2015, 06-09 Formal Format MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday,June 9, 2015 Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: City Staff Dean Grafos, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Mark Calhoun, Deputy City Manager Rod Higgins, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Ed Pace, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Eric Guth, Public Works Director John Hohman, Community Development Dir. ABSENT Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Bill Bates, Councilmember Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Darrell Cole of the Living Hope Community Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, staff and audience rose for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember Bates. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Bates from tonight's meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: 1-90 Barker Interchange Presentation by Washington State Department of Transportation Representative Larry Larson Public Works Director Guth introduced Mr. Larry Larson, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Project Engineer and design project manager for the I-90 Barker Road Interchange project. Mr. Larson explained that WSDOT began studying the Barker Road interchange in 2013 through an Interchange Justification Report, which is federally required if changes to interstate accesses are proposed. The study identified that congestion occurs during the existing conditions and that improvements are needed to accommodate future traffic volumes. The study preliminarily looked at several options for improvements, which resulted in the recommendation of a tight-diamond interchange with roundabout treatments on Barker Road. He also explained some of the practical solutions to the I-90 Barker to Harvard Road, and mentioned the project cost is estimated at$45 million,with the actual cost to WSDOT of$25 million after the planned local contribution for Henry Road. Mr. Larson expressed his appreciation to the Spokane Valley staff as they worked together on this project. Councilmember Wick asked about including this project on our TIP (Transportation Improvement Program) and Mr. Guth replied that there is nothing wrong with us putting that on our TIP, but it is not required. COMMITTEE, BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Hafner: reported that he and Councilmember Pace attended the Health Board meeting, and that the Board received a perfect audit; the Spokane Transit Authority (STA) also received a perfect audit; he attended a STA Special Board meeting to discuss the recently failed sales tax ballot measure and Minutes Regular Council Meeting:06-09-2015 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council:06-23-2015 what the next steps might be, mentioned that he and Councilmember Pace were both opposed to the increase as it would benefit downtown Spokane but not Spokane Valley. He reported that the Health District Board meeting also went well. Councilmember Pace: said he attended the STA Planning Committee meeting and the Spokane Regional Health District Policy Committee meeting. Councilmember Wick: reported that he attended the inaugural Fire Operations 101, and said he has great appreciation for all they do,that this was a type of"day-in-the-life-of-a-firefighter;" as chair of the SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council), said they received a letter from and met with the Tribe of Spokane Indians requesting membership on the council; GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.) is working on a competitive change, that they hired a consultant to survey how our area compares with their competitors for economic development, and it showed our strong and weak points, and said he looks forward to getting a full report; said he went to the Spokane Valley Kiwanis Scholarship Breakfast; and to the Campfire awards. Councilmember Higgins: said he attended a church dedication at the Veteran's Memorial; went to the Inland Northwest Partners Cultural Tourism as Sustainable Economic Development Strategy; went to the Clean Air Board meeting where they discussed increasing complaints about marijuana growing and usage; and attended the Spokane Valley Finance Committee meeting. Deputy Mayor Woodard: said most of his meetings were postponed or cancelled, and several start tomorrow. