1977, 02-24 Permit: L7064 DuplexCr Form 370R-61dg. Code SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Land Use or Structure Permit V Two Family Res. Group _Type Zone RESIDEtiTIAL NUMBER1 7064 (71+1 te Property Address CATALOO EAST 10e19-21 .r Permit for residence (DUPLEX, GAR. ATTACHED) ••••••••••416.--...11.41..•••.//..•••••••,. J33f2 3 Owner...B.3C...Ln.vesti4Ients AddressPhone .424.4133 E.. 11.121...21st-,. Spoktne- Architect Address .OrGbirdtsAWK:9.99PARNIkert , ContractorEXCeil...COrttr&CtOrS Address. IL 3a15_corrigart---Roa41--otis rhone- 426,,S78.4 Location...pa..440.....t4.2.-1703.. Lot. 3 - , 9Lock--2, Berean- Add. Front --yard, of -2',- 01-, side yard_of..at.--least---5-',- 10' for 2 -story- tmilding-i 1-&' -flenking-*StreetriFfif-'75*--ear'irafds- are required,..or-more-,---if-required---by---Zon-ing-i---Bui-Iding-endlor-fire.-Codet:-..5raoke-detector re- quired. Bldg. Zone 1 Fire Zone 3 Size of Lot 1.W.x.1401 Sewage septi.c..t.ank.Stories.i. Material frame Dimensions 28.1.1.x8.6.1 Total Sq. Ft...2400 Voyo(?942...00..00 Rooms...4.4...hath..each_ Basement. 114]..Foundation concrete_ .Chiftiritiy.liiiiiitreglace 2:1-feat?rig SYtril ilec .bb Certificate of Occupancy Issued for.----$41*--&-bOV*---fkliathife-p03116-11--regieSP06. EACV- STAGE -Of -EVISTRUCTIOtt Remarks....14LIST..tint-INSP-ECTIONS---CALLED-1-04v---AS-REQU-I-RED---WONC---MUST—CONf0014,110-1AU—CetiiiTY--- CODE..P.EQUIREMEliTS......Eina-1--inspectl-an--must--be-ealled for, as -required by -code. Must---cor11orm- to..a1.1...County..Code_requirements. Cal-1---466-36751---prior-,-to-Tmosency-end-ca-1-17prifr--to---1-01-00---- A.. N. A. 'Mr _rated- fire -wall -separation re-quired -between- residence end siiiie . .. " . THIS PERMIT Is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is Issued shall conform in all respee to al lipt ordinances. of the County of Spokane. regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the Proilittins of sald ordinances, or failure of plans as approved, 10 comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed—by-C*044y -OffiCi448 and shail remove the said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within 1 year from this date; after which time this permit will be void. ..._....Authoriza.OK_Building Official BUILDIN tODE DEPARTMENT February 24, 1978 Permit Expires By Fee Paid $...56,00-41111C Date Issued.2/.24m Building INSPECTOR '4.-• -IUUNDAiION a { t (1343Al ! A .O1�,:� X:1.1 itr. i :x.19{>!' i✓� i. STEEL .. r 1: i .-?SR . smelt' 3. FRAMING f1I-_ t itAci3W 3Q03 0100.111.1t1 JYI r t 1103 3VIMV' P.. TOSeQ 'no?gniri26W ,et,s+lvg2 ,no2,9tt9t .11 f!1.7 tifftvA fnerrt? IA Wm; rwC 5.•fiNAL T .. - ':2tiAliaft111i$Ui se :ice . cine ..sei`4+V°?...-- .. c... 4,4.1*:.„.:. i .J t^ ^TIFF ..4 t. ,,:k eol..� .. ._8118 .9blii • . ;, q ` ,,r13....16/01103 1103 ....nott&,"Ue1 T.ri.:-I .ti368..O . l amoo51 3lzsrn3z>; .''tOt;Ni i'.-?0AT2.-4?341- 5f5 4141304.-,1t&miiq•-.,41-1-rq•.. ri;,vti 4--u`,r4. 10' 1.-.,3Urr21 Van6QL'J3O to slb,Iliit e'J -4—''''''11-4-13C14-09X1--Z-4 I -PM 4:*11.11- ;.'-.?IC I ra.:'#fi:I 1V3. a. TZLit ._.alismst . _ :1,.s.e..tz ..Itt;.sa e1»lc�'t- 4)&1/Pm-Atilt-item-f+ 1�4 F.ai '1 .ti. ,•:; i Ilf:'.J�... .100.7 8. •-6pigAtEf -- - - .. ,soi.;, -- 'fes,-Tsau--.11'1i.:7.1 si1Jei.1 ^d-..:1-•sir:.)-4;►ar:133..>1.(&..o.! co -`vifirtr;..: ._; , ,.!,14/ 1n4--- *#im .ocittbriegvXIsw--.41.1. 73-.11'AI fi_....,M ..A 11. .n�innt-. i.e ni ri.tr, Itc- a,daal ,r J1111100 ern * .4, w1 aaa bnni 14y4.bhud ,i, lag1101111: ana[+ Orli 141.71i b1140611 el tlMii tI*TJ'IExpNb tome 10 noluaalr 461 noqu r MI is bw4ay.i e1 leiv brit Trawl* a otuaa rt) . 0101Jed lq ypn*QY000 tins etu .noUbni*ertoo w*: L.Ilnlstpi .ana>i t SYSTEM .tt Iiq a INse dll» ll - r0 .--ute+.6.%1�—..+r . d ` :. rr.. lgl�Id.a ou . iIq sum nWYa.' sn. to Bta 10 nquwle .4* NI IJm»q .Af to p rsal eenr�10 nobs tsblinm el�llaF bsrseen 14,Town uelnu llmleq adl M no10.11e,.a 1#0..1l._.�.r_:EIJw tosisrii not:a1gmoo siitns 9df boa ,antnom xis nidtiw 'hew to trtorns�r�, *moz lot Ino bods sd Iliw !Iroise siAT 1!1 *'i">fi , .blov .1d Aiw Simi,q oirit emit dairtw ,sit® tetsb sit moil .._._Icilst1M 7. FIREPLACES .... - .. ):a oritbrhi • r otigx3 fimte9 > :$ bie9 ss3 4