business districts, schools, and medium-high density housing. Community members have been actively involved in development of a Conceptual Design for the project,which includes: a paved trail, plazas, play spaces and gathering places, public art, perennial gardens, space for community gardens, mountain bike trail, and lighting and safety crossings. The estimated project cost is $1,330,500 and the City will provide the balance of the necessary funding to complete this segment of the Appleway Trail. Protect the Local-State Shared Revenues The City of Spokane Valley encourages the state to preserve local state-shared revenues, and restore funding to those accounts revised and reduced during the last legislative session.These funds include the Liquor Excise Tax Account, Liquor Board Profits, Streamlined Sales Tax Mitigation, Municipal Criminal Justice Assistance Account, and City-County Assistance Account. In 2013, the Legislature permanently reduced local Liquor Excise Tax distributions to cities. In Spokane Valley, this resulted in approximately a 75% reduction ($437,486 in 2011 to $108,900 in 2014). The Legislature also capped the local government share of Liquor Board Profits at a fixed rate. The City supports restoring shared Liquor Excise Tax revenues; restoring growth in local Liquor Board Profits so that cities can share in the increasing liquor revenues; and, protecting and maintaining funding to other state-share revenue accounts. The City also requests consideration for receiving shared revenues in any and all new state programs where the City would have operating, enforcement, or financial obligations associated with the activities of these new programs. Additional Authority to Recoup Code Enforcement Costs The City of Spokane Valley seeks legislation to provide cities with additional tools to recoup costs for enforcing code compliance when a court order has been issued and a city performs the abatement itself or through a contractor. Reconciliation of Medical and Recreational Marijuana The City of Spokane Valley supports the reconciliation of the recreational and medical marijuana statutes. Medical marijuana remains unregulated and is not subject to the same excise tax as recreational marijuana. There also continues to be a strong incentive for individuals to abuse the medical marijuana system to avoid the higher prices and limited availability of the recreational marijuana. The City would support development of one system that would regulate medical and recreational marijuana, (including the elimination of medical marijuana), in Washington State. Additionally, the City would support State regulations which close gaps within current legislation: Vaping, edibles, oils and "private" consumption/facilities;and under age possession and consumption. Long Range Legislative Agenda Item Transportation Project—Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation (overpass/underpass) The City of Spokane Valley supports identifying future funding opportunities for the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation project. As the state experiences an increase in rail traffic, this particular intersection will become increasingly congested and dangerous. This project will separate vehicle traffic from train traffic and remove the at-grade rail crossing. The total anticipated cost is $29.2 million. The City has secured $5.84 million from the Washington State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board and the project has been identified as regionally significant by the Inland Pacific Hub Study.The City is able to contribute $2,909,000. Long-term, the City is seeking $20,451,000 in future funding for the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation. Additional benefits include: Improve the Level of Service(LOS) of'F' at this intersection, allowing for new development in the industrial-zoned portion of the City; improve emergency access; and help to address concerns about coal trains, including impeded traffic flow, increased whistle noise,and train-vehicle conflict safety. The City supports the Association of Washington Cities'legislative agenda items that serve the best interests of Spokane Valley. 000 000000 0 0 0 0 O O M M M M M M M O U)0 0 0 1 N N N N N N C0 M o t0 O N ON 0 0000000 N O m C0 CM U)m 0(0(0 O N L e7N M m(0 N M00000 m V M CMN V V V V VVVM m Nm .J v `v .... 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O.,- a E N Q M a) O O O M ONO O CO N O V 00(O O 0.N N M N N 0.0.O O C)O O O 10 0.0 0 0 m CO j P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\City Manager Dept\CM Council budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund 2016 City Council-Detail 001.011.000. Proposed Budget 000.511.60.10.00 Salaries &Wages 65,700 000.511.60.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 154,934 000.511.60.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 1,800 Paper, pens,files,folders,Workshop binders,ink cart., clips,sticky notes,labels. 000.511.60.31.03 Publications --�-------_-----_- ---: 250 0_. Liberty Lake Splash$50;Spokesman Review$200 000.511.60.31.05 Meeting Supplies 2,000 Workshops(2)$1000;Coffee$200;Water$200 Soda$200; Misc. $400 000.511.60.35.01 Small Tools& Minor Equipment 500 Eg:printer or new chair;standing desk 000.511.60.41.05 Professional Services 40,000 Lobbyist-Washington State 000.511.60.41.06 Professional Services 92,400 Lobbyist-Federal 000.511.60.41.13 Professional Services 30,000 Broadcasting-Council Meetings Granicus$8,000; Spokane Courier$1,000;Twisted Pair record/broadcast $1.00/minute---48 mtgs @ 3.0 to 5.0 hours recording time $21,000 000.511.60.41.17 Advertising 1,000 Lodging Tax Adivisory Notifications; Outside Agency Funding Notifications; Misc. 000.511.60.42.01 Postage 2,000 New Business Letters, etc. 000.511.60.42.03 Cell Phones 3,800. $540/ea X 7 000.511.60.43.1x Travel/Mileage 28,210 ($4,030 ea x 7 positions-Choose"from the following and/or share funds between eachother-Registration costs additional and noted below) DC trips-Air, lodging,meals National League of Cities(Spring) 2,500 National League of Cities(Fall) 5,000 Assoc.Wash. Cities Annual Conf. 1,000 Assoc.Wash.Cities Legislative Conf 1,000 Mileage-local average of all 4,800 000.511.60.48.02 Copier Maintenance 3,500: Cost of copies annually 000.511.60.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance • _ 475 000.511.60.49.01 Subscriptions 300 Spokesman Review;The Splash 000.511.60.49.02 Memberships 70,000 (dues determined by population size) National League of Cities 7,500 Association of Washington Cities , 62,500 • 000.511.60.49.03 Printing & Binding 500. Letterhead,business cards,engraving 000.511.60.49.1x Registrations 10,500 Page 1 of 2 P:\1. General Governance\Budget12016 Budget\City Manager Dept\CM Council budget worksheets 2016.xlsx :General Fund 2016 _City Council7 Detail 001.011.000. I Proposed Budget ($1,500 ea x 7 positions- choose from the following:) • I National League of Cities-2 events; i- Assoc.of Wash.Cities-2 events Chamber meetings .4____ — Convention Visitors Bureau • GSI I- _ - - Total: 507,869 Page 2 of 2 C o 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 ti c6 6 un- a)rn- a C m N m cc L 0 ymw .9- C O .. .. .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... 0.. .... ... .... ... .. 0 0 _ — O O O O Co O Vi Lo E g. a) N = ,co N ct L o� a) N m O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © U C O C O Zo N O N o O 6 rr C co, V O C N U E O = N o c O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 O O O O 0000000000000 O O O CC O n O O 0 0 O O O O 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 M O M O O O *- c 3 r M NPV'') Coco 6 COrDi n-n- M�V N 05 N. O r LL) O1 C) W a r r C r N a) N and W E C,_ N 7i O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 0 O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O Immo 8 O N c r— Cn O W O CD(S) 00 N O CD 00000 CO rOM N O CAO Q Oo U •- CO- V c V 6a) O O r❑i r rO W 6cs N M NM 6 o CDN N CO .--CO O CO r r CO V N N- r r C() O] ay V X O CC N p CC N (O o c co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o CD CD 0 0 o O o CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ry O n 0 0 O 0)Cn O CD O O N O(O 0 CD 0 0 0 M r 0 M Cn O Cn O .N-. c U r M M V (D V CO r� O O r Orr O O1 ui N CDM CV M O N M O N M a-CO 0 W r�M V Nh r r10 CC ,_ Y N m O NO O O O O O O O O CD O O O O 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m a o o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ar r C. o Cu, CCD 00 .1... ... .„.„.. 0 (no ID (O to CC r co C') V CD V CO n O O r 6,-r 0(D 6 CV CD M N CM O .0 p D.a N CO r CO 0 CO r r M t N N r r N o N O m V C9 a c N CD E. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O OO O 41O O CO 00 0 000 00000 CC)00 CD OO Q O CC) N O (O N CO O CO O O Cn O(O C C O o 0 N CO CO CD CO CD 0 0 O) r M N r O u)O O O r r N O M Ui 4 M ai N M O N N� P. oOr ry N r O r r r r c N m C sr to Z 0 LL C 5ci O 0 0 0 0 0 o CO O O O V N O1 o W V 0 0 0 0 0 0 V'O OI CO r M M Cn O O O O M O O Cn a O) Co co CD co r 0 0 N a7 CA CO O N N CO CD O CA V' O a7�a CO CO 0 CD r V N .-CD M r M V CD W c7 M M M r M M M CO O N M O N mi W r CD c(]r O ch 6`N M co-r co- N a CO co V M M h x-CD r CD O N Q m co O O CO MCC.- .O Cn O1 00M 01 CO 0 000004007C 0430N a)0 0 0 N CC O 0 CA M O M(D CO CO M N r 00000 V M U)CO N O 7 0 M M 0 M m M N CO CO N CT r r r tO O V CV r O r O 0 CD 0 W N V V N CO M M nr m CO O O 0- r d' M CD (MO N-C N 6 r M N r N N r M (C1 .,- o N U T n- m- oo @ Q c CC O O h 0)r CO O CO 0 O O CO 0 0 C O O O CO O O M C O O O a7 M M 0 M1 N O O O M CC)M O N C7 -4-Coon 0 CO N CD W CO (O CO CA Cr N CO CO N M O1 O a7 V CO O 7 N 73M M N N .t-C30 Cn 0 o O N CA r 0 CO CCC)O N ti V_ M M O M C fO O CO N r V N M N M N n O r N f�N~N N r0 O V rs r C N¢ (7 d a1 G % 0 a m E�__,a a m rn'5 0. rn 8 rn E Qco m 2 W a W.+�_' N CC c a) o 03 0 E c .�-`o .ir c c6 m.a m in m a) a) 2. m a a m m e m 6C)D el)C E c CC aci 0 0. 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' UG7ci o� O II > mL mm a o) w 0 c y(ddU 4N LL m 0 2 a 2 2 a7 ,-CO CO 0 N O) C F O 2 o C L O 3A 0 it#**Sk 4k E -C a N m a o '� U E LL Ur a V)...C"= a - O 00 0 0 0 o `)C > o 16 RI a. 0 g > > d a W w w w''%) Z (7 0 `m Q U >,aE ycccccc m m 0 UL a E E 'r 0 0 C7 C7 QD ¢W.U 0 0 Ll 12 I-F H I-I-1- H I- :° C 1 W M O O O O O O 0887-,(2 O E co co co CA N p)EO 0 V V V V W Nm O O O O O ` O (o O O O V CO,,,O c' OJ M1 OoMM7O77O) II — M c aa,O Co -OV)00)W C)) A W 7 N-Or)2 C W 0 L 0 C 0 c0 LO Lo LO 'C u9 N N u7 N N C C O 0 0 0 0 a D7 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o CO o 0 0 o 0 o C 0 0 0 0 0 0 J P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Finance Dept\GenGov budget worksheets 2016.xlsx 001 General Fund 090 General Government-Detail 2016 Proposed - — ! — -- - Budget , Recurring Expenditures Non-Departmental 000.586.10.00.00 SCRAPS Pass-Through Expense ( _ 1,100 -�monthly Internet fee through City franchise. Expense is offset I through reimbursement from SCRAPS �I Supplies ! j -- 000.516.60.35.01 PEG CoSV Small tools&minor equipment 3,700 -!cables,AV equip, tripod I 000.514.81.31.02 Business Registrations__ _ j 500 -I credit card fees;envelopes _ 000.517.90.31.04 Employee Recognition/Safety Program ; 3,000 -!employee recognition event&safety supplies(ie.defibrilator) ! ^_ 000.518.85.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment _ I 4,000 -IIT related supplies-laptop power supplies, cables,iPad accessories, etc. 000.518.85.35.11 Computer Hardware- Non Capital • 26,900 - Monitors, IP phones, Memory, Replace UPSs, backup tapes, etc. 000.518.85.35.12 Computer Software-Non Capital ; 34,500 -!Licenses-MS Office 2010/2013, MS Server 2012, Mitel, etc. 000.519.60.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies _ �j 15,000 -lkitchen supplies, calendar, copy paper,letterhead, toner, etc. Other Services& Charges 000.513.10.41.05 Contingency —j 150,000 -;City Manager directed for professional service related tasks or to assist City Depts with line-item deficiencies y _! 000.514.23.41.01 Accounting &Auditing I 80,000 - Annual audit by State Auditor&assistance with technical issues 000.518.10.42.01 Postage _ 1,500 !city mailings including AP checks, UPS, etc. 000.518.10.42.02 Telephone/DSL Service _ -;Telephone 000.518.10.42.03 Cell Phones _ _ ; 1,600 -;intemet access cards for IT and loaner Mi-Fi's 000.518.10.42.08 Internet Service ! 11,000 -!Internet access 000.518.10.49.00 City Wide Records Management { 10,000 -!Equipment and/or consultant 000.518.20.45.01 City Hall Rent 439,000 -I($35,511.52 x 3 mo)+($36,221.75 x 9 mo)+$6,000 CAM _ 000.518.30.48.01 Facility Repairs&Maintenance _ 5,000 -!Sidewalk snow removal&de-icer;minor work 000.518.75.48.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance-Hardware Support I 42,000 -Ilntrusion protection,Barracuda backup to cloud, servers, vls, firewall, etc 000.518.85.41.03 IT Support 28,300 -Ismer maintenance, telephone system, wiring, electrical 000.518.85.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance I 73,100 -;Annual maintenance fees on software(Eden,Laserfiche, etc.) 000.518.90.41.01 Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) _ j 2,000 - _ -I Dept of Rev-Business Registration fees _ 000.518.90.45.03 Equipment Rental _ __ 3,300 - Pitney Bowes postage machine meter rental($275 x 12) 000.518.90.45.03 Interfund vehicle lease I _ 500 Page 1 of 3 P:11. General Governance\Budget12016 Budget\Finance Dept\GenGov budget worksheets 2016.xlsx 001 General Fund _ 090 General Government-Detail 2016 Proposed Budget -'Replacement on pool van 000.518.90.49.06 Miscellaneous Services — _ { 10,000 _I Shredding charges, Bike helmets($3,000), etc. 000.548.66.45.01 Vehicle Rental j 1,500 -I Summer vehicles for inspectors 000.548.66.45.05 General Operating Leases: Computer { 51,000 - ;Lease of desk top and lap top PCs used by City staff I _ 000.550.00.41.00 Economic Development —_ I 10,000 - 'Spokane Regional Site Selector 000.558.70.41.17 City Economic Development ; 200,000 - 1 Promotion-Consultant/Study/Implementation 000.xxx.xx.xx.xx Outside Agencies-Social Svc. & Econ. Dev. 7 I 110,000 - ;Awarded through application process --- — ' 000.558.70.41.05 Contracted economic development —_ _ ! 40,000 - ;Awarded through negotiated process 000.566.10.41.06 Alcohol Treatment: Liquor Profits 20,000 T Paid to Spokane County per State statute Intergovernmental Services __ —_ 000.514.40.51.01 Election Costs 87,000 - !Per ballot issue/per capita allocation by Spokane County 000.514.90.51.03 Voter Registration __! 9.0,000_ - I Per capita allocation by Spokane County _ {� _ 000.518.90.44.03 Taxes and assessments I 7,500_ - 112.84%leasehold excise tax-precinct, bus benches 000.553.70.51.01 Spokane County Air Pollution Authority I 117,000 - I Air quality Capital Outlays 000.594.18.64.11 Computer Hardware-Capital ' 43,000_ - I servers, switches, routers, domain controllers 000.595.30.63.00 Construction- Pavement Preservation � 940,200 ;roily Cr pavement preservation projects { — Interfund Payments for Service 000.597.50.00.20 Interfund Risk Management Payment _—_ � 325,000 - City insurance premium transferred to Fund#501 000.597.50.00.20 Transfer out-#310 (bond pmt>$434.6 lease) — I 72,500 000.597.50.00.20 Transfer out-#310(city hall o&m costs) ; 271,700 Total Recurring Expenditures i 3,341,400 Paae 2 of 3 F.%I. iOI al vuvcl I ICU R+cwul&GLIZ v I v vuuycuU ...+.n..,,........ ....,......,. 001 General Fund 090 General Government-Detail 2016 Proposed Budget Nonrecurring Expenditures _Capital Outlays_ ` __ 000.594.11.64.02 PEG CoSV Broadcast-Software/hardware 12,500 - AV updates including mic's for large meetings 000.594.18.64.11 Computer Hardware-Capital 95,000 - 'Barracuda at CP-$20,000 - .Phase 2-Cisco 4510 switch @CH&CP-10 yrs old-EOL$36,000 - I SAN @ CenterPlace-$34,000 --i Network Attached Storage(NAS)Box-$5,000 000.594.18.64.12 Computer Software-Capital 13,000 - Lasefiche Eden extension Interfund Payments for Service 000.597.30.00.90 Interfund Transfer to Parks Capital Proj — 100,000 —!Parks capital$100,000 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures , 220,500 Total General Government 3,561,900 Page 3 of 3 C W D CD N U)O O O l!) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O CO O N Oh V CD C co2 N h O O N CO CO C) h h tNc 3 vvr'v .M... .,. - vm - 8 O N O)) u m a 'C a 0 CO) C CD O O co Tr U)O O O(C O O O O O O C)O O O O O O O N N C) O 0- -- ,:,.., 00.I V2 O N r vir v v N M CO 0) 0 O QC c O v�O)0 — v... N) V CJ O'O O O ` 'ci 15 ft ) D'6 Y^ C ))m C co O ON)N CC)O O O Cn C)0 0 C)C)C)0 0 C)CD CD 0 0 0 a 0 M 0 M '� N O O D O N if)CO h_. O O N O N o 3 Tr N�o N... - M 04 LIJ= ) p c Q. U d X ' ECO N O CO CO 0 CD 0 O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D O c O W N O C �pO CO CO p O M 000 O N O O O O U)C)O O N U) M O 2 O co O 7 O O O O CO O N O V O N O N O O(O O U) O O M O)U O h0 W N rN NV r 0 of r,7 D co v a v O d w co o.c c. CO f 11 }i O O M CO U)O O O N) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O.O CO o a N N O C O V N co)U)O O M a 0 0 CD N U)0 0 0 O O U)O h N N X O N M O O O U)0 0 O O N O'V co N O N O N O CD O O N O O ❑.a U ON rC') NrN �Ihr rrrr 6 ti O 7 0'06 NV co O N O O N m CU N U) d' O O ON C LA C CO O O CO U)0 0 C.O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O W e O (Op •O O O CO co03 O O O M 0 C)0 0 N U)C)O O O O C)O N C D CD O h V N COO lO OO ON O V' CD NONOOOOOM,r I- O U) 3 M (0M rN N<-CO- fes'- (V rMr NO W v CCD C) M N C- CO O ✓ CG C c 3CD O h CO C)0 0 CD 0 O O C)C)0 0 0 0 0 0 co co 0 0 0 co Me o O p o 'o co O N CD O CO C)OU) O O O O N 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 NCA C) O C) co O O N)) NOR co OOO M ONCO V' O N O N OOO O O CO V M N O 0 CA O N O) r r M N r(D 0 h 7- N r 06 r N h 4 s- s- U N O a V C1 0 N co r h 7 CD CI. (u N M co N O co o a o00 0000000000000000 M II II O (p co O O N h O O O O O O O O co N O O C)a a O O O N t co O Cv) C N N N h r co OOO co O N OO CD O O N OOO O O MCO M N N 0 W co O m cV N M .