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Grafos reported that he also attended the Spokane Valley Finance Committee meeting; and attended the P.A.C.E. awards at Mirabeau Park Hotel honoring students. PROCLAMATION: n/a PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Grafos invited public comments. Howard Role, Spokane Valley: spoke about railroad crossings at Vista and Barker with the whistles "getting out of hand;" said there is no reason for whistles and that whistles won't stop anything; said the trains are going through there between 40 and 50 miles per hour; also University Road has no whistle order and he wants the whistle stopped; said he is a retired Union Pacific Railroad worker, and there is no reason to have the whistles blowing coming and going and the area needs a quite zone. Tony Lazanis, Spokane Valley: said last week he made a mistake concerning his security system, and punched the wrong button but finally got the alarm stopped; said the security company told him they called him but said he didn't hear a phone call; feels the $85.00 false alarm fee is excessive and he wants Council to make it better; said we "pay big bucks" to support police and fire and this is not a good law and he wants it changed. Deputy Mayor Woodard asked Mr. Lazanis how long he has had his alarm system and he said for ten years. Scott MacClay, Spokane Valley: said he was involved in the formation of our City and is for our City forming its own law enforcement department; mentioned controversial shootings and deaths associated with Spokane Valley citizens and law enforcement; and said it is time to look at what we are going to do with the police. Tim Vile, Spokane Valley: spoke about Ryan Holyk's fatal bicycle accident; said the family and community has had a terrible lie perpetrated and the investigation was fraud and void of critical information. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed 2016-2021 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) — Steve Worley Mayor Grafos opened the public hearing at 6:38 p.m. Mr. Worley commented that as a result of the last time this was before Council, he incorporated Council's comments into this TIP, which included the studies and recommendations about the Sullivan Road Corridor Study and the University Study. After going over some of the projects, Mr. Worley mentioned the project summary sheets, and explained that it Minutes Regular Council Meeting:06-09-2015 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council:06-23-2015 is hoped that these individual sheets will provide more information to the public; and Deputy Mayor Woodard said he likes the one-page summary. Mayor Grafos invited public comment. No comments were offered and Mayor Grafos closed the public hearing at 6:45 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately.Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of vouchers on June 9,2015 Request for Council Action Form Totaling: $1,891,168.82 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending May 15, 2015: $314,642.01 c. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending May 31,2015: $432,947.01 d. Approval of April 24,2015 Minutes of Council of Governments, Special Council e. Approval of May 12, 2015 Minutes of Council Regular Meeting, Formal Format f. Approval of June 2, 2016 Minutes of 5:00 p.m. Special Council Meeting It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS 3. Motion Consideration: 2016-2021 Stormwater Construction Improvement Plan—Eric Guth It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve the 2016-2021 Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan and authorize the City Manager to make application for grants to assist in funding the Plan. After Mr. Guth explained the Plan as noted on his June 9, 2015 Request for Council Action form, Mayor Grafos invited public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 4. Motion Consideration: Comprehensive Plan Citizen Site Specific Amendment Requests (CAR) —John Hohman It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to include the following CARS in the Comp Plan Update for further analysis: CAR 2015-0001 through 0017, and 2015-0019 to 0020. Community Development Director Hohman gave a brief