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1978, 03-20 Permit: M5282 Addition
Form 370X Bk SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT DENTIAL. NUMBER M5J' 2$2 3/16/71 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201-Clarno Land Use or Structure Permit Group --- Type V Zone • Agricultural Permit for Addition to residence, .living room Owner J00 Gross Address E.13405 Catald©. 89216h ---'--� pho ett 21-uW4135g • Address.. Phoneei. - Address Sam@ --Phorte--5 Location: Parcel f�umbe 15541-0503. Lot 3, Block 1,, Guthrie$ Valley View 4th Add. Roadway VW50 Min set -bac s. Front yard 55 from c/1 of rd r/w or 25' from p/ln. whichever Ise-greeter..E flanking street 45' from c/ln of rd r/w or 15' from p/ln. whichever-1s"greater,15' side yon 10 -`--for 2 story bldg.. 10' on one side for driveway, _itgar...i,s. 4otalcheQ. end m,: a11p. _-2Fr' ` rear .yard required. or more. if required by..Zn....9ldg._end/or Fjre..CQdes..••-• -- r)lllr.lnt -. Bldg. Zong 1 Fire Zone 3Size of Lot 135'x89' Sewage_sept1C Const frame Stories Dimensions 8'X20 Total Sq. Ft 160•_ Valuatior$241004.001 .2 Rms 1 Baths/RR Basement Foundation . Con Chimney Flrep of ce' Htg System. Wit Type of Roofing comp Ext. Finish lap Int. Wall Finish dr - Mall 13drns." > Certificate of Occu anc Issued for see above --EACH STAGE OF CONSTRUCTIONe.NUST-NAYE INSPECTIQNS'r_CALLEr Remarks FOR,k REQUIRED BY CODE. MUST CONFORM TO ALL_CO.UNTY_.CODE. REQUIREMIENTS:L:11NAL...IN,. SPECTION MUST BE CALLED FOR, UPON COMPL,ETION_AHDFRIOR_TO..00CUPANCY ES.IRENEEZ3. AiOn .x 456-3675, prior to 10:Q0a.m. for col inspections.. Property Address CATALDO. £AST.1340.5 Architect Contractor Same 7l.pr-9 ,9 THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform -in' all respects to all the ordinances yp.htl SCdopnty of• Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said di a es; or.. failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. ti _'PL C.t In consideration of the Issuance o1 the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where direct¢ 1rittno�'Tae'the"aaid sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. . ... tt This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six m6nths, and the entire.completion thereof within -----..,Real': from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authorized by Buildin bifida �Bt,�f,,l ,(.i,.0 44PAR'Mt�ENT Murch 20. 1879 .. Permit -Expires By + F Fee Paid $10.00Date Issued 3/20/78 ' Building mmc INSPECTOR