-M (V r CO r r Di (h r O aS C C) Co O'O CO CO N N 1) .2 N 03 O C C U — IV cn 0)o o T 7 CD h co O 0OO N CD h'd' OOO N ONCC CA CD OO O) V' 2, C1 O O co coCOM CO O N N OO CDN) OO CO O N O CO O C CD r.V_h v.) O O N N M O M(.O O M O CD co f6 O U) O 'r lg_ co-r O N co O]M N O r CO F CMD O 0 0 N r tOn) C S N¢ 71. O N a E O O co p co CD CD C'M CT m N N N O O M r O N O O O O M O 0 O co O co N co r M CD CO O O N d' (D N N r d' Cr! r 7t V 07 h CO V N CO CD M CO CO CO CD O N O N C M = CO N?V M M N'V r N.-- N' C) cco O O O U) co C N Q > O O 00 vo a)U)V CSO CONco O D 0 00 O Q)O O 6)V O CD N U)CO C)OD O N N N N V CA 0)N U)0-00 0 C) O N CD O C)O) N COW CA CO O O h O h CO O)r V N C•j C r N r N Crj h Cfi r u'i r CV U) co N O M CO C. N¢ -:-.. m O VC C Cl) C C O. C [O C (o E c m E M Y U C n C Y ra. >d CC Q o. ' T coC "6 O' m U) C w Cl) Cn w C ) o w o a CO O U C O [A C co X G N (9 -o c y 'z U m 0 c'm cci) w m $J 0. C e 2 0� (!J �j (U N N N C y O j OPS CQ 01 Cn O CC C U C a g C O O to 2 j SI X d C dN C m)U a) 0) N'Ca J 2Lm O N a U O LL > c mFm Op(!l °o gNovoogMmnmof�K � C m U3 rn F '0 Z 0).c t� m (u rn,,xS- O y N E- C N L' C6 O.D. >) N N C N 2 N Cl) N mc3 � rn � � m� 0 > rn,C= >'Q � Ec'rnCy 9 C d r C (D > N d C E ,_'C C o 0) N E 0 0 0'C N-'- Si O X•- f9 W U 'y�Oa Oa2cn Na¢JaI-OF-O CO C/) a�� I- CID H c a) m m `m N m s X v m MO (6 CO 050 r-co NM N M NM V.OCD ~0 03 C) 0 0 0 0 0 O r O O C)O C)O O O O O O O =0 d N N N M 6 C6 6)6 0)6m 6) `O orN M MMM C)srV V V V V'7 V'C-V V'V'd.V V Cco R 6 O Cj 6 0 0 0 Z.6 0 0 0 6 0 O 0(J O O Oa_6 O Cn ,- ,- N- 7 NCh v6(7 dM CO M M NCh MMM M M MMMM MM N)N)M 000 2 g g gQ O O 0 0 C 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O co CCA G O 6 C7 O . C)CD C7 CD C)CD C>(7 CD O C)CJ O CD C D D G r OC, �fR 0 0 o =0 0 C)O 0 C)0 0 C)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z OO OOO 3f 000 CO CD CD00 0000000000000000 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\City Manager Dept\CM Council budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund 2016 City Manager-Detail 001.013.000. Proposed Budget 000.513.10.10.00 Salaries &Wages 449,436 000.513.10.10.99 Overtime 2,200 000.513.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 199,827 000.513.10.31.01 Office &Operating Supplies 1,300 Paper, pens,files,folders, binders, ink cart., clips, sticky notes etc 000.513.10.31.03 Publications 550 Books, Manuals&Reports re: city function-(International City/County Manangement Assoc., National League of Cities,Assoc.Wash. Cities) 000.513.10.31.05 Meeting Supplies 500 000.513.10.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 1,000 new label maker,standing desk, etc. 000.513.10.41.05 Professional Services 22,000 Consultants,title searches, bond counsel, and Code Publishing services(includes Comp. Plan publishing) 000.513.10.41.17 Advertising 1,200 City produced brochures (Was$7070 in 2014 but moved $6500 to Legal Notices for more appropriate line item detail.) 000.513.10.41.18 Legal Notices 6,500 Clerk's notifications: Free Press Publishing, Spokesman Review,Journal of Business 000.513.10.42.01 Postage 400 (new business letters charged to council budget) 000.513.10.42.03 Cell Phones 620 Cell$580, Gov. Emergency Cell Card$40 000.513.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage* 15,250 DC trips-Air, lodging, meals x 2 6,000 International City/County Management Assoc.-2 sponsored 850 events-Mileage/air, lodging, meals Assoc.Wash. Cities conf.; meals,lodging,air-2 events 800 Wash. Municipal Clerk Assoc.-clerk's conf. City Clerk(CC) 3,000 /Dep. City Clk(DCC). International Institute of Municipal Clerks-flight, hotel, 500 meals for CC/DCC, Professional Development(Certifcation for DCC) 500 City Manager car allowance 3,600 000.513.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 7,000 Copying, paper,toner, mailing chgs pro-rated by Dept code 000.513.10.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 1,200 Adobe Creative Suite; MS Project; 000.513.10.49.01 Subscriptions 500 manuals/periodicals pertaining to Gov.function 000.513.10.49.02 Memberships 2,500 Page 1 of 2 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\City Manager Dept\CM Council budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund 2016 City Manager-Detail 001.013.000. Proposed Budget International City/County Manangement Assoc. Wash. Municipal Clerk Assoc.x2 International Institute Municipal Clerks x2 Wash. City/County Management Assoc. &Civic Org 000.513.10.49.03 Printing & Binding 1,000 letterhead; business cards, envelopes, (Code Publishing has moved to Professional Services) 000.513.10.49.04 Registrations/Training 3,000 Wash. Municipal Clerk Assoc. Wash. City/County Management Assoc. International City/County Management Assoc. International Institute Municipal Clerks Professional Dev. Local registrations 000.513.10.49.05 Filing & Recording Fees 1,000 City Clerk document filing fees 000.513.10.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 320 Total Executive 717,303 Page 2 of 2 C O O C)C)O O O O O C) O N O O O O O O O O O O N N O CO OO) C CMO COMI N CO0 CO N- O t N o 3 air vv v O C O m as c sx 0. 0 NC 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O V 0 0 0 0 C)CD 0 0 0 0 7 V r� -- O O O m M M M CO O)O i� O CA O 01 CD CO CO M CO mmm C o 3 C N ._.r C N CD O 73, a) N co C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N O C)0 0 0 0 0 m a O aD CO VD V O O O v v co cs N 0 V CO U U N' _ 7. C 1 M K O C N Q7-4 E N Vc0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N)O Ln 0 O CO CD 0 0 0 CO CA o O N N O N r 0 O N Nr-O O r CO O O N N O O fA M N O r O r O V N0 O r O N an O N O TUc U N M r N O N O r W r r(V M N- a)15 co c) = "CD M CO 7 G m N ge OO,L Q `r C O 1 o NM O O N O 1�r O 00 O . o N-N �O OrCDSOO CO N. v-O-U N(i V O r O O r r r yN O O r V O N.1 N r O N N N CD r Cr r r N Le,- . NOM CO CD 7D m FL,cm K N c) X O O CO O OCD OOOOO O CO un CD a)0000000 CA CO c O C00.1000 O N r 0 CO N CO N O O r CD O O CO N (P M OC)N O r CO CD r co V N O CD r C O N CO CO CO O O N U N�M d'r N r r N CV N O r CA r r N O CO J (p O N O] M CD a) M N CO L CC f)O 0 O O O O O O O O O O N)C)O CO 0 0 CO CO 0 0 0 u) 0 0 a O N O CO O CO N-r o O O N-O,- ,- (0‘-0)0O CO 0 NO 0) N m M OCA N M r <0 O U)N V N CO CO r V O CA O N C3) O O a O NO C)) N M 7r N r N N N O r 61 T-T-M O 0) C6 r = o d a CO O N CA 0 O N- S] S] N O N co 7 m a` ea a) J a a) O CA O O N O O O O O O CC)O O LO O O N O O O O N CT II NI ❑ O N O CO CO O r 0 V O CO CO O N O OD CA O CO CO O O N 6N ON O O)CA M N CC) O CC)O CC)CO r CO x 0 0 0 CO CO O N 0) O) CC)V rC N NMr COr CA rr M 0) C6 (a J N a N O N M O N- V (1 U -6-7 CO C C_ (U - co m O = 0 N CO O CO CO CO N O O CO O N CO O N V O O CO O m u)CC)CA O N a C1 C M N CA C) O CO 7 CO M CA d'N CO CO 0)N O M CO C M N R 0 o r CO r r co r r cr co 0)co O O N tp C O�. V = V O{r N r N C Cn r C(J r N Ti.: 'O O N t N O M V d) CA ¢ C 7 E m OO N O O N(O CO N-O O N O(A CO N CO N O N Ln N O V N CJ U m N V O CO N CO r N M O r N V O M CO CO O V CN r N CO D) N N O CO o r CT 0 V'O 0 O N CO C J O(O O r N r NO r M r O r r r C o N CU CO O N d C < N COct O 0 O V N 000 CO O O N N O O O N CO M O V M O O u) CO N-CO M.+ O CC') N (A m M O V N O N O V r u) CO C V Q) y O N M O CD rr CO N N N r O) O N N J O O r r N N r N r 0).--r N CA V lj Nt V N N Or r V Q N M a 0 O a) a a y C a c m U) a) c ) c E a) m w a E co>w o S m w wc w a a°)i O U U 0 LL. d 'O X C T 2 c O as Ol J N I- <0 C0) 03 Cll C V b N N- N 0 J 61(7) N to co .75 C R X O O a C m 0 C N C J C L O a) t6 Cl - N m LL W - N N =O 00 a) 4 N 2 2 4 0 ra EX m a) '- = rn F>a 0iii I- c_ N m Ca U 0 J U A C 0 O.E C U as E d Y (9 O L 3 9 cp CA C'C w y K y g O a? > > E a o 0 0 = o m o O W J ma c OaCC cn b6 Jaa F-C)00 0 0:I- N- N X U 0)0 0 CO C3 CO V CO N CO N V 0 r- 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 C)0 y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (U NM cdO CA 6 6 CA CA OE a-N a-ON M M M M 07 V V V V V d'V'V 7 d'7 N N N N N N N N Z N N N N N N N N N N N N M M M M N M M M M y co M M Mm M co M M MCO M N CC) CO ui CC) 0 O u0 6 CO U)CO ui N CC)N CC)CO Nn 6 CO CD u) O o CD u)O a CO an CO 0 d N CO CO an CO u)CO CO O an CO LO75 M N la CC)to 6 u) a 6 6 CC)C� t CC)6 U5 CC)CC)CC)u)ui 6 CC)6 ui 0 O y 000 o u)40 00 o OOOOOOOOOOOOO O O O P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Legal Dept\Legal budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund 2016 Legal-Detail 001.013.015 Proposed Budget 015.515.32.10.00 Salaries&Wages 267,900 Attorney, Deputy Attorney and Administrative 015.515.32.10.99 Overtime 0 015.515.32.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 103,326 -I FICA, medicare, L&1,PERS . 015.515.32.10.01 Intern Wages ( 24,000 015.515.32.20.01 Intern Payroll Taxes and Benefits —1 1,980 includes 2 legal interns who do research and code 1 :enforcement - enforcement cases so attorneys can focus on more critical tisues _ 015.515.32.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies — _ 1,330 -I Hanging files 40 -'File Folders _ 40 - Expand folders 40 -I Letterhead Envelopes j 100 -'Envelopes-Clasp 2 boxes ; 40 -'Labels 4 rolls J_ 90 -'Avery labels and dividers 30 -'Pens-various types&Highlighters ! 90 .- -'Name Plates/Business Cards _ I 100 . -'Tape,binder clips 30 -'Print Cartridges _ 90 -13 ring binders 75 -'Stamps/Refill Ink i 40 -1 Index tabs 55 —1 Legal pads,post-its j 90 -'Fasteners, staples 80 -I Misc V j_300 015.515.32.31.03 Publications _ 1 170 -'Supplements and Handbooks _ 170 I 015.515.32.32.01 Fuel L 101 10 Gas for Van 015.515.32.35.01 Small Tools& Minor Equipment I T 500 -'Desk equipment,scanner and miscellaneous office tools 015.515.32.41.03 Spokane County GIS i j 2,500 015.515.32.41.04 Legal i 1 51,762 -'Outside Counsel for things such as moratoriums, shoreline, i 'adult entertainment enforcement;expertise issues and 'timeliness. {I 015.515.32.41.05 Professional Services j I 2,475 -f Eastern Washington Attorney Service(Code Compliance) i 675 - Private Investigators _ 1,500 1 -'First American Title ' 300 015.515.32.42.01 Postage i 1 200 -'stamps - I -1 Page 1 of 2 P:11, General Governance\Budget\2016 BudgetlLegal Dept\Legal budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund • 2016 Legal -Detail 001.013.015 Proposed Budget 015.515.32.43.01 Travel/Mileage-choose from: j j 6,615 -I Washington State Association of Municipal Attorneys 2,750 Conference(2 Attorneys)-air,mileage, hotel, workshops '(These vary from year to year as in past years some have been held in Spokane and Coeur d'Alene. This year they are both longer distances for travel costs.) - Washington Cities Insurance Authority Conference-hotel, 370 mileage, workshops - Labor Relations Conference-mileage, hotel, workshop 695 I _ -!Courthouse, meetings incl.parking i 9001 'Legislative trips to Olympia ; 15001 i Miscellaneous Seminar-Example mining issues, solid 4001 Iwaste, manjuana regulations,land-use,etc. j 015.515.32.48.02 Copier Maintenance __ j I 1,600 -{Copying, paper, toner, mailing charges pro-rated by j !Dept code. _ — ___� 015.515.32.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance ; 1 110 - Mass 360 Licenses ) i- 015.515.32.49.01 Subscriptions I 9,468 -I Westlaw(Legal Research) j Guaranteed 3%increase for 3 years expires in 2015 and we we contacted Rheuters and were told we could count on `:, j3% at renewal for 2016 as well j 015.515.32.49.02 Memberships ; 1,015 -;Washington State Bar Association($370 per attorney) 7451 -1 Washington State Association of Municipal Attorneys ($30 60 per attorney) � ; -1 Spokane Bar Association($105 per attorney) 2101 015.515.32.49.04 Registrations ; _!_ 1,990 - Labor Relations Conference ; 2701 !Washington State Association of Municipal Attorneys I 920; 'Conference(2 Attorneys in Fall($230 each)and 2 attorneys I in spring($230 each) -j Washington Cities Insurance Authority Conference _-; 50 f -1 Public Records Seminar 250 _ -Miscellaneous Seminar-Example Shoreline issues, solid ! 500 j waste, manjuana regulations, etc. �— — 015.515.32.49.05 Filing &Recording Fees _ � ; 3,000 - Filing Complaints and recording judgments as liens(Code 2500 Enforcement is the majority of these)as well as deeds, etc. (Current filing fee for cases is$240 per case. Could be increased to as much as$290 per case in the near future.) Service by Publication(1 service @ approx.$500 each) 1 5001_ -- Total : 479,951 Page 2 of 2 D.-0 CD 0 CO N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 OO O O O CON N C o 0 COCD O CO M CO CO CO CO cr). ._, r co N o 3CD O) (O N ._. �. CC CA a 0) N COC Ix L 4 U V N C N O r O co CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O D O 0 0 C0 O O O O V co V O co Cp .. 4 CO o CO CO n CD CO c o O .MN.. r vNI- OC J O C c g O j .E C) N m CO O M O M N 0 CO 0 0 0 0 CO CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO CO to O p (^D CN O(O O o CO V O v O N 0 a) — `- Q W co N v 4a 2 0 ce y E 0.l N EO C L n O t O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O c O O N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N fD 2' .�2 O O CC CO N CO O CO N N 0 O VD O MCO r O CO CA O O N o C CO N CO N CD N 05 N N CD N V m ,,AA cn 5 CA-O V L0 CO co YJ -a O N co K `V Il c N 0 T O O r O CA CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O C O C 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 C CO e m c o OM CO o 00 0 00 0 0 000000 0o CO O � 0 N � N OCOC M N MO_ CO �N CO O COOMCO 1-CD CO(A � O 'O o U l: CC C O N CO (V c6 (V CV air: Ocd O (O-O .Oy. LC) p co N m C) 2) CO K N N O C N YO c CO O ee}�O CO O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C C e 00) V N COCON M C coV N N COO O COO O M COO N C COO V O O g COr o f tD th r 6- ,-, r r N r r CO (V MT N N CD W M Q) M L CD CO CO co X .O N Q N O V O CO N o 0 0 0 0 0 O O O o 0 co 0 0 0 0 0 C)0 O 0 co 0 0 0 N o 0 'O co CD 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O 0 C)0 0 0 0 O O O OD U O N O r toO W r N MO CO CO r CN CD O C)O C CO NO OO co N.3 O) O CO OO CO 5- co r N N (O co- N N CO 7. Ci M C N mC CD N- ._, CD 0 CO Cm .Z_+ 0O(A O C)CA 0000000 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O C V CO II II C D O O I r 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N O U (A O(O W V O r r CO 0 CO Cn O CO O CO O O r O O r CO 4)CO CO CO CO_ 4 'c;-0 C CO O N .- r (V (V [V M r M r r r CO"s- a Nm C r CO CD ) O N c C IO o CA V "3 CO O co O O co CA O co co O C O1 O t`r 0,0 N CO V N O N C CA CO O V M O s CZ CO O ti N co r co co 4 C N M CO CA r CO N CO O r CO O C O C 'V CD N r r r NCO C d'CO r r Or�r CO O fA CD V C C 3 0 (fl 0) N CD 0 ,f co) coCCco O O O< CCOO r V CO ~ C N Ja O) E CC O 3 co C co O O N M O O N N C)CO M O O o O N r O CO 0 0 0 CO CO O N C- 0 coO C O O CO CO CO N CA C� C O)r N V CO Cs Vs CD CD C �C m CO CO r CDC co ? r r C N n N r r r 0 CD of r co-CO Ci co o V M CA 00 N CO CO C N Q N O 0 CO CO C O O CO 0)000.4-000 CO 0)N CO O O O CO O CO C N CO CO CC)W O O CO 12 N r O CO CO N CO N CO N V CO C C CO 0)N N N CO CO O O V r CO 0) r 0 r 0(D CO r CO C CO CO CO r Ds O CD O CI)0 N j N N C r C7 N r N M CO M c 0 N< C 0) V C d N LL V ? C CD S.. .N-. C C C N CC d C6 N C a C m o. c m ? pa) u E N c •` m d a Q m (o O W U r2 2 a) N 71.. 2. W cel C Z` C am X � C6 2 DT) N U C` mm IDC V C6 U p c N CO Q m - C ,y v N2c ° N eNOOdC0 c a c m6wnc i 6 C a p ` Nt N - 0 76 (/) y 7 w ix C U C Qm C 0 7 CO CS07 TO 0 C C N o(n C03J L, Q 0 y g a)F d o a N°'w (u o o °rg c 2 a o rn ' O1E Y ra y Ti 3 o) o c E m•0 a) c o m > d d-0 > m a _2 E c rn m ao a a° a m > m ° .52 9 6) 3 E o a°•O O N N N C6 0.0 0 0 0'C- 6) CC 000 COa E c 00. u-(nz c00_a0.H0 r0Um(n2aXra m a N L ) U F O W O C CO M Ca M CO N M C O N M N M C N O O 0)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O C C C NCd N CV N N CO CO C C)ODOOOD N M COMM V V CCC;V C V.V;V C C CC V V V C C O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z O O O O O O O O O C O C O C o co 0 N d H m riM 6Ci 066 COi 6 Ciro NCiMCi 6 CO Ci 6 6(+i Ci Ci 6 n7 CO Ci Cim N CO CC)CO CO CO a CO CO CO CO Ti;CO W CO N CO CO CO CO CO CC)CO CO CO to CO co CC)CO CO m CO M R M M C)CM C) st C)M C)M C)C) t CO M Ci C7 M C1 CM C)M 6 CC 6 6 6 M C)M O 0 C. 3 0 0 0 0 0 to co co 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 Cl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 C.0 P:\1.General Governance\Budget12016 Budget\Deputy City Manager\DCM Ops budget worksheets 2016.xisx -- General Fund2016 ._ Deputy City Manager-Detail Proposed 001.018.013. Budget 013.513.10.10.00 'Wages 480,7321 013.513.10.10.99 ,Overtime 01 013.513.10.20.00 :Payroll Taxes and Benefits 168,9641 013.513.10.10.01 Intern wage 9,6001 013.513.10.20.01 Intern gyro!!taxes and benefits ( I 806 013.513.10.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 1 1,200 1 Hanging files,file folders,envelopes,labels,pens, 1 batteries,print cartridges,3-ring binders,calendars, _� 1 supplies for Valleyfest and City Hall at the Mall 013.513.10.32.01 !Fuel ! ( 300 , 013.513.10.35.01 'Small Tools&Minor Equipment j ( 1,000 I 'Desk equipment,camera equipment(PIO),Misc. f I 013.513.10.41.03 !Spokane County GIS -__ L 2,5001 013.513.10.41.05 Professional Services ( 1 01 lAdvertising I Jn/a 1 I, 1 013.513.10.41.17 1 _1,200 City Hall at the Mall 1,0501 1 IPSA submissions to CMTV 12@$10 1261 1__I Valleyfest booth registration 251 013.513.10.42.01 !Postage i { 200 'Miscellaneous -II 013.513.10.42.03 'Cell Phones/Emergency phone cards ( ! 1,60 12 @$540 each+$480 for iPad ( ( 1 1 - 013.513.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage ! ( 6,0001 j FEMA master PIO 1,500 11CMA _ _ 900 I Analyst 1 1,8001 j Misc _ 1 1,800; 013.513.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance i I 3,000 IPer copy fee for maintenance&toner($.065/color& j I i j$.008/bw) 1 1 013.513.10.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance I 13,0001 1 Adobe Creative Suite software license 1 1,0001 1 j Qscend web software 1 10,500_ I I E-gov I 1,500 013.513.10.49.01 Subscriptions _ 300 1 Spokesman Review-online 431 1 Journal of Business 105 I I Current 13 I Miscellaneous ! 100 013.513.10.49.02 Memberships ( 2,500 I 3CMA ( 400 1 ICMA 1 1,200 I AICPA 1 2501 1 Notary 100 1 Inland NW Partners 1 150 1 Valley Chamber 400 013.513.10.49.03 Printing&Binding I 2001 1 letterhead;envelopes;business cards i , 013.513.10.49.04 Registrations/Training ( 1 2,000 -% I FEMA master P10 1 01 ICMA ! 