overview of the proposed CARs; said that last week Council heard about these requests in detail; that we are required to update our Comp Plan every eight years or by 2017; that we have embarked on this process now as our development regulations and comp plan are very outdated and said there was a lot of testimony in the Planning Commission meetings to support that. He mentioned that Council adopted the Public Participation Plan January 6, which plan included identifying issues early and evaluating options for resolution during the planning process; he said this CAR process has been very successful in getting public participation, and that the Planning Commission meetings have standing room only, and that tonight's Council meeting has above-average attendance. Mr. Hohman explained that this method is used to gather proposed changes to the comp plan, map or development regulations; that it is a tool for the public to enable comments at the outset and help us define the future scope of study; and that we are in the very initial stages of developing those conditions. Mr. Hohman said so far,the City's vision statements seem to be consistent; that last week each CAR was described in detail so he won't do that tonight, but is here to answer any questions about the process, and mentioned that consultants from VanNess Feldman are here as well. Mr. Hohman stressed that any action taken tonight does not mean that zones will change, but only that these topics will be studied and brought back for future discussion,which will include many opportunities for public involvement. Mr. Hohman again stressed that tonight's decision will not change zoning, but only allow for future opportunities to discuss increasing or decreasing density in certain areas; and once all the data has been brought forth for discussion, that will be the opportunity to approve or modify those future plans, such as for example, consolidating garden office with office; but said he cannot speculate on what might be done as all the underlying work has not yet been completed. Councilmember Pace asked if some of these CARs were done without the property owner's knowledge and Mr. Hohman said staff is working to ensure that Minutes Regular Council Meeting:06-09-2015 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council:06-23-2015 all property owners will be aware of any anticipated change, and that staff will do a citywide mailing to help the public understand the process and give opportunities for input. Mr. Hohman also stated that Mr. Tadas Kisielius will come to discuss what Council's authority is and what Council can or cannot do in regard to the remainder of this process; and said this will hopefully occur in July or August. There was other discussion about the generality of these CARs, and that the options for Council tonight are to include each CAR for future study, not include them for future study, or defer to an annual update cycle. Mayor Grafos said he feels the process is working and a lot of people are aware of what is going on; and feels Council should move all the CARs forward for further analysis. Mayor Grafos invited public comment. 1. Teresa Evans, 12824 E 4`h': regarding rezoning on 4th; said she doesn't want to see it change and likes the way the neighborhood is now. 2. Mike Hart, 12825 E 6th: concerning the same issue; said there are problems with kids in apartments in the current neighborhood with vandalism and no response from the police; said the police aren't protecting the investments; and he wants to protect the integrity of neighborhoods. 3. Julie Layman, 12605 E 4th: regarding CAP 2015-0020; asked Council to consider declining that rezone request; said this was done without the property owner's consent; has a petition of 120 residents who oppose this and one landowner who wants the change. 4. Nina Fluegal, 13401 E 4th: extended apologies to Mr. Crapo; said he was correct when he notified a City official about having his view obstructed, and said that has been rectified so no legal action on Mr. Crapo's part is necessary; asked Council not to approve the MF-2 zone for this area. 5. Donna Blumberg, 8005 E. Longfellow Avenue: mentioned Verona Sothern's trailer at 187145 Appleway Court;they want to change that from single family to high density but it is not a good idea; that the area will start to "go downhill." 