1989, 03-13 Permit: 89000469 AdditionSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY , , W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 1 certify that I have examined this permit and state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and correct. In addition, 1 have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree tocomplywith same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit and any subsea uent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of c ran a with the provisi f any sta��,e�r local laws regulating construction. OWNERGNERURE G 1L_dij-4')• . IIATE APPLICATION OR AGENT CCC PROJECT NL!MCiFR=: .hi AA, 'Y.'j1')•:' :e: :****:.1 SITE:: STREET= ADDRESS::: P FRIT USE= BLOCK= AREA= OF }3L.:1)G,S'=:: OWNER= STREET= ADDRESS= C00469. dE •)F d6 DATE:: 03/ '13/89 ISSUED PERMIT ii)i'*ii' PERMIT INFORM EON )f*****'K')en:..x.#*.*.x..***), o0o5 E:: CARLISLE AVE SPOKANE- WA 99.12. PAR::E:L.v== 07542-.6606 RESIPENCE:: ADDITION -- DINING ROOM 00186 PLAT NAME= LOT= 0001.4500 E= / A== ' ;i: DWELLINGS= WIRSCHE.- MICHAEL 8001 E CARLISLE AVE:: SPOKANE_ 144 9921 PAGE= = 01 ORCHARD AVENUE ADD (TR.1--228 ZONE== AGSM) DIST•=: F WIDTH= 1000 DEPTH= 1450 R/W== 34 CONTACT NAME= DAVE:: BELL • BUILDING .SETBACKS: FRONT= I:X:I:S LEFT= I:EXI u**m)3:3'a:.n:n;**3***3**43!'3;m;*m;3n:3*>.:'4'**ii'** • CONTRACTOR= STREET= ADDRESS= NEW= DWELL UNITS= BLDG W X 1) -- RE Li PARKING= ENERGY CODE= BUILDING :DAVE BELL CONSTRUCTION 308 E NORTH ST. SPOKANE WA 99207 RE:Mc:tDEL=:: OCI:UP. L_D::= 14 X 14 SQ FT= OHANDICAP= UTIL..IT DESCRIPTION GROIJ1=' TYPE. RES ADD F--.3 VN ITEM DESCRIPTION RESIDE:NTIAL.. VALUATION STATE SURCHARGE PHONE=: PHONE NUMB E:R== 509 RIGHT= 20 REAR== E:XIS 3 Ei 03 PERMIT fmin!'m*a::**i<.,ukm:ilm:**t;m:il*ililfi**iti= PHONE== 539 483 010Z ADDITION= X CHANGE OF USE== BLDG HGT== STORIES= 196 SEWER=: N W W P:, Sn FT 190 QUANTITY Y Y tt' 1':1*m:i':*if'ac'ni'u')i'*.tt'ii'm:*iitt'i':3:mi*n:mi*m:' PAYMENT SU PAYMENT DATE • 03/13/89 REI:EIPTv 646 TOTAL_ DUE= .00 TOTAL_PAID= PERMIT TYPE:: FEE AMOUNT BUILDING PERMIT 93450 I-!YDRAN T :_ • N VALUATION 6270,00 F E::E:: AMOUNT 90.00 3.50 ARY a:ir'itn:' :'a_it'****iE#iiY:it***** PAYMENT AMOUNT 93450 93.50 .50 AMOUNT PAID 93.50 93.50 AMOUNT OWING .00 .00 PROCESSED BY: WENDEL, GLORIA PRINTED BY: STEVE HOL..YI< ii'.Y'it'ttn:'&iP'y:hi'#.'fii.v..y..pih:'h:•?iPr'+Iuiwi.h..#..p:'.p:'.a'.A'.A..b:iiTHANK YOU 'h:'.A.ik.1F.y..N;Sri.*is*4,-±�]i..nrh'rb?'Ai zi'ti'P;h;d{"h:ikkai'tt'ifrdiDr#'hi'h;