4001 Analyst I 8001 1 Misc ! 8001 Page 1 of 2 P:11.General Governance\Budget12016 Budget\Deputy City Manager\DCM Ops budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund i . 2016 Dep ty CitY Manager-Detail Proposed 001.018.013. —— Budget 013.513.10.49.10 IPublic Information i j 18,5001 13 Hot Topic newsletters inserted into SR&VNH j 4,380 f j 1 Hot Topic newsletter mailed j 11,4141- City Hall at the mall/State of the City 2,704 Total ; _ I '; 713,602 Page 2 of 2 N O M CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m 0 O r h 0 h CO c j � M O N... r W O V R U O U O�oO o0L0D 00000 000000000000 0 C^ 0 CO NN = O cooo 2e, 3 V V=05 r .N.. 6 _rr tt rt co V O'S' Q, 0) p j m C O h C 0 O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O N V •V2. Om O C7ICI; (NO V o V W 1 fU a N cQt V v.-•CO .7...-- v „" M = W .2 20 U E C 0 U O �0 10 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O W e \Y/ (,Y 0))rn CL)Off)v o 0 00 0 CD N.m 0 0 m CD o O o N U CD LD N Ce.0 CD N r M CO- r CO 0 r Oj = v m O,C C N ')-0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O c o N o O O N M O O O O O 0 O O O O O M 0 D r 10 0 CD 0 O 0 h f0 0 CO LD l0 r m 0 0 0/ 7 (A LD m N r 'V'M r m N cg C() CO h M r N X N C w O X N D '� 0 O N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N c C p p O d. 0 p 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 O V N O N 00.-- O o O h LO O NCO O CO r N 0p N -. 3 Q ) m O ti m (D N r- C7 .-CON 6 O '17, 00 h m M r N L ,- 6 O 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0..,:i7'N "O —0.0 O h co O O 00000000 0 co LO M O 0E15 N CD OO)N 0 0 O N 0 V W 0 D CO M 0) r m d 0m r 0N m m N r LO M +—(P �' O a M N N CO J D N O m m CO N N r 8 a CO C D. LO O mM 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000 CO (P 0 0 h m II II o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA 0) h D 0 Cl) r 0 M V0 0 LD CO V'm 0 Ln M M m N U) .1 N o"O CD+- CN WD N- m m N r U)M r 0) = NO CV W., Nr CCU Cl)C C _O N -2 CO 0) 0000 0)0 et CO 0 .-00000000.000 O h 9 0- '0 C N N- M O)O V N-CD CC V M CO CO m N M _ C D �,@ 0) M N CO CO 0) CO LD LO r CO V N N) Ln h .f0 C CO O 4 N ci C Q COr M N +-0) M m 0 .m N U h M O O ~ U) o a r r m 0 E N O 0 0 N 0 m CO 0 U) o V 0 0)'d'0)Ln 0 h O m h 0 CO 0 M M N ChD h r Co co co co'Cr LCO CO N 0 c+'vt N N D CO 0.5‘.5 r 0) N � C) O 0 r' 0)O N N r 0 C N Q h N O 0) r C N > V•h 0 00)000 0 d'O 0 CO LO h CO LD r V CD UC +-CONN N 0 CO N CD CC000000 CO ONhr Or m0 000 CO CO N0) m CD CO N 7 V W O r h r M M D m O N N N Q N m D' 0 _ N a 2 O O W U) C) N 0 ? E w a � ma Z D CUOC mW C m 0 O O mUD UO U $ C G N Q 0 fco C N N CN U ( N 0 N 0cCCECO E 20 OO ° 02. OLONY 71' a 012 oD Vo• CC 4'22 0 -.— ECo _ Tg yo_um1aii . A to C BOLL om,w ddaOi=u02m•�rm M `m N t C3 co OE l0 CO N N'7 CO h fA ~O W O 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d N N 0 N m m of Di CA Oi O` N 0 0 M 00'•) .0•7.0,1—.7.0.V.4-4-4.0,1" CCC' 6060 Z MMM M M P•)6 MMM o a N N N w0000 0 N N N N N N N N N N 0 N-i44 •dV'C1'4 0441"1-44,r4446 N LO LO CDa u]N LD U) t o Ln 0 0 m m Lo m o LO M Cp d' 04.:1"o: aa'.1:VV .0 V V V V V• 1 V d• o:V v 0 o 0 0 M n..,-,--,-- 0 0 0 0.--0.--.....0 0 0 000 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Finance Dept\Finance budget worksheets 2016.xlsx 2016 General Fund Finance-Detail i 001.018.014. Proposed Budget 014.514.23.10.00 Wages —�{ ( 839,601 014.514.23.10.99 Overtime { 1,000 014.514.23.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits � { 381,979 -I FICA, medicare,L&l, PERS 014.514.23.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies ( 6,000 - Hanging files ! 1001 -!File Folders j 3001 -!Expand folders ; 2001 _I Env-Clasp 2 bx;1 bx coin j 300! -i Tablets, envelopes i 1,0001 -iPens-various types 200; - Print Cartridges ! 5001 -(Asset tags 200 -j Toner for copiers/printers I 2001 -13 ring binders(OS Agency and Lodging Tax) i 3001 -(Calendars-desk/wall j 3001 -i Chairs { 1,3001 -1 Check stock I 5001 -!All other j 1,100 014.514.23.41.05 Professional Services ! I 2,500 - LTGO Bond post compliance consultation with bond counsel! 014.514.23.42.01 Postage _ ! 1,700 {mailing Accounts Payable checks to vendors, outside -!agencies and lodging tax correspondence _ { 014.514.23.42.03 Cell Phones ; ! 600 -;One cell-phone for IT after hours support j I 014.514.23.43.01 Travel/Mileage ( 5,400 -i Washington Finance Officers Assoc conference-3 { 1,9221 -IIT training-3 classes j 01 -j Governmental Finance Officers Assoc(GFOA)-3 2,7961 -IACCIS conference _ 682 014.514.23.48.02 Copier maintenance { { 3,800 I Per copy fee for maintenance&toner($.065/color& -1$.008/bw) 014.514.23.49.01 Subscriptions J ! 500 -(Government Officers Finance Assoc(GFOA)newsletter -!Govmmental Acctng Standards Board newsletter ! ( Page 1 of 2 P:11. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Finance Dept\Finance budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund i — —___� 2016 Finance-Detail I 1001.018.014. � Proposed Budget 014.514.23.49.02 Membership � i 1,500 i Washington Finance Officers Assoc(WFOA)-2 -memberships @$50 ea I Governmental Finance Officers Assoc(GFOA)-2 -!memberships @ 200 ea -I WA Society of CPAs-3 @$225 ea -j American Institute of CPAs-1 @$225 __- -f ACCTS-1 membership-@$100 014.514.23.49.04 Registration 9,300 -i Washington Finance Officers Assoc conference-3 j 1,2001 -!IT training-3 classes 6,500 -j Governmental Finance Officers Assoc(GFOA)-3 1,5001 _ -!ACCTS conference 100; Total: 1 1,253,880 Page 2 of 2 O O O O O O O O O CO 0 0 0 O N O O O co CO CO O CO CO o M 0 N- co CO CO CO CO CO co CO 15 N- N- N 1(] co Cry0 N N OD CO y U M.CO N-. u r.. N—N.. N N co II d O C w CU L 0 0 o00 000 CO CO 000 CO CO 0)n 000 o CO CO 33 O CO CO CO M CO 0 MM CO CO 0 CO CO _ v CO CO CO CO CC) CO CO I"-N CO CO o U N.i M-+v r, V ''ww --E-fl-O II ..-. ... �J U ri, CC CP CII o O-g 0y ca C 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 CO 0 0(O O(0 0 0 0 0 CO CO O E. o M0�O ` MMNrN e ND M O N N d O N CD x W N M CO C C EC O d U E CD o c 4�OD o00 00000000000000 CO CO a E L ` g rn00) v v CO e 0 co-coo N N m O > CO CO N N CO = mE cc O L C, CO 3 'V'0) 0 0 0 O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO C0 c CO C CO CO CO CO CO CO (O CO CO CO CO CO CO I- M ✓ O N .2 CO C CO CO V co_co CO CO co N 0O CO I- O `Vr Or'?�Q co co co r o O N CO Cl) Co K O Cul N X co C V CO'co 00O O O O O O O o o O O O O O o OO o O •)CO CO CO CO 0000 010 00 00 CO CO G Ot`o N ORO �_O n N O� CO M y tr)a CMO O C0MV f V CO r ` N v CO CY L Yy 3 II sr V CO O O O O o O CO o O CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO V' d Qui up CO CO CO CO0 ti COl CO LO COO 00)COiO CON CON CON CO0 0)W CO CO 00 0) M CO O M CO N N r N N N C O O O O.0 CO(ON N N Om .0L CC IC T. Q O CO CO OOO O CO 000000 CO O O CO O W I� II II O CO CO CO CO CO N CO CO O CO CO CO CO h N CO CO CO O (p CO r r r CO'CO CO CO CO m CO O Cr M CO M N N 2 r O I-O CO 1`W N r r N V d d CO 1:, l0(0 N N c c O N m d u N C 'o al'o COO> 0 V CO M M CO O V t0 N d'CO CO CO CO CO CO CO N N 7 .0-0 V CO C0 N r N 0)O)CO CO CO N CO CO 0) N O) 0) CO �, 0 0 0 CO CO M o)O co Cn r CO r (D O O CO =o CO O i f c4 vi r i 0 N U CO 0 CD CO N H CO N¢ N N0 0 Z 0 CO N O N O O 03 0 0 N co I'`N N 00) of M CO CMOD r r M CO r(ID V CO COO C co S W CO M COVN M t0 O CO M I-COM CO o M 0 (O r co" r (V O NQ Co co(0 CO CO 1- CO CO CO M CO CO N CO CO CO CO V CO 0) C)O lU co C0 CO CO CO O Cc)N C CO m CO CO co N N- O O N M V ,1-s- CO CO CO sr r co-r th N N sF Ci a N Q r r N d U 2. O d 'y N C y ',2 CO ▪ O N d C y y CC - _ d N 7 C d N d 0 C 0) U_ 0 co 0 olo -0 i II co (6 U) L-' C d C Q 0 o N CO d d CO CO y d C C O C� CO CO o co N C C 0-C O 2 CO C y N is )( a C CO U CO'd O L O d CO E LL O I- otS O N d O 2 5-N Cd m O j. _ CO . . d y'C O d d d U-2 N d C O d C0- @ d d 2>. 8- (0 d d ..�+ ] y E U C d f0 0 O E coo O ' Fla'.a C CI C 00-3 d N E O 001 dna OIi LQ IL UF0 CO IGLU Hui r C>5'V'CO N M N N d'CO h co O O O CO y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O d N N(h co o CA of CT co of O` N M M 0 V'C V CO''CO CO d;'CO V'00 st'C'7 0 0 0 O O 2 O O C)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD O O N.a ID N(C)00 fp a1 ai(O LO W OD ai lT)CD(f0 OD a)G0 W CO LO 3."CO N Ul(a CO(n Cn Lo(D u)(O(n In In 0 T-a)CO 0(O CO a(O CD t CO CO CO(O CD CO CD CD CO CO CD CO CO o 0 0 0 }0 0 N 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O 0 0 J P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\HR Dept\HR budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund 2016 Human Resources -Details •Proposed 001.018.016 Budget '016-51-8.1--6_.10-._6__-_0_7Wages _ 1 1-163,944 _ _ _ _ _ — ______,__r`1-- 1016.518.10.20.00_1Payro• ll Taxes andBenefits - —_ ! — 66,754 1 _ -;FICA, medicare, L&!, PERS __ 1 _--, --TT— — __ __ 1016.518.10.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 1 700 -!File Folders --_ 1 1001 11 -1 Expand folders _ - 1 501 1 1 -I ------_--__ � 1 Labels _--_. i 501 1 1 -1 Avery labels and dividers -- 1 751 —_ i --�1 -1 Note Paper _ -- 251 1 I ;Pens-various types 1 50 1 -13 ring binders 1 2001 - --- 1 -1 Misc J=--- -----1 1501 016.518.10.41.04 !Legal — — 1 I 3,100 i_— _ 1 -!Summit Law _____1 1 1016.518.10.41.05 !Professional Services 1 1 8,630 -- j-- _to Cards ---- — — — l 4801 ° 1 -1Pre-employment Physicals _1 2,2001 1 -1 Drug and Alcohol Testing _- 1 3501 1 1 -1 Criminal History Checks _ _ —1 8001 11 -Discovery Benefits Admin Fee -- 1 4,8001 1 __ 1 -!Mobile App Maintentance i 011 1016.518.10.41.17 !Advertising 1— !— 2,500 -1 Employee Recruitment Advertising 1 1 — t- - 1 ' ----- ` L 1016.518.10.42.01 ;Postage —__ -- 1 _ —— 75 1016. !Travel/Mileage_ — 1 2,880 - I -1 To attend AWC Fall HR Conference 1 4501 -ITo attend Labor Relations Institute 1 350 —_— �'-1 _1To attend WAPELRA Spring Training 1 3001--- ; -I To attend AWC Health Academy 1 3501 (" -;To attend Risk Management Training I 350! E--_ICity Staff Travel to attend identified training 1 1,080 i 1016.518.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance — — —� ( 1,186 1016`518.10.49.02 !Memberships •_. ! I 965 i 1 -1 Washington Emp.Public Relations Association _1 1801 _ 1 1 -1 Society for Human Resources Management 3601 i 1 -!AWC Drug and Alcohol Consortium 1 200 1 -1 Evergreeen Safety Council I 2251 J _ 016.518.10.49.04 i Registrations — ___ ! i 560 1 1 -!AWC Labor Relations Institute — i 2001 — 1 -AWC Wellness Summit 1 1801- I 80j - 1 -!AWC WAPELRA Fall Labor Relations Conference ! 1801 1016.518.10.49.07_!Training_ _ '`' 1 2,200 1 1 'Fire Extinguisher -- i 7251 — \ rl-- -IIndividualizedTraining---4- 9751 1 1 ;First Aid CPR -- — —_ — 1 500 1 1016.518.10.49.13 !Health and Wellness Events — 1 i.— 2,200 1 -1$10 per employee to qualify for WellCity Award 1 870 L- Page 1 of 2 P:\1. General Governance\Budget12016 Budget\HR Dept\HR budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund 2016 Human Resources -Details Proposed 001.018.016 Budget _- y___ j Program Result is an estimated$25,000 savings in _ – I !health insurance premiums. i I— _______. _____ i_________ ; ;Wellness incentives 1,3301� _ ;Points Program to increase exercise(Gym Memberships I 0 etc. --- -i--_� --- �-�--�--j 255,694 Page 2 of 2 0 'ww O m O a N VJ m e O M . d AV O 3000000 mm mmm mm m � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o CI s Vo O N .r .a,.. Zim h m 3 "v ce amm o00o 0000000000 00000mo0000000o0000ao00o 0 000 0 0 0 O w8'oge$ - m of d N w v .2 0E M� 1 vE mm m o'E m a 000000 0 0000000000000000000 0 0 0 N e 0 E M m K� c m o v M m m m m - m rn \^ m N aV {D V m ��] OJa p2,-2,u2 � Mr r `. c,71 d K H 3 m o m a• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m o 0 om m o 0 0 o m 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 ".RE o 0 N °'v c m o o n o 0$o N o M 7 m a m o E cc ❑ve maE ro my ' m.e0i M a• m mm G rn N v m m d m N w N 2 m 0 a. O N O O O O O O O O OO 0 m 0 0 00 0.O O O m O 00 O O O O O O I O O O OO O e 0 O �O a'M O S O O O m '.D 'g.?.. O<m g m m _ ui v of n ,� m'° --g m'N W a' 3 00 m 888 m <a% ;AU 0000o0ooa00000mo00m0000 w o mon 0 0 0 0 o m o m y ma aM ::o:o:o::;o: ooo 0 o M RR my mn MmM.-nm melon vm ma m vF21 m rn Nm m Nm a a •O`;'' III aaohymmav ' n <t• ci 2 E VM m7O mh O MmY M 0 O E rnMn m m- m ' 2 i¢ a �N v m . m > O 0 No i s m N o m 0'o m o i o m M o E 0 m m R m m m 0' w o 0 a N V M n O n N� V N O Y O O a N m l7 N N . N v - - a m a0 am n G r m r v}— a; n N Q M m E E d v U " __ " g c m A Ta m E. m E c 'ih in E g m oml M2 v m S v :!4i °a °' @m2 _ ° Wgo n " aaaN i ° o R -m mN7 ! 2c `o K w. t Z 1 `0 Ei2.'"77"-76 Ht EW mmiwcgjR1mKc.c =. u El 0 8 5S -G vE=ncyd7MEnE ` 1cn H m ov 7aTAE Oia;`nEz 0g8 rn9J ¢ Qvugc _iw E �> ,-- ?, '2 - d~LOU m omo Eammcncmn000GGO000aa 6RERH aEiatl tIfENDoe 300 joa00000Uo O0000000 0000 00 00 000 Uo>o = P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2016.xlsx GENERAL FUND 001.032.000 2016 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT-DETAILS Proposed' Budget 000.543.10.10.00 Wages 636,906 000.543.10.10.99 Overtime 1,000 000.543.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 238,458 FICA,medicare, L&I, PERS 000.543.10.31.01 Office Supplies 6,000 Includes all regular office supplies,filing supplies for capital projects, plotter paper,engineering supplies 000.543.10.31.03 Publications 500 Misc. Public Notices-A recent Examples include Sullivan Bridge Weight Restriction Notices. 000.543.10.31.06 Safety Equipment 2,000 This includes all safety supplies such as Safety Vests, eye protection, hearing protection, hard hats, Saftey lights for vehicles,temporary traffic control equipment. 000.543.10.32.01 Fuel 5,500 3 vehicles plus 1.5 summer vehicles Taurus, Explorer, Dakota, 1.5 New vehicles 000.543.10.35.01 Small Tools& Minor Equipment 4,000 This includes tape measures,surveying equipment, levels,and other misc.devices that would be used to inspect contractors work. 000.543.10.36.02 Non Capital Computer Software/Hardware 0 Phones, monitors,and other misc.supplies. 000.534.10.48.0. 1 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 3,400 Oil Changes,Tires, Misc Repairs on 4.5 Vehicles at$750 per vehicle 000.543.10.41.02 Engineering &Architectural 8,000 Contingency 8,000 Recent examples have included contracts for the Sprague-Appleway Couplet Evaluation,Survey work, development of Right of way Policies and Procedures, planning level estimates for the new maintenance facility. 000.543.10.41.03 Spokane County GIS 11,605 Citrix-2 License support agreement$4.17/month 100 Skymap-8 users at$70 per month 6,720 Craig,Marcy,Steve, Ken, Intern, Kipp,Sean,Tom,Shane GIS License Fee$100/month 1,200 Map requests would be performed by Spokane Co 2,000 Aerial Photos 1,605 50%SW, 14% PW GF,36%CD Total cost$11,500. Only available every other year, CD has agreed to split the cost. -----------.----------------------- 000.543. Postage 600 Expense charged to PW for all outgoing mail 000.543.10.42.03 Cell Phones 3,676 Page 1 of 2 P:11. General Governance\Budget12016 Budget\Public Works Dept1PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2016.xlsx 5 Phones-37.23 Per month 2,234 1 [pad-40.01 Per month 480.12 475-5332, 701-1811, 714-7133,723-3457, 868-2718; •GPS Phone for Scott Wallace$35.15 month 421.8 Cell Phone Reimbursement 135 per quarter-eric 5.40 000.543.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage 7,000 Car Rental($150 x 4) 600 Flights($300 x 4) 1,200 Lodging&Meals($280 x 4 x 3)(average of 2 nights away 3,360 Misc training expenses(12*$125) 1,500 Other Misc. 340 000.543.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance4400 Upkeep on copiers, 3 year averages 000.543.10.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance 15,875 Culvert, Flow Master,Pond Pack Support Renewal 1,825 TranSoft 3,000 AutoCad 7,000 Adobe Prof 500 Cartegraph 2,000 SRTC Visum 1,550 Support Renewals&other misc. 000.543.10.49.02 Memberships/Professional Licenses 3,5.00 Professional Engineer(6 X$120) 600 _ American Public Works Association(4 x$133) 532 International Municipal Signal Association($40 x 1) 40 American Society of Civil Engineers($235 x 2) 470 Contingency _ _ 1,8.5.8 000.543.10.49.04 Conference Registrations 8,450 Class Registration&Webinar fees(10 staff x 2 classes x $250) 5,000 4 staff($400 x 4)-APWA,WSDOT,Rd&St Conference 1,600 Other Misc.Training 1,600 Solid Waste Trailing(CPG-75%) 250 000.543.10.45.07 Vehicle Replacement Fund 6,000 Ford Escape($30,000/10 yr=3000) Ford F150($15,000/10 yr=1500)(.5 GF/.5 STREET) $500 EA for Explorer,taurus,dakota This increased from$3,900 in 2015 based on the vehicle replacement program developed by the Finance department. This includes 1 sedan, 1 truck and 2 SUVs Ford Escape($30,000/10 yr=3000) Ford F150($15,000/10 yr=1500)(.5 GF/.5 STREET) Page 2 of 2 X y X 6 O N N N O) = • N Y O 3 a) 0) 0 SI a) I- F- aO 0 V m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 000000000 0 0 0 0 0 o V o 0 0 0 0 o m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o N o 0 0 0 MOO LL] O O 000 O O O 000000 O M 00 00 O a O y N M O O N m (O LR00 O N O M m 0 0 0 O O N 00 00() O 0 O n j 0,r,- V M r r N M 0 M r N M V O N N r M r N Q m V N r r g V r Y 0. r N O O C• M O O M 00000000N- 000000000 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 O O O O O r O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 N M 000 O O 0 000000 O 000 I. 00 O V1 d N MOOD m N I[)00 O t0 O M I.,V O N N O m 000 O Cl!' O N O O O NCONr N t` rO O O CO MNrN M V m O d N r r- n a 9-- O N r m h r N M r N M VN,-r N m M U r T O 3 M Z; V,�0 r 0 m N O 1-m O r.-N 0 co O d M m O m O m 00 r M M V M E,CON 0 O[OO_ 00 N r O MN O W O N-0 O O 00,-VM 0 M. 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General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2016.xlsx STREET FUND#101 2016 Line Item Detail Proposed Budget 000.542.10.10.00 Wages 460,391 000.542. Payroll Taxes and Benefits 208,254 FICA,medicare, L&I, PERS 000.542.10.10.99 Overtime 15,000 000.542.10.10.01 Temp/Seasonal-Wages 46,000 000.542.10.20.01 Temp/Seasonal-Payroll Tax& Benefits 4,959 000.542.10.31.04 Operating Supplies 1,500 Misc supplies for maintenance crew, including marking paint and other supplies for marking jobsites. 