6. Terry Warner, 3211 N Tschirley Road: about the proposed change from low to high density on Barker/Laberry; concerned about the Mica View Trailer Park; said several of the people living there have physical needs, and that some trailers are very old and moving them would destroy them. 7. Jim Fluegel: mentioned bringing in a lawyer to tell Council what they can or can't do makes him nervous; before changing zoning he wanted to talk about fixing loopholes and about developers who come in with high-price lawyers whose job it is to find those loopholes; wants the process slowed down; said law violators should be punished; that he fires people for breaking rules, doesn't forgive them; and wants Council to look at what we have to do to stop the leaks in the process. 8. Dick Grove, 411 S Vercler Road: handed a letter and petition to the City Clerk who distributed copies to Council; said there is only one exit on 4th Avenue between Pines and McDonald; wants the request denied and not be rezoned; said he has a petition signed by over 100 adults who live in that area to deny CPA 2015-0020. 9. James Johnson, 13224 E 4th: read his prepared letter,which the City Clerk previously distributed copies to Council; mentioned the "Valley Way of Life" and asked Council not to include CAR 0015-0010, 0011, and 0020 as such change would not be keeping with the "Valley Way of Life." 10. William Curriou, 110 N Barker Road: said he feels others will make the decision and asked who makes the final decision. 11. Sandy Brown, 12906 E 3`d Lane: said she is against changing the zoning to high density as she doesn't want her house adjacent to a two-story building with people looking into her yard; and doesn't want the increased crime and traffic; and she handed some pictures to the Clerk. 12. Wayne Vinson, N 117 Barker Road: spoke concerning Barker and Laberry; said apartments are not a good fit for that area; that there are a lot of young kids wanting to buy homes now but are getting outbid by these big corporations. There were no further public comments. It was moved by Councilmember Pace and seconded, to amend the motion to remove 2015-0020 from consideration, and 0004 through 0009 since those property owners didn't give their consent. Council discussion included Mayor Grafos stating he feels the process should include all the CARs; Minutes Regular Council Meeting:06-09-2015 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council:06-23-2015 Councilmember Hafner also noted he feels all CARs should be examined, and Deputy Mayor Woodard stating that tonight's action is not to approve anything. Vote by Acclamation to amend the motion: In Favor: Councilmember Pace. Opposed: Mayor Grafos, Deputy Mayor Woodard, and Councilmembers Hafner, Higgins, and Wick. Motion failed. There was other brief discussion on the Growth Management Act and our population allocation. Mr. Hohman stated that Council would make the decision on all these issues later. Vote on the initial motion to include the following CARs in the Comp Plan Update for further analysis: CAR 2015-0001 through 0017, and 2015-0019 to 0020: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. Mayor Grafos called for a recess at 7:45 p.m.; he reconvened the meeting at 7:57 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 5. Proposed Comprehensive Plan Overlays and Text Amendments—John Hohman Mr. Hohman explained that the Comp Plan Update has been split into two sections, and that these are the overlays and actual texts to the development regulations. Ms. Barlow then went through her PowerPoint presentation explaining that the options for these text and overlay requests are to include in the analysis, defer to future updates, or not include in the analysis. After Ms. Barlow descried each request, there was Council concurrence to include 2015-0021, 0022, 0023, 0024, and 0018; and to exclude 0026 and 0025. Ms. Barlow mentioned that this would come back to Council for a motion at the June 30 meeting. 6. Advance Agenda—Mayor Grafos It was noted that the motion consideration for the corn plan/overlays and text amendments would be changed from June 23 to June 30 as two Councilmembers are planning to attend the AWC (Association of Washington Cities) conference on June 23. 