1978, 09-25 Permit: N0647 Storage Buildinga
811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201
Land Use or Structure Permit 0:' Property Address CARLISLE -r -EAST 7292
GrIp....4.3...Type V Zone AgrigaturdStiblitb8/1 Permit for. sforaiel iiiiii ..'" '
"ar- awl' RO
canuercia use a n s zone . .
Address StIMO, 99206 ------phol426-8262' '
Arch/Eng Address Phone
ContractorSame Address Same ___ ....... Phons,r t
Location: Roadway RAW Width euy Parcel 12432.6240,---gis-aue,---5,---801-1--0--Lat--19. EdgertenistrAdoe
--eit--264-Irea--W-Inutthichaver-is---greater. irlanktn9..atteets--45c-fieliire7trafrd-iWiti-iritc
--0114---uhiabever.,--11.- atarn-Sida-- ArifigaWiraPe" 1411 glingtdegl
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laraga..inetaanw .no..altioit ,.
Bldg. Zone..l Fire Zone 3. Size of 'cot 69'tx230 I
Sewage Const
_Irwin .r.
Total Ssii Ft•tritt;,1 ValuationliaMe
Stories 1 .Dimensions watt •
RA. Baths/RR Basement Foundation to _Chimney FiFor------Htg. System •
Type of Roofingmetal Ext. Finish tal 1 1 - Int. Wall Finish Bdrms
Certificate of Occupancy Issued for setabeve----EABH-STAGE-0,--COBSTRUCTION-140ST-MAVE-MISPECTIONSIMIXD
RECTION_REQUIREL_CALL-466-3676,-prier-te-10.00-aim-lbitalkinspeations. 3
day• in advance. ------......,PARAA n
0 6 4 7,0=a4aseser
Owner Joseph J. Mayer
101 I hitt .
Spokane, regu toting the construction, use and occu pancy of bui ldings in Spoke ont
THIS 'PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the build ing or la nde
failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances.
In consideration of the Issuance of the permit for the erection of signs t rantee
expiration of the permit u n less regularly renewed. — - — - —.—___—..........—_ .32!M1
This permit will be good only for commencement of within six months, and the entire completion thereof within..
from this date; after which time this permit will be v id.
.• arAuthorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT
Permit Expires...313Pta1th�t.2.5.---1979- . By'en" \ efit4....el .4 • . , 6'44 rad &tract:1=a • .
ch the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to al I thrrirtertialin4141 the County of
may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of Inctprovisions of said ordinances, or
place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sign at One
Fee Paid $ Date Issued
64.00 mc 5/78