000.542.10.32.01 Fuel 10,000 Fuel for 5 vehicles Shane,Traffic,Tom, .5 backhoe, .5 F550, .5 Bergan, .5 New 000.542.10.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 20,000 Tools to outfit a mechanic for winter snow operations,saws and weed eaters for city staff/geiger crews,welding equipment,etc. 000.542.30.31.08 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 80,000 Supplies including coidmix for potholes, rental equipment,street markers,welding gasses, cones,safety equipment,truck parts, crack sealing 000.542. Operating Supplies-Snow Removal 220,000 Mag, Sand Etc 85,000 Ice slicer 125,000 000.542. Repair& Maintenance Supplies-Snow Removal 50,000 Misc. items related to fixing snow plows Fuel-Snow Removal 20,000 Fuel for 9 snow plows and 1 backhoe for an average snow fall winter 000.542.66.35.01 Small Tools& Minor Equipment-Snow Removal 5,000 Small tools needed to repair snow plow fleet 000.542.10.41.02 Engineering &Architectural 165,000 County Engineering Contract 25,000 Traffic Engineering Services(DEA) 10,000 Contingency 0 Bridge Engineering Consultant/County 25,000 Street Master Plan TIP 85,000 Street Master Plan Pavement Mgmt 0 Principal Arterial Intersection traffic counts 20,000 Added intersection counts for signal timing improvements. Contingency was removed from the budget in 2015. The Pavement Management plan is an$80k expense every 2 years. Next scan in 2017. 000.542.10.42.02 Telephone Service 350 Fax phone line @ Maint Facility 57.94 Per month 350 50%street/50%storm-Centurylink 000.542.10A2.07 Internet Service 1,884 Fiber for Traffic Engineer Connection 1,884 156.98 Per month-Zayo 000.542.10.42.03 Cell Phones 3,900 Page 1 of 4 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2016.xlsx STREET FUND#101 2016 = Line item Detail Proposed :Budget 5 Cell Phones 2,320 2 Ipad Internet connections $37.13 per cell phone,40.01 per Ipad 960 Mike,Tom,Shane, Shane Ipad,Traffic Ipad 480 000.542.10.45.03 Rental Equipment 1,000 Rental Equipment-crack sealers,compressors,etc 000.542.10.47.04 Waste Disposal 2,000 Dumping fees at the local transfer stations for all garbage picked up by city crews. 000.542.10.48.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 3,500 Oil Changes,Tires,Misc Repairs on 4.5 Vehicles Estimated$750 per vehicles 000.542.20.43.01 Travel/Mileage 4,000 Mileage 280 Airfare($300 x 3) 900 Car Rental($100 x 3) 300 Lodging&Meals($280 x 3 x 3 nights) 2,520 000.542.30.41.10 Contracted Street Maintenance 1,310,268 AAA Sweeping (490199.94*4%) 19,608 Street and Stormwater Maintenance-Poe Asphalt 1,229,997 $1,366,663 x 90%=$1,229,997 Reduced to show estimated street fund expense by this contract Emergency Callout-Senske$20,000(50%Street 50% 10,000 storm) Landscaping Right of Ways-Senske$53,250*25%= 13,313 $20,725.68*new in 2015 Weedspraying in Right of Ways-Spokane Procare 4,850 $19,400 x 25%*new in 2015 Geiger Work Crew($60,000*25%) 15,000 Dead Animal Removal-City Streets 15,000 On-Call Emergency Cleanup(25%Street/75%SW) 2,500 Contingency 0 000.542.30.41.12 Winter Snow Services Budgeted under specific line items starting in 2014 000.542.50.48.01 Bridge/Street Maintenance 0 The fancher bridge joint replacement project cost is estimated to cost about 150k. We did not receive the grant we applied for in 2015. The other 25k is related to regular bridge maintenance activities. Moved below to proper BARS accounts. 000.542.63.47.01 Street Lighting 425,000 000.542. Water&Sprinkler 12,000 This is the water services for all grassy areas _ that the city maintains such as sprague, appleway This line item was reduced by$8,000. Water&Sprinklers are typically paid for by the street fund but service many • stormwater swales or ponds. The street fund will pay for 50%of the water fees. Page 2 of 4 P:11. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2016.xlsx STREET FUND#101 2016 Line Item Detail Proposed Budget 000.542.66.41.12 Winter Snow Services 50,000 Poe Asphalt Winter Contract Drivers 50,000 Road Graders(full city plow costs about$70k) 0 We are expecting to use less contracted drivers in 2016 since we have hired on-call snow plow drivers. The reduction from 70k to 50k shows this difference. The 20k was added to temp wages. 000.542.66.41.15 WSDOT Winter Snow Services 50,000 Snow removal and treatment on Pines and Trent 000.542. Equipment Repair&Maintenance-Snow Removal 20,000 Outside shop repairs 000.542.66.49.01 Subscriptions-Snow Removal 15,000 Weather Reports&Misc 3,000 E-Road Track-Plow Tracking System 12,000 000.542.90.49.00 Memberships/Professional Licenses 37,552 Various Ecology,Chemical Handlers,Water Works 2,200 Operator, Flagging Certifications, Hazardous memberships Inland Empire Utility Dues 1,000 Institute of Traffic Engineers($250 x 2) 500 American Society of Civil Engineers 250 SRTC Membership 18,000 SRTC Management Fees 15,000 2 PE Licenses 302 1 PTOE License 300 000.542.90.49.01 Conference Registrations 1,000 APWA Snow Conference 500 Misc. training in area(4 x$125) 500 Rd&St Conference,WSDOT, Flagging, Chemical, Street Safety,etc.,APWA Snow Conference 000.542.90.45.07 Plow Replacement and Purchase 0 Plow replacement for new plow purchased in 2010 0 The snow plow replacement was removed in 2016 due to low revenues. Originally the$70k was budgeted to go towards purchasing new plows to replace the old plows we purchased. The$9k that was budgeted went to the replacement of the one new snow plow we have purchased. 000.542.90.45.07 Vehicle Replacement 0 Vehicle replacement program,yearly amount of money set aside for future replacement for all street fund vehicles-eliminated in 2016 due to low revenues. Based on information provided by Finance. Includes 7 trucks, backhoe and trailer 000.543.50.47.01 Electricity-Euclid Facility 7,000 This is a estimate of the charges for electricity Page 3 of 4 P:11. General Governance\Budget12016 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2016.xlsx STREET FUND#101 2016 Line Item Detail Proposed Budget at the Maintenance Facility at 17002 E. Euclid. 000.543.50.47.03 Sewer-Euclid Facility 30.0 Sewer charges at the Maintenance Facility located at 17002 E.Euclid. The cost is$50 per month and is paid for 1/2 by street and 1/2 by stormwater Waste Disposal-Euclid Facility 700 Garbage Service Television Service-Euclid Facility 300 000.543.50.48.04 Repair&Maintenance-Euclid Facility 7,000 All expenses are 50/50 with the Stormwater Fund Building Cleaning 2X Monthly$350 per month 2,100 Industrial Park Dues 1,110 Yearly Furnace Cleaned 500 Building Maintenance 3,290 000.543.50.44.03 Taxes&Assessments 1,000 000.542.30.51.01 Street Maintenance-County 605,000 Signals 405,000 Signs 50,000 Striping 90,000 Legends 60,000 The amount invoiced in 2014 was much higher than expected. We have been working with the County to reduce expenditures to match our current budget. WSDOT Maintenance Contract 16.5,000 Signal Illumination 45,531 Roadway Maintenance 117,000 Reduced specific line item by$50,000 and put in snow Contingency 2,469 043.000.542.50.48.Bridge Maintenance 150,000 Fancher Road Bridge Repairs 150,000 Misc. 0 Includes$150k for the fancher joint repair project that did not receive grant funding as expected in 2015. Reduced to$40k from$118k in 2015 as we expected the grant. 000.597.00.00.10 Transfer to General Fund-OH 39,700 000.597.31.00.10 Transfer to Fund 311 -Pavement Preservation 0 Capital Outlays Storage Unit-Maintenance Facility 5,000 Signal detection equipment upgrades 20,000 Total Street Fund 4,244,558 Page 4 of 4 x m x E. N 4 Q. m 0) N Y O N m V 3 .II tO M O W W N 000000000 OOOOhOO 00000000000000000000000 'O COM O V W M 000 000 OM O h MO MO 00000 N 0 0 0 0 W N CO M O W N r W O W )0 0 O) O N W r MV r0 O O M O M W ul O W O p a V r-N N V M (O i0 0) r M Oho N- M C-N W N N h N N 0m Mr r C- '- rr O) r r 0 a a 0 W m O W h 000000000 O O O h 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 t0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O)M O W W O 000 000 (OO ON 00000 00000 N 0 0 0 0 W 0 M MOONr MOW W (OO r W tOO M V)O r CC) 00 M O M 00000 O O a m h N O N M O W 0) V h MW M M h N N N N h N N N M r r V r 0) `- O NM U p) Z a. a a O 6)W O)0 M O O u7 m N O h W 000 h W 0 W MOO W W h M W O) V h 0 W O Ol t0 W W r 0 O)0 0 N W W m M 0 0 h W h W W W W W W M W 0 ul N h M W O W W W W O O h OO 0) M N W O)W W CO V h h W M u, MO r M M M W M V V r N 0 N M W M CO V, O 3 NCO r V W M .-CO Nn r N r (O M M M V 3 O V m V O M CO N‹ N M 01 O Nh O M M O M W M O M W N h M V CM h O h N W 0 W N O h O)N O N N M O iO W V O O M p) W OM (O O)r h(O W W V to M0 (0W 0 V m V OO N h N W N- W h W O)h N O W -o 0 VM CO N O W M O O) r u)M N N O)W CO M 0 W 0 0 W N N N M h W N N r 3 P7 M W O r r (O N O N ..-o5 N M r M t0 Ln CO M N IS NQ m r V O U C (0 E m O MN- W O N O W O n 0 0 W n O O O O W O N W h 0 0 W O(A W V O O M h 0 0 W O O O)O O O O)O > CO O M CO V O h 0)m 0) 00 M M M N p N (p W W O hNr M 0)00 N O N N W r r O N O ti rN- M. tri V ciN (ri ooc6r r M W el 0 Mr a N Q N M m 0 m 0 a CC w m ac) m m m m c m 8 c O($ N N (0 C N C C x -a E 0 c � �� _ w m aCi a n c m P c F m c CI) m Q co ayi m m c E v um. 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General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2016.xlsx STORM WATER FUND#402 2016 Line Item Detail Proposed . Budget 000.531.36.10.00 Wages344,665 000.531.36.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 147,848 FICA, medicare, L&I, PERS _ :_000.531.36.10.99 10vertime _ �____ _ __ y 2,000 ;000.531.36.10.01 ;Temp/Seasonal-Wages- --- - _ �17,333 r000.531.36.20.01 }Temp/Seasonal-Payroll Tax&Benefits —;I -` 2,286 -____ i _t __--_--------i X000.531.36.31.03 ;Publications_ - ____ _ _ L 800 ! }Includes misc. items where the public will be ____� j }notified by newspaper I I !000.531.36.31.04 }Operating Supplies _ _ - 3,000 j 'Includes all testing equipment _—`„ i_.__- ' }000.531. Safety Equipment ; -_ ; ,__._600 ^ _ 1Safety_equipment for personell and truck-items 1 1 --___ include any traffic control devices needed and_-1 �_ ____ 1 i isafety devices for trucks. i _L____ 000.531.36.32.01 'Fuel ; 6,500 1 !Fuel for 3.5 vehicles 6,500 -- -� 5 000 000.531.36.35.01 ;Small Tools&Minor Equipment �,- ;Includes testing equipment,spill cleanup supplies,signs, -- , _ __ 3 and misc tools _ T _ _ '• 1000.531.36.41.03 ;Spokane County GIS -_- - ; __13,287 } r- • 'GIS License(50%of city's cost for license) -5,500 ! - -� • jScimap$70 each per month(1 user,Brodwater) ; -852 ;Contingency } 1,148 1 } }Reduced by$2,500. There was an item accounted for ; ! _ in another part of the budget. ' J_�, ;Aerial Photos } 5,787 ' ~- ___ 150%SW, 14%PW GF,36%CD Total cost$11,500 ; ; -_�_ 000.531.36.41.05 Professional Services ^ j _ ~, 78,5001 _ - --- _-;Surveying I 25,000 - Material Testing 4—� i 25,000 _I Design — - _ i 18,500T -- ----i }- ;Contin enc_ — � I — 10,000T 1 1000.531.36.41.10 }Contracted stormwater maintenance 1 _ T 9_6_7,171 j j —^ ;Street Sweeping(2012 contract$490,199.94*96%) I____ 470,592 1l I Poe Asphalt Street Repair&Maintenance$1,366,663*} 136,667 ; !^- ! I Landscaping Right of Ways-Senske$53,250*75%+ j 39,938 I 2% 1 -' i Weedspraying Right of Ways-Spokane Procare 1 14,550 _ $19,400 x.75 _ _ } - _____ _ _ ';Emergency Callout(50%Street/50%stormwater) L_ 10,000 ; , I ^ Vactoring(Drainage structure cleaning) s 200,000 L-__—__I IOn-Call Emergency Cleanup(25%Street/75%SW) I 7,500 1 1 i Contingency(10%of total) i 87,925 i -� } Increase due to the percentage of the Poe contract } __ i _!assigned. 10%is the three year average for this contract. - g---— -_ - - °000.531.36.42.02 ;Tel350ephone Service I 'Fax phone line @ Maint Facility 57.94 Per month } _350 ___ L____ - 50%street/50%storm-Centurylink i L._- _ Page 1 of 3 P:11. General Governance\Budget12016 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2016.xlsx STORM WATER FUND#402 2016 Line Item Detail Proposed Budget 1 JIntemet services were moved to a different Bars account ; I 0.531.36.42.03 i Cell Phones -�- - _ ---._.___ ___- _. . 1,400 1._______-- 1 j2 Phones-Brant,SW Floating,data card - ^ 1 1 1$37.13 per phone+1 wireless access point 40.01 1 1000.531.36.42.08 1lnternet Service - 1000.531.36.43.01 ;Travel/Mileage _ 3,150 1 ;Car Rental($100 x 5) 500 1 __ 1 ;Lodging and meals($280 x 3 x 2 nights) L 1,680 L 1 1 !Airfare($300 x 3) }}� 900 r 000.531.36.44.01 !Taxes and Assessments f 500 i 1 !Yearly Propetry taxes (000.531.30.45.07 !Vehicle Replacement Fund_ ___ _ ; _11,000 1 - i !The increase in this account is related to the I 1 !information provided by the finance department 1 1 I I ;This includes 2.5 trucks, 1 suv, 1 backhoe - 1 — -- - — 1 ------ -- -- — 000.531.36.47.01 !Electricity-Euclid Facility _ 1 1 7,000 _ — ;This is a estimate of the charges for electricity ; r 1 _ ;at the Maintenance Facility at 17002 E.Euclid. l- — I `12 month average of$1275 per month or$15,300 ! 1 1 !per year. This is paid by 1/2 Street and 1/2 Storm 1 _ { 1000.531.36.47.02 !Waster&Sprinker ! I 12,000 1 !Water in irrigated swales around the City ! _ 1 j New budget includes 50%the fees the City pays for all the 1 _ ! 1 •!irrigated ROW and Swale areas. The Street fund funds 50% 1 _ 10 00 531.36.47.03 ;Sewer-Euclid Facility i _ 1 _ _ 300 _ _ 1 Sewer charges at the Maintenance Facility _ 1 - _ - 1 1 _�- -�L !located at 17002 E.Euclid. The cost is$50 per i 1 1_- !month and i_s paid for 1/2 by street and 1/2 by stormwater 1000.531.36.47.04 !Waste Disposal _ 15,000 1 -�� 1 ;Disposal of sweeping debris from street sweeping. ^1 1 1 IThis is reduced in 2016 as the vactor waste now goes 1 to the WSDOT decant facility. ( 1000.531.36.47.05_ !Television Service @ Euclid Facility ^ - 1 i —_ 300 1 _ _ _�__ 1 -1Service provided to the Eudid Facility that gives employees _ -- 1 1 !access to the latest news and weather reports. 1 1000.531.36.48.01 -1 Equipment Repair&Maintenance ! ! 2,625 11 1$750 Per vehicle- 3.5 Vehicles Oil changes+Misc repairs 000.531.36.48.03 'Software Licenses&Maintenance _ 1 !~_2,500_ 1 1Esri Online Mapping 1 _ ! 1000.531.36.48.0_4Repair and Maintenance-Euclid Facility 1 i 7,000 - 1 !AII expenses are shared 50/50 with the Street Fund_ 1 1 i !Building Cleaning 2X Monthly$350 per month 2,100 L _— _ ;Industrial Park Dues 1,110 .11--- r-1ClYearly Furnace eaned 500 -- -! ! 1-- I I _ _ .. l B mg Maintenance 3,290 1 l I- 1- fContingency 1 2,2221 1 Page 2 of 3 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2016.x!sx STORM WATER FUND#402 2016 Line Item Detail Proposed Budget 000.531.36.49.02 [Memberships/Professional Licenses � __ 600 i IAPWA(3 x$133) --- -— - t 399 --- --- ) i Wastewater Operator Certificate 50 L_ i 11 PE license+Misc 109 000.531.36.49.04 !Conference Registrations _+w r r 2,000 _ i 1GIS or Python Related Training Seminars)4 x$400) ; 1,600 1 i~ JAPWA Conference 400 IWSDOT-Decant Facility Costs _ 40,000 L� 1 !This relates to the 0&M fees for the use of the facility ; _- (T — 000.531.36.51.20 Ecology Permit j 1 27,000 I _ (Yearly cost of operating under the DOE I ! I 1000.597.00.00.01 I Interfund Transfer-General Fund OH V_—( (, 13,400 +Capital Outlays -__ �� -I 1000.594.38.63.05 'Stormwater Improve-Capital Outlay y ; ► 500,000 _ _ ;This is the estimate for the Small WorksProjectsj 300,000 �- -- -~�� __ to be completed in 2016. This will repair multiple_;- ^ I drainageeroblems throughout the city based on ! s - SAREF score. I ': j ;Pavement Preservation Retrofit-Update SW { 200,000 _-_ !structures in current preservation prpjects __} '•. !Storage unit-Maintenance Facility 5,000 Total Stormwater 2,240,115 Page 3 of 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O mO 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O 0000 000000000 00000 00 000 O W O 0 0C W 20 0 No 0 ' LL7O O rv.M...N'J Wi .O0 CO W..0 vO 7 M ri N...co C'O C) CU of C CCV v v 0 m m c 1 4 m O C Oocn00000000000000 O O O O O O o O O O O O O 0 O O O p 0p O O cow o C3 CD CD CD 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 O O O O O 00 00000000000 CD 0 0 0 0 0 �' O 000 0 000000 000 00 O0 W 0000 N 0L O 1D 0 co W W 0 V C e j v0 O r vv-y0j� N W Ci � yr v� �� N N NN...V v 20 • O J W'6 v z____, v v CO CV mu mai O"m C. o w m E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 C 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O • W O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 0 0 CO 0 0 0 0 0 •` p. 0000 000000000 000000 1000 M O(0 O N 0)0 0)0 0 y U N c y v 0 Or v .N.. 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General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Public Safety\Public safety budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund 2016 r Public Safety-Detail 001.016.000. Proposed Budget .000.586.xx.xx.xx _Nn-Dep oartmental _ j 649,500 i — Pass Through State Rev. for Court Fines 1 Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits _ '-! I Parks/Centerpiece Staff for Maint.of Precinct Building I _ 000.521.50.10.00 r I Salaries and Wages _ 3,500 000.521.50.10.99 i 1 OT I 1 1,000 000.521.50.20.00 1 Employee Benefits ; I 2,000 _Supplies 000.521.20.31.01 __j Operating Supplies —f 4,000_1 000.521.20.31.08 ; Repair&Maintenance Supplies _ 1 3,500 J 000.521.20.35.04 I 1 Non-Capital Equipment for JAG Grant 1 20,000 —f Cell$360, Gov. Emergency_phone cards$40. ! I Other Services and Charges _, 000.521.20.47.01 Electricity/Gas - i 22,0001 000.521.20.47.02 ; Water j 1,600 000.521.20.47.03 1 l_Sewer — _ 900-1 000.521.20.47.04 ', 1 Waste Disposal - ; 3,500 1 000.521.20.49.06 !