7. Mansfield Avenue Connection Project# 0156 This was for information only and was not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Mr. Jackson explained that the House Finance Committee passed a version of the nuisance abatement bill but that it still has to go to the House and Senate, and needs language to make sure it doesn't impact a City's current ability to collect amounts over$2,000. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ATTD can Grafos, Mayor hristine Bainbridge, ity Clerk Minutes Regular Council Meeting:06-09-2015 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council:06-23-2015 GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, June 9, 2015 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE: Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT YOU WILL SPEAK 4 ABOUT ✓e r✓ A CPf� cwt �c c, sp. //IQ . reSa 6:1VA.1.2 CPA Q6 11-5- 03D0 5P kxjk'\ 1 � \ CSO 206 -C O2() Q �l L( Ll Ltd-Fiii N ; O ;i c• .-o,:=,)z ¶<7c) tiLy , 'fi ! I /pi( / Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, June 9, 2015 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE: Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT YOU WILL SPEAK ABOUT re--10 C1-1 AL/3 -7? 6 e E I I / t-/10,%1C1 P1 UCC/( 1 44bS O ct (,(& 1 (' mrr s �: o K;/b'If�2 2i%l E'✓ /c (j: ' T —xc1 177(77:7 //), (A}A 8/1 r404,/ it 2/0,7 /L-7 fIx� 14‘�l'°L Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. Spokane „o0Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall®spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Mayor and Councilmembers cc: Mike Jackson, City Manager; John Hohman, Community Dev. Director; Lori Barlow, Planner From: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk ' . Date: June 19, 2015 f Re: Comp Plan Amendment Requests The attached materials are those that were handed to me by various individuals during the June 9, 2015 Council meeting: 1. Letter dated June 8, 2015 (received June 9, 2015) from Shirley and Jim Nonka regarding rezoning of Valleyway and Laberry Road 2. Two pages of photos from Sandy Brown, who lives on 12906 East 3rd Lane, against changing zoning to high density near her home. 3. Two-page letter from James Johnson, which was distributed to Council at the June 9 council meeting, and which Mr. Johnson read most of during his public comment. 4. Letter from Dick Grove expressing opposition to CPA 2015-0020; along with seven pages of petitions signed by those living in the neighborhood between Pines and McDonald Road, also expressing opposition to CPA 2015-0020. , 1-- /Le ani s cA,45 • r Zit le/2_6 0/ e cin M te, r� '21 0/, K2 w Cdsre41 a /1 0), 070-pa-v_e J2me 71.0-1_ 00 71- Aczt/---( a _ Li,o07-xe du e cacui , -o 0 L-c,U(Le / G mea-m�- ✓� , ° � ,�� �—� 1�.,�e, e 3G-T,+, ,di oma, - �. - eo-i"6m_ -"*;............A . -p ...----.......... .. , ii ... B t4iiii 11%4% 11.. .._______Al\ •:,' L • .._ i I. . 4. r . .. .. . ( , r ri f,i,'‘, • 1 ',.-• -,-,,., ---, . r - 111110 1 I ` ii 1. :'•• • ' ' • .4'' .4, • ,-- , / - . ...11'', • I ( r . - ..4 ... ...„.„ A A — ' \ 1 ,, , . ,--„,." ' • , •,- ,„-. •,s __,.., .. ilii , i ; 11.. .\,:4\,- . _ IMMI A , , . ,c. .. • -- . 1 —14111 / 4 . ., ,,:,• ,.f,.,,, . . ii 11 , - I. 1 , r 1,, 1 • •••,„, : i . ,I I 1 , • — _ MI 1 _ , t ... .... _____.., , _ .--- . ,.. . , 7 iii . I. .-.. 1. 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Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, Washington RE: CAR-0015-0010, 0011, and 0020 Dear City Council Members, The above noted CAR all relate to the area between Pines and Evergreen, north of 4th and south of the old railroad right-of-way. The intent of these CARs is to amend the Comprehensive plan changing the current MF-1 Medium Density designation to a MF-2 High Density designation even though the current designation already meets the intent of a transition between commercial and low density areas and, between the two options above, has the opportunity to be compatible with all the development shown in your aerial view. My neighbors and I realize that areas must be allocated to allow growth. The key, and one of the reasons you Members sit on this Council, is to determine the right growth that does not degrade the future of the existing development and it's owners. Degrading the future of existing development and it's owners is not the"Valley Way". Those of us in this room