_ ' Miscellaneous Srvs/Contingency__—_ 1____ 250,0001 To account for poosible fluctions due to new cost j 1 methodologies and usage increases. ' 000.521.20.49.07 _ ; Cry Wolf Charges& Fees —; _ __ 50,000 000.521.20.49.21 Sterling Bank Fees — - I 6,000 1 000.521.20.49.22 ; 1 CryWolf Refunds I 1 _-_1 000.521.50.44.03Taxes and Assessments_ ' 750 I 000.521.50.48.01 i 1 Law Enforcement Building Repair&Maint ; 1 60,000 , Intergovernmental Services -___ _—__ I 000.512.50.51.02 ° I DistrictCourt _ i 1 822,0761 000.515.31.51.01 1 I Public Defender i_ —__— 1 832,182 1 Include impact of greater investigator costs as I well as additional attorneys to meet caseload standards included in 2015 1 000.515.31.51.02 , Prosecutor 1 1 _ 448,722 000.515.31.51.03 1 Pre-Trial Services __ 122,372 000.521.20.51.01 ' i Law Enforcement 1 19,713,401 ! Includes impact of 2.5%DSA COLA for 2014 and 1 the same for 2015 as well as lost funding for Drug Task Force. ___ 000.523.60.51.02 (Jai I Detention Services l) _ 1 1,301,055 000.525.60.51.03 I 1 Emergency Management ; 90,558 1 000.554.30.54.02 ' I Animal Control --,_ 295,133 Total--�__--_ ----------.__ 24,703,749 Page 1 of 1 c; 000000 oe�000„ ooa000000a00000ooa 000 ooaoo : F_EFEEEE m E O'�000�0 "� 000 _ 00000 w L 000000 o 000a0000000000000 g .o2§§Rg Cl. y s - .• m o =m !;I0000 00 00 000 000000000000000000$ oee „ ""= o � 8g§C7 r am =g a0 000 00000 gE a og=Fg k"§§g §oo R§g<s§'00§§kg§R aoo I ooaoo F. Elasm< ��� g000000000a� $00000 000 00000 g� -- 0 - m-- g m EEEPER g tt v grRg8 2' 2 E t2g Mggi "" F,§§=§§Eoo0o aoo ri °0000 E E 0 0 EIEH228z6Eim �m� �oog��o��" �� g Fl �2 ^ 000 0 " °-::', 0 m i R g'' - 17, , !',7,,% 1NiWio N -i�a m 1 ,_ - of O ry 4EREN MEgE0R 000 o c VR "EiN ENPEE°gym E>0 000 0$e.EB o Rg 00 0 - n r`g�m & E " a n a Sr " 0 � 0" `E00E0 0 00000 0 N o H r T a & -gE E . 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General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Parks&Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2016.xlsx - - - -- ---- — -_ ------------... ----- - - -- ---- 'General Fund I _.. 2016 __- IP&R Detail Worksheet f Proposed I �^ Budget 76IADMINISTRATION DIVISION 000.576.80.10.00 'Salaries&Wages * - j 180,084 000.576.80.10.01 (Temporary/Seasonal Wages j 6,000 000.576.80.20.00 I Payroll Taxes and Benefits 59,798 I I FICA,medicare,L&l,PERS 000.576.80.20.01 1Temporary/Seasonal Payroll Taxes and Benefits i 939 000.576.80.31.01 f Office&Operating Supplies _.- 1,000 Ilfems printed&mounted 150 Office Depot and/or Staples: --^ Printer Cartridges:2@$86,2©$58 288 1 Misc.Supplies: Post-It Notes,calendars, 5621 -_ _I I labels,paper clips,binder clips,staples paper,letterhead,pens,pencils leads, sheet protectors,binders,folders,etc. 000.576.80.31.07 'Clothing&Uniforms ! 150 000.576.80.31.08 'Repair&Maintenance Supplies I 1,000 1 Car Supplies,office repairs,replacement items 1,000 000.576.80.32.01 Fuel I _ 2,000 !Department vehicles-3 i 2,000 000.576.80.35.01 ISmall Tools&Minor Equipment i 1,750 Labeler,printer,etc. _ 7601 1 1 Misc.Equipment 1,0001 000.576.80.41.03 'Spokane County GIS —I +' 1,500 000.576.80.41.05 1 Professional Services I i 5,000 Misc Consultant Work ; 5,0001 000.576.80.41.18 I Legal Notices 500 000.576.80.42.01 'Postage - 1 500 000.576.80.42.02 ,Telephone Services j 1 600 + 'Alarm monitoring at Mirabeau Meadows 600 000.576.80.43.01 Travel/Mileage I 2,450 i 1 WRPA Conference May Everett ! 7501 i ;NRPA Conference Oct 4-6 St Louis 1,700 000.576.80.44.03 Taxes and Assessments - - S 11,000 000.576.80.45.07 1 Interfund Vehicle Lease 1,500 000.576.80.48.02 ;Copier Maintenance --- 1,500 000.576.80.48.03 I Software Licenses and Maintenance I 1 1,000 000.576.80.49.01 !Subscriptions! _200 000.576.80.49.02 ;Memberships I 800 Director-WA Recreation and Parks Assoc(WRPA) I 2501 - `- 1 Director-Nall'Recreation and Parks Assoc(NRPA) f 250 !Administrative Staff 300 000.576.80.49.03 Printing&Binding I 1,000 ' I Brochures,flyers ! 1,000 1 — -_ • 000.576.80.49.04 Conference Registrations _ __ i 1 1,100 -- ! 200 r Staff Training I NRPA Conference Oct 4-6 St.Louis I 600 Page 1 of 10 P:11. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Parks&Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2016.xlsx �-- General Fund 1 2016 -_ -" I P&R Detail Worksheet Proposed 1 Budget WRPA Conference May Everett 300! 000.576.80.49.06 !Miscellaneous services E _- 500 000.597.10.95.05 iIF Transfer to: ER&R Equipment Replacement - — ;Total ! --- - - ----- -—I281,871 c Page 2 of 10 C 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co O O O O O r h I` N c co v 0 O 0 O CD N R 0 0 E c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o co co o 0 0 o o 0 0 — D 0 0 0 0 c o"f) v v co-co V C J O 0 U O ) 0 D 73 3 O 5i O 0 0 0 0 O co O O O O O 00 00 0 0 0 00 U O o V M M CD CO ry U N o O N N. N. W N M N O C'C cc N = E in c E 0 0 0 0 CO o 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 V e a D c O l00 Obi_ O O O O 0 N ` ,,p_U M N C0 c0 O co-S M r Sco V a) O V N N N co^ r- • i..0 c+- w 3 0 0 0 0 CO O O O 0 0 0 0 O CO 0 0 0 M gil N C 000 V' 00 000 7- 7 O N 0 11)l0 0) O N O O o c0 co-- a a-0 C ch N OD N M aN-N r ,r7 cri 0> CD v N m O'0 n JC O 0 = CD O O N N 0 0 CO 0 0 0 O O O O O CO O O O CO c O O 0) 0 0 0 0 0 V (0 ,_.co c O O 0 3i3 m O N O O O (D M 3M N c0 V N M 5-N co- 0 7 e6 00 O N r- 3 cr o) v 0 0 0 0 CO O O O O O O O O M 0 0 0 M 'a 0 0 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 v v Q_' O - 0U)CC) 0) O N 000 0...a) M �r 0 0 NO 0 MNCn M O co"SM I'- cn N O O O O_ 0 0 CD N N M co N O 2 r- on a d m 0c 0 0 0 0 0 N O O O O O O O 0 N O O O N II II 2 O O O a' o 0000 0 V <T 0 0 0 V 00_000 OCD 0 N N m >0 O CO O CN 0i CD Co V' ' c0 O) N p'6 N CC) N N a' N N N 3 n CO co .6 co C C U, O O tT c0 'O T a m O C')COCO 0 CD CV o CV O CO CD CO 0 0 0 u) E C. N M O 0 M N coN CO N W V OI ," N CO 0) V 00 0)O O M N N C = O N N I' O N un-g-co 0) 00) a 0] N Q r N ti r C E)co 2 E cy O N (o co V'co CO O O O O V CO 0� O O O U m r N N too C0 O 0)V' 30 C0 CO M A .g- CD O N—U) NS d' CO O 0 1:5 N V r N- r.- cc;UC 't7) O T N CO 0 0 0 0 00 c�0 O O M cooO a'R V >O CO N CO O c0 0 c0 N c0 (0 LO CO Ur N 0 CO tc)c. O W tf) N O CO c0 � 0 Q o N- r a) c N O _ 2c C Q 4) a) o E C N N NO C Q N Q E UC O O_ N D. 2 C 0_co'Q 9 0 c m w E m Cr0. m c U N c O U C c 2 o)0) O 0) N rC W E -b 0 =O U U RI fa N O O.U) 0 y CO 0 L O C pO C (u .t- N 0) C N N 0 c U 0 O 1% N V c0 1-Q ct O D_E. 0 c S. O. C N -O C 0] U CL O:. cc0 O 00 (0'rz-'C '' -ea, l0 0) ` rG C Y c U Q 01 C X N N O R1 t0 TE N E c0 N 0) 01 N N N o".- 0o. 2 0EC0 ydF-UF wco w2 on. N- m .c V CO c5 u) cD CO NM T CO _C4 0 OO O O 0 y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 vo d C] V n N N-O 0) 2c]M M co co O C'd;sr d'd'V V 7 V CO OOO E00000 0000 .cna y CO co o y OD CO CO CO W CO W CO OO 0 IN N. 0)c0 c0 c0 U)0(0 c0 c0 an cv an O CD V V' N-r r-r- I`ti r-r-ti N-Ih r0) . I-a co0 C0 C0 y)O CO t0 C0 to C0 Cf)Lo C0 ▪ co o a 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O O R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oci OM Wm 00 O c")MM MM0 M0 M 0 c."01 1 ) PM. GonondGovernanoeUBudget\2O10Budget\Pudm& RacreodonDept\P&Rbudgetwmrkoheat2O16.xlsx _ !General Fund 2016 !P&R Detail Worksheet Proposed 300!MAINTENANCE DIVISION 300.576.80.31.08 Repair&Maintenance Supplies ; i-- ?ems not covered under maintenance contract 3,000! 300.576.80.35.01 !Small Tools&Minor Equipment 1 2,500 ! Wenn not covered under maintenance contract 300.576.80.41.05 !Park Maintenance Services ! i 763,943 ; ISenske Contract that includes:mowing,watering, I :litter control,vegetation management,shelter& 1 _____ i !restroom maintenance,snow removal,play i ,equipment repair,reservations,Centennial i 300.575.80.41.06 i Centennial Trail Maintenance Fund — i 20,000 300.576.80.47.01 'Electricity • 1 12,000 300.576.80.47.02 Water _1 i 23,000 300.576.80.49.06 IMiscellaneous Services 1 .. _ 3,700 !Sullivan Park-water testing 5001 i Misc.Services 1,0001 300.576.80.44.03 'Taxes and Assessments 3,200 Aquifer Assessments 3,2001 ' .�Tmto / / 838,343 :Total ______' `_ O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lo 0 0 0 0 0 OO O LO N V c .0 v O N) -o OO) 0) a) N K U E , O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o p O 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Co 0 o toO O N V co.C o 3 T- ten.. O 0 N L 0 o rg 3 N m m C 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 O m co O O O 407 0 co U O o U n.. v c O O N o 3 .. .... W N M a) C C CC O a, o E O ate) o c v 0 0 o M n O O 0 0 0 o p p o 0 0 0 o p o p o 0 0 0 n e co V O O n 0) 0 0 0 0 0 O O O M 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO O CD 0 LO 'Cr O) a' 6 O V CC CV co co, OMO M O OO LO 7- �O(D Sr O CO MOaOO O N o C Cp0 N scfr(p (D N V V N ' N V 'O N O C m ` = 0) V O O O M n O o p O 0 O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n e O) c co co O n 0 0 0 p o CD 0 0 0 47 O 0 p LO O p 47 0 0 0 CO V OI O a) .2 o oNLn co OMo MO CDO Ln s-co LO 0)CD V OMMO W O O W N C1 a' U CO-CDM V Ln r coC],-� V N a n 41 3(do OMLO co N N CO co N CO CC O N 0 N N N V O o O CO n O O O p o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n c .0 C CO V o O n co 0 0 0 0 0 O O O LO O O O LO O O O O O o p W O LO•cy co N Ln co O M O M CD CD O LO r Ln LO CO 0 Sr O CO CO CD CO n CD N _ n c U CO CD th V LA N- CO C') �� �'�V N Ol 3 M V CD M LO O N N d CC co) -o 0 a' V O O O M n O O O O O0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n a co 0 Cb V o0 n O) OOOOO OOO47 OOO LO OOP 0000 O) 0) Cl. CO N O co'LO N LO CO O CO O CO LD x-0 LO x-0 0 O(D V Oco M to co N ,- CO O. co C 0 CO M LO V CD co- s- n m s-r T-r Ni-- V N 01 c O- ON M N O N O m a C O 92 0 N O p N V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o p 0 0 0 0 0 0 V II II U T O O o C7 N O LO 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 0)CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n N N O) n CO O N M O LD N 0)s-n O W O s-LO'Q 0)(D V O CO V'Cr O 4] COC71 V M V M LO r n M N T- LO r N tXi CD 40 C) N 06 E0 CD M LO N N CD N 0 d Y N m N C C CO Iii O a. O a CC (DON V V V 0)O MO) CON V O V LO O OO CO CO 000 M 2 n. 'O n n Co r V n LO'Cr'Cr 0)M CO co oO m O n n M 0) CO CD n LO Cfl C Cr .-'Cr N- N O n,-n n O O C0 CO M LO T-O V n O n CO r CO C CO15 7 N N. (DN CC) CD NN ,_ V M N N N I-O c CD O U CD M V V 0) N N¢ c cJ E COcoM LO 0) CO V 0)n V 0 O V M Ln 0)CD(D CD M W o O CD O V 0 0 n V co O)s-O)co CO V N CO O CO CO CO CO LO N CO V n Sr W N CO CO co LO Q7 O V p CO N(O n N CO M N V M LO O co n co V V N- 4 j11-3 p U O O co- n O N LO UV O N N s- V N O { N Q N N C 0 co co n co co N CO O O O O CO co co V O p V CO co CA n CD LO n CO N N n N n V OLOn CON OCO n CO CD O C) OMMNNN ns-M N nM0 0)V T-LID CO V s- 0 C CO ON n N @ O OV OV LO N M co N ,- V0 O N N—N N C V 0 T- nN N Q a) O 7..--- H aN U N X C) C6 W m a .5 c_ O u1 N a N c LO C N N 0- tS -O O N N 0 CO LY Lj) N 11.7 lU O) f6 N C71 F_° C O CO a [P C E C Z C N C c N a) U) N C 01 LO CO N iO ct) O — N O C) O N C C E C o$ Cn OfNONWOLNCN D O N C U 5-� N N 6o O C GNJL. 1LI o L.L.CC O Q o. O m°6 m d NN N Ncod UJ On ii t 0)0 E S NN NCT d J. LY =4 '4,:: 5mt-E._ a [0 m o VL m A w >N� 0m O 5 CS 5U iioaoamooUd o•- o cry y CD.[Y ��0HOI- O()U(n s.-a¢ac)rUCn(n2aO20co F- X U co 00,-0)T O COn °a n M NM NM V(D Mo Op 0 CD CD O p OO 00s-OOOOO OO C7 OO NO 0 0b 0d d N N M o CA 6 6 6 D)W O) Or N N C7 M M CO 0 V V V V.V V V V.V V V,.V O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O z O O O O 6 C]0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N y N N N N y Cl N N N N N Cl N N N N N N CD Cnnnnn °)rrrr yNNNN-NNNNN-NNNNCO d 41 4).Ln Lo LO s Ln LO LO 0 d LO Ln Ln V)LO LO 47 Ln Ln LO Ln Ln 47 47 n r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O O M 0•CO M C O CO M CD CO M CO M O M M M M M M C M M M MMM C) J PM. General 8ovornance\Budge02O1OBudga8Podm& Recreation Dep8P&Rbudget mmrkohaet2O18xisx --' - ---- ''--General____ 2016 ���d ------- -- ������ P&R DetailProposed ����o��w� ______ _ _ ___` ; Budget 301 i RECREATION DIVISION 301.571.10.10.00 Salaries&Wages i 66,684 Y61.571.1.6:20.00 ;Payroll Taxes and Benefits 36,440 , FICA,medicare,L&I,PERS i _ Y01.571.20.10.01 Temporary/Seasonal Wages 53,500 i iRecreation Interns 1.- 3,500! : fRec. Temp Seasonal Staff 50,000 301.571.20.10.99 Overtimei 200 , i Rec. Temp Seasonal Staff 2001 301.571.2020.01 !Temporary/Seasonal Benefits I 4,573 301.571.20.20.99 !Employee Benefits OT - --1-- 11 301.571.20.31.01 !Office&Operating Supplies L 6,000 i iReoreation Program Supplies 2,5001 I !Summer Camp T-shirts 1,1001 i :Rec.Coord.Office Supplies 2001 i ;Haunted House/Special event supplies 2000; i !Business Cards 2001 . iFirst Aid Supplies 300i IRec.Temp Seasona Staff T-shirts 1,000 -3-01.571.20.35.01 ;Small Tools&Minor Equipment . 300 . 1Miscellanous program items 300 301.571.20.41.05 iProfessional Services , 28,100 !First Student Field Trip Transportation for Camps 5,100, 1 i Instructor/Presenter Fees 12,000. ! !Summer Outdoor Movies Screen&License(3)* 11,000 !*Cost of third movie offset by sponsorhips 301.571.20.41.17 'Advertising 1,000 i rdrochure distribution through media outlet 500; i 'Newspaper Advertisements 500, i iRec guides,flyers,brochures,refunds,etc. 1,500, 301.571.20.42.03 ICell Phones 150 301.571.20.43.01 Travel/Mileage • I . NRPA Supervisor Management School 1,200: 301.571.20.48.02 !Copier Maintenance i 1,500 301.571.20.48.03 iSoftware Licenses and Maintenance 900 301.571.10.49.01 !Scholarship Expense : 1 1Recreational program scholarships 650i 301.571.20.49.02 !Memberships : 400 iWRPA Annual Membership 250 `�' __� _____�---.-- .�� --' --'--------'--� r-------� �=AAnn�dA�vnbec�� ' 150/ -- _-_—'------'- ----'L--'----'—� ---------' --''—�--------� ---� - ----------- 4,000 30�'5�1'�O�S'D� _L_ -- ---'---- , ����^�..Brochure ! 4.000 `�-���__�- �___--_-'-_�- ^_' --_ _----_-- Page 4of1O P:11. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Parks& Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2016.xlsx `General Fund ' 2016 -__•--_ �P 8<R Detail Worksheet - _—_____ __.-. I A.- Proposed Budget 301.571.20.49.04- Conference Registrations_- - - ---` 1,800 iNRPA Supervisor Management School- -� 1,4501 - - -- i W PA Annual Conference I 3501 301.571.20.49.06 !Miscellaneous Services -_^ !�- �� 14,300 i 1 Summer Day Camp Field Trips - - 10,000 r -- 1 'Program Scharships ; - 800 - - --- iProgram Banners 800 ___�_._-� - - Dog Swim/Parents Night 6001 0 ___._�___ 1.____._. iFirst Aid/CPR Training for Summer Staff 1 1,100; i !Family Special Events ! 1,000! 301.586.10.01.00State Remit-LH Excise Tax i 7,000 -- - ; -_ F r SplashDown&Western Dance Hall j - 7,000 t -- - --- !Total {- --�__ ' -__ ' 234,397 Page 5 of 10 a 00000 0000000000000 0 O CD CD 0 CD CD a y o'g NO Or O O N O p o) a) C ct t6 L U C 0 0 0 O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O D OC)0 O u0) u0) O C U o C J(Q a C a> 15 15 0 C6 rn O 13 3 D y m 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O y =cc' C3 CD :8O O o>0 C>)0 00 • O O a U co .N_. (O ,. N N )) c co W w co y .E CC O N • E N O C O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O c D .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O n fU u)O u) CO Ooor-OOO r CO0ti N r 0)U O) 0 'O' �h V O Nra r-Or V C N 'O N a 0 CO M CO 4-'11- OC D CL. y3 000a 00oo0000000CD 0 e a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rn D N O CD O CD 0)O CD>0 N 0 0 0 CD CD N- N C) U r-�ri N V u)N u)O -N O 6 X �'O> D 0 N N- CO (fl-6 C') CC) C') m m K 0 N O N N °1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y OO u) CO O IC)u)N-000 •-0 CD N N NO c U .-Or CO '0 u)CO-6O .-N A_ 3 0'O r N V' V' W N N X rn 0 D 9 I o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. d CD y d 0 6 0 0 0 CD CD h 0 0 0 CO r 0 CD N N 0 0 d o 000_V (V V ^ V'C[)co-Cn CJ N N V CD C C Q N Q m C') V' V' c a 0 .15 2 00 0 0 00 000 a 0 00000 o II ii CD 0 o 0 0 0 O O O O O O O 0 0 O 0 m m LL. O No Nal Vn u)0000000)000 N y y O N CD I� V NCO r-u)<-N O) CD N N ot) O a, N ,-CO o 7 U U y cv D.P.43 G C 9--- D O O o �j N O V'O V' r OO Or—V'CDO rN0 C�)f- C1 N N C`')V. O CD N-Cr CD V r CD O 01 c O (6 V V' O O M r 1�co O O O co N CO 0 (� O CO D —M V C)N CO.CN) N CO N0 0 'O TS N 2 C) V a ~ C) ?II aE O 0 'CC V N- rOCD(000 CO0C)O0 CD 0 D 0 0 cO 0 O CD CO O 0'03 o)CO O CO CO CD V m 0 0 CO C co N C)n O CO CO O N r CO M 0 N O O r 0 V'csi.V(J Cn N N O O U O V O N C) CD N- C C N Q C) V V CZC N > O C)C) O d'0 0 0 r N CO O CD N u) (! 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General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Parks& Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2016.xlsx ,General Fund y 2016 P&R Detail Worksheet Proposed L 1 Budget I i -____ 302!AQUATICS DIVISION !I 302.576.20.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 1 1,500 302.576.20.35.01 !Small Tools&Minor Equipment ! i 12,500 I !Install two sets of pool stairs 12,0001 I Misc.Equipment i 500' 302.576.20.41.01 !Merchant Charges(Bankcard Fees) ! 1,900 302.576.20.41.05 'Professional Services ' ! 375,000 I I YMCA Maintenance&Management contract ! 375,0001 302.576.20.41.17 !Advertising y ( 500 302.576.20.42.02 !Telephone Service 4,500 I !Phone&Data lines for three pools ! 4,5001 302.576.20.44.03 'Taxes and Assessments f 5,700 302.576.20.47.01 !Electricity 28,000 302.576.20.47.02 !Water I 1 --1-- _ 15,000 302.576.20.47.03 !Sewer ; ! 10,000 302.576.20.48.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance _ I 2,500 !Misc.Equipment _ 2,5001 302.576.20.49.03 (Printing&Binding { 11,100 1 Development&printing of aquatics brochure 1 1,1001 1 302.576.20.49.06 Miscellaneous Services -- ! I 2,500 Spokane Regional Health Permits 2,5001 302.576.20.49.23 !Scholarship Expense j I 500 Scholarships for swim lessons&swim team I 5001 Total ; 461,200 Page 6 of 10 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �uo) coo 8 o (J �. ... ... N.. O T cc OD m m s U E o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0CD 4) 0 .0 nj C' O a r N U rn (a O a N N cc C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 6 0v 0O U x6 CO U N o j v� W 11.1a, cc c c K o d • E a E W 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N OU CO O M O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 CO CC a] (9 N 0 ()) u] In r(O u) 4)r (O(O N r h N o U (fl W r V c .N-. 