that remember the two feet of snow that fell overnight just a few years ago, those of us that remember Ice Storm, those of us that remember the summer of'74, the winter of'72, of'68, those of us that remember praying with our classmates for President Kennedy to survive the day, and praying with our families later when we were finally told he did not, do not need to be explained what the "Valley Way" is. Others that do not have over 50 years of life in the Valley may not understand the struggles we've gone through over the decades leading up to incorporation. They may not understand that what finally pushed incorporation through was the annexation threat by the City of Spokane. We all knew that the City of Spokane would never understand the "Valley Way". So we incorporated, and elected this body to represent us. You Members sit in those chairs not to represent incoming business, but to represent the individuals and families that live and play in our beautiful city, a city of growth surpassing all others in the area. That uncommon growth is for a few reasons, but the most prevalent is the"Valley Way". For this is a city in which two feet of snow overnight does not find us huddled in our own homes, but brings us all together, and has the neighborhood driveways, mailboxes, and fire hydrants all clean of snow before the first plow hits the streets. Because of the"Valley Way", no one in my neighborhood that I knew of was cold even though power was out following ice storm. Because of the"Valley Way", neighbors know each other, laugh with each other, and at times, cry with each other. I hope that all of you have had a chance to drive down 4th and see the new development that sticks out like a sore thumb, the development owned by those responsible for these CARs, the development that has already received numerous complaints your Planning staff has had to address or is addressing. Page 1 of 2 That development, so new it's not shown on your aerial view, must meet the current MF-1 medium designation requirements (as it was permitted by Planning staff), but only if most or possibly all of the land yet undeveloped on the north end of the property becomes green space. There might be some of you that would consider a split, of an amendment with high density to the north and medium density to the south of the area being discussed. Council Members can make their own conclusions as to why the developer chose to build as close to the existing homes as he thought he could get away with, although the developer himself has boasted to me why. Council Members can decide for themselves how Planning staff would permit such a development that many might consider as having an obvious disregard for the existing homes around it. Or why Planning staff decided to include pictures in the information packet regarding these CAR and presented to the Planning Commission, later forwarded to the Council, that were taken from vantage points several hundred feet away providing little example of most of the existing homes. But should the Council provide opportunity by splitting the area, thus creating a non-compliant development right at the start, that opportunity might encourage a similar attitude in others, an attitude contradictory to the "Valley Way". Many of my neighbors have worked most of their life on their homes. I've put in 22 years, and I could be considered a "newbie" compared too many of my neighbors. 22 years of weekends,of nights after a long day's work, 22 years of taking the worst house on the block(as many of my current neighbors can attest) to far from that. Those of us that understand the "Valley Way" will not discount the efforts off those that have come before us, we will not discount the centuries of aggregate weekends that our neighbors have invested in their homes, nor will they degrade their futures. The primary objective in determining proper growth is to maintain the"Valley Way", respect the investment of existing development, and continue the environment that made this place a special place, "...where individuals and families can grow and play...". It is in such communities that business thrives, but the individuals and the families come first. With that objective it's easy to see that the current MF-1 designation allows multifamily development that at least comes close to