'O N 61 a (0 Co CO a co 2 0 O c ., co 3 coo o co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - N C co co O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO O N co co o u) (O r(O u) u)r(O u7 N r h y S a o o (00 Co co r V 6) N.. X 3 O a 6 m a) O EK O N O Co a) O 0 o O M 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C V Co 0 O O O O o o O O O O O O7 o y O (D O V Lo 6 6 r 6 O (n r u)O N r Co `- o U CO (0 r u) V (D 3 Co. CO Co CO r r C) :. m m 0 0) -o SD (6 a .0 0 M O O O O CD CD C3 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 (0 co 0 CL CO a1 (O co V (f) r co u)r(O u)u)r u)O Co Co r O d a (O N O] 6) ❑ N O m d C O N (0 O O cc O(O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V7 II II U CO O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) a) a) N h LL) Co N (O Co LO (O r u)(O LO r(O u)Co m y N cc O) V 6) V N N r r(O (aa) W `1 E Y ON c7 M W C 0 (aN 0- CD 15 v m O) O O O Co O Co CO O N O Co O O o u)u)0)O CO CO S CL •O Co u) h Co CO CO O Co CO 0) Cr C 0) 6) CO CO 0 0 0 CO u) CO (6 0 CO Cr Co C) c_.r r r Co Co 0 C (O O U in Co co F 0 ✓0 N Q C E O O 01 OOO Co O 00 No(O h r 00 O(O(OO(Oh N (� a 0 O O N`CO r V' CO CO CO W r..- c0 c7 co( O Co r Co U co U M Co r � W C N< a) C a) 0 O V'O V 0) O)O COLO CO O O O CO u)O O)Co Co O(u6] h0ON CV o Co W V 60N O M 6) '1) N 00 O N cc of N N r co"(O W Np u] Co < 0 CD T: y OU 0 0 O] y d?O a) A CZ °c a d d N a) 01 d a- c% y 0) cH s a)W 2 23- _ m K (n c by US U I. m O IL O)(a C + C in O C a C N na] 0)co N C 0 (6 N (`6 C a) (D N y= y V c u F. o 2 0 0•m`� m c �-ci o 0 m e 0 x y d2 7 c �-,i's 0 a1 E m _ m m m 0 O c L c c RaiSU y(q EF_ c3 12 y m m-- E m m (n N y O_ a) cc d'C O O- — N 0 N d 00'O a) a '�— N U r c c m E > c'aE 3, E `a a o o o o 0a(n yF-OaH O1Y(n U¢aHLUO20M F X FO Cr)O CO TT 0 N N V(O 0 0 0 o 0 O O O y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N M W 0 6)O 6) Q N N M CO M ()4 4 4 4•V•4 C' V • 0 0 0 0 0 O O O •�0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u)(O(O(O(O y ul(n(O y(O u)u')(O(O u)(n(O cOU Li)(ri ui 0(000 (f)66lri ui vi 666 y Co Co Co Co Co Co h Co Co Co Co Co Co Co h Co 000(O(O(O 6000 y0 u)(O(O u)(l)(O(O a V Cc VV 0 0 L 0 0 0 0 OM 0OOOO 0 (0MMM 0 0 0 0 OMMMMMMMM O CO CO CO CO CO P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Parks& Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2016.xlsx 'General Fund I 2016 1P&R Detail Worksheet _ ; __ Proposed Budget 3041-SENIOR CENTER DIVISION -�-M^ 304.575.50.10.00 ;Salaries&Wages — ! 66,648 304.575.50.20.00 !Payroll Taxes and Benefits 1 21,833 I FICA,medicare,L&I,PERS 304.575.50.31.01 !Office&Operating Supplies _ 1 500 Paper,ink cartridges,folders,etc. j 500 - 304.575.50.35.01 ,Small Tools&Minor Equipment j I --1,100 1 !replace card tables and class room tables � 1,100 304.575.50.42.01 :Postage 1 j 100 304.575.50.43.01 1Travel/Mileage i 500 1 :Value Summit,Dovia,etc. 1 -500 304.575.50.41.17 ;Advertising #I ! --_500 I !Spokesman Review,Senior Directory,Dex Directory 1 .5001 304.575.50.48.01 !Equipment Repair&Maintenance I 1,500 I :Service Kilns&clean greenhouse windows 1,500 304.575.50.48.02 !Copier Maintenance ! 1,500 304.575.50.48.03 !Software Licenses and Maintenance 1 1 304.575.50.49.02 'Memberships � I 100 WSASC Membership 1001 304.575.50.49.04 'Registrations I j - 500 Misc. Trainings-Fall Prevention,Dovia,etc. 5001 304.575.50.49.06 'Miscellaneous Services ~�— I 1 1,000 !Professional speakers/seminars 1 1,000: 'Total - --- -_-_I__ 95,781 EI I Page 7 of 10 00000 00000a 0066 oW000m000o 0^ 000000 00000No� 000 0000 N o_ 0 0 V ,ro s w�� ,7i: N ._ 5 c2U E 00000a 000000000FT 000a a00000000000oo00om00000' 000 0000 E «m m ;et41-eq o>_ d d m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0` 1'2 0a M� a'E C O m R 0 0 0 0 O O.W o m 0 0 0 E E O O V O m 0 E o O O M N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a? LA OOH r UREFi OvE n 000 00auoioOv�EoOim oaco0lMirmMm rn A Vio N O -6N tD— O �G vg p th'?W�D—N �d'M '_ C],- C!8 2 V W 6 ' N O�O ry . IId m d E4 3 0 EMU 0 E o 0 N E voi o E' o o m 0 o E O E V E E 0 0 a0 o E 0 0 0 o v E o 2,4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a t. o E E w o m a E an M r r e od�Z. "N.4,d6 i m mN m ON ..,, 0c m ,6". �--F, A.4 w '4fD r m -�m' o � � m m r2 I N m O O N <0 0 0 0 o N V O O E o E o o Oo E O E.O o E E O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n d E 0 N 0 m E n g 0 0 N 0 m k of r N rn a o v coo M v r M M $ NN s, m m 0..-r.,., a. m 'a2 uiv m m a"m m rim - of.-.ci W `. M N m N 0 M 3 sEroom a0 - 00 00000moMn0 0" 0000 n v� m 0 m O h ONv N O 0 0o00000 W R. 004000" m ' -- ' 'r m mm 00 W 000 000 ` M M--N,9 0 m - „E,2 QN - a A- E 0 m o X'228282'82 E o N 0 0 0 0 0 E N o o N o o N o o o x 0 0 0 n n u m 28:2822 o oO E o0 n,98288OiEpArrn H m va Irm� mm m Nwm' v d O ormM V M OO 0 0r V c7 2 an o rvmm E v "0M° r0m mOMo NWonir 02Na Mwm 000 °i3 Mm vmaaw m mr -66 .((r. ( 6m_ 0 m N.-NW mc¢ N aro '•c ,((- .-m6 0N M c N r m M M O m 0 E Oai O�f0 Oai N h m m n r O N M N o i W O N O O N N O O O N[rel r W N I�Ird M N N W W id O o 0 o O r o C7 N 3 1�M N N m �rnh m -ci W {. < M M Nl O g N O V m r T2 c.< M d � NN a_ d U O A N , d d q m a E 3 rn N m d d F a 8 w g.2 _ "90.2 a E 2g. E� d 1-ma ' 4 y n ,?,g aLK sME, ! h ; ..UO 'E't dd =aT gCLa U u 1gnElmnnoEot !1§2 OLL� dUr0 «0WELd wUmm`aKi U% PPi20> F ;0 M NO Mhm�d Mlrn MNGM M iiiiniiiMiliMiiiiiiiii HI• a .EMMM 1 _. ___) P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Parks& Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2016.xlsx {General Fund 1 2016 P&R Detail Worksheet 1 Proposed i Budget 1 30510ENTERPLACE DIVISION — — j- 1 305.571.20.10.01 ;Temporary/Seasonal Wages ' -- 60,000 305.571.20.20.01 Temporary/Seasonal Payroll Taxes and Benefits _ 1 - 5,070 # 305.575.50.10.00 ;Salaries&Wages 263,508 305.575.50.10.99 ;Overtime! ___ --- 2,500 305.575.50.20.00 l Payroll Taxes and Benefits { l 144,847 (FICA,medicare,L&l,PERS ! 1 ___ 305.575.50.31.01 {Office&Operating Supplies — _ 1 8,574 !File Folders(20 boxes @$15/box) i 2001 !Hanging File Folders(2 boxes @$22/box) 1 881 _ _ 1 Letterhead(100 sheets) ( 200i -___— }Envelopes(6 boxes @$50/box) ! 6001 — _ !Pens(24 boxes @$6.50/box) 156: 1 Misc.office Supplies(white out,binders,post-it notes 95011 !Kitchenware(pumper pots,water pitchers,dish replae 2,500 1 1 ((Coffee&Coffee Supplies(creamer,stir sticks,cups,7 15701 Kleenex(5 pack @$9/pk) - , 1 80I_ -- I -_;Flags(4) —I 225':. _ — ILabels(address labels,folder labels,etc) l 2251 —_ t Batteries(for cordless microphones) ( 300 - { 'Tape ! 2801 j I Business cards _ l 400 — 'Replacement AV Equipment — — 800 305.575.50.31.04 'Linens 1 1 16,500 I !Table linens&napkins for over 234 events 1 16,500 1 305.575.50.31.05 !Meeting Supplies { _- l 1,050 — — 1 !Easels,white board replacement, i 4501 -_ I IProjectorbulbsI _ 600;- 305.575.50.31.06 !Safety Equipment _- --- 1,000 ;---- I Servicing fire extinguishers j 10001 305.575.50.31.07 {Clothing&Uniforms { 2,275 1 1404staff shirts(2 per person)@$36/shirt i 1,600 1- ---_ 1� i 15 staff zip jacket or pullover(1/pp)@ 41.71/ea 675 305.575.50.31.08 'Repair&Maintenance Supplies — 11,600 I !Filters { 3,3001 -4-- { { - !Light bulbs 1 1,500 -_ } 1 Misc.(nuts,bolts,glue,wood) 3,300 1 — ' 1 Paint&supplies 2,000 i I 'Electrical supplies 1,500 1 - -- 305.575.50.31.09 (Janitorial supplies _ i 1 15,500 Cleaning supplies — 1 2,5001 l —"Paper products&garbage bags 1 6,0001 ( 1 Diswasher/cleaning supplies ' 4,000 1 - - — 1 I Carpet Cleaning 1,500 1 _ 1 i Floor waxing 1,500 1 305.575.50.35.01 ;Small Tools&Minor Equipment 1 19,525 � --I 1,000 � 1 ;Hand tools,extension cords ( Page 8 of 10 P:11. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Parks& Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2016.xlsx ;General Fund 2016 P&R Detail Worksheet Proposed ______----- -------------- f - Budget --` - (25 new room chairs --J 5,875 , _ 1Misc.Equipment - - 1 -3,100 j -_ -_._L__ (10 round tables -. I 4,250 ► - 1 Small 32 inch TV monitor for Great Room ( 300 1 __ ' 110 classroom tables ; 5,000 1 305.575.50.41.01 'Merchant Charges(Bankcard Fees) 6,700 305.575.50.41.03 IR Support I _4__ 305.575.50.41.05 ;Professional Services j 13,075 - --_ ;Window washing 2,020 j _ __ __ _ ! jAlarm(monitoring agreement),repair&keys 870 1 1 (Elevator 1,695_-- i .--- i life Testing(sprinklers,backflows) 2,300 -- - _ - jRotorRooter 500 I ,Misc.services(answering service)_ --- 1,490 1 -- ;Event Catering to be reimbursed by customers 4,200 305.575.50.41.06 'Janitorial services r! - 94,090 ' !Contract with ISS Facility Services - - I 87,500 - ^- I _...-. iAdditonal Room Set Up-- - — 6,5901 305.575.50.41.17 !Advertising j j 60,000 -- _ (Dex Advertising 5,500 [Brochures&other printed materials ' 3,450 __ _ !Marketing folders ' 2,200 11Develop/Printads ' 18,000 Website update&hosting renewal ( 6001 -- ;- IHagadone Black Book I 1,200' _ 1 I�(Regional Advertising(billboards or other media) 24,3251 _-- 11NBTA Business Fair Booth 1`---� 4001 _ - ---1---- --- - 300( (NBA Business Fair Booth _-____- GSI Business Fair Booth450 L- 1 (Post Fats Business Fair Booth E 1751 - __ _ ; (Bridal Festival Booth(Jan&Sept) I 3,4001 -f -- - - 305.575.50.42.01 !Postage I j - 3,100 1 Brochures,flyers,reservation quotes,refunds,etc. 3,1001 _3.05.575.50.42.02 'Telephone Service { r __ - 4,000 ______ ;Five analog phone lines for alarms,fire,911, 4,0001 �t -'elevator&credit carr!machine -- I I 305.575.50.42.03 'Cell Phones 900 I 14 Cell phones(2 maint.and host) 9001 -_ 305.575.50.42.08 'Internet I I 6,400 —L _ !Internet service at CenterPlace 6,4001 305.575.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage ! ' 3,000 !Attend WRPA Conference in Tacoma i 1,000 ! 'Mileage for various meetings } 500 ' __ 'Main'Maintenance tenance Training ( 1,500 ! 305.575.50.44.03 !Taxes&Assessments c 5,100 Leasehold excise tax on longterm rentals ' 5,100 1 305_57550.47.01 ,Electricity ` - - - _ - — I - ' 87,500 Page 9 of 10 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Parks& Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2016.xlsx -- . !General Fund 2016 •P&R Detail Worksheet i Proposed ----- ---------- ' - - I Budget 305.575.50.47.02 'Water ' 4,004 305.575.50.47.03 'Sewer ' -- ,- 3,900 305.575.50.47.04 'Waste Disposal I 9,495 _--- - _(Waste Disposal 8925; _ --- 'Recycling -� 570' 305.575.50.48.00 Equip Rental Maint-Contracted ; 500 ! 305.575.50.48.01 'Equipment Repair&Maintenance j 15,000 --- -- _ (HVAC contract - — - i 7,500 JMisc.Equipment Repair - ' 5,500 ' Elevator Repair/maintenance I 1,000 - -- I Ref i erator repair 1,000 g p 305.575.50.48.02 'Copier Maintenance - _-_ 1,400 • 305.575.50.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance ' i 3,000 305.575.50.49.01 Subscriptions --_ -, __t i - 300 305.575.50.49.02 Memberships ' I 3,445 ' ;Greater Spokane Incorporated 700 { -[Post Falls Chamber of Commerce ' 225 -- !Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce j 650 -^ 'National Park&Recreation Association 150 ;Washington Recreation&Park Association 250 !AVM ; 445 -- i Ilnpro 125 r-`!'Spokane Hotel Motel Association 300 I _- -- ' lInt'l Assoc.of Business&Travel Professionals 150 -_ Inland Northwest Business Alliance J 150 --- 'West Plains Chamber ' 300 I 305.575.50.49.03 'Printing&Binding — -; j --1,700 • 'Brochures&other printed material 1,700' 305.575.50.49.04 'Registrations I 1,300 ..__ WRPA Conference in Seattle • 3001 - ' Misc. Trainings 1,000[ 305.575.50.49.06 'Miscellaneous Services 1 2,365 f -- Motion Picture License 530 I Chamber Business Fair Booth I 500 Spokane Valley Chamber meetings ' 200 _ ;Hotel Motel meetings 225 _ I 'Piano Tuning— 300 -_ ! 'Elevator Permits _ ' 110 I ;Boiling and operating permit-L&1 500 305.597.12.00.30 'IF Transfer:Civic Facil.Replac Fund 'Total , 882,223 PR Budget Grand Total 2,793,815 Page 10 of 10 w a) E a 0 a) Ci) 0 t a E E 0 V o00o u)W W om 004./.0044440 0 m o in M W 00 OO m.-mol,- 3- �.M..W"-.0.1 O v.O..A..��v�M r M c W , M N O W 'Ole; .M. .M '� � v N N CA d v.. L U E- 1 N g 0000 �� 0ppN0W O���W V O�V WOM 0 N 0 NN OM�MO 0 O .� .r.N..�....... 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NOQW U 000040000004 0 0 0 CO N43-4 O 0003v-0.1..4.4 Q W U M L ANM Q WM Q QNANNO Q M 0173- N N u N N E N 1 S-N U Q 0404 O 0 N N O W S 3 0 O W O 0,r034.1.104M0 M 0 co O CO M O)O N W3-400 N 0,103-ACO O) O O N t6 3-00- m r .- W N Q ,- N N M CO0M B C 0) N N L N _.. �_ fi C a 3 C @ E o E o ° w m c a m !n mm C06 0 '2 m a m b- 25 E w 8' y a>i U - m O m O m � E w 4 m p m m n m S g m `a) yny O 'o —m ci! ca� o 0 .•E Z % U U 0) a)'-J L O U u.•=0 m� @.� TJ C.C 2 y n v 0 c m m EE5 mro 0t0 = 1 -Etm3 "t .E o E GI E E w m w m a o d �° o o m m �° o a c�U� n Oa'2M w�MaUF-UMM ,_ uN v _ o a) Z g N N N N o m m U 52 Lc M0,- e4�M�M�NM.-.N.1., 'C'- -040 r lL d[p _O W O 0 0 0 0 N O O O O O O O O O o 0 A ? -o G 'N .,.1.io4MOmoioioim E.- 'n E oaoN c)--0 �cQQav,avv,v,v.Q Eo 5� 000 0000 .200000000Ooo mW `o £ meow y W 0]tp W W W W W W W(O W W f0 p a,W adtioi Mood co ca cproroao of o5 W ti. U 4 14222 W tt)N W NNNm W W oIU W W N N EC U wow. l ... t.NO W.w ul O N NN O C N ..-mo tO6NO �NNNN Loomoonom[)IOUNN �O 5O N V 2 0 H O O O O 3888 40000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 8 I- / P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund 2016 Community Development Proposed r- Administration Division 001.058.050. Budget 050.558.60.10.00 Wages 184,272 1 Director, 1 Administrative Assistant- 050.558.60.10.99 Overtime 3,000 administrative staff covers off hours meetings 050.558.60.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 63,135 FICA,medicare, L&I, PERS 050.558. Office&Operating Supplies 1,500 general office supplies 050.558.60.31.03 Publications 200 American Social Civil Engineers 150 . Roberts Rules of Order-newest edition 25 Parliamentary Journal 25 050.558.60.31.05 Meeting Supplies 400 Developer's Forum 200 Planning Commission 200 050.558.60.35.01 Small Tools& Minor Equipment 1,000 Planning Commission Thank you awards x 300 Replacement chair 700 505.558.60.41.03 Spokane County GIS 1,000 GIS Services, SCIMap, other contracted services with Spokane County. Theh majority of the charges for these services are used by the planning div. The majority of the budget for this line item has been moved to that division 050.558.60.42.01 Postage 100 Covers all required and necessary mailed correspondence 050.558.60.42.03 Cell Phone(Ipad) 600 iPad connection for the director.Assists director in being more productive 050.558.60.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,000 NW Economic Development Council 1,500 Northwest Regional Floodplain Conference 2 X 3 nights 1,500 Continuing Education Credits for Certification for CFM 500 050.558.60.48.02 Copier Maintenance 4,000 Based on actual charges to repair department machines 050.558.60.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance 9,500 SMARTGov Maintenance 7,500 upgrade to Adobe 2,500 050.558.60.49.01 Subscriptions 200 Engineering Professional Journal, 150 Parliamentary Law Review 50 050.558.60.49.02 Memberships 700 American Association of Civil Engineers(ASCE) 235 Inland Northwest Chapter of the National Association of Parliamentarians(1NPLU) 25 Page 1of2 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2016.xlsx American Institute of Parliamentarians(AIP)-Alyce Baker 10 Washington Association of Floodplain Managers(WAFM) 30 Northwest Regional Floodplain Managers Association (NORFMA)X 2 50 Association of State Floodplain Managers(ASFPM)X 2 250 International Association of Administrative Professionals 100 _ .... _. 050.558.60.49.04 Registrations 1,500 NORFMA(floodplain)conference x 2 800 Parliamentary Law conference 200 Economic Development Seminar 300 floodplain management training(CEC) 200 Total: 274,107 Page 2 of 2 CD ct CD CD CD CD CD C3 0 0 0 0 CD,I. O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 LU O LOO 000 Lo CO CO CO Cn o TS CO-ri. �N N 0 0 a C 0 C W 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 M O M 0 0 0 0 0 0 O CO -''Ln LO 000 LO CO CO CO N o U .._. CD v— MCO C— o J06 v O'C) rb' 15 a .6 O o a) Nm o000 omo COL000000 0 co C) O CO O Y-CD LOnvv CD CD CD O O O OM N CO C 00 O o O co-v v v CO CO N: CC N N CO, v N_. CV N • N U E in) N OE C C O co r- CO 0 CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO o O O N N n 0 V 0 CC0 - N O N O O CO CD N °ti N CO O cci 0 01 0) C a N m M O '3 N cu csi m )) tt N p L N L G T- Y CC ' o C O N C- C O CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N o O N o N O LO N LOO CO N 0 p 0 Q LO 3 C,T, 0 N rnLf W 0 CO a N C7 CO m O f a 2 O N 00)O co r- N O N 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0) a o O N N LO CO CO N 0) / .- N O N LO LO CO 0) G o O O Cn Ln CO W CC co N0 co co CC C N E a o 0 o .0 0)ONI- 000 000000 0 N N 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UD N N > O W CC) N O N CO CO Y- 0 0 0 CO CO CO T- N-N > O O O a N W ice- `- CO-CO-,-- M N 7 N CC N O m N CO CO C c a 0 E E Ln E OO CO CO 000 000000 o CD u IC 4 o N- O N- 000 O O O O O 0 N O O j O N CO r Lo O O O UD N O N Ln N to N C CO N V' W r N N co CO a N CP O '-.CCL) to ON CO f-N N C C a 3 - m 711 O r 03 0 0 O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O SD Q N C To O 3 p C -ID N Q E-N CD COC9 / N E co 0 O o 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 C M Ca N = > o U o N< N al O O O O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O C N 0 Na LU O U / N< C C CC N CC 115 y 0 E. O cc -0 /) Lo) Cj TT, a z w a) CO N O C C N U) L]. N C C Q C 0 O 0 Z' ),,f; C O C N O.0 O U .o a 0 d CD F— O C N�••C C m N _ C > NEC u, a) o u ruN.2w C 3 _ > E' aa)i O o O > i 3 a) O m-� N y p_ Oa CUW ��Oa a� <aa`I=v)2� u2 a) Z m 00 d m r cn C x v :° E any LO N N d'r COLn 0 O ~O O O O CC 0 0 0 0 0 C O O O N W C C C O Q N CO co U V•Q d'C V 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 6 E W dr 1-r— if,l''.-I- al~I-I-N 1- > 0 ��� yadoo yadodod0od 0 0 Cp O CO En -Lo Lo O LO LO O Ln 0 LO LO Ln G Ln CO d O Ln Lo u1 Ln ar r 0 o P N !a LO LO Lo 3 Lo to Lo ria in Ln CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 D o o O o o o o o = I— P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund 001.058.051. 2016 Community Development Proposed Economic Development Division Budget 051.558.70.10.00 Wages 222,229 1 Economic Development Coordinator, 0.50 Development Engineer 051.558.70.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 95,028 FICA,Medicare, L&l, PERS 051.558.70.31.03 Publications 600 . American Social Civil Engineers Economic Development solutions publications 051.558.70.31.05 Meeting Supplies 500 Regional Partner meetings 250 Business community meetings 250 051.558.70.41.05 Professional Services 18,000 Consultant for Marketing/Graphics design work for marketing collateral to create a consistent marketing theme for Economic Development promotion 051.558.70.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,000 Washington State Dept of Commerce Economic Development seminars 900 International Council of Shopping Centers(ICSC)conference 700 International Economic Development Council(IEDC) 700 GSI, Visit Spokane and other regional partner meetings 700 051.558.70.49.01 Subscriptions 1,000 National Association of Development Organization 200 International Council of Shopping Centers 300 051.558.70.49.02 Memberships 400 1,500 American Association of Civil Engineers(ASCE) 300 International Economic Development Council(IEDC) 400 American Planning Association 200 Washington Economic Development Association(WEDA) 200 International Council of Shopping Centers(ICSC) 051.558.70.49.04 Registrations 3,300 Washington State Dept of Commerce Economic Development seminars 900 International Council of Shopping Centers(ICSC)conference 700 International Economic Development Council(IEDC) 700 Inland Northwest Partners 500 GSI, Visit Spokane and other regional partner meetings 500 Total: 345,157 Page 1of1 C O O f-0 0 COI N O CO 00 CO OCD 000 1 00 O C O O'O O t n O O CO f O O O N O O V 1 O 0 O M 0 0 0 0 O O COM O o IN0 tON 000 NNv v M N v CO.l 000 or--MW N0)mmCho My CO N f"0 01 0 V CO v o h Cli O v y O,3O 1 r v r M CCC I N v L 0 E C 00003 CO O(0 Od'N N 000OOONO V'O0300(+) OON V'OO CJOOOOOO N 0000OONN 0 +� O 00 N NO T- 0 C V 01 0) N0 NN N 0.'ON CO CO (D vv CV CO CO r vCD ;U Cl.N.i st CD O1 h 0 N N 6 N CO J V 0 CV v v v v v ..i .! ... g w C6 0l O'O. 01 Elm C 00 NmONO ONCD(000000)000 C') 00N O0 CD CD 0)N00 N000 00000000t(fl CD O Z - AG ez f.4 0101 VI NN NN �" vvM. 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N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 00 0 r3 ON NN CO NN CO CO CO N CO CO CO CO000 of 6 W ao co co On m W a0 O4 6 c0 c6 6 p 6 cc; 0 N U)U)N N N 0 0 N U)0 N N N N N N U N O)O N Ul N N LO 0 0 N U)O N v) W N 0 • 0010 N O V O U)N N ui N OO 666 NN id ON 0 N N U)N U)CO N LOU)0 U)N N N U) C U)U) O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O F- P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund 001.058.055 and 001.058.056 2016 Community Development Proposed Development Services Division Budget 055.558.50.10.00 Salaries&Wages 486,336 1 Dev Sery Manager,2 Engineers, 1 Asst.Engineer, 0.5 Engineering Technicians, 1 Development Inspector, 1 ROW Inspector MOVED 1.0 Office Assistant to BLDG,0.5 Engineer to ED 055.558.50.10.99 Overtime 500 Construction Inspector to attend meetings with contractors and emergency call-outs 055.558.50.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 206,970 FICA,medicare,L&1,PERS 056.558.60.10.00 Salaries&Wages 337,536 1 Senior Planner,2 Planners, 1 Code Enforcement officer, 1 Office Assistant 056.558.60.10.99 Overtime 0 cover after hours meetings 056.558.60.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 142,495 FICA,medicare,L&l,PERS 055.558.50.31.01 Office Supplies 3,000 standard office supplies 055.558.50.31.03 Publications 400 AASHTO Standards 055.558.50.31.05 Meeting Supplies 200 Developer's Forums 055.558.50.31.06 Safety Equipment 200 Safety Yellow work shirts and Vests 100 caution tape,marking paint,hard hats 100 055.558.50.32.01 Fuel 5,000 fuel for 2 vehicles 1 ROW inspector and 1 Construction Inspector 055.558.50.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 1,000 This category includes items that are purchased to last longer periods of time than traditional office supplies.Examples: tape measures,extra long levels,staplers and staples (construction grade for notices), GPS unit(shared), calculators,measuring wheels 056.524.60.32.01 Fuel 4,000 Fuel for Code Enforcement officer 056.524.60.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 500 056.558.60.31.01 Office Supplies 3,200 general office supplies 056.558.60.31.03 Publications 400 Spokane County Real Estate Forum 75 New Urban News 195 Congress of New Urbanism 130 056.558.60.31.05 Meeting Supplies 1,000 Planning Commission Meetings 500 Shoreline Master Program Open Houses 500 056.558.50.31.06 Safety Equipment 150 posting stakes,caution tape,gloves,inhalation filters, 100 breathing masks safety vests 50 Page 1 of 4 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2016.xlsx 056.558.60.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 2,000 replacement chair 600 desk scanner 1,200 21,050 misc 200 055.558.50.41.03 Spokane County GIS 2__,000_ GIS Services,SCIMap,other contracted services with Spokane County 055.558.50.41.05 Professional Services 30,000 Belsby Engneering,survey Contract. (code requirement) 055.558.50.41.18 Legal Notices 200 Legal notices are required for Development Engineering requirements,drainage easements,ROW easements 055.558.50.42.01 Postage 3,400 Covers all required and necessary mailed correspondence- public meeting mailings-has been charged to another division 055.558.50.42.03 Cell Phones 2,000 phone and lap top wireless connection for 2 Inspectors 055.558.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,000 NORFMA Floodplain conference 600 Traffic Control 400 GIS Training 700 Storm water-Detention Pond Design 100 Construction Inspection Training 500 Principals of Hot Mix Asphalt 150 Communications Training 150 Concrete Pavement Inspection 150 Traffic Engineering Training 100 Project Inspection mileage 100 General meeting mileage 50 055.558.50.45.07 Interfund Vehicle Lease 10,500 Interfund Vehicle Lease 055.558.50.48.01 Equipment Repair and Maintenance 1,000 Vehicle Maintenance on 2 vehicles,one is and older S-10 PU and being driven considerable 055.558.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,000 Actual charges as the copier and plotter need to be maintained 055.558.50.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance 8,500 SMARTGov Maintenance 7,500 FEMA floodplain software upgrade 1,000 055.558.50.49.02 Memberships 1,000 Members of American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE) 600 Association of State Floodplain Managers(ASFPM) 100 RoadBuilders Association 100 Northwest Regional Floodplain Managers Association (NORFMA) 200 055.558.50.49.03 Printing&Binding printing new street standards and standard plan updates 055.558.50.49.04 Registrations 4,000 NORFMA Floodplain conference 400 Traffic Control 500 GiS Training 800 Page 2 of 4 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2016.xlsx Storm water-Detention Pond Design 500 Construction inspection Training 500 Principals of Hot Mix Asphalt 400 Communications Training 150 Concrete Pavement Inspection 400 Flagger Training 50 Misc Local Training 300 055.558.50.49.05 Filing&Recording Fees 250 Filing&recording fees are the fees charged by Spokane County to record easements and requirements for Development Engineering 056.524.60.42.03 Cell Phones 2,000 code enforcement officer,phone and laptop wireless connection 056.524.60.43.01 Travel/Mileage 1,000 056.524.60.48.01 Equipment Repair and Maintenance 3,000 Repair costs for code enforcement vehicle 056.524.60.49.02 Memberships 200 056.524.60.49.04 Registrations 700 056.524.60.49.08 Code Enforcement Abatement 10,000 this amount could possibly cover 1 abatement per year. 056.558.60.41.03 Spokane County GIS 115,000 GIS Services, SCIMap,other contracted services with Spokane County The majority of the charges for these services are used by the planning div. The majority of the budget for this line item has been moved to that division 056.558.60.41.05 Professional Services 40,000 Planning special counsel 056.558.60.41.18 Legal Notices 8,000 Filing&recording fees are the fees charged by Spokane County to record such things as final short plats,long plats and binding site plans. This is a revenue/expenditure neutral item given the applicant is responsible for the recording fees, which are paid to the City to cover all of the costs associated with filing or recording 056.558.60.42.01 Postage 0 Most mail is coded to 055,so all postage money has been moved to this account code 056.558.60.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,000 State APA Conference 500 Inland Empire APA conference 1,000 Shoreline Conference 200 WA State Planning Managers Conference 300 Attendance at State Code Enforcement Conferences 800 Spokane River Forum 200 Misc travel for PTAC, SCEO,Site Selector and other local 1,000 meetings 056.558.60.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,000 actual charges to repair copier,plotters,desk printers _ 056.558.60.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance e _ 9,500 SMARTGov Maintenance 056.558.60.49.01 Subscriptions 200 Planning Commissioners Journal 150 West zoning review 50 Page 3 of 4 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2016.xlsx 056.558.60.49.02 Memberships 2,000 American Planning Association/AICP x 5 1,100 Planning Association of Washington 350 APA=planning commission 450 Washington Association of Code Enforcers two individual 300 memberships 056.558.60.49.03 Printing&Binding500 Printing sign brochures,clearview brochures 056.558.60.49.04 Registrations 2,800 Inland Empire Section-APA x 3 700 - - -- - State American Planning Association Conference 500 -- Code enforcement Customer Interface training: 300 WACE sponsored training-Code Enforcement 300 Shoreline Conference 400 WA State Planning Managers Conference 300 Spokane River Forum 200 APA Certification credits-seminars 500 Misc. Workshops such as:Complete Street,Bike and Ped, 300 Airport Compatibility,Sustainability, 056.558.60.49.05 Filing&Recording Fees 6,000 Filing&recording fees are the fees charged by Spokane County to record such things as final short plats,long plats and binding site plans. This is a revenue/expenditure neutral item given the applicant is responsible for the recording fees, which are paid to the City to cover all of the costs associated with filing or recording 056.558.60.51.01 Spokane County Contracts 20,000 Hearing Examiner 1,486,637 Page 4 of 4 c lD O tN.- OOO CO CD 0000 OCDOOOCD N CD 0 047 O O)O D O CD t O h CD 000 0 CO p N (D CD h 0) CD h M 7 OD 0)M CD 0 h h O.--C)CO M to CD N O .N.. 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General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2016.xlsx General Fund 2016 Community Development Proposed Building Division 001.058.057 Budget 057.558.50.10.00 Salaries &Wages 864,732 1 Building Official, 1 Sr Plans Examiner, 1 Plans Examiner, 3 Building Inspectors, 1 Dev Sen./Coordinator, 2 Permit Facilitators, 2 Planners, 2 Office Assistants, 1 Engeering Technician 057.558.50.10.99 Overtime - inspectors to meet contractors at job site beyond hours if necessary 057.558.50.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 391,833 FICA, medicare, L&1, PERS 057.558.50.31.01 Office &Operating Supplies 3,000 general office supplies 057.558.50.31.02 Forms 1,000 Inspection Tags 500 Target Date sheets 500 057.558.50.31.03 Publications 9,000 Code books and update publications for 10 employees-this is not a code year, however next year is a code year and new books will need to be purchased for everyone 057.558.50.31.06 Safety Equipment 200 safety vests, safety glasses, hard hats, flashlights, safety kits for the vehicles,yellow caution tape, dust masks, water jugs for vehicles, 057.558.50.31.08 Fuel 12,000 fuel for inspectors trucks 4 vehicles 057.558.50.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 3,000 Replacement chairs x 2 1,200 replacement label printerx 2 1,200 caution tape, safety gloves, shoe covers,permit cover bags, 600 construction grade staplers. 057.558.50.40.01 Credit Card & Bankcard Fees 16,000 Credit card fees charged by banks-cannot calculate the amount, varies by bank, by card, by charge, by bank holder state. Finance has not charged the CC fees however have said they will be doing so. 057.558.50.41.03 Spokane County GIS 2,000 GIS Services, SCIMap, other contracted services with Spokane County The majority of the charges for these services are used by the planning div. The majority of the budget for this line item has been moved to that division 057.558.50.41.05 Professional Services 3,500 GPS Services-Seattle Public Utilities 1,900 Page 1of3 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2016.xlsx Some projects require professional expertise that we do not have on staff. Among these services we could need outside review by professionals such as engineers, architects, industrial hygienists or other specialty professionals for 1,600 projects proposing complex structural systems;or large important buildings like assemblies and hospitals;or alternate construction materials. 057.558.50.42.01 Postage 1,000 Covers all required and necessary mailed correspondence, certified mail 057.558.50.42.03 Cell Phones 4,800 6 phones, 1 for GPS connection and 4 laptop wireless connections 057.558.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,300 WABO-four in-state technical/professional meetings;one 800 person each meeting, two-day meeting Planner to APA Conference 400 WSAPT Meetings-two in-state technical/professional 400 meetings;one person each meeting;one-day meeting Inland Empire APA conference 200 Certifications-one per year 450 Certification Renewals-one per year 450 Inland Empire Chapter in-state code training;one person, 500 three-day training AICP Certification 100 057.558.50.45.07 Vehicle Replacement Costs 5,500 accrue to account for replacement of vehicles. Need to replace at least 2 inspector vehicles. 057.558.50.48.01 Equipment Repair and Maintenance 3,000 repair and maintenance of inspectors trucks x4 057.558.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 7,500 actual charges to maintain 2'printers, 2 large format copier scanners,plotter 057.558.50.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance 9,500 SMARTGov Maintenance 8,500 update sign calculating software 1,000 057.558.50.49.01 Subscriptions 100 Building Law Bulletin 057.558.50.49.02 Memberships 1,200 International Code Conference(ICC)governmental 100 membership APA memberships for 2 planners 400 American Planning Association(APA),American Institute of Certified Planners(AICP), eng tech 400 Inland Empire Chapter, ICC-five individual memberships 210 Washington Association of Building Officials governmental 40 membership Washington Association of Permit Technicians three 50 individual memberships 057.558.50.49.04 Registrations- 2,000 Page 2 of 3 P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Community Development Dept\CED budget worksheets 2016.xlsx WABO-four in-state technical/professional meetings;one 800 person each meeting, two-day meeting Inland Empire APA conference eng tech 200 AICP Certification 200 State Building Code Council meetings-four-eight per year state code development;one-day meeting;no travel or meal 400 charges to City Planner attend APA Conference 400 057.558.50.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 1,500 rug service for Permit Center, shreading services Total: 1,345,665 Page 3 of 3 Tab 12: Supplemental p;\1.General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Finance Dept\supplemental requests.xlsx Budget Requests CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 6/5/2015 2016 Budget Supplemental Requests Account Number Account Title I Description Amount #001 -General Fund Public Works r Wage/PR Tax/Benefit create facilities maintenance position 19,182 n Supplies tools, etc. needed for facilities maintenance 3,000 Total public works 22,182 Community and Economic Development r Wage/PR Tax/Beneifts increase grade and revise job description 8,005 for two economic dev personnel Total community development 8,005 Parks&Recreation n Capital Outlay-Priority#3 purchase 2 acres of land near Sullivan Park 130,000 Total parks&recreation 130,000 Total General Fund 160,187 recurring r 27,187 nonrecurring n 133,000 160,187 Page 1 of 2 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2016 Budget\Finance Dept\supplemental requests.