the existing neighborhood. An MF-2 designation which would allow, with density bonuses, over 30 units per acre, around 2.5 times the density, would not have the same opportunity for compatibility. I respectfully request that the Council Members not include CAR-0015-0010, 0011 or 0020 in your motions regarding amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Thank you, James"JJ" Johnson 13224 E. 4th Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Former Member of the Citizens Advisory Committee to Pasadena Park Former Mechanical Engineering Advisory Member, CCSS Former American Heart Association Volunteer Former Spokane Valley Girls Softball Coach Former Valley Partners Second Harvest Food Bank Volunteer Page 2 of 2 My name is Dick Grove. I've lived at 411 S Vercler Rd for the past 38 years. On May 14th 2015 we as neighbors expressed our concerns and desires about the rezoning of CPA 2015-0020,and how it would affect our neighborhoods from 4th Ave S to at least 6th Ave.S between Pines and McDonald Rds. With our first petition we asked the zoning committee to deny the request. We are submitting a second petition,asking for an alternative to CPA 2015-0020. We are asking you to deny the request of the MF2 Proposal,and change the existing MF-1 to an R-3 zone and keep our residential neighborhood intact. The R-3 is the same classification as the lots are S of 4th Ave. Our second petition has been signed by 121 adult residents living in the neighborhood who depend on 4th Ave. We are asking you our City Council Members,to keep our neighborhood a single family community. fins rely June 9, 2015 I have signed this Petition because I am living in the neighborhood between Pines Rd and McDonald Rd involving 4th Ave South and the attempt to rezone our area CPA 2015-0020 from MF1 to MF2. We have already pointed out that for the good of our community MF2 is the very worst choice for our area. We are strongly requesting that you do not rezone to MF2 and in turn rezone to R3 and help us keep our neighborhood a single family community. We appreciate your serious consideration in this matter. Please PRINT Your Name Your Address i. C /1 e. (ox a- -C 14.-r rry 9 x-1-6 (L,,e..1- j-. 4 dickri P Cox G/ . S t ler o / A '9 dZ/� —4o. i /\ C 3- Ls >1,' . �V. 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We are strongly requesting that you do not rezone to MF2 and in turn rezone to R3 and help us keep our neighborhood a single family community. We appreciate your serious consideration in this matter. Please PRINT Your Name Your Address -1-6z--/vu (- S (p, c\li-1 • 1,r . ltd /C � C�, ���J 5 1 C%t--P.r- ciAl C� n/L 110 Jd 7 E. I1 Va7,,,4 e 'i:e,t-Asp\(\ ag\cl G.)4`1\ C'.(k<m)\e06\NYT),a.\6 2 I-2-5 )C /// -akscuL1 c,c_16h e :(- .d�tiltal 1c utA`a/ S, Lem d 9 6 moi.. 67e1-2,;r-K .77" - � (7 S Le+ yvIG Ail,il, e- a -24,L1c,1'1 �J �� n rJ ✓2 0� • G- e 7`Zci /C fC��� I have signed this Petition because I am living in the neighborhood between Pines Rd and McDonald Rd involving 4th Ave South and the attempt to rezone our area cPrio 2015-0020 from MF1 to MF2. We have already pointed out that for the good of our community MF2 is the very worst choice for our area. We are strongly requesting that you do not rezone to MF2 and in turn rezone to R3 and help us keep our neighborhood a single family community. We appreciate your serious consideration in this matter. Please PRINT Your Name Your Address C_ .-- rl' i it /;70J Com, fQ._. M;/ , im G , - ‘_ __., _ 7i ff-r-e___ i. 0 E )---\t-- Av __ e.r R r.v A-v45 . v C.A,s, _ 1O LA C A 1. ' • -7,c5 I A E v (A-k\D 5 ,*),/,,- A,/ - lac-15aq f. 2-Vt\- AVe \I. / 1 ro-f---e-tson 'A)2 61(E\x1-01 / 4,),---3C- q t �xfJ4 ( x`' / 2y-z 3 : g ir1 vi k(ION\\EN-,_0\(\`119)-14) 1 ) /i( E 1 \(\r\-!()6(jti.\ )(.)\(\\1161YU ,_,., Aft E 404-1-114& -',Ai; 11. kl-, (),-,,Nzif-- ,,,,,, , -- -- ._., N-ix ,L Lf---- u.:''.S` b: . ' m )30o 6, Lim/ i_i_v -• ' 114,\ G1 r pt .t . '..ti,-I, 1-14 /2'� �' (� Gb t:- v z . '-.2)kli (r. -(•',1\ ‘-\( :A '', ( A 7 i'• `--4,L._v71) V 4..L R10.1, 04,-.N( -,2----LX-)--) - - •.-- : \t-VA.A(-)-- - ,,� -� - : -��-•j� ,rc . 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Please PRINT Your Name Your Address • --) "Can_St_ 5Y\__ "V.:/\ ' 4)2,629V41\ 1 Y31--197 -41L 3 -- --M-42-` - ---g__ d \_ r\0�� l �q0(0 3_. -e,C /ate l Ue. sCY"- E ,0`-' 4 / J2 i/c , .J :4N, ) , �J.nl PA - 1o'e_ :c.E , ; i Z`j 27 £ 3;yi L;A `'kc•-4 00e7 1`72147 ll4 _ 3E aft,iir if !or/ 1 fc ') urt.z_ 5potw /99.2 1 , I - a 1 _ 1 Or 41) !