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 6/5/2015 2016 Budget Supplemental Requests Account Number Account Title Description Amount #101 -Street Fund Equipment maintenance facility storage unit 5,000 Equipment replacement of vehicle detection cameras 20,000 Total Street Fund 25,000 #309-Parks Capital Grants Fund 309.000.000.594. Capital outlay-Priority#1 installation of park signage 20,500 309.000.000.594. Capital outlay-Priority#2 build Browns Park splash pad 82,500 309.000.000.594. Capital outlay-Priority#4 design and build phase 2 of pocket dog park 55,000 309.000.000.594. Capital outlay-Priority#5 upgrade connectivity and point of sale 15,000 system at the three outdoor pools 309.000.000.594. Capital outlay-Priority#6 develop master plan Valley Mission Park 20,000 Total Parks Capital Grants Fund 193,000 #402-Stormwater Mgmt Fund 402.000.000.594. Equipment maintenance facility storage unit 5,000 Total Stormwater Mgmt Fund 5,000 #501 -Equipment Rental&Replacement Fund 501.000.000.594.31.64.06 Vehicle Purchase replace maintenance truck, half street 15,000 501.000.000.594.42.64.06 half stormwater 15,000 501.000.000.594.42.64.06 Snow Plow Purchase new tandem snow plow 225,000 501.000.000.594.58.64.06 Vehicle Purchase replace community development pool vehicle 30,000 501.000.000.594.76.64.06 Vehicle Purchase replace 2003 Chevy Malibu sedan 20,000 501.000.000.594.76.64.06 Vehicle Purchase replace 2005 Chevy Silverado truck 25,000 330,000 Page 2 of 2 BUD-1 JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSONNEL OR WORK PROGRAM CHANGES Department Name Program Fund No. J-Public Works Department- General Fund Facilities Maintenance .001.032 _season for changes in personnel or work program facility.1We are requesting an additional FTE to help maintain the new city hail, police station arid the maintenance facility. (This position will report to the Public Works Director or designee. IWe are proposing hiring this position late in 2016 to be involved with the construction of the new city hall. Total Cost of Change (Itemize by line-item detail only) Budget Personnel Services BARS Number Year Estimated Cost Maintenance Worker- Grade 12 2016 $ 19,182.00 Maintenance Worker- Grade 12 2017 $ 75,546.00 Maintenance Worker-Grade 12 2018 $ 77,656.00 Maintenance Worker-Grade 12 2019 $ 79,850.00 Maintenance Worker- Grade 12 2020 $ 82,134.00 TOTAL $ 334,368.00 Materials and Services Misc Materials 2016 $ - Misc Materials 2017 $ 5,000.00 Misc Materials 2018 $ 5,000.00 Misc Materials 2019 $ 5,000.00 Misc Materials 2020 $ 5,000.00 TOTAL $ 20,000.00 Equipment Misc Equipment and Tools 2016 $ 3,000.00 Misc Equipment and Tools 2017 $ 500.00 Misc Equipment and Tools 2018 $ 500.00 Misc Equipment and Tools 2019 $ 500.00 Misc Equipment and Tools 2020 $ 500.00 TOTAL $ 5,000.00 Other 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL Revenue Offset Budget Year 2016 Total Cost $ 22,182.00 2017 2018 Less Revenue Offset 2019 2020 Net Cost $ 22,182.00 City of Spokane Valley 5/19/2015 BUD-1 JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSONNEL OR WORK PROGRAM CHANGES /- Department Name Program Fund No. Community and Economic Development Economic Development 051 Reason for chin personnel or work program Increase in paygrade and revised job description for two economic development personnel -------'----'------ ---- --'- ---- -----------'----- --' Total Cost of Change (Itemize by line-item detail only) Budget Personnel Services BARS Number Year Estimated Cos Salary and Benefits 2016 $ 8,005.00 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL Materials and Services 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL Equipment 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL Other 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL Revenue Offset Budget Year e016 Total Cost $ 2017 2018 Less Revenue Offset $ 2019 2020 Net Cost $ BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. (Parks and Recreation Administration 076.000 ascription Priority#3-We are requesting funding to purchase approximately 2 acres from the Washington State Department of Transportation that is located immediatley north of Sullivan Park. The DOT is selling their property totalling 13 acres and the City has the first right of refusal. This additional property would allow us to a consise north property line and remove any threat of the new property owner's impact on our property. Property aqcuistion is a priority within the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The property has been appraised at$844,000 for 13 acres with a per acre cost of $65,000. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity = Total Cost $0 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $0$0 Personnel Cost ,vlaterials & Svcs $0 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $ 130,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ - Personnel Cost $0 Materials & Svcs $130,000.00 $ 130,000.00 TOTALS $130,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 $ 130,000.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/5/2015 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. 'Public Works Department Street and Stormwater Fund 101/402 escription: A storage area is required at the Maintenance Facility to hold signs, stormwater pumps, tires and other various parts. Some of these items are currently stored outside and need to be protected from the weather. We propose to purchase a 40x8 shipping container container with 3 doors for easy access. The cost would be split between the street and stormwater fund 50/50. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity = Total Cost $ - Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ - Personnel Cost $ - Materials&Svcs $ - TOTALS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $ 10,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equip. Cost-Street $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Equip. Cost-SW $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Personnel Cost $0.00 Materials &Svcs $0.00 TOTALS $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 City of Spokane Valley 5/19/2015 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. iPublic Works Department Street Fund 101 escription: We are requesting the replacement of 10+ year old video equipment for vehicle detection at an arterial intersection. The City currently has many intersections with vehicle detection cameras that are failing. This will upgrade one intersection and replace failing equipment. We are currently working on a plan to have in place for future replacements of signal equipment. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity = Total Cost $ - Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ - Personnel Cost $ - Materials & Svcs $ - TOTALS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $ 20,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $0.00 Personnel Cost $0.00 Materials & Svcs $20,000.00 $20,000.00 TOTALS $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 City of Spokane Valley 5/19/2015 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Parks and Recreation Capital 309.000 ascription Priority#1-We are requesting funding to continue the installation of new park signage. A new signage template was developed and implementation began in 2013. This funding would allow the installation of two-sided signs for Valley Mission,Sullivan and Edgecliff parks. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity = Total Cost $0 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS L- Equipment Cost $0 '''ersonnel Cost $0 Materials &Svcs $0 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0, 0 01 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $ 20,500.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $18,000.00 $ 18,000.00 Personnel Cost $0 Materials &Svcs $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 TOTALS $20,500.00 0 0 0 0 0 $ 20,500.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/5/2015 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Parks and Recreation Capital 309.000 ascription Priority#2-We are requesting funding to implement the splash pad component of the Browns Park Master Plan. With the installation of new sand volleyball courts in 2015,staff is interested in adding a feature to enhance the neighborhood park portion of Browns Park. The splash pad is a priority within our Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity = Total Cost $0 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $0 ''ersonnel Cost $0 Materials & Svcs $0 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $ 82,500.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $75,000.00 $ 75,000.00 Personnel Cost $0 Materials & Svcs $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 TOTALS $82,500.00 0 0 0 0 0 $ 82,500.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/5/2015 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. 'Parks and Recreation Capital 309.000 ascription Priority#4-We are requesting funding to complete Phase 2 of the Valley Mission Pocket Dog Park construction. Phase 1 was designed and completed in 2015. This phase will complete the entry gateway,add various site furniture and increase the fencing and crushed granite to add additional space to the dog park. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity = Total Cost $0 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS l Equipment Cost $0 'Personnel Cost $0 Materials &Svcs $0 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0' 0, 01 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $ 55,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 Personnel Cost $0 Materials &Svcs $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 TOTALS $55,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 $ 55,000.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/5/2015 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Parks and Recreation Capital 309.000 ascription Priority#5-We are requesting funding to replace the existing modum and dial-up communication and point of sale systems at our three outdoor pools. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity = Total Cost $ 15,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 ' ersonnel Cost $0 Materials & Svcs $0 TOTALS $15,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 $ 15,000.00 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost $0 Materials & Svcs $0 TOTALS $ - 0 0 0 0 0 $ - City of Spokane Valley 6/5/2015 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Parks and Recreation Capital 309.000 / ascription Priority#6-We are requesting funding to develop a master plan for the east half of Valley Mission Park. This plan will evaluate the future of the existing horse riding arena and the potential of adding a skate park, bmx bike course and other compatible ammentities at Valley Mission. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity = Total Cost $0 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $0 ''ersonnel Cost $0 Materials &Svcs $0 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0r 0 0I Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $ 20,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $0 Personnel Cost $0 Materials &Svcs $20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 TOTALS $20,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 $ 20,000.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/5/2015 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. 'Public Works Department Vehicle Replacement 501 .escription: We are requesting the replacement vehicie number 5-215. The vehicle will be 12 years old and currently has 110,000 miles. We would like to upgrade this truck to a 4x4. The vehicle has been low on maintenance costs over the last few years but it is starting to have transmission problems which we expect will be costly. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost $30,000.00 X Quantity 11 = Total Cost $ 30,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 Personnel Cost $ - Materials & Svcs $ - TOTALS $30,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 30,000.00 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $0.00 Personnel Cost $0.00 Materials &Svcs $0.00 TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 City of Spokane Valley 5/19/2015 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Public Works Department Plow Replacement 501 ascription: We are requesting the purchase of a new tandem snow plow. The plow purchasing fund currently has$325,000. Currently the fleet consists of 9 trucks, which is ideal for plowing arterial streets in 12 hours. Ideally we would like to have a total of 12 trucks, 9 working plows and 3 as backup or for parts. See attached memo for more information. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost $225,000.00 X Quantity 1 = Total Cost $225,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $225,000.00 $225,000.00 Personnel Cost $ - Materials &Svcs $ - TOTALS $225,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $225,000.00 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost Materials & Svcs TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/5/2015 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Community and Economic Development j 58 Description Request to replace the 2000 Jeep Cherokee department pool vehicle. This vehicle has almost 109,000 miles on it and came to the City as a used vehicle. This vehicle is used weekly, if not almost daily to do site visits, recordings, and attend meetings. This allows for the general City pool vehicle to be more available to other city employees to use for city business. Repair costs in Q1 of 2015 were $1,322.00, in 2014 they were $1,250 and we only expect these costs to increase. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost $30,000.00 X Quantity 1 = Total Cost $ 30,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost Materials& Svcs TOTALS Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost Materials &Svcs TOTALS BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Parks and Recreation Vehicle Replacement 076.000 ascription We are requesting the replacement of our 2003 Chevrolet Malibu Sedan Vehicle#500. The continued ongoing maitenance costs along with the continued unrealiability of using this vehicle makes this replacement necessary. There are sufficient funds set aside for this replacement. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost $20,000.00 X Quantity 1 = Total Cost $20,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 personnel Cost $0 Materials &Svcs $0 TOTALS $20,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 $20,000.001 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ - Personnel Cost $0 Materials &Svcs $0 TOTALS $ - 0 0 0 0 0 $ - City of Spokane Valley 6/5/2015 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. (Parks and Recreation Vehicle Replacement 076.000 ascription We are requesting the replacement of our 2005 Chevrolet Silverado Pick Up Vehicle#502. The continued ongoing maitenance costs along with the continued unrealiability of using this vehicle makes this replacement necessary. Additionally this vehicle has a manual transmission making it difficult to drive for some drivers. There are sufficient funds set aside for this replacement. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost $25,000.00 X Quantity 1 = Total Cost $ 25,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Personnel Cost $0 Materials &Svcs $0 TOTALS $25,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 $25,000.00 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ - Personnel Cost $0 Materials &Svcs $0 TOTALS $ - 0 0 0 0 0 $ - City of Spokane Valley 6/5/2015 A C.; a; 0 L a 1 . 0. 1 U 1 - — 00000000000000 O N O N W o 0 0 o r 4 r 00 8 0 0 o a m 8.2 Na ° M m rma C M m 0 0 0 O o O O 0 0 0 0 0 Oo 00 00 O on I� 1` m v 88 r a0 2 M N ad - r0i 00 00o ro 000 000 o a �N000 000 0 a i 8 m m 0a n *'a 8 N m ~ r N .1" N N 00000000000000 0000 o p 8 as L,-, S m C 2 y N 00.02880.0.... 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',1'2 4 oo E m 22 Ma > m m _ a o o �_ s a o _ o ,�Q LL `2.`,;'', 2.-.•••,(2� •N N NK-` +y c=N N p _4 a l -,,..r, - ' oY m V c.N.,E`-" a 61-n2 ., E; NM c.`2 a`' o '6.:;8 t' .ma., • .ZemN.t'E4 No mocill i r i Norn vTOmW8x . .,- 2E m a6 . E• o` i ¢ mm= a G QyoaioEbUW g4W W .L...9-22.2- mW6pcc uNa > hz,,4 ., m o., aW ,om '° 8 .. a a R4= , U o5Wc3 Ile mE.= 5 r8 8 4 0 33 2mWo� J cm7v . P. am=45 ° cooE .?_,:i ''''..''''...52 camct 'y n> mc° m LLi ' a `-3s'4,,- _ °W0 icc qk.i; rn amao Tm-, c >, m$UWgo moceoowa> a.wmao° m. o = b322.22%), ° gi1 Ek 22 .. !ij0 m` Ii Q l 9' mmpa` mE"- c i1T1flJ eW; jfl mmNo�-• nlU oa`aWa NU700 O 09rc A maa¢¢ata 4ana 2 o - a ¢ LL 8 Tab 14: Financial Objectives 2016 Budget Workshop Financial Objectives Financial Objectives: The City's financial objectives through 2016 are: 1. Maintain a minimum General Fund ending balance of 50% of recurring expenditures, which is the equivalent of six months of general fund operations. 2. If necessary,utilize the Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund($5.4 million)to maintain ending fund balance minimum. 3. Commitment to the strategy that the Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund will not reduce below$3.24 million(60% of$5.4 million). 4. Maintain the property tax assessment the same as 2015 with the exception of new construction. As in the previous four years,the City will forego the 1% annual increase allowable by RCW 84.52.050. We anticipate this will result in a levy of$11,077,144 plus estimated new construction of$200,000 for a total levy of$11,277,144. The 1% increase capacity will be banked for future use as provide by law. 5. Grow our economy so our existing tax base can support our basic programs. Commitment: By committing to these policies,the City will ensure financial sustainability well into the future. Breaking this commitment can take us in the opposite direction and begin to erode our fiscal strength. Challenges: Beyond the General Fund,the City of Spokane Valley has four on-going financial challenges: 1. Continued funding for local street maintenance. This fund depends on a combination of gas tax and telephone utility tax. Gas tax remains flat and telephone utility tax is declining. Some reductions and allocations are required to balance the 2016 Street Fund budget. 2. Funding Street Capital projects (Bridging the Valley,road and bridge construction). 3. Funding Parks Capital projects (Balfour Park, Appleway Trail, etc.). 4. Balancing street preservation with other transportation needs. Tab 15: Council Goals 2016 Budget Workshop 2015 Council Goals (To be updated for 2016) 1. Pursue a legislative capital budget request for possible financial assistance for the Barker Road Bridge Grade Separation (overpass/underpass);the Appleway Trail Project; and parkland acquisition. 2. Pursue the Bridging the Valley concept at state and federal levels, including long-term funding for grade separation and corridor consolidation. 3. Continue and expand,where possible, economic development efforts, including review and evaluation of Spokane Valley's development regulations and how they compare with other jurisdictions; and including completion of the City Hall Plan. 4. Pursue a sustainability plan in connection with the City's Street Preservation program,to include sustained funding in the City's Street Fund to address concerns beyond the year 2019. 5. Evaluate and discuss increasing costs to public safety, including law enforcement. Seek long-term solutions to keeping costs in check while better serving the community. 6. Work toward completion of the Comprehensive Plan review.