� I 1 V r<.le��- 3 �t/( i1' _Pi e. 1,04 Iti A f---1 /1?,c/f ,- 1 it,(d,/-- i/ --C, (/--0) Z-eA---. .('\& (1/EI( 1(6,---1 -Aik- (' c,_, / 5-16 $ Gie te. - ,,p-cilec-tc:UcA I have signed this Petition because I am living in the neighborhood between Pines Rd and McDonald Rd involving 4th Ave South and the attempt to rezone our areaepii 2015-0020 from MF1 to MF2. We have already pointed out that for the good of our community MF2 is the very worst choice for our area. We are strongly requesting that you do not rezone to MF2 and in turn rezone to R3 and help us keep our neighborhood a single family community. We appreciate your serious consideration in this matter. Please PRINT Your Name Your Address a-t"ki--4 - F0o/ .)_I_ l�tG121A,(281, � --- i Zq 1 1- p%__-�"�_V ( t k/i LIZ( /l GAAP / l '-' c l) ITT'-'L"'��// 3 a.n C l f a�� V dr)-e-c( \ti\.kty4 Yo_lubd laq 1 Lo X1(4 Ln icattL a crohe n J C I-e._ 1-M ersoiu /�a e o ArioC ,, 191 s, ,prorrow t,i,. Ski/t /f '/ Je -- Cyd — • I have signed this Petition because I am living in the neighborhood between Pines Rd and McDonald Rd involving 4th Ave South and the attempt to rezone our areacVA-2015-0020 from MF1 to MF2. We have already pointed out that for the good of our community MF2 is the very worst choice for our area. We are strongly requesting that you do not rezone to MF2 and in turn rezone to R3 and help us keep our neighborhood a single family community. We appreciate your serious consideration in this matter. Please PRINT Your Name Your Address tjL ...-2z6 13,5 1 _ y --- c `� __---___-- -- — �=_—�rig-, - -_ _ -- - - -------- - - ---- -- - nom► ---- > CX s()NI 1,21 - 1 E . L/41-1 Ac e ......., e y /,./.._.k. - ,_k_A---e,vs 6,-,„ 12_k-( 0 0'1 ilkic- , /l ' GO/k lrr�� y-- !�` o/ e% /74-A- v, _ ,_i a-r.4-e - f, 0 a z4i, 1 Z Y 2- 3 L.', y- -r ve MK)1e EIlinoi sor) aa3 upt \r. J jri' 4/i.e- /////ou4d, /.. 4,,,z_ L--�. - . Loy- gray(' p qI a E , kiaue,, Er c e s---e,c- (: Ll 1 5 E . 9+4 .v im 4 x / - �oiv/i --- 4/ / GC S D{ A d, )ht-I'\ V LL J� 0 -. /% à W4 'R .0 _ fAa-- R M/ 0- 7. 5 ` A , hr OCT _ 1 ----DWK_ cR�- PiNce, FollnoAi 607 St Ilius H- �c i Cic-E-61----&- --0.-2._ s- C ( ren-Sel - _ Le4CLEc I ije • 4/2/ S ikt4 X) .' k„-. -() '1 -101-,,' (24__________ , ;c, C,. - 1.' ' \ 2L-0-4-) E. (4 ov fr. , 7 //Li itio \-)i- E - `1-v'r\ Awe_ j\j -10)-^1V-:\' ),J\\. CL h q A), . uci\ (,\A-, cs-) I have signed this Petition because I am living in the neighborhood between Pines Rd and McDonald Rd involving 4th Ave South and the attempt to rezone our area CPCI2015-0020 from MF1 to MF2. We have already pointed out that for the good of our community MF2 is the very worst choice for our area. We are strongly requesting that you do not rezone to MF2 and in turn rezone to R3 and help us keep our neighborhood a single family community. We appreciate your serious consideration in this matter. Please PRINT Your Name Your Address 4` U | > � J "m �� JI � -�b 5 E. �// ' /vC // J«�`-' c' �z ��/ ,,� � _ - -'- -__�- re / -�� ^ - \ / --L� � - / - :96te,friAa.v– �/ « / l / � � -- / /Y~ L�c��� // ���^. 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We have already pointed out that for the good of our community MF2 is the very worst choice for our area. We are strongly requesting that you do not rezone to MF2 and in turn rezone to R3 and help us keep our neighborhood a single family community. We appreciate your serious consideration in this matter. Please PRINT Your Name Your Address � , L\N\A c,— `� `� _I C' L.e_ ck c‘ 416' _1-<1c E.. /Vs/7 5- L4 /CC, 3Po, „- V4LL , ezz/t lar ' 1 6 )t 4' ' 1' IS ris' t .i. k '.' . _ IF 4111PIF mar A1fi An ti �1 ON(-)( 614-\L \i'ic0-Sup.1 ve'> I a--/ )D E, c 0 Nic- :\ v';:;1li,y 1 64, -ic.' -IYILk '� 5kO1dLt * / Y 2, 64-' 9/- /f? . IA./ ' % /( 1 67,-/_e cisdam, 5-6 S. L e P,ffq/1t, ,i it, 2 Gid —j VV`t, IZ 'A v S -v2(0 (_> 6 . /�(( 9 Z 1 C Iz} e\-- K ; L., 4 tr\ ' I s zit - 0 . 5p Vd) L.J. 9 ' e ) 1 • 91 • Ukl'0: _ , < . \/ft 9 - I _XJ/u7,9, 4 4l a /-. E:-//9 P ti. S p c , L °/ 9 st-� ,t...__— L— �' G'�(Vg ,ems✓ /- z r-7 ,-V./q 4,;,, ,_ 7/itc /4--feehz/ e/ / v 7 .-- (-6' ., (DoKA-L p Q. 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